Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University
The Faculty Senate
eptember 7, 1984
Members of :he Faculty enate
Evelyn Davis, President
SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting #61,:September 12, 1984
The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, September 12, 1984, at 3:3
in the LUBBOCK ROOM o! the Univer$ity Center. The agenda is as follows:
Introduction of officers, memSers of the Senate and guests
Approval of the minutes of tie May 9, 1984 regular meeting and the
May 11, 198+ Special Meeting of the voting faculty
Report of the Cmmittee on Committees (see attachment)
Vice President o: Academic Affairs and Research written responses to
Senate reports on "24 issues" (see attachments)
Dates for future meeting of tie Faculty Senate (see attachment)
Report of the summer activit es regarding the tenure policy developmeLt,
Richard L. ?eterson, Brf scoe Professor, Business Administration
New business
1. discussioa of tenure policy
2. faculty response
3. Loyalty Oath, Higdon see attachment)
Other business and announcements
A. Summary of
Ilsiness contliucted during the summer months
Letters to Dr. Cairazos and to Dr. Ainsworth (June 1984)
Letter to Julio L anas regarding Affirmative Action Committee
Letters to David 1Jelton, Joe Adamcik, Patrick Shaw and
2arlton Whitehead regarding committee appointments an
elections (JOne and August 1984)
June 7, 1984, the following members of the Advisory Committee
to the Facul y Senate President on Tenure Policy met:
Jim Eissinge , Weldon Beckner, Marion Hagler, William
Aayer-Oakes, Henry Shine, Ernest Sullivan, Margaret
Wilson and Henry Wright
July 16, 1984, the Faculty Senate President met with Dr. Cavazos
Lublt•ock, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656
Page 2.
Agenda, Meeting #61
September 12, 1984
Summary of business conducted during the summer months continued 6. Letter to Dr. Darli g thanking him for his responses to the
"24" issues" report (August 1984)
7. The Faculty Senate resident participated in numerous meetin
actl.vities as a member of the Faculty Advisory Committee on
Tenure Policy t the Academic Deans
B. Academic Council Minutes
August 7, 1,84
1. According to the Vice President for Finance and Administ ation,
meni salary funds are to be available in the fall.
These will amou t to between .5% and 1%.
2. There was a bri f discussion of development of a Univers ty
Tenure Policy. It was noted that policy input from dean
aularepresentat ve group of faculty is now being conside ed
by he Presiden
3. The-e was an an
mately $300,00
comng fall. D
in -.heir Achiev
those will be u
this area. Dr.
wou'A be sought
ouncement of the availability of approxi
for Instructional Equipment funds for t
ans were asked to prioritize equipment eeds
ment Reports and Planning Statements sin
ed as a basis for allocation of funds in
Darling also indicated that additional f nds
for this important area expenditure.
4. A b-ief discrip
tra-Ave Leaders
The primary emp
improvement of
office and acad
ion of program activities for the Admini ip Development Program (ALDP) was announ ed.
ases will be upon performance evaluation for
eaching, and upon computer/software for
mic use.
Agenda item IV.
Texas Tech University
exas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Office of the President
August 16, 1984
Dr. Evelyn Davis
Faculty Senate
Dear Dr. Davis:
During the p
Research has been
the Faculty Senat
Senate for its co
Darling these rep
to the Faculty Se
St few months the Office of Academic Affairs and
reviewing the various committee reports received frot
that addressed the issues previously referred to the
sideration. I have reviewed with Vice President
rts and the responses that have been submitted by hit
I would like
to the many indiv
tions concerning
the Senate in Feb
major importance
time that was spe
concerning these
to take this occasion to express my sincere appreciat ion
duals that were involved in the Faculty Senate delibe rahese issues. The twenty-four issues referred by me t o
uary, 1982 indentified concerns that continue to be c
o Texas Tech University. I appreciate the great deal of
t by the different committees in their deliberations
arious issues.
If the Facul
to the communicat
Affairs and Resea
the committee rep
provide a valuabl
the future and st
y Senate wishes to provide any further input in respc nse
ons you have received from the Vice President for Ace demic
ch, please feel free to do so. You may be assured ti at
rts received from the Faculty Senate will continue tC
information base as we address these various issues in
ive toward excellence here at Texas Tech University.
Lauro F. Cavazos
xc: Dr. John R.
Box 4349 / Lubbock, Texas 79409 /(806) 742-2121
Agenda item IV.
s Tech University
The Faculty Senate
August 30, 1984
Dr. John R.
Vice Presid
Texas Tech
t for Academic Affairs
Dear Dr. Da
The de
and Researc
Faculty Se
in these re
lied respon
to six repo
e are appre
the extens
rts takes c
Each o
returned to
The study c
your respon es to an individual study will be
he cammitte which originally prepared the report.
ttees vii review and make recommendations
rther facul y input. The committee chairpersons
sk you some questions at a selected time during
may need to
es of the Office of Academic Affairs
ts on the twenty-four issues from The
iated. The process of reviewing and
ve amount of information contained
nsiderable time. Your efforts are
It se
structured s
the Senate.
I think the
d this was
udy of issu
yourself a
Even though
nteract ion
our Univers
of mutual go
excellence f
ation of ef orts to address issues of concern for
y is a posi lye force contributing to the attainment
is. The fa ulty. supports the goal of reaching
3 Texas Tec University.
u for havi
office prior to the begi
first-time experience with a
s that were identified by the
d approved for investigation by
some implementation problems developed,
as successful.
the responses into the Faculty Senate
lug of the new school year.
Evelyn Davis, President
Faculty Senate
Texas Tech University
Lubtock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3F";
Agenda item V.
September 2, 1984
October 10 1984
November 1 , 1984
December 1 , 1984
*January 16, 1985
February 13, 1985
*March 6, 1985
April 10, 1985
May 8, 1985
*school is not in sess on at regular meeting dates
Agenda item VII
Texts Tech University
Department of English
30 August 1984
Evelyn Davis
President, Facult y Senate
G-3 Holden Hall
Dear Professor Davis:
Recently, a r umber of aculty members received a request
from Len Ainswort h, Associate Vice President for Academic
Affairs, to comp] ete and f'le new copies of the Employee's
Affidavit. Ainsw orth's meno indicated that "the State Audit() r,
in a recent audit of University records, found that your
Employee's Affida vit was nolt available."
I personally have serious reservations in signing such a
document, and I I ave talked with several other faculty memberi
who do to, becaus e the "Oath of Office" constitutes both a lo
oath and a religi ous oath.
I am unable t o sign an oath which forces me to subscribe
a particular thei stic and sectarian viewpoint.
I request the t the Faculty Senate consider the issues
through one of it s committeies, and, if appropriate, that a ru Ling
from the State At torney General be secured.
Sincerely yours,
David Leon Higdon
Paul Whitfield Horn Pro Eessor
Box 4530 / Lubbock, Texas 79409 /(806) 742-2501