MINUTE OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING 84 The Faculty Senate met on Wednesd y, December 10, 1986 in the Senate Room )f the University Center with Gerald Sko g, president, presiding. Senators preseat were Aycock, Barnard, Blair, Brink, Ca twright, Cravens, Curry, Davis, Ethridge, Ford, Gades, Gipson, Gustafson, Hartwel , Higdon, Hudson, Keho, Koeppe, McLaughlin, McKown, Mann, Mathis, Muma, lewcomb, Owe , Payne, Platten, Reid, Samson, Savage, Schoenecke, Scott, Steele, Stockton, Stoune, ereshkovich, Whitehead, Whitsitt, Williams, J. Wilson, d Sasser were ill. Senators Carlile, Lawrence, and M. Wilson. Senators Gettel Oberhelman, Pearson, Postell, Wi Wicker er and Wood were absent. Senator was absent because of University business. The meeting of the Texas Tech Faculty Senate was called to order by President Skoog on Wednesday, December 12, 1986 at 3:38 P.M. Skoog welcomed and recognized vis itors. Those in attendance include: Donald Haragan, Vice President for Academic Affai rs and Research, Preston Lewis, News and ?ublications; Beth James, Tom McMurray, Scott C ollen, Student Association; and representatives from Channel 28 and the Avalanche Jour nal. I. Approval of minutes of the meeting of November 12, 1986. Minutes were approved with the change of the word "work" to "class" in sec:ion II. B. II. Report by Bill Hartwell, Senate Vice President. Reporting on the deliberations of the Academic Council, Hartwell noted coverage of the following items. 1. Report by Sanders on the Larry Temple memo on higher education. 2. Report of Admissions and Retention Committee on standards for admission. Copy of the report is av ilable at the Faculty Senate Office. 3. Meeting of tae Science a d Technology Committee meeting was noted, 4. VPAAR Haragan will appoi t a planning committee in preparation fo7 teacher appreciation day. 5. VPAAR Haragaa requests c ntinuing input on the performance evalua7ion operating policy. 6. VPAAR Haragaa reported o a brief meeting with the Legislative Budget Committee. 7. Junction Cawus will hav a full schedule of classes for both intersession and regular summer sessi n. 8. Sweazy, Assoziate Vice P esident for Research, discussed the need to develop polizy for the c nduct of classified research. Currently there is no classified researc on campus. 9. VPAAR Haragal indicated hat the financial exigency plan has not yet been submitted to the Board o Regents. December 10 minutes III. Report from Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research Haragan VPAAR Haragan's report covered the following topics. 1. Report of the SACS meeting - New criteria for employing Teaching Assistants are forthcoming . The primary change involves the requir mnent of eighteen hcurs beyond t e baccalaureate degree for any student g iv en primary resporsibility for the conduct of a class and assignment of final grades. 2. Report of Select Committee on Higher Education - The committee has ?repared a charter on Nehich it has ot yet voted. In that document, Texas T ach University is given equal tatus with other major universities in t le state including The University o Texas at Austin. 3. There will be a meeting in Austin on the University of Texas campus January 13, 1S87 to addres the issue of advacacy for higher educat Legislature at the next bi nnium. Leadership of the conference wil from outside tigher educat on organizations but leaders of the coll universities Ere invited t attend. on ion to the I come ages and 4. Texas Tech University Press. is now established as a separate entity from the printing End binding o eration. The new entity reports to the 'PAAR and will have sole authority for publishing decisions. 5. A VAX 8650 will be installed this Spring as the computer for acade *cs and research. Ackitionally, etworking will also begin this Spring wit a hopes of substantial accomplish ent by the Fall. 6. Finalists for the positio of Dean of the College of Arts and Scie -es have been selected. They are r. Ron Pollit of the University of Cincinnati and Dr. Joe Goodir, current i terim Dean of Arts and Science at Texas Tech University. 7. An Academic Affairs retre t is being planned. Members of the Facul ty Senate and of the BoErd of Regents will possibly be invited in order to pr wide another settirg for the e change of ideas. IV. Committee Reports A. Report of the Ad Hoc Financi 1 Exigency Policy Committee. The committee has yet to meet wi h the Academic Council. Such a meeting i s needed before the committee reports to he Faculty Senate. B. Report of the Representative from the Studen Senate. Reporting for the Student Senate representative, Senator Cravens reported the following activities 1. Student Senate passed a resolution supporting the faculty and admir istration during this clLfficult period. .December 10 minute 2. Student Senat passed a r solution calling for a university access ble test file on ampus. 3. Resolution p sed calling for a grade of "A: to be recorded as suc when earned in a p ss-fail cou se. C. Report of the Co ittee on Co On behalf of the co James W. Kitchens, P to fill vacancies on Standing Committee; t be nominated to fill that Georgette Gette Intellectual Propert ttee, Keho k Administr he Faculty at Monte Bo vacancy on , Music', be Committee. ittees oved that Thomas Lehman, Geosciences, an tion and Landscape Architecture, be nomi ated tatus and Welfare Committee, a Faculty S nate ele, Human Development and Family Studie the Code of Student Conduct Committee an pproved as the Faculty Senate Liaison to the The motion passed without opposition. V. New Business. A. Consideration of he recommen ations of the Enrollment Procedures Comm ttee. Brink moved that the •ocument be accepted. The motion was seconded. Wilson moved to amen by deleting the last sentence of item 9. The motion was seconded and passed ithout oppos tion. Newcomb moved to co and passed. u Newcomb moved to ame without opposition. it item 9 as amended to committee. The motion was se onded a by strikin item 6. The motion was seconded and pa sed Davis moved to amend y changing he last sentence of item 3 to read, "in hat event, English 1300 and app opriate math courses to satisfy the student's college requirements must be taken • ring the fi St enrollment." The motion was seconded and passed without oppos tion. Brink moved,to amend but failed. ay addin requested" to item 15. The motion was Newcomb moved to ref r item 13 to committee. The motion was seconded and without opposition. econded assed Wilson moved to amen by changin "Terminals" to read "Terminals which acc ss WYLBUR" in item 15. The motion as seconded and passed without oppositio Brink's motion as am nded passed ithout opposition. B. Resolution conce ing Larry T pier's proposal to create a four-tiered ystem of higher education n Texas. Davis moved to table the reading and consideration of the resolution. Th motion was seconded and pas ed without pposition. December 10 minute/4 C. Other Business Brink introducted the resolution: WHEREAS, any activity which relieves students of the responsibility for their own wcrk and which therefore undermines the educational process in a fundamental way is intrinsically unacceptable and, WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Faculty Senate that the University Center has (probably unwittingly) cooperated in such activity, THEREFORE, BE 11 RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University requests that tle Vice President for Student Affairs review the releJyant policy of postirg notices ir. the UC, and take such steps as necessar to implement measures which will assure that future University Cente practices will avoid endorsement of any activities detrimental to thle educational process. The resolution was seconded and passed without opposition. Hartwell announced the circulation of a questionnaire concerning commence6ent issues. Cravens moved that the Faculty Senate express its appreciation to the administration for its consideration of inclusion of Faculty Senate membeIrs in the forthcoming Academic AffaLrs Retreat. Motion was seconded and pasIsed without opposition. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, vans W. Curry, Secreta