May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED D E P A R T M E N T Iraq Weekly Status Report O F May 2, 2007 S T A T E Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs US Department of State 1 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Table of Contents D E P A R T M E N T This report provides weekly updates in the eight key areas identified as pillars of US government policy for victory in Iraq. SECTION SLIDE Highlights 3 1. Defeat the Terrorists and Neutralize the Insurgents 5 2. Transition Iraq to Security Self-Reliance 6 3. Help Iraqis to Forge a National Compact for Democratic 8 Government 4. Help Iraq Build Government Capacity and Provide Essential 10 Services O F S T A T E 5. Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy 13 6. Help Iraq Strengthen the Rule of Law and Promote Civil Rights 21 7. Increase International Support for Iraq 22 8. Strengthen Public Understanding of Coalition Efforts and 24 Public Isolation of the Insurgents Sources and Contact Information Notes and Source Citations 25 26 2 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Highlights D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E 1. Defeat the Terrorists and Neutralize the Insurgents According to numbers compiled by the Iraqi Interior, Defense, and Health ministries, violence against Iraqi civilians dropped nearly 20% in April with 1,506 civilians killed, down from 1,861 in March. The drop is largely attributable to the ongoing Operation Fardh al-Qanun and the increased security operations aimed to reduce sectarian violence in the capital and surrounding areas. 2. Transition Iraq to Security Self-Reliance For the week ending April 21, the Iraqi Police Service graduated 41 police from specialized and advanced training courses including the following: “First Line Supervision,” “Advanced Interview and Interrogation,” and “Intelligence Analyst Training.” 3. Help Iraqis to Forge a National Compact for Democratic Government The largest bloc of Sunni Arabs in the Iraqi parliament threatened to withdraw its ministers from the Shia-dominated Cabinet in frustration over the Iraqi government’s failure to deal with Sunni concerns. President Bush called one of Iraq’s two vice presidents, Tariq al-Hashimi, a Sunni Arab, and invited him to Washington in an attempt to forestall the withdrawal. The bloc, known as the Iraqi Accord Front (Tawafuq) and made up of three Sunni Arab parties, claimed in a statement that they have “lost hope in rectifying the situation despite all of its sincere and serious efforts to do so.” 4. Help Iraq Build Government Capacity and Provide Essential Services The U.S. Army-funded construction of the supply al-Sura water compact unit in Ramadi, al-Anbar province has been completed, providing treated, clean, and potable water to it’s 24,000 local residents. 3 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Highlights D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E 5. Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy Speaking in Najaf, Ali Larijani, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Council, announced that his country has earmarked $1 billion in credits for Iraqi projects and pledged support for Iraqi reconstruction. 6. Help Iraq Strengthen the Rule of Law The Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 41 individuals April 1-14 for violations of the Iraqi Terrorist Law, Penal Code, and Coalition Provisional Authority Orders enforced by the Iraqi judiciary. 7. International Support for Iraq UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will co-launch with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri alMaliki the International Compact with Iraq in Sharm al-Shaik, Egypt May 3. The International Compact with Iraq is a five-year national plan that includes benchmarks and mutual commitments from both Iraq and the international community, all with the aim of helping Iraq on the path towards peace, sound governance and economic reconstruction. 8. Strengthen Public Understanding of Coalition Efforts and Public Isolation of the Insurgents Amal Mudarris, 58, survived an assassination attempt April 29. The Baghdad radio veteran suffered serious head injuries when she was shot several times outside her Baghdad home the morning of April 29. Doctors said later in the day that her condition had stabilized and she was expected to recover. 4 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [1.] Defeat the Terrorists and Neutralize the Insurgency AQI Security Emir Killed: D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E • In an operation conducted April 20, Coalition forces killed Muhammad Abdullah Abbas alIssawi, also known as Abu Abd al-Sattar and Abu Akram, an al-Qaida terrorist leader who operated in the Karmah and Amariya areas and was the al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) Security Emir of the eastern Anbar province. • Abu Abd al-Sattar had links to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and was reported to have been in contact with him from late 2004 until Zarqawi’s death in 2006. He was also a weapons supplier to insurgent forces and had links to the recent surge in chlorine Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) attacks across Iraq. Additional reports also indicate that his VBIED cell used 12- to 13-year-old children in suicide VBIED attacks. Iraq Civilian Deaths Down in April: • According to numbers compiled by the Iraqi Interior, Defense, and Health ministries, violence against Iraqi civilians dropped nearly 20% in April with 1,506 civilians killed, down from 1,861 in March. The drop is largely attributable to the ongoing Operation Fardh al-Qanun and the increased security operations aimed to reduce sectarian violence in the capital and surrounding areas. • This increased operational tempo, greater numbers of U.S. troops on the streets, and the move from large, more secure Forward Operating Bases to smaller combat outposts and patrol bases in Iraqi neighborhoods also contributed to April being the deadliest month in Iraq for the U.S. military in Iraq so far in 2007, with over 100 U.S. troops killed. 5 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [2.] Transition to Security Self-Reliance – Iraqi Security Forces D E P A R T M E N T Iraqi Police Graduations: • For the week ending April 21, the Iraqi Police Service graduated 41 police from specialized and advanced training courses including the following: “First Line Supervision,” “Advanced Interview and Interrogation,” and “Intelligence Analyst Training.” O F S T A T E 6 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [2.] Transition Iraq to Security Self-Reliance – Iraqi Security Forces D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E Ministry of Interior Forces COMPONENT TRAINED & EQUIPPED POLICE ~135,000 NATIONAL POLICE ~ 25,400 OTHER MOI FORCES ~32,900 TOTAL ~193,300** Ministry of Defense Forces COMPONENT OPERATIONAL ARMY ~137,800*** AIR FORCE ~900 NAVY ~1,100 TOTAL ~139,800** Total Trained & Equipped ISF: ~333,100**** * Ministry of Interior Forces: Unauthorized absence personnel are included in these numbers ** Ministry of Defense Forces: Unauthorized absence personnel are not included in these numbers *** Army numbers include Special Operations Forces and Support Forces **** Does not include the approximately 144,000 Facilities Protection Service personnel working in 27 ministries Data as of May 2, 2007 (updated bi-weekly by DOD) 7 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [3.] Help Iraqis to Forge a National Compact for Democratic Government – Developments Sunni Bloc Threatens to Pull Ministers: D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E • The largest bloc of Sunni Arabs in the Iraqi parliament threatened to withdraw its ministers from the Shia-dominated Cabinet in frustration over the Iraqi government’s failure to deal with Sunni concerns. President Bush called one of Iraq’s two vice presidents, Tariq al-Hashimi, a Sunni Arab, and invited him to Washington in an attempt to forestall the withdrawal. • The bloc, known as the Iraqi Accord Front (Tawafuq) and made up of three Sunni Arab parties, claimed in a statement that they have “lost hope in rectifying the situation despite all of its sincere and serious efforts to do so.” Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Seeks to Work Out Differences on Oil Law: • Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih said May 1 that he was confident a draft oil law will be approved in parliament after officials from the central government and Kurdistan meet to iron out differences. • Kurdish lawmakers had planned to oppose U.S.-backed legislation to regulate Iraq’s oil industry and some Sunni legislators have also raised objections, saying the oil law would give foreigners too great a role in the country’s oil industry. 8 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [3.] Help Iraqis to Forge a National Compact for Democratic Government - Iraqi National Unity Government President D E P A R T Minister of M Agriculture E Ya'rub Nathim* of N Minister Education T Khudayyir al-Khuza’i O F S T A T E Deputy President Jalal Talabani Deputy President Tariq al-Hashimi * Possible resignation announced but not confirmed ‘Adil ‘Abd al-Mahdi Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (F) = Female Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih Salam al-Zawba’i Minister of Communications Minister of Culture Minister of Defense Minister of Displacement & Migration Minister of Electricity Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi As’ad Kamal Muhammad Abdallah alHashimi Abdul Qadir Muhammed Jasim Abd al-Samad Rahman Sultan Karim Wahid Minister of Environment Minister of Finance Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Health Minister of Higher Education Narmin ‘Uthman (F) Bayan Jabr Hoshyar Zebari Ali al-Shammari* Abd Dhiyab al-Ajili Minister of Human Rights Minister of Industry & Minerals Minister of Interior Minister of Justice Minister of Housing & Construction Minister of Labor & Social Affairs Wijdan Mikha’il (F) Fawzi al-Hariri Jawad al-Bulani Safa al Safi (acting) Bayan Daza’I (F) Mahmud Muhammad Jawad al-Radi Minister of Oil Minister of Planning Minister of Trade Minister of Science & Technology Minister of Municipalities & Public Works Minister of Transportation Husayn alShahristani Ali Baban Abd al-Falah alSudani Ra’id Fahmi Jahid Riyad Ghurayyib Karim Mahdi Salih* Minister of Water Resources Minister of Youth & Sports Minister of State for Civil Society Minister of State for National Dialogue Affairs Minister of State for National Security Affairs ‘Abd al-Latif Rashid Jasim Muhammad Ja’far Adil al-Asadi* Akram al-Hakim Shirwan al-Waili Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Minister of State for Governorates Affairs Minister of State for Tourism and Antiquities Minister of State for Women’s Affairs Rafi Hiyad al-Isawi Sa’d Tahir Abd Khalaf al-Hashimi* Liwa Sumaysim8 Fatin Abd al-Rahman Mahmud (F) 9 Minister of State for CoR Affairs Safa al-Safi UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [4.] Help Iraq Build Government Capacity and Provide Essential Services – Financials from Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF) 1 and IRRF 2 Committed Apportioned D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E Obligated Disbursed Sector Apportion Last Week Current Change Last Week Current Change Last Week Current Change Security and Law Enforcement $5,002.59 $4,978.54 $4,979.56 $1.02 $4,976.66 $4,977.68 $1.02 $4,746.75 $4,785.89 $39.14 Electricity Sector $4,216.87 $4,173.03 $4,172.79 ($0.24) $4,034.86 $3,991.21 ($43.66) $3,185.34 $3,248.05 $62.71 Oil Infrastructure $1,724.70 $1,664.42 $1,654.18 ($10.25) $1,580.47 $1,578.87 ($1.60) $1,400.39 $1,424.35 $23.97 Justice, Public Safety and Civil Society $1,304.15 $1,303.17 $1,302.76 ($0.41) $1,297.57 $1,296.96 ($0.61) $1,035.65 $1,053.75 $18.10 Democracy $999.26 $998.31 $997.98 ($0.34) $998.23 $997.91 ($0.33) $920.67 $934.62 $13.95 Education, Refugees, Human Rights, Governance $410.06 $401.26 $400.13 ($1.13) $401.26 $400.12 ($1.13) $358.18 $360.87 $2.69 Roads, Bridges and Construction $333.60 $330.66 $329.26 ($1.40) $323.30 $322.19 ($1.11) $217.13 $220.94 $3.82 Health Care $815.78 $814.30 $773.59 ($40.71) $800.27 $760.12 ($40.14) $650.34 $661.79 $11.45 Transportation and Communications $456.72 $456.67 $453.02 ($3.65) $450.91 $447.26 ($3.64) $350.15 $352.69 $2.54 $2,115.79 $2,015.67 $2,015.22 ($0.45) $1,966.23 $1,971.66 $5.44 $1,538.52 $1,574.98 $36.46 Private Sector Development $813.95 $809.25 $809.25 $0.00 $809.25 $809.25 $0.00 $780.77 $791.66 $10.90 Admin Expense (USAID, STATE) $213.00 $210.48 $210.48 $0.00 $210.48 $210.48 $0.00 $188.06 $210.48 $22.42 $18,406.48 $18,155.77 $18,098.22 ($57.56) $17,849.48 $17,763.72 ($85.77) $15,371.94 $15,620.06 $248.12 IRRF II Construction - $10,399.23 $10,358.01 ($41.22) $10,114.60 $10,045.08 ($69.52) $8,369.24 $8,499.92 $130.68 IRRF II Non-Construction - $6,758.23 $6,742.23 ($16.00) $6,736.65 $6,720.73 ($15.91) $6,082.03 $6,185.53 $103.49 IRRF II Democracy - $998.31 $997.98 ($0.34) $998.23 $997.91 ($0.33) $920.67 $934.62 $13.95 IRRF I Total $2,473.30 $2,473.30 $2,473.30 $0.00 $2,232.3 $2,232.3 $0.00 $2,139.00 $2,139.0 $0.00 Grand Total IRRF I & II $20,879.78 $20,629.07 $20,571.52 ($57.56) $20,081.78 $19,996.02 ($85.77) $17,510.94 $17,759.06 $248.12 Water Resources and Sanitation Total As of May 1, 2007 10 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [4.] Help Iraq Build Government Capacity and Provide Essential Services – Electricity Overview D E P A R T M E N T O F Daily Electricity Supplied and Estimated Demand in Iraq Since January 2004 Daily Supply 7-Day Average Supply Estimated Demand 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 3/16/07 12/16/06 9/17/06 6/19/06 3/21/06 12/21/05 9/22/05 6/24/05 3/26/05 12/26/04 9/27/04 6/29/04 3/31/04 1/1/04 0 S T Date A T • During the week of April 26-May 2 electricity availability averaged 5.6 hours per day in Baghdad E and 10.9 hours nationwide. Electricity output for the week was 11% above the same period in 2006. 11 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [4.] Help Iraq Build Government Capacity and Provide Essential Services – Electricity and Water Electricity: D E P A R T M E N T O F • The U.S. Army-funded construction of two 11kV electrical lines and installation of a 400kV transformer in Fathwat Arab, Diyala province has been completed, providing direct and more reliable power for 5,000 domestic, commercial and industrial consumers. Water: • The U.S. Army-funded construction of the al-Halabsa water compact unit in Ramadi, al-Anbar province has been completed, supplying fresh and potable water to its 2,850 local residents. • The U.S. Army-funded construction of the supply al-Sura water compact unit in Ramadi, al-Anbar province has been completed, providing treated, clean and potable water to it’s 24,000 local residents. S T A T E 12 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – Oil Update and Job Creation D E P A R T M E N T Oil Update: • Crude oil price averages in world markets for the week ending April 20 closed with the following prices: – Basrah Light at $61.95/ barrel – Dated Brent at $67.55/barrel – WTI Cushing at $64.97/ barrel – Oman/Dubai at $63.89/barrel Employment Update: Iraqi Employment Per Organization Iraqis Last Iraqis This Week Week Program O F S T A T E % change Gulf Region District (GRD) (Includes MILCON/OMA) 21,284 21,284 0.00% US Agency for International Development (USAID) 37,690 42,370 12.42% Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP)2 4,448 4,448 0.00% Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I) Iraq Reconstruction Relief Fund (IRRF) Non-Construction 9,753 6,484 10,559 6,484 8.26% GRAND TOTAL 79,659 85,145 6.89% 0.00% CERP employment numbers are representative of Baghdad only. Data as of May 1 13 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy - Banking Sector Central Bank’s US Dollar (USD) Currency Auction: S T A T E Central Bank of Iraq USD Currency Auction: June 6, 2006 – April 30, 2007 1,500 $90.0 $80.0 $60.0 1,400 $50.0 $40.0 1,350 $30.0 $20.0 NIDExchangeRate 1,450 $70.0 1,300 $10.0 $0.0 Ju Ju n 6 n Ju 13 12 n -2 25 0 Ju 29 Ju l 2 Ju l 9 6 l1 -1 Ju 6 3 l -2 Ju Ju 23 0 l3 l2 -2 1 6 5 - A 30 u A g u g 7 A u 8 g A A 11 10 u u g g S 30 23 22 ep - S 6 S 2 ep 9 - ep S 13 S e 5 ep - S p1 21 e 2 S - p ep S 19 ep 2 O 6 ct - 25 O 3 O ct - ct O O 11 c 2 ct - t 1 1 Oc 0 N 9- t 1 o O v N 4 c 8 t o 2 v 8 No 9 N v7 N No ov o v 1 v D 29 15 4 ec - D 6 D 28 ec - e c D 13 De 1 ec - c 20 De 12 Ja - c Ja n 8 De 18 n - c2 Ja 17 Ja 6 n - J n1 2 a 6 Ja 3 - n n Ja 22 F 30 n eb - 2 F 6 F 9 eb - eb F F 14 eb 5 eb Fe 13 F 21- b eb F 2 e 0 M 28- b2 ar M 7 7- ar M 6 M M ar ar a 1 r 2 1 3 4M 2-M ar ar20 A 28 27 A pr -A p 3 p r - r 1 2 A 0- Ap p r Ap r 8 1 A 7 r p -A 1 r 24 p 6 -A r 2 p 3 r 30 O F • The following table shows volume sold of and exchange rates for USD in the Iraqi currency auction since April. Since September, the Central Bank has slowly appreciated the dinar, as suggested by the IMF, in an effort to rein in galloping inflation. There are early signs that this effort may have begun to bear fruit, with prices falling 6.8% between January and February. USDSold(Millions) D E P A R T M E N T US $ Sold (Weekly Avg) 1,250 The New Iraqi Dinar (NID) exchange rate line is calculated as a weekly weighted average (NID/USD) 14 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – Securities Markets Trading of Iraqi Bonds on the International Secondary Bond Market: Iraqi Commercial Bond Sales June 1, 2006 - April 27, 2007 $70.00 10.00% $69.00 9.80% $68.00 9.60% $67.00 9.40% $66.00 9.20% $65.00 Yield Percentage O F • The following table shows the daily bond resale price and yield on Iraqi bonds issued January 20. The bonds were originally issued to approximately two-thirds of Iraq’s commercial creditors as part of a debt exchange arrangement as per Paris Club terms. Iraq’s commercial debt was approximately $22 billion before the debt-swap arrangement. The bonds, which are not yet rated, will mature in 2028. The bonds’ current yield of 9.6 percent remains one of the highest in the world for sovereign debt instruments. Bond Price in USD D E P A R T M E N T 9.00% 8.80% $63.00 8.60% Ju 9- n Ju 19 n -J 27 u n -J un 5Ju 13 l -J 21 u l -J 31 u l -J 8- u l Au 16 g -A 24 u g -A u 1- g Se 11 p -S 1 9 ep -S 2 7 ep -S e 5- p Oc 13 t -O 23 ct -O 31 ct -O 8- ct N 16 ov -N 24 ov -N o 4- v De 12 c -D 20 ec -D 28 ec -D e 5- c Ja 15 n -J 23 a n -J 31 a n -J a 8- n Fe 16 b -F 2 6 eb -F e 6- b M 1 4 ar -M 2 2 ar -M 3 0 ar -M a 9- r Ap 17 r -A 2 5 pr -A pr $62.00 1- S T A T E $64.00 Trading High = $73.98 (January 24) Trading Low = $64.66 (August 30) 15 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – Economic Events Iran Says Earmarks $1 Billion Credits for Iraqi Projects: D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E • Speaking in Najaf, Ali Larijani, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Council, announced that his country has earmarked $1 billion in credits for Iraqi projects and pledged support for Iraqi reconstruction. Ministry of Industry & Minerals Participation in Training and Certification for ISO 9000: • The Ministry of Industry & Minerals has announced that it is planning to have important State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) certified and made compliant to ISO 9000 quality standards. The certification process would allow for contracting opportunities in international trade where ISO 9000 is a prerequisite. This move could also enhance the SOEs’ prospective investment potential to international strategic partners if they become available for privatization. • The Ministry of Oil and Minerals manages 59 SOEs, including over 200 factories in six industrial sectors: Petrochemicals, Cement and Construction Materials, Engineering and Heavy Industry, Textiles, Food & Drug, and Industrial Services. Hill Conference on FY07 Supplemental Has Concluded: • The House-Senate Conference on the FY07 supplemental bill has concluded. The supplemental bill appropriates over $2 billion for economic reconstruction and other related programs in Iraq. 16 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – Crude Oil Production 2.40 2007 Iraqi Oil Ministry Goal: 2.1 MBPD 2.18 2.14 Millions of Barrels Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 2.13 2.14 2.19 2.13 2.09 2.06 2.06 1.99 2.00 O F S T A T E 1.60 February 19-25 February March 5-11 March 1226 - March 18 4 March 19- March 26 25 April 1 Production April 2-8 April 9-15 April 16-22 April 23-29 Target • Weekly Average (April 23 – April 29) of 2.19 Million Barrels Per Day (MBPD) 17 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – Crude Oil Export Revenue (US$B) O F Exports (MBPD) 2.40 $4.00 $3.50 1.67 1.68 1.68 $3.00 1.62 1.58 1.55 1.51 1.44 $- 1.50 $2.50 1.30 1.20 $2.00 $3.41 $2.92 $3.44 $3.03 $1.50 $2.75 $2.73 $2.75 $2.46 $2.45 $2.19 $2.11 0.60 S T A T E 1.50 1.45 USD (Billions) 1.80 Millions of Barrels per Day D E P A R T M E N T Projected $1.00 $1.89 $0.50 0.00 $0.00 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 • 2006 Revenue Estimate: $31.3 Billion • 2007 Revenue Estimate: $9.5 Billion 18 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 (Year to Date) UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – Total Critical Refined Product Supplies Domestic Production O F 100% 5% 0% 28% 26% 72% 74% Gasoline LPG 80% Percentage of Share of Weekly Fuel Supplies D E P A R T M E N T Import 60% 95% 100% 40% 20% S T A T E 0% Diesel Kerosene Note: This is a daily average for the week of April 23 – April 29 • Diesel: 11.7 ML supply of 22.6 ML target • Kerosene: 5.4 supply of 10.1 ML target • Gasoline: 13.2 ML supply of 22.0 ML target • LPG: 3,328 tons supply of 5,000 tons target 19 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [5.] Help Iraq Strengthen Its Economy – National Stock Levels Feb-07 Apr-07 Goal 25 20 15 Days D E P A R T M E N T Mar-07 10 O F 5 S T A T E 5 4 4 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 Diesel Kerosene Gasoline LPG • The goal is to have on hand 15 days supply of all refined products, calculated on the basis of maximum consumption over the year and not adjusted for seasonal variation. The numbers given above are monthly averages. 20 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [6.] Help Iraq Strengthen the Rule of Law and Promote Civil Rights – Iraqi Judicial System CCCI Convicts 41: D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E • The Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI) convicted 41 individuals April 1-14 for violations of the Iraqi Terrorist Law, Penal Code, and Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) Orders enforced by the Iraqi judiciary. • CCCI sentenced four individuals to death after being found guilty of violations of Iraq’s Terrorist Law. The convicted individuals were charged with participating and planning terrorist operations. • The trial court sentenced three individuals to life imprisonment after being found guilty of violating Iraq’s Terrorist Law and 14 individuals were sentenced to 30 years imprisonment for violating CPA Order 3/2003, possession of illegal weapons. One individual was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for violating Article 194 of the Iraqi Penal Code, organizing, heading, leading or joining an armed group. • Since its establishment under an amendment to CPA Order 13, in April 2004, the Central Criminal Court has held 2,084 trials for suspected criminals apprehended by Coalition forces. The Iraqi Court proceedings have resulted in the conviction of 1,788 individuals with sentences ranging from imprisonment to death. 21 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [7.] Increase International Support for Iraq – Developments D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E UN Secretary-General in Egypt to Launch International Compact with Iraq: • United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will co-launch with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki the International Compact with Iraq in Sharm al-Shaik, Egypt May 3. • The International Compact with Iraq is a five-year national plan that includes benchmarks and mutual commitments from both Iraq and the international community, all with the aim of helping Iraq on the path towards peace, sound governance and economic reconstruction. New Zealand Pledges Support to Assist Iraqi Refugees: • New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced his country’s plan to donate $1 million to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to feed, house and protect Iraqi refugees. Japan Reaffirms Support for Reconstruction and Airlift Operations: • Japanese Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma visited the U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida April 29 and assured the U.S. military that Japan will continue to support reconstruction efforts in Iraq through extending the deployment of Japanese air troops for airlift operations. 22 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [7.] Increase International Support for Iraq – Contributors to Iraqi Stability Operations Data as of April 27, 2007 D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E 25 Countries with forces in Iraq (in addition to US) Albania Denmark Lithuania Slovakia Armenia El Salvador Macedonia South Korea Australia Estonia Moldova Ukraine Azerbaijan Georgia Mongolia UK Bosnia-Herzegovina Japan Poland Bulgaria Kazakhstan Romania Czech Republic Latvia Singapore TOTAL ~ 12,220 Forces *Note: Fiji participating as a part of the UN mission in Iraq. 34 Countries and NATO* (including US) Support Iraqi Stability Operations *34 includes the 25 countries listed above, the US, Fiji, and seven NATO, non-MNF-I countries: Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey 23 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED [8.] Strengthen Public Understanding of Coalition Efforts and Public Isolation of the Insurgents – Developments Radio Veteran Survives Assassination Attempt: D E P A R T M E N T • Amal Mudarris, 58, survived an assassination attempt April 29. The Baghdad radio veteran suffered serious head injuries when she was shot several times outside her Baghdad home the morning of April 29. Doctors said later in the day that her condition had stabilized and she was expected to recover. The evening of April 29, Iraqi television aired footage of Mudarris in a hospital recovery room. O F S T A T E 24 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Iraq Weekly Status – General Information D E P A R T M E N T • This brief draws from multiple sources. References are cited on the following pages. • Please forward all questions and/or comments to: O F S T A T E 25 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Notes and Source Citations (1 of 3) Slide 5: D E P A R T M E N T – – – MNF-I Press Release – 25 April 2007 – Release A070425b -- ( Yahoo News – 1 May 2007 – (;_ylt=AgciXcVVC2zv3e.A083DK2tX6GMA) Washington Post – Sudarsan Raghavan and Karin Brulliard --1 May 2007 Slide 6: – ICITAP Weekly Report – 21 April 2007 Slide 7: – DoD Input to Iraq Weekly Status Report May 2, 2007 Slide 8: – – Slide 9: O F – Slide 10: – S T A T E NEA Political Section, IRMO Weekly Report, May 1, 2007 Slide 11: – POC Bob Means, Department of State (202) 647-9815 – The chart shows average daily power production in megawatt hours (MWh). 120,000 MWh goal equates to 20 hours at 6000 MW average supplied load or 24 hours at 5000 MW average supply load. To date, national electricity supply for 2007is only one percent below 2006. Because demand is increasing, however, the relative decline in national hours of power is much larger: an average of 8.9 hours for January 1-March 14, 2007, compared with an average of 10.5 hours for the same period in 2006. 26 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Notes and Source Citations (2 of 3) D E P A R T M E N T O F S T A T E Slide 12: Electricity – USACE Daily Report – 26 April 07 Water – USACE Daily Report – 1 May 07 – USACE Daily Report – 30 April 07 Slide 13: – Oil Prices are sourced from Bloomberg Employment Update: – Information regarding the Employment Update was sourced from the IRMO Weekly Report – May 1, 2007. – CERP has not reported figures for some time. Until they report accurate data, the number will remain at 0. – PCO will be reporting on a bi-weekly basis. Slide 14: – Information regarding the NID auction was gathered from the Central Bank of Iraq’s website: Slide 15: – Iraqi Bond Prices are sourced from Bloomberg Slide 16: – Baghdad OI April 29 – NEA OI April 25, 2007 – Slide 17: – Department of State, NEA-I-ECON, 202-647-9885 Slide 18: – Department of State, NEA-I-ECON, 202-647-9885 27 UNCLASSIFIED May 2, 2007 UNCLASSIFIED Notes and Source Citations (3 of 3) Slide 19: D E P A R T M E N T – Department of State, NEA-I-ECON, 202-647-9885 – Department of State, NEA-I-ECON, 202-647-9885 – MNF-I Press Release, CCCI Convicts 41, Sentences 4 to death, 3 to life imprisonment;; Apr 26, 2007 – – – – DOD Input to Weekly Status Report, updated bi-weekly – The Los Angeles Times,,1,5930729.story?coll=la-news-a_section Slide 20: Slide 21: Slide 22: Slide 23: Slide 24: O F S T A T E 28 UNCLASSIFIED