IN DEFERENCE TO REFERENCE by Gab~iel Ma,rk Aurel Segal B.A., London lJnlversity, 1981 B.Phil., ()xfor'd University, 1984 SUBMI1.,rrED AND '"f() rrfi~ DEPARrr~~ENrr OF' J.~lNGlJlS'['lCS PHIL~OSOPf-IY IN PAR TIAL~ FULFlLLMENT ()P REQUIREMENrrS FOR l'HE DEGREE Ob' rI't·l!~ in Prl ILOSOPH y at the June 1987 ~ Gab~iel Mark Au rel Sega.l 1987 rfhe author hereoy grants to M.I.rr. permission to t eproduce and to distribute publicly caples of this thesis document in whole or in part . 1 Sign~ture of Author ----~----,-,..-----::- -----___=__~~-__c_'- Certified by_ Ned Blockrrhesis Supervisor Certified by_ Noam Chomsky rrhesi::» Accepted by _ _ --T_-~ "O-O'--------__ Supel~visor ------~--?---~-_:___- George Boolos Chair, l)epArtrnenlal Graduate Oornrnittee '.'~~'f.!r. 'Dr~f/f~lE JAJIM 2 6 1987 - 1 .. Ufflffiffliiti Arcnives Abstract This dissertation consists in three separate papers. The topic of Iln Deference to Refernnts' is the semantic structure of belief reports of the form 'A believes that pl. I argue that no existing theory of these sentences satisfactorily accounts for anaphoric relations among expressions inside and outside of the embedded complement sentences. I propose a new account of belief reports, which assigns to embedded expressions their normal semantic values, but which also exploits Frege's idea of using senses to explain the apparent failures of extensionality in the reports. In 'Who's Afraid of Narrow Minds?' I defend the thesis that the propositional attitudes ascribed by folk psychology possess a level of content ('narrow content') that is independent of anything outside the subject. I examine various objections to that conclusion, and show that they fail. of the What is not Therel I examine the nature In ISeeing by the states perceptual to contents attributed representational computational theory of vision. I discuss Tyler Burge's claim that such contents are not narrow, but depend essentially on aspects of the external environment. I show that the claim is false, and that the explanatory power of the theory of vision depends upon its employment of a notion of narrow content. - 2- Acknowledgments A large number of people have helped a geat deal in the preparation of this dissertation. It is difficult to express gratitude in amounts that are duly vast, without sounding smarmy. If I fail in my attempt to do so, too bad. I would like to thank: - The members of my thesis committee, Ned Block and Noam the extreme with their time and Chomsky. Both have been generous in Without their guidance the dissertation would have been energy. considerably more feeble than it is, had it been at all. - George Boolos, who has helped me with every aspect of my philosophical thought, and in numerous other ways. His ability to make accessible to me conceptually and technically difficuit matters is . unsurpassed, as is his kindness. - Jim Higginbotham, in large measure, who ready to offer explanations, advice and help. seemed always to be - Jerry Fodor for much comment, criticism and discussion, during the infancy of this work, and for being a source of inspiration. - Richard Larson for discussions frequent, varied and often useful, and for substantive help with matters of semantics and syntax. - Peggy Speas for being ever available as a sounding board, for explanations of linguistics and for the main ideas in the section of 'In Deference to Referents' that is drawn from a paper that we co-authored. - Rob Cummins who read draft after draft of 'Seeing What is not There', and gave clear, lengthy, detailed and invaluable comments on each one. Without his generosity a substantial part of this thesis would scarcely be. - James Blevins, Ned Block, George Boolos, Sylvain Bromberger, Alex George, Jim Harris, Jim Noam Chomsky, Richard Cartwright, Higginbotham, Paul Horwich, Richard Larson, Dan Leary, Jay Lebed, Sarah Patterson, Thomas Ricketts, Jorge Rodriguez, Marc Ryser, Peggy Speas, Carol Tenny, Judith Thomson, Tom Uebel and Crispin Wright for helpful comments and/or valuable discussions searching criticisms, relating to 'In Deference to Referents' -3- - Ned Block, George Boolos, Sylvain Bromberger, John Carriero, Noam Chomsky, Adrian Cussins, Jim Higginbotham, Jay Lebed, John McDowell, James Page, Sarah Patterson, Mike Smith and Thomas Uebel for contributions of the same sort to 'Who's Afraid of Narrow Minds?' - Mike Antony, Ned Block, George Boolos, Noam Chomsky, David Sarah Patterson and Paul Pietroski for such Jay Lebed, Kirsh, contributions to 'Seeing What is not There'. '. Vision Laboratory - Ellen Hildreth, of the M. I. informing me about the computational theory of vision. for patiently David - My teachers at Oxford: John McDowell, Chris Peacocke, Pears and Peter Strawson. What philosophical wherewithal I now possess is largely owed to them. - Colin McGinn, my first teacher, who taught me how to think. - Gottlob Frege for sense and reference. - Tyler Burge, to whose work I seem to turn at every turn. for Silva and Debra Stephenson Marilyn - Concepta Siembab, generous and friendly help with various of the practical details involved in getting a dissertation done. - Dan Leary for keeping word-processors, printers and disks in working order, and making them write the dissertation for me, as well as for philosophical discussion and comment. - My parents for having me and keeping me. I echo Michael Dummett in pointing out that although only I can take responsibility for the contents of the thesis, I may not in fact hold sole responsibility for any errors that appear in it. -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAPER ONE: IN DEFERENCE TO REFERENTS 8 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Methodological Remarks 2 Frege's Problem 10 13 2.1 Constraints or a Solution 14 3 The Problem of Anaphora 18 4 Dummett's Solution 19 4.1 Criticism of Dummett's Solution 21 26 5 The Kaplanesque Proposal 5.1 Criticism of the Kaplanesque Proposal 28 32 6 Davidson's Account 6.1 Criticism of Davidson's Account 7 Higginbotham's Account 33 37 7.1 Criticism of Higginbotham's Account 8 Frege Vindicated? 41 45 -5 - PAPER TWO: WHO'S AFRAID OF NARROW MINDS? 49 1 Introduction 50 1.1 background 51 1.2 Conceptions of Content 52 2 First Argument 59 2.1 Reply to First Argument 59 S62 3 Second Argument 3.1 Reply to Second Argument 4 Third Argument 64 65 4.1 Reply to Third Argument 67 4.2 A Modified Burgian Treatment of Proper Names 71 76 5 Fourth Argument 5.1 First Case: Perception 76 5.2 Reply to First Case 78 88 6 Second Case: Reference 6.1 Reply to Second Case 89 6.2 Points of View 91 - 6 - PAPER THREE: SEEING WHAT IS NOT THERE 96 1 Introduction 97 1.1 Burge's Claim 97 1.2 Preview 99 2 Marr's Theory 99 2.1 First Point 103 2.2 Second Point 104 2.3 Third Point 1.06 3 Burge's Argument 109 4 Against Burge's Strong Claim 114 4.1 The First Case 114 4.2 The Straightforward Interpretation 114 4.3 The Devious Interpretation 117 4.4 Recapitulation and Remark 121 5 The Weaker Claim 123 5.1 Second Case 123 5.2 Undermining of the Devious Interpretation 125 5.3 Defence of the Straightforward Interpretation 128 6 A Specific Example 131 7 Exegesis 136 -7- PAPER ONE IN DEFERENCE TO REFERENTS The wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who that it's namin' - Bob Dylan In Deference to Referents 1 Introduction sentences, derive for a language, theory The chief purpose of a semantic how the semantic features of whole sentences is to explain from those of their parts. Such explanations rules that allow for the calculation of the the semantics of propositional attitude attributions, of these and (2) sentences, and the a set of or logical form, and The topic of this paper is the values of its semantically simple parts. like (1) require value of a complex ;emantic expression on the basis of its semantic structure, that' sentences, or a set of particularly 'believes I want to know the logical form below. conditions that the deLermine semantic values of their constant parts, 'believes' and perhaps 'that'. Two enterprises might lead a philosopher to seek for a semantics for One 'believes that' sentences or indeed for any other sort of sentence. such enterprise, associated with Frege, and these days with Quine, is the development of a new language more suitable for scientific purposes than the natural language which is the initial object of study. with such sentences a will concern be the guided by choice the of a semantics suitability -9- of the for For one 'believes resulting that' canonical idiom - that is, the idiom that perspicuously displays logical form - for use in a psychological theory. with in this paper, The second words: 'the however, is the other one. enterprise task The enterprise that I shall be concerned one Davidson is the of a theory of meaning change, improve or reform a language, it'. 1 distinguishes as I conceive it, with is the not to but to describe and understand In seeking for an account of the semantics of attitude attributions I seek to understand the workings of the actual English sentences. The main purpose of this paper is to examine a number of alternative accounts of the semantics of English 'believes that' sentences. My aim is partly to promote the attitude expressed in the title of this paper, deference to referents, with that attitude. and tentatively a to offer a proposal in keeping But my aim is also to enhance our grasp of what a good explanation in the theory of meaning is, by looking at the kinds of evidence and arguments that may be relevant to it. 1.1 Methodological Remarks Before launching into an examination of concrete cases, I want briefly to discuss in the abstract the question of what kinds of evidence will be relevant to the evaluation of specific theories of the logical form of natural language sentences. theory, What is essential to a semantic I. Davidson, D., 'Truth and Meaning', - 10 - in the first place, Synthese xvii, 1967. is that it succeed in correctly the predicting observable semantic features The form that such predictions take will depend whole sentences. what kind of theory one is working with. So for example, of upon a theorist working within a Davidsonian theory of meaning - and I take myself to be such a theorist - will try to prove the familiar T-sentences: true iff p', where S is a structure-revealing description of an object and p is a statement, in the theorist's metalanguage, language sentence, of exactly the conditions under which that object-language sentence is When we are true. What is crucial here is to get the T-sentences right. in the fortunate 'S is position of constructing a theory of own home language, the evidence is not hard hard to tell when a T-sentence is correct. meaning to collect, for our for it is not The trick is to construct a theory that proves it. What further answerable to, evidential constraints will depend one upon exactly wants the theory what is to count to as a be good description and explanation of the linguistic phenomena under scrutiny. A methodological knowledge conservative might seek only possession of which would theories employ different each other. to be that prove axioms and exactly mechanisms, They both get the right achieved, but they do so in need to seek for further evidence - to interpret utterances For the methodological conservative made by speakers of the language. two semantic suffice to articulate a body of the same are likely to results. different - but be as good as Each achieves what needs ways. that would count 11 T-sentences, There is then no for one theory and against the other. From the hand, point of view of the there is in principle methodological liberal, on the other no end to the kind of evidence that might be relevant to the evaluation of a semantic theory. sorts of general constraints on good explanation, There are also all that can be applied in semantics just as they can in any other domain. I belinkve that there is much to be seen from the liberal perspective, that might otherwise remain hidden. advance of a search, theory, of time. may Since I see no way of saying, in what might count for or against a given semantic I see no reason to think that such a search would be a waste On the contrary, count illumination, for or I think against that a detailed examination of what particular proposals both of the natural language itself, can only bring and of the exigencies of understanding how that language works. 3 The liberal position will stand or fall by the quality and amount of the results yielded by research that follows its guidance. This paper as a whole may therefore be taken as a partial defence of liberalism. 2. The archetypical methodological conservative is Davidson. See in particular his 'Belief and the Basis of Meaning', Synthese 27, 1974. See also Quine, W. V. O., 'Methodological Reflections on Current Linguistic Theory', in Harman, G., and Davidson, D., eds. The Semantics of Natural Language, Humanties Press, New York, 1972, for a different version. 3. For a defence of a liberal position, see Chomsky, N., Reflections on Language, Pantheon, New York, 1975, and my 'The Topiary Theory of Language', in Fukui, N., Rapoport, T., and Sagey, E., eds., M. I. 'T. Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 8. - 12 - 2 Frege's Problem We turn now to semantics. (1) Ralph believes that Tanya is a terrorist (2) Ralph believes that Patty is a terrorist Patty and Tanya are the same person. Let us suppose that Ralph is ignorant of this, and that he has heard, from what he considers to be a reliable firmly source, believes that Tanya that Patty is a is no terrorist. terrorist. On the other hand, In some he circumstances it would be wrong for me to report Ralph's belief as the belief that Patty is a terrorist. Let us suppose that the wrongness of the report amounts to its falsity, rather than, say, its being merely misleading, or lacking in explanatory value. It should be noted could hold that, codenotational 4 that such a supposition contrary expressions to first appearances, in content the attitude reports do preserve truth value. would then considerations. be explained is not mandatory. by intersubstitutions sentences of One of propositional Appearances to the contrary pragmatic, rather than semantic, It would be worth exploring the consequences of such a 4. I shall use 'denotes' and 'has as semantic value' interchangeably, to describe the relationship that holds, in extensional contexts, on any roughly Fregean theory, between an expression and its semantic value. My use of 'denotes' is not standard, but is easily understood. - 13 - view. 5 I take it that the view is But that is not my present purpose. .hat and it is those than the alternatives prima facie less plausible I wish to explore in this paper. and (2, So (1) in spite of the fact may have different truth values, that they are composed of expressions with the same denotations in the same denotations, things; reports) attitude propositional sentences content inside embedded this to response Frege's order. was to claim that (that is the 'that' not do That is, but rather denote their senses. inside content sentences one; expressions two; and normal denotations, denote there clauses of normal their Frege claimed two do not denote their. inside content expressions expressions sentences do denote their normal senses. 2.1 Constraints on the Solution Let us follow in Frege supposing 'Tanya' and 'Patty' have some feature, normal denotation, truth values. that "sense", like expressions embedded that differs from their and that explains how (1) and (2) can have different The first embedded expressions question contribute I want to ask is this: How do their senses to attitude attributions? In particular I want to know if it is necessary that senses play the role of denotations of the embedded expresssions. 5. For some such exploration see Salmon, Press, 6. Cambridge, N., Or is it possible that the Frege's 1986. 1 owe the idea of this paragraph to Crispin Wright. - 14 - Puzzle, M. I. T. embedded expressions contribute their senses in some other way? It might look as though the answer is mandated by the roles that sense and denotation are designed to play. What role does an expression's denotation play in the semantics? From the point of view of a semantic contributes to the which it appears, 7 determination a.d (2) it just is what the expression of the truth and So the truth value of just of the denotations trle of (1) and (2) theory, of its component in particular. value of sentences a sentence is a function expressions. Suppose this is Then whatever the expressions in (1) contribute to the determination of the sentences' truth will just be what the expressions denote in those sentences. be true for, inter alia, in the embedded expressions, values This will like 'Tanya' in (1). What is a sense? It is what an embedded expression contributes to the determination of the truth value of the attitude attribution in which it appears. It thus looks as though the only way the embedded expressions could contribute their senses is by denoting them. So it appears that there is only one possible answer to my question 'How do embedded attitude have expressions attributions?'. another look at contribute their senses to propositional They denote the argument, something like it provides the them. I think because underlying it motivation it is seems important to me to that for many modern 7. C. f. Evans, G., The Varieties of Reference, Oxford University Press, 1982, second chapter, and Davidson, D., 'Reality Without Reference', Dialectica 31, 1977. In my view Davidson makes somewhat too much of the point. - 15 - Fregean treatments of attitude attributions: that is treatments that have words inside content sentences denoting than their normal denotations. It sentence normal senses, seems simple enough: of an attribution is a function of, embedded expressions. their rather the truth value among other things, the senses of Since it is also true that the truth value of a is a function only of the denotations of its components, senses of the embedded expressions must, in those contexts, the serve as their denotations. But the argument is invalid. (3) and (4) attributions. e denotations, are schematic and e' so (3) representations different of senses but opaque the attitude same may have a different truth value from (4). infer from this, least component one have and (4). '...e'...' (4) '...e...' (3) Consider (3) by the Fregean expression component expression of (4). principles, in (3) normal We may that the denotation of at differs from that of one But it is not entailed that the expressions that have different denotations must be e and e'. Perhaps, for example, something else in the complex denotes the sense of e or e'. That would account for the opacity effects without our having to deny that e and e' there denote their normal denotations. Or perhaps there is some other, more devious and complicated manner in which the denotation of some part of the whole attribution is affected by the senses of the embedded expressions. lSo perhaps expression in the a right content answer sentence to our question contributes - 16 - its is sense just to this. An the truth value of the attitude attribution just by having it, and the denotation of something else in the attribution is affected by it. There is thus the possibility of using senses to explain the opacity effects in a manner slightly different from Frege's. But does this idea get us anywhere? Is there anything interesting to be done with it? That depends proposal, upon whether that is, there is in fact some way of implementing some way of actually doing the semantics. the We would have to find some way of allowing the sense of one expression to be, or somehow to determine, the denotation of another, a that way successfully predicts the opacity effects. One reason why one might feel inclined to search for an alternative account along those lines is this. appears that expressions There are various ways in which even as they are embeddea inside a content sentence, are denoting their normal denotations. sense an of embedded it expression without being to affect attitude report context, then we could leave the expression the If we could allow the the expression's truth value denotation of in the that free to denote its normal denotation, without losing our account of the failures of substitutivity. In the next section I shall present some linguistic evidence that suggests that embedded expressions do denote their normal denotations. Then I shall investigate evidence, how well a Fregean theory might assimilate the and whether some alternatives - 17 - fare better. 3 The Problem of Anaphora The linguistic denote their among expressions evidence normal that indicates denotations comes that embedded from cases expressions of cross-denotation inside and outside content sentences. The clearest examples are provided by what appear to be straighforwardly anaphoric pronouns, like that in (5) (5) Betty believes that Barbarai is bright, and she. is bright 8 1 In (5) 'Barbara'. determined it looks as 'she' is straightforwardly to be whatever is denoted this with the subscripts of 'Barbara' in (5) is a by and that a person cannot 'Barbara' cannot denote sense. be a sense, the same its antecedent 'iV. On the though the denotation of 'she' is not a sense, Assuming anaphoric But it Fregean theory certainly the one the looks as Barbara. we have a problem: if I 'Barbara'. but the person, thing, with of 'she' is That is to say it looks as though the denotation have marked denotation though 'she' denotes a person, and the other denotes a sense. 8. 'She is bright' is meant to be outside the scope of 'believes'. In future examples possible ambiguities are always to be resolved in that direction, so that the conjunction takes one of its conjuncts outside the scope of the doxastic operator. - 18 - 4 Dummett's Solution 9 Dummett, notices the among coreference apparent of problems like that illustrated in expressions inside and outside content sentences, He offers the following solution on Frege's behalf. (5). Since the account of opacity effects depends upon assigning a sense to 'Barbara', And Dummett wants to preserve that is what we must do. the intuition that (5) contains the semantically monadic predicate (6): Betty believes that x is bright and x is bright (6) a predicate that can only be satisfied by a single thing. then expressions the holders 'x', is that therefore, denote must the sense 'Barbara' have the same 'she' denotes of the and 'she', denotation. the person expression in standing What for the it Instead which is place denies, Dummett Barbara. 'Barbara', If that is so, the must latter expression's denotation in (5). The little sentence 'she is bright' in (5) property of being tries to bright to a sense. now seems be attributing the That cannot rectify this by adjusting the semantic outside the content sentence, be right. values Dummett of other things so that overall it ends up with the right truth conditions. 9. Dummett, 1973, M., Frege: Philosophy of Language, ch.9. - 19 - Duckworth, London, Dummett's first suggestion is that we assign to the predicate, bright' as it a special sentence, semantic This special semantic value is a function that maps onto the True value. just content the occurs outside 'x is those that senses are of senses the expressions denotations cf which are mapped to the True by 'x is bright' in normal contexts. In occurring predicates then, general, in contexts wherein they but are predicated of an expression appear outside a content sentence, the value of which is determined within a content sentence, get special semantic values. These values are functions mapping onto the True just the denotations of which senses of expressions that are those senses are mapped onto the True by the predicate in normal contexts. utterer of a sentence like (5) something will be saying if I might be so bold as so to put it, just in case, Now the that is true, what she thought she was saying was true. But Dummett finds The view himself unable to rest with this view. required the assignment of special semantic values to predicates outside content sentences, predicates, can have in the like pronouns, their semantic cases awkard we and bound variables, values are determined considering. subject from But expressions, within a content sentence. Suppose that 'John is here' is true. here and Dummett writes (ibid. I did not expect that John p. 276) would be that from this we can ... infer 'John is something that I did not expect he which is to be analyzed as here), would be' (namely, '(3F)(F(John) and I did not expect that F(John))'. - 20 - just as before. And now the argument continues content denote Those inside have will sentences th3ir to codenotational be outside those inside. with must denote their so those outside senses, Predicates senses as well. We must conclude that predicates like 'x is a bright', in both their occurrences, of assignment the abandonned. denote, But the sense of a predicate is their senses. The proposed treatment which depended not its special semantic value. upon in (5) So, as Dummett says (p. then, must, values semantic special be of a context like the second 277) conjunct of (5): we have to see the entire context, apparently transparent but occurring within a sentence in which an opaque context also occurs, as in reality opaque, with all expressions contained in it having their indirect reference [=denoting their senses) How can utterer the see suggests that we operator such as 'It thought, and 'It of (5) sentence the whole is true say now that'. 'That is true' works as a anything as at prefaced an by she is bright' just predicate Dummett all? the semantic implicit names a value of I have a which is a function that maps true thoughts onto the True. What are general we to make of expression of this emended skepticism, a Fregean technical account? objection, and a methodological criticism to offer. 4. 1 Criticism of Dummett's Solution Here is the general expression of skepticism. - 21 - It is very hard to see what utterances ones, present upon for allow could mechanism the of kind after pausing then, he on Dummett's one in just the way that spreads opacity, 'Fred is the smartest student', my telling about psychological Fred's at t, and then Fred, this to states t, compatible with two theory, uttered I had not gone on to say anything had at t'. then Well, of course my We have one initial utterance, at developments It t'. is overwhelmingly natural to think that the semantics of 'Fred is the smartest completely settled at t. it will paused to consider the wisdom of utterance would have been transparent. at that the other hand, on Suppose, as well. the Since the first utterance is linked to the second second word onwards. be opaque the sense. from opaque being utterance second to my is committed at t', hold off cannot Dummett conclusion that my initial utterance of 'Fred' denotes its normal For future I go on to say, to consider the wisdom of my telling this to Fred, he knows that he is the smartest'. of proposing. is Dummett at t, 'Fred is the smartest student', Suppose I say, 'And effects retroactive the And that is incompatible student' is with the consequences of Dummett's theory. There are, of course, many ways in which I can utter an expression then later say something to pin down a denotation for e, ambiguously, it. This happens with such mundane sentences as 'Before he spoke the King cleared his throat'. But it is really determinate at the moment of utterance. is that the epistemic utter e mind, with and the the denotation plausible that All that can happen later state of the audience may be improved. intention disambiguate so of denoting as to make - 22 - one it of e is thing, look as a, then though Even if 1 change my I meant to denote b, another, epistemic state of be all this could I really audience. the for accounted in a, denoted terms but of the brought it about that my audience thought I was denoting b. moreover, The difficulty, becomes aggravated: consider the dialogne: Me: 'Fred is the smartest student' Other: 'And he knows that he is the smartest' On Dummett's theory, both tokens of 'he' must denote a sense. Is there anything which to 'Fred'. the first 'he' looks to be arnaphoric But prevents our familiar argument from implying that my utterance of 'Fred' For there is no visible feature of this denotes a sense? It appears not. case that distinguishes it semantically from the case where I say it all myself. It is the serial different speakers, utterance of which brings two parts of the about the sequence, final predication by of Fred. But I do not see a way of exploiting this so as to allow that 'Fred' and 'he' do not share a dtnotation. For what Other says stands in exactly the semantic relation to my utterance, as it would have if I had said it. But surely the denotation of my upon what Other goes on to say. utterance of 'Fred' Such a consequence cannot depend must make a reductio ad absurdum of any view from which it issues forth. A defender sentences and thought, then are there opaque or of Dummett really the would might composed respond of an opaque by suggesting component implicit 'it is true that' operator. be whether no transparent, question which of question what happened later. - 23 - would a If given have to that that names that were utterance be all settled a so, were by But reply the up gives We much. too expressions never denote ordinary can hardly external objects, that suppose without losing our already precarious grip on how we manage to say things the truth of which depends upon how things are in the world outside. has something very like this point in mind, And Dummett when he writes (op. cit. p. 198) The denotation of an expression is its extra-linguistic correlate in the real world: it is precisely because the expressions we use have such extra-linguistic correlates that we succeed in talking about the real world. Let us move on to my second objection to the Dummettian extension of Frege. Let (7) be Sandra believed she was going to be late uttered by other someone thian On Sandra. Dummett's account in virtue of its relation to an opaquely embedded 'she', 'Sandra', denote a sense. denotes the supposes, But thought because which that Sandra each of In sense? 'she (7) believed. was Moreover denotes its components must going to be late' it does a sense, so, one and the senses denoted are identical to the senses that compose the thought to which Sandra is related. So 'she' should denote the sense that stands in subject position in the thought that Sandra believed. the sense of the word 'she', mouth. This will not be but the sense of the word 'I' For Sandra had a first person belief about herself. in Sandra's But 'Sandra' in someone else's mouth cannot denote that sense. Dummett anaphora. might perhaps respond The apparent anaphoric by weakening relation in - 24 - (7) and the theory the like would of be reconstructed very so that the expressions in question would not denote the same Eenses, denotation. In speaker think to but (7) would 'Sandra' of would Sandra, featured in Sandra's denote senses denote and own thought 'she' that the sense would about present A believes --- x--.-' and its fellows fide monadic predicates. in these cases, expedient of the same the sense that But to concede this would be to undermine the whole Dummettian approach. '...x... that enables denote herself. the On this proposal would no longer be bona And once one is prepared to give up anaphora they can assigning be accounted indirect for without denotations to content sentences (see the Kaplanesque proposal, the problematic expressions outside explained below, next section). Perhaps neither of my two objections But even so, compliCations appearing) the theory (wholesale looks shifts poor: of seem highly ad Contexts outside clauses governed exhibit the features Intersubstitutions inside them, we hoc. would to Dummett are unanswerable. it is complicated, denotation, They by expect of codenotational preserve truth (try it). lack and suppressed independent the operators motivation. opacity inducing verbs do not of were opaque. different senses, them expressions if they with The hypothesized wholesale shifts of denotation thus have no detectible properties. So let us put aside Dummett's version look for something better. - 25 - of the Fregean proposal and 5 The Kaplanesque Proposal Let us backtrack to the beginning of Dummiett's story, and see if the Fregean has other possibilities. The problem was that in (5) that while 'Barbara' and 'she' are codenotationial, and the other denotes a person. Dummett it appears one denotes a sense tried to deny that 'she' denotes a person. But perhaps it is better to deny instead that the two expressions are they denote really things codenotationial. that stand in Could it some not special, be that, rather, and specifiable content sentences relationship to each other? The idea would be to have expressions inside denoting senses, but use some relation that holds between those senses and the expressions' normal denotations, to account for cross-referring. How would this go? Let us try (8): (8) R('Tanya', Tanya) understanding it to mean something like 'the represents Tanya'. We can exploit (8) (9) in a Fregean version of (1): R('Tanya', Tanya) and Ralph believesd rTanya is a terrorist - 26 - sense of "Tanya" The corner expression quotes takes a create sense as an oblique context its semantic value. within The which corner each quoted 'Tanya is a terrorist' now denotes the sense of the sentence 'Tanya is a terrorist'. 'Believes d' expresses a two place relation that holds between believers and the senses or "dicta" of their beliefs. Anyone familiar with David Kaplan's paper 'Quantifying recognize that I have constructed (9) under its influence. kind 'The of treatment illustrated in (9) Kaplanesque note that Kaplan himself made no such proposal, in another way, In'10 will I will call the proposal'. But but used the materials for another purpose. With all this apparatus in play it easy enough to cope with anaphora, thus (10) Ralph believes that Tanya. is a terrorist, 1 but she. is too honest becomes (11) R('Tanya', Tanya i ) & Ralph believesd rTanya is a terrorist7 but she, is too honest) 1 with 'she i ' codenotationial with within the content sentence, denoting a sense, 'Tanya '. One occurrence of 'Tanya' and there serves the Fregean and another occurrence is outside, purpose of and allows for the 10. Kaplan, D., 'Quantifying In', in Davidson. D., and eds., Words and Objections, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1969. - 27 - is Uintikka, J., straightforward treatment of anaphora. logical of form expression surely It (10). no occurring 'Tanya' candidate is a serious that (11) however, I do not think, be cannot the the necessary to have times in a three than less for correct rendition of a sentence in which it occurs only once. The underlying difficulty with (11) 'R('Tanya', Tanya)', and therefore expression 'Tanya' represents is that it includes the clause (8), actually says that the sense of the something that is literally said by the sentence to seem not does This Tanya. be Rather it is the (10). fact that the sense of 'Tanya' represents Tanya that allows a hearer to because (8) is true, but it does not say that it is true. The sensible course at this stage would be to pull (8) it can easily appears in the theory, not the be exploited We would simply take denotation of its antecedent out of (11) As long as (8) and place it somewhere else in the theory of meaning. anaphora in (10). functions So (10) ascertain the correct denotation of the pronoun 'she'. to account for the the denotation of 'she' to be, 'Tanya', but object the that is represented by that denotation. 5.1 Criticism of the Kaplanesque Proposal But how, exactly, is (8) must either be an axiom, representation relation method of deriving, going to figure in the theory of meaning? It or derivable fromn R is to be usable for every embedded - 28 - some axioms. in general, expression Indeed, then we if the need that determines a an extension, by the sense of that what is represented expression. That we need a general method of obtaining clauses of the form (12): is, (12) R(e, b) where e is an embedded expression and b is the object that the sense of e represents. But it is not easy to arrive at these clauses. Consider for example (13): (13) John said that he loves [his wife. 1] , but he is rude to her. How we are denotation going of 'her'? get a R('his wife', that allows The simple disquotational will clearly not work here. (14) clause us axiom recover suggested by the (8) What would we do with (14)? his wife) 'His wife' unlike 'Tanya', does not have a fixed denotation, have its denotation determined by the context. but will The theory of meaning thus cannot simply state which object is represented 'his wife'. to by the sense of Rather it will have to contain a rule that specifies, for each context, which object the sense of 'his wife' represents in that context. And new complexities are presented constructions like those illustrated (l5)(i) John said he has in (15). [some sheepij]. Olga will vaccinate themi . (ii) John said he has [a new wifei]. You will meet heri . - 29 - by quantifier/pronoun Which relation holds between the sense of 'some sheep' in (15)(i), that 'thenm' denotes? the sheep And sense of 'a new wife' in (15)(ii), I have Fregean no doubt could extensions what with senses. is the the and the denotation of 'her'? appropriate hard work the dedicated mechanisms for But I think that if we reflect required between relation holds that with ingenuity and construct information whi-h and to get us to the associating upon precisely right extensions, a non-Fregean line will appear much more pronising. In each of our examples the appropriate extension for the anaphoric pronoun is recoverable from the semantic interpretation that the content sentence as a transparent, (10) whole would had, had it been and given its normal semantic interpretation. denotes denotationially what in would 'Tanya' transparent. would have denoted had (13) Similarly have (15)(i) and And 'her' have in denoted (13) denotes as Thus 'she' in had (10) been what 'his wife' been transparent. (ii) the appropriate extensions pronouns would be recoverable from their antecedents, entire content normal sentences treated their transparent for the if we gave the interpretations. the right extensions from transparent treatments of the content sentences, as is the theory of meaning will have the resources to recover For apparent from (16):11 11. For an account of these resources see Evans, G., Quantifiers and Relative Clauses (1)', Canadian Journal of vii, 1977. - 30 - 'Pronouns, Philosophy, (16)(i) John has [some sheepi]. Olga will vaccinate them i (ii) John has [a new wife i J. You will meet her.. Knowledge of what the interpretation of the content sentences would have been, had they been transparent, is thus sufficient to determine the extension of the anaphoric pronouns. It is clear also that in some cases, the examples (15) nothing less than that will do. you have to know what the transparent interpretation of the entire content sentences would have been, out the denotation of the unembedded that 'them' denotes some sheep. a transparent before you can figure pronouns. figure out the extension of 'them' in (15)(i) give In It is impossible to without first ascertaining And you will only figure that out if you interpretation to the expression 'some sheep'. Moreover you will only figure out that the precise sheep in question are the ones that John owns if -iou interpret the two expressions 'he' and 'owns' as if they had occurred transparently. Similar remarks apply to (15)(ii). the denotation of 'her' if you You will only be able to ascertain interpret each element in the content sentence as if it occurred transparently. To account for the anaphora in the sentences (15) do is thus transparently. precisely equivalent to treating what we need to the for the contexts Nothing more and nothing less than this is required. It seems then that rather than attempt to formalize representation whole relation, failures of R, the Kaplanesque we should look for some way of accounting substitutivity - while 31 - yet allowing the embedded expressions to denote their normal denotations. 6 Davidson's Account The point which started off whole this discussion of alternative was that if we could allow the denotation of one expression proposals, to be sensitive to the sense of another, senses to block the undesirable then we might be able to use substitutions, while leaving expressions free to denote their usual denotations. embedded But how could we do this? Donald Davidson's account of the logical form of 'says that' offers a very attractive answer to this question. Suppose that the logical form of (1) is really (17): (17) Ralph believes that. Tanya is a terrorist. with 'that' as a demonstrative. Davidson himself suggests understanding of this that has no use for the notion of sense. that is one already have of the main motivations for the the notion of sense in play, proposal. But an In fact since we we might as well just have the 'that' referring to the sense of the embedded sentence 'Tanya is a terrorist'. Now the opacity effects are easily explained. Since the sense of 'Tanya is a terrorist' differs from that of 'Patty is a terrorist', may believe that Tanya is a terrorist but not believe that: Patty is - 32 - a terrorist Ralph in its own Since the content sentence is also a sentence right, may assign to its component expressions their normal denotations, we and among expressions inside thereby solve our problems with codenotation and outside content sentences. Davidson's manner, seerms is, even proposal, as I said, the to read very nearly as the unDavidsonian The reason it is attractive is that it attractive. semantics in interpreted off the explicitly surface structure, On Davidson's account it is easy to see exactly so. But the whole story could not be so simple and elegant. too much to hope for. And, what how each contributes to the whole. each familiar English word is doing, be or indeed, Davidson's idea That would does have prima facie various problems. 6.1 Criticism of Davidson's Account Davidson's plausibility proposal the from perhaps fact that derives a the indirect demonstrative 'that' are spelled similarly. by noting that in many languages complementizer completely languages of different (Japanese, demonstrative, does indirect (e. not even have and the - 33 - discourse and 'that' the Romance languages) and Korean) of the But this is quickly dispelled g. discourse orthographical Hebrew, modicum the the demonstrative phonetic forms. complementizer, superficial form of In unlike a the have some the separate word, but rather of a mere affix. English also, in demonstrative 'that' has In 'believes that' spite of the a cluster Notice not. of first Ralph believes Dat of pronounced however, or destressing. seems One cannot look atbat', or: *Ralph believeshat which interprets (18) Second, are The demonstrative 'that', never to undergo this phonetic reduction, (19) they 'that' Ortcutt is a spy •3•'. shortening the 'that' to say 'Hey, that the that properties the coincidence, orthographical One usually says differently. (18) does 12 . Ortcutt is a spy. in Davidson's way. the 'that' of 'believes that' and 'says that' is deletable. One can say: (20) Lemmy said he needed money But the demonstrative 'that' cannot be dropped. with the 'that' dropped. You cannot say (21) (21) *Yes ... is what I said with the 'that' deleted, (22) instead of (22) Yes that is what I said 12. German and Finnish, the relevant respect. on the other - 34 - hand, are more like English in Now there generally is not, accepted to explanation involved. It demonstrative referring will looks knowledge, explanation invoke as though And well-understood of what determines the semantic the reason pronoun 'that' is precisely function. any I believe phonological characteristics. that role of why one because similar and the possibilities of But it is very plausible that, deletion and destressing. the my in both cases, the expressions cannot it has delete an remarks the important apply to the Stress often goes with semantic role; and it is hard to see what else could account for the stressing rules in this case. 13 Although conclusive, these they objections, are very taken well by worth example of how semantics can interact The 'that' of 'says demonstrative true that be pronoun cannot. the demonstrative, that' can 'that' as of Davidson themselves, noticing, and destressed, This is simply that' holds, they empirical functions then it or not is an empirical question various parts of linguistics. from provide an must the English data. If it is semantically like a be false explains the phonological and syntactic facts is semantic this is so far with other parts of linguistics. deleted 'says for are that role. at the intersection what Whether of the The examples provide a nice demonstration of methodological liberalism at work, evidence that may help us choose and point towards a rich field of between competing semantic theories, 13. For a discussion of these and other syntactic difficulties Davidson's proposal, see Speas, M., and Segal, G., 'On Saying in Mind and Language, 1986. - 35 - with jt ', should we have such aspirations. Another, the and more serious difficulty with Davidson's proposal is that English sentences do not, in important semantically as they would if they were paratactic. (23) behave Thus Everyone said that they loved their mothers is open to two interpretations. It could mean something like 'They loved their mothers', with (or bound individuals. (24) (24) respects, by) 'Everyone', but that each person said where 'they' is not anaphoric refers to some other group of But it can also be readily understood as Everyonei said that they i loved their mothers means that each person claimed of herself mother (saying something like 'I love my mother'). that she loved her But the Davidsonian rendition of (23) (25) Everyone said that. They loved their mothers. is only interpretable in the first way. inscription of 'They loved their (Imagine someone pointing to an mothers' on a blackboard, 'Everyone said that!'. How would you interpret this?) The point of the example is not that samsaying relation that would allow that (23) is not, (25) Davidson and saying 14 could not define to mean the same as (24). as a matter of empirical fact, understood a It is by English 14. This kind of example is due to Higginbotham, J., 'Linguistic Theory and Davidson's Program in Semantics', in LePore, E., ed., The Philosophy of Donald Davidson: Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1985. - 36 - speakers as we would expect if Davidson's analysis were correct. The empirical evidence against Davidson's proposal is not conclusive. But it is good enough evidence to warrant a continuation of our search for a satisfactory account of our problematic pieces of language. 15 7 Higginbotham's Account What we were looking for was some way of making the denotation or extension of some part of the attitude senses of the embedded expressions, denote expressions suggested normal their attribution depend upon the without having to deny that those We denotations. found the that simple solution of just having the 'that' denoting the senses was not entirely satisfactory. But another way of doing it is suggested by Higginbotham (op. cit.). The proposal is that we assign values to expressions only relative to the larger expressions of which they form a part. So, in general, have an expression e inside a larger expression, instead of assigning to e a value all by itself, relative point to S. simultaneously The appear of this in several is that different if we say a sentence, S, we assign to e a value since an embedding expression expressions, may we 15. There are also objections to Davidson that concern the logical These sentences appear to have properties of 'says that' sentences. implications that they would not, if their logical form were paratactic. For a recent example see Burge, T., 'On Davidson's "Saying That"', in LePore ed. op. cit. - 37 - may assign to it a value relative to one that differs from the value, if any, that we assign to it relative to another. This idea of assigning values only relative to embedding expressions is useful not just for attitude attributions, but can solve problems with sentences of a completely different kind.16 This is important. If it were not so, then we would be introducing sweeping changes in the semantic theory, changes that affected what we said about every sentence, to cope with happened, the special problems with attitude attributions. If just that one might suspect that the cure was more radical than the disease required. The success of the proposal may ultimately depend upon just this. the trick expressions of making proves assignments fruitful vindicate its use here. in a of range values of relative different If on the other hand it idles, other areas needlessly cumbersome, Let us see how the idea applies to If embedding cases, that will and simply makes that may cast doubt upon it. to belief attributions. Consider (1) 'Ralph believes that Tanya is a terrorist', carved up as in (26): (26) [S1Ralph believes [S,that [soTanya is a terrorist] ] ] (26) is articulated into the three phrases, S O, embedded in S', which is in turn embedded in Sl 16. Specifically, certain sentence connectives, such as 'if' and 'unless', express different truth functions in different linguistic environments. See Hligginbotham op. cit. - 38 - In order to cope with cross-denotation content sentences to have their normal parts of the content sentence SO, itself as if it were unembedded, we want expressions denotations. So we 'Tanya is a terrorist' inside treat the relative to S O and appeared in isolation. This means that the expressions inside the content sentence just get their normal denotations as desired. This is expressed in (27). altered Higginbotham's notation, (27) (i) <'Tanya', (I have significantly for ease of assimilation). SO> denotes Tanya (ii) (Va)(a satisfies <'x is a terrorist', S 0 > iff a is a terrorist) from which it is easy to derive (iii) <S O , SO> is true iff Tanya is a terrorist The angle brackets are to be taken literally, so that we are technically assigning values to ordered pairs of expressions. just understand <'Tanya', S0> to mean, But intuitively we can "'Tanya" considered relative to SO ' Now we look at S', relative to terrorist'. the S', logical forms. sentence considered verb 'believes'. propositional large 'that Tanya is a terrorist' and consider its role Since, (following to be or for 17. Harman, G., 'Deep Davidson eds., op. cit. 'Ralph relative to S i , Higginbotham attitudes S1, believes appears as Structure as - 39 - Tanya is a the object of the Harmanl ) takes the objects of to be objects Higginbotham, that the "similar to" objects Logical form', to interpreted which in semantic Harman and get assigned values the 'that' clause are themselves logical forms, Similarity is used taken to be true of things that are similar to itself. two things will in conscious imitation of Davidson's samesaying relation: be similar features. to each The other role of if they the have content the same or sentence is may similar be semantic expressed by (27)(iv): (27)(iv) (Va)(a satisfies <S', S > iff a is similar to S O ) (iv) together with (v): (v) <'Ralph', S I > denotes Ralph and (vi) (Va)(Vb)( <a, b> sats <'x believes y', SI> iff a believes b) along with simple interpretation rules give us (vii) (vii) <S I , SI> is true iff (3a)(a is similar to S O and Ralph believes a) (vii) is a T-sentence that tells us, 'Ralph believes that Tanya is a more or less, terrorist' is that S I , the sentence true iff Ralph believes something similar to the sentence 'Tanya is a terrorist'. treatment Higginbotham's normal denotations. has embedded expressions This provides a simple denoting solution to the their problem of anaphora that we have been looking at. Let us terrorist, return to our example but she. is too honest', 1 (10), 'Ralph believes that Tanya i is now constructed as (28): - 40 - a (28) [SI Ralph believes that (SO Tanyai is a terroristiI but S2 shei is too honest) The challenge was to find some way of getting the unembedded 'she.' in S 2 to denote Tanya, Thus all we denotation need so that S 2 can get its correct truth conditions. to do is to of x considered find relative some to y, pair <x, y> is Tanya; such that the as expressed in (29): (29) Den<x, y> = Den<'shei', S2> = Tanya But this is now no problem. sentence, (30)(i) 'Tanya' considered relative to the content will just get its normal denotation. Den<'Tanyai', S >=Tanya S0> (ii) Den<'she ', S 2 >=Den<'Tanyai', So Qiii) Den<'shei', The aspect S2>=Tanya of the theory that their normal denotations aspect of the failures of So we have (30): theory, provides embedded seems to be satisfactory. the substitutivity, one is that less is so. However supposed How are expressions to these the account with other for the failures to be explained? 7.1 Criticism of Higginbotham's Account 'Ralph believes that Tanya is that Patty is a terrorist' easily enough. embedding The attitude is false. content report, a terrorist' is is true, Higginbotham's but 'Ralph account allows for this sentence, considered treated a - 41 - as believes predicate relative true of to its things similar to itself. The content sentences 'Tanya is a terrorist' and 'Patty is a terrorist' are not similar to each other and obviously might fail to Since each is true of things similar to be similar to the same things. itself, they will then be true of different things. while the other is not. Ralph's belief content, to, and so true of, One may be similar It seems to me that the explanation of the failures of substitutivity is The two content sentences 'Tanya is a terrorist' not quite satisfactory. and 'Patty a is as report, attitude extensions: that predicates theory, are terrorist' is They what accounted of their to predicates are for the opacity content codenotational sentences, they expressions different with effects. But the on Higginbotham's For the counterpart expressions inside the two content sentences will always get the same values. the embedding that have, expressions denotations. relative treated, predicates. composed the same are are continue assigned to their share normal their Relative to values, so And denotation. relative to the belief report as a whole they are not assigned values at all: only the whole content sentence gets a value relative to the larger sentence. Thus the extension of the content sentences considered as predicates does not depend upon the values of their parts. Now, the departure from compositionality a failing. real taken by itself, need not be There is no a priori reason to believe that semantics natural language will everywhere 18. C. f. Hintikka, J., 'A Note on Anaphoric Linguistic Inquiry, Processing by Humans', reference there cited. - 42 - be for a compositional.18 Pronouns and Information 1987, p. 116, and the new a understand may There parts. known sentence that be is built other up, in ways in ways, from explain our known to which is built up of new complex predicates knowledge of how the extension to be offered But some such account needs from old simple parts. is that we may of how it is one kind of explanation Compositionality as treated by Higginbotham, the particular case of content sentences, for if the violation of compositionality is not to matter. At this juncture it will be well to reflect upon why the failure of compositionality does not afflict Davidson. samesaying Davidson's meaning to explain the is not invoked relation of any extension the within For expression. theory of him every element in the whole attitude attribution has its extension determined by some antecedently available part of the theory of meaning. The content right. It is not a sentence is treated predicate true only as a other of sentence in its own that things samesay Consequently it. with compositionality is not violated. Moreover Davidson has an acceptable work. is supposed to among utterances Earth moves, 19 Davidson and inscriptions. then samesaying uses explanation of how samesaying samesaying only If I say relates my as a relation that Galileo said that the utterance of the content 19. The best source is his 1976 paper, 'Reply to Foster', reprinted in Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Oxford University Press, 1984. - 43 - sentence to a similar sort of thing. 20 arrive To at samesays with Galileo's utterance one proceeds as follows. utterance. will deliver of Italian. conditions truth Galileo's which is true, utterance differences options be will flavour of Galileo's century Anierica. soine are that utterance; more Those suitably better centu y 17th flavoured suited ways to among But among which will be too subtle for the theory of meaning to note. these as there will be various different ways of stating the Now, under This theory in English). (for Italian, that have the same sentences English the Italian one. conditions Take Galileo's Construe it as an articulated linguistic structure Apply to it a theory of meaning that something the capturing Italy, of stating less 20th the truth conditions of Galileo's utterance samesay with it.21 Higginbotham thus departs from Davidson in two writes samesaying into the theory of meaning itself, gives the extension of certain complex predicates. treats samesaying as a relation among abstracta, exactly, ways. First, he as a relation that And second, not Fregean he thoughts but "interpreted logical forms". The second departure creates two lacunae that need filling. know what it is to utter an utterance, First, we but we lack an account of what 20. It is thus no accident that Davidson has never offer d an account of the logical form of 'believes' sentences. Samesaying needs relata, and Davidson refuses to recognize any analogue of an utterance, in the case of belief. For an explicit avowel of this refusal see his 'Knowing One's Own Mind', Presidential Address delivered before the Sixtieth Annual Pacific Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, 1986. 21. I am indebted samesaying. to Bruce Vermazen - 44 - for my understanding of it is to believe a logical form. So when similarity is used to account for the extension of a content sentence, which of determining provided where is utterances objects specific by the content sentence the other one? And, but we to samesay, we lack, even in principle, it relates. itself, second, One logical a way form is as the theory treats it, we know what but it is for two lack an account of what it is for two logical forms to samesay. The first departure filled, from Davidson means that until the lacunae are the semantics is radically incomplete. a technical expression in For 'samesaying' appears as the theory of meaning. that is crucial to the account of how the semantic It is an expression features of complex expressions depends upon their structure and the semantic features of their parts. The theorist of meaning thus cannot leave it unexplicated. I do not claim that found. the required fillers of the lacunae are not be But I recommend a different course. 8 Frege Vindicated? Let us collapse the number of logical Instead of trying to relate, Galileo believes, moves', as separate to the logical forms in things, play clown to one. the logical form that form of the content sentence 'The let us suppose that Galileo believes that very logical form. 22. This was Harman's original idea, as I understand it. - 45 - Earth 22 We may thus take a second step back towards Frege (the first, taken by Higginbotham, was mentioned four paragraphs back) and treat the content sentence (still relative to the embedding report, of course) as a singular term, rather than a predicate. And, since we are in the mood for a retreat towards Frege, we might as well try a third step. Let us assign to each semantically simple expression in the content sentence a sense as its denotation. Embedded complex expressions, will then including the whole content sentences, denote logical forms (their own) in which inhere senses. The extension of a content sentence, considered as a singular term, will thus be a function of the denotations of its component expressions (senses), and its structure: compositionality regained. We are still left with a problem similar to that of saying what it is to believe an interpreted logical form. We now have to say what it is to believe a thought, a logical structure of senses. But we need not hurry to answer the question, plays an important role in the semantics. since it no longer There is just a relation that is denoted by the expression 'believes', a primitive and unanalyzed part of the content of the familiar idiom of belief reporting. Our problem was to explain upon how the semantic those of their parts. features of We never complex promised expressions to depended give philosophical theories of every primitive semantic value that we came across.23 23. These remarks echo Davidson's defence of his use of the samesaying relation. See 'On Saying That' p. 104, of Inquiries into Truth and - 46 - So my suggestion is (27)(iv) we write that instead of the unhelpful (31): (31) (i) <'Tanya', Sl> denotes rTanya (ii) <'is a terrorist', S1> denotes is a terrorist I assume that S' just inherits the value of S O considered Sl . relative to This gives us (iii): (iii> <S', Si> denotes rTanya is a terroristp the corner quotes once again signalling that the expressions inside them denote senses, rather than their normal denotations. together (31)(iii) with the original (27)(v) and (vi) suffice to yield (29) (32) <S i , SI> is true iff Ralph believes rTanya is a terrorist7 That is to say Ralph believes effects are 'Ralph the believes that Tanya is a thought that Tanya is a terrorist. explained in Frege's expression denoting a sense. original way, (ii), expressions we can easily denote their by iff So the opacity each embedded But since we also have those very same expressions denoting their normal denotations, and terrorist' is true account for the normal denotations. as expressed appearance They that appear in (27)(1) embedded to because that is just what they do. Of course it would be rash to put a great deal of faith in the sketch Interpretation, and the references cited thereat. - 47 - of the account I have just offered. more complicated inferences, mechanics cases, and so how on and We need to see well or so forth. badly And we of the proof of the T-sentences: into difficulties with Frege's hierarchy. it how it extends to captures need a task desirable to spell out that quickly the leads And perhaps most importantly, we had better be prepared to investigate whether anything could the theoretical role that we have assigned to senses, and if so, play what sort of thing this would be. I confess to a moderate degree Optimism about all the problems, of optimism however, - 48 - about each problem. would be supererogatory. PAPER TWO WHO'S AFRAID OF NARROW MINDS? - 49 - The mind is its own place - John Milton Who's Afraid of Narrow Minds? 1 Introduction of purpose The this is to paper defend the view that all of the propositional attitudes that we ascribe to one another in our everyday are folk psychology content'. The of what has come to be called possessed defence will by no be means complete, since 'narrow shall I neither be attempting to meet all varieties of objection to the view, offering positive arguments in its favour. nor Rather I shall be concerned This opposition comes to fend off one major source of opposition to it. from Gareth Evans , and John McDowell.2 In this dispute. I section In the shall remaining give a brief sections I general shall introduction deal with to Evans' the and McDowell's objections to my view. 1. Evans, 1982. G., The Varieties of Reference, Oxford University Press, 2. McDowell, J.,'The Sense and Reference of a Proper Name' ('SRPN') in Platts, M., ed. Reference, Truth and Reality, Routledge and Kegan 1986; 'Criteria, in Synthese, Paul, 1980; 'De Re Senses' ('DRS'), British Proceedings of the ('CDK'), and Knowledge' Defeasibility Academy, 68, 1982. Evans and McDowell appear to hold the same view, down to a detailed level. The leading idea originates with McDowell. - 50 - 1.1 Background In the fifteen last years so a or certain thesis about reference, largely owed to Kripke3 and Putnam,4 has become popular. The view, which I call the are expressions 'direct An "extension-dependent". if its meaning 'Sandy' and 'Mandy' are extension-dependent, different type-identical) meanings. 6 if is that certain expression upon its extension. depends extension-dependent (even view, reference' is if So and refer to numerically individuals, they And if 'Sandy' had referred to Mandy, have different it would have meant something other than what it actually does mean. A similar thesis is applied to natural kind terms. But here the meaning of the expression depends not upon which actual things happen to fall under it, but upon the type to which those things belong. There are two attitudes that the proponent view 3. might Kripke, take S., towards empty of the direct reference extension-dependent Naming and Necessity, expressions. Harvard University Press, 'The Meaning of "Meaning"' 4. See e.g, Putnam, H., Language and Reality, Cambridge University Press, 1975. in his 1979. Mind 5. 1 think the term 'extension-dependent' is owed to Wiggins. 6. Different extensions are sufficient for different meanings, but may not be necessary. It is open to the direct reference theorist to hold that two extension-dependent expressions with the same extensions may yet have different meanings. McDowell and Evans do hold this, see below section 4). - 51 - 'Mandy' when empty certainly does not have 'Mandy' when it refers to a genuine Mandy. reference view, the at least that empty extension-dependent an empty 'Mandy' extension This entails, not have the same meaning as do non-empty ones. properly same as on the direct expressions do One might hold that has a different meaning from the name of a Mandy, so-called. McDowell and Evans, however, hold the stronger thesis that empty extension-dependent expressions have no meaning. 1.2 Conceptions of Content It seems natural to take the direct reference concepts as well as to expressions of language. view Doing so, to apply to we arrive at the idea that which content a given concept has will depend upon what it refers to. The extension of the direct reference view from words to concepts is encouraged by the tight connections that we find between the contents of propositional attitudes and the sentences that we use to express and report them. If 'Sandy' and 'Mandy' have different meanings, would expect the beliefs they may be used to express, have different contents. 7. Terminological matters. is a psychological syntactically (Indeed, on A concept is correlate structured object of views or report, an interpreted has a content to expression's a thought component. an and it some then we sentence: A thought it is a (or some contents) which may or may not be essential to it. Thoughts are the objects of propositional attitudes; they may be believed, doubted, desired-true etc. 'Content' has to be understood more or less intuitively. It covers at least semantic coiitent and phenomenal content, but claims that there are other sorts of content are to be regarded as at least intelligible. - 52 - meaning is to be identified with its role in expressing beliefs; in which case the extension of the direct thought would be automatic.) have a different content 'Sandy' has no reference view from to So the belief that Sandy is sullen would from the belief that Mandy referent, language and is sullen. And if 'Sandy sullen' so no meaning, then cannot be used to express, or report, a belief. And this suggests that is the belief that Sandy is sullen depends for its existence on its object, Sandy. We might hypothesize characteristics. determined, One that of the these at least in part, mental kinds states of have two characteristic by things outside the head. kinds would of be The second kind of characteristic would be logically independent of anything outside the subject. Properties of this second variations of the subject's surrounding not matter there were, whether there were a kind would environment: world outside be insensitive to them it would the subject, nor, if what it was like. Characteristics psychological of states the with those of the second kind, call McDowell's and Evans' first what kind, has come if there to be if there are any, are called any, 'wide endow content'; provide narrow content. view the 'Wide Content Only' ('WCO') the belief that Mandy is morose is narrow content. The only the existence of its object, I view. On the WCO view some psychological states have only wide contents. content, to If such a state, then that belief has no content it has is of the kind that requires Mandy. no wide No Mandy, no content at all. - 53 - no wide content; For McDowell and Evans it is thus no accident that our specifications are with the objects states are bound up as they of psychological of When the best description of a psychological state makes those states. mention of the state's object, this is because what it is for a subject to be in the state essentially involves her being related to that object. if one is to believe that Mandy is morose, So one has to stand in a certain relation to Mandy herself. The view, view that I shall defend, the "Narrow Content Also" content. is that all propositional attitudes have a narrow (NCA) So the belief that Mandy is morose has a content that is not Mandy-dependent. The belief that Mandy is morose perhaps has a wide content as well as a narrow one. Removal of Mandy would eliminate that. But one would be left with a belief endowed with a definite content nevertheless. The existence of narrow content would be the existence of something that simultaneously performs two separate tasks. its narrowness. content of his If Zippy mental state thinks must Zonker be is that The first accounts zany, much then the of it that for narrow is within Zippy. 8 Suppose that Zippy's concept, Zonker, be the upshot of a combination of factors. Zippy: for example, refers to Zonker. This would Some of these will lie outside certain relations crossing the gap in space and time 8. My use of the underlining device is to be understood as an attempt to do something that is as much like quoting concepts and thoughts as is possible. - 54 - between thinker and object of thought, that make it the case that when his thought will be Zippy thinks some thought of the form Zonker is F, But these external relations cannot is F. in particular, true iff Zonker, to let Zippy be all that is required by themselves think of Zonker. made at Zippy's end Presumably there are also important contributions It is a task of the concept's narrow content to make such of the chain. contributions. The concept's narrow content is thus determined by those of its properties that are entirely independent of any links of the chain that are outside Zippy. The second task for content narrow Narrow content must deserve its name, is more nebulous what gives a subject's at least, presented by the world is Mandy is trendy makes content. But for me narrow or subjective perspective, The narrow content of a belief is the way in which the point of view. perspective; nature. and be recognizably content. It is not obvious what performance of this task entails. content is, in the world Sandy's its subject. belief to appear a certain belief way from that Sandy's which way that is depends only upon the belief's narrow Narrow content alone must suffice to provide something that should be counted as a subjective point of view. The espousal partly motivated, of a theory makes essentially I believe, is inner. things are with for narrow content is A subject's point of view of properly thought of as intrinsically independent of the world of which it is a point of view. how room by the intuition that the mind is, at least in my case, to put it suggestively, the world, that the subject, It should depend only upon considered in abstraction 'p - 55 - from her points of mention make that view of then, For the friend of narrow content, environment. specifications of be must objects, external specifications exploiting merely accidental features of what they specify. The WCO theorist is skeptical content are always performed, The WCO theorist extension-dependent terms and independent of the mind. On the WCO view, the do not of such determines the reference tasks have narrow narrow by a single thing. are that concepts for set by ascribed For content. what concepts is mostly outside the head 9 what there these concepts does not, two the or even performable, that holds that is in the head that corresponds to considered in isolation from its surroundings, have anything that should be called 'content'. It cannot by itself, in the absence of its relations to an external referent, count as a component of a point of view. Although I think view is the idea that that the main underlying the internal motivation component of for the WCO a putative extension-dependent concept is too exiguous a thing to be endowed with 9. C. f. Burge, ('Belief De Re', The Journal of Philosophy LXXIV, 1977), who writes 'features of the mental entity itself ... are not always sufficient to pick out the relevant object' in these cases '[f]actors which determine the objects about which the believer holds his beliefs ... are cases, most in indeed, nonconceptual counted appropriately noncognitive.' Oxi his view what determines reference is independent of the mind in the strong sense of not being part of its cognitive domain. McDowell (DRS, see also CDK) takes issue with this. For him the mind's cognitive reach extends to include those factors that are literally (but not metaphorically) outside the head. For him, the independence of these factors thus consists only in the fact that they would exist, even if the mind within which they were located, did not. - 56 content, I shall not have a great deal to say about the idea explicitly. The worry is rarely articulated what, exactly, statement would be required of the misconceived. very fully, concern and so it is hard to know to alleviate in section 6, it. below, I shall take up and argue I shall enter some intuitive considerations that it is that indicate that what is ensconced entirely within the head is really content. more than that would require a theory of narrow content. one Any Once such a theory was provided then it might be possible more seriously to take up the question of whether or not what is narrow is also content. I think that rather than launching into the development and defence of such a theory, posteriori, it will prove more fruitful to fend off a priori (and a for which see my 'Seeing What is not There') objections to the plausible and natural view that there is something there to have a theory of. With that end in mind, of the WCO view, I shall be focussing on a patrticular expression that McDowell gives (in SRPN). We are to suppose that a researcher is interested in the ways of a jungle tribe. He learns that the locals use the word 'Mumbo-Jumbol as the name of one of their Gods. Not suppose being of similar faith, he concludes, 'Mumbo-Jumbo brings thunder', then, not use attributions of to help explain native's thunder that we shall that the name has no beArer. If a native says something that intuitively should rightly are the utterings the of the has the English translation McDowell belief actions sentences - 57 - holds, that - the interpreter Mumbo-Jumbo including containing those 'Mumbo-Jumbo'. brings actions For, according words'. to brings thunder. p. 'no 153) proper names: his that Mumbo-Jumbo the same is view is taken of for the most part, And, by belief is expressed is no such belief as the belief There just other empty (ibid. McDowell be used in content sentences they cannot that express or ascribe beliefs.10 So the existence of thoughts ascribed depends upon the by content sentences in which proper names feature, existence of a bearer for the name: no bearer, no thought. I shall be dealing with what I take to be four distinct arguments that 11 explicitly distinguished, of pages of SRPN, places possible in his that arguments Evans' book. they and most interesting, contributions are is therefore wish to be to not We them. shall is supplemented from gathered Interpretation would I attribute are not but appear all run together in a dense couple and the last, in detail elsewhere. arguments These WCO view. are offered in support of the difficult, associated consider with the different and it all of arguments is the in ascending order of depth and plausibility. 10. There may be exceptions, but these have special features them apart from typical proper names. See section 4) below. that set 11. Two additional arguments are to be found in Evans' book. I have little to add to I have relatively these because not dealt with Blackburn's response to them; for which see Blackburn, S., Spreading the Word, chapter 9. I do not endorse Blackburn's account of narrow content. - 58 - 2 First Argument The native says something that intuitively has the translation 'Mumbo-Jumbo brings thunder'. Here is what appears to be a brief, almost self-contained argument (McDowell ibid.): No belief is expressed by his words: they purport to express a belief which could be described in the transparent style, but since no appropriate belief could be thus described, there is no such belief as the belief they purport to express. A belief describable in some object, the transparent style is a belief concerning that it satisfies some property. only such beliefs that are attributed On McDowell's by content sentences view it is with proper names. I am not sure that McDowell express an argument. really intends the quoted words to But, in case he does, I respond. 2.1 Reply to First Argument The argument would seem to proceed as follows. words purport transparent described. to style. express Second Therefore, a belief premise: that be no appropriate subconclusion: belief the words purport to express. could there is Therefore, - 59 - no First premise: described belief could such belief conclusion: in be as there is the the so the no belief that they express. What does it The first is to the first premise. I have two objections. mean to say that the words 'purport to express a belief which could be in described the I style'? transparent the think ihe belief reasonably be purportedly purported is that there is a belief, is the by expressed belief the and words, is can that most in describable the transparent style. McDowell, When however, one ... name proper utters assertively and sincerely a containing thinks otherwise: not does one sentence a mean be to expressing a belief whose availability to be expressed is indifferent to the existence or non-existence of a bearer for the name. Were purport this true, then to express a transparent that belief but that style, words the was of the only not utterance native's was so essentially. would in describable But McDowell the has no right to claim this. Surely enough, committing oneself to the existence in the normal case anyway, one is, by the But that is explained of its bearer. that it practice one's words is lay beliefs, or that one takes not just the truth, singular used theories into written beliefs to express than we are, to depend them. upon Those including truth of one's the - 60 - implicit somehow for the in lay but the very existence, of of for existence less concerned perhaps utterance There is no warrant being dependent on this ontological fact. claim a proper name, sentence containing if one utters a McDowell's referents with native, philosophical are not up to their necks, knowingly or otherwise, in the WCO view. The second premise, the transparent style, The that no appropriate belief could be described in is true. subconclusion, that there words purport to express would were interpreted in the Then, perhaps, we could principle: express either no suggested, strong If, a on thus allowing such follow, perhaps, of belief as the native other belief the seems to intend. as committed describable hand, to be true, the if the first premise that McDowell transparently the it is no form think I express belief. 12 we belief, interpret then what to it the or I as I follows is merely; there is no belief that has the property that the purportedly expressed belief is purported to have. It does not follow that there is no belief purportedly expressed by the words. My second objection conclusion. What is McDowell to the move really actually expressed by the words. he has so far argued. must also be from needs to the subconclusion show is that no to the belief is But this in no way follows from what It is not in general true that what is expressed purportedly expressed. Why should it be true in this case? 12. Since McDowell's claim is undefended and prima facie implausible, I do not undertake a defence of my opposed opinion. Were such to be offered, it would be built around the frequent and unabashed uses of empty proper names in descriptions of others' beliefs, that we indulge in. Normal people do not have the sense that it is literally impossible to believe that Santa Claus has a white beard, - 61 - whether or not he exists. Even if McDowell did intend the rather feeble argument we have been discussing, he certainly would not want his WCO view to rest on it. So let us move on. 3 Second Argument Here is an official defence of the WCO view (ibid.): 13 can be defended on these The non-Fregean [=WCO] view lines. An interpreter's ascription of propositional attitudes to his subject is in general constrained by the facts (as the This is partly because interpreter sees them). intelligibility, in ascriptions of belief at least, requires conformity to reasonable principles about how beliefs can be acquired under the impact of the environment; and partly because the point of ascribing propositional attitudes is to bring out the reasonableness, from a strategic standpoint constituted by possession of the at'itudes, of the subject's dealings with the environment. Now, whether a name has a bearer or not (in an interpreter's view) makes a difference to the way in which the interpreter can use beliefs he can ascribe to the subject in making sense of the subject's behaviour. A sincere assertive utterance containing a name with a bearer can be understood as expressing a belief correctly describable as belief, concerning the bearer that it satisfies some specified condition. If the name has no bearer (in the interpreter's view), he cannot describe any suitably related belief in that transparent style. What follows the above quotation is a comment about what, an interpreter could empty proper name, glean from the utterance given that it has no sense. of a sentence perhaps, with an Then comes the brief 13. When McDowell calls the view 'Non-Fregean' he has in mind Frege's famous claim in 'On Sense and Reference' that the thought that Odysseus was set ashore at Ithaca while sound asleep 'remains the same whether "Odysseus" has reference or not'. - 62 - argument I considered in the last subsection. Neither of these sequentia adds to the argument begun by the words in the long quote. then, reconstruct, from those words, an argument Can we, for the non-Fregean view? Perhaps the following. The argument begins with a statement of the principle of charity. The ascription of attitudes is constrained by what the external facts are taken to be, that make in general, sense in possible (possible, the light perhaps, a name has a bearer, containing so that we can ascribe beliefs and behaviours the name, of those facts, to whatever extent relative to certain other constraints). is When we can attribute beliefs expressed by utterances and actions in a special way. use these attributions to make sense of the The special way involves taking the the belief to be describablel4 transoarently. Perhaps subject's McDowell truck environment. with would the which he interacts. their existence, But then, that in environment We can interpret involve special cognitive with say these cases we as guided his actions rapports Such directly by ascribing can see the by that attitudes that with those parts of the environment rapports are logically dependent, for upon their objects. the conclusion would be, these necessarily describable in the transparent mode, attitudes, which must be distinct are from 14. 'Describable', not 'described'. The point is that the belief is taken to be about a particular object. It may be so taken even when described by a content sentence in which intersubstitutions are not truth-preserving. - 63 - any attitudes not so describable. Such attitudes are simply not available in the absence of an object. 3.1 Reply to Second Argument If is that the argument, then is it the to vulnerable following objection. There is no valid from the premise that the existence of for the availability of a certain for the attitude is requ.ired an object sort of description of the attitude, to the conclusion that the object is required for the availability of the attitude itself. It might be true that the existence of an object allows us to describe an attitude by relating it to an object with which the subject is intimate, without it being true in another way, that the very same attitude could not be described way that made no mention of the object. To show otherwise McDowell was dependent upon the that the attitude itself would have to argue a object: and that is exactly the point of dispute. The existence of descriptions of a subject's mind that make mention of particular objects provides no evidence class of object-involving these descriptions The actions. description attitudes. be, might question may is for existence of a special useful This is true no matter how the whether correctly for the interpretation what be seen makes as of true the a subject's transparent composed of an extension-independent attitude of the subject's and an external object to which it stands in some particular relation. Nothing argument suggests a negative answer to this question. - 64 - in McDowell's 4 Third Argument The third argument to be found in Evans and McDowell results from their conception of the proper form for a theory of sense. one which Their idea, may serve meaning machinery to a theory for each as derive, is I applaud, that a Such of sense. sentence of a structure-revealing and 'p' by a statement, The conditions. description of will values to simple expressions include will theory object a 'S' would be replaced sentence, of that sentence's clauses of have language, an object-language in the meta-language, machinery a the T-sentence of the familiar form 'S is true iff p': by theory Davidsonian that of the object language, assign truth semantic and clauses that allow for the computation of the semantic values of complex expressions, on the basis of those of their parts. states, then, is what expressions denote. as a theory of sense, is, it does What the theory actually explicitly so in a But the theory may yet serve if in saying what the denotation of an expression way that displays, or reveals, the expression's sense. McDowell and Evans hold that proper names should be dealt with by clauses of the form: 'a' stands for A (1) where (ibid. p. 'A' has 143, the same c.f. also sense as Evans, 'a'. op. - 65 - Such cit. p. a clause, 35) McDowell says or more 'gives - as good as gives - in that context, strictly, the sense of the name'. their doing of bit in object-language speakers. for A. That the of sense making capable T-sentences That context is a theory of meaning that delivers actions linguistic of The clause explicitly says only that 'a' stands is something by the but a quite different sense. But might that be equally expressed clause: 'a' stands for B (2) where 'B' has the same referent as 'a', only first clause correctly the theory that as correctly, shows, On a theory a of In this way a may if understood . first clause sense. It suffice, what it the senses of proper names in senses of so of because suffices not what it says. theory of meaning that McDowell's proper the includes shows the sense of 'a'. suggested manner, gives is there names that lack a referent. giving no of the For the honest interpreter cannot enter into her theory of meaning the clause: 'Mumbo-Jumbo' stands for Mumbo-Jumbo (3) nor any other clause of the suggested form, for an empty proper name. McDowell does not say why the interpreter cannot accept reason is obvious. the interpreter If this is (3) entails: (3y)('Mumbo-Jumbo' (3), stands for y), but the which must take to be false. the right way to go about things, then empty Froper names can have no senses; the moral that McDowell draws. - 66 - Evans (ibid. pps. 25-7) appears to make much the same argument. He points out that a clause of the form of (1) identifies the semantic value of the name in a way which shows, or displays, its sense. When a theory of semantic value meets this condition quite generally we may say that This conception of it can serve as a theory of sense ... the relation between Fregean theories of sense and of semantic value is attractive ... but it is clear that if we suppose that expressions without semantic value may still have a sense, we cannot avail ourselves of this conception. And, if a proper name has no sense, an utterance that contains it. then nothing is expressed by Hence McDowell's conclusion that no belief is expressed by the native's utterance 'Mumbo-Jumbo brings thunder'. The form of the argument appears to be this. We begin with the premise that the best way to go about framing a theory of sense, is to construct a theory of denotation that may do duty for one. Peformance of this duty consists in employment of clauses that state what needs to be stated for the theory of denotation, but that do so in a special way. The clauses must state what they state in a way that shows the senses of the expressions they deal this to advice seems require with. the meaning of clauses of the form (1). names cannot be honestly handled that these names have no senses: For McDowell and Evans incorporation into the following theory of Then they note that empty proper by such clauses. The conclusion is and this is, or leads directly to, the WCO view. 4.1 Reply to Third Argumnent The argument takes a false step. The step from the constraints upon - 67 - clauses the of the clauses of form (1), of theory to denotation, It is true that such clauses is nowhere justified. provide an admirable way of implementing special case of proper names with But McDowell and referents. the if we argument, So it will find clauses can that will do for the theory of sense, some form other than (1), Evans provide the only way of following the general program in the particular case. possible to short-circuit for the the general proposal, nowhere argue (that I am aware of) that the clauses be of recommendation the of but that can be applied to empty proper names. Evidently some clause like the following is our best bet: (4) (x)(N stands for x iff ... x...) But what is to fill in the blanks? What fills the blanks must The question appears to be embarrassing. same time must display the name's sense. suppose that things will be abroad. forthcoming where there name, which is admit exceptions property, then, to their descriptive (Some empty proper I said earlier to will only be condition, by those who understand and generally held, why reason both of these it seems, specific some to fix its reference. that property, might is is no that does Appropriate descriptions, associated with the name, the But there a description for every name, and at the if it has one, suffice to specify the referent of the name, that general thesis). names may McDowell and have Evans If a name lacks this though we might easily enough find a description that specifies the name's referent, gives the name's sense (c.f. we will have no right to suppose that it Evans, op. - 68 - cit. p. 48). Let us not panic. If the name description can always be found. has a bearer, then an appropriate We just have to combine the standard disquotation trick with an '=' sign. So we could employ a clause like: (5) (x)('Mumbo-Jumbo' stands for x iff x=Mumbo-Jumbo) If our metalanguage is regimented with a standard logic, then (5) will not do as it stands. The second occurrence of 'Mumbo-Jumbo' is in a quantifiable position, and will permit existential generalization. But there are two manoeuvres available to remedy this, both of which I find independently advisable. Intuitively it seems as though (5) is true rather than false or lacking in truth value. If that is right then the metalanguage captures intuition will be based on a free logic, permit existential generalization in (5). that best a logic that does not An appropriate and elegant regimentation of a metalanguage suitable for formulating a version of (5) in such a way that it comes out true, has been provided by Burge.15 McDowell, of course, would not countenance should be counted true. the intuition that (5) But that is not the issue. His claim was that a theory of meaning that employed axioms for proper names that showed the names' senses as it stated conditions upon their reference could not handle empty language, 15. Burge, Platts, ed., proper names. But (5), will serve just as well as (I) T., 'Truth ibid. and Singular - 69 - ensconced in the appropriate for non-empty Terms', somewhat proper names, ironically in and is not falsified by empty ones. The second manoeuvre for getting out of ontological troubte would be to treat names as predicates. first would to be semantically take complex a There are two ways of doing this. leaf from Quine's '= Mumbo-Jumbo' book and collapse the the semantically simple We would then avail ourselves of the (relatively) ontologically neutral predicate 'is Mumbo-Jumbo', into 16 The with 'is' copular. clause: (x)('Mumbo-Jumbo' stands for x iff x is Mumbo-Jumbo) (6) Here the tnquoted occurrence of 'Mumbo-Jumbo' is term, and its position is not (first-order) quantifiable. Mumbo-Jumbo' would be uniquely not a singular The predicate 'is true of Mumbo-Jumbo, if he existed, and otherwise would have empty extension.17 The import of (6) would 'Mambo-Jumbo' would Mumbo-Jumbo, or of nothing. be function that as a the object-language descriptive So 'Mumbo-Jumbo phrase expression true of just brings thunder' would be elliptical for 'The Mumbo-Jumbo brings thunder'. Employing the Quinean predicates in an account proper 16. names is relatively The book is Quine, 1960, the leaf is plausible W. V. O., for those of natural language names Word and Object, M. which I. T. have a press, 179. 17. Dummett makes just this response to Evans and McDowell, in Dummett, M., The Interpretation of Frege's Philosophy, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1981, p. 136. - 70 - unique, generally accepted purported referent 'Mumbo-Jumbo' would probably be an example, some others. in the community. along with 'Pegasus' and It does not seem to work very well for common or garden names like 'Ike', 'Mike' and 'Spike'. If a theorist of meaning were to tell us that (7) (x)('Mike' stands for x iff x is Mike) we would not learn very much. (6) does speLify 'Mumbo-Jumbo*. for 'Mike': the If there is one main Mumbo-Jumbo, conditions that If there are many Mikes, deter'mine then which thing dces x have to be, (7) the then value of does no such thing if it is to be the value of the word? 4.2 A Modified Burgian Treatment of Proper Names Most ordinary proper names are best treated as predicates capable of being true of many different individuals, true of just a unique individual or nothing. that are rather than being This treatment of namus is due to Burge.18 Burge notes that names may without impropriety nouns. then One can say, (6) does specify "Mumbo-Jumbo"', 'If for 'An 18. "Mike"' Burge, and T., Philosophy LXX, for example, the 'If coi.ditions "Mandy" 'Reference and as common there is one main Mumbo-Jumbo, that there are many Mikes, empty function has then a Proper 1973. - 71 - determine (7) different Names', the value of does no such thing meaning The from the Journal of properly so-called'. name of a Mandy, The meaning of proper names is apparent in such sentences. Mandy is to be called 'Mandy', is to be theory someone (perhaps even something) who is whose name (or one of whose names) is 'Mandy'. properly of meaning called 'Mandy' proper. is a question that lies To be a properly What it outside The theorist of meaning does not have the to give an account of the conditions under which one is the genuine owner of a proper name. She is committed ornly to there being such an account to be given. Since there genuinely is such a thing as being a Mike, Mike is necessary and sufficient for 'Mike' and being a to be true of one, we may enter (8) into our theory of meaning: (8) (8), (x)(x satisfies 'Mike' iff x is a Mike) unlike (7), does specify the conditions that determine whether or not something is a semantic value of 'Mike'. which Mike was in question, (8) Where (7) left us wondering tells us that any old Mike will do, and so leaves nothing undetermined. Burge (ibid p. 432) recommends that when a proper in a sentence as a singular term, name functions the sentence should be formalized as an open sentence: 'Aristotle is human' becomes 19. For a creditable theory of how names get hooked up to their bearers see Evans, G., 'The Causal Theory of Names', Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume vol. XLVII, 1973, and chapter 11 ot Evans op. cit. - 72 - (9) Is-Human( [xi] Aristotle(x i )) The free variable may be quantified from without, but, more standarly, will receive its value from a contextual act of demonstration. 'Aristotle is human' Burge's view, one is referring to a particular it is as if one said 'That In saying Aristotle. Aristotle is human', So, on indicating the Aristotle that one has in mind. I would, however, prefer 'The contextually definite NN is F' to 'That NN is F' for capturing the flavour of uses of proper names as singular terms. For uses of names are very resembling an act of demonstration that a speaker will, particul, rarely by on the speaker's part. in using a proper name, individual accompanied for his audience, anything It is rather succeed in identifying a if in the context of utterance there is a most salient bearer of that name. When the context is thus propitious the speaker has to do nothing more than utter the name in order successfully to refer. No demonstration context is not thus propitious, the speaker is is required. And if the then the audience will not know to whom trying to refer. (C. f. Evans ibid. p. 374, for some considerations in a similar but not identical vein). Burge offers two arguments for his demonstrative-ridder, formulation, neither of which are satisfactory. His first argument is that 'Jim is 6 feet tall', like 'that book is green' are (ibid. p. 432): incompletely interpreted - they lack truth value. The user of the sentences must pick out a particular (e. g. a particular Jim or book) if the sentences are to be judged - 73 - on reliance true or false. It is this conventional extra-sentential action or context to pick out a particular which signals the demonstrative element in both sentences. But the behaviour of 'The contextually definite F' does relevantly different from demonstratives in this respect. definite contextually assessing the truth dog is hungry' value of my you claim are than no seem If I write 'The more if I write not capable 'that book of is green' or 'Jim is 6 feet tall'. If one is attributing to the object language a bivalent logic, then all three sentences attributing to it truth value gaps, come out false. If one is then all three will be seen to lack a truth value. Burge's second argument is that proper names, always seem to take the widest possible scope. of 'the contextually ensures a that 'contextually' definite' definite (compare description like demonstratives, But this also seems true 'the actual' as an operator that be read singles out the actual context, rigidly). The modifier and so makes the definite description act similarly to a demonstrative. So I would recommend that (8) be employed in the proof of T-sentences that tell us this sort of thing: 'Mike is F' uttered by s at t is true iff in s's context at t, Mike, there is exactly one contextually definite and he is F. Our problem was to find way to construct clauses that allow us to show the sense of a name that has a bearer, by specifying its referent, but that also allow us, ontological without undesirable convey the senses of bearerless names. - 74 - commitment, to We have found three ways of meeting the requirements. use clauses like (5) We can either with a free logic or use Quinean predicates, as in (6); either of those two options would be suitable for names that have a primary purported amendment) referent. Or we could follow and employ clauses like (8), Burge (with suggested with appropriate supplementary mechanics for proving the right T-sentences. The possibility of exploiting these methotds does not suffice to show that empty proper names do have senses, where this is to mean they genuine can be used to express or report argument that we were considering is met. of giving a name's referent assumption was rash. - 75 - But the That argument depended the assumption that only clauses of the form (1) function thoughts. that and on could serve the duplex showing its sense. That 5 Fourth Argument 5.1 First Case: Perception For che McDowell countenancing of narrow content as a general feature of propositional attitudes carries a commitment to 'the idea that thought relates to objects with an essential various ways in which this indirectness description theory of reference might come up, 293), There are for example a for names and demonstratives, resembles a 'sense data' account of perception. (p. indirectness'. or what As he puts it in DRS crediting demonstratives with 'senses that determine objects in such a way that that the senses are expressible exist or not' ... whether the objects generates a falsification of demonstrative thought akin to the falsification of perceptual experience that is induced by representative realism. Representative realism postulates items that are "before the mind" in experience whether objects are perceived or not, with the effect that when an object is perceived, it is conceived as "present to the mind" only by proxy. And Evans (op. cit. p. 199) suggests that resistance to a WCO (he calls it 'Russellian') theory of demonstrative thoughts might arise from a picture of mind that is already rejected when one acknowledges that if in perception anything is before the mind, it is the public not some internal representation of objects themselves, them. The thesis we have been considering [=the WCO thesis] is really no more than a corollary of this realism. McDowell and Evans are claiming that the supporter of narrow content - 7o - is committed, willy nilly, and perception. theory of to a faulty picture of reference, knowledge, This picture suffers the defects of the old 'sense data' perception, Berkeleyan idealism, and has, as its least or solipsistic skepticism, How does the argument go? Realism (not endearing feature, as a consequence. "representative realism", view that McDowell thinks cannot but collapse into skepticism) upon holding that when one perceives an object, mind' (as Evans puts it) really is the object. but that what was before the mind the object. an a depends what is 'before the Suppose it were not so, was some mental representative of Then we should have to deduce the existence and nature of external object, from deduction could be sound, as it is, a the representative itself. But no since the representative could exist, in the absence of any such object. such exactly And it becomes a mystery how we can even form a conception of any occupant of a reality that lies thus for ever beyond our ken. What goes for perception goes for cognition is, the consequences of an NCA generally. view are dire. So, the fear If a sense or concept always comes between us and the external objects of our thoughts, from these senses or concepts there existence of the external objects, is no sound deduction and of the how can we ever know the object is there, or even understand what it would be for an object to be there? We will be, inhabited by as Dummett puts it 'inescapably thoughts and their components - 77 - locked into a third ... unable to realm reach the outer world of actual physical things'. 20 5.2 Reply to First Case However, I am disturbed by the threatened conclusion. I cannot find that leads into the mire. anything that is essential to the NCA view, and argue of the view, I shall try to state the minimal requirements So against Evans and McDowell that the paths I need tread are hardly more perilous than those open only to the WCO theorist. Embracal of narrow content involves no more than the claim that to think (have an distinct thing, experience) y, of x involves that both refers to (is content of a sort that is independent common component quite rightly, of the dangerous turn their backs on. having in one's mind some of) of x. views x, and that has genuine Such a claim is indeed that Evans and a McDowell, But to say just that would provide the materials for only the most pitiful of inductive arguments. And that is not what McDowell and Evans intend. Certainly there are ways of interpreting the relations that hold among the various trouble. elements included the NCA picture, that will invite In particular if we thought of the narrow content of a concept as the object of the concept, could perceive, content, in then we would have to explain or even conceive of, out there in the 20. Dummett, ibid. As McDowellU/Evans argument. something lying beyond the narrow real world. I how we implied, - 78 - Evans and Dummett McDowell does not frequently accept the saddle the NCA view with this error. The misconstrual of the position is apparent in the quotations provided above, in other that places. begins with McDowell the for example premise (CDK) whether his experience is deceptive or not, conclusion that experience provides 'at best and quite explicit considers that a subject may an argument not be able to tell and proceeds towards the a defeasible ground' We shall be looking at a similar argument shortly, knowledge. NCA for but now I want to draw attention to how McDowell elaborates on it. He reformulates the argument: In a deceptive case, what is embraced within the scope of experience is an appearance that such and such is the case falling short of the fact; a mere appearance. So what is experienced in a non-deceptive case is a mere appearance too. Then, in the next paragraph hle refers back to a part of the argument with the words 'As before the object of the experience in the deceptive case is a mere appearance.' And he goes on, understandably, to claim that in the non-deceptive case the object of experience is not a mere appearance, but some part of the real outside world. Surely enough some famous works have contained an argument that began with the premise that one sometimes cannot distinguish deceptive experiences from non-deceptive ones, and ended up with the conclusion that what is experienced, the object two cases. The next natural stopping scepticism. But that is that McDowell appeared of experience, an importantly to start out considering . - 79 - place is the same in the some sort different with, is argument and ought of idealism or from the one to have been The latter conclusion moves argument that the experiences, the same in the two cases. of experience are to the in and of themselves, are from the simply considered premise stated Such a claim does not entail that the objects the same. And the sensible move at this stage is simply to deny that they are. In the sense in which what I experience, the object of my experience, thing in the world, experience, is, in the non-deceptive case, there is nothing that is experienced, in the deceptive case. Yet the experiences be the same in their non-relational characteristics; some real no object of themselves may and that is all that is required by the NCA theorist. Availing myself of this essential distinction between the non-relational character of an experience, and the object of which it is an experience, clears me of the crude version of McDowell's and Evans' objection. underlying thought, the crude form is a more subtle and interesting But line of that proceeds without the needless slide. To keep my feet on firm ground, I must show that cognitive relations to the physical world can constitute kr.owledge, even if they consist in having in one's mind something that could exist, even if the rest of the world did not. So the following sort of story know that there is a keyboard in front of me, must be intelligible. I because I see it there. My seeing it involves my having a visual presentation that could be just as it is even in the absence of the keyboard (I could be hallucinating). Yet, nevertheless, I see the keyboard and I know that it is there. To McDowell stories like the little one told by my last three sentences seem highly problematic. Objecting to - 80 - a 'criterial' view, he writes (ibid.) that it envisage [ s ascribing knowledge on the strength of something compatible with the falsity of what is supposedly known. And it is a serious question whether we can understand how it can be knowledge that is properly so ascribed. The question is serious for the following reason. If I admit that the basis for my claim to knowledge that p is the experience, claim that my experience is compatible with not-p, then I appear to be committed to a pair of claims that sit uncomfortably My experience legitimates my claim to know that p. being what it is, and I also on the samt knee. But, my experience I must also concede that for all I know, not-p. The discomfort may be heightened by the observation that if for all I know, not-p, then it follows that none among my items of knowledge rules out not-p. And that entails, by elementary logic, that the knowledge that p is not one of those items. I require it to be possible for an experience ground for a claim to knowledge that p, with the failure of p to obtain. I anr4 must to be both legitimate such that it is compatible therefore deny that the compatibility of the experience with not-p forces the concession that for all I know, is not-p. tantamount And this seems right independently. to the quite harmless assertion For that denial that one may be in a position to claim to know that p on the basis of evidence from which p does not follow logically. McDowell between things (ibid.) accepting not being so, does not see how it is possible that everything that on the one hand, - 81 - one has to 'drive a wedge is compatible with and admitting that one does not know that things are so, on the other.' In particular, he holds, no appeal to conventions governing the use of the word 'know' can help us out here, since we would have to show that the conventions were 'well-founded'. But, (among which, on this particular matter if few others, the NCA view is to be counted) concedes 'that the sceptic's complaints are substantially correct'. And that McDowell says, concession, tht he 'criterial' says, view cannot and its fellows leave room for any appeal to the well-foundedness of the conventions. It is perhaps unsurprising that each side thinks that it is the other who concedes too much to the sceptic. All that I am conceding to the sceptic is that the experiences that are available to justify my claim to know that p may be expected to be compatible with not-p. how this undermines the well-foundedness governing the use of the word 'know'. Or, the 'know' same vein: given what the word of the I cannot see "conventions" to make a stronger claim in means, and hence, what knowledge is, the sceptic is right at least in saying that what grounds our claims to knowledge does not always establish it beyond all possible doubt. It is just a fact about knowledge, that one's posession of it may be based upon something that does not logically entail the truth of what is known. The contrary supposition must stem from a need that what distinguishes a subject who knows that p, not, must considered lie in in and the characteristics of themselves, of rather the than from one who does subjects' in, say, thing to which the experience may be suitably related. that which the sceptic holds, to believe experiences, some external But it is exactly and that we have no need to concede. - 82 - Consider two subjects whose experiences are the same, warranting a claim to knowledge. Suppose that in in both cases one experience reveals the truth, and in the other, it misleads. the subject really does know what he claims to know, claim is in fact adequately false, grounded, but still justified, in case the In one case in the other, the the sense of being so that the subject was quite right to make it. McDowell (ibid.) goes so far as ask. How can a difference in respect of something considered cognitively inaccessible to both subjects ... make it as the case that one of them knows how things are in that inaccessible region while the other does not -- rather than leaving them uoth, strictly speaking, ignorant of the matter? It is a fear that McDowell to considered question hold this sceptical that the by themselves, is one fearsomeness groundless. that question has experiences be the McDowell of same. also no answer, the two subjects I shall argue must face, or otherwise counts neither way. that in leads cannot, later that the which case its But I think the fear is If we take a closer look at the question we can see that it lacks potency. The 'difference in respect of something cognitively inaccessible to both subjects' is simply a difference that does not effect the intrinsic nature of the subjects' experiences, outside world. inaccessible' For if we course formulation regions quite unnecessarily take even difference McDowell's considered in abstraction in cognition to include the proponent the surroundings of in terms as narrow content of two - 83 - 'cognitively invites the sceptic's challenges. knowledge, the of from the we should, can hold subjects is then that of the 'cognitively accessible'. No skeptical conclusions will then follow. If we adopt a restrictive use of 'cognition', then the region in which hides the distinguishing feature of the two cases, is indeed cognitively inaccessible. answering question. we between not no difficulty in the obtaining of what the subjects obtaining. entails that p, have in the 'cognitively inaccessible' The difference difference and its But then The very boring fact that 'S McDowell's region is the claim to know, knows that may know that p, thus ensiu:es that one subject p' while the other does not. The proper way to respond to the sceptic is not to search for some feature of our experiences that guarantees their accuracy, it plausible that even if things not being so, are so, hard. on the one hand, on the other". Let me offer "everything that one has I do not think but to make is compatible with one may yet know that things that the task would the briefest of caricatures be very of how the tale would unfold. 'Everything that one has' means everything that one may legitimately draw upon in ascertaining how things are. one has is compatible with, say, To say that everything that its not raining is just to say that it is logically possible that everything that one has could be just as it is, and it not be raining. the visual, auditory, Suppose thae everything that you have includes olfactory and tactile sensations typically associated with being out in the rain. just as it order, should that be; Everything else is, there is you are being as fa as you can tell, no evidence that your senses are out of tricked, or that anything - 84 - is disturbing the status quo. raining. If You have, in short, overwhelming that it is But that is all you have. you have overwhelming evidence is caused, evidence that in the usual manner, you know that it is raining. it is What more could possibly your legitimate the claim to knowledge do not logically raining. claim to raining, knowledge? and this by its actually raining, legitimate must evidence But still, the then be required to conditions guarantee that that it is To suppose that what grounds a legitimate claim to knowledge logically guarantee that what is claimed to oe known actually obtains, is simply to confuse knowledge with a kind of certainty that is a philosopher's confusion, The certainty. One might expect a sceptic to make this but it is hardly prudent for the rest of us. pr sition adequate invention. room that McDowell for It seems the attempts required to me, to adopt is distinction however, that supposed between to leave knowledge the manoeuvres and required to make this room, lead McDowell into exactly the admissions he strives to avoid. On his articulation two subjects of the WCO position whcse epistemi, outside of their heads, For one subject, facts': rather, perceptually be 'mere states only in what went manifest' to him. This on states. would be held not to 'fall short of the experience appearance'. differed between our must be written into their experiential his experience his the difference would just For tae other, poses a risk be the what is , our fact itself 'made experienced would fallibility. If experience of its raining were truly different when it was raining, - 85 - the from how could we fail to distinguish the two? And when it was not raining, how could we be fooled by the if we could alwals distinguish the two, deceptive experiences? is obvious answer McDowell's enough. content The a of one is not at least, experience is not fully accessible to introspection: subject's One always in a positien to tell which sort of experience one is having. may raining, fact is the experience whether one's not be able tell that it is within one's cognitive reach, or a mere appearance that this is Thus he concedes that 'there may be deceptive cases experientially so. indistinguishable from indistinguishability of themselves, cL urse the in experiences but only in the fact that a subject may not know which of So it is not conceded the two he is enjoying. there exist two experiences, which experiences conceded that the mere appearance (not the be reside cannot This (ibid.). cases' non-deceptive same) as the that in the two are identical. of its raining reality of its cases It is only may seem the same raining, when that is experienced. But even this meager concession is fatal. McDowell concedes that the subject cannot tell two experiences, has written he has an accurate experience or a But if a subject cannot tell the difference between the deceptive one. ascertaining whether then that difference is not something he may exploit in which of the into the two he has. subjects' So the difference experiences cannot "elevant. McDowell (ibid.) attempts to answer this criticism. - 86 - be that McDowell epistemically One could hardly countenance the idea of having a fact made manifest within the reach of one's experience, without supposing that that wodld make knowledge of the fact available to one. The root idea [behind the criticism) is that one's epistemic standing on some question cannot intelligibly be constituted, even in part, by matters blankly external to how it is with one subjectively. For how could such matters be other than beyond one's ken? When someone has a fact made manifest to him, the obtaining of the fact contributes to his epistemic standing on the question. But the obtaining of the fact is precisely not blankly external to his subjectivity The criticism is not answered by a restatement of the contested conclusion (the first and penultimate sentences in the quoted sections), and a reformulation ot the objector's point in a vocabulary that obscures it (the external second paragraph). to it McDowell how carl is certainly with Like one respond 'cognitively inaccessible', subjectively' is a to by saying its use experience is a fact within one's cognitive reach, simply from the concession between the two experiences. slippery phrase. that if an then the fact is not blankly external to how it is with one subjectively. proceeds 'blankly that a subject But the objection cannot distinguish It does not matter whether the difference between the experiences is counted as being part of how it is with the subject subjectively, things, or not. If he cannot distinguish between then that distinction is not something that he has the swo to go on when it comes to deciding how it is in the world around him. The place at which we end up, then, McDowel]'s view and its consequences, theorist is already at rest. after winding our way through is exactly the one where the NCA We are left with the task of explaining how it can be that when "everything that one has is compatible with things - 87 - not being so, on the one band, on the other". how the one may yet know that things are so, And that of course, contents is just of a 'cognitively facing inaccessible' the question about can make region the difference between knowledge and lack of it. 6 Second Case: Reference The argument McDowell (SRPN) goes a says that opposition little differently in the to his conception of how thought relates to reality', case of reference. view involves a 'suspect a conception which 'would have to seek its support in the idea that' reference is mediated 'by way of a blueprint or specification, expressed in purely conception as one knowledge general that, we discussed, unable, in the end, which, terms.' like the on the formulated, McDowell faulty and theory would Evans of be see this perception and must keep the mind locked up within itself, to conceive of anything outside. Perhaps that last claim is correct. for if suspect conception How would reference be accounted of how thought relates to reality? Concepts would have to contain fully individuative descriptive elements to take up the burden of reference. The concept would then refer to uniquely satisfied the description. The likely difficulty whatever would be elements object to find descriptive themselves object-involving would components, elements have to or the relates to reality would be forfeit. that could be free do the of any original conception And then, - 88 - trick. These indexical or of how thought surely enough, the theory would never allow the mind to break outside of itself. The argument would take some spelling out, but it looks fair. 6.1 Reply to Second Case However, none of this need concern the proponent of narrow content. It is no part of the concept general NCA view that the narrow is a 'blueprint or specification which, expressed in purely general terms.'21 content of a if formulated, The NCA position would be requires only that the narrow content of a concept be that in the subject which allows him to refer to the object, not have to take up the counts. The first and that it be recognizably content. It does full burden constraint of reference requires only that on either of these narrow suitable to take up part of the burden of reference. requires that referring concepts content that is reference-independent, content be description. think, semantic content in form do not accept we find one of the deepest The second some sort of mental but does not expressible Evans and McDowell have be The rest may be supplied by external relations between subject and object. constraint content of require an this last; points of disagreement that thi1 individuative and here, I between the NCA and the WCO theorists. 21. This is not violated by any of the treatments of names that I recommended for the theory of meaning. True enough, 'is Mumbo-Jumbo' may be used in a specification of necessary and sufficient conditions for being the referent of 'Mumbo-Jumbo', and it shows the name's sense. But nothing is implied about what it is that determines what the name refers to. - 89 - view, that on it their extensions. solipsist [=NCA representational NCA narrow contents must by themselves fully individuat, Thus Evans (ibid. wants theorist] thinking recognizably as an essential part of the and McDowell take it Both Evans - p. 202) wiites 'The methodological [=narrow M-thinking requires which at least content) to be it be a that state.' And 'It is of the essence of a representational state that it be capable of assessment as true or false'. It does follow from this thesis that the narrow content of a referring concept have to be fully individuative of its referent. would The reason for this is as follows. A thought of the form a is F where a is a referring component, be true iff the referent of a satisfies F. will Now suppose that the thought is assessable as true or false purely in virtue of its narrow content. Then the narrow content of a must determine which thing would have to satisfy F, reference-independent, But it is not, NCA view to be true. for the thought recognizably narrow content that The condition corresponds thinking, was of a thought only to that it without thought must its being be that in the case that any part of the must be capable that I placed Evans' deserving of the second part of its name. status narrow content is Evans and McDowell notwithstanding, that the and since it could only do this by description. assessment as true or false. content, But, be condition recognizably - 90 - upon narrow that it mental, be and Narrow content can have that the narrow content virtue of which it is assessable false. of of any as true or Evans moves too quickly from the requirement that narrow content be taken by recognizably thinking to the requirement that it be assessable, itself, the for truth value. subject he when appropriately to a Why shouldn't thinking just be what goes on in undergoes surrounding states context, which, become There is nothing in the notion of a though notion, when hooked evaluable (the lay, for up truth? not the F'regean of course) that dictates that its pi ssession of truth conditions, or truth value, given a context. is intrinsic to it, rather than something it has only 22 6.2 Points of View Thought considered be content, purely and recognizably as the possessor of narrow so. Consider, example involving McDowell's native. specified, case with there concept a Mumbo-Jumbo Mumbo-Jumbo, Mumbo-Jumbo properties, upon is no the properties subject reft rs himself, a deluded godlike him. the existence viewed may a Twin Earth One case is as McDowell originally and to if you will, content in But native. nature, the In the and native's the native's individualistic and nature of which depend in abstraction from other any only particular surrounding context, are the same in the two cases. Whether or not the native's thoughts differ in truth conditions across 22. 1 think that any suggestion that the issue is becoming merely terminological, would be misguided. Questions about what should be called 'thinking' or 'content' are better seen as questions about what thinkillg and content are. There is a genuine issue here, and an important one. - 91 - the two cases, to transplant we were would not If the way the world appears to him will be the same. notice. the native two The subject's point of view.23 to from one context cases are differences Whatever the therefore same are there he the other, from the between the two cases, are ones that do not affect the way the world appears to the native. If the subject's point of view fails to determine the extension of his concepts and the truth conditions of his thoughts, then this shows that there is a level of content that is not truth-conditional, thought that is not, a kind of taken by itself, assessable for truth value. It does not show that the subject's subjective point of viewy has no content. When view, want to we understand, what motivates someone, from a sympathetic human what guides his thoughts point of and actions, precisely what we try to find out is how things are from that person's point of view. for Suppose, example, that you are interested in understanding some aspect of Freud's thought that involved his concept of the man, by Unconscious. I am imagining and his picture of the world, studying conception Freud. of what the Suppose Freud, the not trying to learn about the world that Unconscious expression 'the Unconscious', trying to understand to begin with is supposed you to be. have little You learn an with which you associate a concept that is little more than a place-holder in your thought. To understand Freud's concept 23. A point of contact here defence of narrow content. with better you Blackburn's - 92 - must try to (Blackburn develop op. cit.) a Freudian picture oft the world. You must try to see the world through Freud's eyes. You ask yourself 'How was in manifest unconscious enterprise this thoughts would attention to anything else of actions?', might become be spoiled whether in it series if Analogously if conscious?' think and so on. constructing the Freud the picture existed, objective or world, that The whole you to paid whether rather than a If Freud believed in something that you If Freud did not believe in something that you do not include the thing in your picture. you native's point of view, does, did you still include the thing in your conception of the world according to Freud. you do believe in, 'How Unconscious part of figment of Freud's imagination. do not believe in, in or not the was would Freud say the Unconscious want to understand how things why he thinks what he thinks, are 24 from the and does what he you must pay no attention to whether or not Mumbo-Jumbo exists. Your sympathetic will suffer understanding if differences of the workings between pictures of the world according the two cases to the native. of the are native's built into mind your If your models of how things appear from the native's point of view make it seem as though things appear differently to him across the two cases, you have made a mistake. If that much of the contents of the native's mind as appears in your 24. Here there is some harmony with Dennett, D., 'Beyond Belief', in Woodfield, A., ed., Thought and Object, Oxford University press, 1982, though we have different ideas about which world best represents the subject's point of view. - 93 - model is insufficient, this shows that taken by itself, to be recognizably to be assessed tor truth value, requires less than Evans thinking For the understanding that is given to you by the picture is supposed. an understanding of the native's conception of the world. the of world, thus viewed, solipsistically is A conception thinking. recognizably Indeed thought is more easily recognized in this way than, in any other; the thoughts from the inside, for one recognizes from the perspective of the thinker. Understanding everyday, person. sort of way, point of view, in this sympathetic, involves adopting that point of view in the first One does not have to believe, to believe, merely another's or even try to believe, or feign that the world is as it appears from that point of view. has to imagine how the world would appear to someone One whose point of view it was. To be appear sure, from another's extra-cranial strives what one envisages things. to point But understand of this wide while view, does trying to grasp how things is not rather a world render than of extra-mental, the content narrow. The that one content is understood in terms of how the world appears when conceived through it, by of a world, not upon what there is, I, my in world, can understand residents of Putnam's Twin Earth, there is no substance, thoughts water, XYZ. of a and When Twin the to be conceived of. how the by thinking of water. extension I think of Earthperson, of their water, I do - 94 - to appears world concept the On Twin Earth is some other in order to understand the to that not need to attribute person a concept that has the same extension as the one I am employing myself. The other's concept need not have any extension at all. note only of how my concept presents its actual extension, is thereby presented. to grasp extension. is I take not of what The content of the concept that I thereby come therefore narrow; The actual extension ladder to the narrow content it remains of my (one must, the concept is, same whatever one might say, so to speak, its a throw it away after one has climbed up on it). McDowell (SRPN) says this: In practice an interpreter might say things like 'This man is that Mumbo-Jumbo brings thunder', and might saying explain an utterance which he described in this way as expressing the belief that Mumbo-Jumbo brings thunder. That is no real objection. Such an interpreter is simply playing along with his deluded subject - putting things his way. Understanding playing along how things are from another's with her, putting things her way. think that the kind of understanding putting things her way, point of view requires of a subject I see no reason to that we derive by is inferior or defective in any way. Nor do I see any reason to think that what is thereby made accessible to us is something less than the contents of a person's minrd. - 95 - PAPER THREE SEEING WHAT IS NOT THERE - 96 - The Eye altering alters all - William Blake Seeing What is not There I Introduction 1.1 Burge's Claim 1 Tyler Burge sets out to vision 2 is not individualistic. show that the computational theory of He tells us that According to individualism about the mind, the mental natures of all of a person's or animal's mental states (and events) are such that there is no necessary or deep individuative relation between the individual's being in states of those kinds and the nature of the individual's physical or social environments. (Burge, pps. 3-4). When Burge claims that Marr's theory is not individualistic, means is that there is some necessary or deep individuative what he relation between some of the representational contents3 attributed by the theory 1. Burge, T., Jan. 1986. 'Individualism and Psychology', The Philosophical Review, 2. 1 shall follow Burge in referring to it as Marr's theory. As Burge notes, very substantial contributions have been made to the and most complete The others. by various theory computational accessible account of the theory is to be found in Marr's book, Vision, San Fransisco: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1982. All references to Marr are from the book, unless otherwise specified. 3. By 'representational content' I intend something that is individuated syntactic Two identical or intentional properties. by its semantic, - 97 - to the visual system, and aspects of the extra-cranial environment. The point of the qualifier 'necessary or deep' is to make it clear that the kind of individuation in question is grournded in essential properties would, ipso facto, be debarred from belonging to the individuated on Marr's claim is that, subject, in a such that environments representational kind. are contents representational to certain features of the world outside the by reference individuated theory, it properties, the individuating just that if any state or event lacked Burge's it is The essentialism need not be Aristotelian; of what is individuated. way that lacked a contents the contents features. those subject capable is could not exist in the Consequently of having are not determined solely by what we might call her individualistic properties, that depend properties boundaries, entails down contents, I solipsistically regarded. that to think only upon how things two the last subjects whose quark, could are within Marr's theory According to Burge, were type identical, representations with different physical have her physical states if they inhabited suitably different physical surroundings. that straightforward Burge and is mistaken. reasonable Marr's theory, interpretation, at is least on a perfectly individualistic. different if you prefer) (or have, instantiate tokens may representational contents. A representation is a syntactic object, though typically it will have semantic properties. - 98 - 1.2 Preview In the next section I shall explain relevant aspects of Marr's theory, as I understand it, pausing to note points that will be important to the subsequent argument. In that Marr's theory not what is at is issue. The section 3 1 shall individualistic, issue will recount and turn explain out to description we should expect from Marr's theory, counterfactual surprising, enjoyed, conditional. which Each conditional rep resentational contents according vary across to Marr's theory, environments, individualistic. and In sections 4, own account of the proper passages cohere upon subject as is theory reaction to the counterfactuals. my would is giving my The final own I shall show that understanding of theory. 2 Marr's Theory Marr (p. 99) formulates his task thus: Our overall goal is to understand vision completely, that is, to understand how descriptions of the world may efficiently and reliably be obtained from [retinal] images of it. The - 99 - not Burge cites some passages from takes to support his position. with have Burge argues that the not would contents therefore the of a certain type of 5 and 6 I shall dispute this, perfectly precisely her representational section will be concerned with exegesis. Marr that he (Burge) more concerns, a argument depend had she graced a suitably different environment. that the Burge's Marr's example of a machine that can human system is a working make ... descriptions such of one our aims is to at all levels: What kind of understand it thoroughly, information does the human visual system represent, what does it perform to obtain this kind of computations it represent this information, and why? How does information and how are the computations performed and with what ... algorithms? How are these specific representations implemented in neural machinery? As Burge p. 24-27).4 notes, i) the enterprise computational The has three separate parts (Marr theory p. 'in 24) (see Marr which the performance of the device is characterized as a mapping from one kind to another, of information the abstract properties of this mapping are and its appropriateness and adequacy for the task at defined precisely, hand are demonstrated.' ii) The theory of representation and algorithm: . the information must be represented with specific primitives that make explicit computations must performed be by representational system, specific information, and the in some some particular algorithms. The second part of the theory describes the representations and algorithms. The iii) system theory of is physically hardware realized. implementation: In what follows this we describes how the shall be concerned with the representational aspects of the theory. The computational theory of vision is a theory that treats the human visual system as a machine that constructs descriptions of the world in terms of three dimensional objects, given computational light intensity descriptions, values 4. For a more sustained View' in Haugeland, J., in a from retinal images. called 'gray two-dimensional [he retinas are arrays', coordinate that represent system. Ihe treatment see 'Artificial Intelligence: a Personal ed. Mind Design, Cambridge, M. 1. T. Press, 1981. - 100 - computational problem is: given gray arrays as input, how does the system produce the complex descriptions of 3D objects as output? The process breaks up into three stages (see Marr The first has two parts. Initially the system p. 37, must p. construct description of the patterns of light and shade on the retinas; 42) 'representations 330). a (Marr p. are obtained of the changes and structures in the image'. These representations make explicit certain features that will be useful for the computations construction are performed outside the viewer, primal see section 7, sketch, surface, depth, the explicitly in a constructs describes below). system reflectance changes constructs 2.5D a on it. This is of this view of the primal 2.5D information coordinate sketch shapes and their certain At the second stage, on the basis of the representing the Next, a first sketch of the surface (for a qualification viewer-centered from representations. to construct that represents called the 'primal sketch' sketch, of higher a of the about contour, frame. 31) orientations sketch Finally model relative viewed and the rough system representation, that to an object-centered coordinate frame. The passage from each stage to the next is regarded as the making of an inference: Marr writes (p. 68) 'the true heart of visual perception is the inference from the structure of an image about the structure of the outside.' real world information explicit in the beyond anything available poverty of stimulus At each stage representations what is inferred that are operated from that information alone. typical of problems - 101 - in from upon goes There is cognitive the thus a science. T[he needs theorist to discover what a priori assumptions 5 bear by the system, that allow it to make the inferences. c. are brought to (Marr p. 219, f. Burge p. 33) The question to ask is, What assumptions are reasonable to make - that we unconsciously employ - when we interpret silhouettes ... as three-dimensional shapes? If the visual system failed to make such assumptions, it would not be able to infer the nature of the distal causes of its surface irritations from those irritations. representations world is, in the Since visual to important very actual the under normal conditions, practice, system the accurate provides structure discovery of the the of assumptions built into the system. The guiding princio;le is that when the representations constructed this is evidence that the are correct under a given set of conditions, inferences that yield them are based upon assumptions that are true in such conditions. example, (Marr 6 p. The 44) kind 'the of assumptions visible world can be composed of smooth surfaces having reflectance structure may be elaborate', (Marr p. 51) involved are regarded that, as for being functions whose spatial 'if direction of motion is ever 5. 'A priori' is Marr's expression. The a priori assumptions are necessarily true. The point is that they are innate, not learned. not 6. The assumptions are not expected to be explicitly represented in the system. So it may be that the mere fact that a system succeeds under of vindicate the attribution conditions is sufficient to certain Difficult philosophical assumptions that are true in those conditions. questions arise here, into which I shall not enter, and for a discussion Computation And Cognition: Toward A of which see Pylyshyn, Z., Foundation For Cognitive Science, Cambridge, M. I. T. Press, 1984, chapter 5. - 102 - at more than one point - discontinuous within hold, the from made arrays gray come the When idealizations. reasonable - When the assumed conditions hold, then an object boundary is present'. inferences for example, along a line, out - correct assumed at least, constraints do not illusions tend to result. I now turn to three points that will be important to our argument. 2.1 First Point The of structure objects in the space. computational problem. That system visual representations of the The nature the exigencies is to say, of they of from infers, three the dimensional. lower descriptions the solving must a) be is overall recoverable and b) be used in the level above. from the level below, Marr (p. by primarily the arrays, gray objective determined how describes theory 36) explains: we arrived at the idea of a sequence of representations, starting with descriptions that could be obtained straight from an image but that are carefully designed to facilitate more objective, recovery of gradually the subsequent an object's shape. properties about physical The process inferential, Each of constructing and the theory of inference requires additional assumptions an vision is the theory input (innate), representations (from the level Each of these must be described be the that algorithm regarded as of the inferences. below), probably and an algorithm to compute an output representation. shown is works, that - 103 - the precisely, required and it must representations (Marr p. are actually computable in the manner described: to arnalyze exactly emphasise, then, what will work, and it'. prove The 75) 'we have point first I is that if a representation is attributed to the system, it must be shown exactly sequence of inferences, how the representation from the gray arrays. is arrived at, by a Representations require a botton-up account. 2.2 Second Point Since representations require a bottom-up account, cheap. more more computational activity required to derive it from the gray arrays. Given constraint representation. representation specific 8 the this The one Such needs motivation will satisfy, the a informational they do not come solid is content, motivation provided by for some positing need that some purpose to which it must be put. a the In the case of lower representations the purpose will be provided by what is required of the computations at the next level: The critical question is, What spatial relations are important to make explicit now, and why? The answer to this, of course, depends on the purpose for which the representation is to be used. For us, the purpose is to infer the geometry of the underlying surfaces (Marr p. 80). 7. A small qualification: the gray arrays themselves are representations of light intensity values on the retinas, but we are not offered an account of how these representations are constructed. lUltimately, I suppose, that account should be forthcoming. 8. More specific in the sense of being compatible with a narrower range of distal causes: the informatic that there is a crack on the viewed surface is more specific than the information that a dark line appears on it that could be either a crack or something else. - 104 - The information that is made explicit at each stage is carefully chosen to suit subsequent computations. The story is much the Marr's theory derives, same for the highest the 3D model representations. Stated baldly, the strong constraints come representation is to be used for. (P. 326). The representations, of shapes. representations according to Marr, Here again: from what the are used for the recognition Such a purpose requires that the representation: (1) use an object-centered coordinate system, (2) volumetric primitives of various sizes, and (3) modular organization. A representation based on a natural axes (for example, the axes identified by figure) follows directly from these choices. What is represented is exploited at representions 'announced' used to the next resulting in the account stage. from 2.5D for the sketch. All the early What our ability to required for object information processes appears discern in explicit is (Marr the 2.5D surface in p. the 268) sketch is features, and the 3D model representation. elements of the 3D model representation is include have a shape's a stick at a given stage is tightly constrained by what input to the algorithm that computes what Lhat as The itself are carefully motivated by recognition. In general representations require a top-down motivation. 9 9. This must not be taken to mean that the theory ascribes top-down visual processing. Marr (p. 100) insists that, on the whole, it does not. Processing is bottom-up, motivations are top-down. - 105 - 2.3 Third Point The theoretical role of a representation is given by its place in the sequences of inferences that begin with the gray arrays, and culminate But eventually in hypotheses about the shapes that give rise to them. it must, course, of also be shown that the system visual in the particular employs the particular representations attributed to it, processes attributed to it. available clues to that constrain introspective: perception. A variety of sorts of empirical evidence are the attributions for their discovery. allow actually of representations and provide The main source of evidence we know a great deal about what is revealed to is us in The experimental context in which this sort of evidence is mostly tapped concerns illusions. So, Chapter 3, for example, pages long, are 3 of Marr's book, pairs of which contains no less than 15 random dot stereograms. square dot-patterns; the two squares stereogram are the same except for a region in their centers, displaced slightly in one square relative to the other. in each which is If one views them (exactly one square visible to each eye) stereoscopically is 48 information from and explains how we compute stereoscopic the flat gray arrays, These section (Marr p. 102) 'one vividly and unmistakably perceives a square floating in space above the background.' By varying the density of the dots, and the amount of displacement, one uncovers a great deal of information about exactly w'hat is required for the computation of depth. Evidence is fairly abundant at lower levels, - 106 - but tends to peter out at There are a couple of global the level of the 3D model representation. 326): considerations (Marr p. First, in order to manipulate objects and avoid bumping into them, organisms must be able to perceive and represent the disposition of the objects' surfaces in space. This gives a minimal requirement of something like the 2.5D sketch. Second, in order to recognize an object by its shape, allowing one then to evaluate its significance for action, some kind of three-dimensional representation must be built from the image and matched in some way to a stored three-dimensional representation with which other knowledge is already associated. And three additional pieces of evidence are cited. stick figures (p. 327) 'are usually The first is that recognized easily despite the limited amount of shape information they portray.' This suggests that the type present of information in stick figures is important in human vision. The second comes from certain illusions that have to do with the way Whether or not a given shape at a we perceive elements in a pattern. given orientation is seen as a square or as a diamond may depend upon to a larger pattern in which it apoears. axes that we assignr comes from recognitional deficits. Certain capacities that brain seem canonical coordinate system (i. e. All these forms of empirical lesions to require result in recovery The third losses of a shape's its stick figure). evidence that particular representations and algorithms are being used are collected from behavioural data. broader considerations actions that we circumnavigation and more subjects are visual and specific asked concern general is whether requirements perceivers manipulation data of collected not or - of are objects, from they 107 - upon the actually and the discrimination perceive a sorts of capable like. The of; Narrower experiments: stereogram as a single raised (a shape a three-dimensional unusual two-dimensional identify can from example) for bucket, they whether square, representations of it or whether they see something as a square or as a is incidental. this tests typically involve verbal behaviour, Although these diamond. A dog could be trained to salivate when it saw a raised square or a bucket. What is Intentional really being contents behaviour by itself does not, are. tell you to be sure, capacit;. discriminative behaviour. from discriminative inferred are a mere for is tested Such what the contents But it is assumed that a subject cannot discriminate between two distal stimuli unless they cause representations with different contents; so the discrimination tests reveal at least when different contents arise from different arrays.10 And much of the computational by without stimulations between the yield theorist different two stimuli, then more knowing contents. there If must arrays and some innate assumptions, than a which subject be some differences can features the two contents computations. So, for will example, then the be fact exploited that a in discriminate of that allow her to do so, theorist must search for an account of what these are. between theory can get the gray and the The distinction in subsequent highlight causes a 10. The claim that different contents, rather than merely different are necessary for a discriminatory capacity is, of representations, course, controversial. But I think the claim is mandatory for anyone who thinks that contents have an explanatory role to play. What Burge for a contents are sufficient dispute is that different would discriminatory capacity. For the no-content view see Stich, S., From Folk Psychology To Cognitive Science: The Case Against Belief, Press, 1983. If Stich is right then there is a Cambridge, M. I. T. much shorter route to individualim than the one I am taking. - 108 - from an object different representation of explanation how larger we discern boundary scaled will be features used in the of the viewed shape. My third point, then, that is of attributions representations are checked against behavioural evidence. 3 Burge's Argument argument We are now in a position to consider Burge's theory is The argument not individualistic. steps, and a conclusion, that Marr's six separate is stated in as follows: 1) The theory is intentional. 2) The intentional primitives carry are they and the information of the theory individuated by reference to contingently existing physical items or conditions by which they are normally caused and 3) So if these physical to which they normally apply. conditions, and possibly attendant physical laws, were regularly different, the information conveyed to the subject her visual and the intentional content of his or representations would be different. 4) It is not incoherent to conceive of relevantly different physical conditions and perhaps relevantly different (say, optical) laws regularly individualistically same non-intentionally, causing the individuated physical regularities in the subject's eyes and nervous system.... individual's information though the ... might perceptual their 05) In such a case, (by 3)) the visual representations would carry different and have different representational content, person's whole non-intentional physical history that some 6) Assuming remain the same. states informational are or identified in intentional the theory content, it in terms follows of that individualism is not true for the the theory of vision. I confess argument. to being Individualism somewhat about by the structure entails that mental perplexed the mind - 109 - of the states are not individuated external (in a necessary or deep manner), physical individuative necessary items relation by which they are mentioned in step or deep variety, individualism. Step 2) then attributes more the conclusion be that that a) if individuated, they make up (which the then caused. is obvious), are and the needed to refute primitives what reference for Burge's desired intentional nor If is of the individuation by So all that would be required would individualistically is intentional anti-individualism demands of mental states; to external things. normally 2) of the argument little to by reference to the the that primitives are intentional contents b) some perceptual states are identified by their contents (which is stated in step 6)). if 2) adverts to deep or necessary individuation, not steps 3), 4) So, and 5) do not contribute to the argument. On the other hand if the individuative relation of 2) or deep, then surely step 3) would not follow from it, For only if the individuative sense explained would it be in true section that if 1) the conditions above) in 2) to conditions the is not necessary as Burge claims. were essential individuated differed, then (in the primitives, so would the contents.11 I think it is best to assume that the individuative meant to be necessary and deep. Steps as an elaboration anti-individualistic what the is Step 2) can therefore be seen as the crucial step of the argument. of relation of 2) 3), 4) and 5) can then be treated claim of 2) 11. Burge is normally such a careful and precise wonders why the argument is so disorganized. - 110 - thinker comes to. that one So I shall treat 3), 4) and 5) as an explication of anti-individualism, rather than as part of the argument for it. Steps given 3)-5) invite earthly us to consider subject would have what had, representational had she contents inhabited an a alien environment in which the very same gray arrays as are here caused by one sort of distal cause, there result from a distal cause of some different sort. Let us give our subject a name, 'Visua'. When we consider how things would have been with Visua, had matters been otherwise, we shall refer to her as Visua*. Visua she as environment. Visua* is would Visua have and thus Visua's counterfactual been, she Visua* means that their individualistic the same sequence considered, undergo of the gray had inhabited are individualistically histories are the arrays, their same machinations. counterpart, . identical. same. brains, some They other This undergo individualistically But things outside their three dimensional physical boundaries may be varied. The features that are to be varied are some of those contingently existing items or conditions that normally cause Visua's representational contents, and to which the contents normally apply. Marr uses such items to individuate contents. uses them as a guide to discovering In Burge claims that my view, what the contents are. he merely So, to pick a neutral expression: the items and conditions to be varied are those in terms of which Marr identifies contents. In the counterfactual environment these mundane items and conditions - 111 - are systematically replaced by different ones. But these environment cause items and conditions in the counterfactual the very So there are as do their actual counterparts. same gray arrays replacement gray array types the typical distal causes of which will differ across twins. From now when on qualification, same given: I I mean refer the to that counterfactuals bodies, that environments without counterfactuals, fit the further just outline broad are systematically in different the way described. There are two claims that Burge might make about Marr's theory and If we take him at what seems to be his word, the counterfactuals. view is that it counterfactual is a consequence environment of of Marr's the theory envisaged that in sort, weaker claim wishes, and would that would perhaps have suffice is what been to satisfy he really different. Burge's intends. For the contents of the he says that if the relevant items were different, representations any Visua*'s representational contents would have differed from her actual ones. subject's his But there is a anti-individualistic This would be that there is at least one counterfactual environment in which Visua* would have had different, different reptesentational contents. If the items had been the contents of the subject's representations might have been different. The truth attributes depend of the weaker representational solely environments on would a claim contents in such show a capable - of endowing 112 - that way that Marr's they properties. individualistic subject's be would a given theory do not Different subject with different representational contents, even if her individualistic properties were held constant. I shall follows. argue First against I both shall claims. make a The general argument point will about legitimately suppose to vary across environments. proceed what we as may Then I shall outline a particular test case and consider what Marr's theory should say about it. I will theory, offer what I call upon which it representations with a would the 'straightforward' predict same that intentional interp Visua and contents, Lation Visua* even of compute though standard distal causes of their gray arrays are quite different. then explain Burge's my straightforward Marr's and theory, refute the I shall "devious" interpretation of Marr, which contradicts one. I shall argue that the deviously interpreted incorrect. the This will L/ undermine Burge, the predictions yielded by would be unmotivated devious interpretation, Burge's strong claim that in any of the counterfactual Visua* will have different contents from Visua's. then be in place to consider the more plausible, The and habitats background but still false, will weaker claim. The general point is this. retinas are identical, including the patterns, the same. exploit But both Since the patterns of light on the twins' and the very earliest representations zero-crossings, content the the of those computations input at a minimum) desriptions about the structure of the world. derive and The - 113 - the higher additional, be light the representations innate representational those must representations earliest that describe (up to and assumptions content derived a by given thus computation A assumptions. given of computation be may described, (syntactically) depends, in a the upon part, representation, given different innate formally semantic So, even if we know what the earliest descriptions are, intepretations. and what formal processes operate upon them, we cannot yet infer the the resulting representations attribute to the system. How we interpret thereby constructed. content of the representations must depend upon which assumptions we If we regard Visua*'s system as constructing different representational contents from Visua's, we must also regard it as making different assumptions. 4 Against Burge's Strong Claim 4.1 'The First Case Suppose that Visua*'s environment is one in which we had artfully attached a stereoscope to her face at birth. We have done this in such a way that she is not aware of it. the stereoscope's remote control. two screens, We identical to Visua's. arrange Her eyes receive only images from we are capable of which things so that her adjusting by will be stimulations The rest of her distal environment, however, will be different from Visua's. 4.2 The Straightforward r)iscussing Interpretation the assumptions that allow - 114 - us to infer a 3D shape from a silhouette Marr writes (P. 219): if a surface violates these implicit assumptions, then we should see it wrongly. Our senses should deceive us in the sense that the shape we assign to the contours will differ from the shape that actually caused them. Visua*'s environment is one in which the viewed surfaces violate the implicit assumptions. Specifically, retinal from images arise a the system will assume single surfaces. On a straightforward surface, we be able should illusions are (Marr p. than two distinct interpretation of Marr we should predict - exactly as commonsense dictates - that Moreover, rather that the two Visua*'s senses deceive her. to determine what the contents of her 100): The brain is capable of measuring disparity and using it to create the sensation of depth. For purposes of demonstration, a stereoscope from a souvenir shop will do: when individual views are seen with just one eye they look flat. However if you have good stereo vision and look with both eyes the situation is quite different. The view is no longer flat: the landscape jumps sharply into relief, and your perceptions are clearly and vividly three-dimensional. Visua*'s brain is regularly regularly delivers vivid, this because those relevant arrays. are confronted illusory, the with and stereograms, representations of 3D scenes. representations it constructs so It does from the If the gray arrays that in Visua result from 3D objects were caused in Visua* by our stereoscopic derive just the representational facsimiles, the latter would contents that the former does. would misrepresent flat distal causes as 3D scenes. Burge writes (p. 35) If the properties and relations that normally caused visual what they are, the were different from impressions individual would obtain different information and have visual - 115 - Visua* If the content. with different intentional experiences regular, law-like relations between perception and the environment were different, the visual system would be solving different information-processing problems. But how would it obtain the different information? How would it solve the different contributions are representations, veridical Marr's carefully very separated. The usually, to the environment contributes the gray arrays and conforms, assumptions. information There is no way that the environment can get the correct into the system visual other by than peripheries and conforming to the assumptions. bombarding It must what caused the bombardment. infer, from the gray arrays, problem theory is designed to tell us how the information for is this environment solved. is solved It by processing the brain's construction of a representation: the representation is constructed, the aid of innate assumptions, will be correct if and only obtain flukes, an (barring unsound conditions if the the When obtain, will typically correctly be a representation is assumed by the system the description is arrived at by conditions representation will typically be correct, problem with from the gray arrays. The representation in which case inference). its is given The organism only the gray arrays and its innate assumptions to work with. Marr's the theory to the business of forming and organism, of environment On problems? processing information obtain, then the and the information processing When solved. constructed do that the cornditions do not fails correctly to depict its distal cause. The construction of representations information about the environment is thus only the extraction of hold. If when the assumed conditions - 116 - the conditions do not hold, representations. then the system will fail to deliver correct It won't magically solve another problem. It will screw up. If the informational content of a representation is defined by what it regularly actually with, covaries of then, representations will carry different information. course, twins' the The question is whether that sort of informational content is what the visual system manipulates according to Marr's theory. I am about it to argue that it is not. 4.3 The Devious Interpretation The straightforward predictions the theory interpretation delivers about requires the supposing representations that the constructed from specified gray arrays are not limited in applicability to a range of contexts that excludes the stereoscope world. Burge would argue that the predictions are thus limited. out that on Marr's theory (p. He points 33): the information carried by the representations - their intentional content - is individuated in terms of the specific distal causal antecedents in the physical world that the information is about and that the representations normally apply to. And concludes: Thus the individuation of intentional content representational types presupposes the veridicality perception. And (p. 35): - 117 - of of The methods of individuation and explanation are governed by the assumption that the subject has adapted to his or her environment sufficiently to obtain veridical information from it under certain normal conditions. 37) And (p. (or state visual one's of content intentional the representation) is individuated against a background in which the relevant state is normally veridical. devious So the assume that in causes under normal under those conditions. So, will from R, arrays are normal then the representation will by a thing of a certain type T, conditions, of a certain under caused, standardly correct be if a creature's (the interpretation proceeds) that to standard have visual system is such that it constructs a representation type, are We this. representations the conditions, like representations where any environment runs Marr of interpretation those causes as things of have an intentional content that represents type r. is interpretation devious The for analogue the thus visual 12 representation of a causal theory of reference of the kind that Putnam and that Burge has applied to natural kind terms of natural language, himselfl3 extended has to content the of propositional the attitudes attributed in folk psychology. On 12. the devious Putnam, H., interpretation, 'The Meaning Visua* See e. g. 'Other Bodies', assumed of 'Meaning", Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Minnesota Press, 1975. 13. is in of Science, Woodfield, Object, Oxford University Press, 1982. - 118 - in to see Gunderson, Minneapolis, A., ed., correctly K., ed., University Thought And under she will not be representing single 30D scene, that the two surfaces of the stereogram as a but as two flat surfaces. But Burge's argument true certainly then, It follows, their typical normal causes correctly. represent will representations Her environment. normal conditions in her for the devious interpretation when that Marr, in earthly humans studying It is is invalid. context, typically supposes that what a representation represents is what causes But it does not begin to it under normal conditions. had been that if some other type of distal cause follow from this the typical one, the representations are representation would have represented that. What theorist the needs to out find One good way under what circumstances. constructed find conditions under what is then to infer that what is seen is what is there. the representations representations causes. Since well. works In an Under those conditions will represent their distal causes. is that contents that typically where environment propitious for vision, Marr so the are may to attribute true of their normal the representational here, For us, it are the ones in which our is roughly true that the normal ,ircumstances sight to see correctly and appears which the subject to do this is to normal distal circumstances contents would our were not not typically be true of their normal causes; they would typically misrepresent them. There is where our those not the slightest representations causes plausibility, had correctly. and is certainly to believe that in any environment reason normal causes, Such a supposition not supported - 119 - we would be able to see lacks independent by the computationdl theory of vision. I argued above (in section of are representations checked against attributions theory, evidence. behavioural So, for Marr uses the observation that we successfully circumnavigate example, and on Marr's 2.3) that, manipulate to objects, justify representations attributing in the Attributions of representations that would be in line form of 3D models. with the devious interpretation could not survive even this crudest sort of appropriate For test. observational for one who Visua* was correctly screens just in front of her eyes. not evidence of the kind act perceiving She would not, in order to see what was remove the screens, Behavioural would in manner on two flat images for example, try to going on behind them. Marr would demanded actually any by therefore count against the devious interpretation. evidence The straightforward would be would, that quite consistent That interpretation intepretation. illuded, be however, would she be the predicts that Visua* representing the That is just the prediction images as a single 3D scene. with stereoscopic that fits the data. The straightforward interpretation is also in line with know what the phenomenology like to view a stereoscopic flat. she intuition. We of 3D vision is like. We know what it is picture, and what it like to see things as We know what it would be like for Visua* to have the experiences has, phenomenologically experiences like that could construed. have It is very representational - 120 - hard to believe contents that that were true of flat surfaces. 14 4.4 Recapitulation and Remark Let me recapitulate that Marr the argument so far. attributes circumstances here. representations Burge inferred, that the seer. independent A good better reading reason of is that that Visua* that that we under the normal underlying since see we correctly have under the contents the theorist attributes are ones that in fact represent their typical distal causes. supposing correct perceived under normal circumstances Marr for supposing normal circumstances here, are incorrectly, principle was that vision is always correct for Burge correctly sees correctly in her reason to suppose that her representations We have no reason for environment, and so no depict their typical normal causes. The content behaviour. of higher representations interacts substantially When behaviour is appropriate in the light of distal stimuli, and this fact is legitimately explained in terms of perception, infer that perception is yielding behaviour is not thus appropriate, awry. with correct representations. we may When we should predict that perception is 15 14. Perhaps a supporter of Burge would hold that the phenomenal properties of the twins' perceptual experiences would vary. That would be an interesting extension of anti-individualism, and one that would stand in radical need of an argument. 15. Inappropriate behaviour is not, to be sure, conclusive evidence of misperception. Peculiar desires or false non-perceptual beliefs may be what is responsible for the wacky behaviour. But all that is required to - 121 - behavioural evidence, reasonable in would be quite that One hypothesis representations have Since Visua* is Visua's twin, all of Visua*Is that be would exactly the contents that Visua's do. the light of the Visua*'s movements would be ones that someone would make, seeing what perceptions. Visua sees and walks When a similarly Visua* will travel herself is rhinoceros. states, responding and sees, actually Visua to subject the illusion that will It too, she, It would thus be quite safe to attribute including perceptual that Visua* does, states, be her rhinoceros, sleeping a sees Visua* if as mental to Visua* Nothing that are just like Visua's. would count against the described, non-intentionally to rationally round a sleeping route. shaped if she were hypothesis. The right way to make sense of what Visua* was doing would seem to be to ascertain appropriate. Visua's, in what sort her environment of The obvious candidate motions for such an environment would be and so attributing to Visua* contents that would be true, she confronted with the distal causes of Visua's representations, be sensible. But Visua's environment which Visua* could reasonably might be supposed not be the only to be seeing be would were would one in successfully. What if there were another one? That is a topic for the next section. undermine the devious behaviour sometimes be than other attitudes. intepretation explicable in - 122 -- is that terms of systematically misperception, wacky rather 5 The Weaker Claim My argument in the First Case depended on the point that successful old brain old in any Where environment. the behaviour subject's we should without attributing correct visual representations, explained thus is There representations. correct attribute automatically is or appropriate in a way that can be inappropriate to her environment, not for just any cannot be presupposed sight under normal circumstances nothing to count against the straightforward interpretation. 5.1 Second Case that however, Suppose, environment and that attributable not to the success fluke is Visua* or of artful her but to her it is through meanderings contrivance, to adapted perfectly visual her In such a case Burge's argument could proceed without the perception. is automatically that veridicality false premise assumed to result from the existence of normal causes. then, We shall assume, can see successfully some of her gray counterpart whatever protagonist are, could in her environment. arrays must still differ arrays. they that Visua* wears no stereoscopic glasses and But would correctly shall we The typical distal from suppose the lie perceive the distal - 123 - the causes of that give not to causes of differences, these the view causes Visua's of that each her own irritations. This could happen if, subtle, environments were small and the say, the two cases played no significant differences between across or the items that differed role in the subjects' lives, the or the items were out of range of senses other than sight. Burge's argument could then proceed discover that normal for her. under that, Visua* system, The those are correct that are true world. So, And, conditions attributed their here, attribute assumptions for her world. under to be depict conditions, false in Visua*'s the theorist should correctly representations constraints hypothesis, see could The theorist would as before. and by Visua's argument would to Visua*'s just as Visua's By causes. assumed Burge's be ones would normal were that go, system that were assumptions allow her to construct correct representations of her distal stimulations on Earth, that Visua*'s assumptions allow her to construct representations would correctly depict her distal stimulations on her stimulations and constraints differ across worlds, world. so Since the Visua and Visua* will construct representations with different contents. The case Earth (E) under dispute may we have a constraint, described be schematically Ce, thus. On that is replaced on Twin Earth (T) by a different constraint C t . On E the normal cause of gray array type G is some item O ; on T the normal cause of gray arrays of type G is some other sort of thing, visual system assumes Oe, and so form a Ot . The constraints are such that if the Ce it will infer from arrays G the presence of an representation satisfied by, and only by, of intentional objects of type Oe. - 124 - type Re, that is But if it assumes C t it will infer from arrays G the presence of an Ot , and representation Rt that is satisfied by and only by Ots. form (See Key, a part (a)). KEY (a) E: Earth T: Twin Earth G: A type of gray array O : the type of object that normally causes Gs on E Ot: the type of object that normally causes Gs on T C e : A constraint that is true on E, but false on T Ct: A constraint that is true on T, but false on E R e: A representation that is true of, and only of, O s e e R t : A representation that is true of, and only of, Ots A visual system assuming Ce will construct Res from Gs A visual system assuming C t will construct Rts from Gs (b) C n: A constraint that satisfied if either Ct or C are R n: A representation that is true of both Ots and Oes A visual system assuming C n will construct R s from Gs n 5.2 Undermining of the Devious Interpretation On the devious interpretation, sees correctly on T. On T, we should argue be assuming Visua's system, Ct , follows. Gs are typically caused by Ots. correctly requires the construction of Rts from Gs. must as and constructing on the other hand, - 125 - C e So seeing So Visua*'s system representations assumes Visua* Rt from Gs. to construct R s from e Gs. from Rts, extensions R s have difterent Since e and Visua Visua* undergo representations with different contents. It does not follow from the fact that Gs But this argument is invalid. are caused must by Ots that correct be representations representations of Ots, hence constructed of intentional type from Rt . Gs Any representation that includes Ots in its extension will be correct on T. In particular a representation that is satisfied by both Oes and Ots will be correct on T. If the representations Visua* are of some neutral type R Ots, by Visua and that is satisfied by both O0s and n e while correctly see may they then constructed same the having yet representations. Ascribing to both Visua and Visua* representations that would be correct in either environment is exactly what would be required by the straightforward interpretation. The straightforward interpretation thus requires that both protagonists construct representations of the neutral intentional type Rn. would be broad Correlatively, enough to be the assumptions satisfied in systems would neither assume C t nor Ce, C Burge's argument that the comp¶Itational reference. language The reading into it a particular (See Key, part (b)). theory is not individualistic form of a causal theory of The Putnamian theory might be true of some parts of natural and automatically perceptual environments. but some neutral assumptions that would be true in both environments. depends upon both we would attribute even of assume module. some that it parts of folk applies to Scientific psychology - 126 - psychology, a but computational will perforce one cannot theory of depart from a folk One such departure might well be a failure psychology in various ways. 16 to adhere to a causal theory of reference of the folk variety. must Burge attribute to particular way of choosing, content of the of vision a from among the various ways of describing the typical causes of a correct representation, the theory computational the representation. In the one that will give our example the recommended selection for Visua* would have to he R t rather than Rn. I find nothing in Marr's theory to support this interpretation. itself and the particular Putnamian himself has, without provocation, However, theory, Both the causal theory version of it are things that Burge added into the computational theory. even if the theorist of vision espouses no Putnamian causal she might still attribute devious interpretation. contents in the way predicted by the If that were the case, it would be because the balance of various sorts of evidence and argument happened to motivate attributing to Visua and Visua* the specific representations respectively, I shall Re and Rt, rather than Rn argue that the balance would never tip that way. The attributions predicted on the straightforward interpretation are more in line with Marr's actual methods, and with the dictates of good explanation. 16. My own view is that folk psychology comes unstuck on twin earth cases, dictating both that the twins do have the same psychological states, and that they do not. I reserve that argument for another paper. - 127 - 5.3 Defence of the Straightforward Interpretation and her place Visua and a in Visua* to Earth, Let us bring the counterfactual. Let us elaborate together. laboratory is Visua* still assumed to be an evolutionary product of and to have grown up in one of the three-dimensional. 17 her habitats, counterfactual to visit is Earth merely In Let us subject them both to two experiments. the first experiment we arrange an experiment in which conditions C are and violated, objects of type Ot , to and Ct obtain, conditions cause of arrays subject G. type the subjects In the e to second and Gs are experiment we arrange matters so that conditions Ce obtain, caused by O s. e The devious sees correctly Visua* experiment would interpretation illusion that she is seeing O s. e us have but Ots, In the that say is Visua second the subject first to the experiment it is Visua correctly. the illusions and Visua* who is seeing who suffers in On the straightforward interpretation they would both be seeing all the distal causes as 0 n s. Representations Top-down motivations require a top-down motivation. come from finding some use or purpose to which the content is put. So than mere O s, we to motivate the attribution of Ots and Os rather would have to find some purpose that the more specific contents could 17. If the strain of imagining that Visua* counterfactually described, is now unbearable, the twins are merely physically type identical. - 128 - you is Visua may herself, suppose that serve, but that the vaguer contents could not. We would need to find some higher computational process into which the contents would feed, and it would have to make some difference to this process whether its input was on the one hand R this be? Nothing that recognitional capacity. or R , or, on the other, R . What would e t issued n in any discriminative For the twins are twins, ability, or and will be the same in every testable respect. The twins' performances in all the tests we could devise would be the same. They will, stereograms, silhouettes, example be for example, able make the distinguish to register identify 3D effects exactly the same distinctions among shadow boundaries from changes from object boundaries), from all the same 3D shapes from markings (for same surface highlights from texture make the same groupings in patterns and so on. But it is tests of exactly this kind that the theorist actually uses to determine how Attributions many distinct of representations contents are she checked needs against to attribute. just this sort of behavioural evidence. And there is good reason for this. It would be a violation razor of Occam's to invoke invocation would be doing no work. invoking the two contents, theoretical purpose Consequently served There by the straightforward the global contents would just be where one would do. distinguishing where the no point to For there would be no between the contents. intepretation has economy on its side. The devious one scratches where there is Moreover, different considerations - 129 - no itch. that help to justify the same the be would contents of attribution would come at exactly behaviourally construed, successes and failures, For cases. two the in the same points. The twins would make the same circumnavigations and Visua* would duck to avoid flying objects, duck to avoid manipulations. sew buttons read scrawly handwriting, images of such in a 3D movie, on a shirt, make drawings of what she sees, and so on and on, just as It Visi;a does. all this odd to suppose that throughout would seem Visua* would be systematically misperceiving something that Visua was representing different contents, attributing for motive no be would There correctly. no explanatory gain to be achieved by doing so. reason that we would simply interpretation On the straightforward both twins could solve the information processing problems set by both We would infer that their representations were Earth and Twin Earth. of type Rn, and that they were assuming neither C t not Ce but the more conservative representations. Cn - all that required was to account for their And that is exactly what the evidence warrants. To attribute contents deviously rather than straightforwardly would not only be out of line with Marr's actual practice, it would run directly counter to basic canons of good explanation. message The general distal in difference evolutionary is cause, background we that can regular, however must make never a To show that the differences between showed up in representations perception, were specific we would enough - 130 - have to a mere ubiquitous however difference content. that suppose in representational the twins' environments to to distinguish show the that their two sorts of this could abilities, Given the identity of discriminative distal cause. The best theoretical description will always be one in never be shown. which the representations fail to specify their extensions at a level that distinguishes the two sorts of distal cause. It will always be better to suppose that the extension includes both sorts of thing. Being tickled something is not tantamount by 18 that to knowing what thing is. 6 A Specific Example Burge what is (p. 42-3) wrong straightforward himself provides with the devious one. It will be an example that interpretation, worth nicely and going over the illustrates right with argument the again with his specific example. He asks us to imagine a subject, P, among whose early representational types is one regularly caused by thin shadows. visual In such slhadows. If the same perceptual type were on occasion caused by a small crack, Burge a case, Burge argues, the perception would represent says, then P would misperceive the crack as a shadow. normal circumstances P may be fooled by a crack. So, even under But suppose that, 18. Note that refusing to proliferate contents beyond what is needed to not special to the computational explain discriminatory capacities is theory of vision. The reason why we do not att-ibute, for example, a concept of bank-managers to dogs is that dogs cannot discriminate bank-managers (or banks) from other things. - 131 - the optical laws were different. counterfactually, In the counterfactual world there are no instances of the right sort of shadow. very that arrays gray P would be visually representing cracks as cracks. 1 We Do choice. a face representations of shadows, do we follow representations environments, 9 one in of crackdows to attribute and route (thin, environment Or of cracks? representations in another, straightforward the P to attribute we Burge says, In such a case, caused by small cracks. counterfactually, are, shadows the by caused factually are Instead the dark, in both marks that P, could be either shadows or cracks)? What would required be for positing the contents would be a top-down motivation. different We would representational need a reason for supposing that higher processes exploited the information that it was a (crack) shadow marred that surface, visible the rather a If the representation of a crackdow would account for all the crackdow. higher processing just as well as would the representation (crack), than then it is a crackdow of a shadow representation that we should attribute. Anything more discerning would be unmotivated. But, cracks. by We explanation 19. hypothesis, could P cannot therefore of which would between discriminate never locate a capacity require the attribution of Note the analogy with water and XYZ: shadows of the more P's and the precise if there were a small amount of XYZ on Earth we would probably misidentify it as water. We would call it 'water', but we would be wrong, as chemical investigation might show. But on Twin predominates there. Earth the word - 132 - 'water' is true of XYZ, which content. No top-down motivation would be available. We do form representations, of about the specificity that have contents during early vision, and ones that of crackdow, specificity of shadow or of crack. have about the It will be instructive to consider how these are arrived at, and what motivates their attribution. The reliably that representations first covary with phenomena are formed when the outputs of the zero-crossing conjoined (c. Burge p. f. external filters are Marr attributes to these representations 33). the content eJge. "edge" representations It is not abundantly clear whether to represent or features of In three places Marr states that representations at features of the retinal images themselves, the viewed surface. this level are still of the retinal images (p. others (p. 41, are meant quoted above, p. 93) 71, p. 91, p. 366); and in strongly implies this. But he also tends to talk as if they can represent elements of the surface p. 68, p. possibility outputs 91); and this is how Burge seems to interpret him. would be to think of these of the representations zero-crossing representations filters. In any (p. 52, Another as being of the case, however, that really do refer to external things must arise here or soon after.20 It is interesting that the theory survives unclarity on this point. It 20. My own view, unlike Burge's, is that we should avoid attributing to the system representations of external things for as long as possible, probably until the 2.5D sketch itself. At lower levels we do not need to attribute such contents to explain what the system is doing. - 133 - does so precisely because nothing is at stake except the inferential role their place in the sequence of steps that mediate of the representations, the It representation. no makes segment representations surface, or treats to array gray from passage as already to previous edge the treats visible the to marks on referring them as referring one whether difference model 3D the and sketch 2.5D and representations sees the later processes as inferring from them the presence of such a mark. Let us, in any follow event, in Burge that supposing representations do represent elements of the viewed surface. important to realize that 'edge' has a very broad meaning. edge It is very As far as the early representation goes, an edge could be the boundary of a shadow, a highlight a on surface, content boundary. of an 21 unspecific functions thus 'Edge' texture, a surface real one caused by a patch of ink), reflectance change (for example, object of property a representation like 'crackdow' the extension to or an give of which the is not matched by that of any simple English expression. The higher processes "edge" is really physical edge, present, perform to decide what whether it is a shadow boundary, or whatever. further information, computations These computations sort of or a real require exploitation of for example about depth or motion. 21. It would therefore be impossible to construct a twin case for the content edge. Since any reflectance change on a surface counts as an "edge", any twin environment will either provide "edges" or be a world of many illusions, If the distal stimuli were not even marks on surfaces, then seeing successfully would be out of the question for creatures with brains like ours. - 134 - What motivates the attribution to the system of a representation that is really of, say, a shadow boundar/, rather than of an "edge", is the fact that we can tell, under normal circumstances, we are seeing: boundary, content or a highlight, is manifest discriminatory needed we can tell, to whether we are seeing a shadow or a real physical edge. us behaviour. to explain that is, what sort of "edge" subjectively, Representations the discriminative and cleary detectable in different contents are and provides the with capacity, The representational this top-down motivation for positing them. It is only because we can normally tell which sort of "edge" we are seeing, that Marr attributes the different representational contents, and seeks for an account of how they are inferred from the gray arrays. Similarly for small visually discriminate it be rather correct than to cracks and shadows. between them, attribute crackdow crackdows as shadows, to her Only if the subject under normal circumstances, crack representations. or as cracks, or The shadow system would representations, will represent rather than merely as crackdows, only if it extracts this information from the retinal array, of additional cues, could assumptions and computations. system is doing this depends upon it, Whether with the aid or not the not upon what normally causes the gray arrays. It is no accident that Burge had to try to make up his own example, rather than take one from the theory itself. every content that the theory actually motivation and a bottom-up account. does The reason is simply that has a top-down attribute The result i. that it is too tightly - 135 - constrained by individualistic the to construct testable dispositions, general argument, the shadow arrays and the Burge claims that his 'is independent of the theory of vision that we have been discussing [i. e. seems to me, includes a twin case. gray example Marr's theory]. which the facts, and crack It supports and is further supported by that theory.' It rather, that his argument flies in the face of the theory. 7 Exegesis Burge's examples quotes. devious intepretation of specific In this theoretical final section of Marr claims, I will is defended and show by two lengthy by a couple of additional that the straightforward interpretation is compatible with all Burge's evidence. Here are the essentials of one of the specific claims (Burge p. 33): In building up informational or representational primitives in the primal sketch, Marr states six general physical (for assumptions that constrain the choice of primitives ... example: ] a) the physical world is composed of smooth surfaces having reflectance functions whose spatial structure may be complex: b) markings generated on a surface by a single physical process are often arranged in continuous spatial structures - curves, lines etc.... These assumptions are used to identify the physical significance of - the objective information patterns in the image. conditions under which given by - certain types The computational theory these primitives form to information about items in the [Clonditions are laid down under representing as taken may be condition; as being edge, boundary, of states carry physical world ... which certain patterns physical an objective bar or blob detectors. I accept this as a fair account of something that Marr does. But how does this support the claim that 'the intentional primitives of the theory - 136 - ... are individuated by reference to physical items and conditions by reference to they which but external contingencies, words the content. form the this to mean I take .. that used to in own Burge's informational identify' theorist the is even has, reference 'assumptions of there Certainly caused'? normally are the assumptions uses about the world in order to find out what the representations deployed by the the constrain are. system visual choice of When seeks, Marr primitives, he trying is Burge as limit to says, to hypotheses He is not laying about which primitives there are in the visual system. down conceptual constraints on what it is for there to be a particular primitive in a system. In his second example Burge and representation environment the expresses thus (ibid.): relation 'Marr motivates a central representational primitive by stating physical constraints'. and true, again this fails support to between Marr, Burge's Again this is The interpretation. physical constraints motivate the representational primitive by providing evidence about represented. what is being Nothing is entailed about individuation. The conflation of what is taken to justify the ascription of a given content with what makes apparent at numerous Marr (p. it the points in case that the is content Burge's exposition. He (p. there, 27) 43) as saying The purpose of the representations is to provide useful descriptions of aspects of the real world. The structure of role in therefore plays an important real world the determining both the nature of the representations that are used and the nature of the processes that derive and maintain them. An important part of the theoretical analysis - 137 - is quotes is to make explicit the physical constraints and assumptions that have been used in the design of the representations and processes. ... of properties with interacts intentionally one about point chief non-individualistic our The chief point is 'what entities in the objective thought experiments'. world the generates that rererence or representation to 'tantamount is this that says Burge types representational affects ... and ... the semantical we individuate how So Burge takes 'determining the nature' to mean something like them'. Marr's words here are compatible with 'partly constituting the essence'. such a reading, but they may more naturally be understood as making a much more innocent claim. and Idesign' Marr intends evolutionary It is likely that by 'purpose' If that is right, then the kind of determination in purpose and design. question would be evolutionary determination. 'nature been very to have seems visual systems'. Marr says and exact careful in p. 75) evolving our (Marr For this reason we should expect what goes on in the visual system to be highly sensitive to features of the real world. The and the 'carefully and assumptions exploited exactly' selected real and world evolutionary the discover constantly implied, by the by evolution. of nature look to the the of outside relation The latter. the These have been system. representational cause primitives representational the in up shows sensitivity content Marr's is the former is that if and for evidence. we processes Nothing about individuation in the strong Burgian sense. - 138 - structure the that point representations world between is of is an are to we must said, or A quote from Marr that might seem to lend to support to Burge is Burge p. this (Marr p. 44, 27) It is of critical importance that the tokens [representational analysis I theoretical [in the one obtains particulars i correspond to real physical changes on the viewed surface: the blobs, lines, edges, groups and so forth that we shall use must not be artifacts of the imaging process, or else o the inferences made from their structure backwards be meaningless. will the surface of structure At a casual perusal this passage might seem to indicate adherence to it must correspond the view that if a representation is to have meaning, Lack of such a correspondence to something in the real world. the render token actually saying. But this is nothing meaningless. would like what Marr is The comment is made in the course of a description of the task of defining (ibid.) a representation of the image of reflectance changes on a surface that is suitable for detecting changes in the image's geometrical organization that are due to changes in the reflectance of the surface itself or to changes in the surfaces orientation or distance from the viewer. [The representation] should include some type of "tokens" that can be derived reliably and repeatedly from images and like of attributes values be assigned to which can size ... brightness, orientation, The point is that if one selects tokens that do not correspond to real physical changes then when one tries to construct from them a complex sketch of what is They will complex priori simply not be representations. stipulation. There is going on outside, What to suited Marr else is one will end up with the making would an task an of empirical empirical no support for Burge's anti-individualism passages. - 139 - building up coherent claim, scientist gibberish. not be an a doing? to be found in these