Texas Tech University LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79409 1(800) 742-3058 The Faculty Senate May 2, 1979 TO: Members of the Faculty Senate FROM: Margaret E Wilson, President SUBJECT: Agenda for Meeting #15, May 9, 1979 The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, May 9, 1979, at 3:30 p.11 in the Senate Room of the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Minutes of the April 4 and 11, 1979 Senate meetings II. Final draft of Grievance Panel III. Newsletter report IV. Committee on Committees - Dr. Helen Brittin V. Resolution on Merit Raise - Dr. Neale Pearson & Dr. Shamus Mehaffie • VI. Announcements A. Survey of Merit Pay Procedures by Academic Affairs & Status Coinittee B. Excerpts from Academic Council Minutes C. Excerpts from Standing Committee Minutes and Annual Reports D. Letter from Representative Robnett E. Tech Post Office F. Excerpts from Board of Regents Minutes G. Academic Excellence Fund H. Response to International Student resolution I. Correspondance VII. Other Business • ANNOUNCEMENTS A. The Academic Affairs & Status Committee has sent a survey form to deans, c and academic area co rdinators asking for descriptions of procedures for d merit raises, facult input, categories used for merit raises, etc. Dr. a cover letter askin for cooperation in the conduct of the study. Follow the committee will a tempt to survey the entire faculty on the matter of m B. The minutes of the A demic Council are on file in the Faculty Senate Offi Iirpersons, :ermining rdwick wrote Ng this survey it raises. April 3, 1979 1. Discussion of pr ram and budgetary priorities: a. Current attempt at priority assessment is an effort to identify in a more precise way th areas of need and the areas in which reallocation of resources could be made, such an assessment to be reflected in budget allocati b. Another purpos is to identify high and low cost areas for program c Coordinating B rd indicates that Tech must identify areas of reduct new programs ma be added. Tech must be able to show decrease of co program before thers are to be approved. c. Each Dean was a ked to discuss departmental data with members of Aca Office within t e next week. Objective data and subjective material departments and colleges will be considered. rage. The ma before and/or mix Affairs lrovided by 2. Information regar ing requests for admissions to Tech for next fall in icate a slight decline which may be partially accounted for by inflation which may ca Hoe students to weigh heavily the cost of attending college away from their home area. 3. A tentative budge development schedule for FY80 was stated as follows: April 16 - budg t materials distributed to Deans May 4 - return udget requests to Academic Affairs Office a. Deans were aske "There was a br summer salary f process to prov were asked to w been developed for advice regarding level of allocation for summer ef discussion relating to the identification of a po nds to be identified by college at the outset of the de flexibility for assignment over a 12 month period, rk with chairpersons to see that criteria for merit i nd individuals to be receiving merit increases were b. There is an ind cation that percentage of increase for instructional is projected to be very small. "Some different budgeting arrangement line item may b necessary." c. Budget developm complete. Proj LBB recommendat 4. Deans were asked tional equipment school 1980. :ion of udgeting Deans creases had eing identified. dministration within this nt will necessarily be tentative since legislative a tion is not ctions to be used for budget allocations will come f •m current ons. o indicate priority items for year-end fund expendit es for instrucy next meeting of the Council. 5. Course evaluation are required for non-tenured faculty members. "Proc ures for roudepartment tine acquisition f these evaluations should be accomplished within ea or area so that t e information will be available for chairperson's di cussion with faculty." 6. Deans were asked o work with chairpersons and faculty so that make-up examinations may be allowed fo students observing Passover activities which cause _ass absence on April 12 and 1 • 7. Information regar ing instructional activities and uses for KTXT-TV we e distributed for discussion at the next meeting. Page 3. Announcements • April 4, 1979 Reports were heard o request concerning t design for the comme erence will be prese will be changed, on centered on the poin the feasibility of a stage and arena decorations, the sound system, the a e ministers to deliver the invocation and benediction cement program. A list of four ministers, ranked in ted to the administration for consideration. The uni he program, fromblack and black to black and red. Di of assembly in the Coliseum for members of the platf processional for the platform guests. inistration's and the cover der of prefrsity symbol ussion then party and Annual Report Resume' of activitie concerning commencement. No other formal University were scheduled dun i the 1978-79 school year. eremonies Tenure and Privile e ommittee April 3, 1979 Officers were elected William Stewart. In deferred until Septem which the committee h President Hardwick. in which he described allegation of a facul inadequacies in the m discussion was def err • for 1979-80. They are: Chairman, Charles Dale; Vice eeping with committee tradition, election of a secre er. Chairperson Schoen reported that the statement d prepared was mailed to President Mackey with a cop e also reported that he had a brief conference with recent activities of the committee. The committee d y member that there had been procedural irregulariti king of the decision that he should not be granted t d to the next meeting. hairman, ry was proposals to Vice . Hardwick cussed the and ure. Further ewed events which led to this committees enquiries i ing 1978-committee became interested in cost of copi change was made in the holder of the copying franch* irector of Library Services and, apparently, without to suitability of changes. Changes resulted in remo s and replacement with Savin machines. These changes uel DeBusk in behalf of Texas Tech Specialties (TTS), ation which handles commercial ventures. The Librar scope of its enquiry to include (a) costs of copying franchise holder, (c) method of making the change, a quences of having control of copying services delegat Enquiries were begun by a subcommittee chaired by Dr. rve as a final assessment of the enquiries and Mr. Te oration, Dallas), Mr. Randy Carpenter (Manager, Lubbo d Mr. Bill Dean (Executive Director, Ex-Students Asso o the Library (7Q per e without n or enquiry 1 of Xerox were made, the unit of Committee (b) reason d (d) justid to the ExJames Brink. Mitchell k office, iation) were Library Committee Chairperson Shine rev copying services. Sp sheet). Summer 1978the knowledge of the within the Library as 2400 and Cannon copie apparently, by Mr. Ma the Ex-Students Assoc decided to enlarge th for making a change i fication for and cons Students Associaiton. This meeting was to s (President, Sable Cor Sable Corporation), a in attendance. Procedure in Choosing Sable Corporation and Savin: As far as can be dete termined bids were no sentative for Savin many other Savin deal not known. The State Students Association was not limited to Sa (e.g., Kodak, Xerox, ined the choice was made by Mr. DeBusk alone. As far s can be detaken. Mr. Mitchell was invited to make a bid by th dealer repreThere are Texas. Whether other bids were invited is not known g Savin is Lubbock. The reason for choos rg inTexas and some in oard of Control specifies Savin machines for rental b t the Exble Corp. s not bound by State Board. Mr. Mitchell noted that others in but that it is a less costly machine to operate th BM), generates less heat, and has less down time. age 5. Announcements • met with President Mackey and Vice President Hardwick for constructive dis ission of the position paper. Substantial agreement was reached on several issues and t P. Committee was asked to submit specific proposals on issues where differences remaine . This has been done and awaits action. A faculty member denied tenure filed a complaint with the Committee. Alth igh the elected members decided that there was not probable cause to believe that tenure w 3 denied for reasons violating academic freedom, the Committee did make recommendations ?ertaining to procedural issues raised by the complaint. Professor Jimmy Smith, Civil Engineering, was thanked for five years of se vice to the committee. Charles Dale, Business Administraton, was elected chairperson )f the Committee for 1979-80. International Education Committee Annual Report The committee, chaired by Yung-Mei Tsai, has made the following recommenda Ions: 1. To compile a directory of Texas Tech University faculty and staff who ave had previous internation experience (University News and Publications will pic up this project according to Dr. Ewalt); 2. To conduct research which will attempt to identify the pros and cons o the presence of international students_at_Tech (Dr. Ewalt reports no-funding available this time); 3. To recommend both financial and personnel support to a centralized off ce for the studying abroad program for Tech students (Office of International Program was recammended as the centralized office); and 4. To make a resolution reflecting the committee's position on internatio 1 students at Texas Tech University (this resolution was passed by the Faculty Senate Other significant happenings during the year include: 1. Chaiperson was invited as a member of the TESOL Committee to reflect t _ committee's interest in searching for a coordinator in charge of the English language =ogram for international students at Texas Tech. 2. Some Committee members participated in a workshop in Intercultural Co nication for American and international student leaders. 3. The committee met with Ms. Colleen Zarich, consultant for Tech studyin abroad programs. A letter from Representative Robnett was received in which he stated he wa 'in complete agreement with the concept expressed by this resolution (International stu ents). During my student years at Tech, international students gave to me a different an useful perspective to my education. It is my hope that we can continue to encourage :hese students to attend our state universities." • E. At the request of the Senate, specifically Professor Shine, I investigated istration of the Tech Post Office. Joe Winegar was most helpful and I wou share some of the background before addressing the problem which initiated tigation. Prior to September 1977 the post office on campus was a contrac operated under the direction of the U. S. Postal Service. Bids were obtai contractors,and,of course, low bid got the contract. The personnel mannin were hired by the contractors; all profits, including any from box rental, contractor; Tech received zilch in dollars. Mr. Winegar told me that most lasted an average of 3 months at which time they would turn the contract b He reminded me, and I am sure some of you will remember, that campus mail often took a week or so to be delivered. Mail was dumped in boxes and del postal personnel got around to it. At this point Mr. Winegar talked with and told him that he thought Tech personnel could do a better job. As of we had a Tech post office which does everything a U. S. Post Office does Tech has total control, get any profits (last year $800 +), and is committ he admind like to he invesstation ed from the offices ent to the contractors ck to be rebid. d U. S. mail ered as the en Thompson eptember 1977 cept C.O.D.'s. d to getting Page 7. Announcements 110 13. Awarded the bid 14. Awarded the bid amount of $128, 15. February 21, 19 facilities at t 16. January 18, 197 fire alarm syst 17. Called Mr. and honoring Coach being named 197 18. Announced that G. At the request of th Fielding, Office of Dean, Ex-Students As Fund. The Office of for various categori specified as the spe Allen said that the of the funding requi to the Board at the is attained our requ via letter that the Excellence Fund. In Students Assn. retai that profits from th purposes, i. e., the for renovation of West Hall in the amount of $1,187,6 O. for renovations to provide storage for hazardous mate ials in the 40. 9 was recorded as completion date for construction of thletic e north end of Jones Stadium. was recorded as completion date for Phase I of renov ion of s in campus buildings. rs. Gerald Myers to the front of the roam and read a solution yers for the successful record of the basketball team nd upon Co-Coach of the Year in the SWC. enator Lloyd Bentsen will be Commencement Speaker on M 11. Faculty Senate I have spoken with and written to Mr. evelopment, Dean James Allen, Dad's Association, and ociation concerning the disestablishment of the Acad Development is drawing up detailed plan for solicit s of activities. One of those categories contains th ific and general purposes of the Academic Excellence d's Association goal of 50 scholarships is still $70 ed. However, the letter from the Faculty Senate will ly 10 meeting and he believes that after the scholar st may receive favorable response. Bill Dean has air -Students Assn. is funding some of the purposes of t letter dated 24 April 1979 he stated that should th control of the copying services he will propose to h operation be given back to the University to be use urposes of the Academic Excellence Fund and for Facu A letter has. been rec Affairs concurs With practices which will to the University thr our office of Public students is in keepin to international educ ived from Dr. Hardwick which states...."that the Off he sense of the resolution and will indeed support p trengthen'and maintain the quality of valuable resou ugh international students. We are committed to wor ffairs to ensure that proposed legislation concerni with the best interest of this University and its c tion." eorge • Bill c Excellence g monies e items nd. Dean 00 short e presented ip goal dy reported Academic Ex- board for two y Development. e of Academic icies and es available ng through foreign itment I. The following letters have been sent since the last meeting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. President Mackey, President Mackey, Bill Dean re than Regents Bucy, Gal A. J. Kemp & Juds President Mackey Southwest Texas S administrative co University of Ten Eastern New Mexic President Mackey Mrs. Robert Packa Dr. Hardwick re r Elbow, Luchsinger Members of ad hoc Games re charge t Texas Eastern Uni Dr. Len Ainsworth Helen Brittin re University of Tex George Fielding, re resolution on Media Center Regents, area legislators re Resolution on Internati al Students s for copy of Texas Techsan sent to faculty oway & Pevehouse re appointment to Board . n Williams re appreciation for work as Regents e administration - faculty newsletter ate University re survey on faculty participation on ncils essee re survey on current status of campus ombudsma University re tenure related factors survey e nominations for Council/Committees for 1979-80 d re Senate expression of sympathy leased time for Senate President & Aycock re congratulations on election as Senate Off cers Committee to Select Faculty to Attend Out-of Town Foo ball committee ersity re survey on outside funding and on merit rais re Fall 1979-80 calendars ppointments to Editorial Board if approved s, Austin re survey on workload policy ill Dean, & James Allen re Academic Excellence Fund Page 9. Announcements for lack of secur being sent to a r spent per time fo care of rare book Ultraviolet prote placed over fluor in the fire-proof office. "There w in implementing t get the award for tional list of sp the works of 13 a working space. Some items (which and how many not k storer in Arizona but a state-imposed limit of $50 wh this work would seem not _to be a fruitful way of giv . No further progress has been made in obtaining a d tive sleeves which have been on hand for some months scent light fixtures. None of the rare books had yet safe. No action had been taken so far by the Univers s a sense of dissatisfaction in the Committee at the e Turner report." (Editorial comment - this last stat the understatement of the year!) Mr. Janeway distrib cial collections and their approximate value. The thors with an approximate value of $44,550. wn) were h may be g continued acidifier. ve not been een placed y's planning ck of progress exit has to ed an addicontains Core Collection; Further action ha been postponed until fall, at which time the year re the Library to ma e changes will have expired. A report on usage of th Collection and ar was distributed. (This report is on file in the Se ested by Core te Office.) Other business; Mr. Janeway has a ed Miss Holmgren to obtain the necessary student wor trial-basis openi of the Library until 2 a.m. during final examinatio work of the Committee was discussed including discontinuance of the Car and replacement w th computer-stored data, proposed media center, and a attempt by the Connittee to become involved in counseling on the budget budget making tim . rs for the . Future Catalogue urther head of The following reso ution was made: "The Library Commi tee recognizes and expresses its appreciation to Dr. for his professio 1 and effective work as chairman of the Committee du three years." • enry Shine ng the last 108 • STUDENT-FACULTY RATIOS Texas Public Senior Colleges and Universities Fiscal Years 1973-1977 liy4c4IddilrlioNs • Institution 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 im A heAd as us- 1976-77 cAPlity Angelo State University East Texas State University East Texas State University Center at Texarkana Lamar University Lamar University at Orange Lamar University at Port Arthur Midwestern State University North Texas State University Pan American University Pan American University at Brownsville Sam Houston State University Southwest Texas State University Stephen F. Austin State University Sul Ross State University Uvalde Extension Center Texas A & M University System Prairie View A & M University Tarleton State University Texas A & M University Texas Eastern University Texas Southern University Texas Tech University Texas Woman's University The University of Texas System The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Austin e University of Texas at Dallas The The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas of the Permian Basin The University of Texas at San Antonio University of Houston System University of Houston Central Campus University of Houston at Clear Lake City University of Houston Downtown College University of Houston Center at Victoria University System of South Texas Corpus Christi State University Laredo State University Texas A & I University West Texas State University 24.1 16.4 11.9 22.9 23.0 --18.0 16.7 23.4 --25.3 25.1 22.3 15.9 --- 25.0 16.2 18.0 22.3 18.7 --17.8 15.3 21.6 11.9 24.5 23.0 21.2 16.6 13.3 23.6 16.1 15.0 23.2 29.6 --19.0 15.7 20.7 12.2 23.7 22.9 23.7 17.2 12.6 25.6 17.5 12.0 22.8 32.8 2a 6 20.9 15.3 23.0 11.7 22.4 22.4 22.9 17.8 11.8 2614 15.9 12.1 20.3 19.0 25.7 20.4 15.2--5r 22.3 16:7 23.1 22.3 21.6 14.1 9.2. 18.1 21.4 15.3 --22.1 19.1 15.9 18.8 20.8 15.5 12.5 20.7 18.3 14.2 19.5 20.2 16.8 14.3 19.9 18.7 13.9 18.0 20.1 16.8 10.9 20.2 18.1 13.8 16.2 19.8 16.1-3 10,3, 23.9. 18. 1 - 14.2 22.0 20.7 16.8 1 2.3.-/ 18.8 --- 1/ 3.718.9 10.9 20.4 17.0 19.5 16.9 6.8 24.3 18.8. 18. 1 17.7 6.81! 16.8 5.5 --14.3 19.4 17.8 13.2 12.6 18.4 18.1 4.7 1! 1/ 1/ 13.6-- 9.5. 24.1. 9.3. 17.3 20.0 7.S--9.3 2/ 17.9 9.9 26.4 6.9 17.7--11.2 19.2' 7.5 12.9 12.7 19.1 19.3 13.8 12.4 21.8 19.4 12.0 13.1 19.7 18.4, 20.6 10.3 7.6.- 9.6 NOTE: The above data were computed. Each ratio represents fall semester full-time student equivalents divided by the number of full-time faculty equivalents budgeted for nine months as reported by the institutions. For purposes of these computations institutional fall semester totals of student credit hours divided by fifteen were used as the measure of full-time student equivalents. 1/ Not in full operation 2/ First full year cif operation 2 I. , RESOLUTION WHEREAS the ml utes of the Academic Council for March 13, 1979, indicate that egislative salary appropriations will be increased by approximate y 5%; and WHEREAS there s also a quotation in those Academic Council Minutes that "there wi I be no uniform cost-of-living or mandated increases for faculty pe sonnel;" and WHEREAS there ere many discrepancies within and between the departments and coll ges of this university in the allocation of pay raise in the past tw years; and WHEREAS it is esirable to have a merit system for salary increases, but since the mpact of inflation has been so severe in recent years that much impr vement is needed to return to 1969 salary levels, and WHEREAS so lit le legislative funding is available, in order to achieve someth ng for the faculty from a humanitarian or equity viewpoint, Be it resolved a system of al increases to b be divided in and 1/2 of the merit programs that this Faculty Senate goes on record as favoring ocating 1/2 of the monies appropriated for salary granted in across-the-board increases by college to qual amounts on the basis of FTE's in that college onies appropriated to be granted on the basis of in which the faculty participate in formulating. Neale J. Pearson Shamus Mehaffie Harley D. Oberhelman Duane Christian Theodor Alexander