Texas Tech University LUBBOCK, TEXAS 79409 /(806) 742-3656 Faculty Senate May 5, 1978 MEMBERS OF TLE FACULTY SENATE TO: FROM: Clarence A. Jell, President SUBJECT: Agenda fol meeting #6, May 10, 1978 The Faculty Senate will meet on Wednesday, May 10, 1978, at 3:30 p.n in the Senate Room cf the University Center. The agenda is as follows: I. Minutes of meetLng #5, April 12 and 19, 1978 II. Announcements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Procedure on Appointments to University Committees - Professor Eli III. IV. V. VI. Appointments to Committee on Committees Appointment of Parliamentarian: Professor Richard Cheatham Appointments to ad hoc Committee on Retirement Policies Election Results: Tenure & Privilege Committee and Faculty Dev lopment Committee Academic Council Minutes Letter on Professors' Absenteeism Report of Comml.ttee on Committees - Professor Darrell Vines Tenure Policy Review - Professor Benjamin Newcomb Faculty Workload Policy - Vice President Charles Hardwick Report of Invocations Committee - Professor Neale Pearson VII. VIII. Commendation - Professor Cliff Keho IX. Other Business Ends. beth Sasser ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Appointmen s to Committee on Committees The Bylaw of the Faculty Senate direct the President to appoi members to the Committee on Committees. Since this is the last mee Lng of the Senate or this year, I have asked the members who had been serving on the committee during this academic year to continue to s fve and to become he new Committee on Committees. The members are: Darrell Vines, Helen Brittin, Jim Eissinger, Max Manley, Roland Smi a, George Tereshk vich, and Charles Wade. 2. Appointmen of a Faculty Senate Parliamentarian Again in ccordance with our bylaws, I have asked Dr. Richard Cheatham to se ve as Parliamentarian for the Faculty Senate and he has accepted t e appointment. 3. Appointmen s to ad hoc Committee on Retirement Policies In accord nce with action by the Faculty Senate, the process of establishin an ad hoc committee to study the matter of retireme policies at Te as Tech has been initiated. 4. Election R suits Election esults for the Tenure and Privilege Committee and Fa ulty Development Co ittee will be know and announce at the Faculty Sena e meeting. 5. Academic C uncil Minutes Minutes o the April 11 and 24, 1978 meetings of the Academic Council are av ilable in the faculty Senate Office. Some excerpts are included b low. From the A workload. prepared re the encoura of workload Board has h advisory co faculty wor pril 11 meeting: engthy discussion was held regarding facult nformation was distributed which Dr. Jones ad and arding the need for equitability of worklo ement of research. It was agreed that restatement policies might be premature until the Coor inating d time to act upon the recommendations of i:s ittee which is now reviewing the question of load and small classes. Th tentative supervisors manual for affirmat ye Iterial action was iscussed. Deans were asked to review the and be prep red to act upon a check list for faculty r zruitment at the next Academic Council. Page 2. Announcements conti ued It was nnounced that apparently some 3.62% of the advalorem tax funds which beci a availablO may be expected to be allocated to Texa Tech University if he court su# to broaden the distribution of these f is not successful. Deans classes from a for each daily from faculty an benefits and pr beginning hour. From the April The te Comments were s committee. Wri Hardwick before whether the rev Academic Counci re asked to consider changing the time of 30 a.m. beginning to an 8:00 a.m. beginnin cle. Deans were asked to obtain feedback department chairpersons as to the relative lems which might be caused by changing the 25 meeting; ure policy revision dOcument was discussed licited from deans to the tenure policy re jew ten comme#ts were requested to be sent to May 12, 1078. A question was raised as to ew committee draft should be referred to t before it is submitted to the President. A revi ed draft Of a check list for faculty recru was distributed . Deans were asked to'review and make comm at the next Aca emic Council meeting. Several questions w raised pertaini g to development of job descriptions for f volved about the elements to be included, The questions scription and advertising. extent of the The po a.m. to 8:00 a. it was difficul classes might b time and take a indicated that change to be ma maintenance of sible change in beginning class times from • was discussed briefly. It was pointed o to fill Classes in late afternoon and th of benefit to some individuals who work f limited number of hours. In general, fee ost chairpersons appeared to be willing fo e and that there was no strong feeling for he 7:30 beginning hour. tment ts re culty. he :30 that early, 1 ck the he A dis ussion draft related to faculty workload, w ich "AV.was prepared b Dean Anderson, was distributed. Deans wer asked WWWWW Page 3. Announcements conti to consider exam les of academic equivalencies and be prepa to discuss the d aft at the next meeting. ... A revis d memorandum relating to selection of chai . persons and asso iate deans was distributed. A propo al for the development of a College of Fin Arts was distrib ted and discussed briefly. Deans were ask to be prepared t make a recommendation on the request at t next Academic co ncil meeting. Dr. Har wick drew attention to the need for facult acceptance for p ofessional responsibilities. The Faculty concern for this matter waS recognized. nate's 6. Professors' Abse teeism As directed by action of the Senate, the letter on professors' abse eeism has been revised and an appropriate mailing is being prepared. The lette in revised form is atta hed to this communication.