January 7, 2016 Meeting
Please Note:
The next Administrators Group meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 4th. The meeting
location will be the Student Union Building – Red Raider Lounge. The agenda will be sent at a
later date.
FSLA Overtime Changes:
Fair Labor Standards Act Overview
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers are entitled to pay at the rate of one and
a half times the employee’s regular hourly wage for all hours worked over 40 in a given
workweek, unless that employee falls within one or more of the white collar exemption statuses.
To qualify for a white collar exemption:
(1) the employee must be paid a salary,
(2) that salary must meet a minimum dollar amount set by the Department of Labor (DOL)
(currently $455 per week or $23,660 annually), and
(3) the employee must have primary duties the DOL deems to meet the exemption
requirements for executive, administrative, professional, computer, or outside sales
The first part is known as the salary basis requirement, the second part is the minimum salary
requirement, and the third part is known as the duties test.
Proposed Changes
On July 6, 2015, the DOL proposed three revisions to the minimum salary requirement. The
proposed revisions are to:
(1) Increase the minimum salary requirement equal to the 40th percentile of earning for
all salaried workers which will increase the new minimum salary to $50,440 annually,
(2) Prevent the salary test from becoming outdated by implementing an automatic
increase by either using a fixed percentile of wages or the Consumer Price Index for
All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), and
(3) Increase the Highly Compensated Exemption (HCE) from $100,000 annually to
$122,148 annually.
It is unknown at this time if there will be changes to the duties test.
Emergency Leave Entitlement and Reporting
In accordance with OP 10.03: Suspending Classes and Closing Offices in Severe Weather or
Energy Curtailment Emergency Situations, listed below are the emergency leave entitlement
and reporting guidelines for FY16.
Identification of Essential Personnel
Please ensure the essential personnel in your organization are identified and notified of
their responsibilities in specific
emergency situations if the campus is closed, has a
delayed start, or an early dismissal.
Leave Entitlement
Full-time benefits eligible employees will receive emergency leave credit for the hours the
university was closed, delayed, or dismissed.
Part-time benefits eligible employees will receive emergency leave credit proportionate to
their FTE for the hours the university was closed, delayed, or dismissed.
Non-exempt emergency services employees and non-exempt designated essential
personnel required to work during these periods of emergency leave will be paid for time
worked in addition to emergency leave.
Non-benefits eligible employees will only be paid for actual hours worked and will not receive
credit for emergency leave.
Reporting Time
Non-exempt benefits eligible employees. The time for emergency leave and the hours
worked, sick leave, and/or vacation leave are to be reported in web-time entry. Report
actual hours worked in the row titled, “Hours Worked.” Reflect the appropriate amount
of emergency leave in the row marked, “Emergency Pay.” For any other leave used, the
additional leave hours should be reported in the appropriate leave row.
Only non-exempt emergency services employees and non-exempt designated essential
personnel who worked during the emergency leave period will report both hours worked
and emergency leave for the same time period.
Non-exempt employees who report time using Time Clock Plus will follow normal
departmental procedures for entering leave into Time Clock Plus.
Non-benefits eligible employees. Report actual hours worked per your normal
departmental procedures.
Exempt benefits eligible employees. Exempt benefits eligible employees who are either
out sick and/or on vacation during the closure, delay, or early dismissal will only report
leave time for the hours the university was open. Exempt employees who reported to
work do not need to report emergency leave hours.
Questions or Additional Information
If you have questions or would like additional information about the emergency leave
process, please call Human Resources at (806) 742-3851.
Chrissy Cozart is the new member of Human Resources’ Talent Development Team. She has been
on campus for two years. She is their front person and the one to whom you will contact when
you have employees needing NEO training or Leadership Training.
New Location App – Years of Service
The Service Years Verification will be sent out to all ORG Level 6 Managers the week of
January 11th. The application will now include verification of the employee’s home organization
location. All verifications are due back to Human Resources by February 5th. If you have any
questions please email
ePM System Training and Annual Staff Performance Evaluations
Evaluation season is soon approaching.
The annual evaluation cycle for staff employees is March 1 through February 29. All Staff
Performance evaluations must be completed online through the electronic Performance
Management (ePM) system no later than April 15.
HR Talent Management is offering several ePM Training sessions over the next several weeks for
any supervisors and/or their proxies who have not attended training, or need a refresher. You
can register for a training session through Sum Total.
In order to complete an evaluation, employees will need to have a signed position description in
ePM. We encourage you to login to ePM and verify that your employees have signed position
descriptions so that you are able to create an evaluation for them during evaluation season.
For more information regarding staff performance evaluations, refer to TTU OP 70.12:
Performance Management.
For any questions, please contact HR Talent Management at 806-742-3851 or
Departmental Directory
The Information Systems representatives wish to thank the Administrators Group for providing
excellent feedback. Below are the suggested improvements for the Departmental Directory
system located at on the “Department Search” tab.
Custom Information Box
o The content of this field would be determined by the department and would be
completely customizable.
Department Description
Department Email Address
Department Website Link(s)
Hours of Operation
o This link would open a program such as Google maps to show a physical location.
Physical Location
o Not the mailing address. This is the physical address or location.
Room # (for individuals)
o This suggestion was made more than once during the discussion.
o Julian pointed out that Departmental Directory does not provide information for
individuals. Room numbers for departments are provided in the current directory.
Room numbers for individuals are not currently captured in any centralized
location, making this a difficult objective to achieve.
Social Media Link(s)
o Some specifically named services were Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
Address and Form W2 Consent:
Employees should update their address or verify their address for Form W2 and Form
1095-C purposes. Last day for address update is January 15, 2016.
o Instructions are in the January/February 2016 Payroll Newsletter and included in
the November Administrator Group Meeting minutes.
We encourage employees to consent to electronic receipt of Form W2 through Raiderlink.
Form W2 will be available electronically on 1/25/2016. Electronic delivery ensures that
you receive your Form W2 and allows for future reprints, if needed.
o Instructions are in the January/February 2016 Payroll Newsletter and included in
Form 1095-C
Individual’s working full-time (average of 30 or more hours per week in any month) and
enrolled in healthcare coverage at any time during 2015 along with retirees and graduate
medical students offered healthcare coverage should receive a Form 1095-C from Payroll
& Tax Services. If an individual is eligible to receive a Form 1095-C, then it will be needed
to complete your individual income tax return.
Form 1095-C will be mailed by February 1, 2016. 2015 Form 1095-C will not be available
for electronic release or access. Form 1095-C issued by Texas Tech University System will
have Part 1 and 2 complete. Part 3 will be blank. TTU/TTUHSC will not report individual
and dependent medical coverage. A Form 1095-B will be sent by your medical plan
administrator reporting individual and dependent medical coverage. See Employee
Please refer to Form 1095-C FAQs on the Payroll & Tax Services website for additional
Payroll & Tax Services and Human Resources are available to answer specific questions
about the Form 1095-C but cannot offer tax advice including how to use the forms
received to file a tax return.
Sick Leave Donation (HB 1771)
Allows for donation of an employee’s accrued sick leave to another employee within the
same state agency. Recipient has to exhaust accrued sick leave including available draws
from the sick leave pool. Unused hours cannot transfer to another agency or employee
and cannot be paid out upon recipient termination of job. Institutional policy requires
vacation leave be exhausted before SLD hours are available.
Donor is taxed on value of donated hours. Tax rate is up to 32.65%. If additional Medicare
threshold is met then 0.9% is added.
The dollar value of the donated sick leave will be included in the donor’s income reported
on the annual Form W-2.
Donor’s department (labor FOP(s)) is charged with proportional FICA match.
Recipient may use available SLD when criteria has been met.
Operating policy will be published under Section 69 Payroll & Tax Services. Submission
2015 Tax Form Distribution:
Form 1042-S Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding
o Prepared by Payroll & Tax Services
o Reports payments to foreign nationals
o Distributed electronically on 1/25/2016 and postal mail by 2/01/2016
o Questions can be directed to
Form 1099-MISC Miscellaneous Income
o Prepared by Payroll & Tax Services
o Reports vendor payments
o Distributed postal mail by 2/1/2016
o Questions can be directed to
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
o Prepared by Payroll & Tax Services
o Reports salaries/wages to employees
o Distributed electronically on 1/25/2016 and postal mail by 2/1/2016
o Questions can be directed to
Form 1095-C Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
o Prepared by Payroll & Tax Services
o Reports insurance coverage to employees
o Distributed postal mail by 2/1/2016
o Questions can be directed to
Form 1098-T Tuition Statement
o Prepared by Student Business Services
o Reports amounts billed and scholarships paid to students
o Distributed electronically and by postal mail by 2/1/2016
Questions can be directed to