22 1335 EST Mar 04 D E P A R T M E N T DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Iraq Status O F D E F E N S E This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED Derived from: Multiple Sources UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Highlights D E P A R T M E N T CPA Priorities: • Essential Services • Security • Governance • Economy • Strategic Communications CPA Intermediate Objectives: • Reconstitute electric power infrastructure • Reconstruct the telecom system • Draft "Transitional Administrative Law" • Build financial market structures • Improve dissemination of information Weekly Highlights: O F • UN estimates Iraq requires 1.4 million more housing units - CPA has contracts to build 3,528 units D E F E N S E • 984,225 telephone subscribers – 18% above pre-war active subscribers; 278,645 cell phone subscribers • Transitional Administrative Law will serve as supreme law from 30 Jun until election of new government under permanent constitution by 31 Dec 05 • As of 14 Mar, the Trade Bank of Iraq has opened 109 letters of credit totaling $499 million covering imports from 24 countries • USAID’s Local Governance Program is conducting Democracy Dialogue Activities throughout Iraq as part of the Civic Education Campaign N/P 2 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Electricity Overview Goal June 04: 6,000 MW Peak Production Capacity 6000 5000 Megawatts D E P A R T M E N T 4000 4009 3583 4000 4153 4271 4148 3978 3969 4130 3826 Production (MW) 3000 Goal Jun 04 2000 Goal Oct 03 1000 0 7-14 Jan 15-22 Jan 23-29 Jan 30 Jan - 5 Feb 6-12 Feb 13-19 Feb 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 4 05 Mar - 11 12 Mar-18 Mar Mar Mar • Ambassador Bremer approved a new increase plan on 14 Jan to O prevent current project delays from impacting the goal of 6,000 MW F by 01 Jun D • CPA Autumn Maintenance Program begun Oct 03 transitioned into E the Spring Program in February and has resulted in 1276 MW in F scheduled maintenance losses on average over the past week. E Unscheduled generator maintenance continues with 519 MW out of N service S E N/P Data as of 18 Mar 3 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Power Production Mega Watt Hour Production O F 140000 120000 100000 80000 MWH 60000 June Goal MWH 40000 MW Hrs Actual 20000 MW Hrs 7 Day Av. 0 01 -J an 04 -J an 07 -J an 10 -J an 13 -J an 16 -J an 19 -J an 22 -J an 25 -J an 28 -J an 31 -J an 03 -F eb 06 -F eb 09 -F eb 12 -F eb 15 -F eb 18 -F eb 21 -F eb 24 -F eb 27 -F eb 01 -M ar 04 -M ar 07 -M ar 10 -M ar 13 -M ar 16 -M ar D E P A R T M E N T By Region MW 2500 2330 2350 2300 2100 D E F E N S E 2000 1719 1700 Pre-War 1500 1320 1200 1201 Current Oct 03 Goal Jun 04 Goal 1000 815 600 500 500 0 N/P Data as of 18 Mar North Central 4 South UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Hours of Power – Week of 12 March D E P A R T M E N T Dahok 89 MW 11Hrs Arbil Naynawa 381 MW 13 Hrs 16 Hrs Tamim 151 MW 16 Hrs Sulaymaniyah 16 Hrs Percent Change (7 Day) Baghdad Salah Ad Din 219 MW 16 Hrs Duhok Dyala 104 MW 16Hrs Anbar O F Average Hours of Electricity Available to Residents by Governate = 8 Hrs = Red 9 to 15 Hrs =Amber = 16 Hrs = Green 180 MW 14 Hrs Naynawa Tamim Baghdad Salah Ad Din 1194 MW 17 Hrs Karbala Babil 81 MW 107 MW 21 Hrs 14 Hrs N/P An Najaf 1.3% 12.6% 9.8% Anbar -7.0% 89 MW 10 Hrs Dyala 12.2% Babil 12.5% 55 MW 14 Hrs Misan 66 MW 19 Hrs Dhi Qar 87 MW 19 Hrs 88 MW 13 Hrs Muthanna 50 MW 16 Hrs 5 -0.25% Wasit Qadisiyah D E F E N S E 3.5% Karbala -20.6% Najaf -24.4% Qadisiyah Basrah Wasit 238 MW 24 Hrs Muthanna Dhi Qar 2.2% -19.9% 14.7% 8.5% Misan -1.7% Basrah -10.1% UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Crude Oil Production D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P Millions of Barrels Per Day (MBPD) 3.00 Current Goal: 2.0 MBPD 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 22-28 Jan 29 Jan - 4 Feb 5-11 Feb 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb Production 27 Feb - 4 Mar 12-18 Mar Target Weekly Average of 2.388 MBPD Exceeds Target of 2.0 MBPD • Long Term Target (Dec 04): 2.8-3.0 MBPD (Pre-War Capacity) • Pre-War Peak: 2.5 MBPD in Mar 03 • Post-War Peak: 2.541 MBPD on 28 Feb 04 • Weekly average of crude exports: 1.6 MBPD 6 5-11 Mar UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Diesel Production O F D E F E N S E N/P 20.0 Current Goal: 18.0 M Liters 18.0 Millions of Liters Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 22-28 Jan 29 Jan - 4 Feb 5-11 Feb 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb Production Import 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar 12-18 Mar Target • This week’s average production and imports are 88% of goal 7 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Kerosene Production 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 O F 4.0 D E F E N S E 0.0 22-28 Jan N/P Current Goal: 18.0 M Liters 20.0 Millions of Liters Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 2.0 29 Jan - 4 Feb 5-11 Feb 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb Production Import 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar 12-18 Mar Target • This week’s average production and imports are 103% of goal 8 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Gasoline / Benzene Production O F D E F E N S E N/P 20.0 Current Goal: 18.0 M Liters 18.0 Millions of Liters Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 22-28 Jan 29 Jan - 4 Feb 5-11 Feb 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb Production Import 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar 12-18 Mar Target • This week’s average production and imports are 102% of goal 9 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Liquefied Petroleum Gas Production O F D E F E N S E N/P 7000 Current Goal: 6,000 Tons 6000 Tons Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 22-28 Jan 29 Jan - 4 Feb 5-11 Feb 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb Production Import 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar 12-18 Mar Target • This week’s average production and imports are 78% of goal 10 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Essential Services - Education D • Minister of Education (MoE) held press conference on 07 Mar E – Reviewed education reform since Sep 03 and a four-year plan for future P reforms A – Released the Ministry’s situation analysis (in Arabic and English) R T – MoE curriculum specialists will meet with UNESCO experts in a M curriculum reform workshop E • MoE employees attending World Bank workshop in Amman on textbook N procurement, school rehabilitation, contracting, finance and administration, T and project management O F D E F E N S E N/P • MoE committee will redesign the Ministry’s Teacher Training Institute, composed of teachers, training institute staff, and curriculum specialists CPA Education Objective: Improve Quality and Access to Education • • • • Reorganize and staff the Ministry of Education Rehabilitate school buildings and build new schools Advance national dialog on curriculum reform Continue and expand teacher training 11 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Essential Services – Education (cont) D • 11,939 schools require repairs and 4,500 new schools are necessary to meet facility needs E P – USAID rehabilitated 2,350 schools A – CPA refurbished 105 schools with Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster and R Civic Aid T – CJTF-7 provided support to numerous schools with CERP funds M E – US supplemental funds will rehabilitate at least 1,047 schools N – World Bank may commit to rehabilitate another 1,000 schools T • Oxford Research Int. & ABC News survey of 2,737 Iraqis in Feb found that O 72% rated their local schools as good, with 47% seeing improvement since F before the war D E F E N S E N/P Number of Schools Schools Rehabilitated by USAID 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 902 562 490 396 North Baghdad South Central 12 South UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Essential Services – Healthcare D E P A R T M E N T • Ministry of Health (MoH) and University of Baghdad College of Medicine are training public health students to monitor and evaluate health projects • USAID continues primary health care training of trainers program which will reach 2,500 primary health care providers throughout Iraq • MoH and USAID partner World Vision International are assisting disability centers that provide support, education, social activities, and vocational training to 8,000 disabled persons in Mosul – Provides heaters, winter clothing, floor rugs, wheelchairs, crutches, and specialized furniture, and one daily hot meal for three months O F • USAID’s Community Action Program (CAP) partner, International Relief and Development (IRD), is working with community members to improve Baghdad health services and facilities D E F E N S E CPA Health Care Objective: Improve Quality and Access to Health Care • Develop health care organizations, management, and infrastructure • Train health care professionals • Pharmaceutical logistics support • Secure system • Public health N/P 13 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Essential Services – Water O F D E F E N S E N/P • Oxford Research Int. & ABC News survey found that: • 50% of respondents rated availability of clean water as good (20% very good; 30% quite good) compared to 48% who rated availability as bad • Compared to pre-war conditions: 41% said availability of clean water was better, 40% said it was same, and 16% said it was worse • Chart at right shows observed reservoir storage levels against normal monthly levels for Feb & Mar. Three reservoirs on the Tigris river, & one on the Euphrates river, are below monthly averages due to heavier than normal releases for generating hydroelectric power Monthly Reservoir Storage 30 Storage in Billions of Cubic Meters D E P A R T M E N T 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mosul Dokan Adhaim Haditha Hemrin Total 6 4.9 1 6.2 2.2 2.5 1.2 24 Observed 6.73 1.83 0 6.88 1.55 1.3 1.85 20.14 Normal for end of Mar 7.5 5.4 1 7.5 2.5 2.8 1.5 28.2 Normal for end of Feb Habbaniyah Derbendikhan Source: Ministry of Water Resources 14 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Essential Services – Water (cont.) D • One current USAID project is providing fresh drinking water for people in E the At’Tamim Governorate and improved irrigation to enable more P productive farming A R • Emergency power generators are being rehabilitated at Baghdad water treatment plants to ensure continuous access to clean water T M • USAID’s implementing partner, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), E is proceeding with water and sanitation improvements and hygiene N education for approximately 161,000 internally displaced persons in Arbil T Governorate O F D E F E N S E N/P • Turkish delegation agreed last week to provide seasonal data on snowfall & reservoir levels sufficient for Iraq to develop its water plan for this year CPA Water Objective: Provide Water Supply, Sewerage & Municipal Services; Improve Water Resource Management Create viable organization to deliver water/sewerage/municipal services (WSMS) • Expand WSMS to meet national needs • Develop full range of municipal services & inclusive delivery mechanism • Improve Ministry processes in preparation for Iraq’s sovereignty • Infrastructure improvements to water resource system • Facilities improvements & capacity building within Ministry 15 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Essential Services – Food Security 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% Opening Stocks New Procurements WFP To tal So ap De ter ge nt M ilk Te a Pu lse s Gh ee /O il Su ga r Ri ce 0.0% Inf Sa an lt tF W or m ea ula nin g Ce rea ls O F • Having 100% of each commodity ensures stock availability through May PDS: MAR - MAY Stocks as a Percentage of Requirements 140.0% Na tio na lW h Fo reig eat nW he at D • Chart at right shows stocks for goods that Iraqis receive E under the Public P Distribution System as a % of estimated requirements A on hand until end of May R T • The % of estimated M requirements includes E opening stocks & scheduled arrivals of goods N T Scheduled Arrivals Under Existing Contracts New Procurements MOT • CPA projects no shortages in Apr / May rations given procurement of high need items D E • Scientists from Ministry of Agriculture visited Winter Crops Tech Demonstration project to observe effect of supplemental irrigation on bread wheat productivity. Plots F with supplemental irrigation were growing significantly better than those without E N CPA Food Security Objective: Provide Food Security for all Iraqis S Enhance capacity of Ministry of Agriculture • Assure supply of inputs • Strengthen research system • Ensure adequate stocks for Public Distribution System (PDS) • Monitor food security • Hand over administration of E system in the North • Initiate reform of rations basket • Environmental Initiatives N/P 16 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Essential Services – Telecommunications D • Total number of telephone subscribers: 984,225 – 18% above pre-war active subscribers E – Includes 278,645 cell phone subscribers (34,645 since last week) P A • CPA has reinstated service for 122,980 subscribers since May 03, though R temporary equipment shortage prevented increase from last week T M • Chart below shows percentage of current operational telephone subscribers compared to number of active subscribers in Apr 03 E Percentage of Operational Telephone Subscribers (Baseline April 03) N 100% Source: 100% 100% 98% 98% T 80% 96% 96% CPA Senior O F D E F E N S E N/P Advisor to Minister of Comm. & Iraqi Telephone & Postal Company (ITPC) 73% 73% 60% 40% 20% 0% North Baghdad South Central South % Operational (compared to APR 03 subscribers) CPA Objectives: Reconstruct Communications & Postal Systems Build Iraq’s first responder network • Establish independent regulatory agency • Upgrade Iraqi Telephone and Postal Company (ITPC) network for interoperability • Build transmission component data network for Iraq, including international gateways • Restructure ITPC and its business operations • Upgrade and modernize postal systems • Upgrade ITPC outside plant for increased subscriber capacity and use 17 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Essential Services – Building & Housing D E P A R T M E N T • According to a United Nations estimate, Iraq requires 1.4 million more housing units. CPA currently has contracts to build 3,528 units. A Polish company will begin construction of 504 units in Basra next week O F • USAID partner International Relief and Development (IRD) is working with more than 50 local community volunteers to rehabilitate and increase capacity of the Aruba Square Market in Baghdad’s Kadhamiya district D E F E N S E - Vendors are currently selling fruit, vegetables, fish, and meat in an illequipped area with poor sanitation N/P • The Ministry of Housing and Construction is working to create a mortgage financing company to develop the private sector housing market • Three towns in An Najaf Governorate have completed renovations of their municipal buildings under a $55,500 combined grant. Renovations will improve the operating conditions and service delivery of local government - New market will improve the local economy by helping 150 vendors establish safer permanent stalls beside the main road 18 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Essential Services – Transportation D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • CPA completed the reconstruction of Al Furat Bridge in Baghdad last week • Through USAID funding, community members have finished sub-coat for paving of the Al Asfar road between Rashad and Tikrit – Project will reduce standard commute between these towns by more than 1 hour, lowering transportation costs for local farmers, and connecting the towns to regional centers. Will benefit 20,000 Iraqis • USAID is training Iraqi firefighters to take over airport fire protection duties from the US Military. This is an important step in preparing the airport for commercial activities & transferring responsibility to Iraqis • Restoration of Iraq’s railroad system near Basrah is progressing; ballast production rate has met targets, averaging 800 cubic meters a day CPA Objectives: Restore Economically Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Enable Iraqi civil aviation to prepare for international commercial aviation and cargo service • Enable Iraqi Port Authority to administer a port of call with intermodal capabilities and inland container distribution • Enable Iraqi Republic Railways to provide domestic and international passenger and freight capabilities • Reform civil service at Ministry of Transportation 19 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Iraqi Security Forces Personnel & Training Summary D E P A R T M E N T On Duty (Partially Qualified) On Payroll Required (Untrained) On Duty In-Training (Fully Qualified) TOTAL Iraqi Border Police 8,835 0 8,259 0 521 8,780 Dept of Border Enforcement 16,892 0 9,873 0 0 9,873 Iraqi Police Service 75,000 59,638 12,422 2,324 3,840 78,224 Iraqi Civil Defense 40,000 O Corps F Iraqi Armed Forces 40,000 D (IAF) E Facilities Protection F Service (Ministries 55,000 E & MSCs) N S 235,727 E N/P Data as of 19 Mar 33,560 0 0 (OJT Continuous) 1,933 35,493 0 0 3,005 2,169 5,174 0 0 73,992 0 73,992 211,536 20 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Stability Contributors D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E P Countries with forces in Iraq 33 Albania Australia Azerbaijan Bulgaria Czech Rep Denmark Dom Rep El Salvador Estonia Honduras Hungary Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea Latvia Countries considering decision to provide forces for Iraq TOTAL ~24K Lithuania Macedonia Moldova Mongolia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Singapore Slovakia Spain Thailand Ukraine UK 6 TOTAL TBD 39 Countries Potentially Supporting Iraqi Stability and Humanitarian Relief Data as of 180500Z Mar 21 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Governance – National Transition D 2004 E P A R T M E N T 2005 O F 08 Mar Transitional Administrative Law signed 01 Apr Establishment of Election Commission (approximate date) 15 Apr Annex to TAL released describing selection process and powers of Interim Government (approximate date) 30 May Selection of Interim Government (approximate date) 30 Jun Iraqi Interim Government takes power 31 Jan Elections for the National Assembly complete: NLT 31 Jan 05 (31 Dec 04 if possible) Early ’05 D E F E N S E N/P Iraqi Transitional Government takes power Phase I (Interim Government) Phase II (Elected Government) 15 Aug National Assembly completes draft of permanent constitution 15 Oct Referendum for constitution 15 Dec Elections for permanent government completed 31 Dec Permanent government assumes office 22 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Governance – Transitional Administrative Law D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • Transitional Administrative Law (TAL) will serve as Iraq’s supreme law between 30 Jun handover of sovereignty and election of a new government under a permanent constitution • TAL outlines authorities for Iraqi Transitional Government: – Legislative: National Assembly • 275 elected officials • Electoral law will aim to achieve at least one-quarter women and fair representation of all communities in Iraq – Executive: Presidency Council, Council of Ministers, Prime Minister • President and two Deputies elected by National Assembly • Presidency Council appoints Prime Minister and Council of Ministers • Prime Minister responsible for day-to-day government management – Judicial Authority • Higher Juridical Council will supervise federal judiciary • Federal Supreme Court – 9 members nominated by Higher Juridical Council and appointed by Presidency Council • TAL posted on internet at www.cpa-iraq.org UNCLASSIFIED 23 UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Economics – Financial Market Structures D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • Members of the Central Bank of Iraq, Central Statistical Organization and CPA-Economic Policy visited Mosul, Arbil, and Sulaymaniyah to arrange for cooperation in gathering and reporting macro-economic, fiscal, money and banking statistics • Information technology specialists from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are studying Iraqi banking system’s IT, communications, and automation capabilities and needs, with a particular focus on the Central Bank • CPA and USAID are assisting Rasheed and Rafidain banks to reconcile year-end financial statements according to International Accounting Standards • Iraq Stock Exchange is expected to open in early April CPA Economic Objective: Commence Reform of Tax System • Reform tax rates 24 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Economics – Currency & Banking D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • $3.6 billion out of supplemental funds are currently committed to Iraq relief and reconstruction efforts, 35 % of the 01 Jul goal • As of 14 Mar, the Trade Bank of Iraq has opened 109 letters of credit totaling $499 million covering imports from 24 countries • As of 11 Mar, the balance in the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) was $8.1 billion – Total payments out of the DFI amounted to $5.6 billion – DFI investment program has earned $15 million in interest • As of 20 Feb, Iraq’s two large state-owned commercial banks, Rafidain and Rasheed, have extended dollar loans totaling $8.9 million, a 49% increase over the dollar loan amount extended as of 30 Nov 03 • CPA has issued over 1,400 micro and small business loans worth approximately $3 million CPA Economic Objective: Build Financial Market Structures • Modernize the Central Bank • Commercial Banking System • Re-establish Baghdad Stock Exchange • Restructure National Debt 25 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Economics – Currency & Banking (cont) O F D E F E N S E N/P value of dollars sold at the auction was $22 million • From 28 Feb – 04 Mar, the NID appreciated 0.7 percent against the US dollar Date # banks Amount sold Auction price participating or bought (dinars per dollar) 16-Feb 13 $7.735 million 1,400 17-Feb 14 $11.310 million 1,425 19-Feb 14 $13 million 1,415 Exchange Rate Movements New Iraqi Dinars (NID) per US $1 12 /11 /20 03 12 /18 /20 03 12 /25 /20 03 1/1 /20 04 1/8 /20 04 1/1 5/2 00 1/2 4 2/2 00 1/2 4 9/2 00 4 2/5 /20 04 2/1 2/2 00 4 2/1 9/2 00 4 2/2 6/2 00 4 3/4 /20 04 3/1 1/2 00 4 D E • The Currency Auction was developed and is P operated by the A Central Bank of Iraq R (CBI) T • At the New Iraqi Dinar M (NID) auction on E 04 Mar, the settlement price was 1,415 dinars N per dollar and the T 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 Old Saddam Rate (10K per $) 26 Street Market Price Settlement Price (Auction) UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Economics – Other Developments D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • Ministry of Planning announced unemployment rate of 28 % and underemployment rate of 21.6 %, a total of 49.6 % affected • CJTF-7 C-9 estimates that CPA has created 379,721 jobs for Iraqis (45 percent of the CJTF-7 target of 850,000): – Security / National Defense: 220,923 – CJTF-7: 51,673 – Civilian contractors working under CPA contracts: 68,154 – Governorate Teams: 1,550 • In the recent Oxford Research Int. survey, 69% rated the availability of jobs as bad, however 73% expect improvement over the next year • The “road-show” throughout Europe promoting foreign investment in Iraq has already yielded visits from several companies • As of 10 Mar 04, estimated crude oil export revenue reached $2.8 billion for 2004 CPA Economic Objective: Pursue National Strategy for Human Resources Development 27 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Program Management Office (PMO) 06 Jan D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P 21 Jan ce en r fe on C ’s er d d Bi d se a e l Re s P RF Trans/Comm 3.5 Ed/Human 29 22 Jan k or W t ar St ed rd a Aw ts c ra nt o C 371 Construction Tasks Committed by 01 Jul 722 749 45.2 Oil Mid-Apr 367 518.2 Security/Justice Visit Governorates (Late Jan through Apr) l ta en ed IA) em rd N pl wa – p u tA E tS c E ri s ntra FC F o (A C 31.2 Water Mid-Mar 865 PMO Web-site Portal: www.rebuilding-iraq.net 1288.5 Electric 1993 0 500 1000 1500 2000 $ (Millions) Target 14 Mar - Status Committed 28 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Program Management Office (PMO) (cont) 06 Jan D E P A R T M E N T O F 21 Jan ce en r fe on C ’s er d d Bi d se a e l Re s P RF N/P Mid-Mar Visit Governorates (Late Jan through Apr) l ta en ed IA) em rd N pl wa – p u tA E tS c E ri s ntra FC F o (A C ed rd a Aw ts c ra nt o C Mid-Apr k or W t ar St 4 Roads/Bridges 4 38.2 86 Electric Priv Sector Water 0.2 NonConstruction Procurement by 01 Jul 131 8.5 139 77.8 Trans/Com 234 10 Ed/Human 247 Health 0 325 200 Democracy D E F E N S E 22 Jan 458 62 Justice 540 733.8 836 Oil 528.6 Security 0 500 2308 1000 1500 2000 $ (Millions) 14 Mar - Status Target Actual Commitments 29 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 22 1335 EST Mar 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Program Management Office (PMO) (cont) D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P Sector 2207 Report 14 Mar - Status Apportioned Committed Obligated * Security and Law Enforcement 3,243 2332.7 1048.6 351.6 Electricity Sector 5,560 1683.1 1326.7 1038.2 Oil Infrastructure 1,701 1600.0 779 451.6 Justice, Public Safety, and Civil Society (less democracy) 560 560.9 * 91 Democracy 458 458.0 200 Education, Refugees, Human Rights, Governance 280 138.5 10 Roads, Bridges, and Construction 370 119.3 4 4 Health Care 793 330.0 0 0 Transportation and Telecommunications 500 164.0 81.3 6.3 Water Resources and Sanitation 4,332 496.2 39.7 38.9 Private Sector Development 184 64.5 .2 0 TOTAL 18,439 7947.2 3578.7 2087.5 CONSTRUCTION 12,611 3950 1990.3 1355.3 NON-CONSTRUCTION 5,370 3539.2 1388.4 576.9 DEMOCRACY 458 458 200 155.3 18,439 7947.2 3578.7 2087.5 Total In Millions 32.1 155.3 9.5 * Previous Democracy Building Amounts30Recorded in Justice, Public Safety, & Civil Society UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 22 1335 EST Mar 04 Strategic Communication D E P A R T M E N T • USAID is working with the CPA to ensure that the Iraqi population is well educated about the Transitional Administrative Law O F • The Iraqi people celebrated International Women’s Day on 08 Mar. Events marking the celebration included: D E F E N S E N/P – Programs to support this effort include producing booklets, and the dissemination of information to local media outlets • USAID’s Local Governance Program is conducting Democracy Dialogue Activities throughout Iraq as part of the Civic Education Campaign – Dialogues will improve public understanding of the transition to democracy and increase participation in the political process – Grand opening of Mansour Women’s Center in Baghdad (including its computer training center), an art exhibit by Iraqi women artists, and performances by an all-female band that formed after the war – Approximately 150 women of all ages, ethnic, and religious backgrounds attended the first Women’s Day Celebration at the new Center for Iraqi Women in Mosul 31 UNCLASSIFIED