. Executive Committee October 18, 1976 Faculty Council Meetin; #78

. Executive Committee
Faculty Council
October 18, 1976
Meetin; #78
The Executive Comm
in the Board Room with
were present: Collins,
Kimmel, Mogan, Nelson,
Academic Vice President
present were: Registra
Arnold Gully, Prof. Wm.
Mr. R. Klocko.
ttee of the
Burford, St
mith, Strau
Charles Ha
, D.N. Pete
Andrews, Pr
Faculty Council met October 13, 1976 at :30 p.m.
acquelin Collins presiding. The followirz members
wart, C. Bell, R. Bell, Cummins, Keho, KUly,
s, Tereshkovich, Terrell, Vines, Wade an. Wilson.
dwick represented the Administration. Also
son, Kim Cobb of the University Daily, Dan
f. Harry Jebsen, Julie Martin, Jim Blakely and
Ch. Collins called the meeting to order and recognized the guests.
1. Ch. Collins ailed for t e approval of the Minutes of the September 8, 1976
meeting. Prof. Burford moved appro al, Prof. Terrell seconded, and the moticn passed.
2. Ch. Collins nnounced th following committee appointments for this academic
year: Roland Smith - C airman of t e Committee on Committees, Clara McPherscn Affirmative Action Coun il, and Day d Cummins - Chairman of the Trustees of the Academic
Excellence Fund.
3. Ch. Collins
last meeting, he has wr
the Grievance Committee
which the Executive Co III
recommended by the Exec
eported tha
tten a lett
in which h
ittee debat
tive Commit
4. Ch. Collins
garding the faculty's c
Committee that there be
faculty in the conserva
lso reporte that he has written a letter to Mr. Wehneyer, rencern of th energy crisis, and the wish of the Executive
faculty inp t if there should be decisions regarding the
ion of ener y.
5. Ch. Collins
committees whose annual
Committee. He reported
of their recommendation
of the status of their
of these committees for
that the appreciation o
It was requested that a
endorsement be brought
would be presented at t
asked for guidance as t
Executive Committee to
reports to the Faculty
its desire for the Ch
as requeste to write letters to the chairpersons of the
reports wer presented at the last meeting of the Executive
that he has done this. Before doing so, he checked on all
to see wha their status was. In addition to advisLAng them
arious reco endations, Ch. Collins thanked the chat iersons
the work do e by them and their committee members, a II asked
the Execut ve Committee be expressed to each commit e member.
y recommend tions that would benefit from Executive • mmittee
o the Execu lye Committee. Ch. Collins reported tha only one
e meeting t • day, and it appears on the agenda as It - ti #3. He
whether or not letters should be sent from the Ch. f the
11 committe chairpersons whose committees submitted annual
ouncil offi e last spring. The Executive Committee •pressed
to write s ch letters.
Ch. Collins
meeting of U
Board Room.
the chairper
committee st
eported to he Executive Committee that on Monday, S 4 * tember
iversity Co ittee chairpersons and the Committee on Committees
The major p rt of the meeting was a discussion betwe
ons. Out o this came the rather definite idea that
ucture is d e for an extensive study and overhaul.
27, 1976 a
met in the
Mackey and
, as requested by the Executive Committee at its
3 to Dr. Mackey regarding the proposed charge of
enclosed a copy of the minutes of the meeting at
d the matter, and also a copy of the charge as
ee. At this time, there is nothing further to
Executive Committee Min tes
7. Ch. Collins
have been appointed, ap
that notification is go
of their respective co
Octobe 18, 1976
eported tha the student members of the University c mmittees
roved by th Student Senate, acted upon by the Presi ent, and
ng out to c mmittee Chairpersons as to who the stude t members
ittees are.
8. The United W y campaign
faculty members.
s in progress. Ch. Collins urged the su port of
9. Ch. Collins
there is to be a major
registration procedures
a technical study commi
done. When this techni
the Registration Commit
the faculty.
eported on
tudy on the
At this t
tee to come
al study ha
ee, and at
he last Academic Council meeting. He St
possibilities of pre-registration, or co
me, Academic Vice President Hardwick is
up with possibilities and models of what
been completed, their findings will be
his point there may be more specific inp
ted that
might be
iven to
t from
10. Ch. Collins
Henceforth, the Academi
the Deans of instructio
and Research Studies.
done by those people wh
leaving the Academic Co
Ch. Collins. Ch. Colli
and that he trusts that
Faculty Council Executi
faculty will be transmi
stated that from the fi
the new structure to be
minutes of the Academic
the Executive Committee
Executive Committee. P
Pres. Mackey has a plan
have an information cen
anyone who would like t
what the outcome of thi
lso reporte
Council co
al Colleges
he purpose
are more d
ncil, among
s expressed
the lines o
e Committee
ted through
st meeting
Council mee
of. Nelson
underway at
er where th
see them.
plan will
that the Academic Council has been rest
sists of the Academic Vice President, hi
and Schools, and the Vice President for
f this restructuring is to have the deci
rectly concerned with it. Thus, a few p
those being the Executive Committee Chai
his feelings that this structure was ver
communication between the Administratio
will be such that any matters of importa
the Executive Committee. Vice President
nder the new structure held October 12,
The Faculty Council office will routine
ings. Prof. C. Bell moved that the Chai
he Academic Council minutes to the membe
econded. Vice President Hardwick stated
the present time in terms of which he is
minutes in question will possibly be av
He asked that the Executive Committee wa
ople are
and the
ce to the
e gauged
y receive
an of
s of the
going to
liable to
t to see
Prof. Burford re uested that the Executive Committee take a "wait and see"
The Execu ive Committee voted -on the motion that t e Ch.
attitude on this matter
distribute minutes of t e Academic ouncil to the members of the Executive C
The results were 6 for, 10 opposed, with 1 abstention. The motion failed.
Prof. Stewart ur
consequences of more is
sibility for them, and
Committee might charge
Executive Committee on
Hardwick stated that Pr
tion, and that the minu
Collins accepted the ch
Executive Committee.
ed the Exec
lated consi
o provide i
he Ch. with
he minutes
s. Mackey's
es will be
rge of repo
tive Committee members to think about th possible
eration of academic issues and our mutua responput. Prof. Cummins suggested that the E ecutive
reading the minutes and then reporting t the
t each Executive Committee meeting. Vic President
administration is going to be an open ad inistraCh.
vailable to anyone who wants to see them
ting on the Academic Council minutes to he
Prof. Stewart mo
reconsider allowing the
meetings. Prof. C. Bel
to accept the motion, i
that is not necessary.
tation but simply appro
the Academic Council me
ed that the
Ch. of the
seconded t
that it ml
Prof. C. Be
3 ate that
tings. Pro
Executive Committee ask the administrati
ecutive Committee to attend the Academi
e motion. Prof. Cummins felt it would b
ht create a confrontation with the admin
I expressed the opinion that it is not a
he Executive Committee Chairperson shoul
. Wilson asked Ch. Collins for his feeli
n to
strat ion
confronat tend
gs on
Executive Committee Min tes
this issue. Ch. Collin
Prof. Strauss moved tha
Administration to recon
the Academic Council me
consider it. Prof. Bur
with 1 abstention. The
feels that
the Execut
ider the de
tings, unti
ord seconde
motion to t
Octobe 18, 1976
things are being done the way they shoul be done.
ve Committee table the previous motion t ask the
etion of the Executive Committee Chairpe son from
such a time that it might become necess ry to re. The results of the vote was: 10 for, 6 opposed,
ble the motion was passed.
11. There is a F culty Counc 1 meeting scheduled for October 28 at 3: 5 in the
University Center Ballr om. The de dline for getting agenda items to the Fa ulty
Council Office is Octob 3 18.
At the last meet
committees. Ch. Collin
recommendations from ea
support and endorsement
tion at this time. Tha
Committee that the Code
committee that a comple
Committee support the C
seconded. The motion p
ng, Prof.
was asked
h committee
Ch. Colli
is the rec
of Student
e revisioft
de of Stude
ssed withou
nley gave a brief report on five univers ty
o bring back to the Executive Committee
which might benefit from Executive Commi tee
s found that there was only one such rec
endammendation from the Code of Student Affa
ffairs should be re-written. It is felt y this
s in order. Prof. Cummins moved that th Executive
t Affairs Committee's recommendation. P f. Vines
Ch. Collins reco I In ended that
Committee on Pass-Fail rading be s
moved that the Executiv Committee
Faculty Council. Prof. C. Bell sec
Executive Committee loo at each re
once. Prof. Stewart mo ed the ques
11 for and 6 opposed.
original motion.
Prof. Strauss di
one of the six recommen
Registrar's office to c
the faculty could expec
standpoint, there would
fail designation, provi
system indicating that
by the completion of a
forwarded to the Regist
machine by keypunch. P
turned in by faculty me
the Registrar's office,
duced and for the past
grade sheets for errors
no errors. Prof. Strau
the faculty. Mr. Peter
and that it would prese
outs were not sent back
indicated that his offi
did not want this. Pro
better for the Registra
the six recommendations of the ad hoc Se ct
nt to the Faculty Council as is. Prof. I- reshkovich
ndorse all six recommendations and send
em to the
nded the motion. Prof. Nelson suggested hat the
ommendation rather than endorse all six IL1 them at
ion. Prof. Burford seconded. The resul
vote was not obtained an& debate continu
on the
ected a que tion to Mr. D.N. Peterson, Registrar, re
ations. Hi question was how feasible it would be f
ange a lett 3 grade to a pass-fail grade, and how ac
such a cha ge to be. Mr. Peterson said that from a
•elittle or no difficulty in changing a letter grade
ing that th information from the instructor had gon
his is perm ssable. At the present time pass-fail i •
orm which i located in the Academic Dean's office a
ar's office. At that point it is coded and placed i
of. Strauss then questioned what happened to the gra Ii
bers. Mr. eterson indicated that the sheets are ch
and then ke punched into a machine. A print-out is
wo semester those print-outs have been ckecked agai
He report d that for the past two semesters there
s questione the possibility of sending the print-ou
on indicate that his office was in favor of such a
t no probl 1 1 . Prof. Burford asked Mr. Peterson why
to the resp z ctive faculty members at this time. Mr.
e had not d ne this previously and assumed that the
. C. Bell i dicated that some faculty members felt t
s office t do this checking, as at times the grade
o a passinto the
o the
ked in
en prot the
ve been
back to
e printeterson
t it was
would be
Executive Committee Min tes
Octobe• 18, 1976
sent back when some fac lty members were preparing to leave for the summer.
Prof. Nelson vol ed oppositi n to endorsing the ad hoc committee's re ort.
He expressly opposed it s 2, 5, an 6. He favored sending the report to th Faculty
Council without endors ent.
Prof. R. Bell mo
the Executive Committee
seconded. Prof. Burfor
why the report did incl
stated that if Recommen
not be able to take any
majority of students fe
knows the names of stud
hoc committee felt that
grade in itself provide
ed an amend
send the re
then asked
de the item
ation 2 was
course pass
1 that it m
nts taking
the option
some motiv
ent to the main motion so that it state nly that
ort to the Faculty Council. Prof. Burfo
Dr. Gully to explain to the Executive Co 1 ittee
that Prof. Nelson was ,opposed to. Dr. 1:11y
not included in the report, then some St idents would
fail. In reference to Recommendation 5, !the
kes a difference whether or not the inst luctor
course pass-fail. In regard to Item 6, the ad
f changing from a pass-fail basis back t ! a letter
tion for improved work.
Julie Martin def
built-in protection for
used to satisfy general
a significant number th
or that a student could
no indication, at the t
taking a course pass-fa
pass-fail option.
nded the ad
the student
degree requ
t it would
abuse the p
me of the p
1, as to wh
hoc committee's findings, saying that th
, and that the nine-hour limit of course
rements that may be taken pass-fail is n
amper a student from getting into gradua
licy. She also stated that a student us
esent deadline for expressing the intent
t grade they would be making if they dec
Dr. Bill Andrews
students who take the 1
fail do inferior work.
of his contention. The
endorse" from the previ
Student Association Int
report. Prof. Vines ar
the floor. Prof. Vines
carried and debate stop
floor to strike "to end
motion, as amended, is
moved the question, and
4 opposed. Debate was
Faculty Council by a vo
Asst. Prof ssor of English stated that the majority
0 and 200 1 vel English courses that take the course
He distribu ed a summary of grades in these courses
immediate m tion on the floor at this time was to St
us motion. Prof. Burford indicated a desire to hear
rnal Vice P esident regarding support of the ad hoc
ued that th' s had little or nothing to do with the m
then moved he question. Prof. Nelson seconded. Th
ed. The Ex cutive Committee then voted on the motio
rse." The utcome of the vote was 11 for, 6 opposed
o send the eport to the Faculty Council. Prof. Str
Prof. Vines seconded. The outcome of the vote was 1
topped and he committee voted to send the report to
e of 15 for 2 opposed.
Prof. Cummins mo
Prof. Tereshkovich seco
considerable discussion
The vote outcome was 8
debate on the motion to
Burford repeated his re
Association to communic
passed by the Student S
Association resolution.
and that the six items
ed that the
ded. Prof.
on this poi
or, 7 oppos
endorse the
uest to ask
te to the E
nate. Vice
He indicat
n the resol
re was
t such
e school
ally had
•n of
ined the
ike "to
• mmitee's
tion on
on the
Executive Committee endorse the Gully re • rt.
C. Bell moved the question since there h '11 been
t previously in the meeting. Prof. Vine seconded.
eref ore
d. A two-thirds vote was not obtained,
ad hoc committee's report was opened. P f.
the Internal Vice President of the Stude
ecutive Committee the resolution which w
President Blakely distributed the Studen
d that the resolution endorses the Gully report,
tion correspond with the six items of th Gully
The question bef re the floo is to endorse the six recommendations o the
Gully report. A vote w s taken. T e outcome was: 11 for, 5 opposed. The otion
passed. Thus, the Gull report wil be brought before the Faculty Council a d will
carry with it the endor ement of th Executive Committee by a vote of 11 to
Executive Committee Min tes
A copy of the en ire Gully r port is available to faculty members in
Faculty Council office.
18, 1976
At the last meet
appoint someone to inve
study himself. His fin
campus, other than a ro
tions to hire, that rec
Graduate Dean, and that
cisions. Ch. Collins f
important personnel dec
and promoting. He stat
process. Prof. Stewart
committee for further i
seconded and the motion
ng of the E
tigate Univ
ings indica
ting slip w
the Vice Pr
it that the
sions made
d a desire
moved that
ecutive Committee, Ch. Collins was asked to
risty hiring policies. Ch. Collins did his
e that there is no uniform hiring policy on the
ich says that Chairpersons initiate recormendaare then made by the Academic Dean and the
sident for Academic Affairs makes the final dehiring process is certainly one of the three most
n a campus. These are hiring, granting tenure,
o have some faculty participation in the hiring
he Executive Committee charge the Academic Status
study and recommendations. Prof. Burfo:d
Prof. Strauss su
Department indicating t
involved in athletics.
Executive Committee sin
for a statement made by
between a faculty-spect
Strauss indicated that
members that there was
gested a le
at there mi
There was o
e they felt
the Athleti
tor and a g
is major pu
o such thin
ter be sent to various members of the Athletic
ht be no more "excused" absences for students
position to the letter from members of the
it unfair to the students to take punishrent
Department that there was little difference
neral spectator at an athletic event. P:of.
pose in writing the letter was to remind faculty
as an "excused absence."
ted on a re
ittees. H
onalized an
es which ne
ge the numb
ty, and on
airmen will
ommittee by
thing Pres.
have some o
mmittee and
ike to chan
to his offi
d reporting
e President
ent meeting with Pres. Mackey concerning the
indicated that Pres. Mackey desired to have the
made more efficient. He has in mind that we
d to be eliminated, and combine the functions of
3 of people on committees, have broader represenost committees have staggered three year terms
be chosen from committee members who are serving
other committee members rather than by Presidential
Mackey would like to see done with the cammittees
erating officer in the University who is responsible
seeing to it that the committee is appointed and
e the reporting system from having the majority
e, and instead having only those committees with
to his office, and having the other committees
. There will be a major overhaul of the committees
Prof. Smith repo
review of University co
committee structure rat
eliminate those committ
similar committees, cha
tation from the Univers
whereby the committee c
their last year on the
appointment. The final
is that every committee
for responding to the c
functioning. He would
of committees reporting
which he must be involv
reporting to various Vi
at the University this
Prof. Stewart ha planned to make a presentation in behalf of reviving the
Facilities Planning Co ittee and t e Campus Security Committee, but felt At this
point that this subject related to he announcement which Prof. Smith made ccncerning
Executive Committee Min tes
October 18, 1976
the restructuring of Un versity Co ittees, so he withdrew this item. Ch. C)11ins
asked Prof. Smith to no e that ther were two committees which might need resurrecting in his restructurin
Ch. Collins report
criticizing the Coordin
#1 on Academic Freedom,
Coordinating Board hold
letter, including his c
distributed to the memb
that Dr. Mackey had con
Board hold a public hea
that the faculty and ad
Prof. Cummins suggested
Policy Paper #1 and for
achieve the results tha
more happy if the commi
by President Mackey and
a copy of the Position
for its responses.
d on a lett
ting Board'
Tenure, and
a public he
iticism of
rs of the E
acted him s
ing on the
acting so
have been
tee were to
Vice Presid
aper has be
r which he had sent to President Mackey
currently proposed revision of its Poli:y Paper
Responsibility and asking him to request that the
ring on the proposed changes. Copies of Collins'
he proposed revisions, had previously ben
ecutive Committee. Ch. Collins further :eported
ying that he was requesting that the Coo:dinating
roposed revision and that when a hearing was held
of Texas Tech would make appropriate suggestions.
to Ch. Collins for identifying the amenalent to
ediately and in such an excellent fashi n to
chieved. Ch. Collins responded that he N1,ould be
take note of the positive action that wa.. taken
nt Hardwick. Vice President Hardwick stated that
n submitted to the Tenure and Privilege ommittee
1. Prof. C. Bel
been raised to him rega
dealt with the statemen
for dismissal. Prof. B
Vice President Hardwick
effects of the new poli
there is now a monetary
administration was tryi
asked Vice
ding the ne
that abuse
11 question
stated that
y, and tryi
value invol
g to avoid
President Hardwick a couple of questions that had
Sick Leave Policy. One question in particular
of the Sick Leave Policy would constitute grounds
d how this would affect tenured faculty nembers.
the administration was currently studying the
g to decide how to account for sick leave, since
ed. He assured the Executive Committee that the
aving the faculty hand in time sheets.
2. Prof. Stewar
by faculty members rece
as to where they came f
that the reason for the
destroyed in the Admini
tly. He st
om, and why
new affidav
tration Bui
he Employee's Affidavits which have been received
ted that some concern had been expressed to him
they were distributed. Prof. R. Bell answered
ts being required, was that the old ones had been
ding fire.
Prof. Burford mo ed that the eeting adjourn. Prof. Vines seconded and the
motion passed. The mee ing adjourn d at 5:53.
R spectfull submitted,
William Stewart, Secretary
Executive Committee