Tex s Tech University The Faculty Senate February 4, 1983 TO: MEMBERS 0 THE FACULT SENATE FROM: Virgini M. Sowell, President SUBJECT: Agend for meetin #48, February 9, 1983 The Facult Senate wil meet on Wednesday, February 9, 1983, at 3:30 p.m. in t e Senate Ro m of the University Center. The agenda as follows: I. Introducti n of new me ber, Harley Oberhelman, and visitors II. Approval if minutes o January 12, 1983 meeting III. Further iscussion a d vote on proposed Grievance Policy IV. Report of the Nominat ons Committee for Senate officers for 1983- 984 (see at achment) Additional nominations from the f oor are in irder at this time. V. Report of he Committe on Committees - Reed Richardson VI. Snow-rela ed problems a. rem val b. sno ball incide ts VII. Conferen e of Facult Governance Organizations Report - Sowel VIII. New Bus ness IX. Other Bus ness and An ouncements 1. Recei ed a copy o additional categories of financial recommendations made y the Legisl tive Budget Board from the Office of Aca-emic Affairs. 2. Respo ded to a le ter from Professor All R. Amir-Moez conc rning Decem er graduati n procedures and referred it to Convocations Commi tee Chairma Fred Wagner. 3. Sent opies of pr posed grievance procedure changes to abs nt Senat rs for cons deration before the February meeting. 4. Asked Professor B n Newcomb to convene the Nominations ComiTittee. Lubb s ck, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 'Page 2. Agenda Faculty Senate Meeting #48 February 9, 1983 Other Business and Announcements continued 5. Resp nded to let r from Professor Allen Kuethe concernin to t e Faculty Development Committee. 6. Sent proposed pa king resolutions voted by the Senate to Euge e Payne. 7. Wrot letters of ppreciation to Fredric Wehmeyer, Wendel and :aon Cockings for providing information to Senators a Janu.ry meeting. 8. Mr. hmeyer stat d that the proposed parking resolutions have been appro ed by Vice resident Eugene Payne and are on the ag nda for the ;rch Board o Regents meeting. Parking and traffic ule chan s must be a proved by the Board of Regents. charge Ice President Tucker, the Summary of Academic ouncil Minu es 1. Nomi 2. 3. A li It w each tions for H norary degrees are due March 1, 1983. • nn A co to e of dean's andidate visits has been sent to Council members. asked that each member or a representative be invol ved in nterview if possible. uting volum profile from Dr. Lee Alley had been se h Council m mber. earlier 4. Off c mpus course information was requested by the end of February for 1 83-84 for r sident or extension courses. 5. Comm cement for pring, 1983, will follow the same format as for last pring: i. e a general ceremony on Friday evening, llowed by co lege ceremo ies on Saturday at which diplomas are di tributed. 6. An in ormation me orandum dated January 24, 1983, was sent to Academic Deans regarding r placement for faculty going temporarily nto resea ch or other assignments. 7. Dr. T ddy Langfor , Dean of the School of Nursing, gave a report on the p ogress of t e school. 8. Facul y and staff were encouraged to send students to the for A ademic Supp rt Services (PASS) to improve study skil rograms s. 9. Dr. B acade at th estab order rgraduate be sought ecision on ension in on system. 10. ownlee dist ic standard February 1 ishment of to develop ibuted material for study related to und . Recommendations from the council will , 1983 meeting. There is need for some tandards as related to probation and sus he programs for the new student informat Dr. D rling remin ed the Council that there was need for d partments to conti ually revie classroom instruction so that adjustmen s could be made f instructo s became unable to maintain their duties because of illne s or other easons. 11. It wa noted that nominations for Excellence in Teaching a e due Febru ry 25. Eac collegiate unit is to make a nomination with award to be prov ded at the general convocation now calle for March 30, 1983. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY FACULTY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Foreword The Unive importance of operating poli faculty in wor set forth by t in a grievance determine the and justly.. ity operates under a philosophy that emphasizes t suring the rights of its faculty. Both personnel es are fornulated in order to assist administrato ng harmonicusly toward the collective goals and o Board of Regents. When a situation arises that y an individual faculty member, efforts will be cts surrounding that grievance and to respond app nd and ectives suits e to priately The purpos members and to related in any Tech University to tenure, grou nonreappointmen noted below. of these procedures is to address grievances of rovide a mechanism for resolving them. If the gr ay to tenure, the faculty member should refer to Tenure Policy. Grievances of faculty relating to ds for termination, termination procedure, and no or termination are not to be covered by the proc culty vance is e Texas dmission ce of ures Whenever p the level at wh University facu redress of grie channels is res when the action ssible, problems should be solved within the Univ ch they arise. However, each member of the Texas ty shall have the right to a hearing and an appea ance through established channels. Access to the rioted to University employees or those who were or inaction leading to the grievance occurred. sity at ech for A faculty to these proced have access to duties. The ti followed except both parties to ember holding an administrative position will hem res with regard to his or her faculty duties, but he procedures with regard to his or her administr es noted for response in these procedures are to under extenuating circumstances agreed upon in WT the grievance. access 11 not ive loyees ing by I. Grievance Initiation A. Before discussion betw initial decisio seeking a settl writing and dat aggrieved has b The informal di aggrieved withi request for suc administrator w informal discus In case of doub the administrat 'administrative any formal grievance is filed, there shall be an en the aggrieved and the administrative officer w in question, or whose action or behavior is in q ment. The request for an informal discussion shal d, and be initiated within 15 working days after t come aware of the action perceived as a possible g cussion will be held, and a response received by t 10 working days of receipt by the administrator a discussion. If a response is not received fr thin 10 working days of the date of the request f ion, it shall be considered a denial by the 'admin as to the individual whose decision caused the g r dealing directly with the aggrieved is the appr fficer with whom to initiate an informal discussi formal made the stion, be in ievance. the the an trator. evance, 3 ate B. If .settlement cannot be reached informally, the aggrf_eved faculty menb may then ubmit a formal grievance and proceed wLth the following ac dule. • 1. The grievance at be submitted in writing and provid sufficient det il to allow a response. The grievance will conta a sta ement of th facts of the case and a precise desc .ption of the remedy soug t by the grievant. grievance at be.signed and-dated_by the grievan and filed in 5 workin days from the date a response from t adminisor is recei ed'or-in the ease of_no response, wit ba 15 ing days fr the date an informal discussion was requested. It hall be fil with the . administrator who made the Initial dec sion. . The wit tra wor 2. 3. At he d:partm t level, .if either the administrator the assistance a ieve elect the rievance shall be heard with t e advisory ttee. The administrator chooses 11. 8 v eot7 must have at least three members n from cho the co ittee whi aggrieved shall have the right to c lenge any de, tee, with ted as a member of this advisory c ind As each the 3 of challenges being limited to three er is excused, his or her replacement 11 be ch -administrator.appointing the committ se 4. Th in po :ith it 5. 6. or shall initiate review of the griev ieved of the procedure to be followed oaatet than 5_wdrking days .after the ance. If an advisory committee is to blished at this time. cc and s soon as iling of be used, Th hall meet with the administrator and the aggrieved, re is of an an ef th wr ance, and render a recommendation as promptly as t no later than_15 working days foll -ng referral y the administrator. This review is intended to be cedure rather than a formal hearing of the grievthe advisory. committee is to make every reasonable e the fundamental fairness and confidentiality of e committee's recommendation shall be rubmitted in administrator and the aggrieved. Th ag re or's written decision shall be provides to the C. proceeding n 5 working days of the receipt of the committee's • If the grievance is reviewed without a committee, toes written decision shall be provided to the in 15 workingdays of the receipt of the written cc. , Failure of the administrator, to respond within dip noted above shall be deemed a denial of the may withdraw a formal grievance at any stage of thtsik reinttate it once it is withdrawn. Th withdrawalllp 3 1. request should Ne made in writing to the individual hearing the a the time of the withdrawal. II. Administrative Decision Appeals A. If the faculty member objects to the decision by the admi istrative officer, farther written appeals may be made through regular dminis trative channels. A writtel appeal shall be initiated within 10 rking days of the receipt of an administrative decision and shall includ copies of the original grievance, written decision(s), and reasons for t appeal. The written appeal shall be transmitted to the next level of administration above the source of the decision. At each level of appeal, the a inistrator who rece:_ves the appeal shall proceed in accordance with th grievance procedure schedule noted in section I.B; the use of an adviso committee is at the discretion of the administrator at levels abov the department. Al: parties to a grievance shall be kept informed of he appeal procedure being followed. B. The aggrieved member of the faculty who feels that a grie has not been resolved after appealing to and receiving a decision administrative Level up to and including the Vice President for A Affairs may theL appeal directly to the President of the Universit review and cons:.deration. This appeal must be made within 10 work following receilt of the decision of the Vice President for Azad Affairs. The request must be in writing and must include copies o original grievaLce, written decisions from all previous administra appeal levels, and reasons for the appeal. ance t each demic for g days C. In hearing the appeal, the President will use a Grievance mittee composed of five representatives chosen by lot by the Presi from the Facult Grievance Panel. The Committee will be chosen vi working days of receipt of the written appeal by the President. sition of the Faculty Grievance Panel is discussed in section IV b Either party in the dispute can challenge a member of the Grievanc Committee. The total number of challenges by either party will be to three. As each challenged member is excused, his or her replac will be chosen ty lot from the remaining members of the Faculty Cr Panel. Coment bin 10 mpolow. the lye limited ent evance III. Grievance Committee Hearin& A. Upon receipt of a request from the President of the Unive the Grievance Committee wilL schedule a hearing. This hearing mus within 15 workirg days after receipt of the request from the Presi The Grievance Ccmmittee wilL elect its own chairperson. The chai notice schedulirg a time and place for the hearing must be deliver parties involvec 5 working days prior to the hearing.. These time are a guide and may be changed by mutual written agreement of the Committee and tle parties to the grievance. A copy of the notice copy of the written appeal as set out in Section II.A- will be fu the members of the Grievance Committee. sity, be held ent. erson's d to the imits rievance nd a ished to B. The formal hearing ,will be conducted in accordance with p ocedures established by the Grievance Committee and agreed upon by the part es to the grievance. cedures, a deci will present hi evidence, vritt grievance. Thi by the aggrieve grievance is fi under the same call witnesses administrator r If the parties to the grievance cannot agree uponproion by the Grievance Committee will prevail. The iggrieved or her own case and has the right to present what iver n or oral, he or she considers relevant or material to the includes the calling of witnesses. After the pre entation the administrator . about whose actions or decisiots the ed will be given an opportunity to present his or er case les as the aggrieved. The Grievance Committee may also s it considers appropriate. Both the aggrieved ani the ferred to above may question all witnesses. C. Eviden and be of the t conduct of thei Grievance Googol the majority of tions. The co President of th no later than 1 case. Minority President. Rec e considered in the hearing must relate to the grievance e relied on by faculty members or administrators n the professional affairs. After all evidence is tece ved, the tee will meet and consider the case. The opinion by the members will constitute the committee's recoramIndattee must provide its recommendations in writing to the University with copies to the parties to the gri.vance, working days from the last date of the hearing of the opinions of the committee may also be submitted to the endations to the President are advisory in nature. D. In cas sity, a decisio writing. The P on the grievanc receipt of the decision is dif grievant and th therefore. I 1/1111 s where an appeal is made to the President of the 7niverwill be made on the grievance and it will be redu:ed to esident's decision, which is the final University decision will be sent to the aggrieved within 10 working Lays of rievance Committee's recommendations. If the Pres dent's erent from that recommended by the Grievance Committee, the committee will be so informed in writing of the riasons IV. Faculty Grievance Panel .11. The Fa and an alternat ul -time tenur two-year altern until their suc two-year term w or appointment of the existing unable to compl selected under the term. lty Grievance Panel will consist of two represent/tives from each college, including the School of Law, wto are faculty members. Representatives will be elected for ting terms, to commence on September 1. They will serve essors are elected. Faculty members who have served a full 11 not be eUgible for reelection to another two-year term, o an unexpired term, until two years after the expiration or previous term of service. Should a representati NVe be te a two-year term of service, a replacement will te he normal procedures to Serve the unexpired portiom of B. The Vi Senate with a 1 Faculty Senate election proced elect its repre for Academic Af e President for Academic Affairs will provide the Ilaculty St of full- inc tenured faculty of the colleges. The ill have the responsibility of developing and implementing res whereby each of the colleges and the School of Law will entative(s) from the list provided by the Vice President airs. Prop sed Amendmen to Grievance Procedures Policy Benj. in H. Newco b, Senator, Arts and Sciences, offers the ollowing ame dment to the proposed Faculty Grievance Proc dures AA Dra t 011183 -Sect' n III, Par. B, line 5: after "case" insert, "has the ight to be a vised by a counselor present a the heari g," REPORT OF HE NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE F bruary 3, 1983 The Committ e places th following Senators in nomination for Senate offi es for the cademic year 1983-1984, as designated below: PRE IDENT Charles Bub ny, School of Law Reed Richar son, College of Agriculture VIC PRESIDENT Merrilyn Cu mings, College of Home Economics William May :r-Oakes, College of Arts & Sciences SEC ETARY Murray Coul 'er, College of Arts & Sciences Thomas McLa ghlin, College of Arts & Sciences All have ag eed to serv if elected. The Nominations Committee Dan Benson Alice Denham Benjamin H. Newcomb