Texas Tech University The Faculty Senate ,anuary 9, 1981 TO: Members of the -acuity Senate FROM: Roland Smith, ?resident SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting #29, January 14, 1981 The Faculty Sena:e will meet on Wednesday, January 14, 1981 at 3:30 p .m. in the Senate Room of the UniversLty Center. The agenda is as follows: I. II. III. IV. Minutes of the December 10, 1980 meeting Academic Leaderelip Development Program-Arnold Gully Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Freedom - William A. Stew _rt Reports of Senate Standing Committees Committee on Committees - Larry Masten V. Results of Senate Elections VI. Other Business VII. Announcements A. The meeting of the voting faculty will be called for 3:00 p.m., 7uesday, February 3, 1981, in the University Center Ballroom. The purpos_ of the meeting is :o present to the faculty the proposed revision of the Tenure Poli:y. B. Excerpts fr)m the minutes of the December 9, 1981 meeting of the Academic Cornell. C. Correspondeice D. At the Sena:e i s January 14, 1981 meeting, we must be out of the building by 5:00 p.m. Lubbock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 Agenda Item VII. B. Selected items fr m minutes o Academic Council Meeting December 9, 1980 1. Procedure regard' g bomb 2 . The need for con istent and departmental lev 1 concerning eans are to was discussed. are available fo faculty wi t was distributed to deans. itten procedures at the the merit pay for faculty ake sure written procedures in each academic unit. 3. Discussions of a pointments hich should be of a non-tenure status were held and it was agreed that clarification of policy was neede deans ledger sheets concerning of the colleges. A system to xpense statements is currently was requested to review this e deans and send any applicable ffice or the Office of Academic 4. Westbrook distri the budget opera provide source o under developmen information with comments back to Affairs. uted to the ions in eac funds and . Each dea the associa the Budget 5. Ewalt distribute report of the St project team. W the critical nee potential source proposal for a s that it be imple to the dears a copy of the executive summary dent/facult /academic information system ckard and Bay presented materials describing for such a system and Williams discussed the of funding The Council voted to endorse the udent/facul y/academic information system and ented as soon as possible. C. Correspondence The following cor espondence as been sent from the Senate Office since that which was re orted at th last Senate meeting. 1. Professor Darryle Sanders, as ing him to convene Standing Study Committee B early in the Spri g Semester. 2. Professor Murl La kin, Facult Status & Welfare Committee, charging that committee to deve op permanen guidelines and structure for the disbursement of funds placed i the Facult Development Fund of the University. 3. Professor Mary Ow ns, asking er to convene the Undergraduate Programs Committee in the near futur • 4. Dr. Len Ainsworth Interim Vi e President of Academic Affairs, request:_ng a report on whether has been ta en on the recommendations of the ad hoc Committee on the Use of Uni ersity Vans. 5. The Honorable E. . Short, th nking him for meeting with the Faculty Senate on November 12, 1980 6. Dr. Robert Ewalt, Vice Presid nt of Student Affairs, inviting him to report on the proposed stud nt/faculty- cademic information system at the January meeting. Correspondence contin ed.. ..... 7. Bill Dean, Direct r, Ex-Stude ts Association, thanking him for address ing the Senate on Dec mber 10, 19 0. 8. Dr. Lauro F. Cava os, Preside t, Texas Tech University, expressing the faculty's "concer and distre s" that members were appointed to the colimittee concerned with th search for an Academic Vice President without consultation with the Senate. 9. Dr. Lauro F. Cava os, Preside t, Texas Tech University, regarding the lasail about the alleged misconduct in the College quotation in the Universit of Business Admin stration. 10. Dr. Len Ainsworth Interim Vi e President of Academic Affairs, expressing the Senate's concern bout some o the advertising in the new version of the published class schedule. 11. Dr. Len Ainsworth Interim Vi e President of Academic Affairs, expressng appreciation in b half of the Senate of your statement in your recent appearance before the Coordin ting Board. 12. Dr. Len Ainsworth Interim Vi e President for Academic Affairs, inforiar.mg him of the results of the recent acuity Senate elections. 13. Letters of congra ulations to those faculty members who were elected recently to represent thei college on the Faculty Senate. 14. Letters of regret to those fa ulty members who were not elected to serve.