The Facult Senate met on Wednesday, March 11, 1987 in the Senate Room of the
University Center with Gerald Skoog, president, presiding. Senators present were
Aycock, B1 ir, Brink, 2arlile, Cartwright, Cravens, Curry, Davis, Ethridge, Gades,
Gettel, Gi • son, Hartwell, Higdon, Hudson, Keho, Koeppe, Koh, McLaughlin, Mown,
Mann, ,Math •• s, Muma, Newcomb, Oberhelman, Owens, Payne, Pearson, Platten, Red,
Samson, Sa ser, Savage, Schoenecke, Scott, Smith, Steele, Stockton, Stoune,
Tereshkovi h, Whitehead, Whitsitt, Williams, J. Wilson, M. Wilson and Wood. Senator
Barnard is on leave fr p m the University. Senator Ford was absent because of illness.
Senatqrs C stafson, Postell and Wicker were absent.
The meeti g of the Te). as Tech Faculty Senate was called to order by President Skoog
on Wednes ay, March 11 , 1987, at 3:37 p.m.
Skoog wel omed and rec ognized visitors. Those in attendance include: Don Haragan,
Vice fres 'dent for Aca demic Affairs and Research; Cindy Pandolfo, Universitz Daily;
Preston L z wis, News ar d Publications; Gene Medley, Admissions and Retentions; and
the news edia.
I. Apr° al of minutE s of the meeting of February 11, 1987
Minutes o the Februat y 11, 1987 meeting of the Faculty Senate were approv 1 as
distribut d.
II. Repo t by Willian Hartwell, Vice President of the Faculty Senate, on
Acad mic Council
A. Hartw 11 reported the following activities of the Academic Council in
meeting o February
, 1987
1. F ed McClung e nd John Henson of KTXT discussed the role of the tel
stati •n at Tech. McClung pointed out that the mission of KTXT is to s
publi • conveniencE and necessity on a regular basis, to support TTU an
Posit 've communica tion between TTU and the community. He discussed se
vario s department s at TTU and emphasized the role and the instruction
of th various col leges. Mezack distributed copies of information on
and f nction of 1(1 XT. A discussion ensued on the need for academic re
for d rect instruc tional support. Several deans emphasized that the p
was n it in the aca demic role of the station, but rather the source of
which might be neE ded for more direct instructional aid. Ainsworth po
out t at every as ect of academic support for various entities will be
and t at the KTXT unit report was the first in a series.
e the
to provide
/ices to
ae costs
2. F. culty Recogrition. Faculty who are promoted to full professor m
have • ther opporttnities for recognition except for the few who receiv
award or Horn prcfessorship. I have been asked to serve on a committ
to ma e recommendations in this regard.
of five
3. F
is se
of th
culty salaries were discussed. Ainsworth pointed out that the P sident
king an inclease in faculty salaries for the next biennium. The
ued conside/ation of a return to the printed budget level before the end
semester. At yesterday's Academic Council meeting Dr. Haragan said,
ssue is not dead:(newspapers, "pay on the come", benefit or suff r.)
March minutes/2
4. Th Academic
fairs Retreat was being considered for the first or
week o May, but
the last meeting of the Academic Council it was mov
early all. Sugges ions were made to present position papers dealing w
condit tonal admiss ons, quality of students, research, and long term pl
ed to
5. Te h Appreciat on Day was discussed at both meetings. The consensus was
that e erything tu ned out well except for the attendance here at Tech
during the evening hours.
6. St
need f
a cour
to the
the bo
dent fees f
r income to
to the Boa
. That mod
e using co
college pro
ays of gene
rd fee for
ual college
ions by Ne
3 computing were discussed by Tom Newman. He mentioned the
help with computers and a possibility of a proposal being
d of Regents based on a model used by the University of
1 contains a charge of $30.00 to any student enrolled in
uters, and the income then would be credited on a user basis
iding the service. Yesterday's meeting found the foLlowing
ating income mentioned: a) a fee for users only, b) an across
11 students, and c) a smaller across the board fee w_th
charging more for their own use. These were only
7. Ai sworth stat d that the Board of-Regents-has developed a plan to provide
matchi g funds for faculty contributions to the Enterprise Campaign endowment.
B. Hartwe I reported he following activities of the Academic Council in
meeting of March 10, 1 87
1. An ouncements: a) Dr. Haragan stated that the House Appropriations Committee
hearin had been s heduled for Tech for this Monday evening. We will come near
the en of the ord 3 of appropriations lising and could be considered as late
as Tue day morning • He said, "The committee will try to cover higher education
in a s ngle day!"
b) Haragan mentioned that both the Student and Facul-7
Senate had said I' es" to the Pass/Fail situation in which a student would
receiv the letter grade of "A" in a course taken Pass/Fail if that was the
grade ttained. T e Administrative Council does not agree, however. It will
be dis ussed furth r.
c) Student Gay Rights groups will meet on the campus during
commen ement weeke d. About 2,000 are possible
d) Applicants for-the office of Vice President of Development
have b en narrowed to 12, and the final process is now .in effect in the School
Archit cture.
2. NC
- Sweazy:
3. Bo rd of Rege
meetin s. Thursd
following lunch.
be as d to leave
28 alligations, 13 thrown out. No major violations.
s Chair Mayes has made it clear he welcomes faculty :o Board
, March 26th, in 2B152 of the Health Sciences Center immediately
11 executive sessions are held at one time, so no ore will
fter taking a seat.
March minutes /3
Comme ts by and d,scussion with and R-search
Don Hara:an, Vice President for Acad- ic Affai TS
The Hou e Appropria ions Committee will begin hearings on Sunday March 16, 1987.
B. Consideration of th
members wan= to wait fo
Texas Tech.
issue of faculty salaries continues. Board of Rege, ts
legislative action on the budget before setting pol_cy at
C. The Administrative ouncil did not approve the proposed pass/fail report of the objection. to the policy will be forthcoming.
D. The honors and awar s convocation will be held in the University Theater
reception will follow i the Library Croslin Room.
E. Commencement is set
the convoca=ions.
A faculty member will be the principal speaker at
ach of
Report of the Nomi ating Committee
The following person we e nominated for Faculty Senate Officers: President- Georgett
Gettel and Carlton Whit head; Vice President-Thomas McLaughlin and Elizabeth Sasser;
Secretary-Michael Stoun- and Robert Wood.
Reid moved to accept th
Reconsideration of
The motion was seconded and passed without
he recommendations of the Admissions and Retentions
Wilson moved to remove he motion from the table.
passed without oppositi.n.
ppositio n.
The motion was seconded a d
Medley provided clarifi ation of the supplement provided in connection with
admissions issues.
After some discussion, :rink moved to refer the recommendations to the Academic
Affairs Committee with .pecific instructions that the committee is to seek input
from the au=hors of the document. The motion was seconded and passed without
opposition. Brink reco ended that Medley's comments be extracted for benefit of
the committee.
VI. Report of the Facu ty Status and Welfare Committee regarding the operat_ng
policy on performance e aluations of faculty.
Scott recognized the co iittee for its work then proceeded to provide some background and clarificatio as to the evolution of the current report. Scott mmved that the
report be accepted. Th- motion was seconded.
" ...
Wilson moved to amend t e motion by inserting the words "at least" followi
office for ..." in the
passed without oppositi n.
Higdon moved to amend t e motion by deleting "significant" in section 3.a, second lin
of the reconmendations nd by deleting "major" in the instructions of the retort form
The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.
March minutes/4
Blair moved to amend tle motion by adding "(to profession, community, and u versity)"
following 'service" in the instructions of the report form. The motion was seconded
and passed.
Samson moved to amend the motion by removing the qualifying sentence following the
section "Research/Creative Activity:" in the report form. The motion was sezonded
and passed. The motion as amended passed without opposition.
VII. Reports of other Senate Committees
A. Report of the Committee on Committees - Keho expressed particular appreciation
for the work of Pearsor in obtaining nominees. Keho emphasized that those
committees listed in the report are those for which there were insufficient nominees
to fill all slots.
B. Skoog reported the receipt of a letter from Senator Montford promising to
carefully •nitor legislative action concerning the Select Committee's
VIII. New Business
Newcomb moved to pass the following resolution:
The Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University thanks the individuals
and sponsors who conceptualized, organized, and financed the Texas
Tech Appreciatioh Dinner on February 26, 1987.
The motion was secondEd and passed without opposition.
Pearson moved to pass the following resolution:
WHEREAS, legislation before.the Texas Legislature at the present
time does not prevent faculty salary money.appropriated
by the State Legislature from being transferred to other
accounts; and
WHEREAS, lower than national average salary levels are among the
contributing factors making it difficult to attract and
retain good faculty at Texas Tech University -- for
example the University had a net loss of 56 faculty members
at the end of May 1986 over May 1985; and
WHEREAS, the ability of administrators at Texas public institutions
to transfer money from salary accounts to other accounts
offers an opportunity for activities that would hide the re44
status of amounts used for salaries; and
WHEREAS, Texas Tech University has followed a tradition of transferr ng
money from various accounts to help supplement the money
appropriated by the legislature for salaries; therefore be it
RESOLVED, THAT the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University urges
Dr. Lavro Cavazos and Mr. Mike Sanders, the Tech Public Aff4irs
Directcr in Austin, Texas, to adopt a position that protect
faculty salaries from being diverted for other purposes; an
F1JRT1ER, BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to State
Repres tatives and Senators from West Texas, especially
those o are graduates of Texas Tech University.
March minutes/5
The mot on was seconded.
Speakin to the moton, Pearson requested that the following exchange whi
occurre in the Feb-uary 11, 1987 meeting of the Faculty Senate with ref
to the nclusion of a clause in House Bill No. 123 which permits using m
from a alary line l_tem for some other purpose be included in the March
What is Tech's position on this (Board members et cetera)?
There is a desirability for flexibility. Generally there is
support iL the University to move things among lines. I don't
think that it is ever going to happen. thatwe are going to be
moving morRy out of salaries, to any other line. Never ever re
an opporttnity for this; we've always expended more for salari
We subsidEze salary money with other monies.
ly had
Additio al discussicn followed emphasizing the rescission of this clause as
restora ion of a lorg standing protection, not the addition of a new one
McLaugh in moved to amend the motion by changing "raided" to "diverted".
motion as seconded and passed without opposition.
The moron, as amended, passed.
There b ing no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.
Respectfully submitted,