Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #27 November 12, 1980 The Faculty Senate met on Wednesd , November 12, 1980, at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate Room of the University CEnter with Ro and Smith, president, presiding. Senato Ts present were Bacon, Blaisdell, Clements, Coc an, Collins, Dale, Denham, Dixon, Filgo, Harris, Higdon, Hill, Horridge, Jebsen, Keho, Kellogg, Kimmel, Lee, McDonald, McPherso 1, Masten, Mogan, Nelson, Newcomb, Cwens, Rude, Sanders, Schoen, Stewart, Tan, Troub, Vol z, Williams, Wilson, and Wood. Anderson, Cepica, Gipson, McGuire, and Smith were absent be muse of other university business. Malloy, orris and Shine were also absent. The guests were E. L. Short, State Senator; Len Ainsworth, Interim Vice Pre for Academic Affairs; Hurl Larkin, C irperson of the Faculty Status & Welfare Gary Elbow, Department of Geography; ruce Kemp, Internal Vice President, Stuc Association; Ruthanne Brcckway, Aval che Journal; Duncan McDowell, University & Publications; Ernest W. Sullivan, P arliamentarian; and Kippie Hopper, Laurie and Max Faulkner, University Daily. sident Committee; nt News Platt SUMMARY OF BUSINESS CONDLCTED The Faculty Senate: Approved the minutes of the Octtober 8, 1980 meeting, Informally discussed matters of interest with State Senator E. L. Short Heard a report frcm the Facultfr Status & Welfare Committee, Approved a proposEd revision of TTU Tenure Policy, Part IV, Section 8, Discussed the "Guidelines on Opecial Merit Salary Increases Based on Research Performance," 6. Heard seven annourcements, and 7. Referred one mattEr to the Tenure & Privilege Committee. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 8, 1980 MEETING Wilson moved acceptance of the minutes as written and distributed. The mot ion carried. II. STATE SENATOR E. L. SHORT Smith introduced State Senator E. L. Short and suspended the rules to allow for informal discussion. Serator Short cutlined several topics for discussion and responded to questions and comments. Senator hort said he supported the Coordinating B Dard's recommendations for salary increases, mentioned tenure policy, and suggested t hat individuals contact him cirectly on natters of concern. Sanders criticized Governor Cleme programs. Short responded that he p that any new information, new reason expressed particular interest in the money lost through veto of state lin ts's veto of the beef cattle and water r sources ans to talk with the Governor about some items and , or new statistics would be helpful to h im. He School of Nursing and concern over the f eral items. Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting C 7 November 12, 1980 Page 2. Cochran mentioned the necessity fo full funding and funding at higher leveLs for the Library. Short said the Legislat 've Budget Board was completing budgets aad that upgrading of funding leve ls had proba ly been presented. Newcomb described prat lems in the distribution of salary appropriations, qt.astioning if legislative intentions are being f llowed when interpretation is left to administrators. Particularly, Newcomb poi nted out tha administrators received 12% increases cne year when faculty received 3-4 %. Elbow de cribed problems in interpreting the dire:ted 5.1% increase for faculty making less than $15,000 one year when administrator 3 considered annualizing nine month To tes to twelv month rates. Short said he needed numbars, support from other areas of the state, or other materials with which to work cn matters such as this. Ainsworth asked about the rumored cost-of-living increase. Short said he had no information concerning it at present. The step system used by public teachers and state employees was ment' ned by sevefal senators who also pointed out that stsp raises do not recognize differen t market valUes in various disciplines, hence creating morale problems. Responding to Stewart' s question c ncerning the Coordinating Board's policy on new programs, Short pointed o ut that the oard's makeup is changing and that a Lubbockite may soon be appointed to the Board. e lamented the current difficulties invoLved in approval of and funding f ar new const uction following the repeal of the 10% ad valorem tax. He endorsed in pri iple a dedifated fund. III. SENATE GUESTS Following the discussi an with Senator Short, Smith introduced the guests of the Senate. IV. REPORT OF TEE FACULT T STATUS & WELFARE COMMITTEE Larkin, referring to t ae report of with the meeting agenda, 3aid the Co Committee detail the proc adures to be TTU Tenure Policy. The C mmittee rec the Faculty Status & Welfare Committee cLrculated ittee had considered Smith's request that the followed in implementing the proposed c - nges to mmended: a. That the Faculty S mate as a bOdy consider and approve the proposed revision of University policy, and forwardcopies of its action thereon to the University admi listration a*d faculty for information. b. That the Faculty S mate therea ter call a full faculty meeting at which the full faculty will lave an oppo tunity to consider and act upon the proposed revision. c. That the Faculty S mate therea ter officially submit the action of the full faculty to the Pr asident of t e University for his presentation to the Board of Regents. Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #7 November 12, 1980 Page 3. The proposed revision of TTU Tenure Pplicy, Part IV, Section 8 reads: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 8. If a probe. ionary faculty member believes that a decision to deny reappointmen (a) was made f • r reasons violating academic freedom; (b) was made w thout adequate consideration of professional performance; (c) was made a ter significent noncompliance with prescribed procedures; (d) was based pon factors 'lacking a substantial relationship to professional fitn ss or perfor nce; or (e) was based pon a criterion not listed among the prescribed evaluative criter a for reappointment or admission to tenure, the faculty membe may present these allegations, which shall include c e specific grounds upporting t em, in writing to the chairperson of the University Standi g Committee n Tenure and Privilege. The elected me ers of the Committee hall give preliminary consideration to the faculty member's complain . If the Conmittee concludes that there is probable cause for the corn laint, the natter shall be heard in accordance with c e procedures outlin d in Sectior VI, except that the faculty member shal. be responsible fo stating th grounds upon which the allegations are based and shall b ar the burdn of proof. In no case sha 1 the Committee find probable cause if nonreappoinM, t was for reasons o bona fide financial exigency or in consequence of a duly considered a d authorizec deletion of an academic program or part thereof. Kimmel moved acceptan e of the replort and approval of its recommendations. Blaisdell asked if pr posed revis ons (h-e) redefined academic freedom and was assured by Larkin and ot ers that it s (b-e) were independent of item (a) whfich concerns academic freedo . Schoen a d Newcomb further clarified the response. Hill and Newcomb disc ssed the revision'$ relationship with the 1940 AAUP statement concerning tenure, Hill rguing that it went beyond the 1940 statement, Newcorb maintaining that it did not. Newcom said the revision is actually more in accord with current AAUP policy. Questions being raise about the se of the phrase "full faculty" in the Committee recommendations, Newcomb moved amend ng Committee recommendations b and c to :ead: b. That the Faculty enate there fter call a full faculty meeting at whic the voting faculty wi 1 have an o portunity to consider and act upon the proposed revision. c. That the Faculty enate thereafter officially submit the action of the voting faculty to the President of the University for his presentation to he Board of Regents. Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #27 November 12, 1980 Page 4. The amendment carried. Harris asked if the meeting could 1)e called in conjunction with the Presidcat's semi-annual talk in order to assure f aculty attendance. Smith said such woule. not be appropriate since the Faculty Sena te does not share the same relationship with the President as the old Factlty Council. Several senators said the meeting date ahould be selected carefully to insure maximum attendance and that the meeting shoulE be held independent of any other function. Keho asked if the proposed revisioi had any relationship to rumored tenure luotas. Newcomb and Schoen said there was no elationship. Newcomb further added that tenure quotas would be an amendment to tenur policy on the part of the administraticn. Stewart said quotas would violate exiting policy. Hill said the proposed revisions did not apply to people coming up forl tenure, and several senators pointed out that they clearly did deal with the tenure deciSion. The proposed revision of the TTU Tenure Policy was approved, with two votes being cast against the revisions. Newcomb moved that the Agenda Comm ittee of the Faculty Senate select the da:e and make arrangements for the full faculty meeting. The motion carried. V. GUIDELINES ON SPECIAL MERIT SALARI INCREASES BASED ON RESEARCH PERFORMANCE Smith referred to the "Guidelines On Special Merit Salary Increases Based cra Research Performance" and Dean Lawrenbe Graves's October 24, 1980 memorandum, "Research Merit Salary Raises." GUIDELINES ON SPECIAL MERIT SALARY INCREASES BASED ON RESEARCH PERFORMANCE Funds released by research appoint be used to provide for one-time merit beginning on January 1, 1981. These scholarly research and productivity; record of research but who has made c through outstanding teaching or in ot may be recommended. ents and other available University rescarces will increases for approximately 100 faculty members, erit awards are to be based on outstanding n rare instances, a faculty member who has a modest early meritorious contributions to the University er ways appropriate to the institution's mission Allocations have been made to each college, based 50% on professional head zount and 50% on performance in spcnsored resea ch. Merit increases may range from $11C) to $1200 with an average of $1100. These will be added to the 1980-81 base salary rate, but payment faculty member appointed for nine months will be will be prorated for the year (thus, paid 5/9 of the increase this academi year). Recommendations for recipients of wards should be made by the dean of each college, after consultation with appropriate d partmental chairpersons or coordinators and the associate dean/coordinatcr for researlch. Administrative personnel (chairpersoas, assistant Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #7 November 12, 1980 Page 5. and associate deans, etc. performance. It is expe particular merit program statement of approximate and Graduate Studies and ) may be eligible for the award on the basis of rese ted that only tenured personnel will participate in Each recomMendation should be accompanied by a sup y 100 words hnd will be reviewed in the offices of R cademic Aff4irs. rch lis Drting search Certain departments h programs. In recognitio initiative, some awards basis of research perfor those departments should accompanying document (t should be clearly explai e worked daigently in developing their sponsored r of these efOrts and as an encouragement to departm re strongly huggested for those departments qualifyi nce. Except in unusual circumstances, faculty memb receive at least the number of awards indicated on t ey may, of cOurse, receive more than that number). ed. 3earch ltal on the cs in While criteria for ju appropriately vary from evaluations: 1. Conduct of 2. Publicatio 3. Developmen 4. Subjective 5. National r 6. Supervisio student resear ging the quality and quantity of research accomplishM_ant will cademic area to area, the following should be conside:ed in a Kceptions sponsored projects. in refereed journals and other media of recognized E:ature. and submission of good grant/contract proposals. udgment of peers and supervisor(s). * utation in research. of outstanding theses/dissertations and development of ers. I It is imperative that each award g to a recipient whose record of accomplithment clearly is worthy of rec nition. To do otherwise undermines the objectives c: this special incentives progr Recommendations are d e no later than November 15 in the Office of Academic Affairs. Changes of status should ot be initihted until the review process has been ccmpleted. RES EAR H MERIT SALARY RAISES The University has au orized appr outs tandin averaging $1,100 each, f years. It is hoped that these awards The Arts and Sciences Co lege has 42 increase to be paid this ear beginni ximately 100 permanent salary increases, scholarly research and productivity in -recent will continue at regular intervals in tha future. esearch merit raises available, with 5/9 of the g January 1, 1981. Criteria for awarding research mer t raises include grants received, proposals written, theses/disserta ions directe and the scholarly reputation of an individual among peers in his disci line as evid nced by refereed publications or other appropriate creative activities. Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting # 7 November 12, 1980 Page 6. To select recipients f research nit raises in our college, the Following procedure will be follow d. Each cha 'rperson, after appropriate consultation' gith his faculty, may nominat as many of is tenured faculty as he feels are quali :ied, including himself. Each nomination s ould be accompanied by a supporting stat ament of approximately 100 won s. Rank you nominations in priority order and retur a them to this office by Monday, November 10 h. in All nominations will e reviewed this office. After any necessary consu Ltation with you, names of the 4 selected renipients will be forwarded for further re iew by the Office of Academic A fairs and the Office of Research and Graduate Studies Smith said the facult was interesIted in knowing if there had been faculty in the development of th guidelines, if the raises would become part of the s base, if other factors t n attraction of research money were being considered why untenured faculty we e excluded. Lengthy discussion followed, but no moti resolutions were offered 1 input alary , and mis or In response to questi s concerning inequities and allocations among the va 'ious colleges, Vice President insworth sad that faculty input had come, some in t 'le form culty, that each department should have operative cr iteria of the loss of research ing merit, tbat there needed to be incentives for res. aarch, for establishing and jud 60 me part of he salary base, that it was important tc that the raises could be than resear h, that some deans had included untenurE faculty, recognize other qualitie equity for hose not paid from salary funds. He stt assed and that there was some St in recog izing research and in providing incentiv as and President Cavazos's inte Is involved h d come from funds generated by indirect 2osts and explained that the $63,0 from interest on investm z ts. The plan itself grew from discussions involving the President, the Vice Pres dents for Academic Affairs and Research, and the Dear. Volz called the polic another exa ple of "quirky interpretation" at the de lns' level. Wilson objected I • research b ing given the highest priority. Tan anE Dixon questioned the tenured-u enured divi ion. Cochran said a more regular policy was needed to avoid the ad h c nature of his one, and Volz asked why current fund 3 could til formula ion of the next budget. Sullivan asked if the not have been set aside • Stewart ob ected to the time-frame of the policy; a ad Cochran program will be continue ould sugges a regular basis for the policy and for aculty said the Faculty Senate input in developing such • olicies. S veral senators hoped that the policy woL Ld go more smoothly than last ear's increa es. Lee said incentives could be proviE ad in other ways, and Collins, expressing a azement over the effect of the money on future budgets, said the policy sent a clear message concerning research to the facul ty, le gan said the poor morale created would b a more especially to the younge faculty. costly than the benefits gained from he money, and several senators, includin g Owens, Hill, and Bacon, wondere if manageme t by objective had been spelled out, if Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting #7 November 12, 1980 Page 7. overall merit could be m re effective y recognized, and if the funds would actlally provide the desired ince tives. Ains orth responded to questions throughout tae discussion, mainly to ex end or explain his original points. VI. OTHER BUSINESS Smith said that in re ponse to the Senate's resolution pursuant to the finaacial problems of the Library, the President and the Academic Vice President met wlta the librarians and immediate y thereafter transferred $50,000 to the Library for toe in purchasing materials tha do not come in under the blanket order. The Affirmative Actio Office and the Committee are now operating. The survey of the lar e classrooms is in progress and the results will determine the ways by which diffic lties associated with the situation will be handled. Wehmeyer has written o the City of Lubbock requesting crosswalks at Boston and Flint at 19th and will c ntinue to follow up on that matter. The resolution, appro ed by the Student Association, concerning pass/fail has been received by the Sen te president. The resolution concerns moving the data for opting for pass/fail to he middle of the semester or later. In response to the Se ate president's letter concerning the late date on which class rolls had been rec ived by facity, Ewalt cited several reasons for the lateness and possible solutions. Wilson read from a me Sciences, dated October provide for it, recent a worthy of tenure should the Senate is taking ste do so. orandum sen by the Office of the Dean, College of Arts and , 1980: "Al hough the Tenure Policy does not specifically ministrativ thinking has been that an assistant professor of promotion." Wilson expressed concein that lso be wort Tenure Policy and that nobody else bothers to e s to keep t Nelson said this was ot new poli without being promoted. Newcomb sai it should be a departmen al matter. Rude pointed out that people have been tenured he believed the two should go together but that Newcomb moved that th paragraph e referred to the Tenure & Privilege Comrittee and asked that the Commi tee conside this as a unilateral change in the Tenure Policy. The motion carried by a ote of 15 t 8. The meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m. k1/44 41L, David Leon Rigddh, Sec:etary The Faculty Senate 11/25/80