Texas Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-G Holden Hall Lubbock, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 April 29, 1986 TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Margare7 E. "Peg" Wilson, President SUBJECT: Agenda for Meeting 479, May 7, 1986 The Faculty Senate will meet Wednesday, May 7, 1986 at 3:30 p.m. the Senate Room of the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Introduction of guests II. Approval of Minutes of the April 9 5, 1986 and May meetings III. Report of the Vice President of the Faculty Senate IV. Report of S-anding Committees A. B. C. V. Committee on Committees - Minifie (see attachment) Academic Programs Committee - Carlile Faculty Status & Welfare Committee - Lawrence Old Business A. B. C. D. Grade Appeals -Langford Jol_nt Faculty Senate/Administration Committee to Review Enrollment Procedures - Kimmel Academic Publiaations - Brink Update on Task'Force on Tenure Policy - Eissinger VI. New Business A. B. Le-ter from Vie President Payne (see attachment) Exerpts from dB Report (see attachment) VII. Other Busin?.ss VIII. Closing report from President of the Senate IX. Adjournment "An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution" Agenda item V. A. Texas Tech University College of Business Administration Box 4320/Lubbock, Texas 79409-4320 MEMORANDUM April 29, 1986 TO: FROM: Margaret E. Wilson Presiden , Faculty Senate Jan Minif Chairpers n, tommittee on Committees Subject: Remaining University Nominees University Committe s: The following no inees are forwarded for the remaining University committee vacancies PERSONAL SAFETY AWA ENESS Cliff Keho College of Engineering UNIVERSITY DISCIPLI E APPEALS Thomas McLaughl n College of Arts & Sciences BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE Kenneth Rainwat R. Heyward Rams College of Engineering College of Engineering PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS Dellas Lee School of Law CAMPUS SECURITY & E ERGENCY J. Roberta Mini ie College of Business Administrat on CONVOCATIONS COMMIT EE James Brink Margaret Wilson Julia Whitsitt Marihelen Kamp Edward George J. Roberta Mini le College College College College College College of of of of of of Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Agricultural Scienc Arts & Sciences Business Administra -An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution" on Margaret E. Wilson April 29, 1986 Page Two !Iiiiillir STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE FACULTY SENATE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Julia Whitsitt ZEPRESENTATIVE ACADEMIC PROGRAMS C )MMITTEE *Robert E. Carli George Tereshko rich Robert Gades Margaret Wilson Roland Smith New Senator College of Arts & Sciences College College College College College *College of of of of of of Engineering Agricultural Science Education Arts & Sciences Art & Sciences Engineering BUDGET STUDY COMMIT EE John Blair Wayne Ford Milton Smith * Julia Whitsitt New Senator New Senator New Senator College of College of College of College of At Large College of College of FACULTY STATUS & WE FARE COMMIT1EE ! Jean Pearson Sc( tt Benjamin H. New( omb James E. Brink 1 Jerry D. Stocktc *James Lawrence New Senator New Senator College of Home Economics College of Arts & Sciences College of Arts & Sciences College of Agricultural Science College of Engineering School of Law At Large STUDY COMMITTEE A *Sydney Cravens Jack Gibson Neale J. Pearson New Senator New Senator New Senator New Senator STUDY COMMITTEE B *Wendell Aycock David Leon Higd Carlton Whitehe Jeremy Wicker Connie Steele New Senator New Senator Business Administrat ion Arts & Sciences Engineering Arts & Sciences Agricultural Science Arts & Sciences College of Arts & Sciences College of Agricultural Sciences College of Arts & Sciences College of Home Economics College of Arts & Sciences College of Arts & Sciences *College of Engineering College of Arts & Sciences College of Arts & Sciences College of Business Administrati on School of Law College of Home Economics College of Arts & Sciences College of Arts & Sciences Margaret E. Wilson April 29, 1986 Page Three STUDY COMMITTEE C *Kenneth Davis Marvin Platten Henry Wright New Senator New Senator New Senator New Senator College of College of College of College of College of College of At Large Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Agriculture Science Arts & Sciences Business Administra t. ion Arts & Sciences STUDY COMMITTEE D Uni Mann *Mary Owens Peggy Williams New Senator New Senator New Senator New Senator College College College College College College College Engineering Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences Business Administra ion Education Arts & Sciences Arts & Sciences FACULTY SENATE TENUR Joe Adamcik Jacquelin Collin Judith Fischer of of of of of of of & PRIVILEGE COMMITTEE 1987 1987 1987 ollege of Arts & Sciences ollege of Arts & Sciences College of Home Economics Nominees James D. Mertes, Wayne Ford, Coll Ernst W. Kieslin Jimmie H. Smith, John T. Sennetti College of kgricultural Sciences ge of Arts & Sciences , College of Engineering College of Engineering College of Business Administration Two persons will be lected from the above group of nominees to serve on the Faculty Senate Tenur & Privileg Committee * member designat as convene r of the committee ** new Senators fr m ArchitectOre if permitted College status A enda Item VI. A Te Tech Un Tech University rsity Health Sciences Center Office of Vice P esident for Finance and Administration Box 4469/Lub ck, Texas 79409-4469/(806) 742-2196 pril 2, 1986 Memorandum to: • Bob Ewalt r. Don Ha agan • Sam Richards From: ugene E. a•Irne Subject: elayed Fi4lancial Information I am pleased to make it possible interdepartmenta etc.) that has b the total backlo to have all the summer. nform you for us to transfer en delaye will not elayed tr In addition, we the next couple number of depar we expect to be reports on a ti xpect to e generating new fiscal reports ithin f months hich should significantly help a Most importantly, after this s er ent heads ble to pr cess transactions and run financ al ly basis. This has not be the departments have found it n that they reco problems this y specific financ presidents and affairs' reques It was necessar bear much of th brownout since actions was des of registration vendor payments an easy ear for either the business offi e or hat are ependent upon financial informati n. I essary t occasionally remind some individ als ended the decisions that caused the reporti g ar. Afte considering my warnings that the e al report' ng problems would occur, the vice eans stil recommended granting the academi s to twic delay the planned computer upgra e. for the ccounting and purchasing offices AD brunt of accommodating the resulting compu.er he proces ing of many routine accounting tr nsgnated lo er priority than the more critical. work admissio s, payroll, student lab work, an basic that the new computer system wil now catch up on our workload (i.e., , application of interest alloca ions, over the past seven months. Al hough be eliminated immediately, we ex ect nsactions processed before the e d of The worst is no behind u • There is still much hard work ahead because of the ost time. However, with the adequate comp 7.er support, we fee confiden that the system will provide ou standing support in roviding inancial information. I will keep you informed f events as we progress through •he rest of this fi cal year. I request that you pass this in Drmation along to d partment eads. CC: Academic De ns at the University and Health ciences C nter EEP:pg/3.17 An Equal C1aportunity/ Affirmative Action Institution" A enda Item VI. B The February faculty salaries. Board, a motion b motion stated tha measured against average when cons President Alan Su Colleges and Unix which showed an a average, and $33, that Texas lost t and New York. Ca salary gains for Texas. arch 1986 i ssue of CB Report had a lengthy article At the 24 J anuary 1986 meeting of the Coordinating Harvey Wei of Corpus Christi was adopted. The in order t keep Texas competitive, spending shoul he 10-most opulous-states average instead of the n dering facu ty pay. Corpus Christi State Universit g, Chair of Council of Presidents of the Public Sen rsities of exas, presented figures for the 1984-85 erage salar of $31,640 for Texas, $32,180 for the 20 average or the 10 most populous states. He not e most grou d during that biennium to California, ifornia's a erage salary stood at more than $38,000 hose three tates were $2,500 to $3,500 higher than The Board v ed to ask t e 1987 Legislature to increase formula for faculty sala es by 8.7 p rcent the first year of the new bienni 10.9 percent the following ye r. be -ional ar 3iennium ational gsachusetts, ld average in nding and Commissione Kenneth Ashworth said "damage to educational qualit in Texas has been m nimal so far because of a 'buyer's market' nationwid with mobility curtail d for all but the best faculty. But he added that m rale is endangered by lagging sallry growth and in increased use of part-t me faculty." The Board a for faculty leav to $38.5 million bring state supp so recommen ed slightly less than $13 million in fun ing s and recomnended raising the level of research fund ng uld for 1988 an $40 million for 1989. "Those figures rt up to l98 levels in real dollars." Lowest Salaries - Professors Highest Salaries - Professors U. of Texas - Austin U. of Houston - University Park Texas A & M Texas Tech U. of Texas - Dallas Texas Southern U. of Texas - Arlington U. of Texas - El Paso North Texas State Pan American Highest Salaries 4,645 2,800 7,174 3,000 53,000 Houston - Universizy Park Texas - Austin A & Southern Tech U. of Texas - Arlington Prairie View A & M _North Texas State U. of Texas - Dallas U. of Texas - El Paso $ 7,200 7,000 6,250 1,795 0,587 9,000 5,315 5,300 5,000 3,436 $22,000 23,229 24,201 24,794 24,900 25,356 25,400 25,500 26,577 26,900 Asso. Profs U. of Houston - University Park Texas A & I Prairie View A & M U. of Texas - Austin Lamar U. North Texas State Texas Tech Texas A & East Texas State U. of Texas - Arlington $19,670 20,56, 20,709 21,100 21,265 21,322 21,543 21,814 21,967 22,200 Lowest Salaries - Ass' t. Profs t. Profs U. of Texas - Austin Texas Southern U. of Houston - University Park Texas A & M North Texas State Texas Tech U. of Texas - Dallas U. of Houston - Clear Late East Texas State - Texamana U. of Texas - Arlington U. of Houston - University Parc Texas A & M Prairie View A & M U. of Texas - El Paso Texas Tech Pan American Sul Ross State U. of Texas - Austin Texas A & I U. of Texas - Arlington Imest Salaries AsSO PrOfs U. of U. of Texas Texas Texas Highest Salaries - $1 7,800 7,300 1,232 6,500 5,700 14,000 8,154 6,000 5,693 2,000 2,000 2,000 0,660 9,176 8,500 Stephen F. Austin U. of Texas - Arlington U. of Texas - El Paso Texas A & M U. of Houston - University Park Lamar U. Texas Tech North Texas State U. of Texas - Austin Prairie View A & M $16,500 16,700 16,769 16,790 17,140 17,200 17,250 18,000 18,000 18,508