Tex s Tech University The Faculty Senate ovember 7, 1980 TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Roland E. smith, Presi ent SUBJECT: Agenda for meeting 127, November 12, 1980 The Faculty senate will eet.on Wednesday, November 12, 1980 at 3 30 p.m. in the Senate Room of the Uni ersity Center. The agenda is a follows: I. Minutes of the October 8, 1980 meeting II. Visitor: StEte Senator III. Report of Faculty Statu • L. Short and Welfare Committee -- Larkin IV. Research Merit Salary -- R. Smith V. Other BusinesE VI. Announcements A. Excerpts from the mi utes of the October 14, 1980 meeting of the Academic Council B. Correspondence Lubbock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 AGENDA ITEM Page 1. III. Minutes of Facult Status and Welfare Committee meeting, October 23, 80 Present: Collins Kimmel, La kin, McPherson, Nelson, Tereshkovich, co lmittee members, a d Rodric Sc oen of the University Tenure and Privil- e Committee. The meeting as called t order by Panze Kimmel, chairperson pro who presented as he first or er of business the selection of a perma chairperson. Mur A. Larkin as selected as chairperson, and assumed chair. The letter f read, the Chair r the University te Tereshkovich seco minor modificatio amendment to the The proposed revi comments by the U Attachment A. om Roland S cognized Sc ure policy. ded that th s, to the F niversity p ion, as rec iversity Te The Committe next consi Committee spell o t in detail ing the proposed hange to Un discussion, Colli s moved and em, nt he ith, President, Faculty Senate, having en oen, who presented a proposed revision • Following discussion, Kimmel moved and Committee recommend the proposal, with culty Senate as a substantial and desira le hey. The motion was carried unanimous mmended, is attached hereto, together w' ure and Privilege Committee thereon, as ered the request of President Smith that the the procedures to be followed in implemii versity tenure policy. Following subst. tial Nelson seconded the following: a. That the Faculty Sen te as a body consider and approve the p 'posed revision of University olicy, and forward copies of its action hereon to the Univers 'ty administ ation and faculty for information. b. That the Faculty Se te thereafter call a full faculty meeti ': at which the full f ulty will h ve an opportunity to consider and act up on the proposed rev ion. c. That th the full faculty to the Board of Following f Faculty Se te thereafter officially submit the act) o the Presi ent of the University for his presentat3 gents. on ther discus ion, the motion was carried unanimously next consi The Committ eduction." Plan for Faculty ation of this pr • osal was de have a greater o portunity to There being on ered the previously proposed "Contingent V Following discussion, definitive considt erred until members of the Committee sh e uld study and evaluate it. further b siness, the Committee adjourned. of AGENDA ITEM III. Page 2. VISION OF T U TENURE POLICY, PART IV, SECTION 8 PROPOSED 1 2 8. If apr bationary f culty member believes that a decision deny reappointme 3 (a) was 4 (b) was 5 6 7 8 9 10 de for reas ns violating academic freedom; II II de without dequate consideration of professional performance; de after si nificant noncompliance with prescribed (c) was procedures; (d) was b sed upon fa tors lacking a substantial relationship ss or perfo mance; or professional fit (e) was II .1 sed upon a riterion not listed among the prescribe a for reapp intment or admission to tenure, 11 evaluative crite 12 the faculty memb 13 specific grounds upportingt em, in writing to the chairperson of the 14 University Stand g Committee on Tenure and Privilege. The elected m bers 15 of the Committee hall give p eliminary consideration to the faculty 16 member's complai 17 cause for the co laint, the 18 procedures outli d in Sectio VI, except that the faculty member sha 19 be responsible f stating th grounds upon which the allegations are 20 based and shall 21 In no cas 22 was for reasons 23 duly considered 24 thereof. Zw I may presen these allegations, which shall include If the C mmittee concludes that there is probabl atter shall be heard in accordance with h ar the burd n of proof. shall the C mmittee find probable cause if nonreapp ntment f bona fide d authorize inancial exigency or in consequence of deletion of an academic program or par AGENDA ITEM III. Page 3. Comments The University T ure and Fri established by the Bo rd of Regent (1) to make important functions: ere is "pro and (2) to decide if enied reappo ulty member has been ilege Committee (hereinafter "the Commit tee") is in the TTU Tenure Policy. The Committ e has two recommendations pertaining to the tenure policy, able cause" that a complaining probation ry facntment for reasons violating academic f eedom. The proposed rev Under the present tex the Committee of prob activates a Special H adversary proceeding administration is the Special Hearing Commi Tenure Policy, Part V sion relates to the Committee's "probable cause" func of the TTU enure Policy, Part IV, Section 8, a fin ble cause t t a violation of academic freedom has o aring Commit ee to hear the faculty member's complai herein the f culty member is the petitioner and the respondent. The findings and recommendations, if an tee are pres ented to the Board of Regents for action. , 1976-77 F culty Handbook, pp. 47-48.) The proposed rev the Committee might f to find probable caus The Committee is neut ber or the University sion substa nd probable should not al. It is administrat tially increases the specific grounds up -1 which cause that a violation has occurred. Au "lority be confused with the exercise of that au lority. either advocate nor adversary of the fac Lty memon. Expansion of the by the persistent pro "academic freedom" an bationary faculty mem supplementary proscri the proper goals and a fair personnel poli probable ca lems encoun the need t ers who are tions--some dministrati y. se grounds beyond "academic freedom" is ered in defining the precise meaning and provide specific additional safeguards denied tenure or reappointment. These p procedural, some substantive--are consis n of the tenure policy and consistent as Tenure should no fessional performance contrary to the best dangers the tenure sy or reappointment for sions to award or den with prescribed proce be made for legitimat be awarded are deficie nterests of tem itself. nqualified tenure, to ures, be ma reasons. d proto faculty members whose qualifications is t. Awarding tenure to unqualified perso enthe faculty and the University and there tenure This proposed revision does not guarant ersons. The revision merely requires th t decireappoint or terminate, be made in accor 11. nce and e after consideration of relevant factor The proposed rev text of Part IV, Sect vision specifically i Committee on Tenure a and custom, states th elected members of th Academic Affairs are years have not partic sion also i on 8. In a entifies th d Privilege t the "prob Committee. x officio m pated in th cludes less significant changes to the p cordance with past practice and custom, "faculty committee" as the University S The revision, again reflecting past pr ble cause" complaint shall be considered Although the President and Vice Preside mbers of the Committee, these officers i probable cause proceedings of the Commi The final paragr ph of the p oposed revision makes explicit what has been implicit. :ion. i_ng by curred ; in an niversity , of the (TTU aquired scope of 3r pro3posed 2nt with well with sent e reanding ctice by the t for past tee. lways AGENDA ITEM IV. GUIDELINtS ON SPECIAL MERIT Y INCREASES ! BASED ON RESEARCH PERFORMANCE Funds released by re will be used to provide f members, beginning on Ja scholarly research and pr record of research but w through outstanding teac may be recommended. earch appointments and other available University re 3 one-time laerit increases for approximately 100 fac ary 1, 1981. These merit awards are to be based on ductivity; in rare instances, a faculty member who has made clearly meritorious contributions to the ng or in other ways appropriate to the institution's sources lty outstanding as a modest iversity mission Allocations have be made to eah college, based 50% on professional heajd count and 50% on performance in spo sored research. Merit increases may range from $l0 co to $1200 with an average of $1100. These will'be added to the 1980-81 base salary rat but payment will be prorated for the ear (thus, a faculty member appointed for nine mont s will be paid 5/9 of the increase his academic year). Recommendations for after consultation with associate dean/coordinato and associate deans, etc. mance. It is expected t merit program. Each reco imately 100 words and wi Academic Affairs. ecipients of awards should be made by the dean of e propriate departmental chairpersons or coordinators for research. Administrative personnel (chairpers maybe eligible for the award on the basis of resea t only tenured personnel will participate in this p endation should be accompanied by a supporting stat be reviewed in the offices of Research and Graduat ch college, and the ns, assistant ch perforrticular ent of approxStudies and Certain departments ave worked diligently in developing their sponsored research initiaprograms. In recognitio of these efforts and as an encouragement to departm 'le basis of tive, some awards are st ngly suggested for those departments qualifying on research performance. E cept in unusual circumstances, faculty members in th se departments e number of awards indicated on the accompanying do anent (they should receive at least may, of course, receive ore than that number). Exceptions should be clearly xplained. While criteria for j dging the quality and quantity of research accompliE"Iment will appropriately vary from cademic area to area, the following should be considered in evaluations: 1. Conduct of spon ored projects. 2. Publication in efereed journals and other media of recognized statu 3. Development and submission of good grant/contract proposals. 4. Subjective judg ent of peers and supervisor(s). 5. National reputa ion in research. 6. Supervision of utstanding theses/dissertations and development of situdent researchers. It is imperative th t each award go to a recipient whose record of accom clearly is worthy of rec gnition. To do otherwise undermines the objectives special incentives progr m. ishment this Recommendations are due no latet than November 15 in the Office of Acade ic Affairs. pleted. Changes of status should not be initiated until the review process has been c AGENDA ITEM VI. Page 1. A. Selected it s from minu es of Academic Council Meetings October 14, 1980 1. There was brief discussion of the interdisciplinary research ta forces. Prcfessors Hagler, Hopkins, and Lefkowitz, head the teams concerned with energy, food, and health, respectively. D were encouraged to invite the task force leaders to meet with faculties ir the respective colleges to describe the work activities End to provide opportunity for additional input. as 2. Attention was called to a management-by-objective procedure bet used in the College of Agricultural Sciences. The need to deve and use objEctives as a management tool was discussed. Attenti was also drawn to an eatlier presentation by Dean Anderson as a effort beinE, used to meat a management-by-objectives approach. The value of setting objectives was also noted as providing a t for improvec comidunicatilons. 3. A plan for special merit increases based primarily on research performance was discussed. The intent of the proposal was to provide incteases, within funds released by research appointmen and other available resdurces, to highly productive faculty. I order for tte increases to be of significance, a nine months ba rate improvEment of froi $1000-$1200 is to be made available fo recognition of 100 facu ty. The basis of allocations to colleg was 50% on professional staff numbers and 50% on sponsored rese levels. There was cons derable discussion regarding the progra Comments were wide rang ng but noted the need to include a fact for non-funced research i that there was concern for inadequacy funds avathble, that t*e additions may be "too little and too late" to have the desir d effect of faculty retention, that pris ides should be established f r a broader return of indirect costs fr research, aLd that ince tive programs should be developed and implemeLted at the time the annual budget is made. After discussion &.nd clarification of procedures, the program was recommended by the Counlil. 4. Council mem3ers expressed frustration with the problems of providing adequate facukty salaries. They expressed a need for early iavolvement iP budget planning and for involving the President in developing understanding of budget needs. B. Corresnondellpe The followin correspondence has been sent from the Senate Office since that which Tolls reported at the last Senate meeting. 1. Rod Schoen, acknowledging receipt of his committee's proposed ch the university's tenure policy. ges in AGENDA ITEM VI. Page 2. Correspondence co tinued 2. Fred Wehm yer, requesting parking for persons attending Senate meetings. 3. Lauro F. avazos, Preaident, aoncerning the implementation of recommend tion made by the Grievance Committee last spring. 4. Michael C White, accepting his resignation from the Faculty S nate. 5. Frank K. air, Vice Chairman, Faculty Council, Sam Houston Sta e University, in answer to his request for a copy of the Constitution and By aws of Texas Tec University's Faculty Senate. 6. Lauro F. avazos, President, concerning the possibility of fin ncial aid for the 1 "brary during the current fiscal year. 7. Ralph L. ellmeyer, Mass Communications, outlining procedure b faculty t attend out-of-town football games are selected. 8. Len Ainsw rth, requesting specific pieces of information about the use of the pa s/fail system on campus. 9. Robert Ew lt, about the late date on which faculty members rec ived class rol S. which 10. Lauro F. avazos, President, forwarding the resolution regardi certain u iversity committee appointments which the Senate app oved at the Octob r meeting. 11. Ernest B. Fish, Park Administration and Landscape Architecture him to co vene the Faculty Senate Committee on Elections. 12. Panze B. and Welf asking immel, Education, asking her to convene the Faculty Status e Committee. e in 13. Lauro F. avazos, President, asking that the Senate have a vo the sele tion of persons to serve on the screening/advisory ommittees the being fo ed for the selection of persons to fill vacancies i administ tion. ittee's 14. Murray C ulter, Chairperson, Library Committee, asking that co help in solution to the problem of inadequate janitorial se vice in the libr ry over the weekends. anate. 15. Clarence A. Bell, accepting his resignation from the Faculty 16. John Qu 17. Lauro F. Cavazos, President, thanking him for his action rega current inancial situation of the library. ling the 18. Len Ains orth, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, r transfer ing of funds to the library. garding 19. James R. concerning grievance. cDonald, requesting that he convene Special Study C mmittee C.