September 7, 1977
heard a disaassion and r
on Academic Freedom, Tenure and Re
as adopted by the Coordinating Boa
Selected a faculty member to appea
Policy Paper #1 1, as adapted in 1
port on proposed changes of Policy Paper
ponsibility (minimum standards for tenur
d, Texas College and University System,
on Tech's behalf at public hearing to u
67, be kept in preference to currently p
heard reports from Commi
academic year, and accepted Annual
following committees; niversity S
Discipline, and Code of Student Aff
Orientation Committees both recomm
of lack of activity. he Faculty
University Benefits Committee was
Committee had a number of recommen
Commencement, Recogniv_on and Soli
few recommendations for considerat
Education Committee reported. The
this committee be abolLshed. The
tee on Committees, carryover business fr
Reports and heard recommendations from t
udent Appeals, Admissions and Retention,
irs.The Orientation of New Faculty and
nded that their committees be abolished
evelopment Committee reported an active
asically inactive. The Retired Faculty
ations. Reports were heard from Charter
iations Committees, each being active, b
on by The Executive Committee. Also the
English Usage Committee's report recomme
ampus Emergency Committee reported littl
passed a motLon to instr ct the Chairperson of the Faculty Counci
a letter to the University Artists and Speakers Committee commending them f
ctober 1967.
ge that
ear. The
d Staff
t having
ed that
to write
their work.
heard reports from the M nority Affairs Committee, the Men's Athl tic Council,
Academic Affairs Committee and Wom n's Athletic Council.
oposed new
passed a motLon to set d tes and places for open hearings on the
Constitution as submitted by the a hoc Committee to Consider a Faculty Sen te.
reviewed draft copy of u iform grade appeals procedure as prepare by the ad
hoc committee and movec to ask the Vice President of Academic Affairs to de y further
action on this matter Ln order tha the Executive Committee members might h y e more
time to study the proposed policy nd make recommendations.
October 12, 1977
received a r*ort by Col ins, who attended the open hearing of th ad hoc
committee of the Coordinating Boar on the proposed change to Policy Paper ) 1 on
Academic Freedom Tenur?. and Respon ibility.
passed a motion to endor e the grade appeals policy and procedure statement
as supplied by the office of the V ce President for Academic Affairs and as modified
by the Student Associa:ion.
passed a motion to reco
end that faculty members of all grade ap eals
Page 2.
committees be selected by a facult
Faculty Council or its successor.
body, preferably the Executive Committee of the
passed a mot on to reco end that the faculty and student represer tation
to all such bodies be qual in num er, excluding the chairperson to be appo' nted
by the Dean.
passed a mot on to reco end that in the case of a graduate studer t, grade
appeals be considered y the under raduate college in which the graduate stt dent is
currently studying and not by the raduate Dean.
passed a mot on to reco
on an ad hoc basis in
college or
end that grade appeals committees could
e selected
heard a repo t of the ad hoc Committee to Consider a Faculty Senat e, and
received a slightly re ised versio of a draft of the proposed Constitution of the
Faculty Senate.
heard recomme dations tha the matter of replacing the Faculty Cour cil by the
Faculty Senate, as def ned by the onstitution, be placed on the agenda of t he Faculty
Council meeting called for Novembe 1, 1977.
passed a mot
a Faculty Senate with
of the Faculty Senate
ship of the Faculty Co
Council and after ra4i
Board of Regents. Upo
its Constitution shall
on to accep
revised ve
hall become
ncil then p
ication by
the Consti
the report of the ad hoc Committee to Cc nsider
sion of Article VIII which reads: "The ( onstitution
effective when adopted by a majority of he memberesent and voting at a called meeting of he Faculty
he President of the University and appro‘ al by the
ution's becoming effective, the Faculty F. enate and
unc pro tunc for the Facutly Council and its Charter."
voted unanim us approval of a motion to commend the ad hoc Commit ee to
Consider a Faculty Sen te members n their many years of work to finally pr duce a
workable document, and to do this y acclamation.
heard a repo t from the
d hoc Committee to Review the Tenure Pol Cy.
November 9, 1977
heard a repo t from the
d hoc Committee to Review the Tenure Pol cy.
heard a repo t from the ommittee on Committees and passed a motic n to
forward the Committee n Committee s list of nominees to fill vacancies on t he Code
of Student Affairs Co ittee, Libr ry Committee, and Convocations Committee to the
proper vice presidents
was informed of the merg 3 of the Admissions and Retentions Commit tee and the
it tee
Admissions and Registr tion Commit ee and that it is no longer a standing c
of the Faculty Council but a TTU ommittee. This was done on the recommen ation
of the Faculty Council
It was al o the recommendation of the Faculty Coun il that
the orientation For Ne Faculty Co U ittee be abolished and this has been do e.
passed a mot on to name he Committee on Committees' nominee to f 11 the
vacancy from the Colle e of Busine s Administration on the Grievance Commit ee, a
Page 3.
standing committee of
he Faculty
heard the Vi e President for Academic Affairs report on the progr ss of the
Grade Appeals Policy a d Procedure
heard a repo t from the ice President for Academic Affairs on Pla
Review of Tenured Fac lty which s ecified the various evaluations which ar
faculty members.
made of
December 14, 1977
heard a repo t on the el ction which resulted in the establishmen of a
Faculty Senate and una imous appro al by the Board of Regents on December 2 I 1977.
passed a mot on that Fac lty Council officers and committees be c tinued as
Faculty Senate officer and commit ees.
passed a mot on which de ermined the manner in which the present bership
of the Faculty Senate ill be enla ged to bring it into conformity, to the tent
possible, with its Con titutional ize and composition.
passed a mot on to autho ize the Election Committee to proceed wii the
election, draw names b bilt to det mine who gets terms expiring in three y rs,
and that the lottery b contrived
that anomalies will not exist.
passed an am ndment to t
above motion, stating that at the same
Election Committee, in the same el tion, should secure replacements for th
representatives whose erms of off i e expire in 1978, but that they not tak
seats until May, 1978.
heard arevie
of the legi lative actions affecting Texas Tech.
directed the
a meeting place for th
resident of the Faculty Senate to appoint a committ
Faculty Sen te, and
appoint a co
Faculty Senate.
ittee to wr te a set of bylaws for the consideratio
heard a repo
nominee to the Grievan
from the C mmittee on Committees and approved one
heard a repo
ime the
to secure
of the
rson as a
from the T nure Review Committee.
January 18, 1978
heard a repor from the C mmittee on Committees and moved to reco end that
the Committee on Commit ees be prep red to submit names of nominees to fill acancies on
the Grievance Committee
heard a repor
the Faculty Senate.
from the a
hoc committee appointed to select a mee ing place for
Page 4.
passed a mot on to appoi t an ad hoc committee to study the questi on of
invocations at Univers ty-related .ffairs.
discussed le gth of term of new senators and
passed a mot on recommen ing a method by which the length of term: of the
new senators would be etermined.
February 8, 1978
passed a mot on to endor e a resolution directing the President of the Faculty
Senate to write a lett 3 to the Pr sident of the University stating the Fac-. lty Senate's
views on the need for mprovement n the heating, ventilating and air condit ioning systems.
passed a mot on to forwa d to the President of the University the name of
one nominee to fill th vacancy on the Student Publications Committee, and t wo nominees
to fill the vacancies n the Griev nce Committee.
heard a repo t from the
the Senate that approv 1 had been
heard a repo t from the
ommittee charged to find a meeting room . nd informing
iven for use of the Senate Room in the Ur iversity
enure Review Committee.
heard sugges ions and di cussion with reference to a paper entitle d "Senate
Operating Procedures" istributed ith the February 8, 1978 Agenda.
discussed ru es and guid lines under which the Faculty Development
heard excerp
President of the Facul
members to participate
discussed the possibil
committee of the Facul
Senate passed a motion
study and requested a
s of a lett
in therwf
ty that the
y Senate co
to refer th
eport on th
3 from the President of the University
itten to the
essing the need for an advisory group of faculty
of matters related to the Academic Budge t and
0(1 -get Advisory Committee, which is now a standing
id become a University Academic Budggt Co uncil. The—
matter to the committee on Committees fc 3 further
matter at the next Senate meeting.
March 8, 1978
reviewed the results of he recent Faculty Senate elections.
heard excerp s of a lett 3 from the President of the University re questing
a general faculty meet ng in April 1978.
heard a repo t from the
heard a repo t on Facult
enure Review Committee.
Merit Raises from the Vice President for Academic
examined the charge of t e Academic Budget Council, which the Comr ittee on
Committees proposed to replace the Faculty Senate standing committee, the B get
Advisory Council, and assed a mot on to approve the cttargg of the Academic Budget Council as distributed
heard discus ion of facu ty retirement policies at Texas Tech, and passed a
motion to refer this m tter to the Benefits and Retirement Committee.
Page 5.
heard a repo t from the
Workloads and Small Cl sses.
oordinating Board's Advisory Committee or Faculty
April 12, 1978
heard a repo t from the ice President for Administration explain' ng matters
concerning the heating ventilatin and air conditioning system.
accepted the Committee o
vacancies will be fill d.
Committees' slate of nominees from whic
passed a mot on to refer the list of nominees from which vacancie on the
Athletic Council are t be filled ack to the Committee on Committees for f rther
passed a mot on instruct
of nominees to fill co ittee vaca
th the agen
the list of nominees
and college of the nom nee to be i
passed a mot on to reces
ng the Committee on Committees to presen their list
cies to the Faculty Senate in writing, d stributing
a prior to the meeting and requiring the full name
cluded on the list.
this meeting and to reconvene on Wednesc ay, April 19,
April 19, 1978
heard a cont nuation o
April 12th meeting and
he report from the Committee on CommitteE s from the
passed a mot on to forwa d a slate of six names to the office of he President
of the University as n minees from which vacancies on the Athletic Council . hould be filled.
passed a mot on to table until the next meeting a motion establist ing guidelines for the soliciat on of candi ates for membership on various committee
New officers
held electio of Faculty Senate officers for the year 1978-1979.
elected were Margaret ilson, Pres dent; Otto Nelson, Vice President; and G. ry Elbow,
heard a repo t from the enure Review Committee and passed a motic n to recommend
that the Tenure Review Committee r write its tenure draft policy in the fora of an amended
version of the existin tenure pol cy rather than in the form of a new tenu: e policy.
passed a mot on to reco end that no action be taken by the Tenure Review
Committee on the tenur policy unt 1 this amended version of the tenure poll cy is completed.
examined a c py of the p oposed bylaws as distributed by the ad he c committed
charged with the draft ng of new b laws, and passed a motion to adopt the boi laws as
distributed, with mino amendments from the floor.
passed a mot on to instr ct the Faculty Senate President to appoir t an ad hoc
committee to study the matter of r tirement policies at Texas Tech.
heard a repo
at the University of T
to acknowledge the rec
Otto Nelson for presen
t and analy
xas, and pa
ipt of the
ing and co
is of grade inflation prepared by the Foe ulty Senate
sed a motion to instruct the Faculty Send te President
niversity of Texas document and to thank Professor
enting on this document.
Page 6.
examined cop es of two n wspaper articles, along with a copy of a
prepared by a member o the Facult Senate concerning the matter of profess
and, passed a motion t send a let er similar to the one circulated among t
state legislators, mem ers of the oordinating Board of the State College a
System, Tech's Board o Regents an others deemed appropriate by the Presid
Faculty Senate.
3 absenteeism
e Senators to
d University
nt of the
passed a mot on stating hat "henceforth a candidate whose name a pears on the
ballot shall consent, n writing i a space provided on the information she t, to having
his/her name appear on the ballot nd agree to serve if elected to the Facu ty Senate.
May 10, 1978
passed a mot on to recon ider the matter of sending a letter conc rning
professors' absenteesi as previou ly directed. Passed a motion directing the President
of the Faculty Senate ot to send he letter concerning professors' absente sim.
passed a mot on outlinin
to serve on University committees.
certain guidelines on procedures for norinating persons
passed a mot on to appro e the charge of the Academic Affairs and Status
Committee as distribut d.
passed a mot on to accep the slate of nominees presented by the Committee on
Committees for the ad oc Retireme t Investigation Committee, ad hoc Committee to Select
Faculty to Attend Out- f-Town Foot all Games, and the Academic Affairs and Status Committee.
passed a mot on instruct 'rig the President of the Faculty Senate to write a letter
to the President of th University calling his attention to the fact that the Affirmative
Action Committee has n t met this ear.
heard a repo t from the
Faculty Workload Polic •
ice President for Academic Affairs concerning the
passed a mot on to endor e the recommendations of the ad hoc Committee on
Invocations and to for ard the rec
endations to the office of the President of the
passed a mot on to comme
which he has carried o the duties
passed a mot
to the registrar's off
Affairs and to the Off
asking for a delay in
the mailing and handli
the President of the University for the manner in
f his office during this first year and a half as
on to direct the President of the Faculty Senate to write a letter
ce, with cop es to the office of the Vice President f p'. Academic
ce of the Pr sident of the University, conveying a rEaolution
he implement tion of the computerized reporting system which replaces
g of drop sl *ps.
heard expres ions of appr ciation and commendations to senators wh p are
completing their term of office.
Page 7.
November 1, 1977
heard a brie history of the faculty governance at Texas Tech and a short
review of the proposed constitutio for a Faculty Senate form of government
passed a mot on to decla e a quorum present by resolution.
passed a mot
"The Constitution
majority of the member
meeting of the Faculty
and after ratification
of Regents."
on to amend
of the Facu
hip of the
Council and
by the Pres
Article VIII, Adoption and Ratification o read:
ty Senate shall become effective when ad pted by a
acuity Council then present and voting a a called
adopted by a mail vote of eligible votin faculty,
dent of the University and approved by t e Board
passed a mot on to adopt the proposed Constitution, as amended.
April 27, 1978
President Ma
general faculty meetin
achievements have been
references to the Tenu
the funding of organiz
of the legislature for
at Tech. He expressed
workloads and the buil
key spoke t
called by
out standin
e Review Co
d research;
the funding
hope for th
ing program
a group of about 130 faculty members at
he Faculty Senate and recognized faculty
. _110 reviewed events of the past year w
ittee's work in reviewing the present t
progress at the medical school; and the
of both a College of Nursing and a Colle
continued interest of the legislature i
er at Tech.
he first
h specific
ure policy;
of Pharmacy
In the minutes of the General acuity meeting of April 27 the last sentence in p ragraph 3 on page 2 should read "In the Appropriati
Request for the next 1 islative se sion, approximately $900,000 is being r
to make modifications o accommodat handicapped persons:,oncampus.'"
In the "discussio draft" from the Office of Academic Affairs, Texas T
University, Academic W • I kload - in he chart labeled Faculty Workload Summa
the load equivalents
the second ection should read "portion of course s
credit hours per stude
enrollment /I
Respectfully submitted,
Roland E. Smith, Secretary
Faculty Senate (1977-1978)