How fast time flies that nine months hay meeting of this scho On May 16, after 9 in alive and healthy or year, continuing to priority. I wish I but I can't. The ma committee and the Ta In fairness we must reconsider. In the hen you are gone by si 1 year. In nths and 1 whether it ork for rec ould take c or credit m k Force dha redit the R ext 9 days aving ce Sept nine mo eek, we s still nsidera edit fo St go t red by gents a e will un! It really doesn't seem possible mber 11th and our first Senate ths time one can deliver a baby. will see if our baby is delivere born. In my list of goals for t is ion of the tenure policy was a t p the fact that this may come abo t Vice President Haragan with En i Bolen's im Eissinger playing important r les. d Administration for agreeing to now the results. Another goal was to et recognit on by t e Administration that the Facult Senate does represen the facult . I be ieve we have been partially suc ssful but we must continue to pursue t is goal I became interested in lookin at the make up of this ears Senate in rela ion to the faculty as a whole a I came up with some in eresting fa ts. Of the 52 Senators, 38 or 71% are • the Graduate faculty and of the 14 w o are n t, 2 are from Law School. The % is approximately the s e as that o the fa ulty as a whole. In considerin professorial ranks, e have 3 of the 18 orn professors plus 26 full pro ssors for 56%; approximate y 36% of th entire faculty hold those ranks. With 1 Senators or 40% as A sociate Pro essors, we top the approximately 35% of he total faculty. The ne area whe e the S nate is definitely not represen tive of the faculty is at the Assista t Profe sor rank. We have only 2 or 4% if the Senate at that r nk as versu 29% of the faculty. There are .7 depariient chairs on the Senate • In consid ring ge der there are 44 men and 8 wome for 85% and 15% respecti ely, figure highly corresponding to the Tech facul . If, in fact, statist 'cal treatme t were pplied I believe that it would found that the Senat is represe tative f and I believe it represents t faculty of this Uni rsity very ell. M st of the actions we have taken his year have been well eceived by he facu ty, judged by unsolicited comme S. challenge ext yea is to get increased recognitio from I believe our bigge the Administration. We have a f ot in the door. Prior to receiving a f al vazos asked the Senate President to serve on the VP request, President esident Cav zos has also written that he will meet th Search Committee. the Senate in the f 1. This wi I be a "first" and indicates a beginnin willingness to reco ize the wor of the Senate. In fact, in this mornin UD the President no ed the part layed b the Faculty Senate in Tenure negotiations. Now, the fact th t the Co ittee on Committees had such a difficult time gett ng faculty t serve n University committees, added the problems faced y the Elect ns Co ittee in obtaining affirmative a wers from nominees for t e Faculty S nate, 1 nds itself to several interpreta ions. You may disagree wi h my ideas ut I am of the opinion that it is not a ack of interest in facu ty governan e that eeps faculty from volunteering f committee and senat work but a realist c view of the large amount of ti e which must be expended ba anced again t the s all amount of credit given towar tenure and promotio . Even tho gh a de artment chair and the faculty of a department may reco nize such u iver sit service as important, the highe echelons of the adm nistration ut a lo value on such service. I submi to you that when th time comes that we can no longer get faculty to per orm these services, the administrat on will realize just how much work is don by faculty. I therefo e challenge the administration to correct the situat on, before it reaches m re epidemic proportions, by decreeing that Universit service is importan and is to e given due consideration in tenure and promotion decisions 11111 11111 Finally, another goa was to att ck the problems of registration. As yo have heard today some pro lems have b en identified and solutions have been proposed. We have P esident Cav zos' assurance that he will take action a the committee recomm ndations. So, as is it to the If we are impact on usual in m-eting goals we have been partially successful. We 1 eave 1986-87 Se ate to cont nue the pursuit of these and other goals constant i our recogn tion of University needs and policies we will excellence at Texas Te h University.