April 27, 1978 Meeting of the General Faculty of Texas Tech University

April 27, 1978
Meeting of the General Faculty of
Texas Tech University
Clarence A. Bell . President of the Faculty Senate welcomed approximat ly 130
faculty members to the first general faculty meeting called by the Facul
and introduced the current officers of the Faculty Senate, Vice Presiden
Margaret E. Wilson, Secretary Roland E. Smith, and also the newly electe
of the Faculty Senate whose terms of office will begin on May 15, 1978:
• Elbow,
Margaret E. Wilson, President; Otto M. Nelson, Vice President; and Gary
Secretary. Bell then turned the meeting over to Dr. Cecil Mackey, Presi ent of
the University.
Dr. Mackey expressed the opinion that the past academic year had
one for Tech and a year in which significant progress has been made
a proper role for faculty participation in governance on campus and
Senate will take its place as a very important part of what goes on
a good
the Faculty
e campus.
The President took this opportunity to acknowledge and recognize som
faculty whose achievement was outstanding. The Board of Regents recent
their approval of two Horn Professors, M.M. Ayoub, Industrial Engineeri
Henry Wright, Department of Range and Wildlife Management. Recipients
A M 0 C 0 Distinguished Teaching Award for 1977-78 were Margaret Wilso
Vines, Jacquelin Collins, and Valerie Chamberlain. Earlier in the year
Association recognized individuals in three separate categories, Creati
Doyle Williams, Accounting; Distinguished Research Award, Richard Saeks
and New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award, Jerry Stockton, Agricul
of the
; and
he Dads
re Education.
University Committees have been restructured in order to provide a m
ful role for both faculty and students and the process of selecting nom
committees have been changed somewhat. Students new serve on most comm
e meaningees to those
The Tenure Review Committee has been at work reviewing the present t
and has made recommendations for changes in the University's tenure poi
copies of that revised policy are now in circulation for review by dean
faculty. Faculty members are urged to examine this draft copy concerni
which is important to all faculty.
ure policy
y. Draft
a matter
Funding problems exist in the area of organized research. Though th legislature
usually provides 50 percent of the estimated cost of research projects,
ech will be
operating under a 25 percent funding system next year. Despite fundin problems,
all areas of resea-ch on the campus have increased over last year's tot ls, and in
the area of energy research 14 departments and three colleges have facu ty involved
in energy research
Dr. Mackey emphasized the importance of private financial aid, stat
campus projects, including faculty development leaves. Several facult
questions relating to the small amount of money available for such lea
state universities are not allowed to use state funds for faculty leav
classified this as a high priority item in speaking with legislators.
g these fund many
members had
S.. By law
Dr. Mackey
Page 2.
General Faculty Me
April 27, 1978
Reporting on th
rewarding year, to
benefits. The Med c
authorized to move a
hospital has now o e
Regional Health C t
in the Permian Bas n
made in next year'
of Pharmacy and Dr.
these schools.
edical School, Dr. Mackey stated it had been an ev
oth those in charge of programs and for those who
1 School has had its probationary status lifted an
ead on a year-to-year basis. The first phase of t
ed, is functioning well, and is adequately funded
rs are open in El Paso and Amarillo, and a site ha
area while construction continues locally. Reques
udget for funding for the College of Nursing and t
ckey is hopeful for support in the legislaturafo
tf 1 and
va received
is low
2 3 bed
t s time.
be selected
will be
Clo lege
bol of
Another area in
It is possible the
in terms of classr
directions. Dr.
to be allowed to r
take into consider
ich the legislature has shown interest is faculty
ill try to define in legislative language specific
hours for faculty, or perhaps they will simply gi
ey felt it would be extremely importnat for the Un
amn flexibility in order to develop workload standa
ion the overall teaching activities of the faculty.
or !loads
The building pro
completed, the Ag P
New Deal are nearin
recreation building
old library. Nearly
sighted students.
In the budget for t
to make modificatio
ram at Tech continues; the Home Economics Building
ilion is progressing, and the Ag College facilitie
completion. On the drawing board and funded are a
an electrical engineering building, and the renova
completed is a study area in the library for blind
oon resident halls will have facilities for handica
e coming year approximately $9,000,000.00 is being
s to accomodate handicapped persons on campus.
ud nt
of the
0 artially
ed students.
Based on enrollm
is the projected am
amount Tech's share
years. No immediat
fate of the ad valo
constitutionality o
nt projections by the Coordinating Board, 530 milli
unt of ad valorum tax funds for the next 10 years.
is 14 million dollars for new construction in the n
allocation of any of these funds is being made bec
um tax funds are uncertain due to litigation questi
the tax.
Dr. Mackey empha ized the need for flexibility in the area of local f
invested by univers ties. Allegations that several institutions have Mi
funds have led to t e possibility of removing those funds from universit
Dr. Mackey concl ded by stating that hopefully the outlook of the nex
which is scheduled o begin its meetings in January 1979 will continue t
favorable to higher education.
Respectfully submitted,
Roland E. Smit
Faculty Senate
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