• Te s Tech University LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79409/(806) 742-3856 The Faculty Senate November 1, 1978 TO: MEMBER OF THE FACULTY SENATE FROM: Margar. Wilson, Pr6sident SUBJECT: Agenda or Meeting 0, November 8, 1978 The Facult Senate will meet on Wednesday, November 8, 1978, at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate Roo of the University Center. The agenda is as follow I. Minutes of Oc ober 11, 19178 Senate Meeting Discussion o Invocations - President Cecil Mackey II. III. • A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. IV. V. VI. VII. • Announcemen s Nominat Co Compute Budget Excerpt Excerpt Merit S Minutes Senate Corresp Resolution o Committee on Resolution o Other Busin ons for Graduate Council and Radiation & Laser Safet ittee Usage visory Cou*cil from Acaderlaic Council Minutes from Boardlof Regents Meeting lary Increa e Policy for Classified Personnel from Univer :ity Committees d hoc Committees ndance from Faculty Senate Office Retirement l- Dr. Harry Jebsen ommittees - Dr. Helen Brittin Carillon - Dr. Valerie Chamberlain SS • ANNOUNCEMENTS chairperson Helen Brittin at the October meeting all ions were f lled by persons nominated by the Senate e Graduate ouncil and Radiation & Laser Safety Comm t was requested to investigate the reasons for these of the Graduate Council, included in its charge, is: elected by the Graduate Faculty for three-year terms Graduate Faaulty recommended by the Graduate Dean fo duate Dean...." As reported by chairperson,-BrIttin n and Laser Safety Committee are specified as person expertise in use of radioactive materials and lasers ee includes this statement concerning appointment of rs of the Committee, other than those specified by v e appointed by the Vice President for Research and eref ore, in both instances the Faculty Senate nomin essary and it would seem that in the future the Co not concern itself with nominations for them. University ith the ttee. The exceptions. 1. Nine 2. Two two-year the members with a The charge committee rtue of raduate tions were ittee on • B. In a meeting w th Vice PresUlent Hardwick on 18 October I was advis iority over TTU in computer usage although it may s does not have due to billing which are dpne through the computer and which take deal of its ti . Efforts are being made to get this work done by computer which ould alleviate but not solve the problem. Dr. Hard that I express o the Senate his sincerity in making every effort t computer proce ing straightened out. d that TTUSM em that way p a great off-campus 'ck asked get the ing I questioned whether or not the Academic Budget able Univeraity Council. Dr. Hardwick has met with rperson, anti a meeting has been set up for the enti . He assured me that he would make every effort to and consult with them on significant budgetary mat mentioned :he biennial budget which will be drawn ppropriations bill by the Legislature, and the prio ouncil was ouise Council eep the TS. , following tizing of A. As reported by committee posi exception of t Senate Preside The membership members of and members of the terms. 3.The Gr of the Radiati high degree of to this commit members: "Memb position, will Studies...." actually not n Committees nee C. At the same me going to be a Luchsinger, Ch to meet with hi Council informe Specifically, h passage of the departments. D. The Minutes of he Academic Council are on file in the Senate Offic who wishes to r ad them in their entirety. for anyone Se tember 26, 1 78: 1. The first i em concernirg priority assessment of programs was Senate verbatim at the Octoter meeting. d to the 2. There is a eed to keep central administration informed about up oming accreditation ac ivities. Tile master list forxcreditation. is to be ecirculated for continued s rutiny. • 3. The list of to deans. "Dr. evaluation of p and promotion." ation steps bef persons to be considered for tenure this year has be Hardwick reiterated the need for course evaluation a obationary faculty to be used in the review process Since any modification of the tenure policy has sev re it could become final and the projected time for n distributed d peer or tenure ral cons iderdoption of Announcements cont nued Page 2. any revised po icies is uncertain, tenure considerations for this in accordance ith existing policy. ar will be 4. The Academ c Council will become more directly involved in pla use and fundin of the Computer Center. The 1977-78 report of the and Research C mputing Committee will serve as an information base development of the Computer Center operation plans. ing for the nstruction or the 5. The need f registration w the present sy further discus of student r fee colledtion, either full or partial, at the ti s discussed. Both confusion and loss of income may ccur with tam, i.e., 'billing after registration. There will be was to be] ion at the Mext meeting. 6. A brief di cussion was ,held concerning means to provide incenti e for academic excel ence. Discussion will [was to] continue at the next eeting. October 10, 19 8: staff ing Board y and that ts were g Board. nventory. programs, igh cost 1. "There was regarding subm staff was that attention shou to receive fav There was also There was subs particularly t factors involv a report on a conference with the Coordinating Board ssion of new programs. The position of the Coordina the program resources of Texas Tech were spread thin d be given to reducing programs if new program reque able recommendations by the staff of the Coordinati irection for at least a 5% net reduction in course ntial discussion regarding approaches to considerin se in which there was low degree production and/or 2. Summer bud the office of t materials, were distributed and Deans will return ademic Aff ‘drs by November 2. dgets to 3. A list of changes in prio costing less t items up to $10 Space Committee space. novation priorities for academics was distributed. ities will e discussed at the next meeting. Renov n $50 are tp be paid for from departmental operatin 0 should be accomplished from funds available to de must approve any items which would result in change ossible ions funds; S. f use of 4. Nbminations for Piper PrOfessor are due October 20 and recommend Horn Professor re due November 15. ions for 5. Salary paym nts made on appointment forms must be to persons wh a valid social ecurity number. have It E. The minutes of he meetings of the Board of Regents are on file in Office for your perusal. Senate September 29, 178: 1. Resolutions were read m moralizing Dr. D. M. Wiggins and honori King for his ma y years of Oervice in the Department of Athletics. 2. Approved a Academic Affair following requi class: (1) requ of those enroll olicy on sm411 classes which noted that the Vice Pre shall apprOve or disapprove such classes. Any one enents may be considered for authorization to teach red course or graduation which may affect date of g d; (2) required course for majors in this field and Mr. J. T. ident for f the small aduation hould be Announcements conti ued Page 3. • completed to ke courses taught that the combin established deg of the course; standards; (7) facilities; and of the institut member receives proper sequence in courses; (3) inter-departmental (cross-listed) s a single class by the same faculty at the same sta ion, provided courses do1 not constitute a small class; (4) cours in newly ee program, concentration, or support area; (5) firs time offering 6) class size limited by accreditation or state lice ing inical lass size limited by availability of laboratory or excess (8) course yoluntarily offered by a faculty member onal teachiag load requirement and for which the fa lty no additional compensation. 3. Emeritus St tus was con4erred on nine faculty members 4. Dr. Mackey eported that research funding was up from $7.6 mill year to $11.5 m llion this year and there is nearly a 20% increase proposals. n last funded 5. Dr. Mackey eported that fall enrollment set an all-time record students with 1 ,995 undergtaduate and 2,902 graduate students. f 22,721 6. Approved a ontract font to be-used in executing agreements bet Tech University and the authors of works published by Texas Tech Pr en Texas s. 7. Approved a olicy that, for 1979-80, a $100 advance payment must be received prior to July 1 in order to reserve residence hall space, the advanc payment being applied t board and room charges for the first semester. 8. Supported t e establishment of an endowment fund to support inte collegiate athletics, such a fund to in no way reduce the current operating bud et of intercollegiate athletics. 9. August 17, 978 is recorded as completion date of the Agricultur 1 Pavilion. 10. September 4, 1978 is recorded as completion date for renovatio of the Animal Sciences Building Phase II. 11. Approved t e construction of a utility connection to the new ad ition to the Electrical ngineering Building and authorized receipt of bids. 3. Approved c ntinued employment for 1978-79 of a Technician in th Textile Research Center ho was 65 prior to September 1, 1978 4. Approved t following policy: "Resolved, that the retirement o all classified prof sional and administrative employees will be on or b fore the last day of the iscal year in which the employee reaches age 70. A ual appointments af 3 age 70 may be permitted with specific Board appro 1. During discussi of the motion it was made clear that tenured facul members are not include The 1978 amendments to the Age Discrimination and mployment Act raised the tected age limit for non-faculty employees from 65 to 70 years of age. e extended ,rotection to age 70 does not become eff tive until July 1, 1982, as to tenured faculty members." F. Merit increases for this purpose February 1, 1979 mandated by the not to exceed 2% In line with thi Mrs. Grace Frazi or classifi d personnel will be continued this year will come fom lapsed salaries. The increase will and is in addition to the across-the-board statuto 1 egislature. Increases wil range from 2 to 6 percen of the total. classified salary base by vice preside I have written Vice President Hardwick and request 3 be given a raise in rank to Administrative Assist Funds effective increases the total ial area. that t I • Announcements cont nued Page 4. with a corresp nding raise in salary. G. Minutes have b en received from the Tenure and Privilege Committee, Chairperson, a Jacq Collins, Secretary; Student Publications Commi person yet to e elected; and Library Committee, Henry Shine, Chair attempt will b made to summarize these minutes as this is the char Committee on C • 1111 ittees. However, as the minutes are received, cer your attention. may be called Rod Schoen, tee, Chairerson. No e of the amn portions 1. Tenure & P ivilege ComnOttee - a letter has been drafted by Sc en which is prese tly being circulated among committee members. Follo ing approval of the letter t will be sent to President Mackey and will call att ntion to concerns of th committee which were verbalized in the 1977-78 Annu 1 Report of the committee. Library Commit e - met twice in late spring and once this fall. I addition Dr. Decherd Tu er, Director of the Bridwell Library, SMU, visited he campus for two days in ugust as the rare book consultant. The committee p esently Graves; has three sub- mmittees at work: Core sub-committee, chaired by J Rare Book Colle tion sub-committee, chaired by Paul Cutter; and cop ng services sub-committee, haired by James Brink. I believe any of these subc ittees would welcome i put from Senators. H. The ad hoc Comm Office of Devel past to secure forthcoming. T chairperson. S The Committee i Study Faculty C absence of a co were given assi ment Investigat retirement poli report on Texas I. The following 1 tters were sent from the Faculty Senate office since the October meeting: 1. To Committe Committee; ttee on Academic Excellence Fund has sent a letter pment requesting information as to what has been do onies for this fund. As of this date no reply has e ad hoc Committee on Equus has met and Jim Howze w veral interViews have taken place and more have bee attenpting to move with all haste. The ad hoc Co ntracts has met but deferred election of a chairpers ittee member with illness in the family. Committee nments for the next meeting. The ad hoc Committee o on has sent a letter to other institutions regarding ies. They Have also asked Dr. Marilyn Phelan for a Tech policy re contracts, etc. on Committees re replacement of Robert Steadman on 2. To Walter C lvert, Chairperson, Election Committee re replacemen McLaughlin on F culty Development Committee; the in the en elected scheduled. ttee to n due to members Retiretheir ritten onvocations of Thomas 3. To William amn and members of ad hoc Committee to Study Faculty Employment Contracts ivin the charge to the committee; 4. To Committe hoc committee t temporarily fro • on Committees requesting nomination of persons to s rve on ad recommend procedures for replacing senators who mus be absent their dutiee; 5. To Vice Pre 'dent Hardwick re upgrading the position held by Mrs Grace Frazior; 6. To Presiden ing; Cecil Mackey inviting him to attend the November me Announcements conti ued Page 5. • 7. To Bill Da 1 expressing appreciation for being willing to serve on the Grievance Comm ttee and to Robert Weninger, Chairperson, re Dr. Dahl.'s election to th t committee; 8. To Committ e on Committees re replacement of Hong Lee on International Education Comm ttee and to Hong Lee expressing appreciation for service rendered to th t committee; 9. To members of ad hoc Committee on Invocations, discharging commttee, and expressing appreciation for services rendered; lo. To L. B. lackwell re lack of School of Law member to replace Dan Benson on Academic Af airs and Status Committee; 11. To Ken Th mpson, for transmittal to Benefits and Retirement Co3mittee, re NEA Washing on Report or social security legislation and to Bruce Kramer acknowledging hat the ad hoc committees request had been complied 71th; 12. To D. N. eterson re Security drops for final grades or keepinF office open on Decemb 3 23 and caling attention to certain abnormalities in receiving materials from Registrar's :Office; 13. To Vice P esident Harlwick for transmittal to Admissions and Rgistration Committee re i vestigation of necessity for 7th summer conference. • • RESOLUTION Resolved, th t the Faculty Senate of Texas Tech University urges the Board of Regents o change the age limit on mandatory retirement to aga of 70, and that thi change in retirement policy be enacted as rapidly as possible, far in advance of the required 1982 law. This move wi 1 place the faculty on par with the classified perscanel who in January 1979 will be protected by the new federal law. -- Dr. Harry Jebsen RESOLUTION Whereas many faculty members and students enjoy the carillon music heard periodically on c pus near the Administration Building, and Whereas the ' ime and effort Dr. Judson Maynard and the students Sc end providing this mu -.c is appreciated Be it resolv that the Faculty Senate go on record as supporting the continuation of t carillon mttsic, and Be it resolve that the Faculty Senate go on record as expressing its gratitude to Dr. J dson Maynard and the students who provide the carill p n music. -- Dr. Valerie Chamberlain