UNCLASSIFIED D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E 18 August 2004 Iraq Weekly Status UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Table of Contents D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E SECTION SLIDE(S) 1.0 Highlights 3-4 2.0 Political Affairs 2.1 Governance 5-6 3.0 Economic Affairs 3.1 Economy 7-8 3.2 Essential Services 9-11 3.3 Electricity and Power 12-13 3.4 Oil 14-17 4.0 Reconstruction 4.1 Project and Contracting Office (PCO) 18-19 5.0 Security 5.1 Security and Stability 20-24 6.0 General Information 25 2 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Highlights D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P Political/Governance Fighting in Najaf Resumes: • After a temporary truce Friday, fighting resumed Sunday due to the breakdown of peace talks between the IIG and Sadr loyalists. Coalition and Iraqi forces are trying to stabilize and end the fighting in Najaf without involving the Imam Ali shrine, one of the holiest sites in Shiite Islam. Iraq National Conference Convenes: • The National Conference began Sunday in Baghdad, as scheduled. Over 1,100 arrived to help elect a 100-member interim national assembly. A delegation from the conference traveled to Najaf on Tuesday in hopes of meeting with Sadr. Economic Oil Production and Exports • As of Aug 12, oil revenue was estimated at $9.8 billion. • Current crude oil prices are averaging $35/barrel, tracking very robust international prices. 3 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Highlights (cont.) D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P Reconstruction Accelerated Iraqi Reconstruction Program (AIRP) • AIRP is now employing 17,568 Iraqis throughout some 357 projects. Security Implications of Najaf Conflict • There has been a noticeable spike in acts against the Coalition due largely to heavy fighting with Al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army forces in Najaf after Najaf’s Governor requested Coalition assistance. Security Forces Update • Iraqi Security Forces capabilities continue to improve and recruiting efforts continue to be very successful, but performance varies by region. 92,406 trained Iraqis are on duty and an additional 17,024 are in training. 4 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Governance - Developments D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P National Conference: • Despite rumors of its postponement due to boycott threats and violence around Iraq, the National Conference began Sunday in Baghdad, as scheduled. Of the 1,300 delegates invited to attend the three-day conference, over 1,100 arrived to help elect a 100-member interim national assembly. • A delegation of Iraqis from the National Conference arrived in Najaf Tuesday to negotiate peace with Sadr, delaying votes until their return to Baghdad. The delegation so far has not been able to meet with Sadr. NATO Support in Iraq: • The core of the NATO Training Implementation Mission arrived in Baghdad. The team which will initially consist of about 50 staff, will train Iraqi forces and help rebuild the Defense Ministry and military headquarters. UN extends UNAMI: • The United Nations Security Council extended the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq for one year in a unanimous vote August 11. UNAMI plays a leading role in helping organize elections and coordinate humanitarian operations in Iraq. 5 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Governance - Developments (cont.) D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P Capacity Building: • The State Department is promoting capacity building and democracy through a US-based program for Iraqis. – "NGO Management" International Visitor Program (August 14-Sept 3): Highlighting the role that the non-profit sector plays in U.S. society, and the many ways that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) promote democracy and civic involvement. USAID continues capacity building activities for local government: • USAID continues Democracy Dialogue Activities (DDA) across Iraq – Promotes civic participation and increases Iraqis’ understanding of democratic principles and the political process. First American Corner in Iraq Opens: • Ambassador Negroponte participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the first “American Corner” resource center at the Sulaymaniyah Public Library on August 8, attracting significant media coverage. The center is the first of 15 “American Corners” in Iraq and is scheduled to open to the public by the end of August. 6 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Economy D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P Oil Update • As of Aug 12, oil revenue was estimated at $9.8 billion. • Current crude oil prices are averaging $35/barrel, tracking very robust international prices. The increased revenue will defray some of the forgone exports, due to recent attacks on pipelines. Employment Update Number of Iraqis employed by each sector/project I r a q i s la s t w eek S e c to r B u i ld i n g s , H e a l t h & E d u c a t i o n E le c t r i c i t y O il P u b li c W o r k s & W a t e r S e c u rit y & J u s ti c e T ra n s p o rta ti o n & C o m m u n ic a tio n s A IR P 716 2 ,9 9 8 570 2 ,8 4 1 4 ,0 5 8 150 1 7 ,2 7 3 I r a q is t h is w eek 1 ,7 3 8 260 * 574 3 ,4 5 8 4 ,0 7 7 186 1 7 ,5 6 8 % In c re a s e o n w eek 1 4 2 .7 % - 9 1 .3 % 0 .7 % 2 1 .7 % 0 .5 % 2 4 .0 % 1 .7 % P C O W e e k ly S u r v e y T O T A L 2 8 ,6 0 6 2 7 ,8 6 1 -2 . 6 % U S A ID 3 9 ,8 0 0 5 1 ,4 5 0 2 9 .3 % M IL C O N T O T A L 910 475 - 4 7 .8 % GRAN D TOTAL 6 9 ,3 1 6 7 9 ,7 8 6 15 .1% Data as of 12 Aug 7 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Economy – Private Sector Development Joint Economic Commission (JEC) D • The JEC Conference (Baghdad, mid-September) will convene USG and IIG officials to E clarify metrics on a range of private sector development issues including: P – Fiscal Policy & Sustainability A – Subsidy Reform R – Private Sector Access to Credit T M – Agricultural Policy E – SOE Restoration & Reform N – Anti-Corruption Programs T – Economic Statistics & Reporting, and a host of other issues O Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) Iraq Private Sector Development Initiative F • Developed by USAID: Establishes new business centers/works through existing centers throughout Iraq to provide training and technical assistance to businesses of all sizes S – VEGA will leverage access to over 20,000 volunteer advisors and experts covering T all industrial and business sectors A T – Will provide Iraqi businesses with training courses, business kits, technical and E competition assistance for procurements under supplemental funds 8 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Essential Services - Food Security WFP Program D • This chart is the current projection of monthly closing stocks in days of supply of the Public Distribution System through the end of 2004. The CPA’s goal was to establish a three-month E buffer stock. The horizontal axis is placed at 30 days stock to reflect a minimum goal of P enough stock on hand to meet ration requirements of the proceeding month. A R 18 0 T 15 0 M 12 0 E 90 N 60 T 30 O F 0 -3 0 Detergent Soap Weaning Cereals Infant Formula Salt Milk Tea Sugar Ghee/Oil Pulses Rice Foreign Wheat National Wheat -6 0 S -9 0 T A -1 2 0 Decem ber N o ve m b e r O c to b e r S e p tem b er A u g u st T E • The last WFP- procured wheat shipment arrived on August 12 at Aqaba, there will be no N/P more WFP wheat arriving in Iraq. As of September, the pipeline will be solely reliant on MOT-procured commodities. 9 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Essential Services - Health Care & Education D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P Health Care • Continued progress is being made on the 150 Primary Health Centers (PHCs), reported on last week, with two more groundbreakings held this week • In the past two months, 4,304 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in rural areas of Diyala’ Governorate have received health care services from three mobile health teams supported by a U.S. NGO and USAID • Among this IDP population, 946 children < 5 yrs old received medical screening and treatment. All children who had not received vaccinations against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and hepatitis were vaccinated • The health education campaign on pregnancy, breastfeeding, and assisted deliveries benefited 127 pregnant women who received antenatal care • Work has begun in Sadr City on the renovation of the first of 16 maternal-child hospitals throughout Iraq to undergo major renovation and re-equipping with U.S. Supplemental funds Education • Work is underway on 10 public schools throughout the country • K-12 schools will open September 18, 2004, an improvement from last year’s delayed start of October 1, due to rehabilitation projects 10 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Essential Services - Health Care & Education (cont.) O F S T A T E 31 DE C0 4 04 15 NO V CT 04 15 O 4 Planned Buildings, Health & Education 15 SE P0 D E P A R T M E N T Buildings 5/ $33.6M 5/ $33.6M 5/ $33.6M 5/ $33.6M Health 23 / $23.1M 23 / $23.1M 61 / $59.4M 61 / $59.4M Education 195 / $16.9M 321 / $25.5M 440 / $34.0M 580 / $42.3M 223 / 349 / 506 / 646 / TOTAL $73.6M $82.2M $127.0M $135.3M Note : Each cell represents Projects / Cost of Projects 11 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Electricity Overview Megawatt Hour Production (MWH) Goal MW Hrs Actual MW Hrs 7 Day Av. Pre-w ar MWH (Est.) 140,000 120,000 100,000 MWH D E P A R T M E N T 80,000 60,000 40,000 O F 20,000 20 /0 8/ 08 07 /2 9/ 20 04 04 04 20 /1 9/ 07 07 /0 9/ 20 20 06 /2 9/ 20 /1 9/ 04 04 04 04 06 06 /0 9/ 20 20 /3 0/ 05 05 /2 0/ 20 04 04 04 20 05 /1 0/ 20 /3 0/ 04 /2 0/ 20 04 04 04 04 04 /1 0/ 20 20 /3 1/ 03 /2 1/ 20 04 04 04 03 03 /1 1/ 20 20 /0 1/ 03 S T A T E 04 - • Summer maintenance program continues resulting in about 545 MW of generation capacity currently offline for scheduled and 184 MW for unscheduled maintenance. • 7 Day Average: 111,624 MWH 12 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Hours of Power D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E 13 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Crude Oil Production 3.00 O F MOO Goal: 2.5 MBPD 2.50 2.00 Millions of Barrels Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 18-24 June 25 June - 1 July 2-8 July 9-15 July 16-22 July 23-29 July 30 July - 8 August 9-15 August S Production Target T A • Weekly Average of 2.157 MBPD Is Below Target of 2.5 MBPD T • Long Term Ministry of Oil (MOO) Target (Dec 04): 2.8 – 3.0 MBPD (Pre-War Capacity) E • Pre-War Peak: 2.5 MBPD in Mar 03 • Post-War Peak: 2.595 MBPD on 16 Apr 04 14 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Monthly Export: Volume & Revenue O F S T A T E Revenue ($B) Iraqi Export (MBPD) $2.00 2.000 1.825 1.804 $1.80 1.800 1.524 1.600 1.541 1.537 $1.60 1.382 1.406 1.380 1.149 1.200 1.148 $1.20 0.983 $1.00 1.000 $0.80 0.800 0.646 $0.60 0.600 0.322 0.400 $0.40 0.200 $0.20 0.200 0.20 0.36 0.44 0.73 0.89 1.21 1.26 1.26 1.10 1.61 1.50 1.36 1.28 1.45 Jun-03 Jul-03 Aug-03 Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 $0.00 0.000 • Current Monthly Average: 1.406 MBPD (July) • Current Monthly Revenue: $0.26B (August) 15 Revenue ($Billions) $1.40 1.400 Millions of Barrels Per Day D E P A R T M E N T UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Refined Products O F S T A T E Production % Import % 160% 0% 140% Percentage of Monthly Target Reached This Week D E P A R T M E N T 120% 100% 21% 80% 150% 33% 60% 40% 6% 77% 49% 53% Benzene LPG 20% 0% Diesel Kerosene • Diesel: 17.6 ML of 18 ML • Kerosene: 7.5 ML of 5 ML • Benzene: 18.1 ML of 22 ML • LPG: 2,362 tons of 4,000 tons 16 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 National Stock Levels O F Jul-04 Aug-04 Goal 30 The amount of stocks reflects maximum consumption rates set earlier this year. The goal is for all refined products to be over 15 days w orth of stocks. The numbers given below are monthly averages. 27 26 25 20 18 Days of Stocks D E P A R T M E N T 17 17 15 15 11 10 9 5 S T A T E 0 Diesel Kerosene Benzene • National stock levels are remaining steady 17 LPG UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Project and Contracting Office (PCO) Developments D E P A R T M E N T • To date, the PCO has issued 209 task orders, out of a total of 390 (54%). – These task orders cover 2,043 projects nationwide, out of a total 2,824 (72%). – Of the $18.4 billion supplemental, $9.8 billion has been committed, $6.8 billion is contractually obligated, and $721 million has been disbursed. • The Accelerated Iraq Reconstruction Program (AIRP) is meeting urgent local needs across Iraq: O F – Projects cover: water and sanitation, health, education, building, roads, power, telecommunications, and various other. S T A T E – AIRP projects currently employ 17,568 Iraqis on 357 projects. N/P – Upcoming round of contract awards will be open to all, with exception of states that sponsor terrorism. Data as of 12 Aug 18 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Project and Contracting Office (PCO) D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E Sector 2207 Report Apportion Last Week Current Disbursed Last Week Current Last Week Current Security and Law Enforcement 3235 2976 2636 2594 1701 1717 272 369 Electricity Sector 5465 2538 2446 2204 1896 1910 184 207 Oil Infrastructure 1701 1701 1598 1454 975 986 25 31 Justice, Public Safety, and Civil Society 1033 825 714 715 386 396 23 28 Democracy 451 451 420 420 309 309 13 14 Education, Refugees, Human Rights, Governance 259 259 238 241 118 125 14 16 Roads, Bridges, and Construction 367 270 255 256 124 124 1 4 Health Care 786 577 560 565 376 376 0 2 Transportation and Communications 500 467 418 416 180 193 4 6 Water Resources and Sanitation 4246 892 842 839 632 638 5 12 Private Sector Development 183 135 100 102 47 49 16 17 Admin Expense (USAID, State) 213 29 63* 29 60* 29 39* 15 TOTAL 18439 11120 10290 9835 6804 6852 596 721 CONSTRUCTION 12406 5815 5815 5392 4334 4364 NON-CONSTRUCTION 5582 4854 4055 4023 2161 2179 DEMOCRACY 451 451 420 420 309 309 18439 11120 10290 9835 6804 6852 Total N/P Obligated Committed Data as of 12 Aug 19 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Interagency Iraqi Security Forces Update D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P Highlights: • 92,406 trained Iraqis are on duty and an additional 17,024 are in training. • Iraqi Security Forces capabilities continue to improve, but performance varies by region. Manning: • In spite of heavy fighting this week, recruiting efforts for the Iraqi Security Forces continue to be very successful. Training: • 1,360 law enforcement candidates completed training this week and 4,201 police officers are currently in training. 20 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Interagency Iraqi Security Forces Update (cont.) D E P A R T M E N T O F Equipping: • Badly needed equipment for all the security forces is arriving in large quantities. • The focus of effort is shifting from acquisition of equipment to distribution within theater. Overall Performance: • On duty performance of the Police and National Guard continues to improve. • Performance varies by region. In some areas ISF are developing slowly. In areas where performance has been poor, inadequate leadership, intimidation by former regime elements and equipment shortages are generally responsible. S T A T E N/P 21 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Ministry of Interior Man, Train & Equip Status D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E N/P # On Hand # Trained/In Training # Planned* Iraqi Police 84,950 32,880/2,899 90,000 Border Police 14,313 14,313/0 16,276 Civil Intervention Force 0 0/0 4,800 Emergency Response Force 83 62/31 270 Organization *Reflects the existing plan – not the expanded numbers based on the recent troops to task analysis Data as of 08 Aug 22 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Ministry of Defense Man, Train & Equip Status # On Hand # Trained/In Training # Planned Iraqi Army 9,749 3,789/5,960 27,000 Iraqi Intervention Force 6,989 1,473/5,516 6,584 Iraqi Special Operations Force 597 516/81 1,620 O F Coastal Defense Force 412 282/130 409 S T A T E Air Force 162 116/46 502 Iraqi National Guard 41,336 38,975/2,361 41,088 D E P A R T M E N T Organization *Reflects the existing plan – not the expanded numbers based on the recent troops to task analysis N/P Data as of 08 Aug 23 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Stability Contributors - OIF D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E P Countries with forces in Iraq 31 TOTAL ~24K Albania Australia Azerbaijan Bulgaria Czech Rep Denmark El Salvador Estonia Georgia Hungary Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea Latvia utors - OI Data as of 11 Aug 04 Countries committed to provide forces for Iraq 1 Lithuania Macedonia Moldova Mongolia Lithuania Netherlands Macedonia New Zealand Moldova Norway Mongolia Poland Netherlands Portugal New Zealand Romania Norway Singapore Poland Slovakia Portugal Thailand Romania Tonga Singapore Ukraine 32 Countries Potentially Supporting Iraqi Stability and Humanitarian Relief Slovakia UK 24 UNCLASSIFIED 18 August 2004 Iraq Weekly Status – General Information D E P A R T M E N T O F • Development, coordination and distribution responsibilities for the Iraq Weekly Status Report have been transferred from the Department of Defense to the Department of State. • This brief draws from multiple sources. References are cited on the respective pages in the “Notes Page” section (View Æ Notes Page). • Please forward all questions and/or comments to (unclassified) NEA-IIPOG-DL@state.gov or (classified) NEA-I-IPOG-DL@state.sgov.gov S T A T E 25