Te)4as Tech University The Faculty Senate April 8, 1983 TO: Members of the Faculty Sente FROM: Virginia M. bowell, Pres dent SUBJECT: Agenda fo meeting #5, April 13, 1983 The Faculty Se ate will me t on Wednesday, April 13, 1983, at 3:30 p.m. in the Se ate Room of the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Introduction o guests 1 II. Approval of mi utes of Mar0. 9, 1983 meeting III. Report of the Faculty Sen te Budget Study Committee - Billy Freema IV. Report of the Report of Facul y Status an Welfare Committee - Charles Bubany (professor meritus des gnation) V. Discussion of VI. 4 Committees - C. Reed Richardson Report of me ting with P esident Cavazos and Vice President Darli Virginia Sowell VIII. IX. romotion an0 tenure procedures - Benjamin H. Newcomb Report of the Committee VII. X. d hoc Comm tee on External Funding - Davis Clements Student Senate Resolution oncerning appointment of student and fac lty members o TTU Board of Regents - Dan Waggoner, President, St dent Assoc. Announcement of Regional CoOference of Faculty Governance Organizati ns meeting n San Angel April 21-22 XI. XII. 0 New Business Other Busines 1. and Announements Received n tification f $1200.00 for faculty development fund Ex-Student.' Associati n . Wrote letter of appreciation. Lubbock, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 rom Oth • r Business and nnouncement continued The Agenda Committee a proved and notified ad hoc Committee on Funding Po icy. Commi tee members are: xternal Da is Clements, Chemical Engineering, Chairman Bo Hunt, Mathmatics Ji Jonish, Ecinomics Da iel Krieg, Agriculture Col leen Leary, Atmospheric Sciences Co McKown, Ho e Economics Jo Malloy, Bu iness Administration Pa 1 Nelson, Ma hematics Be amin H. New omb, History Wil e Robinson, Chemistry Ro Schoen, Sch ol of Law Hen y Thomas, P ysics Fra ier William., Electrical Engineering • At its Marc 25 meeting the TTU Board of Regents approved the p changes in raffic and arking regulations allowing faculty to any 24-hour reserved sp ce. posed rk in Wrote lette congratula ing Professor Walter Cartwright on his appointment to the Facu ty Senate Elections Committee. Wrote lette to Vice Pr sident Darling thanking him for support Texas Tech acuity Sena e membership in Conference of Faculty G Organizatio S. ernance Notified Vi e President Darling of the election of Faculty Senat officers fo 1983-84 an sent letters of congratulations to the fficers. Notified ap ropriate ad inistrative officers of various nominati ns for Councils an Committees approved by the Senate. • Notified ne Organizatio officers o the upcoming Conference of Faculty Gove nance meeting A ril 21-22 in San Angelo. S Fro the Academic C uncil Minut - March 1, 1983 1. Announcement a. The ap ointment of Dr. Clyde Jones as Director of the Muse announ ed. andum regar orandum inv possibility passed in t ing faculty development assignments was ted additional faculty development leav that funding for faculty development as e current legislature. Infor tion was di which ssentially with a propriate e the d ns. An add a con nued emphas prote .11 ed group ca tributed regarding review of prospectiv laces the responsibility for the review perience and terminal degrees in the of tional element of the operating policy s upon the acquisition of qualified min didates for the faculty. b. A memo The me on the may be C. was istribute.J. proposals gnments faculty, for those ice of raft was rity and 410 Page 2. From the Academic Courcil Minutes - March 1, 1983 continued radford are now establishing meeting tim d. Dr. Daring and Dr. visit wi . ,h faculties and Dr. Darling, Dr. Jones and Dr. Payne i150 DeettiA9 015c 5544 meetini Ii to 11 ficuloes, 2. There was a lengthy disc ssion regarding the establishment of ac ic standards fo- admission nd continuance in the university. Deans requested additional information garding the impact of change in entrance scores and suggesteJ some rewor ing of the probation and suspension regu ations. This item is to be discu sed at a subsequent Council meeting. 3. Dr. Ramsey distributed i literacy and asked for c idea that at least one s in every deg nee program asked for a lecision at formation about a proposal regarding corn mments. Deans were asked to respond to mester credit hour of content would be d o involvement with the computer. Deans he next Council meeting uter he voted ill be Agenda item V. eritus Appointments It has the Board of published in changed, app Senate. Per literal effe who has comp without prov Absent any a of standards automatic qu service shou ome to the ttention of the Faculty Senate that sinc Regents pol cy concerning emeritus appointments was the 1976-19 7 Faculty Handbook that policy has been rently with ut notice to, or the advice of, the Facu ty aps the cha ge was inadvertent but in any event its t is to mak an emeritus appointment for a faculty p son eted servic of ten years or more at Tech discretion ry ding any st dard for exercise of that discretion. parent rati ale for the change and given the absenc for discret' onary appointments, the former policy of lification o completion of the requisite years of d be reinst ted. Therefore, BE IT RESOLV THAT: Submitt Otto M. Nelso by Senator Charles P. Bubany on behalf of Senator and the Fa ulty Status and Welfare Committee. Th Faculty Senate recommends to the Pr sident that the Board of Regents po icy concerning emeritus appointments at Texas Tech University be amended by su stituting the word "shall" for the wo d "May" in the second sentence and th rd sentences. VVVM VI Agenda item V. Former Policy on Emeritu Appointments from Faculty Handbook 197 77: Em rztus Appointments The Board of Regents has established the following policy with respect to emeritus appointments. The title "emeritus" shall be conferred as a recognition for long and fa_thful service or for very distinguished service to the institution. Ivbmbers of the faculty with rank of professor or associate professor shall t retirement be given emeritus appointments, provided they shall h we completed a: least ten years of service at Texas Tech University or sha I have been recommended on the basis of "very distinguished service ." In the latter event, the advice of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall be sought by the President. Administrative officers in major positions shall at the time of retireraent from administrative duties be considered for emeritus appoir tments. Eneritus appointment shall be strictly honorary and without stipend. Each such appointment shall be subject to approval by the Board of Reg mts upon recommendation by the President. Present PoliLy on Emeritts Appointments proposed to be published the Revise( Faculty Hardbook: Emeritus Appointments The Board of Regents has established the following policy respect to eneritus appcintments. The title "Emeritus" my be conferred as a recognition for long and faithful service, or f very distingaished service to the institution. Members of the with rank of Professor cr Associate Professor at retirement ma given emeritas appointments, provided they have completed at 1 ten years of service at Texas Tech University, or have been re on the basis of "very distinguished service." If the emeritus proposed on :he basis of very distinguished service, the advic Faculty Sena:e shall be sought by the President. Administrati in major posLtions at the time of retirement from administrati may be consiiered for emeritus appointments. Emeritus appoint strictly hon p rary and without stipend. Each such appointment subject to a2proval by the Board of Regents upon recommendatio President. Changes from former policy indicated by underlining. ith acuity be St mmended tatus is of the offers duties nts are all be by the Agenda item VI. To: Agenda Commit ee, Facul y Senate Date: 3/27/83 Please consider i e April meeting oft e Senate: Discuss • whetter sizeable umber of was a su • stitution collegia and depa to be placed on the agenda for he he recent denials of promotion to a pplicants by the central administ .ation f its judgment for the judgment o mental faculties. Thank yo /if B.H. Newcomb, Senator, a.S. Agenda item IX. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY STUDENT SENATE By: Waggoner Newby SR 18:52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 (Stating the :erning the a nonvoting :he Board of sity during sentlment of the Senate con stablishment and placement of tudent and faculty member on Regents of Texas Tech Univer 11 regular and executive sessions) Whereas, The Texas ech Board of Regents is the body which s ats and implements p plicy decisi ns on the Texas Tech University campus; and Whereas, These deci ions affect every student and faculty me zber in one abolishway or another in regard to policy and program implementation a ment; and Whereas, At this t and faculty viewpoints, to implement any move th member on the Board of istrative discussions to now, therefore, be it he e the Board of Regents has an "open ear" to student owever, there exists no practical consid arations t would place a non-voting student and f acuity gents which would allow for all policy a d adminbe heard by a student and faculty repres antative; eby Resolvei, That the oard of Regents include a non-voting st sent and all policy faculty member in all re lar and executive sessions in order th 7 and administrative decis ons be witnessed by a student and facult member; and, be it farther Resolvei, That the resident of the Texas Tech Student Assoc Lefton and the President of the Fac lty Sennte serve as two non-voting membe rs during all regular and executiv sessinis of the Board of Regents; and, De it further Resolve, That a co y of this resolution be sent to Dr. Laur ) cavazos, President of Texas Tech niversity; Dr. John Darling, Vice Presid. Nat of Academic Affairs; Joe Pe ehouse, Chariman of the Board of Regents Mrs. Ann Sowell, Vice Chairma of the Board of Regents. •