exas Tech University

exas Tech University
LUOSOCK, TEXAS 79409 1(806) 742-3856
1Faculty Senate
September 6, 1978
FROM: Margaret Wilson, Presideat
SUBJECT: Agenda foorMeeting #7, September 13, 1978
The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, September 13, 1978, at
3:30 p.m. in the Senate Room of the University Center. The agenda is
as follows:
Minutes of April 27, 1978 Faculty Meeting and May 10, 1978 Senate M eting
Roll sheet for Senators and guests
Corrections on Senate roster
Fall schedule form
Committee oa Committees
Use of Faculty Senate COnference room and services of Office Se retary
Report of Meeting Concerning Charge of Grievance Committee
Letter to E. L. Short
Excerpts fr pm Board of egents Meetings
Excerpts fr pm Academic Council Meetings
New Tech pu.plication
Report of al hoc Committee to Review Texas Tech University's
HVAC Systems
L. Fallmeetings of Agenda Committee
M. Report of rmure Review Committee
N. Ad hoc Committee to Select Faculty to Attend Out-of-Town
Football Games.
III. Report on Faculty Workload- Dr. Jacquelin Collins
IV. Report on Invozations - Drr. Thomas McLaughlin
Faculty Employment Contracts
VI. Equs Resolution- Dr. Ben NeWcomb & Dr. Leon Higdon
VII. Revised Drop-Add Computer Sheets
What shouli be the frequency of the printout?
Should the printout be sent directly to the faculty members or
to the lepartment c airpersons?
VIII. Other Business
A. A roll sheet li ting all senators will be placed at the west entran
of the Senate R om. Please initial your name as you come in. Grac
take the list a the end of the meeting for compiling her list for
minutes of thos present and absent. Guests will be asked to sign
list with name nd position.
If there is a c rrection on the roster of senators on term, phone,
lease advise Grace as soon as possible (2-3656).
chedule for% and return it to Grace Frazior, Facult
it to her at the September meeting. Please block o
y scheduled courses and committee assignments and a
normally unavailable for meetings.
The following S nators have agreed to serve on the Committee on Co
for 1978-79: He en Brittin, HE; Paul Dixon, Education; James Eissin
Herschel Mann, A; George Tereshkovich, Agriculture; Roger Troub, A
Darrell Vines,
Standing and ad
of Mrs. Grace F
so that she can
can reserve the
with Grace.
hoc committees of the Faculty Senate have the servi
azior, offioe secretary, but should inform her of t
arrange her work schedule. Chairpersons of these co ittees
Faculty Senate Conference Room for committee work b scheduling
On 3 June 1978,
Clarence Bell,
Faculty Senate
for Academic Af
for the purpose
parties agreed
Dr. Phelan to s
would allow an
satisfied by th
date the Grieva
those cases corn
should be readi
asking that Dr.
to having facul
and that, prior
be allowed to r
Harley Oberhelman, past chairperson of the Grievance
st president of the Faculty Senate, and Margaret Wi
resident met with President Cecil Mackey, Vice Presi
airs . Charles Hardwick, and Marilyn Phelan, Legal Cou
of reviewing the charge of the Grievance Committee.
the original charge, updated, and President Mackey
rt working on procedures for a "formal" hearing whi
grieved faculty member a route to follow if he/she
investigation/mediation of the Grievance Committee.
e Committee has been exceptionally effective in med
g before it. However, this second step in the prog
prior to a need arising for it. A letter was sent
helan work up such procedures, that consideration b
members involved in some manner in the hearing pro
o dissemination and implementation, the Faculty Sen
iew the procedure.
C. Please fill in
Office, or hand
for all regular
times which are
G. A letter was wri ten to E. L, Short assuring him that the Faculty Se
would be happy t provide input concerning higher education in gener
and Texas Tech i particular if he is elected to the Texas Senate.
ere not
Page 2.
H. Excerpts from B ard of Regents Meetings Board Minutes a e on file in the Faculty Senate Office if any Senato
wishes to perus them in depth.
May 25, 1978 me ting:
1. Approved ap ointment of three individuals to faculty positions w _th
tenure as reco ended by Academic and Student Affairs Committee (una nimous).
Contract wa
awarded for renovation of fire alarm systems in cam
s buildings.
3. Authorized ids to be received for renovation of Old Library Buil ding, for
Department of M thematics and for construction of an addition to the Electrical
Engineering Bui ding for Research and Instruction in Research.
4. Accepted a
id for renovation of Sneed Residence Hall.
5. Approved Tr ffic and Parking regulations for 1978-79.
6. Acknowledge with appreciation the long service of J. William Da 'is as
Faculty Represe tative for Men's Intercollegiate Athletics and appr wed
naming the athl tic dining hall the J. Williams Davis Athletic Dini
7. Approved co struction of a street and parking lot at the Museum to
serve the Ranch ng Heritage Center, construction contingent on recei pt of
gifts for its s pport.
8. Appointed n w members to Board of Directors of the Texas Tech Un_versity
9. Approved th
FY 1979 budget for the University and Museum.
10. Approved a ompulsory Student Service Fee of $1.25/semester cred _t hour
not to exceed $2 for any regular or summer session.
11. Approved .a mpulsory Student Health Service Fee of $15/student e !Ironed
in 4 or more sem ster credit hours during regular semester and $7.50 for each
summer term.
12. Heard a rep rt form Dr. Mackey on compliance with Title IX; rece _ved a
comprehensive WT tten report re same.
June 7, 1978 mee ing:
Approved appoint ent of Richard P. Tamburo as Athletic Director.
August 4, 1978 m eting:
1. Approved stu ent service fee schedules for Groups I-IV.
2. Approved out of-country leaves for seven Tech faculty and adminis rators.
3. Approved the
cademic Workload Policy.
4. Approved the Code of Student Affairs (no changes from last year).
5. Acknowledged Bill Dean as new Executive Director of the Ex-Studen s Assoc.
6. Approved bid
for renovation of Old Library Building and Center a
Page 3.
H. Continued --- E cerpts from Board of Regents Meetings
7. Approved co pletion date for Feedmill at Killgore Beef Cattle Celter at
Pantex; authori ed receipt of bids for a storage facility for hazardous
materials for C emical and Petroleum Engineering; and authorized renovation
of West Hall.
8. Approved a evised Bowl Policy for Men's Intercollegiate Athletics,
including invol ement of Tech Band, cheerleaders, and Masked Rider, and
bonuses for coa hing staff, and joint sponsorship of pre-game recept...on. •
anded out three reports to Regents: (1) Trends in Agricultural
Enrollment; (2) Report on Space Generated by Formula and Actual Space Assigned
in Each College and (3) Progress and Accomplishments for TTU and TTUSM.
10. Elected Mr. Robert . Pfluger as Chairman and Mr. Roy K. Furr as Vice Chairman.
Dr. Williams was presented a plaque in appreciation of his work as Chairman of
the Board.
I. Excerpts from A ademic Coundil Meetings -
Minutes of thes: meetings are on file in the Faculty Senate Office if any
Senator wishes o peruse them in depth.
July 12, 1978 meeting:
1. The Deans w re given materials to develop a department space profile.
Deans will dist ibute_to departments and upon completion will be:ret‘..rned
through deans t the office Of Academic Affairs by August 31. Information
will be obtaine about academic space utilized by departments with te
exceptions of c ssrooms and laboratories. Each department is asked to note
space which is east essential.
2. Deans were sked to submit by August 15 a prioritized list of prcjects for
renovation for
3. There was a
to tertn.contrac
called to the J
rebuttal articl
rief discussion of draft legislative proposals for Loving
arrangements for colleges and universities. Attention was
e/July 1978 Change article on abolishment of tenure and the
which will be printed in a forthcoming issue.
4. Dean Stem n
of the telephon
ed that savings might be effected through review and change
system to utilize options available with the new Centrex
J. A new publicati
published "with
directions in w
copies have bee
members of boar
, "Texas Tech.... a proud tradition of excellence", has been
he intent of providing some historical perspective cf the
ch Texas Tech has been moving." Ken Thompson reports that
provided to active supporters of the University and to
of various support organizations.
ad hoc Committee to Review Texas Tech University's HVAC
A report from t
Systems is on f le in the Senate Office. The committee, composed of Mr.
Marvin Buckberr , Dr. Donald Gustafson, Dr. Duane Jordan, Mr. Fred Wahmeyer, and
Chairman Jerry
msey, reported their findings to Mr. Ken Thompson, Vice
President for A I 1 inistratioA. In brief, the committee suggests a "redesign
of HVAC System
some buildings which may have energy wasteful systLins" and
Page 4.
Continued ...
suggests severe
include determi
consumption; de
water system; s
requirement for
improving facul
personnel and f
efforts which a
his staff "will
looking at alte
steps which should be taken to accomplish this. These
ing the cooling load for each major building by assigning
to those buildings to determine areas of highest energy
ermining if there is a possible imbalance in the chi:led
ecifying energy conservation considerations as a fum.amental
all new construction or renovation of existing space;
input to HVAC considerations, possibly through building
ho would serve as liaison between building maintenacce
culty users; and finally suggested continuance of ter. current
ear effective. In a cover letter Mr. Thompson writ:_s that
egin work immediately on studying your new proposal: and
atives for their implementation."
The Agenda Comm
October 31, and
enclosures with
each meeting.
Since the last
nate meeting the Tenure Review Committee has met only once,
on June 13. Wi on moved, seconded by Collins, that the Committee fcllow the
request of the
culty Senate to make changes in the original policy rather
than rewrite th policy. The motion failed 3-2. The Committee then started
looking at reco III II ended changes from Deans and Tenure & Privilege Committee.
The next meetin is schedulea for September 14.
The ad hoc Commi
was David North
Craig, Engineeri
B. Hubbard, Busi
tee will meet at 3:15 p.m., in the Senate Office, cr . October 3,
ecember 5. Whenever feasible try to get agenda items and/or
he agenda to Grace or a member of the committee pricr to
tee to SeleCt Faculty to Attend Out-of-Town Football Games
gton, A&S, chairperson; B. L. Allen, Agriculture; Jchn P.
g: Alice Denham, Education; J. Hadley Edgar, Law: Ctester
ess Administration; and Joan Kelly, Home Economics
WHEREAS, fac lty and students greatly benefit from intellectual
sdu lation on a campus open to all forms of academic
and rtistic expression;
WHEREAS, the ancellation of the production of two plays, reportk ly
e suggestion of administrative officers, may be an
inf ingement of necessary academic freedom;
the Faculty Senate shall establish an ad hoc
ttee to investigate and report on the cancellation
e plays.
RESOLVED THAI: the members of this committee, when nominated by
the ommittee on Committees, shall be deemed appointed
by e Senate.
this committee may cooperate withany committee
of y campus organization in gathering information, but
it s all report independently of any other committee, and
shalt not necessarily be bound by the findings or conclus ions
of y other committee or organization.
this committee shall report its progress and
find'ngs at ensuing regular meetings of the Faculty Sena