Texis Tech University The Faculty Senate January 7, 1983 TO: MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY SENATE FROM: Virginia M. Sowell, President SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting #47, January 12, 1983 The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, January 12, 1983, at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate Room of the UniverSity Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Introduction of new parliamehtarian, Vernon McGuire, and other guests II. Approval of minites of DeceMber 8, 1982 meeting III. IV. V. Discussion of legislative budget matters and summer school financing Vice President for Academic Affairs John R. Darling Report on faculty parking - Representative from the Office of Finance and Administration Report of Faculty Benefits and Retirement Committee on TIAA-CREF Pensron Benefits - Eon Cockings, M.D., Chairman and Wendell Tucker, Direttor, Personnel VI. VII. Report of Facu1-4 Status and Welfare Committee on proposed grievance procedures - Charles Bubany Report of meet ng of varils study committee chairmen with Presideni Cavazos and Vice President Dar ing on January 12 at 2:00 p.m. VIII. Report of thE Committee on Committees - Reed Richardson IX. New Business X. Other Business and Announce ents 1. Wrote letter, as instru ted by the Senate, to Vice President for Finance and Administration, Eug ne E. Payne, concerning faculty parking after 5 p.m. 2. Forwarded ilformation entitled "Competition for TIAA-CREF PensiOn: Some Colleges Offering Mutua1 Funds" to the Benefits and Retirement Committee. 3. Wrote letters of appreciation concerning his service as Senate Parliamentarian to Ernest S.Allivan and to English Department Chairman Daryl E. Jones 1 _Lt.-L-1. - 70,4110 / IOALI 7A1_1g4g Page 2. Agenda for meeting F47 January 12, 1983 4. Wrote letter inwiting Verno McGuire to serve as Senate Parliamentar an. 5. Agenda Committee sent names of George Tereshkovich and Dan Benson to Academic Vice President's o fice as Senate nominees to serve on the Hearing Panel. the pecial XI. Summary of Academic Council minutes 1. Announcement wa made that the purchase of a larger co system as well Ls as increa for involvement of academic academic comput . ng was emph 2. Requests were m4de that dea group when poss.ble. 3. Timing of performance revie s for promotion, tenure, and merit raise discussed and w . 11 be furth r discussed at their February meeting. 4. A summary of external funds being generated within the University wa distributed by Dr. J. Knox %ones. Darling indicated that the level of activity n generating external funds would be a f ctor in salary distribution to colleges. (A copy of this summary is available i the Senate office.). 5. Information on !tate salary levels received from the Coordinating Bo distributed. (A copy is available in the Senate office.). 6. Mini-computer Cass enrollm nts during the intersession were so popu ar that a third section ms offered. he Board of Regents would be asked to ap rove puter to accommodate the new student inf rmation ed administrative and academic computing The need deans in deciding on levels and sources f funds for sized. candidates meet with the Academic Counc 1 as a were rd was Teas Tech University School of Law DATE: Decembe/ 8, 1982 TO: Faculty Senate FROM: Professcr Charles Bu any, Chairman Faculty Status and -lfare Committee SUBJECT: Committee Report (De ember 8, 1982) As reported Et the Novemb 3 10, 1982 meeting the committee has be reviewing the proposed Texas T ch University Faculty Grievance Procedu consultation with Dr. John Dar ing, Vice President for Academic Affair November 18 meetirg, the committee gave its approval, conditioned on c modifications beirg made. Tho e modifications have been incorporated revised draft, a copy of which has been forwarded by Dr. Darling to th of the Senate witl the request that the Senate review and consider the an advisory role to the Office of Academic Affairs. I am advised by t that the proposed procedure wi 1 be placed on the agenda for discussio next meeting of tte Senate on anuary 12, 1983. Copies of the proposed will be provided to you before that meeting. a _s in . At its rtain ato a President it-aft in a President at the ?rocedure As noted in the NOvember issue of Insight, the proposed procedure ?rovides for a step-by-step grievance p ocedure, with a specific timetable for ach step. In general, there are four basic steps: first,a required attempt to r aolve the grievance informally; second, iiling of a formal grievance with the ad Lnistrator, who may use an advisory commit ee to hear the grievance; third, appeal hrough regular administrative channel up to and including the Vice Presiden for Academic Affairs; and finally, appeal to the President in which case t a grievance will be heard by a Grievance C mmittee of five representatives chosen • y lot from the Faculty Grievance Panel, w ich is made up of two representatives f mi each college and the School of Law. As for as the hearing bef attempts to make it non-advers the grievance may peremptorily Committee, who will be replace whose decision is claimed to h the committee and may call oth question all witnesses. Other parties, if possible, but if n recommendations of the committ decision is different from the the grievant of the reason. re the Grievance Committee is concerned, ry and investigative in nature. Both pa challenge up to three members of the Gri by lot. The aggrieved and the administ ve led to the grievance each may present 3 witnesses, as may the committee, and a details of procedure are to be agreed up t are decided by the committee. The fin e are submitted to the President who, if recommendations, must inform the committ Charles P.1'ubany CPB/dw Lubbock, Teas 79409 / (806) 742-3791 Faculty 742-3785 the procedure ties to avance rator evidence to Lso may 3n by the al his ae and Te as Tech University Office of e Vice President for Academic Affairs D cember 2, 1982 Dr. Virginia M. 3owell President, Facul:y Senate Campus Dear Dr. Sowell: Enclosed plaase find a evised draft of the Texas Tech Universit Faculty Grievanca Procedures This draft is being submitted to the Faculty Senate far its revie and consideration. In this regard, the Faculty Senate i3 being aske to serve in an advisory role to the Office of Academic Affairs. The present draft of th revision of the arocedures p served in an advisory role t development of taese revised of the following individuals Education; Alice M. Denham, School of Law; Ernest B. Fis Architecture; and Harley D. Grievance Procedures was based on a esently in force. A special committee the Office of Academic Affairs in the procedures. This committee was compose Professors J. Camille Bell, Hone Econ 'tics ollege of Education; J. Hadley Edgar, , Park Administration and Landscape berhelman, Classical and Romance Langua The Academiz Council wa regarding the policy. In ad Committee met several times and subsequently approving t being submitted to the Facul also asked to provide recommendations ition, the Faculty Status and Welfare his fall carefully analyzing, reviewing, e present draft of the procedures that • y Senate. at to of be If you decide to schedu e the Grievance Procedures for discussi the Faculty Senate meetin on Wednesday, January 12, I will be ha be available for question . I do not plan to be on campus the we February 9, which would b the following scheduled meeting. I wo Ld happy to discuss this mat er further with you at your convenience Sincerely yo rs, John R. Darli Vice President JRD/ls attachment xc: Professor Charles P. B bany Box 4609 Lubbock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-2184 AA DRAFT 11 282 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY FAC LTY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Foreward The Unive importance of operating poli faculty in wor set forth by t in a grievance determine the and justly. sity operat nsuring the ies are for ing harmoni e Board of by an indiv acts surrou s under a philosophy that emphasizes the rights of its faculty. Both personnel and ulated in order to assist administrators and usly toward the collective goals and objectives egents. When a situation arises that rec'ults dual faculty member, efforts will be made to ding that grievance and to respond appropriately The purpo members and to related in any Tech Universit to tenure, gro nonreappointme noted below. e of these provide a in way to tenu Tenure Pol nds for te t or termin rocedures is to address grievances of fa ulty chanism for resolving them. If the grie vance is e, the faculty member should refer to th e Texas cy. Grievances of faculty relating to a dmission ination, termination procedure, and noti ce of tion are not to be covered by the proced res Whenever the level at w University fac redress of gri channels is re when the actio ossible, pr ich they ar lty shall h vance throu tricted to or inactio blems should be solved within the Univer sity at se. However, each member of the Texas T ech ve the right to a hearing and an appeal or h established channels. Access to these loyees niversity employees or those who were e leading to the grievance occurred. A faculty member hold to these proce ures with r have access to the procedu duties. The t 'mes noted f followed excep under exte both parties t • the grieva ng an administrative position will have ccess gard to his or her faculty duties, but _11 not es with regard to his or her administratLve r response in these procedures are to be uating circumstances agreed upon in writLng by ce. Grievance Initiation A. Befor any formal discussion bet een the agg initial decisi n in questi seeking a sett ement. The writing and d ed, and be aggrieved has ecome aware The informal II scussion wi aggrieved wit 'n 10 workin request for s h a discuss administrator ithin 10 wo informal disc sion, it sh In case of do t as to the the administr. or dealing administrativ officer wit grievance is filed, there shall be an i -2ormal ieved and the administrative officer who made the n, or whose action or behavior is in qu stion, request for an informal discussion shal be in nitiated within 15 working days after t of the action perceived as a possible g _evance. I be held, and a response received by t days of receipt by the administrator o the on. If a response is not received from :he king days of the date of the request fo an 11 be considered a denial by the admini :rator. individual whose decision caused the gr rvance, irectly with the aggrieved is the appro -Aate whom to initiate an informal discussio 2 B. If a ettlement c nnot be reached informally, the aggrieved faculty member may then su mit a formal grievance and proceed with xhe following sche ule. 1. The g ievance mus be submitted in writing and provide sufficient detai to allow a response. The grievance will contain a state ent of the acts of the case and a precise description of the r medy sought by the grievant. 2. The g withi trato worki It sh decis 3. The a ministrator assis ance of an to ap oint an adv least three membe chall nge any ind commi tee, with t three As each c ment ill be sele commi tee. levance mus be signed and dated by the grievant and filed 5 working ays from the date a response from the adninisis receive or in the case of no response, within 13 g days from the date an informal discussion was requested. 11 be filed with the administrator who made the on. ministrator the aggrie le, but no rmal grieva I be establ 4. The a infor possi the f it wi may decide the grievance with or without the dvisory committee. If the administrator chooses sory committee, that committee must have at s. The aggrieved shall have the right to vidual selected as a member of this advisory e total number of challenges being limited to allenged member is excused, his or her replaceted by the administrator appointing the shall initiate review of the grievance ad ed of the procedure to be followed as soli' as ater than 5 working days after the filing of ce. If an advisory committee is to be used, shed at this time. administra or refers the grievance to an advisory c)m5. If t mitt , the commi tee shall meet with the aggrieved, review the grie nce, and re der a recommendation as promptly as is f?asible, later than 15 working days following referral of th? matter but administra or. This review is intended to be an informal by t proc ure rather han a formal hearing of the grievance. iowever, the .• visory comm 'ttee is to make every reasonable effort :o the fundam ntal fairness and confidentiality of the review. ensu mmittee's r commendation shall be submitted in writ'lg to The ministrator the 6. The aggr reco the aggr form the grie ministrator s written decision shall be provided to the working days of the receipt of the counittee's ved within f the grievance is reviewed without a conmittee, endat ion. ministrator 's written decision shall be provided to the eved within 15 working days of the receipt of the written 1 grievance. Failure of the administrator to respond within ime periods oted above shall be deemed a denial of the ance. II II C. The ggrieved ma withdraw a formal grievance at any stage of the proceeding bu may not re state it once it is withdrawn. The withdrawal 3 request should be made in riting to the individual hearing the appeal at the time of the withdrawal II. Ad inistrative Decision Appeals A. If the faculty me tive officer, further writ trative channels. A writt days of the receipt of an of the original grievance, The written appeal shall b above the source of the de trator who receives the ap grievance procedure schedu grievance shall be kept in ber objects to the decision by the adminLstraen appeals may be made through regular alminisn appeal shall be initiated within 10 wc:king dministrative decision and shall include copies written decision(s), and reasons for the appeal. transmitted to the next level of admini3tration ision. At each level of appeal, the admLniseal shall proceed in accordance with the e noted in section I.B. All parties to 1 ormed of the appeal procedure being followed. B. The aggrieved mem not been resolved after ap administrative level up to Affairs may then appeal di review and consideration. following receipt of the d Affairs. The request must original grievance, writte appeal levels, and reasons er of the faculty who feels that a grievince has ealing to and receiving a decision at ea:Al and including the Vice President for Acaiemic ectly to the President of the University for This appeal must be made within 10 working days cision of the Vice President for Academi: be in writing and must include copies of the decisions from all previous administrative for the appeal. C. In hearing the ap mittee compose3 of five re from the Faculty Grievance working days of receipt, b sition of the Faculty Grie Either party in the disput Committee. The total numb to three. As each challen will be chosen by lot by t Faculty Grievance Panel. eal, the President will use a Grievance :omresentatives chosen by lot by the President Panel. The Committee will be chosen wit'lin 10 the President, of the written appeal. 3ompoance Panel is discussed in section IV below. can challenge a member of the Grievance 3 of challenges by either party will be Limited ed member is excused, his or her replacement e President from the remaining members c= the Grievance Committee Hearing A. Upon receipt of a the Grievance Committee wi within 15 working days aft The Grievance Committee wi notice scheduling a time a parties involved 5 working are a guide and may be cha Committee and the parties copy of the written appeal the members of the Grievan request from the President of the Univer3ity, I schedule a hearing. This hearing must be held 3 receipt of the request from the President. I elect its own chairperson. The chairperson's d place for the hearing must be deliverEl to the days prior to the hearing. These time limits ged by mutual written agreement of the Grievance o the grievance. A copy of the notice aid a as set out in Section II.A. will be furnished to e Committee. B. The formal hearin will be conducted in accordance with prpcedures established by the Grievan e Committee and agreed upon by the parties to 4 the grievance. cedures, a dec will present h evidence, writ grievance. Th by the aggriev grievance is f under the same call witnesses administrator If the par sion by the s or her o en or oral, s includes d, the admi led will be rules as th as it consi eferred to ies to the grievance cannot agree upon ploGrievance Committee will prevail. The ar.lgrieved case and has the right to present whateler he or she considers relevant or material to the he calling of witnesses. After the pres.ntation istrator about whose actions or decisio .. the given an opportunity to present his or . r case aggrieved. The Grievance Committee may also ers appropriate. Both the aggrieved an. the bove may question all witnesses. C. Evide and be of the conduct of the Grievance Co the majority o tions. The co President of t no later than case. Minorit President. Re ce consider ype relied 3 professio ttee will m the member ittee must e Universit 0 working d opinions o ommendation d in the hearing must relate to the gri-vance n by faculty members or administrators i the al affairs. After all evidence is rece Fed, the et and consider the case. The opinion 4d by will constitute the committee's recomme daprovide its recommendations in writing • the , with copies to the parties to the grievance, ys from the last date of the hearing of he the committee may also be submitted to he to the President are advisory in nature D. In ca sity, a decisi writing. The on the grieva receipt of th decision is d grievant and t therefore. es where an n will be m resident's e, will be Grievance C ferent from e committee appeal is made to the President of the iverde on the grievance and it will be redue . d to ecision, which is the final University d.cision ent to the aggrieved within 10 working ys of mmittee's recommendations. If the Pres ent's that recommended by the Grievance Commit ee, the will be so informed in writing of the re sons I IV. Facult Grievance Panel culty Griev A. The from each col ge, includi . Represen faculty membe nce on Sept terms, to co acuity memb are elected. reelection be eligible f until two unexpired te previous term f service. two-year term f service, procedures to serve the un B. The Senate with a Faculty Senat election proc elect its rep for Academic nce Panel will consist of two represents ives g the School of Law, who are full-time t nu red atives will be elected for two-year alt nating mber 1. They will serve until their SU4 essors rs who have served a full two-year term ill not to another two-year term, or appointment to an ears after the expiration of the existi Or Should a representative be unable to co' Jete a replacement will be elected under the rprmal xpired portion of the term. for Academic Affairs will provide the Faculty ice Preside list of ful time tenured faculty of the colleges. The will have t e responsibility of developing and implementing dures whereb each of the colleges and the School of Law will esentative(s) from the list provided by the Vice President ffairs. COMMENTARY TO HE FACULTY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES by Charles • Bubany, Chairman of the Faculty S atus and Welfare Committee Preamble As the preamble stat s, the purpose of the procedure is to establish a mechanism for handling g ievances by faculty members which arise with respect to faculty duties. Grievances by rather than against administrators and grievances related to enure and termination are not covered. The main thrust of t and to resolve the grievan before the fornal grievanc and finally the President, step are established (see I. e procedure is that serious efforts to air e are to be exhausted at the departmental level procedure, involving an appeal through :hannels is initiated. Specific time limits for Each able attached). Grievance Initiation A. Definition of Grievance. apparently includes any de member concludes is detrim of any adminis7rative deci Disputes between faculty m satisfaction 1)7 the admini e term "grievance" is not defined and t'us ision by an administrator which a facult) ntal to this or her interest with the ex:eption ion for which a separate review procedura. exists. mbers not resolved to the faculty member's trator are implicitly included. Required Action by Grievan the procedure, a written r istrative officer who made request must be made withi aware of the action percei discussed whether this est concluded, in effect, that reasonably hav been expec 15 working day; before the show otherwise, • To establish a clear point for initiation of quest for an informal discussion with ths. adminthe questioned decision is required. This 15 working days 'after the aggrieved has become ed as a possible grievance." The committee blishes a subjective or objective limitation and in situations in which a faculty member yould ed to know of the possible grievance mora than request, the burden would be on the grievant to Action by Administrator. obligation on the administ within 10 work Lng days of disucssion at 111) is cons he procedure appears to impose an affirmative ator to hold the informal discussion and to respond he request. Failure to respond (or to have the dered a denial of the grievance. B. Filing a FormaA Grievance. Within 5 working days of a response or within 15 working days from the r quest for discussion, if there is no response, the grievant mz y file a fo al grievance with the administrator. Disposition. '7 he administ ator has the option of using an advisory zommittee faculty) to conduct an informal review and to of three member s (presumab committee is used, the grievant must receive make recommendz tions. If the administrat or's writte decision within 25 working days of the filing of the grievam e; if not, ithin 15 days. II. Admi istrative Decision Appeals Administrative Appeal. Th grievant may seek review of the decision of the administrator nd each suc essive administrator, including the Vice President for Academic Affairs, by f ling a written appeal within 10 working days of the receipt of each adm istrator's decision. Each successive administrator may use an advisory committee and must act within the same tLme limits as in I. B. Appeal to Presldent. The rievant may appeal to the President within 10 working days orie7eitp of the decision from the Vice President for Academic affairs. This appeal must e heard by the Grievance Committee, five persons chosen by lot from the Fac lty Grievance Panel within 10 working days of party to the dispute has 3 peremptory challenges. receipt of the appeal. Ea III. Gr evance Committee Hearing After prcviding for the procedure for the hear is made to makE it non-adv and the adminiEtrator whos each may presert evidence as may the committee, and of procedure axe to be agr not are decidec by the co are submitted to the Presi recommendations, must info It will be noted that neit represented by counsel, bu whole proceedirg and the r be represented by counsel and apparently would be a procedures" prc vision. Th for Academic Affairs and t of counsel, as a general r proceedings, wLthout signi proceeding. otice and time of the hearing, this section sets g before the Grievance Committee. An a tempt grieved rsary and investigative in nature. The ievance decision is claimed to have led to the o the committee and may call other witne ses, lso may question all witnesses. Other d ails ed upon by the parties, if possible, but if ittee. The final recommendations of the committee ent who, if his decision is different fr m the ason. the committee and the grievant of the er party to the dispute has a right to b there is the right to be present during the ght to examine all witnesses. A request to committee ould be addressed to the discretion of t reed atter subject to negotiation under the feeling of the Office of the Vice-Presi nt e majority of the committee was that the presence le, would unduly obstruct and prolong th the icant gain to fact-finding and fairness • TI •E FOR FACULTY GRIEVANCE PROCAINE Procedure with Initial Administrator Awareness of Possible Grievance 15 I days Written Request for Informal Discussion 10 Procedu e with Pres ent days Informal Discussion and Decision by Administrator Written Ap eal to the Pres dent Proce lure with Successive Administrators 0 days 5 I days Wr itten Appeal of Admin istrative Decision Filing of Formal Grievance with Administrator days 5idays Inform Aggrieved of Procedures and Establish Committee Inform Aggrieved of Procedures and Establish Committee 15 days Selection f Grievance Comm ttee cn co 15 days V Hearing crl. Grievance by Grievance Committee I 15 days 10 days Ne! Recommendation of Advisory Committee days Administrative Written Decision to Aggrieved Recommendation of Advisory Committee 5 days Admiristrative Decision to Aggrieved I Recommendations of Grievance Committee 10 days Presidential Decision to Aggrieved