MUSINGS ON MATHEMATICAL CREATIVITY PETER LILJEDAHL, BHARATH SRIRAMAN Thisconversationbegan when I introducedthe two authors in a hotel lobby in Cap Roig (Spain) after the close of CERME4[I]. The conversation continued by e-mail well after the evening had ended, (ed.) Bharath:I think that the notion of mathematicalcreativity among mathematiciansis distinctly different from the notion of creativityfound in the mathematicseducationliterature.What do you think? Do we even have an agreed upon definition of what mathematicalcreativity is? Is this importantat all? Peter:I too wish to discuss the definingof creativity.This certainly is important. The writings in my dissertation expressa slightly differentparsingof creativitythanthe one you propose (i.e., among mathematicians, psychologists, teachers,mathematicseducators). Bharath: I would like to give some background to the AHA! momentthat you talked about (Liljedahl,2004). The literatureseems to attributethis constructto Wallas (1926) andhis famousbook Theart of thought.Some authorserroneously attributeit to Hadamardand Poincaré due to the popularizationof theirwritings. However,this constructwas developedwithinGestaltpsychology in Germanyin the very earlypartof the 20th century Koehler,andKoffka.Some historianspush it by Wertheimer, backto the late 19thcenturyto the writingsof Mach (a physicist turnedphilosopherinterestedin the physiologyof sensory perception). There is evidence of written communication betweenPoincaré,Hadamardandthe Gestaltists,whichcould lead one to inferthatHadamardwas influencedby the developments and the terminology within Gestalt psychology. Hencethe use of the 3- or 4-stage model fromthen on. I really liked your critiqueof the reductionistattemptof viewing creativity as a confluence of person, process and product,as well as your critiqueof the misconceptionsthat occurwhen using creativeor creativity.Shouldwe focus our conversationon the definition of creativity by considering each aspect (person, process and product) separately and thenanalyzewhetherthis is consistent(or inconsistent)with variousconfluencemodels thatcombinethe threealong with societal variables proposedby researchersin psychology? Our attempt could perhaps be to construct a definition of creativityfor the particulardomainof mathematicsand then seeing whethergeneraldefinitionshold up? Incidentally,Ervynck(1991) describedmathematicalcreativity in terms of three stages. The first stage (Stage 0) is referredto as thepreliminarytechnicalstage, whichconsistsof some kindof technicalor practicalapplicationof mathematicalrules and procedures,withoutthe user having any awarenessof the theoreticalfoundation,(p. 42) The second stage (Stage 1) is that of algorithmic activity, which consists primarilyof performingmathematicaltech- niques, such as explicitly applying an algorithmrepeatedly. The thirdstage (Stage 2) is referredto as creative (concep- tual, constructive)activity;truemathematicalcreativity occurs and consists of non-algorithmicdecision making: The decisions thathave to be takenmay be of a widely divergentnatureand always involve a choice, (p. 43) Although Ervynck (1991) tries to describe the process by which a mathematicianarrivesat the questions throughhis characterizationsof Stage 0 and Stage 1, his descriptionof mathematicalcreativity is very similar to that of Poincaré and Hadamard. In particular, his use of the term "nonalgorithmic decision making" seems to be analogous to Poincaré's use of the "choice"metaphor. Peter:As I turnmy mindback to ourconversationthus far many ideas come to the fore. To begin with, you correctly identify my reductionistattemptat defining creativity as a critique.I find that many definitions (and authorsof definitions) rely too much on rhetoric.The discoursesthatemerge are like a sieve - they are easily graspedbut they don't hold much water.Attemptingto fit actualinstancesof (perceived) creativityinto these discourses,the definitionsare often too confining (even rigid). One of the findings that emerged from my own work with mathematicians on their AHA! experiences (and I defined the AHA! experiencein the four stage Gestaltist way of initiation-incubation-illuminationverification as discussed in Wallas, 1926) was that the experiencewas self defining.Thatis, I did not have to define the experience for the mathematiciansin orderfor them to know that they had one. As it turnedout, this was also true for undergraduatemathematicsstudents,as well as pre-service elementaryschool teachers. I wonderif we cannotsay the samethingfor creativity- cresuch a positiondoes not ativityis self-defining.Unfortunately, advanceouremerging(or at least attemptsat emerging)definition,but it does allow us to includeall thingsthatarecreative andexcludeall thingsthatarenot.Oneof the downfallsof such a relianceon setf-definitionis the curseof discourse(oras I call it, discurse).How much of mathematicians'understandingof is a productof the discourseon creativity/invention/discovery theseideaswithintheirdomain?Forexample,you cite a mathematician (in Sriraman,2004) as stating that "Opportunity knocksbut you have to be able to answerthe door"(p. 32). I had a mathematicianstate"Chancewill favourthose who are Aren'tbothof thesemathematicians parrotingLouis prepared." Pasteur'sphrase"Chancefavours the preparedmind"?For anotherexampleconsiderthe followingtwo statements: PerhapsI could best describe my experience of doing mathematicsin terms of enteringa darkmansion. One goes into the first room, and it's dark,completely dark. One stumbles aroundbumping into the furniture,and For the Learningof Mathematics26, 1 (March,2006) FLM PublishingAssociation, Edmonton,Alberta,Canada 17 gradually,you learn where each piece of furnitureis, and finally, after six months or so, you find the light switch.Youturnit on, andsuddenly,it's all illuminated. (Wiles, 1997) It is like going into an unfamiliar hotel room late at night without knowing even where to switch on the light. You stumble aroundin the darkroom, perceive confused black masses, feel one or the other piece of furnitureas you are gropingfor the switch. Then, having found it, you turn on the light and everything becomes clear. (Polya, 1965, p. 54) My final point is that whatever definition we arrive at it needs to be relativistic.As Hadamardpoints out, Between the work of a studentwho tries to solve a difficult problem in geometry or algebra and a work of inventionthere is only a differenceof degree, (p. 104) If we use the wordcreationinsteadof inventionin this quotation, the implicationsbecome interesting.Creationimplies creativity.Does this meanthatinventionpresupposescreativity?I thinkso. Butdoes it also implythatcreativitypresupposes invention?I don'tthinkso, andthis leadsto my stanceon relativisticas opposedto absolutistviews of creativity. Bharath:Yourthoughtson having a relativisticdefinition as opposed to an absolutist definition are interesting and I will commenton this shortly. First,I will commentfurtheron the Gestaltistsandthe fact thatredundanciesaboundin extantdescriptionsof creativity. I was recently re-reading Schoenfeld (2002) and, interestingly enough, he points out that insight and structurewere central concerns of the Gestaltists. This article also recalls the famous story of Poincaré taking a day trip after having struggled on a problem for a while and his experience of stumblingupon the solutionjust as he boardsthe bus. However, Schoenfeld's commentsafterthis anecdoteare: Poincaré's story is typical, both in substanceand methods. Withregardto substancethe outline of the story is the basic tale of Gestalt discovery: One works as hard as possible on a problem,lets it incubatein the subconscious, has an insight,and verifies it. Similarstories are told concerning the chemist Kekulé's dreaming of a snake biting its tail, and realizingthatbenzene must be ring-like in structure,and of Archimedes (in the bath) solving the problemof how to determinewhetherKing Heron'scrownis puregold, withoutdamagingthe crown itself. Withregardto method,whatPoincaréofferedis a retrospectivereport.(Schoenfeld,2002, p. 438) In otherwords, the researchcarriedout by the Gestaltists was by and large retrospective and relied on mathematicians and scientists reportingon theirthinkingafterthe fact. Numerouscritiquesare availableon the unreliabilityof this researchmethod.However,the featuresof creativethinking as proposed by the Gestaltists were meaning, insight and structure. Any definition should include these elements (whetherthey are 'measurable'or how they are identifiedis a completely differentmatter). If we move away from the domain of mathematicsto the general literature on creativity, numerous definitions are 18 found. Craft (2003) used the term "life wide creativity"to describe the numerouscontexts of day-to-daylife in which the phenomenonof creativity manifests. Otherresearchers have described creativity as a natural"survival"or "adaptive" response of humansin an ever-changingenvironment (Gruber,1989; Ripple, 1989). Craft (2003) points out that it is essential we distinguish "everydaycreativity"such as improvisingon a recipe from "extraordinary creativity",which causes paradigmshifts in a of specific body knowledge. It is generally accepted that works of "extraordinarycreativity"can be judged only by experts within a specific domain of knowledge (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988, 2000; Craft, 2003). For instance Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermât'sLast Theoremcould only be judged by a handfulof mathematicianswithin a very specific subdomainof numbertheory. Throughoutschool levels or even the beginning undergraduate level, I normally do not expect works of extraordinarycreativity. However, I do think it is feasible for studentsto offer new insights/solutionsto a mathematics problem.Getting back to definitions, in psychology the literaturedefinescreativityas the abilityto produceunexpected original work, which is useful and adaptive(Sternbergand Lubart,2000). Otherdefinitionsusually impose the requirement of novelty, innovationor unusualnessof a responseto a given problem(Torrance,1974). Numerousconfluencetheoriesof creativitydefinecreativity as a convergenceof knowledge,ability,thinkingstyle,motivational and environmentalvariables (Sternbergand Lubart, 1996,2000), an evolutionof domainspecificideasresultingin a creativeoutcome(GruberandWallace,2000). Mostrecently, PluckerandBeghetto(2004) offeredan empiricaldefinitionof creativitybasedon a surveyandsynthesisof numerousempirical studiesin the field. Theydefinedcreativityas the interplaybetween ability and process by which an individual or group produces an outcome or product that is both novel and useful as defined within some social context, (p. 156) Coulda synthesisof these numerousdefinitionsof creativity lead to a working definition of mathematicalcreativity at both the professional and school levels? Wouldone definition work for both levels? At the professional level mathematicalcreativitycan be defined as: 1. the ability to produce original work that significantlyextendsthe body of knowledge(whichcould also includesignificantsynthesesandextensionsof known ideas) 2. opens up avenues of new questionsfor othermathematicians.[2] To illustrate the first point, Wedderburn'stheorem that a finite division ring is a field is one instanceof a unification of apparentlyrandomfragmentsbecause the proof involves algebra, complex analysis and number theory. Hewitt's (1948) paper on rings of continuousfunctions led to unexplored possibilities and questions in the fields of analysis and topology that sustained other mathematicians for decades. This would be an example of the latter. Most descriptionsof creativityalso includethe elementof chance. Shouldthis be includedin the definition?Although Poincaréattributedhis particularbreakthroughin Fuchsian functions to chance, he did acknowledge that there was a considerableamountof previousconscious effort, followed by a periodof unconscious work. Hadamard(1945) argued thateven if Poincaré's breakthroughwas a resultof chance alone, chance alone was insufficient to explain the considerablebody of creativework creditedto Poincaréin almost every areaof mathematics. One question then is how does (psychological) chance work? I conjecture that the mind throws out fragments (ideas), which are products of past experience. Some of these randomfragmentscan be juxtaposedand combinedin a meaningfulway. For example, if one reads a complicated proof consisting of a thousand steps, a thousand random fragments may not be enough to construct a meaningful proof. However,the mind chooses relevantfragmentsfrom these random fragments and links them into something meaningful(such as Wedderburn'sproof). I agree with your relativistic stance on any definition of creativity.It would be difficult(butnot impossible)for a student(atthe school levels) to meet the criteriain the proposed definition.Instead,could we define mathematicalcreativity at the school levels as: 1. the process that results in unusual (novel) and/or insightful solution(s) to a given problemor analogous problems,and/or 2. the formulationof new questions and/orpossibilities that allow an old problemto be regardedfrom a new angle (this bears resemblance to Kuhn's ideas). (Sriraman,[2]) Peter This final definition that you offer is more palatable than others I have seen; it has the relativistic quality that I have been seeking. It also has an absolutist overtone with regardsto "solution(s)".Perhapsthis is necessary. I don't know,but I would like to explore it for a moment. Almost all of the definitions make some reference to a product,a solution, or an outcome. What is it that a product/solution/outcomegives us that makes it so important?I suggest thatthe answerto this questionlies in Schoenfeld's observation/criticism presentedabove. Withouta productall is a remains that story;a story withoutan ending.I thinkthat the centralityof producthas to do with having a tangibleand objective artifact by which to judge the art by which to the process. But, crejudge the process by which to study about is it about ative process isn't process. Our product, of most this access to private processes does not inability withoutcreatingsomecreative we be Can fact. this change thing? I don't think we can, but this does not make them one and the same. The creative process is both inseparable and unrecognizable within the creative product. So, the questionremains- what is mathematicalcreativity? Bharath:Perhapsthis very enterpriseof trying to define this constructfalls withinyourdescriptionof a sieve - we are engagedin the discourse,using wordsthatalludeto it, but are failing to define it adequately.Given the reductionistpitfalls of our enterprisehere, I have to resort to the words of the practicalyet mysticalChineseTaoist,ChuangTzu (1968): Heavenand earthwere bornat the same time I was, and the ten thousand things are one with me. We have alreadybecome one, so how can I say anything?But I have just said thatwe are one, so how can I not be saying something?The one and what I said about it make two, andtwo and the originalone makes three.If we go on this way, then even the cleverest mathematician can't tell where we'll end, much less an ordinaryman . . . Betternot to move, but to let things be! (p. 43) Notes [1] Fourth Congress of the EuropeanSocietyfor Researchin Mathematics Education,Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 17-21 February,2005. [2] An article entitled 'Are mathematicalgiftedness and mathematicalcreativitysynonyms?A theoreticalanalysisof constructs',by B. Sriramanis in press with TheJournal of SecondaryGiftedEducation. References ChuangTzu (1968, Watson,B., translator)The complete works of Chuang Tzu, New York,NY, ColumbiaUniversity. Craft,A. (2003) 'The limits to creativity in education: dilemmas for the educator',BritishJournal of EducationalStudies51(2), 113-127. Csikszentmihalyi,M. (1988) 'Society, culture,and person:a systems view of creativity', in Sternberg,R. (éd.), The nature of creativity: contemporary psychological perspectives, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge UniversityPress, pp. 325-339. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000) 'Implications of a systems perspective tor the study of creativity', in Sternberg,R. (éd.), Handbookof creativity, Cambridge,UK, CambridgeUniversityPress, pp. 313-338. Ervynck,G. (1991) 'Mathematicalcreativity', in laii, v. tea.;, Aavancea Mathematical Thinking,Dordrecht,The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers,pp. 42-53. Gruber,H. (1989) 'The evolving systems approachto creative work , in Wallace, D. and Gruber,H. (eds), Creativepeople at work: twelve cognitive case studies, Oxford,UK, OxfordUniversityPress. Gruber,H. and Wallace, D. (2000) 'The case study method and evolving in systems approachfor understandinguniquecreativepeople at work', Sternberg,R. (éd.), Handbookof creativity,Cambridge,UK, Cambridge UniversityPress, pp. 93-115. Hadamard,J. (1945) Essay on the psychology of invention in the mathematicalfield, Princeton,NJ, PrincetonUniversityPress. Hewitt,E. (1948) 'Rings of real-valuedcontinuousfunctions', Transactions of the AmericanMathematicalSociety 64, 45-99. Liljedahl, P. (2004) TheAHA! experience: mathematicalcontexts, pedaFraser gogical implications, Unpublisheddoctoral dissertation,Simon Canada. British Columbia, Burnaby, University, ana Polya, G. (1965) Mathematicaldiscovery: on understanding,learning teachingproblemsolving (vol. 2), New York,NY, Wiley. Plucker, J. and Beghetto, R. (2004) 'Why creativity is domain gênerai, why it looks domain specific, and why the distinctiondoes not matter', in Sternberg,R., Grigorenko, E. and Singer, J. (eds), Creativity:from Assopotential to realization,Washington,DC, AmericanPsychological ciation, pp. 153-168. Ripple, R. (1989) 'Ordinarycreativity', Contemporarytducatwnai Psychology 14, 189-202. Schoenfeld, A. (2002) 'Researchmethods m (mathematics)education , in English, L. (éd.), Handbookof international research in mathematics education,Mahwah,NJ, LawrenceErlbaumAssociates, pp. 435-487. Sriraman,B. (2004) 'The characteristicsof mathematicalcreativity , me MathematicsEducator14(1), 19-34. Sternberg.R. and Lubart,T. (2000) 'The concept ot creativity: prospects and paradigms', in Sternberg,R. (éd.), Handbook of creativity, Cambridge, UK, CambridgeUniversityPress, pp. 93-115. Sternberg, R. and Lubart,T. (1996) 'Investing in creativity , American Psychologist 51, 677-688. Torrance,E. (1974) Torrancetests of creative thinking: norms-technical manual,Lexington,MA, Ginn. Wallas,G. (1926) Theart of thought,New York,NY, HarcourtBrace. Wiles, A. (1997, NOVA, 1997, updated2000) Theproof, Aired on PBS on October 28, 1997, http://www.pbs. org/wgbh/nova/proof/wiles.html, accessed January5th, 2003. 19