Distance Education Survey Student Responses 1. How frequently do you use technology in the following categories? # Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Word Processing (e.g.: MS Word) Spreadsheets (e.g.:MS Excel) Databases (e.g. MS Access, Filemaker Pro) Computer-­‐Based Presentation (e.g.: PowerPoint) Graphics Software (e.g.:PhotoShop, Paint Shop Pro, iPhoto) Digital Video (e.g: DV Cams, WebCams) Digital Video Software (e.g: Premiere, iMovie,Pinnacle) Fre que ntly Ofte n Sometime s Seldo m Neve r Total Response s Mea n 703 155 36 9 7 910 1.31 276 178 210 163 77 904 2.54 76 67 184 276 299 902 3.73 354 280 197 64 16 911 2.02 134 141 230 232 170 907 3.18 119 145 260 219 165 908 3.18 62 82 183 252 325 904 3.77 2. Have you taken college-­‐level online courses? # 1 2 Answer Yes No Total Response 635 266 901 % 70% 30% 100% 3. How many online courses have you taken? # 1 2 3 Answer 1-­‐3 4-­‐6 More than 6 Total Response 303 128 204 635 % 48% 20% 32% 100% 4. Overall, how satisfied have you been with your online courses? # 1 2 3 4 5 Answer Not at all A little Somewhat Moderately Very Satisfied Total Response 24 49 130 240 190 633 % 4% 8% 21% 38% 30% 100% 5. What has prevented you from taking classes online? # Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 You feel uncomfortable with the technology You think online courses take away from the learning experience Online teaching is not suitable for your field Online teaching is more time consuming than a traditional classroom course Students are more likely to cheat in an online course You prefer the face-­‐to-­‐ face interaction provided in a classroom setting Online courses limit innovation in teaching and learning Proctoring of exams Stro ngl y Agr ee Agr ee Neither Agree nor Disagre e Disagree Strongly Disagree 15 31 41 73 88 248 3.76 41 87 54 48 19 249 2.67 45 59 75 50 20 249 2.76 20 40 92 80 17 249 3.14 37 79 73 38 21 248 2.71 120 75 37 10 7 249 1.83 46 71 71 40 20 248 2.67 20 45 141 27 15 248 2.89 Total Responses Mean 6. Please rate the factors that encourage you to take a class online: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Question Extremely Likely Likely Unsure 118 218 175 62 573 2.32 105 222 175 62 564 2.34 444 116 9 7 576 1.27 444 110 13 6 573 1.27 188 187 111 84 570 2.16 227 197 89 62 575 1.98 213 213 98 47 571 1.96 Evidence of pedagogical value Pedagogical support Flexibility of time Flexibility of location Prefer technological delivery method Increased autonomy in learning (more self-­‐ directed) Interest or demand Extremely Total Unlikely Responses Mean 7. My interaction with the faculty member teaching the course is_____ compared to the face-­‐to-­‐face environment. # 1 2 3 Answer Greater Same Less Total Response 69 198 311 578 % 12% 34% 54% 100% 8. My support from the faculty member teaching the course is____compared to the face-­‐to-­‐face environment # 1 2 3 Answer Greater Same Less Total Response 102 282 193 577 % 18% 49% 33% 100% 9. The more online courses I have taken from Texas Tech, the less I feel connected to Texas Tech. # 1 2 3 4 5 Answer Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Response % 33 6% 91 16% 219 38% 130 23% 104 18% 577 100% 10. Please rate your experience with the following technology tools: # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 Extremely Experienc ed Experienc ed Blogs Wikis Twitter Faceboo k YouTub e LinkedI n Flickr Prezi Slidesha re 95 87 181 180 162 150 278 251 175 239 238 283 I Don' t Kno w Wha t This Is 6 55 8 449 221 77 50 360 290 128 106 137 39 56 MySpace Questio n Somewhat No Experienc Experienc ed ed Total Respons es Mea n 798 793 797 2.85 3.02 2.73 2 799 1.67 17 5 800 1.77 200 264 91 798 3.12 76 87 162 163 413 254 107 236 797 796 3.59 3.66 26 43 81 307 337 794 4.12 70 125 248 328 26 797 3.14 11. Online teaching can enhance your learning by: # Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improving student participation in activities/exercis e Improving student participation in discussion Improving student performance on assessments of learning (e.g., papers, exams) Making you rethink educational approaches overall Making you record and organize the many things you teach in a given course Having greater access to courses (time, location, etc) Creating a more complete record of interactions with and work by students Strongl y Agree Agre e Neither Agree nor Disagre e 121 243 231 156 46 797 2.70 142 284 175 143 55 799 2.61 113 253 280 112 39 797 2.64 161 320 213 71 30 795 2.36 178 326 210 57 24 795 2.27 383 284 95 21 13 796 1.74 209 283 207 62 29 790 2.26 Disagre e Strongl y Disagre e Total Response s Mea n 12. What technologies are you using to take your online classes? (List all that you have used) Variety of Responses 13. Would you take your degree entirely online, given the option? # 1 2 Answer Yes No Total Response 289 502 791 % 37% 63% 100% 14. The cost of an online course should be_____a face-­‐to-­‐ face course. # 1 2 3 Answer Greater Than The same as Less than Total Response % 12 2% 168 612 792 21% 77% 100% 15. What questions do you have about teaching online that you would like to see clarified or addressed? Variety of Responses 16. I am an # 1 2 Answer Undergraduate student Graduate student Total Response % 489 62% 302 38% 791 100% 17. Age # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Answer Less than 18 18-­‐22 22-­‐30 30-­‐44 Greater than 60 45-­‐59 Total Response % 5 1% 333 174 173 42% 22% 22% 12 2% 91 788 12% 100% Response 306 485 791 % 39% 61% 100% 18. Sex # 1 2 Answer Male Female Total 19. College Variety of Responses 20. Major Variety of Responses