Tex s Tech University The Faculty Senate March 4, 1982 Faculty Se ate TO: Members of t FROM: Benjamin H. Newcomb, Pr sident SUBJECT: Agenda f r meeting # 0, March 10, 1982 The Faculty 3:30 p.m. in the as follows: nate will m et on Wednesday, March 10, 1982, at nate Room o the University Center. The agenda is I. Consideration f the minut s of the February 10th meeting. ficers for II. Election of Prepared bal • ts will be 11 he Senate for 1982-1983 (see attachment istributed at the meeting. senate pre ident on his conference with President C avazos for the ad ption of tenure policy revisions. III. Report of t on procedur IV. Report of th Committee o Committees (see attachment). Senators may amend this r ort only by moving to strike a name and substitute a nother. Any person s • nominated m st have given prior consent to serve. 11.11 V. Reports of Se Study Co Study Co Undergra 11 I VI. Discussion of academic exc T-1 of the 24 is them may bes VII. Report of t others on L VIII. IX. X. te Study. Co ittees: ittee A--on academic security ittee B--on faculty development leave application foms ate Program --on deans' list. President C lence (see es noted th be dealt wi vazos' letter to the Senate on enhancing ttachment). Senators may wish to rank some rein and consider how the most important of h. faculty me bers who conferred with administrators and rary photoc • pying--Professor James Brink. tion of the Affirmative Action Committee in re: ent of Labo Review--Professor Alexis Tan, Senate Representative on the co ittee. Report of Depar Discussion of the disposi ion of lapsed salary monies, with possib_e referral tter to the Budget Study Committee--Professor Gary E_bow. of the Report by the Organize •1 resident on the meeting of the Council of University Governance ons, Februa y 26-27, in Austin. Lub ock, Texas 794091(806) 742-3656 Page 2. Agenda for meeting #40 March 10, 1982 XI. Other Business and Announ ements: A. Dispositi pn of Senate recommendations: 1. Dr. )arling repo ts to the Senate on February 10, 1982, t at the finaacial exigen y policy continues under review. 2. Dr. )arling and he president have conferred on a draft c arge whica would give the Tenure and Privilege Committee juris iction over academic fr edom matters. B. Other action of unive sity committees and councils: 1. The renure and P ivilege Committee has considered the pol- cy on Mininum Standard for Tenure and Promotion. It made revi ions whica will be co sidered by the Academic Affairs office. The polizy will be r turned to the committee for final revie 2. President Cavazo has informed the Regents at the January meeting of plans to develop specific goals for the univer Inquiries have b en made about the role of the faculty in process and furt er report may be available at the Senate 29th ity. this meeting. C. Miscellanaous: 1. Becalse of recen November 14, 197 Univarsity with President Cavazo Chairperson of M and John Henson, concerns, the resolution of the Senate , regarding the affiliation of Texas Tec ational Public Radio, has been sent to ; Vice-President Darling; Professor Bill I. Ross, ss Communications; Mark Norman, Director of KTXT-FM; Station Manager, KTXT-TV. 2. President Cavazo will be calling a general Faculty Convo ation for April 7, 198 , in the University Center Theater. Pre entation of awards and an address to the faculty are planned for t is conv)cation. 3. The 'Achievement eports and Planning Statements" prepared by each collage in Janua y 1982 for the Office of Academic Affair are on file in the libr ry for consultation by interested facult . These will be hereafte collected and filed annually. Page 3. Agenda for meetin #40 March 10, 1982 ATTACHMENTS Agenda Item II. The following are he nominees for Senate Officers for 1982-1983: Presid Vice-President Dr. Pat' icia E. Hor idge Associ e Professor & Chairperson Clothi • & Textiles Dr. Neale J. Pearson Associate Professor Political Science Dr. Vir inia M. Sow 11 Associa e Professor Colleg of Educatio Cliff H. Keho Associate Professor Civil Engineering Secretary Dr. Marvin Cepica Associate Professor Agricultural Education Dr. Lloyd V. Urban Associate Professor Water Resources Page 4. Agenda for meeting #40 March 10, 1982 Agenda Item IV. NOMINATIONS FOR UNIV:RSITY COMMITTEES AND COUNCILS AND SENATE COMMITTEES Athletic Council Jerry Stockton Ray Purker son Benefits and Retirement ommittee Robert Amason Stanley E. Fowler Jon P. Wardrip Alternate Russell H. Seacat Honors and Awards CoLncil Jack R. Gipson Clara McPherson Alternate Murl A. Larkin Biosafety Committee Leon Hopkins Murray W. Coulter James K. Wangberg Alternate Barbara Stoeiactr Alternate Ray Purker son Academic Affairs Infcrmation Systems Committee Eugene Aronin Charles Bubany Nelson Dometrius 'ttee Alternate William E. Sparkman Leon Higdon Admissions and Retentions Committee Gary White H. J. Mackenzie Merrilyn Cummings Alternate Ralph M. Carter Artists and Speakers :ommittee Judith Fischer Joe Nelson Virginia Kellogg Alternate Phillip Lehrman Committee Alternate Frank Bloomer Alternate Gerald Skoog Academic PublicationE Policy Co C. Reed Richardson Connie Steele Donald W. Rude Murray C. Havens Campus Security & Emerge ILC Murl A. Larkin Gene Teske Code of Student Affairs Michael G. Crews John M. Burns Alternate Marvin R. Platten Convocations Patricia Horridge Cleborne Maddux Paul Ellsworth Alternate Jack R. Gipson Faculty Senate Committee Carlton Whitehead n Elections Alternate Pennington Vann International Education Julian L. Biggers William A. Stewart Leon Hopkins Alternate Ralph Carter mmit tee Page 5. Agenda for meeting #40 March 10, 1982 Agenda item IV. continued Library Committee William T. Pattersol Otto B. Schacht Shirley M. Stretch James W. Oler Alternate Charles W. Myles Minority Affairs Committee Frank Gonzales Alternate M.A.K. Lodhi Parking Violations Appeals Committee A. Roger C. Schaefer Committee B. Henry David Payne III Committee C. Joe N'alson Student Publications Julia Whitsitt Walter Calvert Alternate Cieborne D. Maddux University Discipline Commi :tee Larry Masten Richard Munson Alternates Herman Plott Diana L. Bates University Discipline Appea's Committee Norwood H Andrews, Jr. Diana L. Bates Alternate Diana L. Bates Alternates Daniel Benson Lavy Hovey Radiation and Laser Safety Barbara Stoecker Hadley Edgar Warm Blooded Animals Committee S. P. Yang Donald Orr Alternate Heywood Ramsey Alternate Robert J. Baker Special Hearing Panel for Tenure and Privilege Committee George Tereshovich Myra Timmons Daniel Benson Rae L. Harris, Jr. Robert Amason Helen Brittin Kenneth David Will Portnoy Wilburn Willingham Charles Reavis Alternate Joe Ransdell Student Financial Aids/Scholarshi3s Ruth W. Volz Alternate Walter L. Calvert Page 6. Texas Tech University Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Office of the President February 24, 1982 Dr. Benjamin H. Newcomb President, Faculty Senate Campus Dear Dr. Newcomb: This letter is being sent through you to the Faculty Senate. I hopE that you will ha e the opportunity of bringing its contents to the attention of this body at he earliest possible date. During the timE in which I have served as President of Texas Tech Uriversity the primary emphasis has been that of enhancing the academic excellence cf the institution. With regard to this, I am sure that most of us associated in the university commtnity--faculty and administration--are committed to the investment of our erergies toward such an objective. In fulfilling this commitment, it seems imperative that we keep in mind that all of us should be expected to function as a cohesive whole centering on students as the focal point of our various programs ark activities. At the present time there are a number of issues which deserve the attention of both the faculty and the administration. Some of these are more short-range in nature, and others have a much longer-range impact on university affaLrs. However, they all relate to the importance of academic excellence, and the continued growth and development of Texas Tech University within that frame of reference. These issues, not necessarily in priority order, include tae following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Undergraduate Student Recruitment Graduate Student Recruitmelt Admission Standards and Raquirements Student Retention and Readmission Academic Program Counseling Career Counseling and Planning General Education Requiremmts Curriculum and Course Analysis and Review Computer Usage by Students Increase in Us a of the Com?uter in Programs and Courses New Academi c Program Development Grading and Re?orting Staniards Library Usa ge 3y Students and Faculty 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Teaching Evaluation Procedures Teaching Change and Improvament Innovative Course Delivery Systems Faculty Recruitment and Retention Faculty Development and Retraining Faculty Involvement in Student Activities and Organizations Institutional Improvement Through Accreditation Activities Improvement of Research At-kosphere Increase of External Research Funding Increase of Endowments for Academic Support Role of Continuing and Adrift Education Box 4349 / Lubbock, Texas 79409 1(806) 742-2121 Page 7. With this letter I would 1 Senate to work with the adminis importance. You ma7 feel free issues, depending upon the jute may be assured that the members and meaningful inte-action with effective solutions possible wi ke to request the assistance of the Facul ty ration to address these areas of vital o deal with all or only a few of these ests of the Faculty Senate. In doing so you of my staff will be committed to a creati ye the Senate in order to arrive at the most h regard to these areas of concern. As these issues are addres suggestions as to how the facul solutions. You may wish to use for input on those concerns reg analysis, I would appreciate re committees regarding the variou should identify the major probl alternatives that seem to have alternatives may include ideal to receive recommended solution allocation of resou-ces. As we pleased to meet with the chairp mutually convenient time. ed by the Faculty Senate, I would also wElcome y can be effectively involved with the existing committees or form special committees rded as important by the Senate. In the final eiving a formal report from each of the topics of deliberation. These reports m(s) under consideration and the various alue as solutions to the issues. These nswers, but in each case I would also like that can be achieved within the current commence this joint endeavor, I would alzo be rsons of these committees as a group at Please feel free to check for further clarification regar will take some time for the Sen ate deliberations concerning th committee reports as soon as th ack with me or any of the members of my s taff ing these areas of concern. I know that it te to address these issues and hold apprc prim. However, I look forward to receiving the y are available. Sincerely yours, Lauro F. Cavazos, Ph.D. President xc: Dr. John R. Da-ling Dr. Robert H. :wait Dr. J. Knox Jones, Jr. Dr. Eugene E. ?ayne