March 9, 1977 Meeting W 83 tive Committee. ty Council NUTES The Executive Commit e of the Fa ulty Council met Wednesday, March 9, 19 Board Room with Chairma Collins pre iding. Members present were: Burford, C. Bell, Cummins, Dais , Keho, Kelly Kimmel, McPherson, Manley, Nelson, Smi Tereshkovich, Terrell, ines, Wade, nd Wilson. Present as guests were: Dr President, Texas Tech U iversity; V e President for Academic Affairs, Charl Floyd Perry, Jr., Assoc ate Vice Pt ident And Dean of Admissions and Record of the University Daily Max Lennon, Chairman of the Academic Status Committ Klocko, Director of Per onnel Reiat ons; and Pat Williams, a gradute student Ch. Collins called t e Meeting t in the tewart, , Strauss, Cecil Mackey, Hardwick; Kim Cobb, ; Richard order at 3:40 and welcomed the guests. I. MINUTES OF THE FEBR ARY 9, 1977 MEETING Smith requested tha under Item I. B.', on page 3, line 4, of the Februar 9, 1977 Minutes, the word "woul " be change to "could". McPherson moved that the m flutes be accepted as amended. S rauss secon ed the motion and it passed. II. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM HE CHAIR ollins to Mr. Peterson thanking him for ester grades to the various instruction sheet including distribution instructio d that such information had been added grade reports. ending units, and letter the cover- (b) A letter was wr ten to Dr. ackey requesting that a committee be ap look into ways of cons ving energy . Dr. Mackey replied that an ad hoc gra conservation had been • oking into his for quite some time, but apparently publicized sufficientl its efforts nor its desire to receive suggestions. this existing group, D Mackey is eluctant to appoint another. inted to for energy as not ecause of . A letter was wri computer printouts af f but expressing the nee code explanations. Ch. sheet included with th (c) From the minute read in part. "A disc It was agreed that gui lines." Ch. Collins r lines when they are co Hardwick agreed and as Vines inquired if t Student'Gtade.Appeals. ad hoc committee. Dea Vice President for Aca colleges. This will b from the ad hoc commit included in hearings w reasonably sure thAt a ' and students. Smith questioned th ten by Ch. nal fall s for a coave Collins not mid-semeste of the Acad mic Council meeting of February 22, 197 , Ch. Collins ssion was h d in regard to the appointment of Adjun Professors. elines are eded. Academic Affairs Office will pre re guidequested tha Dr. Hardwick send this committee a copy f guidepleted and at the committee be allowed to comment them. ed that the request be made in writing. ere had bee Hardwick re s have been emic Affair subject to ee. Vines ich involve 1 procedure discussion in the Academic Council meet lied that he has yet to receive a report asked to establish and file in the offic a procedure for grade appeals in each o review after receiving the report and re xpressed a strong feeling that instructo them. Hardwick agreed and reported tha on file in his office include both facu establishm nt of an ad hoc committee rather than a g of from this of the their ommendations s should be he was ty members tanding • Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 2. March 9, 1977 Meeting # 83 committee in the matter Df grade app,sals. Hardwick replied that the Academi Affairs Committee chose not to study the mat:er as a committee, but preferred the cr tion of an ad hoc committee, two members of which are members of the Academic Affair Committee. The ad hoc committee will report ba:k to the Academic Affairs Committee and :hrough it to the Faculty Council EXecutive Committee. Ch. Collins, again reading from tae minutes of the Academic Council, rela Council's discussion of a number of :ontingency contracts to be offered to f summer employment. The target date for the issuing of all summer contracts C. Bell asked whether the March 1 target date had been met. Hardwick report had. III. SPECIAL REPORT - ad the :ulty for as March 1. i that it PRESIDENT MAZ,KEY At this point in the meeting Ch. collins departed from the printed agenda to welcome President Mackey, and invited him to brief the Executive Committee on his re ant appearances before legislative committees in Austin. Dr. Mackey reported that Tech representatives have now appeared before th appropriate sub-committee of the House Committee on Higher Education and before the -nate ttee. Finance Committee and have yet to appear before the House Appropriations Co The new process is that the Committtee on Higher Education makes recommendat ns to iations the Appropriations Committee and it then takes a two thirdsvote of the Appro Committee to change those recommendations. This new procedure gives conside ably more weight to the Committee on Higher Education than had previously been the cas • He added that we don't know yet uhat the scope of the final hearing will be in the Ap opriations d comment Committee. We probably will get a full hearing and we may get to listen to on the presentation by the Committee on Higher Eduction to the Appropriation Committee. Dr. Mackey said he WES pleased with the general reception Tech received a that Tech had prepared E little more thoroughly than did some of the institu received a number of reactions, all favorable. feels ons. He He noted that the twc bills under consideration are quite similar but tha the House area. bill is less desirable for Tech, primarily because of its cuts in the resear The House bill would giIe Tech only half of this year'sJevel in the categor of organized research. The House still acts is though it is going to do something fairly dramatic in terms of workload. They will probably cut the faculty salary budgetby some amount in each institution, based on their asEessment of the way the workload was hand ed last year. Dr. Mackey indicated that faculty salaries is one of Tech 's most critical needs and that he emphasized this in his presentations. He reported that: the insurance bill, which would improve the overall in urance benefits for faculty, is coming alors nicely; it is still unclear whether or not the in pretty governor will classify -.he utilities problem as an emergency; and that we at fair shape in the appropriations bill in terms of special items. Ch. Collins thanked ?resident Mackey for coming and returned to the busin ss in the printed agenda. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 3. March 9, 1977 Meeting # 83 II. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Cont.) The Chairman noteri that one a enda item had been receiVeeL:atthikAat totLthe (d) Faculty council meeting p n April 5. This item is the Nelson Amendment,:Antr uced at the Fall Meeting, whi2h would cha ge the designated chairpersons for Facu :y Council meetings. (e) Ch. Collins called attention :o the April 13 meeting as being the tim election of officers Of the Executiv a Committee of the Faculty Council. for the to the Ch. Collins observed that copies of minutes of various committees corn Faculty Council Office and that it is his business to read these and to brin to the attention of this committee such matters that he feels are of particular int est. With this in mind he read from the Tanure and Privilege Committee minutes dat February 21, 1977: "After brief discussion, it was the sense of the elected members of the Committee that the 'committee' referred to in Part IV, Paragraph 8, of the published tenure policy (Faculty Handbook 1976-77, p. 47) is, in accordance with past practice, the Texas Tech University Tenure and Privilege Committee or a committee appointed by the Texas Tech University Tenure and Privilege Committee. Responding to a requEst for interpretation of Item B-3 of the published Interpretations, Rulings, and Comments by the Committee on Tenure and PriVilege(Faculty Handbook 1976-77, p. 49),_tit was the sense of the Committee that the phrase 'all years of full-time past service at Texas Tech University' refers only to past service in a tenure-acquiring position interrupted by periods et non-employment at Texas Tech University. Dr. Hardwick was recorded aE not voting on the foregoing interpretation. It was moved and seccnded that the Committee make the following Ruling pertaining to the Texas Tech University Tenure Policy: 'Prior years of full-time service at Teas Tech University in a non-tenure-acquiring position will be appliec toward the probationary period for admission to tenure only when the prLor service is in the position of visiting assistant professor, visiting asscciate professor, orvisitionprofessor, and when the visiting faculty member's resporsibilites are similar to those of a regular faculty member of the same tank in the same Department, College or School." Discussion followed. Strausaincuired if any other action was required t make such rulings final. Ch Collins stLted that, in his opinion, it is the Tenu a and Privilege Committee's verogative to interpret:policy. Others, ipcludirig Dr: Hardwick, were less poa_tive. Ch. Collins asserted that someone had to inte pret policy 7,_-. that this coul_d not be a matter of uncertain negotiation-- and tha i. this matter should be settled and known. Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 4. March 9, 1977 Meeting #83 ACADEMIC STATUS CO4IITTEE RECOMMENDATION OF FEBRUARY 4 1977 - Max Lennon IV. Ch. Collins read one ?aragraph of a letter from Dr. Max Lennon, Chairman of the Academic Status Committea... "We of the Academic Status Committee believe that the securing of an able faculty is a major factor in the development and maintenance of a university. As the securing of such a faculty requires both thoughtful planning and efficient exacution, the Academic Status Committee re:ommends that written policy ba developed governing the hiring of facul:y. To care for the diversity whi:h exists within this university we propcae that each college and school, and each department within each college )r school which is sa subdivided, write its own faculty hiring policy. Such policy should set forth both zriteria and procedure. As the faculties in the various disciplines era uniquely placed to know and evaluate thair fellow scholars, such policy should provide for maximum faculty participation." Cummins asked for an explication of this recommendation. Lennon responded by saying that the committee feels that it would be impossible to have a uniforu policy for the university;; that this would be too restrictive. The committee reco ends that each department within each college or school write its own hiring poli Klocko called attention to the fat that procedures in hiring should conf nn to Affirmative Action guidelines. Discussion arose as to how this should be ha It was moved by Cummins that with the addition of the words "the faculty at the end of line 7, this committee endorse this statement and send it to t Vice President for Academic Affairs for implementation. The motion passed REPORT OF AD HOC OOMMITTEE ON FACULTY COUNCIL CHARTER REVISION - C. Be V. Bell reported that the work of this committee is moving very slowly at th 3 time due to the difficulty of scheduling neetings with President Mackey and with ice President Hardwick. Relatively little progress has been made in resolving sane of the differences of opinion concerning the role of A Faculty Senate in a universi y. Bell is not optimistic concerning the timely movement of this procedure, but is s ill hope fulsomething will be wcrked out. Burford asked what tle problem areas seemed . to be. Bell replied that he sitated to speak for President Packey and Vice President Hardwick, but he felt that the major problem is a question of emphasis on the Senate as an extension of the faculty or as a body which advises the }resident. Hardwick stated the issue is a question of jurisdiction. VI. REPORT OF COMMITTIE ON COMMITTEES - Smith Smith asked that Challes Wade be permitted to report first on the Budget Advisory Committee. Wade stated that this ccmmittee has met twice, once with President Mackey and oncewith Vice Presic.ent for Administrative Affairs, Kenneth Thompson; and that apparently no substantive decisiona:were made. Discussion followed on the possitility that officers of committees should meet with Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 5. March 9, 1977 Meeting it 83 all to be informed on the work of the committee. The liaison persons in order for idea that chairpersons ol standing committees should be members of the Faculty Senate was memtioned again. Smith handed out a rezision of the draft recommendations which he distribw:ed at the last Executive Committee meeting. He called attention to specific change; (green sheet) and he alsb passed out a sample of charges that have already been written (white sheet) aril a list (blue sheet) of new committees. Smith said "le would welcome reactions to these revisions and that he still has some editing to do on,the committee charges. Ch. Collins foresees negotiations with the PresLdent's office and many details to be worked out before the Committee on Committees can finalize its work. He expressed hop a this could be done before the April 13 meeting of the Executive Committae so that racommendations for committee appointments could be ready in May (since tat is the last scheduled meeting of this committee). Strauss suggested that this commi:tee study these revisions within a given time and submit comments to Smith. He also suggested that one item be added to 3ection I., and that it read "No faculty or staff member of a committee shall derive any benefits due solely to membership on that committee." He feels it is his duty as a fa:ulty member to serve on committees without receiving special favors. (Copies of the revised draft are available in the Faculty Council Office or from members of the Executive Committee.) C. Bell questioned the manner in which the Athletic Department fits within7the University. Ch. Collins agreed to try to find the answer to this question before the next meeting of this committee. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Ch. Collins had one item to bring before the committee concerning the operation of the bookstore. He read from the minutes of the Academic Affairs Committee which refer to the bookstore: "It %as recommended that a standing student/faculty committee of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Cauncil be established as an advisory bodY in the policy and administraticn of the bookstore." br. Ewalt is anxious to have such a committee and both he ard Dr. Valerie Chamberlain, Chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee, think it would be appropriate for this committee to recommend to the President that there be such a committee; and that it be an interim committee, acting from now until September 1, at which time the Committee on Committees would be in a position to recommend tlat it be established on a permanent basis. Nelson moved that this committee recommend the establishement of such a committee. McPherson seconded the notion and it passed. March 9, 1977 Meeting #83 Executive Committee Faculty Council Page 6. Strauss moved adjour ni ent. McPh rson seconded and the motion passed. Th meeting adjourned at 5:4 p.m. pect 11 submitted, S William A. Stewart, Secretary Executive Committee Faculty Council 3/16/77 /gf Revised copy of draft re ommendation sample of committee char es, and list of new committe on file in the Faculty Council 0 fice "%ai.Nt. iiKegplatinmg. • • • ••••,%--' come