Te as Tech University The Faculty Senate April 2, 1980 TO: Members of the F culty Senat FROM: Gary S. Elbow, President SUBJECT: Agenda for eeting #23, April 9, 1980 The Faculty Senat will meet n Wednesday, April 9, 1980 at 3:30 p.m. Senate Room of the Un versity Cen er. The agenda is as follows: I. Minutes of the Ma ch 12, 1980 meeting II. Report from the III. Proposal from th Proposal for an a VI. ittee on Committee Structure hoc ',omit ee on Faculty Development Funds Report from the Library Co VIII. X. ad hoc C ully' Report - Tom McLaughlin Resolution Reite ating the S nate's Concern for the Establishment o University M dia Center- eale Pearson VII. IX. ommittee on Committees - Paul Dixon Resolution Conc rning the IV. V. n the ittee - James Brink Interim Report from the ad hoc Committee on Academic Freedom - WM. . Stewart Report from Facu ty Senate S anding Study Committee "A" - Roland Smit Report from Facul y Senate St nding Study Committee "B" - Darryl Sande XI. Other Business XII. Announcements A. Excerpts fr m the minut s of the February 26 meeting of the Acad ic Council B. Excerpts f Council C. Again this for calcula faculty ear Dr. Hardwic and asking the minut s of the March 11 meeting of the Academi ear the adm istration has elected to use an annuali ing eligibility for the mandatory 5.1% salary increa ing under $1 ,760 per year.I have written a letter t indicating uisagreement over this interpretation of or a reconsi eration of the policy. d base s for he law D. I have writ en a letter to Mr. Pfluger objecting strongly to the of faculty nd student p rticipation in the selection of candida honorary de rees from Te as Tech University and requesting a cha the Regents policy regai ding this matter. ack s for e in E. President C azos will a dress the faculty in the University Cen at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 1980. r Theatre F. I have rece ed a respo e from Dr. Hardwick pledging the cooper and support of his offic in working with the ad hoc Committee t the Institu ional Resour e Allocation Data Base. ion Review G. Corresponde Lubbock, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 Page 1. AN A. Excerpts from the mlnutes of th OUNCEMENTS Academic Council meeting, February 26, 4_980 (Minutes are on fila in the Fac lty Senate Office) 1. There was discussion of bud of very small, if any, fte occurred. It was reported Advisory Council that the a making below $1f,760 should It was recognizEd that this resource for thE nine month that the inflationary times et planning for 1980-81. There is likelihood eduction but some shifting of positions has hat a suggestion had come from the Budget ount of increase required for those faculty also be made available for other faculty. ould consume a greater portion of the salary than has been traditionally allocated, but arrant such redivision. 2. There was discussion of a s e faculty/same station policy which would allow certain graduate and i dergraduate coursed to be taught together. The proposed policy was agr eable to the Council. Combining comparable undergraduate ard graduate classes should be rated as a single class on faculty workloae, and that t e class would be credited with graduate workload status only if ther were sufficient graduate students enrolled to have justifiEd a single g aduate course. 3. It was noted that the Southe n Association of Colleges and Schools has asked that the university delay its accreditation process by one year until 1982. 4. Replacement nominees from ce tam n colleges were asked for the Academi: Computer Users Committee. 5. Dr. Hardwick discussed the d for Management by Objectives asked for suggestions regard chairpersons to further deve velopment of awareness and training programs approaches in the academic areas. Deans were 'ng establishment of a seminar for deans md op such understanding. B. Excerpts from the minutes of the Academic Council meeting, March 11, 1980 (Minutes are on file in the Facul ty Senate Office) 1. Dr. Graves announced a meeti g at 2:00 p.m. March 13, in the Board Room to discuss honorary deg ee candidates. 2. Summer hours for staff were iscussed. It was agreed that a 7:30-4:0) work period with half an hou for lunch was suitable and it was recommended that the hours be initiated ay 12, 1980. The recommendation was sell: to the President's staff for ac ion. 3. There was a discussion of be inning hour for classes for Fall, 1980. Deans were asked to determine chai person and faculty preferences between 7 30, 8:00, and 8:30 a.m. for the all semester and to notify the Academic Affairs Office by April 1, 1980. Th rationale for changes of hours related to better utilization of studen stations* for the beginning classes and the possibility of energy saving which could be effected by a later star:ing time. *(ed. note -- presumably thi is the latest jargon for classrooms) Announcements Page 2. 4. Development of dgets for f culty salaries, departmental operating ecpense and instruction 1 administra ion for 1980-81 were discussed. Guideli-les and budget targ ts were prov 'ded for each college. Budget forms will be distributed on ednesday, Ma ch 12, and should be returned by March 25, 1980. 5. Dr. Hardwick an ment for the 19 and further dis unced the a ailability of $300,000 for instructional equip-81 year. riorities are to be developed within col Leges ssions will be held regarding allocation of those fu 6. Dr. Jones distr for a proposed tance of the gr uted a stud of graduate enrollments and discussed t 'le need aduate enro lment policy. The Council recommended a ccepuate enroll ent policy to begin with the Fall, 1980. 7. Deans were aske the next counci advisement as a to provide nformation to the Academic Council Office by meeting reg rding efforts toward improvement of academic esult of th study initiated in the Fall. A SOLUTION C NCERNING THE 'GULLY' REPORT WHEREAS, research is c t seems vir ually indisputable that high-quality cial to a bright future for Texas Tech; and WHEREAS, in substantia structures; a e are clear y beginning to generate such work quantity un er existing administrative WHEREAS, review recomm to pass judgm he existing Deans' Committees that currently dations for tenure and promotion are presumed t on record of research; and WHEREAS, t is obviou ly difficult for an individual not expert in a gi en field to judge the research potential of a prospective hi ee in the f eld; and WHEREAS, t is very m ch a matter of dispute whether every high aim of t e universit requires a separate layer of middle management to ring about ts realization; THEREFOR , be it reso ved that the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech Universit supports, ndorses, and commends to the Academic Council and to the adminis ration as a whole each of the following two statements I. The whic iversity ne ds and desires ever-better research, is mainly t say, ever-better faculty. II. The not "for his/ iversity do s not necessarily need, and should cessarily e tablish, a new layer of administration, esearch", t be interposed between a Dean and 3 college. T. McLaughlin Arts & Scienc PROPCSED STANDIN I. II. III. IV. COMMITTEES OF THE FACULTY SENATE Elections CommittEe* Committee on Comnittees* Standing Study Committees A, B, &C* Nominations Committee Charge: At the February meet 'lig the Committee on Committees shall nominate and the Faculty Senate elect thre members in their last year of service, aach from a different college or school of the university, to serve as a committae for the purpose of nominating candida es for the Senate,iiffices. There shall s3e no less than two nominees for each po ition. This procedure does not precil0 nominations from the floor. V. Undergraduate Programs Charge: To evaluate and reco end to the Senate action involving under ;raduate programs. This will include b t not be restricted to matters such as "dergraduate program additions and deletions, undergraduate degree requiren ants, and academic standards. Operating Procedures: The Co tl I ittee shall develop its own operating pr )cedures, subject to the approval of the Faculty Senate. Faculty members will SE rye one year terms corresponding with he terms of Faculty Senators and may be reappointed. Structure: The committee shall be composed of six (6) faculty members, at least four of whom, including the ch ir, must be members of the Faculty Senat a, repres. senting each college of the un versity with undergraduate degree progr VI. Graduate Programs Charge: To evaluate and reco end to the Senate action involving grad late programs. This will include but not be estricted to matters such as graduate pr ogram additions and deletions, graduate degre requirements,academic standards, and St andards for admission ta the graduate fac lty of the university. Operating Procedures: The co ittee shall develop its own operating p -.7ocedures, subject to the approval of th Faculty Senate. Faculty members will s erve one year terms corresponding with the terms of Faculty Senators and may be reappointed. Structure: The committee sha I be composed of seven (7) graduate facu _ty members, at least four (4) of whom. inc uding the chair, must be members of the F aculty Senate, representing each college of he university and the School of Law. VII. Budget Study Committee Charge: To study and report the university. This commit directly to budget allocatio is instructed to initiate in tencies, mis-allocations, re which it believes will be of in order that the Senate may regarding the bugeting proc to the Senate on matters related to the >udget of ee is not charged with making recommenda --_ions relating s during the time the budget is being fo mulated. It estigations and report to the Senate on any inconsisallocations, oversights, or other budget ary items interest or concern to the faculty of tb e university, make timely recommendations to the admin istration SS. Operating Procedures: The d mmittee shall develop its own operating --)rocedures, Page 2. Proposed Standing Committees of t Faculty Senate continued.... subject to the e pproval of t he Faculty Senate. Faculty members will serve one year terms corrE sponding wit h the terms of Faculty Senators and may a reappointed. Structure: The committee shall be composed of seven (7) faculty mem ars, at least four (4) of whon , including the chair, must be members of the Faulty Senate. VIII. Faculty Status and Welfare Committee Charge: To inv estigate and recommend to the Senate on matters rela status and welf are of the faculty, including but not restricted to fringe benefits , working conditions,teaching loads, standards for p tenure, and mer it pay, and evaluation of deans, departmental chairp other administr ative person-lel. ing to the alaries, omotion, :sons, and Operating Proce lures: The ommittee shall develop its own operating procedures, subject to appr wal of the aculty Senate. Faculty members will ser e one year terms correspon ing with th0 terms of Faculty Senators and may be re ppointed. Structure: The committee shall be composed of seven (7) faculty mem ers, at least four (4) 3f whom, including the chair, must be members of the acuity Senate. *Existing committee of the Faculty Senate which will be retained in its pre ent form. The committee s ructure pro osed above will replace the existing sta ding committee struc _ure of the acuity Senate, thus eliminating the Acad mic Affairs and Sta :us Committe . If approved, the new committees will egin their work with the new ter of the Faculty Senate, May 12, 1980 AD HOC COMMITTE ON FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDS Charge: To devE lop permane t-guidelines and structure for the dispe sement of fund s placed in he Faculty Development Fund of the Univ rsity. Membership: Fiv e current menlbers of the Faculty Senate. RESOLUTION REITERATING THE SENA JE'S CONCERN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A U I VERSITY MEDIA CENTER WHEREAS: the selection of a di ector for the proposed university media enter was deferred, WHEREAS: 000,000 1-as been allo ated for instructional equipment for 19 3-81 and $250,(00 was alloc ted for 1979/80, WHEREAS: the Board of Regents at its meeting of March 28, 1980, establi,aed a quasi-erdowment to s pport the purchase of instructional equipment for the uriversity, an WHEREAS: the Faculty Senate at its meeting of April 4, 1979 passed a resolution endorsing and urging t e expeditious establishment of a university media center, BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty enate convey to the president of the university its concern for the es abashment of a university media center at the earliest possible date and reiterate the statements made in its earlier resolution. Neale Pearson RESOLUTION (April 4, 1979) WHEREAS: there has been increa instructianal media s of materials and equi techniques and/or imp ing emphasis on the importance of stems and considerable availability ment to support improved teaching ement innovative instructional projects; WHEREAS: there hava been sever 1 University and College committees appointed to investig te the desirability of a centralized media center during t e past five years; WHEREAS: several iadividuals w th expertise in educational media are now euployed at T xas Tech; WHEREAS: fifty thousand square feet of available space exists in the University Librar WHEREAS: two inventories of ex sting equipment on campus reveal duplication of effort and inefficiency; RESOLVED THAT: University administra centralize media and a Media Canter for th recommended, however, fact that in certain movies, tapes, are a Therefore, in such ca be dislocated. ion procedures be initiated which will echnician services, to the end of providing benefit of Texas Tech University. It is that recognition should be given to the reas the use of visual materials, slides, art of every lecture and course presente4. es resources, equipment and budgets should not RESOLVED THAT: the administration re ort to the faculty on this matter on April 18 at the meeting of th general faculty. H. Correspondence A letter was writte to: 1. Alexis Tan, Cha rperson, Election Committee, informing him of the need for elections for F culty Senate positions, members of the Faculty Development Committee, Facu ty Grievance Panel and Tenure and Privilege Committee 2. Tereshkovich, P Business Admini Fowler, Home & Law informing e the Special Hea 3. Sosebee, Range and Cartwright, serve on the Sp Wildlife Mgt.; Mattson, Education; Graham, Engineeri-ig Technology; ociology informing each of them that they were not ELected to ial Hearing Panel for the Tenure and Privilege Commi tee 4. R. Smith, Polit congratulating as officers for al Science; Higdon, English; and Stewart, Architectir-,7e; ch of them 311 their election by the Faculty Senate to serve he 1980781 academic year ant & Soil Science; Bell, Psychology; Rouse, Economics: Wade, tration; Cornett, Education; Carper, Mechanical Engineering; amily Life; Yang, Food & Nutrition; Eissinger, Law; aad Benson, ch of them of their election by the Faculty Senate to serve on ing Panel for the Tenure and Privilege Committee 5. Kimmel, Sanders, and McDonald congratulaing each of them on having been chosen as candidates fo officers of the Faculty Senate and expressing regret that they were not elected to serve Oberhelman; Sowe 1 and Allen thanking them for their work on the ad hoc Nominations Comm ttee 7. Allen, Cummins, am, Turian and Volz officially terminating their service on the Faculty Sena e Select Committee on Faculty Salaries and Related Ms.tters 8. Len Ainsworth, w th copies of reports of Faculty Senate Standing Stud, Commitees and 9. Arthur Busch, Pr sident, Executive Board of the Ex-Students Associati:n, thanking him for that org nization's establishment of a Faculty Development Fu7d and forwarding to hi the Faculty Senate's resolution expressing appreciation of that action 10. Interim Presiden Graves . witl a copy of the proposed charge and committee structure of a University ommittee on Energy Usage and Conservation as approved by the Faculty Senate 11. Len Ainsworth in orming him c f the disbanding of the Faculty Senate Select Committee on Fac lty Salaries and Related Matters 12. Interim Presiden Graves witt- a copy of the resolution creating an ad hoc Committee to Inv stigate Comp liance of Texad-aTechiltiversity with Southwest Athletic Confere ce Rules 13. Charles Hardwick informing IC of the election of Faculty Senate offioers for the 1980-81 acad mic year and requesting three hours released time for the Faculty Senate P esident 14. Charles Hardwick with a copy of a resolution establishing an ad hoc Committee to Review the In titutional R esource Allocation Data Base Correspondence Page 2. Correspondence continued 15. Charles Hardwick forwarding to_him the committee on Committees' nominees, approved by the Senate, for service on university council/committees for which his office is responsible 16. Robert Ewalt, forwarding to him the Committee on Committees' nomineez, approved by the Senate, for sendire on university councils/committees for which his office is res2onsible 17. Dan Williams, forwarding to him the Committee on Committees' nominees, approved by the Senate, for service on university councils/committeez for which his office is res7onsible 18. Interim Pr sideat Graves forwarding to him the Committee on Committees' nominees, approved by the Sanate, for service on university councils committees for which his office is res-)onsible 19. Charles HardwicK objecting ;:o the annulization of faculty salaries in the determination of eligiblithy for the 5.1% increase.: 20. Robert L. Pflugar objecting to the lack of faculty and student participation in the selectioa of candida:es for honorary degrees 21. Faculty Senate2residentsat forty universities across the United Sta7es asking for their policy covering faculty reduction in the event of financial exigency. (at tae request of Senate Standing Study Committee C) 22. James Brink, Chairperson, Library Committee, requesting d ' ,report at he April 9 meeting of the FacuLty Senate of the activities of the Library Committee: 23. New faculty memaers in the school of Law giving them a special.invitation to attend the April 9 Senate meeting 1. Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System AVERAGE BUDGETED FACULTY SALARIES AND RANGES, BY RANK AND INSTITUTION Public Senior Colleges and Universities N' - No. FTE Faculty Professors Average Highest Lowest Salaries Salaries Salaries 7 o> ,-1 1--1 ...m >a w .s.1 o ›. 3 o .r-.4 4-.1 a) o .24 w od cd P cA c...) Z u . ri a) E-4 -o m Institution East Texas State University East Texas State University Center at Texarkana .Lamar University Lamar University at Orange Lamar University at Port Arthur Midwestern State University North Texas State University Pan American University Pan American University at Brownsville Stephen F. Austin State University Texas A & M University System Moody College exas Woman's University The University of Texas System The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas of the Permian Basin The University of Texas at San Antonio ine university or texas at iyier University of Houston System University of Houston Central Campus University of Houston Downtown College University of Houston at Clear Lake City University of Houston Center at Victoria University System of South Texas Corpus Christi State University Laredo State University Texas A :I I University West Texas State University Total Total Weighted Average 123.34 3.00 102.13 ----34.00 246.16 39.50 2.25 110.32 $25,355 22,728 26,175 ----24,905 26,971 26,638 25,848 24,796 No. FIE Faculty Associate Professors Highest Average Lowest Salaries Salaries Salaries $28,275 24,156 .29,311 ----30,222 36,100 28,296 28,296 30,245 $20,745 20,925 20,542 ----20,745 20,120 25,848 25,848 21,653 94.87 16.25 85.91 ----30.80 187.63 74.58 8.50 103.50 $20,527 21,089 21,038 ----21,318 21,630 21,813 22,142 20,601 $23,090 24,867 27,438 ----26,829 28,050 24,336 24,336 24,102 $17.151 17,694 17,307 ----17.640 15,000 20.340 20,340 17,332 28,502 26,100 25,600 53,676 37,736 21,999 16,650 16,150 15,300 18,990 11.00 46.98 19.81 389.82 63.46 20,078 17,793 18,741 22,169 21,540 27,000 21,330 20,573 31,640 29,396 17.471 12,213 16,487 15,885 17,910 389.57 29,145 71.50 26,963 32,500 22,500 110.25 o T 21,760 27,000 157.51 675.86 43.87 112.70 14.66 38.82 22.00 27,222 30,952 30,378 26,660 25,424 25,449 23,842 38,000 49,875 46,500 34,744 31,650 33.300 27,203 14,000 16,000 25,300 21,100 22,000 21.000 20,163 208.61 457.85 65.55 122.88 23.00 61.75 27.67 21,329 22,260 22,720 22,327 19,578 20.073 18,916 31,000 36,000 29,000 27,500 23,100 25.000 23,148 15,800 14.000 18,000 18,250 17,400 16.800 16,572 338.11 2.00 17.27 2.67 30,541 23,626 28,513 23,404 55,200 24,317 36,750 25,562 18,135 22,934 25,151 21,424 346.44 27.80 71.50 8.17 22,414 18,394 21,882 19,652 33,750 24,160 27,559 20,976 15,134 15.542 17,500 17,706 14.50 7.50 69.18 49.00 26,067 24,201 24,994 24.648 29,106 27,765 29,718 28,224 23,000 21,452 19,827 22.068 43.50 7.00 69.03 59.50 20,457 20,509 20,046 20,583 23,787 21,115 23,913 23,832 18,000 19,062 15,615 17,316 • tir ' 15,300 -- 3359.97 3359.97 3470.62 $27,819 $27,819 $21,487 2. Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System AVERAGE BUDGETED FACULTY SALARIES AND RANGES, BY RANK AND INSTITUTION (continued) Public Senior Colleges and Universities No.FTE Faculty Institution East Texas State University East Texas State University Center at Texarkana. Lamar University Lamar University at Orange Lamar University at Port Arthur Midwestern State University North Texas State University Pan American University Pan American University at Brownsville Stephen F. Austin State University Texas A & M University System Moody College Prairie View A & M University Tarleton State University Texas A & M University Texas Southern University Texas State University System Angelo State University Sam Houston State University Southwest Texas State University Sul Ross State University Sul Ross State University Center at Uvalde Tetat-T-ee-11- *ri-TerS-1-ti Texas Woman's University The University of Texas System The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas of the Permian Basin The University of Texas at San Antonio lne university OT texas at iyier University of Houston System University of Houston Central Campus University of Houston Downtown College University of Houston at Clear Lake City University of Houston Center at Victoria University System of South Texas Corpus Christi State University Laredo State University Texas A & I University West Texas State University Total Weighted Average Assistant Professors Average Highest Salaries Salaries Lowest Salaries No. FTE Faculty Instructors Average Highest Salaries Salaries Lowest Salaries First Four Ranks No. FTE Average Faculty Salaries 86.00 9.50 97.93 5.00 3.00 61.50 194.17 112.04 15.50 112.75 $16,924 16,547 .17,553 15,442 13,083 17,271 17,950 17,315 17,389 17,085 $24,700 17,400 24,398 17,850 13,250 21,960 28,932 18,936 18.936 22,618 $12,375 15,003 11,000 13,984 13,000 12,501 13,127 16,272 16,272 12,500 45.51 5.85 112.38 19.40 21.30 15.63 29.50 52.75 15.35 52.12 $15,026 13,463 14,062 12,553 12,148 12,994 14,864 14,140 12,660 13,937 $18,932 14,678 20,609 20,445 19,000 16,002 17,918 15,624 15,624 18,956 $12,171 13,203 10,500 11,111 11,111 10,800 11,850 12,960 12,970 9,000 349.72 34.60 398.35 24.40 24.30 141.93 657.46 278.87 41.60 378.69 $20,628 18,695 19,530 13,145 12,263 19,505 22,239 19,238 17,073 19,859 18.51 91.84 58.17 471.19 158.66 16,039 15,730 16,262 17,748 17,049 21,000 19,575 19,500 27.234 23,516 14,111 10,800 11,990 12,015 12,020 .22 76.78 26.59 . 65.39 91.46 12,064 13,422 13,345 13,322 13,885 --18,225 16,437 17,280 17,512 --10,350 10,500 10,080 10,000 30.94 245.71 135.07 1315.97 387.20 17,755 16,071 17,297 22,211 18,573 30.83 94.25 158.29 28.00 5.75 19,475 18,762 17,312 16,519 17,099 21,437 20,916 21,564 19,998 18,081 15,115 16,146 13,293 14,778 14,303 . loo liV ,890 11,300 23,900 45.55 43.00 134.37 12.50 9.75 25.73 87.17 15,770 14,032 14,562 14,183 17,352 13,291 16,344 13,445 14 92 10 617 14,165 Øi7,736 18,400 14,920 12,120 13,752 12,429 12,069 • 1 I 8,000 11,555 171.49 353.13 517.24 77.50 20,106 21,164 18,677 18,665 843.09 439.20 21,551 19,723 12,415 10,773 15,176 14,810 14,200 19.795 14,730 16,300 21,500 16,100 16,550 15,000 1200 . 17,090 9,600 9,000 13,600 8,000 12,600 19,500 13,015 695.37 1816.97 212.42 427.38 68.16 23.21 85.43 20,106 23,257 21,862 21,422 19,328 18,422 1.8,894 it* 170.28 17,823 232.42 531.30 97.50 173.80 29.00 140.67 22.50 17,391 17,898 17,831 18,071 16,314 16.354 16,482 25,100 34,500 24,000 21,900 20,900 12,000 12,000 15,000 14,000 14,000 20,292 14,418 96.83 151.96 5.50 18.00 1.50 12 nn 13.26 281.61 63.50 65.25 11.42 18,173 16,123 18,529 16,208 26,065 21,58E 27,000 19,27E 12,612 13,511 14,250 14,500 34.09 19.60 21.00 --- 14,688 15,321 17,131 --- 20,500 18,000 21,000 --- 12,854 13,745 12,000 --- 1000.25 112.90 175.02 22.26 23,704 16,676 20,716 18,336 30.00 16,728 5.50 '19,776 62.29 ' 16,931 17,070 92.25 19,728 19,737 22,005 2l,88 13,887 17,226 13,365 14,184 7.50 5.50 29.50 49.37 13,013 16,203 12,977 12,955 15,489 17,293 16,164 16 200 9,936 15,099 9,603 10,512 95.50 25.50 230.00 250.12 19,553 20,508 19,784 18 578 4050.48 71.000 11.000 12334.98 1453.91 $17,493 $13,469 $20,955 3 Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System AVERAGE BUDGETED FACULTY SALARIES AND RANGES, 3Y RANK AND INSTITUTION (continued) Public Senior Colleges and Universities Nine Months: 1979-80 Lecturers Average No. FTE Faculty Salaries Institution East Texas State University East Texas State University Center at Texarkana Lamar University Lamar University at Orange Lamar University at Port Arthur Midwestern State University North Texas State University Pan American University Pan American University at Brownsville Ste p hen F. Austin State University Texas A & M University System Moody College Prairie View A & M University Tarleton State University Texas A & M University Texas Southern University Texas State University System Angelo State University Sam Houston State University Southwest Texas State University Sul Ross State University er y en er a va e Texas Tech University Texas Woman's University The University of Texas System The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas of the Permian Basin ine university ot lexas at San Antonio The University of Texas at Tyler University of Houston System University of Houston Central Campus University of Houston Downtown College University of Houston at Clear Lake City University of Houston Center at Victoria University System of South Texas Corpus Christi State University Laredo State University Texas A & I University West Texas State University $ 6,732 --- 8,000 --- --- 6,392 8,400 10,499 --- 9,000 442.98 34.60 423.30 24.40 24.30 156.39 913.48 295.27 41.60 429.71 $17.703 18,695 :18,908 13,145 12,263 18,294 18,656 18,752 17,073 18,570 11,699 --- 10,825 13,130 --- 6.00 8.40 1.27 470.84 3.25 8,400 9,941 8,980 8,500 14,027 49.60 254.11 140.45 1942.13 390.45 15,078 15,868 17,033 18,161 18,535 13,617 --- 12.50 45.00 94.89 8.00 8,600 7,982 9,950 9,000 190.49 398.13 612.13 85.50 18.00 1099.72 535.46 19,129 19,673 17,325 17.761 14,093 18,587 17,722 829.44 2278.45 291.49 575.27 7n R1 295.82 85.43 18,121 20,400 18,284 18,315 18,874 14,585 18,771 14,505 18,675 20,508 19,088 17,552 --- 13,567 --- 43.00 --- 14,775 --- 12.66 ___ 4.11 155.32 --6.50 ___ --57.34 17.96 69 All Ranks No. FTE Average Salaries Faculty 93.26 ___ 20.62 --- ___ 14.46 213.02 16.40 ___ 51.02 --4.33 --- Teaching Assistants No. FTE Average Faculty Salaries --- 13,006 '4,498 __- 199.29 78.30 0 --- 7,651 7,241 7.22 53.23 15.35 55.67 2.65 42.58 --- 14,986 17,951 9,000 11,553 17.070 12,302 --- 126.85 408.25 63.72 92.22 __- 139.42 37.60 34.11 8.50 8,000 3,306 10,000 5,113 307.67 8,100 3.35 .50 6,450 3,600 1447.34 150.50 212.48 31.26 12.50 11,965 8,040 6,995 108.00 25.50 244.50 274.43 14.50 24.31 7,416 8,000 8,590 8,000 --- 1Q 2dd 17,593 18,894 Total Wei hted Average SOURCE: Institutional data reported to the Coordinating Board. 710.05 15422.92 2377.89 11 820 $ 8 145 $18 559 11/27/79