THE MOISTURE CONTENT OP SOFTWOOD LUMBER SHIPPE D S FROM WESTERN MILLS IN THE SUMWR By Edward C . Pec k Associate " .Mood Technologis t . Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, 7 :is . During the months of July end August of the pas t summer (1928) the U . S . Forest Products Laboratory conducte d a survey to obtain information on the moisture content o f softwood lumber at the time of shipment from western mills . The mills visited arc located in Montana, Idaho, Oregon , Washington, and California . This survey was for the purpose o f obtaining more adequate inferriation than that whi h had bee n p rocured in the previous moisture-content surveys', which wer e limited to winter conditions for this western region . c The specimens for the moisture-content determinations were collected at 28 mills and included 9 species : Western yellow pine, western white pine, sugar pine, Dougla s fir, western hemlock, redwood, white fir, western larch, an d Sitka spruce . Four hundred and thirty-sie lots of lumbe r were tested ; each one ooneisted of oiprcximately 40 moisture- content determinations on individual boards of the sam e seecies, size, and grade, seasoned and stored in the sam e :manner . All of the lots were selected from stock that wa s actually being shipped or was in shipping condition . Th e individual moisture-content determinations amounted t o 17,000 . The variety in the lumber tested and trio record s kept arc illustrated by the representative s :liume 't de cribc d in Table 1 . 1 T _ ' - 4. e i+ . 2 . Peck . "The Moisture Content of Snftwood Lumber a t the time of Shi p ment from the Mill . " A :erican Lumberman No . 2763, 36-38 (Apr . 21, 1B) ; Southern Lumberman 131, No . 1699, 40, 42--43, 47 (Apr . 21, 1928) ; Timberman 29, No . 7, 38-40, 44 (May, 1928) ; Stich-Ecor-Finish 10, No . 1, 30-34 (May, lO?8) . .15 -1- w I s~ F-f 3 ri I Poi p I a) p1 0 0 C\J C .J N- 0 r-~ H C- 0 LC' ) a) cry n [C5 •r♦ -H Fa T • I O r-l o o o a) Ca C+.J r1 Z q o o k,D ,s:1 q '0 0 00 r--E o E a) I- 0 r- I- d q ro • . H cH E 0 'O I .d o xn;00 0 0 v I I a) •ra Fi I I q W [i) C) _ _ • • H _ F-+ a) •r-I r--{ r1 r- [i-H F 4 0 r-f r•H f1 •rf '74 UJ a) i a ) • -H •r-I \.0 F- c I 3 H _ _ a) = `J I a) I c''J (N C3 CC E I I U '• L C7 \.O ~- 1 5 0 k n - \ 0 LP 50 150 ci 0 q >-1 a] a) a) rg a:1 H r1 +-, [1 i>~ O I I I I I I q ' Q q o Q d a p, p E OO E; $ o ,d .s= o a c)cr)croC~)C)L : . ~ 0 Q - • U C] ri r i a .) mu) p. . • a o • q .il .tr o 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 lJ ) W C] f7 W fr-r (5 r` R15 1-{'-D ' 1- 1 -2 - 'The object of the investigation was not to com par e • ' • • the moisture-content values of lumber dipped from individua l ' " . mills or from the different regions, but to obtain informa tion regarding the moisture content of the different grade s .Tr; ,' "Of lumber as shipped during the summer from the wester n v lumber-producing regions as a whole . The results are presented in two ways, in a serie s of bar charts and in two charts showing the relation o f { average .moisture content and uniformity of dryness . On the { bar charts (figs . 1 to 8, inclusive) the height of each ba r 'indicates in percentage the number of r:? eces thst had a is ture--content values falling within the group that it r .C " ;`. cents . Figure 1, for instance, shows that 40 per dent _ o f the pieces it records had a moisture ccnten t of 8 per cen t -i • cr more and below 12 per cent . The noin.ts Nottec~ ' on th e ti i• • two summary charts (figs . 9 and 10) show for the individua l lots both the average moisture content and the moisture con- tent below which 90 ner cent of the pieces in the lot fell . .The average is plotted vertically and the "90 per cent " print horizontally . The upper 10 per cent of the pieces i n each lot, that is, those having the highest moisture-conten t values, were discarded in order to be certain of eliminati n , all cxtrenely irregular values . The renge in moisture conten t j n the repra.ining 90 per cent of the pieces gives a fair -sal s for comparison among different lots of lumber and among various kinds and grades . Figure1, ,--Kiln-dried Selects . This chart includes moisture-content tests on nine species : Sugar One , ;western yellow Dine, western white pine, Douglas fir, western LeuPlock, redwood ., white fir, western larch, and Sitka spr=ice . 'ri.te average moisture content cf the samples in this gred e is 8 .8 per cent, with large representations in the 4 8 -rd. the 8 to 12 per cent groups . ' igure 2 .---Kiln-dried Floorir.t _ Two s p ecies ar e iloluded here : Douglas fir and western b :Wn"w .•c'-.: . The rt,erage moisture content of all the flooring sesled is 8 .7 no r cent, The concentrations of moisture-content values are i n the 4 to 8 and the 8 to 12 per cent groups . The drying o f flooring was more uniform than that of any ether kind o f . lumber, fewer wet boards being present . Figure3 .--Kiln-dried Shop . The species repre sented here are sugar pine, western yellow pine, Dougla s fix, and Sitka spruce . The average moisture content i s -7 .7 per cent, with a very heavy concentration in the 4 t o 8 per cent group and with almost all of the boards drie d below'20 per cent moisture content . The sho p lumber wa s kiln dried to a lower average moisture content than an y other kind . R15 -3- Figure4..--Kiln-dried Common . The srec'ies represented in this chart are sugar pine, western yellow nine , white fir, Douglas fir, western hemlock, western white mine , western larch, and Sitka spruce . The average moisture con tent of this grade of lumber is 12 .1 per cent . The distribution of the moisture-content values of the individua l samples shows a concentration in the 8 to 12 per cent groum , with a large number of high values of moisture content . Th e large number of wet boards is due to the practice, in ma'VT instances, of drying common lumber only to a relativel y high moisture content . Figure 5 .---Kiln.-dried Dimension . Three specie s are included in this chart ; Douglas fir, white fir, an d western larch . The average moisture content for the lumbe r represented is 14 .8 per cent . The irregularity of th e g roups in the figure is due to the relatively small numbe r of lots obtained . The very great concentration'in the 8 t o 12 per cent group is caused by several lots dried to meisture-content values unusually low for dimension stock . Figureo .----Air-dried Selects . Nine species ar e represented on this chart : Sugar pine, western yellow pine , ;r estern white pine, Douglas fir, western hemlock, white fi r estern larch, redwood, and Sitka spruce . The average :mc e ure content is 13 .7 per cent with large numbers of individual samples falling in the 12 to 18 and the 8 to 12 pe r cont groups . There is also a heavy representation in th 1 5 to 20 per cent group . The inclusion in this grade of a ccesiderable amount of lumber from a slow-drying species ceeee J the average moisture content . to be higher than that of th e common grade . Figure 7 .---Air-dried Common . Tn this grade : 1 lumber there are seven species : Sugar pine, western :e l o -, r pine, western white pine, white fir, Douglas fir, westc o hemlock, and western larch . The average moisture coat m t is 12 .{3 per cent . The individual moisture-content valu e are heavily concentrated in the 8 to 12 per cent group wit h another concentration in the 12 to 15 per cent group . . Figure 5 .----Air--dried Dimension . Four species ar e represented in this chart : White fir, Douglas fir, wester n hemlock, and western larch, The average moisture content o f the samples is 15 .4 per cent . The moisture-content value s of the individual pieces are concentrated in the 12 to 1 8 and 18 to 20 per cent groups . R15 -4- Figure9 .--Kiln-dried Lumber . All the species of wood and Ell the kinds and grades of kiln-dried lumber ar e included in this chart . Each point represents one lo t (approximately 40 individual moisture-content determinations) ; the p osition of the point indicates the average moisture con tent and the moisture content below which 90 per cent of th e pieces in the lot fell . The points for the lots of summe r kiln-dried lumber group themselves about the diagonal lin e (from lower left to upper right) that was located from th e points plotted for the moisture-content studies made o n lumber dried in the winter . This grouping means that th e relationship of average moisture content and range of moieture content (within the lots} remains nearly constan t throughout the year . In other words, whether the lumber i e dried in the winter or in the summer, with a given averag e moisture content, 90 per cent of the boards may be ex p ecte d to have moisture-content values below a certain point . Figurel0 . -Air-dried Lumber . This chart i a .imilar to Figure 9 except thst it represents the air-drie d lumber, all species, kinds, and grades . There is also a reasonably definite relationship between the average an d the 41 90 per cent" point in the air-dried lumber, which i s approximately the same for winter and for summer air seasoning . As mentioned elsewhere, the diagonal lines appearing in Figures 9 and 10 are taken from the similar figure s for the report on the cor r esponding survey of moisture-content conditions in winter' ; the lines show the moisture content relationship usual during the winter in the territor y investigated . The close proximity of the summer points t o these lines means that the same general relationship of average moisture content to maximum moisture content (within th e 90 per cent limit} holds all through the yer . On the othe r hand, comparison of the results previously reported with th e present results makes evident the low averages and the mal l ranges of moisture content in the summer-shipped lumber . It is impossible to say whether this is due solely to the climatic factors or to improvement in seasoning practice sinc e the original survey . Nevertheless, for the western region s examined, the moisture-content values of the present sumacrseasoned lumber, both air-dried and kiln-dried, beyond question arc eonsideiably lower than the values of the winter seasoned lumber . 2 Alt neugh the results obtained for the summer survey of th e sonthern pine region are included in the ch ests of th e previou report, the effect on the winter values, a s ` shown by the unpublished detail data, is sufficientl y m^.1l to be neglected here . -5- F" z w U w a W r 0 ■ 0 v 0 031S31 S373Id 3O IN3' 83d 031531 S373Id 3O 1N3D aid o r M Izw U CC w a w R ° 031531 S3731d 30 1N30 e13 d ■ 0 Yl 4 (°y R 2 q 31531 S373k€ JO 1N30 aid o 40 30 20 10 0-4 PF4iWF 4-8 8-12 0 12-18 16-20 20-24 24-28 2832 32 + MOISTURE PER CENT 714. 0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24 24-28 28-32 324 MOISTURE PER CEN T no. 6 rr . .c'■ r 50 40 30 20 W U ■ . - 0-4 4-8 S-12 12-16 16-20 2024 24,E 21!.32 32 + .r4rcrr 0 0-4 MOISTURE PER CENT 'IF . 7 ti1111 M ,7vicer 4-8 B-12 12-18 16-20 2034 2429 2832 32+ MOISTURE PER ?ia. I CENT 2 3 4 5 5 7 II 9 7991 0 1 412 12 13141S r5 17 19 19 2021 2223 24 231927 202113)3J M33 3433 39 373S MAXIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT 1E)CLUSIVE OF OREE19CST 10 PER CEN1 i aim 32 ._ t , 3 . _ 11I.IB 05 urns " 'kg a' 20 f ; . . . . i . l l , " nn Imo , - . . . . j , . 1 4 ormnol ■rrimm mmmmmms . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . T . . . i , i . i i , , , _ _ , -- 1 . 4 , IT mmrmmmmn mammas!. °moor '4 mum . mo o le +tea rorromminum ■■n■■■■■■■■ v '' ; .g 0 .m Immmomrsor 'Am!: *11IMER111•111.11P ..illMIME '' rammori .giammo r - " •. . . t 11 : i EMI -- , ._ El _ •• ■mrsu . 1 Imo room= 7 rmlamr.hammirernor smorrimumomm '' ormarnmmmorsemarm nmessroorms 5 •1•11•12MMIlIMEMMI1111110M•••M1•11101111111111111•••I I 4 mmorwmmmmorommImmmemmmmsmsommmommmmim m 32mgasmmmr rorammmelmmorm s mmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmrmm m m mromor mi'mmimmmimmmommommimm .111111MEM1111M.ElMllIgM E '• P5111.11ME1 I 2 3 4 5 8 7 .11. 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