Texas Tech University The Faculty Senate October 7, 1983 TO: Members of t e Faculty Senate FROM: Charles P. Bubany, President SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting #53, October 12, 1983 The Faculty enate will meet on Wednesday, October 12, 1983, in t Senate Room of th University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Introduction f guests II. Approval of mutes of September 14, 1983 meeting and 1982-1983 Annual Repor III. Reschedulin of January and March meeting dates IV. Report of th September 23-24. 1983, meeting of the Council of Faculty Governance Organizations - Neale Pearson V. Report of Ele tions Committee and discussion of faculty nomination election - Leon Higdon an0 VI. Proposed ame dment to Bylaws - Edna Gott (see attachment) VII. Considerati n of section 33.04 of the Operating Policy and Proce relati g to Conduct of Faculty (see attachment) res Manual VIII. Discussion of the name of the University - John Wunder IX. New Business X. Other Busines and Announcements From the Academ c Council Minutes - September 6, 1983 1. In res instru the po textbo onse to student concern about extensive textbook req tors were asked to consider the rising cost of textb sibility of using supplementary materials in the lib k requirements are being developed. reMents, ks and ry as 2. A reco d enrollment of approximately 24,000 students was no ed. 3. aod Facult concerns about academic computing services were not Dr. Al ey reported that a firm master plan is evolving; the sublect will b discussed in the Academic Council retreat. Lubbock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 Page 2. 4. Dr. Jo es reported a new record of $14.2 million for resear fundin from September 1982 through August 1983. 5. Regist ation procedures and suggestions for improvement were discussed. 6. Future plans for delivery of diplomas at commencement in boçh f 11 and spring ceremonies were noted. The following commencement o lo s were s ggested: a. A eneral ceremony in each December and May with no collegiate ce emonies, and with names read and students recognized individua ly at the general ceremony. b. A aturday morning commencement followed by college receptiOns at which diplomas would be issued. c. Co lege ceremonies only, with the President to attend each to aw rd degrees (or the Academic Vice President to attend a pOrtion of the ceremonies if duplicate scheduling was required). d. Th Ar Sa ma ee or four ceremonies with grouping of colleges (perhaps with s and Sciences on Friday night and the others grouped on urday morning). It was suggested that some decision should be e early in the fall so that long-range planning could commence. Attachment for Agenda Item VI. September 14, 1983 President Char The Faculty Se Texas Tech Uni Campus s P. Bubany te rsity Dear President ubany: I am submittin Faculty Senate a proposal for amending Section f Texas Tech University. The third sent President of t Senate when he sentence be c a special meet or "when it is ce of Section 7 of the Bylaws now reads as follows: Faculty Senate can call a special meeting of the Facul eems it necessary." I propose that the wording of this ged to read: "The President of the Faculty Senate can all g of the Faculty Senate when this officer deems it nece sary7 eemed necessary." It is importan men and women that the language of this sentence be changed, for both rve as President of the Faculty Senate. 7 of the Bylaws of the Sincerely, at„, Edna Gott Arts & Sciences Senator Attachment for Agend Item VII. Texas Tech University OPERATING POLICY AND PROCEDURE MEMORANDUM TO: L Holders of Texas Tech University Operating Polic rocedure Manuals DATE une 3, 1983 SUBJECT londuct of University Faculty PURPOSE To insure unders andi ng and a standardized approach regarding the co of University fa ulty, the following policy and procedure will be uti UC iz d. REVIEW This OP will be eviewed by March 1 of every even-numbered year by t Associate VPAA wi th recanmendations for revision presented to the Vic President for Ac emic Affairs by April 1. POLICY/PROCEDURE The following pol icy and procedure will be followed concerning the c of University fa lty: du t 1. Colleges and universities which are tax supported must function accordance wi th the public trust and the actions by faculty withi these insti ions must be consistent with the execution of that t. A basic obje ive of the University is to provide an environnent which the fa lty may pursue their careers and studies with the ximum of productivi ty and enjoyment. Behavior or conduct which interfe es with this go is not to be condoned or tolerated 2. The fol 1 owi n actions whic offenses are hereby defined to exemplify and define are in breach of this public trust: a. Academic dishonesty such as giving improper aid to a student examinati n or grade, or academic plagiarism; b. Forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of University documen or recor S. nP 33.0 June 3, 1983 Page c. Knowing'y furnishing false information to the University; d. The use of force or violence or other methods of obstructi a the functiors of the University which include teaching, research administraticn, public service, presentations by guest lecturers nd speakers, and other authorized activities; e. Physical abuse or threats to any person on University-Owned controlled property or at University sponsored or supervised functiors, or conduct which threatens or endangers the healt safety cf any such person; f. Sexual tarassment such as unwelcome sexual advances, reques favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual na constitute sexual harassment when: 1r sexual may (1) Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implic tern or condition of an individual s employment or acad standing; or (2) Subnission to or rejection of such conduct by an indivi ual is usei as a basis for employment or academic decisions af ecting an individual; or (3) Suci conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual s WOrk or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hos ile or off?nsive working or academic environment. g. Theft of or damage to the tangible property of the Universi a member of the University community or campus visitor; h. Unauthor zed entry to or use of University facilities; i. Use, pos ;ession, or distribution of narcotics or drugs, or a substance the possession or distribution of which is regulat federal )1- Texas law, except where the use, possession and di bution a-e in accordance with the laws of each; or of tr J. Lewd, indecent or obscene conduct on University owned or cone ol property or at a University sponsored or supervised function k. Failure comply with the lawful directions of University o cials where such directions are issued in the performance of duties; 1. Violation of other promulgated University policies or rules. OP 33. helr June 3, 1983 Page 3 3. Adjudication of a violation of the standards established in this policy will result 'n an assessment of a penalty ranging from an Oral r?prtmand to sepa ation from the University. 4. Violations attention of Dean of the appropri ate the complain pursued furt informed of required act any of the above areas should immediately be broug t tO the the Chairperson to whom the individual is responsib e, the ollege and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The dministrator will then along with the individual reporting make a joint decision of how or if the matter shou d be er. The next superior level administrator will be ul ly he allegation and the results of any further inquiry or on. RESPONSIBILITIES Positio Associate Vic President for Academic Affairs Section Month REVIEW March (ENY) cademic Affairs THE FACULTY SENATE 1983-84 50 Senators AGRICULTURE Arts & Sciences contin Ronald E. Sosebee Range & Wildlife Managem n 1 984 James A. Goss Anthropology 1 986 Billy G. Freeman Agricultural Economics 1984 Murray Havens Political Science 1 986 C. Reed Richardson Animal Science 1985 Harley Oberhelman Romance/Classical Langs. 1 986 Henry Shine Chemistry 1986 Monty Strauss Mathematics 1 986 Ernest Sullivan English 1986 Briggs Twyman History 1986 John Wunder History 1 986 ARTS & SCIENCES Jerry D. Berlin Biological Sciences 1984 Ed Burkhardt HPER 1984 Tom McLaughlin Mathematics 1984 Nancy P. Nickerson Anthropology 1984 Judson Maynard Music 1984 Neale J. Pearson Political Science 1984 Lawrence B. Chonko Marketing Wolodymyr T. Zyla Germanic/Slavic Langs. 1984 Lane K.. Anderson Accounting 986 Wm. Mayer-Oakes Anthropology 1985 Robert J. Freeman Accounting 986 Jerry Hudson Mass Communications 1985 Georgette Gettel Music 1985 Joe Adamcik Chemistry 1985 Edna S. Gott Economics 1985 John H. Burnett Political Science 1986 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1984 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Frank Bloomer 985 David Welton 98$ William Sparkman 986 Senators At-Large cont mu pd COLLEGE OF ENGINEER NG Lloyd V. Urban Water Resources Center Paul F. Williams Electrical Engineering 1984 1984 M. M. Ayoub Industrial Engineering 1985 Kishor C. Mehta Civil Engineering 1985 Clarence E. Teske Engineering Technology 1986 C. V. G. Vallabhan Civil Engineering 1986 COLLEGE OF HOME ECO OMICS Merrilyn V. Cummings Home Economics Education 1984 1985 Evelyn Davis Family Mgmt., Housing, C.ns. Sv. Samina Khan Clothing & Textiles 1986 SCHOOL OF LAW Charles Bubany 1985 James R. Eissinger 1986 SENATORS AT-LARGE James W. Graves Agricultural Economics 1984 Gary S. Elbow Geography 1984 Virginia M. Sowell College of Education 1984 Murray Coulter Biological Sciences 1985 Cora McKown 19E 5 Family Mgmt., Housing, Cons . SV. Elizabeth' Sasser Architecture 19 Paul Dixon College of Education 19 Maryin Dvoracek 19 •Agricultural Engineering and Technology Henry A. Wright Range & Wildlife Mgmt, 19 5 Attachment for Agenda Item IX. C.,#3 VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Dir, Internal Audit --1 Dir, Affirmative Action and Personnel Relations Assoc. VI', Business Affairs Assoc. VP, Physical Plant & Su port Services Dir, Buildin Maint. (U) Mech. Sys., Struc., Utilities Heat/Cool Plants Vehicle Rental Chief, Univ. Police Dir, Grounds Maint. Comptroller Dir, Accounting Services Gen. Accounting Accts. Payable/ Travel (U) Collect.-Gen. Bursar (U) Landscape Architect (U) Dir, Custodial Serv.(U) Coord., Traffic & Parkin Mgr, Central Supply & Warehouse Dir, Environmental Health & Safet Dir, Water M t Dir, Office Serv. (U) Du licatin Can • us Mail Post Office Co Service NM: Cash Manager Mgmt. Cash Assets Bank Collat. Control Debt Serv. Adm. Dir, Accounting Services (HSC) Travel (HSC) Accounting (HSC) Grant Admin. (HSC) Dir, Purchasing & Contract Officer (U) Purchasin (U) Pro • ert Dir, Purchasin (HSC) 1 Asst. VP, Investments & 0 erations Analysis Asst. VP, Finance M t, Non-cash Assets Fin Adm. Foundations Fin. Oversi ht Aux. 0 s. 0 erations Anal sis 1 Asst. VP, Computing Services Asst. VP, Budgeting & Financial Services Dir, Budgeting Mgr, Bus. & Customer Service (U) Dir, Personnel (U) Employment (U) Records (U) Personnel Services (U) Wage & Salary (U) Staff Benefits (U) Dir, Personnel (HSC) Dir, Admin. Info. Systems Burroughs Sys. & Ops Student Systems Financial Systems Academic & Other Sys. Dir, Univ. Computing Facilities Wage & Salary (HSC) Benefits & Recruiting (HSC) Records (HSC) Operations Sys. & Data Commun. Data Entry Prod. Sched. & Control Payroll (U) Dir, Academic Computing Serv. (U) Payroll (HSC) Dir, Grants & Contracts Admin. VAX Support (U) Contract Program (U) User Consultants (U) Help Desk G&C Acctg. (U) Collect.-G&C (U) Indirect Costs Dir, Communications Commun. Services Data Network Accounting Data Ctr. Data Entry Microfiche Proc. Offices with an "HSC' suffix are for HSC only. A "U" suffix indicates University only. No_ suffix indicates responsibilities for both institutions. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY & TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY . . NTER FINANCE • ADM 'ISTRATION D Effective 6/6/83 _