A Bibliography of Oregon Mammalogy Special Report 644 March 1982

A Bibliography of
Oregon Mammalogy
Special Report 644
March 1982
Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State University, Corvallis
Introduction 3
Acknowledgments 3
Bibliography 4
Species-Subject Index 21
Author Index 43
Appendix 46
AUTHORS: Leslie N. Carra way is a research assistant unclassified in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. B. J.
Verts is professor of wildlife ecology, Oregon State University.
Cover art by: Chris Wall, Bend, Oregon.
lines, and dates as they appeared on journal covers. In instances
that we were able to determine correct spellings, initials, or dates
from other sources we included them in brackets.
Each article that contained reference to Oregon mammals was
scanned for species referred to and for subject contexts in which
reference to each species of mammal was made. For the SpeciesSubject Index we chose to follow scientific nomenclature provided
by Jones et al. (Occas. Papers, Mus. Texas Tech Univ., 6:1-17, 1979)
with a few minor exceptions based on our conversations with
various systematists. To enhance the usefulness of the SpeciesSubject Index to those unfamiliar with taxonomic synonyms of
mammals, we cross-referenced all synonyms used in publications
cited with the scientific names that we selected for the index.
Vernacular names used in the Species-Subject Index were limited
to those listed by Jones et al. (1979); these names also were
cross-referenced with the scientific names that we chose for the
index. In instances that reference was made only to vernacular
names, we categorized the references under species or genera that
we believed to be the subject of the investigation based upon our
knowledge of the distribution of various taxa in Oregon and the
locality of the study sites. We chose to model the subject-classification system of the Species-Subject Index after that used in
Wildlife Review because of its simplicity and inclusiveness, and
because categories tended to be exclusive. Assignment of articles
to subject categories was based on our judgement of subjects
treated; we tended to be liberal in the sense that we included
articles in subject categories even though reference to that subject
was vague or implied. A few articles for which copies could not be
obtained, hence were not included in the Species-Subject Index are
noted by an asterisk (*) following the reference in the Bibliography.
We realize that the probability of duplication of subject assignments, even through use of the same criteria that we established
for each subject category, would be remote. However, we hope that
our arrangement of the Species-Subject Index will be functional
without being unnecessarily cumbersome.
An Author Index is included for those who have a predilection
for associating names of investigators with research topics.
The impetus for this compilation stemmed from our desire and
need as teachers and researchers to become intimately familiar
with literature concerning mammals of Oregon and from our frustrations related to redundant searches of literature on Oregon
mammals. We believed that an adequately indexed list of sources
of information on Oregon mammals would be a valuable tool for
wildlife biologists and managers, teachers, researchers, and students in the state, and for research mammalogists elsewhere who
were interested in the mammalian fauna of Oregon. We prevailed
upon the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to support our
endeavor because we believed that a compilation of literature on
all mammals in Oregon was a logical point at which they might
begin their new nongame wildlife program. They concurred with
our logic and negotiated a contract under the Pittman-Robertson
Wildlife Restoration Act as Project W-69-R-1 for a year-long research project to produce the indexed bibliography that we described so enthusiastically.
Our goal was to produce a comprehensive list of all known
published sources of information on Oregon mammals from 1890
to 1980 plus all descriptions of mammal taxa with type localities in
Oregon. We are cognizant that achievement of such a lofty goal is
nearly impossible because literature on mammals of Oregon is
scattered so widely. Although we searched 107 serial publications
(Table A, Appendix), four bibliographic publications, card catalogs
in three state university libraries, and literature cited sections of all
articles on Oregon mammals found, we likely overlooked a few
articles on Oregon mammals. We assume full responsibility for
such omissions and we offer our apologies to authors who we
slighted inadvertently. However, we deliberately limited coverage
to wild or commensal species of mammals, exclusive of cetaceans
and domestic livestock, that have established free-living populations, or were introduced with the intent of establishing free-living
populations, in Oregon or in the Pacific Ocean along the coast of
Bibliographic citations were listed alphabetically, then numbered sequentially; numbers in the Species-Subject and Author
indices refer to numbers preceeding references in the Bibliography.
Citations were made in the style of the Journal of Mammalogy; we
followed spellings and italics as they appeared in titles and by-
Oregon State University; S. P. Cross, Southern Oregon State College; J. E. Dealy, U. S. Forest Service; D. S. deCalesta, Oregon State
University; C. Hamilton, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; R.
Ingram, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; M. L. Johnson,
University of Puget Sound; L. W. Kuhn, Oregon State University; C.
0. Maser, U. S. Forest Service; E. C. Meslow, Oregon Cooperative
Wildlife Research Unit; T. Nicholls, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
J. M. Taylor, University of British Columbia; J. D. Yoakum, Bureau of
Land Management. A. M. Rea, San Diego Museum of Natural
History and T. G. Scott, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided
technical advice.
We also are sincerely appreciative of the trust and patience of
F. V. Newton, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, with whom
we negotiated the contract for this research.
An undertaking of this magnitude could not have culminated
successfully without the assistance of numerous professionals.
We gratefully acknowledge the help of L. Bierly, H. S. Chona, J. Ely,
B. L. Kienle, M. P. Kinch, E. Leasher, M. J. Lewis, A. M. Trammell,
and D. Unger, Kerr Library, Oregon State University; M. Scroggins,
Forest Research Library, Oregon State University; M. Guin, Marine
Science Center Library, Oregon State University; I. Lady, Oregon
State Library; L. Gregory, Pacific University Library; L. Garrett,
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Library, U.S Fish and Wildlife
Service; and C. Carney, Olympia Forestry Science Laboratory, U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service. The following colleagues allowed use of
materials from their personal files or provided us with reprints or
reproductions of portions of specific references: R. M. Case, University of Nebraska; P. R. Canutt, U. S. Forest Service; E. Coblentz,
0001. ADAMS, L. 1963. Do white-tailed deer occur In northeastern California? J. Mamm., 44:518-522.
1972. Predator control-1971. Council Environ. Quality,
U.S. Dept. Int., 207 pp.
0003. ALBRIGHT, R. 1959. Bat banding at Oregon Caves.
Murrelet, 40:26-27.
0004. ALDOUS, C. M. 1949. Mule deer problem areas of the
western states. Trans. N. Amer. Wildl. Conf., 14:502-512.
0005. ALIEV, F. 1967. Numerical changes and the population structure of the coypu, Myocastor coypus (Molina,
1782), different countries. SaOgetierk. Mitt., 15:238-242.
0006. ALLEN, G. M. 1916. Bats of the genus Corynorhinus.
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 60:333-356.
0007. . 1942. Extinct and vanishing mammals of the
Western Hemisphere with the marine species of all the
oceans. Amer. Comm. Internat. Wild Life Protection, Spec.
Publ., 11:1-620.
0008. ALLEN, G. M., and T. BARBOUR. 1937. The Newfoundland wolf. J. Mamm., 18:229-234.
0009. ALLEN, H. 1893. A monograph of the bats of North
America. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., 43:1-198 + 38 plates.
0010. ALLEN, J. A. 1890. A review of some of the North
American ground squirrels of the genus Tamias. Bull.
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3:45-116.
0011. -. 1891. Notes on new or little-known North
American mammals, based on recent additions to the
collection of mammals in the American Museum of Natural History. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 3:263-310.
0012. . 1893. Descriptions of four new species of
Thomomys, with remarks on other species of the genus.
Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:47-68 + 1 plate.
0013. -. 1898. Revision of the chickarees, or North
American red squirrels (subgenus Tamiasciurus). Bull.
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 10:249-298.
0014. .1898. The sea otter. Amer. Nat.,32(pt.
0015. . 1899. The North-American arboreal squirrels.
Amer. Nat., 33:635-642.
0018. . 1900. The North-American jumping mice.
Amer. Nat., 34:199-202.
0017. ANDERSON, C. F. 1959. Nocturnal activities of the
Columbian black-tailed deer, Odocolleus hemionus columbianus Richardson, affecting spotlight census results in
the Oregon Coast Range. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon
State College, Corvallis, 86 pp.
0018. . 1961. Anesthetizing deer by arrow. J. Wildl.
Mgmt., 25:202-203.
0019. ANDERSON, R. J. 1977. Relation of the northern
pocket gopher to forest habitats in south-central Oregon.
Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, 46 pp.
0020. ANDERSON, R. M. 1946. Catalogue of Canadian recent mammals. Nat. Mus. Canada Bull., 102:1-238.
0021. ANDERSON, S. 1955. Small mammals from Gilliam
County, Oregon. Murrelet, 36:26-27.
0022. -. 1959. Distribution, variation, and relationships of the montane vole, Microtus montanus. Univ.
Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 9:415-511.
0023. . 1960. The baculum in microtine rodents.
Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 12:181-216.
0024. ANDERSON, S. E. 1974. Eutamias minimus and E.
amoenus: morpholy, cluster analysis. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Portland State Univ., Portland, Oregon, 48 pp.
0025. ANEY, W. 1971. Fish, game, & ... statistics? Oregon
State Game Comm. Bull., 26(4):3-7.
0026. ANON. 1839. The following species must be added to
the list of Mr. Townsend's quadrupeds. J. Acad. Sci.,
Philadelphia, Ser. 1, 8:101-105.
0027. ANON. 1895. The wood-rat. Oregon Naturalist,
0028. ANON. 1942. Herds of fur seals off Newport, Oregon.
Pacific Fisherman, 40(3):61.
0029. ANON. 1942. Shark fisherman catch fur seals. Pacific
Fisherman, 40(1):67.
0030. ANON. 1950. Oregon 1949 four-state antelope report
for the January 24, 1950, meeting. Four-State Antelope
Meeting, 2:11-12.
0031. ANON. 1961. Porcupines serious menace to ponderosa
pine in Oregon. Forest Log, 31(1):1,3.
0032. ANTHONY, A. W. 1923. Periodical emigrations of
mammals. J. Mamm., 4:60-61.
0033. .1924. Hibernating chipmunks. J. Mamm.,
0034. ANTHONY, H. E. 1913. Mammals of northern Malheur
County, Oregon. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 32:1-27 + 2
0035. . 1916. Habits of Aplodontia. Bull. Amer. Mus.
Nat. Hist., 35:53-63.
0036. ANTHONY, R. M., V. G. BARNES, JR., and J. EVANS.
1978. "Vexar" plastic netting to reduce pocket gopher
depredation of conifer seedlings. Proc. Vert. Pest Conf.,
0037. AQUADRO, C. F., and J. C. PATTON. 1980. Salivary
amylase variation in Peromyscus: use in species identification. J. Mamm., 61:703-707.
0038. ARTHUR, D. R., and K. R. SNOW. 1968. Ixodes paclficus
Cooley and Kohls, 1943: its life-history and occurrence.
Parasitology, 58:893-906.
0039. ASHBROOK, F. G. 1943. Abstract of fur laws, 1943-44.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wild. Leaf I., 249:1-43.*
0040. -. 1944. Abstract of fur laws, 1944-45. U.S. Fish
and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leaf I., 262:1-43.
0041. . 1945. Abstract of fur laws, 1945-46. U.S. Fish
and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 279:1-48.
0042. . 1946. Abstract of fur laws, 1946-47. U.S. Fish
and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 291:1-49.
0043. -. 1947. Abstract of fur laws, 1947-48. U.S. Fish
and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 297:1-46.
0044. . 1947. Annual fur catch of the United States.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leaf I., 298:1-24.
0045. . 1948. Abstract of fur laws, 1948-49. U.S. Fish
and Wild!. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 316:1-42.
0046. . 1948. Annual fur catch of the United States.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 315: 1-24. (Midi.
Leaf!. number duplicated.)
0047. -. 1949. Abstract of fur laws, 1949-50. U.S. Fish
and Wild!. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 326:1-42.* (Wild!. Leaf!.
number duplicated.)
0048. . 1950. Abstract of fur laws, 1950-51. U.S. Fish
and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 326:1-45. (Wildl. Leaf!. number duplicated.)
. 1950. Annual fur catch of the United States.
0049. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 315:1-23. (Wildl.
Leafl. number duplicated.)
0050. -. 1951. Abstract of fur laws, 1951-52. U.S. Fish
and Wild!. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 326:1-43.* Leafl.
number duplicated.)
0051. . 1951. Annual fur catch of the United States.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 315:1-25.* (Wild!.
Leaf!. number duplicated.)
0052. . 1952. Abstract of fur laws, 1952-53. U.S. Fish
and Wild!. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 343:1-43.
0053. . 1952. Annual fur catch of the United States.
U.S. Fish and Wild!. Serv. Wild!. Leaf I., 315:1-24.* (Wild!.
Leaf!. number duplicated.)
0054. . 1953. Abstract of fur laws, 1953-54. U.S. Fish
and Wild!. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 347:1-41.
0055. -. 1953. Annual fur catch of the United States.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 346:1-24.
0056. -. 1954. Abstract of fur laws, 1954-55. U.S. Fish
and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leafl., 363:1-39.
0057. . 1954. Annual fur catch of the United States,
1953-1954. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 362:1-24.
0058. -. 1955. Fur catch in the United States, 1949-54.
U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wild!. Leaf I., 367:1-24.*
. 1956. Fur catch in the United States, 1955.
0059. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Wildl. Leafl., 380:1-3.
0060. ASHBROOK, F. G., and S. P. YOUNG. 1957. Fur catch
in the United States, 1956. U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv.Wildl.
Leaf I., 388:1-3.
0061. AUDUBON, J. J., and J. BACHMAN. 1841. Descriptions of new species of quadrupeds inhabiting North
America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, 1:92-103.
0062. AVISE, J. C., M. H. SMITH, and R. K. SEALANDER.
1979. Biochemical polymorphism and systematics in the
genus Peromyscus. VII. Geographic differentiation in
members of the true! and maniculatus species groups. J.
Mamm., 60:177-192.
0063. BACHMAN, J. 1837. Observations, on the different
species of hares (genus Lepus) inhabiting the United
States and Canada. J. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Ser.
1, 7:282-361.
0064. . 1839. Description of several new species of
American quadrupeds. J. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia,
Ser. 1, 8:57-74.
0065. BAER, G. M., and D. B. ADAMS. 1970. Rabies in
insectivorous bats in the United States, 1953-65. Public
Health Rep., 85:637-645.
0066. BAER, C. H., R. E. SEVERSON, and S. B. LINHART.
1978. Live capture of coyotes from a helicopter with
ketamine hydrochloride. J. Wildl. Mgmt., 42:452-454.
0067. BAILEY, A. W., and W. W. HINES. 1971. A vegetationsoil survey of a wildlife-forestry research area and its
application to management in northwestern Oregon. Oregon State Game Comm., Game Res. Rep., 2:1-36.
0068. BAILEY, A. W., and C. E. POULTON. 1968. Plant
communities and environmental interrelationships in a
portion of the Tillamook Burn, northwestern Oregon. Ecology, 49:1-13.
0069. BAILEY, V. 1895. The pocket gophers of the United
States. U.S. Dept. Agric., Bull. Div. Ornithol. Mamm.,
5:9-47 + 1 map.
0070. . 1897. Revision of the American voles of the
genus Evotomys. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 11:113-139.
0071. . 1900. Revision of American voles of the genus
Microtus. N. Amer. Fauna, 17:1-88 + 5 plates.
0072. -. 1908. Destruction of wolves and coyotes.
Results obtained during 1907. U.S. Bur. Biol. Surv. Circ.,
0073. -. 1915. Discovery of the tree mouse (Phenacomys longicaudus-True). Oregon Sportsman, 3:147-149.
0074. . 1915. Revision of the pocket gophers of the
genus Thomomys. N. Amer. Fauna, 39:1-136 + 8 plates.
0075. . 1922. Beaver habits, beaver control and
sibilites in beaver farming. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bull.,
0076. 4:53-54.
. 1923. Bears eat cascara berries. J. Mamm.,
. 1923. Buffalo in Oregon. J. Mamm., 4:254-255.
. 1927. Beaver habits and experiments in beaver culture. U.S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull., 21:1-39.
. 1932. Buffalo of the Malheur Valley, Oregon.
0079. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45:47-48.
. 1932. The northwestern white-tailed deer.
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 45:43-44.
. 1932. The Oregon antelope. Proc. Biol. Soc.
0081. Washington, 45:45-46.
0082. -. 1933. The importance of types and type localities. J. Mamm., 14:241-243.
0083. -. 1936. The mammals and life zones of Ore
gon. N. Amer. Fauna, 55:1-416.
0084. BAILEY, V., and C. C. SPERRY. 1929. Life history and
habits of grasshopper mice, genus Onychomys. U.S. Dept.
Agric. Tech. Bull., 145:1-20.
0085. BAIRD, C. R. 1971. Development of Cuterebra jellisoni
(Diptera: Cuterebridae) in six species of rabbits and rodents. J. Med. Entomol., 8:615-622.
0086. BAIRD, C. R., and D. H. SMITH. 1979. Case reports of
bot fly myiasis in pikas (Ochotona princeps).J. Wildl. Dis.,
0087, BAIRD, S. F. 1857. Explorations and surveys for a
railroad route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific
Ocean. War Department. Mammals. 8(pt. 1):1-757 + 60
plates. Beverley Tucker, Printer, Washington, D. C.
0088. BAKER, R. C., F. WILKE, and C. H. BALTZO. 1963. The
northern fur seal. U.S. Dept. Int. Circ., 169:1-21.
. 1970. The northern fur seal. U.S. Dept. Int.
0089. Circ., 336:1-19. (Revised.)
0090. BAKER, R. H. 1967. Distribution of recent mammals
along the Pacific coastal lowlands of the western hemisphere. Syst. Zool., 16:28-37.
0091. BARNES, C. T. 1923. The Utah mammal list. J. Mamm.,
0092. BARNES, V. G., [JR.] 1973. Pocket gophers and reforestation in the Pacific Northwest: a problem analysis.
U.S. Fish and Wild!. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep. Wildl., 155:1-18.
0093. BARNES, V. G., JR. 1974. Response of pocket gopher
populations to silviculturel practices in central Oregon.
Pp. 167-175, in Wildlife and forest management in the
Pacific Northwest (H. C. Black, ed.). Oregon State Univ.,
School of Forestry, 236 pp.
. 1978. Survival and growth of ponderosa pine
0094. seedlings injured by pocket gophers. Tree Planters' Notes,
0095. BARNES, V. G., [JR.], H. C. BLACK, J. C. CAPP, G. L
and J. A. ROCHELLE. 1976. Survey of pocket gopher
damage to conifers in the Pacific Northwest 1975. Northwest Forest Pocket Gopher Committee, Oregon-Washington Silviculture Council, and Western Forestry and
Conservation Assoc., 8 pp.
0096. BARNES, V. G., JR., P. MARTIN, and H. P. TIETJEN.
1970. Pocket gopher control on Oregon ponderosa pine
plantations. J. Forestry, 68:433-435.
0097. BARRON, W. D. 1953. Use of salt in managing mule
deer and domestic animals on range lands of central
Oregon. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon State College,
Corvallis, 76 pp.
0098. BARTELS, R. 1976. Mountains goats of the Wallowas.
Oregon Wildl., 31(12):3-4.
0099. BATCHELOR, R. F. 1957. An evaluation of the use of
salt in the management of big game animals in northeastern Oregon. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon State College, Corvallis, 82 pp.
0100. BAWDON, E. D. 1965. A hermaphroditic kangaroo rat.
J. Mamm., 46:684.
0101. BEATTY, R. 0. 1948. Wildlife's stake in pollution
abatement. Trans. N. Amer. Wildl. Conf., 13:563-595.
0102. BECK, W. M. 1962. Studies on the vertebrate ecology
of a bottomland woods in the central Willamette Valley.
Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon State College, Corvallis, 54
pp. + 7 plates.
0103. BEER, J. R. 1959. A collection of deer mice from Otter
Rock, Oregon. Murrelet, 40:28-29.
0104. BEER, J. R., and E. F. COOK. 1958. The louse population on some deer mice from western Oregon. Pan-Pacific
Entomol., 34:155-158.
0105. BEITEL, R. J., S. E. KNAPP, and P. A. VOHS, JR. 1974.
Prevalence of eyeworm in three populations of Columbian black-tailed deer in northwestern Oregon. J. Parasitol.,
0106. BELDEN, L M. 1965. Agonistic behavior in montane
voles, Microtus montanus, from different parent population densities. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon State Univ.,
Corvallis, 97 pp.
0107. BELL, J. F., W. L JELLISON, C. R. OWEN, and C. L
LARSON. 1959. Applicability of the ascoli test to epizootic tularemia in wild rodents. J. Wildl. Mgmt., 23:236240.
0108. BELL, J. F., C. R. OWEN, and W. L JELLISON. 1958.
Group A streptococcus infections in wild rodents. J.
Infec. Dis., 103:196-203.
0109. BELL, W. B. 1917. Cooperative campaigns for the
control of ground squirrels, prairie-dogs, and jack rabbits.
U.S. Dept. Agric. Yearb., 1916:225-233.
. 1920. Hunting down stock killers. U.S. Dept.
0110. Agric., Separate, 845:289-300.
0111. BENDIRE, C. E. 1883. Description of the nest and
young of the pygmy owl (Glaucidium gnome). Bull. Nuttall
Ornithol. Club, 8:242.
0112. BENEDICT, E. M., and R. B. FORBES. 1979. Kit fox
skulls in a southeastern Oregon cave. Murrelet, 60:25-27.
0113.BENNETT, J. E. 1897. Hunting in southern Oregon:
great sport in the lake country. Overland Monthly,
0114. BENSON, S. B., and R. M. BOND. 1939. Notes on Sorex
merriami Dobson. J. Mamm., 20:348-351.
0115. BERGER, J. 1978. Social development and reproductive strategies in bighorn sheep. Unpubl. Ph.D. dissert.,
Univ. Colorado, Boulder, 157 pp. (Indexed from Dissert.
0118. .1979. "Predator harassment" as a defensive strategy in ungulates. Amer. Midland Nat., 102:197-199.
0117. . 1979. Social ontogeny and behavioural diversity: consequences for bighorn sheep °Ws canadensis
inhabiting desert and mountain environments. J. Zool.,
London, 188:251-266.
0118. . 1979. Weaning, social environments and the
ontongeny of spatial asociations in bighorn sheep. Biol.
Behay., 4:363-372.
0119. BERGHUIS, D. P. 1939. Mule deer problem of the
Malheur National Forest, Oregon. Unpubl. M.S. thesis,
Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, 57 pp. + 18 plates + 1
fold-out map.
0120. BEVER, D. N. 1949. Wheat treated with thallium sulphate for use as rodent bait. Oregon State Board Forestry
Res. Note, 1:1-6.
0121. BICKFORD, C. E. 1980. Aspects of the social structure
of the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi)
in western Oregon. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Oregon State
Univ., Corvallis, 56 pp.
0122. BISHOPP, F. C., and H. L TREMBLEY. 1945. Distribution and hosts of certain North American ticks. J. Parasitol.,
0123. BLACK, H. C. 1955. Salt use by mule deer in the
Deschutes National Forest of central Oregon. Unpubl.
M.S. thesis, Oregon State College, Corvallis, 143 pp.
0124. . 1965. An analysis of a population of snowshoe hares, Lepus americanus washingtonii Baird, in
western Oregon. Unpubl. Ph.D. dissert., Oregon State
Univ., Corvallis, 285 pp.
0125. -. 1969. Fate of sown or naturally seeded coniferous seeds. Pp. 42-51, in Wildlife and reforestation in
the Pacific Northwest (H. C. Black, ed.). Oregon State
Univ., School of Forestry, 92 pp.
0126. . 1970. Animal damage to forest regeneration
in the ponderosa pine region of Oregon and Washington.
Pp. 105-118, in Regeneration of ponderosa pine (R. K.
Hermann, ed.). Oregon State Univ., School of Forestry,
125 pp.
0127. . 1974. Animal-damage control on forest lands.
Forest Pesticides and Their Safe Use as Management
Tools, Washington State Univ. and Oregon State Univ.
Coop. Ext. Serv. and U.S. Forest Serv., 31 pp.
0128. BLACK, H. C., E. J. DIMOCK II, W. E. DODGE, and W. H.
LAWRENCE. 1969. Survey of animal damage on forest
plantations in Oregon and Washington. Trans. N. Amer.
Wildl. Nat. Res. Conf., 34:388-408.
0129. BLACK, H. C., E J. DIMOCK II, J. EVANS, and J. A.
ROCHELLE. 1979. Animal damage to coniferous plantations in Oregon and Washington. Part 1. A survey,
1963-1975. Oregon State Univ., Forest Res. Lab., Resource
Bull., 25:1-44.
0130. BLACK, H. C., and E. F. HOOVEN. 1973. Handling
cages for mountain beaver and other small mammals. J.
Wildl. Mgmt., 37:424-426.
0131. . 1974. Response of small-mammal communities to habitat changes in western Oregon. Pp. 177-186,
in Wildlife and forest management in the Pacific Northwest (H. C. Black, ed.). Oregon State Univ., School of
Forestry, 236 pp.
0132. . 1977. Effects of herbicide-induced habitat
changes on pocket gophers in southwestern Oregon.
Proc. Annual California Weed. Conf., 29:119-127.
0133. . 1978. Animal damage. Pp. 192-194, in Regenerating Oregon's forests: a guide for the regeneration
forester (B. D. Cleary, R. D. Greaves, and R. K. Hermann,
eds.). Oregon State Univ. Exten. Serv., 287 pp.
0134. -. 1978. Animal damage and control. Pp.
195-198, in Regenerating Oregon's forests: a guide for the
r e generation efodrsergr(eBg.oDn. ELefterycinRivDEGxleenavasand215
0135. BLACK, H. [CI, R. J. SCHERZINGER, and J. W. THOMAS. 1976. Relationships of Rocky Mountain elk and Rocky
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. 1948. Fur catch report, 1947-1948 trapping
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. 1958. Rabbits of Oregon. Oregon State Game
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. 1959. 1959 annual report. Oregon State Game
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. 1960. 1960 annual report. Oregon State Game
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Comm., Game Div., 178 pp.
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1365. -. 1962. Miscellaneous nongame mammals.
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Comm., Game Div., 170 pp.
1367. . 1963. The fish and wildlife resources of the
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1368. . 1963. Fur catch report, 1962-63 trapping season. Oregon State Game Comm. Bull., 18(8):7.
1369. -. 1964. 1963-1964 biennial report. Oregon State
Game Comm., 80 pp.
. 1984. 1964 annual report. Oregon State Game
1370. Comm., Game Div., 177 pp.
1371. . 1965. 1965 annual report. Oregon State Game
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1372. . 1965. A wolverine taken In Cascades. Oregon State Game Comm. Bull., 20(6):2.
1373. . 1966. 1965-1966 biennial report. Oregon State
Game Comm., 31 pp.
1374. . 1966. 1966 annual report. Oregon State Game
Comm., Game Div., 179 pp.
1375. . 1967. 1967 annual report. Oregon State Game
Comm., Game Div., 188 pp.
1376. . 1967. Cougar. Oregon State Game Comm.
Bull., 22(6):6.
1377. . 1968. 1968 annual report. Oregon State Game
Comm., Game Div., 198 pp.
1378. -. 1968. Biennial report 1967-1968. Oregon State
Game Comm., 33 pp.
1379. -. 1968. Endangered species past and present.
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1380. . 1968. More wolverines seen. Oregon State
Game Comm. Bull., 23(6):2.
1381. . 1968. Trees and deer. A progress report on
the Cedar Creek deer study. Oregon State Game Comm.,
14 pp.
1382. . 1969. 1969 annual report. Oregon State Game
Comm., Game Div., 175 pp.
1383. . 1969. For the record. Oregon State Game
Comm. Bull., 24(2):5.
. 1969. Fur catch report, 1968-69 trapping sea1384. son. Oregon State Game Comm. Bull., 24(11):4.
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Comm., Game Div., 201 pp.
1386. . 1970. Biennial report 1969-1970. Oregon State
Game Comm., 38 pp.
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Comm. Bull., 25(8):2,8.
1388. . 1970. Oregon's rabbits. Oregon State Game
Comm. Bull., 25(11):12.
1389. -. 1970. The otters return. Oregon State Game
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1390. . 1970. Rare wolverine to be placed on exhibit.
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. 1971. Lynx (Lynx canadensis). Oregon State
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Alces alces
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1733
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 1576
Ecology/Natural history-0509
Faunal lists-0083
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1421
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0083, 0505, 1533,
1587, 1590
Management-0505, 1422, 1493, 1533, 1587
Population dynamics-0506, 0894
Status-0894, 1533, 1576, 1590
Alces americana (see Alces alces)
Alopex lagopus
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0822
Ammospermophilus leucurus
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0614, 0634, 0744,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 1087
Economics-0083, 1482
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 0820,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0820, 1072,
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 0745
Status-1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 0744, 1196a
Antilocapra americana
Age/Sex ratios- 0025, 0030, 0195, 0220, 0293, 0369, 0370,
0636, 0657, 0658, 0659, 0660, 0661, 0675, 0782, 0986,
1005, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1031, 1032,
1115, 1120, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1129, 1130,
1138, 1139, 1140, 1249, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1284, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1327, 1332, 1333,
1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464,
1466, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1570,
1646, 1648, 1702, 1703, 1826, 1851, 1894, 1895, 1896,
Behavior-0083, 0116, 0369,1091,1094,1594
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0326, 1357, 1464
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates- 0025, 0030, 0083, 0152, 0195, 0220, 0293, 0369,
0370, 0448, 0490, 0636, 0658, 0659, 0660, 0661, 0672,
0673, 0675, 0773, 0782, 0789, 0984, 0986, 1005, 1007,
1009, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1031, 1033, 1115, 1120,
1124, 1125, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1138, 1139,
1140, 1228, 1249, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1276,
1281, 1284, 1300, 1314, 1318, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1361, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371,
1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1466, 1505,
1506, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1533, 1635, 1646,
1648, 1702, 1703, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1736, 1739, 1745,
1746, 1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760,
1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1779, 1782, 1826,
1851, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1900
Climate/Weather effects-1533, 1900
Coloration-0007, 0083, 0369, 1470
Competition-0873, 1027, 1137, 1579, 1894, 1895
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0621, 1032, 1266,
1314, 1318, 1327, 1332, 1335, 13Q, 1343, 1346, 1351,
Development/Growth-0369, 0636
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0292, 0369, 0448,
1028, 1082, 1092, 1093, 1133, 1510, 1901
Diseases-0195, 0362, 0636, 0660, 0782, 0932, 0936, 0986,
1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1091, 1094, 1138,
1139, 1140, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464,
1466, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1646,
1648, 1702, 1703, 1826, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1900
Dispersal-0369, 0669, 0670
Distribution/Locality records-0007,0083, 0362, 0369, 0563,
0564, 0615, 0624, 0634, 0775, 1028, 1032, 1091, 1094,
1196a, 1276, 1291, 1309, 1470, 1533, 1576, 1579, 1820,
1822, 1823, 1901
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0169, 0362, 0369, 0564,
0636, 1087, 1091, 1094, 1095, 1157, 1213, 1228, 1291,
1309, 1323
Economics-0083, 0380, 0621, 1027, 1030, 1032, 1260,
1262, 1263, 1287, 1270, 1300, 1314, 1323, 1324, 1332,
1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377,
1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1773
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820,
0821, 1157, 1196a, 1743
Habitats/Habitat usage- 0034, 0292, 0448, 0559, 0587,
0634, 0658, 0659, 0660, 0661, 0669, 0670, 0775, 0782,
0820, 0986, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1027,
1028, 1031, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1091, 1094, 1133, 1138,
1139, 1140, 1228, 1249, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1291, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1323, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340,
1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1460;
1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1466, 1506, 1507, 1509, 1510,
1511, 1533, 1579, 1646, 1648, 1702, 1703, 1826, 1851,
1894, 1895, 1896
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0025, 0030, 0152, 0268, 0334,
0336, 0338, 0340, 0341, 0342, 0344, 0345, 0348, 0350,
0362, 0363, 0660, 0672, 0673, 0782, 0789, 0977, 0986,
0987, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1012, 1013, 1014,
1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1027, 1028, 1031, 1032,
1033, 1035, 1040, 1119, 1121, 1123, 1125, 1126, 1127,
1130, 1133, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1266,
1267, 1270, 1280, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1291, 1300, 1309,
1314, 1318, 1324, 1327, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340,
1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1361, 1362,
1366, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1378, 1382,
1385, 1386, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1458, 1459, 1460,
1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1505, 1506, 1507,
1508, 1510, 1511, 1528, 1533, 1608, 1646, 1647, 1648,
1649, 1702, 1703, 1730, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755,
1757, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1779,
1782, 1826, 1894, 1895, 1900
Home range/Movements-1133, 1138
Interspecies associations-0587
Intraspecies associations-0116
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0169
Management- 0169, 0362, 0369, 0414, 0415, 0448, 0490,
0501, 0505, 0507, 0508, 0509, 0977, 1016, 1018, 1027,
1028, 1029, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1035, 1044, 1082, 1091,
1094, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1121, 1133,
1136, 1139, 1240, 1321, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343,
1346, 1393, 1422, 1429, 1457, 1464, 1493, 1570, 1579,
1642, 1648, 1717, 1773, 1900, 1903
Migration-0326, 1091, 1465
Morphology/Anatomy-0007, 1091, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-029% 0636, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014,
1016, 1091, 1115, 1133, 1228, 1393, 1463, 1464, 1466,
1894, 1895, 1896, 1900, 1903
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0636, 0675, 0782, 0932, 0986, 1007, 1009,
1012, 1014, 1016, 1018, 1091, 1094, 1458, 1459, 1460,
1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1466, 1582, 1646, 1648, 1702,
Population dynamics-0030, 0362,0507, 0508, 0636,0669,
0670, 0675, 0789, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018,
1032, 1091, 1125, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1228, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1267, 1270, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1323,
1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362,
1366, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1463, 1464, 1465
as Prey-0116, 0195, 0220, 0283, 0369, 0488, 0636, 0638,
0660, 0675, 0782, 0955, 1016, 1091, 1115, 1239, 1240,
1393, 1458, 1459, 1480, 1461, 1462, 1464, 1505, 1506,
1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1533, 1646, 1648, 1826,
1896, 1900, 1914, 1916
Reproduction-0083, 0195, 0369, 0660, 0675, 0782, 0986,
1016, 1018, 1091, 1094, 1133, 1138, 1139, 1314, 1458,
1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1466, 1505, 1506,
1507, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1646, 1648, 1702, 1703,
1826, 1895, 1900
Seasonal activities-1901
Status-0007, 0030, 0222, 0506, 0582, 0789, 0873, 0987,
1025, 1028, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1228, 1260, 1262, 1263,
1267, 1270, 1276, 1323, 1357, 1366, 1371, 1374, 1375,
1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1463, 1464,
1466, 1576, 1579, 1608, 1702, 1703, 1894, 1895
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0081, 0615, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0309, 0326, 0373,
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0369, 0636, 1092, 1094,
1300, 1314, 1318, 1327, 1459 1470
Antrozous pallidus
Coloration-0009, 0083, 0249, 1470
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Diseases-0065, 1543
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0245, 0249, 0614,0634,
0775, 1196a, 1227, 1470, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural History-0083, 0249, 1087, 1157, 1543,
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 0821, 1157, 1196a, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1543, 1686, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543, 1637
Management-1082, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-0009, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1532, 1866
Reproduction-1082, 1543
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0009, 0614, 1194,
Variation-0083, 1194
Weights/Measurements-0009, 0083, 1470
Aplodon rufus (see Aplodontia rufa)
Aplodontia pacifica (see Aplodontia ruts)
Aplodontia rufa
Age/Sex ratios-0997, 0998, 0999, 1000, 1680
Aging-0997, 1680
Behavior-0083, 0710, 0890, 0997, 1001, 1577
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0127, 0483, 0489, 1244, 1451,
1550, 1577
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0997
Climate/Weather effects-0731, 0928
Coloration-0083, 0819, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0127,0129,
0134, 0136, 0146, 0187, 0190, 0261, 0262, 0305, 0306,
0386, 0409, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491, 1198, 1232, 1233,
1234, 1238, 1240, 1241, 1550, 1620, 1622
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0701, 0890, 0928, 1241, 1659
Development/Growth-0701, 0710, 0997, 0998, 1001
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0035, 0067, 0068, 0083,
0127, 0133, 0254, 0259, 0308, 0310, 0520, 0679, 0699,
0700, 0704, 0710, 0816, 0890, 1198,1241, 1244, 1550,
1577, 1831
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0146, 0159, 0190,0401,
0409, 0479, 0481, 0491, 0564, 0614, 0710, 0775, 1004,
1168, 1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1470, 1519, 1577, 1601, 1659,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0035, 0083, 0146, 0153, 0159,
0254, 0256, 0374, 0409, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491, 0564,
0699, 0700, 0705, 0710, 0711, 0731, 0818, 0928, 1004,
1157, 1198, 1213, 1365, 1451, 1520, 1577, 1604
Economics-0083, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0133, 0136,
0146, 0161, 0187, 0190, 0256, 0259, 0261, 0262, 0305,
0306, 0308, 0386, 0409, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491, 0520,
0700, 0816, 0817, 0972, 0974, 1198, 1205, 1227, 1233,
1238, 1239, 1240, 1482, 1550, 1555, 1577, 1777, 1778,
1784, 1791, 1793, 1831
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0821,
0968, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1520, 1601,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0067, 0083, 0090, 0127, 0129,
0131, 0146, 0254, 0256, 0409, 0483, 0491, 0587, 0699,
0700, 0704, 0705, 0711, 0775, 0816, 0928, 1198, 1244,
1550, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1227, 1793, 1796, 1798
Hibernation/Estivation-0407, 0491, 0816, 1577
Home range/Movements-0701, 0997, 0999, 1577
Interspecies associations-0310, 0587, 0679, 0699, 0705,
0711, 1004, 1451, 1604
Management-0067, 0127, 0134, 0148, 0262, 0305, 0306,
0386, 0817, 1198, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1240, 1241,
1604, 1620, 1622, 1831
Morphology/Anatomy-0213, 1453, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0816
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0389, 0745, 0746, 0792, 0799, 0997, 1479, 1864,
Pesticides-0127, 0131, 0386, 0710, 1232, 1240,1244
Population dynamics-0131, 0701, 0704, 0890, 0997, 1000
as Prey-0703, 0710, 1251
Physiology/Metabolism-0890, 0928
Reproduction-0083, 0127, 0409, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491,
0701, 0816, 0890, 0998, 1001, 1453, 1550, 1577
Status-0222, 1025, 1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0159, 0374, 0401,
0614, 1168, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1485, 1680
Techniques of handling and marking-0130
Variation-0083, 0401, 1453, 1680
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0401, 0701, 0928, 0997,
0998, 1453, 1470
Arborimus albipes (see Phenacomys albipes)
Arborimus longicaudus (see Phenacomys
Arctic fox (see Alopex lagopus)
Arvicola (Mynomes) nanus (see Microtus
Arvicola oregoni (see Microtus oregoni)
Arvicola oregonus (see Microtus oregoni)
Arvicola richardsoni
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1848
Distribution/Locality records-0071, 0083, 0664, 0616, 0775,
1078, 1085, 1194a, 1196a, 1258, 1470, 1684, 1723, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 0705, 0711,
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0968, 1157, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1684, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0524, 0587, 0701,
0705, 0706, 0711, 0776, 1085, 1661, 1684, 1830
Home range/Movements-0706
Interspecies associations-0022, 0524, 0587,0701, 0705,
0706, 0711, 1451, 1661, 1684, 1726, 1848
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-0131
Reproduction-0083, 0701, 0706
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0071, 0374, 0615,
1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurement-0083, 0701, 0706, 1470
Atophyrax bendirii (see Sorex bendirii)
Aulacomys arvicoloides (see Arvicola rich.
Black-tailed jackrabbit (see Lepus calitornicus)
Bobcat (see Fens rufus)
Botta's pocket gopher (see Thomomysbottae)
Brachylagus idahoensis (see Sylvilagus idahoensis)
Brazilian free-tailed bat (see Tadarida brasiiiensis)
Broad-footed mole (see Scapanus latimanus)
Brush rabbit (see Sylvilagus bachmani)
Bushy-tailed woodrat (see Neotoma cinerea)
California ground squirrel (see Spermophilus
Badger (see Taxidea taxus)
California kangaroo rat (see Dipodomys callfornicus)
Bassariscus astutus
California myotis (see Myotis californicus)
Behavior-0083, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1579
Coloration-0083, 1470, 1499
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1043, 1351, 1369,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289,0563, 0615, 0624,
0775, 1043, 1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1256, 1258,1470, 1499,
1519, 1533, 1575 1601, 1705, 1820,1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 1157, 1213, 1520, 1705
Economics-0083, 0804, 0919, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348,
1351, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1362, 1364, 1366,
1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384,
1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1579, 1772, 1776
Faunal lists-0083, 0378, 0379, 0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a,1520 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1043, 1533,
1579, 1601
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0289,0919, 1344, 1348, 1352,
1356, 1359, 1364, 1368, 1384, 1579, 1732, 1734, 1741,
1742, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765,1767, 1769,
1772, 1776
Home range/Movements-1705
Interspecies associations-0587, 1705
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0289, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581,
1043, 1044, 1321, 1737, 1738
Morphology/Anatomy-1499, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-1705
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1705
Status-1025, 1256, 1258, 1267, 1351, 1375, 1377, 1519,
1520, 1589
Systematics/Class f icat ionlTaxonom y-0615, 1196a, 1499, 1575
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Beaver (see Castor canadensis)
California vole (see Microtus californicus)
Callorhinus alascensis (see Callorhinus ursinus)
Callorhinus ursinus
Age/Sex ratios-0413, 0662, 1245, 1638, 1677
Behavior-0083, 0959, 1560
Climate/Weather effects-1561
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0976
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0088, 0089, 0413,
0662, 1245, 1560, 1638, 1677, 1883
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0088, 0089,0615,0662,
0775, 0807, 0811, 0818, 0927, 1056, 1196a, 1540, 1677,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0028, 0083, 1213, 1560, 1677
Economics-0083, 0976
Faunal lists-0083, 0378, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0089, 0413, 0662, 0775, 0959,
1245, 1638, 1711
Interspecies associations-0587
Migration-0029, 0888, 1677, 1884
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0089, 0662, 1245, 1561
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-0089, 1677
as Prey-1245
as Predator-1624
Reproduction-0083, 0089, 0959, 1245, 1560, 1677
Seasonal activities-1624
Status-1025, 1624
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 0959, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-1245
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0089, 0662
Belding's ground squirrel (see Spermophilus
Callospermophilus chrysodeirus (see Spermophilus lateralis)
Bison (see Bison bison)
Callospermophilus lateralis (see Spermophilus lateral's)
Bison americanus (see Bison bison)
Bison bison
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1733, 1734
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0077,0083,0381, 0564,
0599, 0815, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1576, 1820, 1823, 1912
Ecology/Natural history-0374, 0564, 1177, 1213
Economics-0380, 0591
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 0821,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083
Interspecies associations-1912
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Status-0007, 0077, 0083, 0642, 0820, 1025, 1256, 1258,
1533, 1576
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0079, 0374, 1196a,
Black bear (see Ursus americanus)
Black rat (see Rattus rattus)
Black-tailed deer (see Odocoileus hemionus
Camas pocket gopher (see Thomomys bulbivorus)
Canis familaris
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates- 1785, 1788, 1790, 1794, 1797, 1799
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1236, 1239, 1240,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1794,
1797, 1799
Ecology/Natural history-0083
Economics-0083, 0638, 1236, 1239, 1240, 1770, 1775,
1777, 1778, 1781, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793,
1796, 1798
Faunal lists-0083
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1793
Interspecies associations-1106, 1516
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1654
Management-1236, 1239, 1240, 1541
as Predator-0285, 0533, 0636, 1240, 1435, 1516, 1654
1840, 1900
Status-0222, 1237, 1654
Canis latrans
Age/Sex ratios-0220, 0438, 0448, 0449, 0450, 0453, 0825,
0826, 0827, 0836, 0851, 0858, 0859, 0870, 0871, 0876,
0877, 0878, 0879, 0884, 1055
Anomalies-0474, 0569, 1692, 1914
Behavior-0083, 0228, 1043, 1626, 1692
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0066, 1043, 1354, 1357, 1404,
1517, 1720, 1911, 1917
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0025, 0083, 0361, 0574, 0946, 0984, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1267, 1270, 1361, 1371, 1375, 1382, 1385, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799
Climate/Weather effects-0574
Coloration-0083, 0474, 0669, 0791, 1470, 1914
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0002, 0110,0283,
0284, 0287, 0290, 0291, 0405, 0407, 0432, 0433, 0434,
0435, 0436, 0437, 0438, 0439, 0440, 0441, 0442, 0443,
0444, 0446, 0447, 0448, 0449, 0450, 0451, 0452, 0453,
0454, 0455, 0456, 0457, 0458, 0459, 0460, 0461, 0462,
0463, 0464, 0465, 0466, 0467, 0468, 0469, 0470, 0471,
0472, 0473, 0474, 0475, 0476, 0477, 0504, 0509, 0572,
0638, 0639, 0640, 0659, 0660, 0804, 0808, 0816, 0825,
0826, 0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832, 0833, 0834,
0835, 0836, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841, 0842, 0843,
0844, 0845, 0846, 0847, 0848, 0849, 0850, 0851, 0852,
0853, 0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0860, 0862,
0863, 0864, 0865, 0866, 0867, 0868, 0869, 0870, 0871,
0874, 0875, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0881,
0882, 0883, 0884, 0911, 0914, 0955, 0976, 1007, 1009,
1012, 1014, 1030, 1043, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240,
1270, 1283, 1284, 1291, 1295, 1299, 1300, 1301, 1307,
1309, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1331, 1332,
1335, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366,
1369, 1370, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1391, 1393, 1457,
1464, 1466, 1517, 1533, 1541, 1571, 1574, 1579, 1620,
1621, 1622, 1691, 1693, 1694, 1720, 1773, 1911, 1914,
De1n9s1/7Denning/Burrows/Nests-0619, 0849, 0850, 0858,
1239, 1517, 1914
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0634, 0859, 0955,
1043, 1068, 1082, 1533, 1628, 1634
Diseases-0110, 0243, 0315, 0407, 0460, 0549, 0550, 0639,
0817, 0932, 1533, 1574, 1911
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289, 0550, 0563,
0564, 0615, 0634, 0698, 0701, 0775, 1043,1196a, 1470,
1519, 1533, 1541, 1574, 1601, 1659, 1788, 1790, 1792,
1794, 1795, 1797, 1799, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1914
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0228, 0564, 0711, 1068,
1087,1095, 1157, 1213, 1520, 1604, 1628, 1914
Economics-0002, 0083, 0110, 0164, 0284, 0286, 0290,
0291, 0407, 0509, 0638, 0804, 0817, 0836, 0875, 0905,
0911, 0914, 0918, 0919, 0955, 0976, 1030, 1055, 1235,
1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267,
1270, 1283, 1284, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1301, 1304, 1309,
1310, 1311, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1325, 1326,
1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344,
1345, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359,
1361, 1362, 1364, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1579, 1609, 1620, 1621, 1691, 1720, 1765, 1767, 1769,
1770, 1772, 1773, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783,
1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793, 1795, 1796, 1798,
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0321, 0323, 0564, 0634,
0820, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1195, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601,
1743, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0321, 0550, 0587,
0634, 0701, 0705, 0775, 0820, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0072, 0164, 0220, 0488, 0638, 0659, 0660, 0903, 0905,
0919, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1055, 1239, 1265, 1283,
1284, 1300, 1301, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326,
1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1339, 1340,
1341, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1355, 1356,
1359, 1361, 1364, 1368, 1384 1541, 1579, 1732, 1735,
1740, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765,
1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793, 1796, 17W
Interspecies associations-0031, 0276, 0351, 0405, 0587,
0701, 0705, 0711, 0940, 0941, 1106, 1516, 1517, 1534,
1604, 1669, 1705, 1707
Management-0002, 0110, 0283, 0289, 0290, 0364, 0432,
0433, 0434, 0435, 0436, 0437, 0438, 0439, 0440, 0441,
0442, 0443, 0444, 0446, 0447, 0448, 0449, 0450, 0451,
0452, 0453, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0457, 0458, 0459, 0460,
0461, 0462, 0463, 0064, 0465, 0466, 0467, 0468, 0469,
0470, 0471, 0472, 0473, 0474, 0475, 0476, 0477, 0504,
0505, 0509, 0572, 0638, 0639, 0640, 0659, 0660, 0816,
0817, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832,
I11/31, 0834, 0835, 0836, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841,
0842, 0843, 0844, 0845, 0846, 0847, 0848; 0849, 0850,
0851, 0852, 0853, 0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859,
0860, 0862, 0863, 0864, 0865, 0866, 0867, 0868, 0869,
0870, 0871, 0874, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880,
0881, 0882, 0883, 0884, 0911, 0914, 1007, 1009, 1012,
1014, 1030, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1091, 1235, 1236, 1237,
1239, 1240, 1295, 1300, 1301, 1307, 1310, 1314, 1318,
1324, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1393,
1493, 1533, 1541, 1571, 1604, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1691,
1773, 1795, 1904, 1911
Morphology/Anatomy-0627, 1820, 1823, 1914
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0243, 0760, 0932, 0945, 0946, 0947, 1566,
Pesticides-1533, 1773
Population dynamics-0701
as Predator-0031, 0083, 0116, 0140, 0195, 0220, 0283,
0285, 0286, 0290, 0311, 0325, 0343, 0364, 0488, 0505,
0533, 0549, 0565, 0625, 0636, 0649, 0660, 0675, 0701,
0703, 0710, 0835, 0848, 0950, 0955, 1016, 1042, 1091,
1115, 1127, 1239, 1240, 1387, 1393, 1402, 1464, 1505,
1516, 1519, 1533, 1535, 1576, 1579, 1615, 1626,1628,
1634, 1646, 1648, 1695, 1705, 1709, 1840, 1895, 1900,
Reproduction-0083, 0446, 0449, 0459, 0460, 0461, 0462,
0467, 0572, 0627, 0870, 0871, 0874, 1043, 1068, 1082,
1237, 1346
Seasonal activities-0574
Status-0222, 0303, 1025, 1071, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267,
1270, 1291, 1309, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1371, 1375, 1377,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1475, 1520, 1609, 1622, 1654, 1795
Systematics/Classifiationffaxonomy-0615, 0790, 0791,
Techniques of handling and marking-0066
Tracks/Tracking-0164, 1470
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0791, 1470
Canis lestes (see Canis latrans)
Canis lupus
Age/Sex ratios-0843
Behavior-0083, 1043, 1533, 1912
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1043, 1597, 1912
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1912
Coloration-0083, 0556, 0810, 1519, 1597, 1912
Control methods/Prevention of damage- 0002, 0007,
0110, 0283, 0284, 0403, 0408, 0414, 0415, 0451, 0462,
0471, 0504, 0505, 0507, 0509, 0510, 0511, 0638, 0804,
0843, 0852, 0911, 0914, 0976, 1043, 1279, 1284, 1291,
1306, 1345, 1350, 1529, 1579, 1622, 1850, 1912
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1082
Diseases-0110, 1912
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083, 0428, 0556, 0564,
0615, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1519, 1529, 1530, 1533,
1574, 1601, 1659, 1820, 1821, 1823, 1912
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0174, 0564, 1157, 1213,
1520, 1912
Economics-0002, 0007, 0083, 0110, 0284, 0403, 0408,
0414, 0415, 0498, 0504, 0505, 0507, 0509, 0510, 0511,
0804, 0817, 0911, 0914, 0976, 1279, 1284, 1291, 1300,
1306, 1325, 1533, 1579, 1789, 1850, 1912
Faunal lists-0083, 0564, 1157, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 1043, 1082, 1579,
1601, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0059, 0060, 0072, 0638, 0903,
1025, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1284, 1300, 1345, 1533, 1579,
1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1754, 1756
Interspecies associations-0587, 1912
Management-0002, 0110, 0283, 0403, 0408, 0414, 0415,
0451, 0462, 0471, 0498, 0499, 0504, 0505, 0507, 0509,
0510, 0511, 0638, 0817, 0843, 0852, 0911, 0914, 1043,
1082, 1306, 1533, 1622
Morphology/Anatomy-0556, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 1576
as Predator-0083, 0283, 0498, 0565, 1274, 1576, 1579,
1615, 1840, 1912
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1082
Status-0007, 0222, 0810, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1519, 1520,
1529, 1530, 1533, 1574, 1592, 1622, 1654, 1912
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy- 0008, 0556, 0615,
1196a, 1504
Variation-0083, 0556
Weights/Measurements-0008, 0083, 0556, 1350
Canis lycaon (see Canis lupus)
Canyon mouse (see Peromyscus crinitus)
Castor canadensis
Behavior-0075, 0078, 0083, 1043, 1548
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0075, 0078, 0652, 1043, 1357,
1378, 1457
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population esti•
mates-0083, 0296, 1346, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371,
1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1519,
1577, 1579
Coloration-0007, 0083, 0872, 1179, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0075, 0078, 0296,
0441, 0451, 0453, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0458, 0460, 0464,
0465, 0482, 0505, 0506, 0674, 0834, 0835, 0840, 0841,
0846, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0865, 0866, 0904, 1043,
1179, 1198, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1280, 1283,
1291, 1299, 1300, 1305, 1314, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1331,
1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362,
1366, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385,
1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1450, 1773,
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0075, 0078, 0083, 1404,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0308, 1043, 1068,
1082, 1198, 1519, 1591
Diseases-0904, 0932, 1351
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0289, 0564, 0615, 0634,
0775, 0872, 0929, 1043, 1196a, 1470, 1519, 1577, 1601,
1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history 0075, 0078, 0083, 0102, 0153,
0154, 0256, 0374, 0409, 0564, 1068, 1087, 1095, 1157,
1198, 1213, 1520, 1559, 1604, 1816, 1894
Economics-0055, 0075, 0078, 0083, 0234, 0256, 0296,
0308, 0409, 0503, 0505, 0506, 0592, 0593, 0594, 0595,
0596, 0674, 0831, 0837, 0904, 0905, 0913, 0918, 0919,
0974, 1064, 1179, 1198, 1246, 1252, 1260, 1262, 1263,
1265, 1267, 1270, 1279, 1280, 1283, 1284, 1286, 1291,
1293, 1294, 1299, 1300, 1302, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1324,
1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1338,
1340, 1341, 1343, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1356,
1357, 1359, 1361, 1362, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1482, 1559, 1579, 1591, 1631, 1765,
1767, 1769, 1772, 1773, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783,
1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793, 1890, 1899
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0323, 0374, 0376, 0378,
0564, 0634, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601,
1684, 1743, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0256, 0296, 0587,
0634, 0775, 0929, 1043, 1088, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1198,
1533, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1661, 1684, 1688, 1689, 1830,
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0055, 0057, 0059, 0060, 0083,
0289, 0296, 0380, 0381, 0409, 0428, 0674, 0804, 0904,
0905, 0906, 0913, 0919, 0976, 0984, 1179, 1265, 1279.,
1283, 1284, 1294, 1300, 1302, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325,
1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1339,
1340, 1341, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1355 1356,
1359, 1361, 1364, 1367, 1368, 1384, 1533, 1579, 1591,
1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761,
1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1793, 1796,
1798, 1890, 1897, 1899
Interspecies associations-0102, 0276, 0587, 0634, 0929,
1534, 1604, 1661, 1684
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0234, 0296, 0441,
0451, 0453, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0464, 0465, 0482, 0841,
0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0865, 0866, 0872, 0905, 0913,
1179, 1286, 1293, 1300, 1305, 1313, 1318, 1321, 1355,
1442, 1443, 1444, 1450, 1457, 1519, 1533, 1559, 1577
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0234, 0289, 0296, 0364, 0414, 0441, 0451,
0453, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0458, 0460, 0484, 0465, 0482,
0499, 0500, 0503, 0505, 0506, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579,
0580, 0581, 0834, 0835, 0840, 0841, 0846, 0856, 0857,
0858, 0859, 0865, 0866, 0904, 0905, 0913, 1043, 1044,
1068, 1082, 1118, 1122, 1179, 1198, 1286, 1293, 1300,
1305, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1319, 1321, 1325, 1327, 1332,
1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1373, 1379, 1442, 1443,
1444, 1450, 1457, 1533, 1559, 1571, 1577, 1604, 1642,
1688, 1689, 1737, 1738, 1773, 1890, 1894, 1899
Morphology/Anatomy-0007, 0872, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0932, 1325, 1582
Pesticides-0101, 0710
Population dynamics-0296, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1899
as Prey-0162, 1519, 1591, 1704, 1708, 1905
Reproduction-0075, 0083, 0381, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1548,
Status-0007, 0652, 0848, 1025, 1071, 1291, 1351, 1375,
1382, 1591, 1609, 1654, 1820
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0159, 0374, 0615,
0872, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0078
Variation-0083, 1179
Weights/Measurements-0075, 0078, 0083, 1470, 1596
Castor fiber (see Castor canadensis)
Castor pacificus (see Castor canadensis)
Cervus canadensis canadensis (see Cervus
elaphus nelsoni)
Cervus canadensis occidentalis (see Cervus
elaphus roosevelti)
Cervus elaphus ssp.
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 1779, 1782
Competition-0663, 1199, 1489
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0129, 0134, 0386,
1242, 1518, 1643
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0133, 0308, 0520, 0618,
0663, 0700, 0722, 1199, 1242, 1518, 1643
Distribution/Locality records-0428, 0487, 1297, 1470
Ecology/Natural history-0487, 0618, 0700
Economics-0127, 0128, 0129, 0133, 0161, 0308, 0386
0417, 0520, 0594, 0700, 0722, 0972, 0974, 1242, 1288,
1313, 1518
Habitats/Habitat usage-0129, 0131, 0618, 0663, 0700,
1199, 1280
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0417, 1279, 1280, 1779, 1782
Interspecies associations-0701
Management-0134, 0337, 0386, 0415, 0487, 0493, 0494,
0495, 0496, 0497, 0498, 0499, 0500, 0501, 0502, 0503,
0504, 0510, 0512, 0618, 0663, 1242, 1288, 1297, 1313,
1422, 1423, 1518
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0038, 1582
Pesticides-0131, 0386
Population dynamics-0131
as Prey-0283, 0638, 1443
Status-0416, 1199
Cervus elaphus nelsoni
Age/Sex ratios-0025, 0099, 0172, 1031, 1032, 1047, 1129,
1130, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1291, 1300, 1309,1314,
1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346,
1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375,
1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411
Behavior-0083, 0981, 1442
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0217, 1357, 1440, 1442,1446
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0025, 0083, 0099, 0152, 0171, 0672, 0673, 0773,
0789, 0984, 1031, 1033, 1036, 1104, 1126, 1127, 1128,
1129, 1130, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1278, 1281,
1284, 1300, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1348, 1355, 1361, 1367, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1495,
1565, 1611, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1738, 1739, 1745, 1746,
1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762,
1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774
Climate/Weather effects-0328, 0772, 1255, 1405
Coloration-0083, 1214, 1278
Competition-0209, 0210, 0355, 0987, 1027, 1031, 1214,
1455, 1565, 1579, 1613
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0168, 0621,
0643, 0674, 0772, 1032, 1198, 1261, 1266, 1284, 1314,
1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351,
1355, 1357, 1362
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0099, 0135, 0168,
0209, 0210, 0328, 0355, 0358, 0358, 0647, 0772, 0948,
0949, 0981, 1037, 1068, 1082, 1133,1198, 1214, 1246,
1442, 1455, 1495, 1611, 1613
Diseases-0932, 0936
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0113,0233,0615,0624,
0634, 0775, 1032, 1037, 1196a, 1214, 1284, 1291, 1309,
1442, 1533, 1579, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0169, 0256, 0357, 0647,
0981, 1068, 1198, 1246, 1291, 1309, 1405
Economics-0083, 0126, 0188, 0256, 0506, 0621, 0643,
0647, 0674, 1027, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1198, 1260, 1261,
1262, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1273, 1283, 1284, 1300,
1314, 1324, 1332, 1335, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1482
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 0968, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0135, 0209, 0210, 0256,
0279, 0356, 0357, 0358, 0587, 0619, 0773, 0775, 0988,
1027, 1031, 1037, 1047, 1068, 1082, 1104, 1133, 1231,
1255, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1278, 1284, 1291,
1309, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343,
1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1367, 1370, 1371,
1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1437, 1438, 1442, 1455, 1565, 1579, 1611, 1612, 1613,
1690, 1843
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0025, 0152, 0169,0209, 0210,
0268, 0334, 03M, 0338, 0340, 0341, 0342, 0344, 0345,
0348, 0350, 0672, 0673, 0781, 0789, 0987, 1006, 1008,
1010, 1013, 1015, 1017, 1019, 1026, 1027, 1031, 1032,
1033, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1047, 1119,
1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130,
1133, 1214, 1255, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1266, 1267,
1270, 1273, 1278, 1281, 1282, 1284, 1291, 1296, 1299,
1300, 1309, 1312, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1331,
1332, 1333, 1335, 1336, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346,
1351, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1361, 1362, 1366, 1367, 1369,
1370, 1371, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1378, 1382, 1385,
1386, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1442, 1528, 1569, 1579,
1647, 1649, 1730, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757,
1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1886
Home range/Movements-1133, 1198, 1255, 1431, 1438,
Interspecies associations-0209, 0210, 0587, 0647, 1255,
1442, 1565, 1661
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0232, 0233, 0402,
1025, 1214, 1246, 1275, 1300, 1353, 1586
Management-0099, 0168, 0169, 0215, 0232, 0233, 0279,
0349, 0402,0414, 0505, 0506, 0507, 0508, 0509, 0772,
0773, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1029, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1035,
1036, 1037, 1038, 1044, 1047, 1048, 1068, 1082, 1114,
1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1133, 1198,
1214, 1231, 1246, 1255, 1275, 1284, 1298, 1330, 1332,
1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1353, 1431, 1440, 1442,
1533, 1565, 1568, 1570, 1579, 1586, 1612, 1636, 1843
Migration-1214, 1255, 1284
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0328, 1133, 1405
Parasites-0122, 0932, 1214
Population dynamics-0172, 0209, 0210, 0507,0789, 1032,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1314,
1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355,
1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382,
1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1442
Physiology/Metabolism-1442, 1855
Reproduction-0083, 0172, 1068, 1133, 1246, 1255, 1278,
1314, 1712, 1713
Seasonal activities-0358, 0948, 0949, 0981, 1437, 1442
Status-0209, 0210, 0222, 0414, 0789, 0987, 1025, 1037,
1246, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1357, 1370, 1371,
1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1533, 1565, 1579
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0217, 1437, 1438,
1442, 1446
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1300, 1314, 1318, 1325,
Cervus elaphus roosevelti
Age/Sex ratios-0025, 0565, 0646, 0683, 1031, 1032, 1047,
1129, 1130, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1291,
1300, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370,
1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1713
Anomalies-1214, 1285, 1713
Behavior-0083, 0565, 0644, 0646, 0648
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0645, 1045, 1357
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0025, 0083, 0152, 0672, 0673, 0773, 0789, 0984,
1031, 1033, 1036, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1267, 1270, 1278, 1281, 1284, 1300, 1314, 1318,
1325, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355,1361,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1669, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1736, 1739, 1745,
1746, 1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760,
1762 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774
Climate/Weather effects-0649, 0683, 1255, 1317
Coloration-0083, 0565, 1214, 1278, 1285
Competition-0987, 1214, 1579
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0261, 0262,
0621, 0643, 0674, 0783, 1032, 1045, 1101, 1146, 1198,
1261, 1266, 1284, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1386, 1403,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0068, 0083, 0187, 0208,
0565, 0646, 0647, 0648, 0649, 0651, 0683, 0704, 1037,
1133, 1146, 1198, 1214, 1317
Diseases-0565, 0932, 0936, 1713, 1854
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083,0233,0317,0564,
0565, 0615, 0624, 0775, 1021, 1032, 1037, 1161, 1196a,
1214, 1284, 1291, 1309, 1519, 1533, 1576, 1579, 1601,
1659, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0374, 0564, 0565,
0647, 0711, 1198, 1213, 1291, 1309, 1441, 1520, 1604,
Economics-0083, 0126, 0187, 0256, 0261, 0262, 0621,
0643, 0647, 0674, 0783, 1030, 1032, 1045, 1146, 1198,
1205, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1273,
1283, 1284, 1300, 1314, 1324, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343,
1346, 1355, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385,
1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1482, 1631
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 0821, 1196a, 1519, 1520,
1601, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0025, 0083, 0090, 0208, 0256,
0565, 0587, 0644, 0646, 0651, 0704, 0705, 0773, 0775,
1020, 1031, 1037, 1047, 1133, 1146, 1255, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1267, 1270, 1278, 1284, 1291, 1309, 1314, 1318,
1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355,
1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1381,
1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1441, 1579, 1601,
1604, 1636, 1687, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0025,0152, 0167, 0208, 0262,
0268, 0303, 0334, 0336, 0338, 0340, 0341, 0342, 0344,
0345, 0348, 0350, 0646, 0649, 0672, 0673, 0781, 0783,
0789, 0987, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1013, 1015, 1017, 1019,
1026, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039,
1040, 1047, 1119, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 1126, 1127,
1128, 1129, 1130, 1133, 1214, 1255, 1260, 1261, 1262,
1263, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1273, 1281, 1282, 1284, 1291,
1296, 1299, 1300, 1309, 1312, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327,
1331, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1336, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1345,
1346, 1351, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1361, 1362, 1366, 1369,
1370, 1371, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1378, 1382, 1385,
1386, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1528, 1569, 1576, 1579,
1647, 1649, 1685, 1698, 1712, 1730, 1750, 1751, 1752,
1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771,
Home range/Movements-0565, 0644, 0646, 0648, 0649,
1133, 1198, 1255, 1441
Interspecies associations-0507, 0587, 0646, 0647, 0683,
0705, 0711, 1255, 1604, 1669
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0208, 0646, 1300,
1328, 1385, 1391, 1533, 1636, 1816
Management-0187, 0208, 0262, 0318, 0349, 0505, 0506,
0507, 0645, 0646, 0649, 0773, 0783, 1026, 1029, 1030,
1032, 1033, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1044, 1047, 1048,
1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1133,
1198, 1255, 1278, 1284, 1298, 1328, 1332, 1333, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1385, 1391, 1403, 1441, 1533, 1570,
1579, 1604, 1636, 1687, 1816
Migration-1214, 1255, 1284
Morphology/Anatomy-1713, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0683, 1133, 1317
Parasites-0122, 0332, 0565, 0932, 1214, 1854
Population dynamics-0507, 0646, 0651, 0683, 0789, 1032,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1314,
1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355,
1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382,
1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411
as Prey-0565, 1912
Physiology/Metabolism-1854, 1855
Reproduction-0083, 0565, 0648, 0649, 0689, 1133, 1255,
1278, 1314, 1366, 1712, 1713, 1716, 1854
Seasonal activities-0648
Status-0007, 0208, 0222, 0318, 0789, 0987, 1025, 1037,
1214, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1428,
1520, 1576, 1579, 1654, 1885
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1161,
Techniques of handling and marking-0208, 0645, 0646,
Tracks/Tracking-0650, 0651, 1441
Variation-0083, 1161
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0565, 0689, 1300, 1314,
1318, 1325, 1327
Cervus macrotis (see Odocoileus hemionus
Cervus virginianus (see Odocoileus virginJanus)
Chincha occidentalis (see Mephitis mephitis)
Chinchilla (see Chinchilla sp.)
Chinchilla sp.
Introductions (exotica, transnlants)-1902
Chiroptera unspecified
Chisel-toothed kangaroo rat (see Dipodomys
Citellus beldingi (see Spermophilus bolding')
Citellus columbianus (see Spermophilus
Citellus douglasii (see Spermophilus beecheyi)
Citellus elegans (see Spermophilus elegans)
Citellus grammurus
Population dynamics-0131, 0517, 0524, 0704
as Prey-0421, 1085, 1251
Reproduction-0083, 0517, 0530, 0701, 1050, 1085
Status-1050, 1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0023, 0070, 0374,
0608, 0615, 1159, 1166, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1598
Variation-0070, 0083, 1598
Weights/Measurements-0070, 0083, 1050, 1598
Coast mole (see Scapanus orarius)
Columbian ground squirrel (see Spermophilus
Corynorhinus rafinesquii townsendii (see
Plecotus townsendii)
townsendii (see
Coyote (see Canis latrans)
Citellus leucurus (see Ammospermophilus
Creeping vole (see Microtus oregoni)
Citellus monis (see Spermophilus townsendii)
Citellus oregonus (see Spermophilus beldingi)
Dama hemionus (see Odocoileus hemionus)
Citellus townsendii'
Clethrionomys sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0386
Economics-0386, 0410
Faunal lists-0968
as Prey-1634
Clethrionomys califomicus (see Clethrionomys occidentalis)
Clethrionomys gapperi
Coloration-0083, 0142, 1470, 1598
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0125
Diet/Foods/Feed i ng/N utri tion -0083, 0125, 1068, 1082,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0583,0615, 0775, 1085,
1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 1068, 1088
Economics-0083, 0125, 1088, 1482
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0775, 1068,
1082, 1085, 1661
Interspecies associations-0587, 1661
Management-1068, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1085, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0753
as Prey-1085
Reproduction-0083, 1068 1082
Systematics/Classificationffaxonomy-0374, 0615, 1194a,
1196a, 1196b, 1598
Variation-0083, 1598
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470, 1598
Clethrionomys occidental's
Age/Sex ratios-0517, 0701
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131
Coloration-0083, 0765, 1050, 1598
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0129,1651
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0699, 0701,
0704, 1071, 1085, 1088, 1089, 1206
Distribution/Locality records-0070,0083,0564,0615,0765,
0775, 1050, 1085, 1194a, 1196a, 1519, 1601, 1659, 1684
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0517, 0564, 0699,
0711, 0765, 1088, 1157, 1520, 1604
Economics-0083, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0161, 0523, 1088,
1089, 1206, 1651
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0564, 0765, 1071,
1157, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage--0083, 0090, 0129, 0131, 0524,
0587, 0699, 0701, 0704, 0705, 0711, 0775, 1020, 1050,
1085, 1089, 1206, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1684, 1830
Home range/Movements-0517, 0701
Interspecies associations-0310, 0543, 0587, 0699, 0701,
0705, 0711, 1050, 1604, 1684, 1864
Morphology/Anatomy-0023, 1085, 1477, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0753, 1864
' Bailey (1936) referred to Spermophilus washingtoni as Cite/Ws townsendii. See Howell (1938) for explanation.
Dama virginiana (see Odocoileus virginianus)
Dark kangaroo mouse (see Microdipodops
Deer mouse (see Peromyscus maniculatus)
Desert woodrat (see Neotoma lepida)
Didelphis marsupialis (see Didelphis virgin.
Didelphis virginiana
Age/Sex ratios-0714, 0717, 1043
Behavior-0083, 0714, 0715, 1027, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1262, 1263, 1267, 1652
Coloration-0083, 1398
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0283, 0572, 1235,
1236, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1291,1295, 1309, 1310, 1341,
1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1541,
1621, 1632, 1773
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0714, 0718, 1027,
1043, 1082, 1363, 1398, 1483, 1588
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289, 0428, 0614, 0628,
0775, 0824, 0908, 1043, 1196a, 1239, 1260, 1290, 1304,
1533, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0714, 0717, 0775, 1290,
1363, 1365, 1604, 1652, 1686
Economics-0083, 0908, 0919, 1236, 1239, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1265, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1290, 1291, 1295, 1300,
1304, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325,
1326, 1329, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1344, 1345,
1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1362,
1364, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377,
1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1621, 1765,
1767, 1769, 1770, 1772, 1773, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778,
1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793, 1796,
Faunal lists-0083, 1071, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0714, 0775, 1027,
1043, 1082, 1604, 1686
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0824, 0903, 0908, 0919, 1265, 1284,
1300, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329,
1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1344, 1345, 1346,
1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1364, 1368, 1384, 1533,
1744, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769,
1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1798
Hibernation/Estivation- 1588
Interspecies associations-0587, 1604
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0775, 0824, 0908,
1025, 1027, 1196a, 1290, 1385, 1398, 1533, 1587
Management-0283, 0289, 0572, 1043, 1082, 1235, 1236,
1295, 1304, 1310, 1341, 1355, 1541, 1587, 1604, 1621,
1686, 1773
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0714, 0716, 1566, 1567
as Predator-0718, 1240
Reproduction-0083, 0714, 0717, 1043, 1082, 1290, 1398
Seasonal activities-0718
Status-1025, 1071, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1291, 1309,
1351, 1357, 1375, 1377
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0714, 0717
Dipodomys sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0638, 0698, 1240
Distribution/Locality records-0563, 0698
Ecology/Natural history-0174
Economics-0638, 0817, 1240
Habitats/Habitat usage-0698
Interspecies associations-0901
Management-0638, 0698, 0817, 1240
Parasites-0745, 0794
Pesticides-0638, 1240
as Prey-1634, 1708
Dipodomys californicus
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0614, 0634, 0775,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 0821, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775
Interspecies associations-0176, 0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1429, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-0486
Status-1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0548, 0586, 0614,
1196a, 1429
Variation-0083, 0548, 1429
Dipodomys columbianus (see Perognathus
pa rvus)
Dipodomys heermani (see Dipodomys callfornicus)
Dipodomys microps
Coloration-0083, 0609, 1887
Diet/Foods/Feeding/N utit ion-0083
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0609, 0614, 0775,
1196a, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 1087
Faunal lists-0083, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1087
Interspecies associations-0395, 0587
Morphology/Anatomy-0609, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1090, 1866
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0547, 0609, 0614,
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0547
Dipodomys ordii
Age/Sex ratios-1524
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0083, 1498
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0011, 0083, 0564, 0614, 0634,
0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1498, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0564, 0685, 1087
Faunal lists-0083, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820, 1194a, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0775,
0820, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1524
Interspecies associations-0395, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0940,
0941, 1726
Morphology/Anatomy-0100, 0759, 1452, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1090, 1866
as Prey-0021, 0162, 1073,1073a, 1084
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1452
Status-0222, 0397
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1155, 1194a,
1196a, 1498, 1578
Dipodomys phillipsii (see Dipodomys ordii)
Douglas' squirrel (see Tamiasciurus douglash I)
Dusky-footed woodrat (see Neotoma fuscipes)
Dusky shrew (see Sorex monticolus)
Eastern cottontail (see Sylvilagus floridanus)
Elegant ground squirrel (see Spermophilus
Elk (see Cervus elaphus)
Enhydra lutris
Age/Sex ratios-0796
Behavior-0083, 0925, 1445, 1544
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0158, 1098
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0796 1098, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1411
Coloration-0083, 0428, 1564
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0796, 0925, 1098,
1445, 1533
Distribution/Locality records-0007,0083,0615,0775,0796,
0924, 0925, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1575, 1801, 1820, 1822,
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0158, 0374, 0796, 0925
Economics-0083, 0595, 0919, 1252, 1544
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 1196a, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 0796, 1601
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0014, 0428, 0919, 1098, 1533,
Home range/Movements-0796
Interspecies associations-0587
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0289, 0796, 1098,
1385, 1389, 1391, 1400
Management-0289, 0796, 1044, 1098, 1400, 1533
Morphology/Anatomy-1544, 1564, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0796
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-0014, 0327
Reproduction-0083, 0796, 0925, 1403, 1544
Seasonal activities-0796
Status-0007, 0014, 0158, 0222, 0327, 0804, 0924, 0926,
1025, 1256, 1258, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1391, 1403, 1445,
1522, 1523, 1533, 1558, 1575, 1589
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196a,
1522, 1523, 1564
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0796, 1564
Eptesicus fuscus
Age/Sex ratio-0003
Behavior-1439, 1496
Climate/Weather effects-1497
Coloration-0083, 0249, 0383, 1470
Competition-1496, 1497
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1496, 1862
Diseases-0065, 1543
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0249,1-8.9,0614,0634,
0775, 1196a, 1470, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 1087, 1157, 1543,
1604, 1686
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0634, 1071, 1157, 1195,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1072, 1082, 1087, 1543, 1604, 1686, 1862
Hibernation/Estivation-0083, 1686
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1497, 1543, 1604,
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-1439, 1481, 1866
Reproduction-1082, 1439, 1543
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0383, 0614, 1191,
Techniques of handling and marking-0003
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0249, 0383, 1470
Erethizon dorsatum
Age/Sex ratios-1615, 1616
Behavior-0083, 0229, 1615
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0190, 1351
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0520, 1270, 1615
Climate/Weather effects-0314, 0485
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0031, 0083, 0126,
0127, 0129, 0134, 0190, 0305, 0306, 0314, 0386, 0472,
0473, 0483, 0485, 0489, 0491, 0638, 0698, 0703, 0722,
0816, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832,
0833, 0834, 0838, 0840, 0855, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0870,
0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0881, 0882, 0883, 1198,
1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241,
1270, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366,
1370, 1375, 1533, 1579, 1615, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1791,
1793, 1796
Dens/Denning/Burrow/Nests-0484, 1241, 1615
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0127, 0133, 0308,
0314, 0355, 0483, 0484, 0485, 0520, 0540, 0699, 0703,
0704, 1068, 1082, 1198, 1241, 1615
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0190,0314,0483,0484,
0489, 0491, 0574, 0615, 0634, 0698, 0775, 1196a, 1260,
1470, 1519, 1533, 1577, 1601, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0256, 0483, 0540,
0574, 0699, 0703, 0711, 1068, 1087, 1148, 1157, 1198,
1365, 1520, 1604, 1615, 1616
Economics-0031,0083, 0092, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0133,
0161, 0190, 0256, 0258, 0305, 0306, 0308, 0314, 0386,
0483, 0484, 0485, 0489, 0491, 0520, 0540, 0638, 0667,
0702, 0722, 0817, 0974, 1198, 1205, 1233, 1236, 1238,
1239, 1240, 1270, 1324, 1340, 1357, 1366, 1375, 1482,
1533, 1615, 1621, 1775, 1778, 1781, 1784, 1786, 1787,
1789, 1791, 1793
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0574, 0634, 0820, 0821, 0968,
1071, 1157, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0127, 0129, 0145,
0256, 0314, 0483, 0484, 0587, 0619, 0634, 0698, 0699,
0704, 0705, 0711, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087,
1198, 1533, 1601, 1604, 1615, 1617, 1661, 1684, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0638, 1324, 1325, 1332, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1545, 1579, 1791, 1793, 1796,
Ho me range/Movements-0485, 1615, 1617
Interspecies associations-0031, 0145, 0276, 0587, 0634,
0699, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0941, 1534, 1604, 1661, 1684
Management-0031, 0083, 0127, 0134, 0305, 0306, 0314
0386, 0472, 0473, 0485, 0638, 0698, 0816, 0817, 0825,
0826, 0827 ,0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832, 0833, 0834,
0838, 0840, 0855, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0870, 0876, 0877,
0878, 0879, 0880, 0881, 0882, 0883, 1068, 1082, 1198,
1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241,
1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346,
1355, 1533, 1604, 1615, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1791, 1793,
Migration -0484, 0485
Morphology/Anatomy-0623, 1820, 1823
ity factorsMort al
Museum holdings-1616
Pesticides-0127, 0134, 0386, 1232, 1239, 1240, 1791,
1793, 1796
Population dynamics-0704, 1615
as Prey-0540, 0703, 0846, 1615, 1634, 1708, 1916
as Predator-1579
Reproduction-0083, 0127, 0540, 0698, 0703, 1068, 1082,
1148, 1615, 1616
Seasonal activities-0540, 1615, 1617
Status-1071, 1260, 1270, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0698, 0705, 1470
Erethizon epixanthum (see Erethizon dorsaturn)
Ermine (see Mustela ermines)
Euarctos americanus (see Ursus americanus)
Euderma maculatum
Distribution/Locality records-0249, 1543, 1623, 1820, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0249, 0374, 1087, 1543
Faunal lists-0374
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1543
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0633
Eumetopias jubatus
Age/Sex ratios-1099, 1325
Behavior-0083, 0412, 0925
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1099, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1325, 1404, 1411,
1431, 1562
Climate/Weather effects-1099
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1325, 1431, 1549
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0412, 0797, 0925,
0926, 1099, 1883
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0615,0775,0925, 0926,
0927, 1196a, 1247, 1256, 1258, 1431, 1433, 1470, 1533,
1562, 1820, 1822, 1823
EcologylNatural history-0083, 0925, 1099, 1213, 1431
Economics-0083, 0412, 1531, 1533
Faunal lists-0083, 0378, 1196a, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1325
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0083, 1325, 1431, 1533, 1549
Interspecies associations-0587
Management-1044, 1431, 1533
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1657
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0218, 1656
Population dynamics-1099, 1325, 1562
as Predator-1624
Reproduction-0083, 0925, 1531
Seasonal activities-0797, 1624
Status-1025, 1256, 1258, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1411, 1433,
1531, 1549, 1624
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0412
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1325, 1470
Eumetopias stelleri (see Eumetopias jubatus)
Eutamias sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0386, 0691, 1889
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0308, 0690, 0700
Ecology/Natural history-0174, 0256, 0700
Economics-0127, 0256, 0308, 0386, 0690, 0691, 0700,
0974, 1482, 1889
Faunal lists-0321, 1743
Habitats/Habitat usage-0256, 0321, 0700
Management-0386, 0691, 1889
Parasites-0038, 0803, 0920
Pesticides-0386, 0691
as Prey-1225, 1634
Seasonal activities-1049
Eutamias amoenus
Age/Sex ratios-0562
Behavior-0083, 0141, 0562, 1534, 1644, 1645
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0698
Climate/Weather effects-1644
Coloration-0083, 0562, 0742, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0698
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0224, 0562
Development/Growth-0141, 0562
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0562, 0985, 1068,
1082, 1088, 1534, 1644, 1859
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0562, 0564, 0583,0614,
0634, 0698, 0742, 0765, 0775, 1164, 1194a, 1196a, 1470,
1519, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0324, 0374, 0562,
0564, 0705, 0765, 0985, 1068, 1087, 1088, 1157, 1520,
Economics-0083, 0562, 1088, 1859
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0765,
0820, 0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0131, 0562, 0587,
0619, 0634, 0698, 0705, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1644, 1645, 1661, 1686, 1830
H lbernation/Estivation-0083, 0224, 0562
Home range/Movements-0562, 0698, 1644
Interspecies associations-0176, 0562, 0587, 0634, 0705,
, 1644, 1645, 1661, 1726
Management-0698, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-0024, 1067, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Orientation/Homing-1644, 1645
Parasites-0122, 0635, 1866
Population dynamics-0131, 0562, 1644, 1645
a Prey-1644
Reproduction-0083, 0324, 0562, 0698, 1068, 1082, 1644
Status-0222, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0010, 0024, 0374,
0614, 0742, 1164, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Variation-0010, 0083, 0324
Vocalizations-0083, 0562
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0562, 0698, 0742, 1470,
Eutamias minimus
Age/Sex ratios-0395, 0397, 0562
Behavior-0083, 0229, 0562
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0397
Coloration-0083, 0562, 1227, 1387
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0562
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0562, 1082, 1387
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0397,0562, 0564, 0614,
0634, 0742, 0775, 1196a, 1227, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0324, 0395, 0397, 0562,
0564, 1087, 1227
Economics-0083, 0562, 1491
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0564, 0634, 0820, 0821,
0968, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0395, 0396, 0397,
0562, 0587, 0634, 0775, 0820, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1227
Home range/Movements-0396, 0562
Interspecies associations-0395, 0562, 0587, 0834, 1516,
1644, 1645, 1726
Morphology/Anatomy-0024, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0635, 1866
Population dynamics-0395, 0397, 0562
as Prey-1387
Reproduction-0083, 0324, 0395, 0397, 0562, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0024, 0614, 0742,
Variation-0083, 0324, 1227
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0562
Eutamias quadrimaculatus (see Eutamias
Eutamias senex (see Eutamlas townsendii)
Eutamias siskiyou (see Eutamias townsendli)
Eutamias townsendll
Age/Sex ratios-0517, 0528, 0562, 0701
BehavIor-0083, 0562, 1599, 1846
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0180, 0525, 0712, 1076
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Populaton estimates-0131, 0180, 0181, 0184, 0685, 0698, 1545
Coloration-0083, 0562, 0695, 0742, 1227, 1387, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0125, 0698, 0708
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0562, 1864
Development/Growth-0420, 0562
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0125, 0310, 0518,
0695, 0699, 0701, 0704, 0709, 1088,1089, 1110, 1206,
1387, 1859
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0562, 0564, 0813, 0614,
0698, 0742, 0765, 0775, 1110, 1164, 1194a, 1196a, 1227,
1470, 1519, 1601, 1659, 1671, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0102, 0324, 0374, 0517,
0519, 0528, 0562, M64, 0665, 0685, 0699, 0705, 0711,
0785, 1088, 1110, 1157, 1227, 1520, 1604
Economics-0035, 0083, 0125, 0523, 0562, 1088, 1089,
1110, 1205, 120% 1209, 1859
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0765,
0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520.
1601, 1684, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0131, 0145, 0519,
0521, 0524, 0562, 0587, 0685, 0695, 0698, 0699, 0704,
0705, 0709, 0711, 0775, 1089, 1110, 1206, 1227, 1601,
1604, 1659, 1684, 1830
Hibernation/Estivation-0033, 0083, 0521, 0528, 0562, 0695,
Home range/Movements-0517, 0519, 0562, 0698, 0701
Interspecies associations-0035, 0102, 0145, 0149, 0310,
0430, 0521, 0543, 0582, 0587, 0685, 0694, 0695, 0699,
0701, 0705, 0706, 0711, 0769, 1076, 1534, 1600, 1604,
1645, 1684, 1726, 1846, 1864
Management-0698, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0518, 0695, 1067, 1671, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0333, 0665, 0745, 0945, 1864
Pesticides-0131, 0708, 1488
Population dynamics-0131, 0517, 0521, 0524,0582, 0665,
0701, 0704, 0709
as Prey-0111, 0486, 0712, 1069, 1387
Physiology/Metabolism-1486, 1488
Reproduction-0083, 0324, 0420, 0517, 0528, 0562, 0695,
0698, 0701, 1519
Seasonal activities-0528
Status-0222, 1071, 1520, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0064, 0374, 0375,
0613, 0614, 0739, 0742, 1164, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1216,
1671, 1846
Variation-0083, 0324, 1671
Vocalizations-0562, 1071, 1227, 1846
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0180, 0181, 0184, 0528,
0562, 0695, 0698, 0739, 0742, 1470, 1671
Evotomys californicus (see Clethrionomys
Evotomys gapperi (see Clethrionomys gapperi)
Evotomys mazama (see Clethrionomys gapperi)
Evotomys obscurus (see Clethrionomys occidentalis)
Fells catus
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1785, 1788, 1799
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0083, 1239, 1240,
1307, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335,
1340, 1541
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1068, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 1785, 1788, 1799
Ecology/Natural history-1068
Economics-0083, 1239, 1240, 1309, 1324, 1327, 1770,
1777, 1778, 1781, 1784, 1787, 1789, 1796
Faunal lists-0083
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 1068, 1082
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1324, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335,
Interspecies associations-1105
Management-1068, 1082, 1239, 1240, 1307, 1314, 1318,
1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1541
Parasites-0038, 1566, 1567
as Predator-0371, 1240, 1435, 1640, 1654
Reproduction-1068, 1082
Status-1309, 1654
Fells concolor
Age/Sex ratios-0335, 0859
Behavior-0083, 0623, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0631, 1043, 1720, 1913
Census/Survey method/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0361, 0984, 1371, 1375, 1730, 1782, 1794,
Coloration-0007, 0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0002, 0110, 0177,
0283, 0284, 0335, 0403, 0408, 0414, 0415, 0432, 0434,
0435, 0436, 0449, 0453, 0454, 0457, 0458, 0460, 0461,
0462, 0464, 0465, 0466, 0468, 0469, 0472, 0473, 0474,
0475, 0476, 0477, 0504, 0505, 0507, 0509, 0510, 0572,
0621, 0632, 0638, 0640, 0674, 0677, 0804, 0816, 0825,
0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0832, 0833, 0834, 0836, 0837,
0839, 0841, 0845, 0852, 0859, 0860, 0874, 0875, 0876,
0877, 0882, 0911, 0914, 0976, 1043, 1235, 1236, 1237,
1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1279, 1284, 1291, 1295,
1300, 1303, 1306, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327,
1331, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1354, 1355,
1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1375, 1385, 1391,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1541, 1579, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1720,
1850, 1913
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0859, 1043,
1068, 1082, 1710, 1913
Diseases-0110, 0932, 0946
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083,0289,0428,0564,
0615, 0634, 0775, 0870, 1043, 1196a, 1229, 1256, 1258,
1490, 1519, 1574, 1659, 1794, 1799, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0169, 0374, 0564, 1068,
1157, 1213, 1520, 1604
Economics-0002, 0083, 0110, 0177, 0286, 0335, 0403,
0408, 0414, 0415, 0496, 0498, 0504, 0505, 0507, 0509,
0510, 0621, 0674, 0677, 0804, 0817, 0875, 0903, 0911,
0914, 0976, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1267, 1279, 1284, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1303, 1304,
1306, 1309, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327,
1331, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1354, 1355,
1362, 1366, 1369, 1374, 1375, 1391, 1411, 1533, 1541,
1579, 1620, 1621, 1720, 1770, 1775, 1777, 1778, 1781,
1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1798, 1850
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820, 0821,
1157, 1196a, 1519, 1520
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0775, 0820,
1020, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1490, 1579, 1604
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
.0334, 0335, 0336, 0338, 0340, 0341, 0342, 0344, 0345,
0348, 0350, 0638, 0674, 0903, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1266,
1267, 1270, 1280, 1281, 1282, 1284, 1300, 1303, 1314,
1318, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1331, 1332, 1340, 1343,
1345, 1346, 1354, 1355, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1528, 1533, 1541, 1579, 1730, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741,
1742, 1744, 1782, 1791, 1793, 1798
Interspecies associations-0031, 0276, 0310, 0587, 1106,
1490, 1604, 1661
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1541
Management-0002, 0169, 0283, 0289, 0318, 0335, 0391,
0403, 0408, 0414, 0415, 0432, 0434, 0435, 0436, 0449,
0453, 0454, 0457, 0458, 0460, 0461, 0462, 0464, 0465,
0466, 0468, 0469, 0472, 0473, 0474, 0475, 0476, 0477,
0496, 0498, 0499, 0504, 0505, 0507, 0509, 0510, 0572,
0638, 0640, 0677, 0816, 0817, 0825, 0827, 0828, 0829,
0830, 0832, 0833, 0834, 0836, 0837, 0839, 0841, 0845,
0852, 0859, 0860, 0874, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0882, 0911,
0914, 1043, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1219, 1235, 1236, 1237,
1240, 1300, 1304, 1306, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327,
1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1376, 1379, 1533,
1541, 1604, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1913
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0932, 0939, 0946
as Predator-0037, 0083, 0283, 0285, 0286, 0311, 0318,
0414, 0498, 0540, 0565, 0874, 1042, 1240, 1274, 1579,
1615, 1703, 1827, 1840, 1900
Reproduction-0083, 0572, 0874, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0007, 0222, 0303, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1309, 1362,
1371, 1385, 1520, 1533, 1592, 1622, 1654, 1685, 1885
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0870
Fells lynx
Behavior-0083, 1043
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0110, 0284, 0504,
0507, 0677, 0914, 0976, 1043, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1309,
1310, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1374
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082,
Diseases-0110, 0243
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0214, 0371,0428,0564,
0615, 0634, 1043, 1196a, 1224, 1256, 1396, 1470, 1533,
1574, 1601, 1659, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 1068, 1157,
1213, 1595
Economics-0083, 0110, 0164, 0496, 0498, 0507, 0677,
0914, 0976, 1262, 1267, 1284, 1287, 1291, 1295, 1300,
1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326,
1329, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346,
1348, 1351, 1352, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1361, 1366, 1368,
1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1533, 1579
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 0634, 0820, 1157, 1196a,
1601, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0820, 1043, 1068
1082, 1579, 1595, 1601, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0164, 1224, 1282, 1284, 1287,
1300, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329,
1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346,
1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1368, 1579
Interspecies associations-0587, 1661
Management-0391, 0496, 0498, 0499, 0504, 0507, 0677,
0914, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1260, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1310,
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0243
as Predator-0311, 0498, 1274, 1902
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1396
Status-0214, 0222, 0634, 1025, 1224, 1237, 1256, 1291,
1309, 1351, 1357, 1375, 1377, 1589, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196a,
Tracks/Tracking-0164, 1470
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Fells ruffs (see Fells rufus)
Fells rufus
Age/Sex ratios-0220, 0448, 0450, 0859, 0870, 1707, 1708,
Behavior-0083, 1043, 1046, 1904
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1043, 1263, 1354, 1357, 1517,
1720, 1916
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Populations estimates-0083, 0361, 0984, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1371, 1375, 1385, 1404, 1411, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1792,
1794, 1797, 1799
Coloration-0083, 1046, 1470, 1916
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0002, 0083, 0110,
0177, 0283, 0335, 0403, 0408, 0414, 0432, 0433, 0434,
0435, 0436, 0437, 0438, 0439, 0440, 0441, 0442, 0443,
0444, 0446, 0447, 0448, 0449, 0450, 0451, 0452, 0453,
0454, 0455, 0456, 0457, 0458, 0459, 0460, 0461, 0462,
0463, 0464, 0465, 0466, 0467, 0468, 0469, 0470, 0471,
0472, 0473, 0474, 0475, 0476, 0477, 0504, 0511, 0572,
0638, 0639, 0659, 0660, 0674, 0804, 0808, 0816, 0825,
0826, 0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832, 0833, 0834,
0836, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841, 0842, 0843, 0844,
0845, 0846, 0847, 0848, 0849, 0850, 0851, 0852, 0853,
0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0860, 0862, 0863,
0864, 0865, 0866, 0867, 0868, 0869, 0870, 0871, 0874,
0875, 0878, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0881, 0882, 0883,
0884, 0911, 0914, 0976, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1043,
1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1270, 1279, 1284, 1291,
1300, 1306, 1307, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327,
1331, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1354,
1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1375, 1377, 1382,
1391, 1457, 1517, 1541, 1579, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1707,
1708, 1720, 1850, 1916
Diet/Foods/Feed 1 ng/N utrition -0083, 0310, 0859, 1043,
1046, 1068, 1082, 1251, 1395, 1707, 1708, 1905, 1916
Diseases-0110, 0623
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289, 0564,0615,0775,
1043, 1196a, 1395, 1470, 1519, 1533, 1541, 1574, 1601,
1659, 1684, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799,
1820, 1822, 1823, 1916
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 0711, 1068,
1087, 1095, 1213, 1520, 1604, 1904, 1916
Economics-0002, 0083, 0110, 0177,0286,0335, 0403, 0408,
0414, 0509, 0511, 0674, 0804, 0817, 0875, 0911, 0914,
0918, 0919, 0976, 1046, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240,
1264, 1265, 1267, 1270, 1273, 1279, 1284, 1291, 1300,
1306, 1309, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1331,
1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1366,
1367, 1369, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1533, 1541, 1620,
1621, 1707, 1720, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1770, 1772, 1775,
1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789,
1791, 1793, 1796, 1798, 1850, 1916
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0321, 0323, 0374, 0378, 0564,
0821, 1071, 1195, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0321, 0587, 0705,
0775, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1579, 1601, 1604,
1684, 1707
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0057, 0059,
0060, 0083, 0220, 0289, 0488, 0638, 0659, 0660, 0674,
0903, 0919, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014, 1046, 1239, 1251,
1264, 1265, 1273, 1282, 1284, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327,
1331, 1332, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1354, 1355,
1367, 1384, 1541, 1707, 1708, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741,
1742, 1744, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1765, 1767, 1768,
1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1798
Home range/Movements-1707
Interspecies associations-0031, 0112, 0276, 0310, 0351,
0587, 0705, 0711, 0941, 1106,1534, 1604, 1684, 1707,
1841, 1864
Management-0002, 0283, 0289, 0335, 0364, 0391, 0403,
0408, 0414, 0432, 0433, 0434, 0435, 0436, 0437, 0438,
0439, 0440, 0441, 0442, 0443, 0444, 0446, 0447, 0448,
0449, 0450, 0451, 0452, 0453, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0457,
0458, 0459, 0460, 0461, 0462, 0463, 0464, 0465, 0466,
0467, 0468, 0469, 0470, 0471, 0472, 0475, 0476, 0477,
0504, 0509, 0511, 0572, 0638, 0639, 0659, 0660, 0816,
0817, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0828, 0829, 0830, 0831, 0832,
0833, 0834, 0836, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841, 0842,
0843, 0844, 0845, 0846, 0847, 0848, 0849, 0850, 0851,
0852, 0853, 0854, 0855, 0856, 0857, 0858, 0859, 0860,
0862, 0863, 0864, 0865, 0866, 0867, 0868, 0869, 0870,
0871, 0874, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0881,
0882, 0883, 0884, 0911, 0914, 1007, 1009, 1012, 1014,
1043, 1046, 1068, 1082, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240,
1251, 1300, 1306, 1313, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332,
1335, 1337, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1533, 1541, 1604,
1620, 1621, 1622, 1707
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1707
Parasites-0122, 1566, 1567, 1582, 1708, 1864
Population dynamics-1408
as Predator-0031, 0083, 0195, 0220, 0283, 0285, 0286,
0325, 0343, 0364, 0473, 0474, 0488, 0540, 0636, 0660,
0675, 0703, 0710, 1016, 1042, 1071, 1127, 1239, 1240,
1251, 1263, 1387, 1395, 1505, 1615, 1646, 1826, 1840,
1841, 1900, 1904, 1916
Reproduction-0083, 0449, 0460, 0467, 0870, 0874, 1043,
1068, 1082, 1346, 1395, 1541, 1620, 1707, 1708, 1916
Status-1025, 1046, 1071, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1309, 1357, 1362, 1371, 1377, 1404, 1411, 1520, 1579,
1622, 1654, 1707
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196a,
Techniques of handling and marking-1707
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1046, 1470, 1596, 1708
Fiber zibethicus (see Ondatra zibethicus)
Fisher (see Martes pennant,)
Fox squirrel (see Sciurus niger)
Fringed myotis (see Myotis thysanodes)
Glaucomys sabrinus
Behavior-0083, 1577
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Coloration-0083, 0737, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0698
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0737, 1877
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0701, 0704,
0985, 1082, 1088, 1089, 1206, 1577
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0317,0564,0583,0614,
0698, 0737, 0775, 0929, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1519, 1601,
1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0517, 0564, 0685,
0711, 0985, 1088, 1157, 1213, 1520, 1577, 1604, 1686,
Economics-0083, 1088, 1089, 1206, 1577
Faunal lists-0083, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0821, 0968,
1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601,
1684, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0131, 0517, 0524,
0587, 0685, 0698, 0704, 0705, 0711, 0775, 0929, 1020,
1082, 1089, 1206, 1601, 1604, 1661, 1684, 1686, 1830
Home range/Movements-1577
Interspecies associations-0310, 0524, 0587, 0685, 0701,
0705, 0711, 0929, 1604, 1661, 1684
Management-0698, 1044, 1082, 1604, 1686, 1877
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0333, 0745, 1487
Population dynamics-0131, 0704
as Prey-0718, 1058, 1069, 1251, 1634, 1879
Reproduction-0083, 0698, 0701, 1082, 1577
Status-1025, 1071, 1520, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0026, 0614, 0737,
1162, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1502
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0698, 0737, 1470, 1502
Golden-mantled ground squirrel (see Sparmophilus lateralis)
Gray fox (see Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
Gray squirrel (see Sciurus carolinensis)
Gray-tailed vole (see Microtus canicaudus)
Gray wolf (see Canis lupus)
Great Basin pocket mouse (see Perognathus
Grizzly bear (see Ursus arctos)
Gulo gulo
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturi ng/Trappingaraps-1025, 1043
Coloration-0083, 1380, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1043
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083, 0289,0564, 0615,
0624, 0775, 0917, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1372, 1380,
1390, 1470, 1533, 1575, 1820, 1822, 123, 1907, 1908
history-0083, 0174, 0374, 0564, 1068,
Economics-0083, 0919
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 1196a, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1043, 1068,1082,
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0919, 1025, 1371, 1373
Interspecies associations-0587
Management-0289, 1043, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1379, 1380
Morphology/Anatomy-1380, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Predator-0540, 0703, 1615
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0007, 0917, 1045, 1256, 1258, 1267, 1371, 1470,
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615,1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1372, 1470, 1533
Gulo luscus (see Gulo gulo)
Distribution/Locality records-0071, 0083,0564,0615,0634,
0775, 1085, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 0629, 1074,
1087, 1088, 1207
Economics-0083, 1074, 1088
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0629, 0634,
0775, 0820, 1072, 1074, 1082, 1086, 1087
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1207, 1726
Mortality factors-1207
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1074, 1492, 1861, 1866
Population dynamics-1207
as Prey-0162, 1073, 1073a, 1074
Reproduction-0083, 1074, 1082, 1207
Seasonal activities-1207
Status-1074, 1256 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy- 0071, 0374, 0615,
Weights/Measurements-0071, 0083, 1470
Lagurus pauperrimus (see Lagurus curtatus)
Lasionycteris noctivagans
Behavior-0083, 1496, 1497
Climate/Weather effects-1497, 1539
Coloration-0083, 0249
Competition-1496, 1497
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition- 0083, 1082, 1496, 1497,
Diseases-0065, 1543
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0249,0614,0634,0775,
1194a, 1196a, 1519, 1539, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1830
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 0374, 1087, 1157,
1519, 1520, 1543, 1604, 1686
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0634, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a,
1196a, 1519, 1520, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1072, 1082, 1087, 1543, 1604, 1686, 1830, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 0940, 1497, 1543,
1604, 1661
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823, 1830
Mortality factors-1539
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1866
Reproduction-0083 1082, 1543
Status-1071, 1519, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0814, 1191,
1194, 1194a, 1196a
Variation-0083, 1194
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1191, 1519
Lasiurus cinereus
Coloration-0083, 0249
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Diseases-0065, 1543
Distribution-0083, 0249, 0272, 0614, 0634, 0775, 1196a,
1256, 1258, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 0374, 1087, 1543,
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0634, 1071,1196a
Habitats/Habitat Usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1543, 1604, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543, 1604, 1661
Management-1082, 1604
Migration-0231, 0249, 0272, 0634
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-1058
Reproduction-0083, 0272, 1543
Status-0231, 1071, 1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0249
Latax lutris (see Enhydra lutris)
Least chipmunk (see Eutamias minimus)
Haplodon rufus (see Aplodontia rufa)
Lemmiscus pauperrimus (see Lagurus curtatus)
Haplodontia pacificus (see Aplodontia rufa)
Lepus sp.
Harbor seal (see Phoca vitulina)
Heather vole (see Phenacomys intermedius)
House mouse (see Mus musculus)
Kit fox (see Vulpes macrotis)
Lagurus curtatus
Age/Sex ratios-1207
Behavior-0083, 1207
Coloration-0071, 0083, 1470
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 1074, 1207
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1074, 1082, 1088,
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0262, 1241,
1518, 162Z 1847
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0700, 1241, 1483
Ecology/Natural history-0700
Economics-0126, 0262, 0667, 0700, 1518, 1775, 1777,
1786, 1789, 1847
Faunal lists-0968
Habitats/Habitat usage-0700
Interspecies associations-0901
Management-0262, 1241, 1518, 1622
Parasites-0038, 0745
as Prey-1225, 1900
Lepus americanus
Age/Sex ratios-0124
Behavior-0083, 0124, 1227
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0092, 1420
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0124, 0131, 0520, 0685, 1262, 1357
Climate/Weather effects-0124
Coloration-0083, 0271, 1347, 1399
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0129, 0134, 0190,
0261, 0264, 0305, 0306, 0386, 0666, 0697, 1198, 1233,
1234, 1238, 1239, 1243, 1307, 1420, 1622
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-1399, 1864
Development/Growth-0124, 1347, 1399
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0092, 0124, 0133,
0187, 0259, 0308, 0310, 0520, 0666, 0679, 0697, 0699,
0704, 1068, 1082, 1198, 1212, 1243, 1307, 1399, 1588
Diseases-0124, 0932, 1420
Distribution/Locality methods-0083, 0190, 0271, 0564,
0583, 0606, 0614, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1226, 1412, 1420,
1519, 1577, 1601, 1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0374, 0517, 0564,
0685, 0699, 0705, 0711, 1068, 1157, 1198, 1213, 1227,
1520, 1604
Economics-0083, 0092, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0133, 0161,
0187, 0190, 0256, 0259, 0261, 0264, 0305, 0306, 0308,
0386, 0520, 0697, 0702, 0972, 0974, 1198, 1233, 1238,
1239, 1243, 1420
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0821, 1071, 1157,
1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0124, 0129,0131,0256, 0298,
0517, 0524, 0587, N85, 0699, 0704, 0705, 0711, 0775,
1068, 1082, 1198, 1347, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1661, 1684,
Home range/Movements-0124, 0701
Interspecies associations-0092, 0310, 0587, 0679, 0685,
0699, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0902, 1604, 1661, 1684, 1864
Management-0134, 0187, 0305, 0306, 0386, 0666, 0697,
1068, 1082, 1198, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1307, 1335,
1420, 1604, 1622
Morphology/Anatomy-1412, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0124
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0124, 0932, 1420, 1864
Pesticides-0131, 0386, 0697, 0710, 1239, 1243
Population dynamics-0092, 0124, 0131, 0524, 0701, 0704,
as Prey-0124, 0703, 1251, 1634, 1707, 1708
Reproduction-0083, 0092, 0124, 0701, 1068, 1082, 1347,
1399, 1420
Status-1025, 1071, 1262, 1357, 1420, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0092, 0271, 0298,
0374, 0806, 0614, 1169, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1226, 1412
Variation-0083, 0271
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0124, 0271, 0298, 0701,
1226, 1399, 1412
Lepus callotis (see Lepus californicus)
Lepus campestris (see Lepus townsendii)
Lepus klamathensis (see Lepus americanus)
Lepus silvaticus (see Sylvilagus nuttallii)
Lepus texensis (see Lepus californicus)
Lepus townsendii
Behavior-0083, 0137
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0137, 0685, 1270
Climate/Weather effects-0137
Coloration-0083, 1349, 1399
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0129, 1643
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0137, 1399
Development/Growth-1349, 1399
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0137, 0699, 1082,
1399, 1643
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0568,0606,0614,
0634, 0775, 1173, 1194a, 1196a, 1226, 1256, 1258, 1577,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0564, 0685, 0699, 1087,
1157, 1577
Economics-0083, 0128, 0129, 0161
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0634,
0820, 1087, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0129, 0137, 0298,
0587, 0685, 0699, 0775, 0820, 1072, 1082, 1349, 1399,
Home range/Movements-0137
Interspecies associations-0587, 0685, 0699
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0932
as Prey-0083, 0944
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1349, 1399
Status-0222, 0298, 0568, 1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0298, 0606, 0614,
1173, 1194a, 1196a, 1226
Techniques of handling and marking-0137
Lepus bachmani (see Sylvilagus bachmani)
Lepus trowbridgii (see Sylvilagus bachmani)
Lepus bairdii (see Lepus americanus)
Lepus washingtoni (see Lepus americanus)
Lepus californicus
Little brown myotis (see Myotis lucifugus)
Behavior-0083, 0137, 0229
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0405, 1420, 1556
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0137, 0685, 1262, 1263, 1270, 1355, 1357
Climate/Weather effects-0137
Coloration-0083, 1349, 1399
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0083, 0129, 0190,
0305, 0306, 0405, 0406, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491, 0638,
0732, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1340, 1346,
1351, 1420, 1533, 1556, 1620, 1643,1720, 1773, 1833
Cycles-0480, 1420, 1833
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0137, 1399
Development/Growth-1349, 1399
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0137, 1082, 1399,
Diseases-0274, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0932, 0946, 1105, 1420
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0190, 0298,0479, 0481,
0483, 0491, 0563, 0564, 0568, 0606, 0614, 0634, 0775,1174,
1194a, 1196a, 1226, 1420, 1577, 1601, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0374, 0479, 0481,
0483, 0491, 0564, 0566, 0685, 1087, 1095, 1213, 1351
Economics-0083, 0128, 0129, 0161, 0190, 0256, 0306,
0405, 0406, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491, 0638, 0817, 1227,
1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1325, 1346, 1420, 1556,
1720, 1773
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0323, 0374, 0378, 0379,
0564, 0634, 0820, 0821, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1601, 1723,
1743, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0129, 0137, 0145,
0256, 0298, 0483, 0491, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0775, 0820,
1072, 1082, 1087, 1349, 1533, 1601, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-01383, 1340, 1533
Home range/Movements-0137
Interspecies associations-0112, 0145, 0149, 0351, 0384,
0405, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0940, 0941, 1105, 1726
Management-0083, 0305, 0306, 0405, 0638, 0817, 1082,
1232, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1340, 1346, 1420,
1493, 1533, 1620, 1773
Morphology/Anatomy-0193, 0194, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0085, 0122, 0274, 0932, 0945, 0946, 1420
Pesticides-0193, 0194, 0638, 1232, 1239, 1240, 1533
Population dynamics-1335, 1340, 1351, 1420, 1577
as Prey-0083, 0162, 0480, 0566, 0955, 0996, 1399,1625,
1708, 1879
as Predator-1533
Physiology/Metabolism-0193, 0194
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0491, 1082, 1349,
1399, 1420
Status-0406, 0568, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1270, 1327, 1332,
1343, 1357, 1420, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0298, 0374, 0606,
0614, 1194a, 1196a, 1226
Techniques of handling and marking-0137
Variation-0083, 1174
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1226, 1399
Little pocket mouse (see Perognathus longimembris)
Long-eared myotis (see Myotis evotis)
Long-legged myotis (see Myotis volans)
Long-tailed vole (see Microtus longicaudus)
Long-tailed weasel (see Mustela frenata)
Lontra lutris (see Lutra canadensis)
Lutra canadensis
Age/Sex ratios-1675, 1676
Aging-1675, 1676
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0517, 1043, 1404
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1579
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0911, 1043, 1291,
1300, 1309, 1310, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1374,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289, 0428, 0551, 0564,
0615, 0634, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1533, 1575, 1601,
1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0174, 0374, 0517, 0564,
1068, 1087, 1095, 1157, 1213, 1604
Economics-0083, 0404, 0544, 0593, 0804, 0905, 0911,
0918, 0919, 1252, 1260, 1262, 1263,1265, 1267, 1270,
1284, 1287, 1291, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315,
1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338,
1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1355,
1356, 1357, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1370,
1371, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1579, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1798
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 0634, 0821, 1071, 1157,
1196a, 1601, 1684, 1723,1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 1043, 1068, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1684, 1688, 1689, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0083, 0289, 0380, 0381, 0404, 0804, 0903,
0905, 0919, 0976, 1265, 1284, 1287, 1300, 1314, 1315,
1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334,
1335, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348,
1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1368, 1373, 1384,
1533, 1579, 1675, 1678, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1742,
1744, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769,
1772, 1776, 1783, 1897
Interspecies associations-0587, 1604, 1684
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0289, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581, 0911, 1043,
1044, 1068, 1082, 1118, 1122, 1300, 1304, 1310, 1321,
1604, 1688, 1689, 1737, 1738
Morphology/Anatomy-1875,1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1675
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-1566, 1567
Population dynamics-1675, 1676
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1675, 1676
Status-0222, 1071, 1256, 1258, 1291, 1309, 1351, 1357,
1375, 1377, 1575, 1579, 1609, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0551, 0615,
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0551, 1675
Lutreola vison (see Mustela vison)
Lynx (see Fells lynx)
Lynx canadensis (see Fells lynx)
Lynx fasciatus (see Fells rufus)
Lynx rufa (see Fells rufus)
Lynx rufus (see Fells rufus)
Mammals unspecified
Distribution/Locality records-1618
Seasonal activities-1049
Marmota flaviventer (see Marmota flavivenIris)
Marmota flaviventris
Age/Sex ratios-1696
Behavior-0083, 1577, 1696, 1853
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Coloration-0083, 0736, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0306, 0479, 0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0698, 1232, 1233, 1238, 1239, 1240,
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0483, 0491
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0775, 1068, 1082,
1577, 1588, 1696, 1853
Diseases-0902, 1577, 1800, 1803, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1810
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0428,0479,0481,0483,
0489, 0491, 0564, 0614, 0634, 0698, 0736, 0775, 1196a,
1227, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0032, 0083, 0224, 0479, 0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0685, 1068, 1087, 1157, 1213,
1365, 1577, 1696
Economics-0083, 0127, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,
0817, 0837, 1233, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1533, 1577, 1775,
1786, 1787, 1791
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0379, 0564, 0634, 0820, 0821,
1157, 1195, 1196a, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0131, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0698, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1696, 1830, 1853
Hibernation/Estivation-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1588
Home range/Movements-0032, 1577, 1853
Interspecies associations-0112, 0430, 0587, 0634, 0685,
1516, 1534, 1726
Management-0306, 0698, 0817, 1068, 1082, 1232, 1233,
1238, 1239, 1240, 1533, 1620
Morphology/Anatomy-0736,1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1696
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0745, 0902, 1254, 1800, 1803, 1807, 1810
Pesticides-0131, 1232, 1239, 1240
Population dynamics-0131, 1696
as Prey-0703, 0944, 1634, 1696, 1709, 1900, 1905
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491 0698,
1068, 1082, 1577, 1696
Status-0222, 1025, 1622
Systematics/Classificatio/Taxonomy-0061, 0614, 0736,
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0698, 0736, 1470
Marten (see Mertes americana)
Martes americana
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1043, 1354
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0984, 1579
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1043, 1291, 1309,
1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1374, 1375
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082,
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083, 0564, 0598, 0615,
0775, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1470, 1519, 1533, 1575,
1601, 1659, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1909
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0156, 0174, 0374, 0564,
1068, 1149, 1157, 1213, 1520, 1604, 1686, 1877
Economics-0083, 0404, 0804, 0905, 0919, 1260, 1262,
1263, 1265, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1287, 1291, 1300, 1309,
1314, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335,
1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352,
1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1579, 1772, 1776, 1783
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 1157, 1196a, 1519, 1520,
1601, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0598, 0775,
1020, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1661, 1686,
1830, 1898
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0049, 0055, 0057, 0059,
0060, 0289, 0404, 0804, 0903, 0905, 0919, 0978, 1265,
1284, 1287, 1300, 1314, 1318, 1320,1324, 1325, 1326,
1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341,
1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1364,
1367, 1368, 1377, 1533, 1579, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741,
1742, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769,
1772, 1776, 1783, 1898
Interspecies associations-0587, 1604
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1587
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0289, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581,
1043, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1118, 1587, 1604, 1686, 1737,
1738, 1877, 1898
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0007, 0222, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1291, 1309, 1351,
1357, 1375, 1520,1579, 1609, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Martes caurina (see Mertes americana)
Mertes pennanti
Behavior-0083, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1519, 1579
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1043
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1068 1082, 1588
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083, 0289,0428,0564,
0598, 0615, 0775, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1519, 1533,
1575, 1601, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1910
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0169, 0374, 0516, 0564,
0915, 1068, 1213, 1520, 1595, 1686, 1877
Economics-0083, 0404, 0903, 0905, 0915, 0916, 0919,
1384, 1579
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 1196a, 1519, 1520,1601,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0598, 0775,
1020, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1579, 1595, 1601, 1686
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0046, 0404, 0804, 0903, 0905,
0916, 0919, 0976, 1267, 1384, 1579, 1732, 1735, 1740,
1741, 1742, 1744, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1767, 1772, 1783
H i be rnat i on/Est i vat ion-1588
Interspecies associations-0031, 0587
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0289, 0689, 0915,
0916, 1533
Management-0040, 0041, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052, 0054,
0056, 0169, 0289, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581,
0689, 0915, 0916, 1043, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1321, 1379,
1533, 1571, 1686, 1737, 1738, 1877
Morphology/Anatomy-0915, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Predator-0031, 0540, 0703, 1615
Reproduction-0083, 0916, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0007, 0222, 0804, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1362, 1371,
1520, 1533, 1579, 1589
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0915
Mazama americana (see Odocoileus virginianus)
Mazama columbianus (see Odocoileus hemionus columbianus)
Mazama hemionus (see Odocoileus hemionus hemionus)
Mephitis mephitis
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1043, 1354
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1579, 1652, 1785,
1788, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799
Coloration-0083, 0965, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0283, 0572, 0638,
0876, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 1043, 1235, 1236, 1237,
1240, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1307, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1318,
1324, 1325, 1327, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351,
1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1541, 1621,
1622, 1773
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0364, 0965, 1043,
1066, 1068, 1082, 1588
Diseases-0632, 0932, 1105, 1237, 1652, 1888
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0289,0563, 0564, 0583,
0615, 0634, 0775, 0965, 1043, 1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1470,
1575, 1601, 1659, 1785, 1788, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 1068, 1087,
1157, 1213, 1365, 1604, 1652, 1686
Economics-0083, 0506, 0638, 0643, 0804, 0905, 0919,
0965, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263,
1265, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1287, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1304,
1309, 1310, 1311, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1321, 1324,
1325, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343,
1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357,
1359, 1361, 1364, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1579, 1621, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1770, 1772, 1773, 1775,
1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789,
1791, 1793, 1796, 1798
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564,
0634, 0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0145, 0587, 0634,
0775, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1579, 1601, 1604,
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0638, 0674, 0903, 0905, 0919, 0965,
1265, 1284, 1287, 1300, 1304, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320,
1321, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335,
1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1352,
1355, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1368, 1384, 1528, 1533,
1541, 1579, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1754,
1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776,
1783, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1798
H ibernation/Estivation -1588
Interspecies associations-0035, 0145, 0149, 0351, 0384,
0587, 0941, 1105, 1604, 1705
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0283, 0289, 0364, 0414, 0572, 0575, 0577,
0578, 0579, 0580, 0581, 0638, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879,
0880, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1295,
1300, 1307, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1335, 1340,
1343, 1346, 1355, 1541, 1604, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1686,
1737, 1738, 1773
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0932, 1566, 1567, 1852
as Predator-0083, 0364, 0371, 1066, 1240, 1640
Reproduction-0083, 0965, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1876
Status-0222, 1025, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1291, 1309, 1351,
1357, 1375, 1377, 1609, 1622
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 0733,
1194a, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0965
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Mephitis occidentalis (see Mephitis mephitis)
Merriam's shrew (see Sorex merriami)
Microdipodops megacephalus
Coloration-0083, 0602, 1470
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0602,0614,0616, 0634,
0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0395, 1087
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 1194a, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0395, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1072, 1087
Interspecies associations-0395, 0587, 0634
Morphology/Anatomy-0602, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0753, 1090
Status-0397, 1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0602, 0614, 1170,
1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Microtus sp.
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0479, 0483, 0489, 0514, 1556,
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0125, 0126, 0127,
0305, 0306, 0386, 0479, 0481, 04M, 0489, 0491, 0514,
0638, 0690, 0693, 0962, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1489,
1556, 1620, 1622, 1643, 1773, 1791, 1848
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0125, 0127, 0308, 0520,
0690, 1483, 1643
Distribution/Locality records-0479, 0481, 0483, 0489,0491,
Ecology/Natural history-0224, 0256, 0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491, 1848
Economics-0125, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0256, 0305, 0306,
0308, 0386, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0514, 0520,
0638, 0690, 0693, 0974, 1209, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1239,
1482, 1556, 1773, 1777, 1778
Faunal lists-0321
Habitats/Habitat usage-0127, 0256, 0321, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0929
Interspecies associations-0929, 1105, 1534, 1848
Management-0127, 0305, 0306, 0386, 0638, 0690, 0693,
1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1620, 1622, 1773, 1791
Parasites-0745, 0749
Pesticides-0127, 0386, 0514, 0638, 0693, 0710, 1239,
1488, 1489, 1791
as Prey-0421, 1069, 1879, 1900
Reproduction-0127, 0401, 0479, 0483, 0489, 0491
Microtus angusticeps (see Microtus long,caudus)
Microtus bairdii (see Microtus oregoni)
Microtus califomicus
Coloration-0083, 0149, 0921, 1470
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1085
Distribution/Locality records-0071,0083,0149,0615,0775,
0921, 1085, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1470, 1601, 1820, 1821,
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 1157, 1451
Faunal lists-0083, 1157, 1195, 1196a, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0145, 0587, 0707, 0775,
1085, 1601
Interspecies associations-0022, 0145, 0587, 0701, 1451
Morphology/Anatomy-1085, 1820, 1827
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-0486, 1085
Reproduction-0083, 1085
Status-1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0071, 0149, 0615,
0921, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0921
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0149, 1470
Microtus canicaudus
Age/Sex ratios-0545, 0713
Behavior-0083, 0538, 0713, 1109, 1432, 1729, 1857
Coloration-0071, 0083, 1470
Development/Growth-0545, 0597, 1729
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0538, 0713, 0983,
1085, 1467
Distribution/Locality records-0071, 0083, 1085, 1194a,
1196a, 1432, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1857
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0711, 0713, 1652
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0707, 0711, 0713, 1085,
1432, 1857
I nterspecies associations-0022, 0711, 0713, 1432, 1857
Morphology/Anatomy-0071, 1085, 1729, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0719
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0333, 0746, 0753, 0754
Population dynamics-0538, 1857
as Prey-0421, 1085
Physiology/Metabolism-0538, 0983, 1432, 1467, 1868
Reproduction-0083, 0538, 0597, 0713, 1085, 1467, 1729,
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0071, 0374, 0601,
0612, 1190, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1729
Weights/Measurements-0071, 0083, 0538, 0545, 0597,
0713, 1467, 1470, 1729, 1857
Microtus curtatus (see Lagurus curtatus)
Microtus longicaudus
Anomalies-0891, 1077
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1076, 1837
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Coloration-0071, 0083, 1470
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0813, 1837
Dentition-0891, 1077
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0699, 1082, 1088
Distribution/Locality records-0071, 0083,0564, 0615,0634,
0728, 0775, 0929, 1085, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1601, 1684,
1820, 1822, 1823, 1837
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0395, 0564, 0685,
0699, 1087, 1088, 1157, 1604
Economics-0083, 1088
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0323, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379,
0564, 0634, 0820, 0821, 0968, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1601, 1684
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0090, 0131, 0395,
0587, 0634, 0685, 0699, 0728, 0775, 0820, 0929, 1072,
1082, 1085, 1087, 1601, 1604, 1684, 1837
Interspecies associations-0022, 0395, 0543, 0587, 0634,
0685, 0699, 0929, 1076, 1604, 1684
Management-1082, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0071, 0897, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 0671, 0746, 0753, 1492, 1866
Population dynamics-0131
as Prey-0486, 1708
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1085
Status-0397, 1071
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0071, 0374, 0553,
0615, 0728, 1194a, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0728
Weights/Measurements-0071, 0083, 0813, 1470, 1837
Microtus montanus
Age/Sex ratios-0106, 0192, 0395, 0397, 1220, 1619
Anomalies-0823, 1075
Behavior-0083, 0106, 1109
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0394, 1063
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0397, 0685
Coloration-0083, 0823, 0887, 1075, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0261, 1198, 1232,
1414, 1833, 1818
Cycles-0901, 1150, 1232, 1414
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0543, 1220
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1068, 1082, 1085,
1198, 1220, 1633
Diseases-0107, 0108, 0192, 0800, 0801, 0901, 0902, 1150,
1220, 1414, 1619
Dispersal-0106, 0395
Distribution/Locality records-0022, 0071,0083,0397,0564,
0615, 0775, 1085, 1196a, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0394, 0395, 0397,
0543, 0544, 0564, 0685, 1068, 1087, 1198
Economics-0083, 0261, 0801, 1198, 1199, 1818
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, OV4, 0V8, 0564, 0634, 0820,
0821, 0968, 1195,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0395, 0397, 0544,
0543, 0587, 0685, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1085,
1087, 1198, 1220, 1688, 1689
Home range/Movements-0192, 1220, 1619
Interspecies associations-0022, 0176, 0394, 0395, 0543,
0s73, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0902, 1220, 1726
Intraspecies associations-0394
Management-1068, 1082, 1198, 1232, 1688, 1689
Morphology/Anatomy-0887, 1085, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0901
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0192, 0671, 0745, 0901, 0902, 1220, 1866
Pesticides-0543, 1232
Population dynamics-0106, 0192, 0395, 0397,0573, 1220,
1619, 1633, 1818
as Prey-0021,0182, 0192, 0241, 0703, 0955, 1073,1073a,
1084, 1220, 1708, 1905
Reproduction-0083, 0106, 0192, 0395, 0397, 1068, 1082,
1085, 1220, 1619, 1633
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0022, 0071, 0374,
0615, 0898,1196a
Variation-0022, 0083, 0898
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Microtus montanus canicaudus (see Microtus
Microtus mordax (see Microtus longicaudus)
Microtus nanus (see Microtus montanus)
Microtus oregoni
Age/Sex ratios-0148, 0701
Behavior-0083, 0148, 1857
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0180, 0712, 1076
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0148, 0180, 0182, 0685, 1545
Coloration-0071, 0083, 0695, 0887, 1470
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 1864
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0145, 0310, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0704, 0709, 1088, 1089, 1206
Distribution/Locality records-0071,0083,0564, 0583, 0615,
0775, 1085, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1490, 1601, 1659, 1681,
1684, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1857
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0148, 0374, 0517, 0526,
044, 0564, 0685, 0699, 0705, 0711, 1088, 1157, 1604
Economics-0083, 0127, 0523, 1088, 1089, 1206
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0968,
1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1601, 1684, 1723
Genetics-1100, 1253
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0145, 0147, 0148,
0517, 0521, 0524, 0526, 0543, 0544, 0587, 0685, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0704, 0705, 0707, 0709, 0711, 0775, 1085,
1089, 1206, 1490, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1684, 1857
Home range/Movements-0526, 0701
Interspecies associations-0022, 0145, 0147, 0148, 0149,
0310, 0521, 0536, 0537, 0543, 0587, 0685, 0694, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0705, 0706, 0711, 0713, 0806, 1050, 1076,
1490, 1604, 1684, 1841, 1857, 1864
Morphology/Anatomy-0023, 0071, 0695, 0887, 1100, 1820,
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0748, 0753, 1079, 1566, 1567, 1864
Pesticides-0131, 0148, 0543
Population dynamics-0131, 0148, 0521, 0524, 0526,0704,
0707, 0709, 1857
as Prey-0421, 0712, 1251
Reproduction-0083, 0219, 0526, 0695, 0701
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0023, 0064, 0071,
0374, 0615, 1156, 1189, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Variation-0083, 1681
Weights/Measurements-0071, 0083, 0180, 0182, 0695,
0701, 1470, 1857
Microtus pauperrimus (see Lagurus curtatus)
Microtus richardsoni (see Arvicola rkhardsoni)
Microtus townsendii
Behavior-0083, 1432, 1857
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0071, 0083, 0695, 0726, 1470, 1601
Dlet/Foods/Feeding/N utrition-0083, 0665, 0695, 1071
Distribution/Locality records-0071,0083,0564,0615,0726,
0728, 0775, 0929, 1085, 1194a, 1196a, 1456, 1470, 1601,
1820, 1822, 1823, 1857
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0544, 0564, 0566,
0665, 0685, 1604
Economics-0083, 0665, 0884, 0963
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0968,
1071, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0543, 0544, 0587,
0685, 695, 0728, 0775, 0929, 1085, 1601, 1604,1857
Interspecies associations-006222,, 0351, 0536, 0537, 0543,
0587, 0685, 0694, 0695, 0713, 0726, 0929, 1432, 1604,
Morphology/Anatomy-0023,0071,0695,0728, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0333, 0426, 0746, 0754, 0963, 1566, 1567,
Population dynamics-0665, 1857
as Prey-0566, 1251
Reproduction-0083, 0695
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0023, 0064, 0071,
0374, 0615, 0726, 1189, 1194a, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0726, 0728
Weights/Measurements-0071, 0083, 0695, 1470, 1857
Mink (see Mute's vison)
Mirounga angustirostris
Behavior-1096, 1563
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1263, 1267, 1411
Distribution/Locality records-0431, 0615, 0926, 1096, 1097,
1196a, 1247, 1256, 1258, 1540, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-1097, 1563
Faunal lists-1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587
Interspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0431, 1657
Museum holdings-1257
as Predator-1624
Seasonal activities-1624
Status-1256, 1258, 1263, 1267, 1589, 1624
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Mustela caurina (see Maass americana)
Mustela cicognanii (see Mustela ermines)
Mustela ermines
Behavior-0083, 0712
Census/Survey methods/Cesus reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685, 1545
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0083
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0699, 0700,
1068, 1082, 1588
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289,0604,0605,0607,
0615, 0698, 0775, 1158, 1196a, 1470, 1575, 1601, 1659,
1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0174, 0374, 0685, 0699,
0700, 0711, 1068, 1157, 1365, 1451,1604, 1652, 1686
Eonomics-0083, 0523, 0700
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 1157, 1195,
' 1196a, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0145, 0524, 0587,
0685, 0699, 0700, 0705, 0711, 0775, 1068, 1082, 1601,
1604, 1684, 1686, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0289
H I bernation/Estivation-1588
Interspecies associations-0145, 0149, 0310, 0517, 0521,
0524, 0587, 0685, 0694, 0695, 0699, 0701, 0705, 0711,
0941, 1076, 1451, 1534, 1604, 1684, 1841, 1864
Management-0289, 1068, 1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-1566, 1567, 1864
Population dynamics-0131
as Predator-0665, 0701, 0712, 1841
Reproduction-0083, 0701, 1068, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0604, 0605,
0607, 0615, 1158,1196a
Variation-0083, 0604, 0605, 0607
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0604, 0605, 0607, 0701,
1158, 1870
Mustela arizonensis (see Mustela frenata)
Mustela frenata
Behavior-0083, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0865, 1579
Coloration-0083, 0607, 1322, 1470, 1660
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0817, 1043, 1235,
1236, 1239, 1240, 1291, 1295, 1307, 1309, 1310, 1314,
1318, 1325, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374,
1541, 1622
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0700, 1043, 1068,
1082, 1588, 1660
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0607,0615,0634,
0775, 0929, 1043, 1158, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1519, 1575,
1601, 1659, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0112, 0374, 0395, 0564,
0700, 0711, 0865, 1068, 1087, 1157, 1365, 1451, 1520,
1604, 1686
Economics-0059, 0083, 0700,0919, 1235, 1236, 1239, 1240,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1287, 1291,
1295, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320,
1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341,
1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1357,
1359, 1361, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371,
1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1579, 1765, 1767, 1770, 1772, 1775, 1776, 1778,
1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793, 1796,
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0323, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379,
0564, 0634, 0820, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a,
1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0395, 0587, 0634,
0700, 0711, 0775, 0820, 0865, 0929, 1043, 1068, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1661, 1686, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0060, 0289, 0903, 0919, 1265, 1284, 1287, 1300, 1314,
1315,1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332,
1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348,
1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1367, 1368, 1384,
1533, 1579, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1744, 1754, 1756,
1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783
Interspecies associations-0112, 0276, 0351, 0395, 0430,
0587, 0701, 0711, 0865, 0929, 0940, 1451, 1516, 1604,
1661, 1726, 1841, 1864
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0289, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581,
0817, 1043, 1068, 1082, 1235, 1236, 1239, 1240, 1295,
1304, 1307, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1541 1604, 1622,
1686, 1737, 1738
Morphology/Anatomy-0607, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0607, 0635, 1864, 1866
as Predator-0083, 0192, 0701, 0710, 1240, 1387, 1516,
1660, 1841, 1902
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0397,1025, 1071, 1291, 1309, 1351, 1357, 1375,
1377, 1520, 1609, 1622
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0600, 0607,
0615, 1158, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1575
Variation-0083, 0607
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0607, 1158, 1470
Mustela atrata (see Martes americana)
Mustela longicauda (see Mustela frenata)
Montane vole (see Microtus montanus)
Mountain beaver (see Aplodontia ruts)
Mountain goat (see Oreamnos amerkanus)
Mountain lion (see Fells concolor)
Mountain sheep (see Ovis canadensis)
Mule deer (see Odocoileus hemionus hemionus)
Mus musculus
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0479, 0481, 0483,
0514, 0835, 1002
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Diseases-0800, 0946, 1150
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0479,0481,0483, 0615,
0775, 1196a, 1227, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0685
Economics-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0514, 1482
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0376, 0821, 1157, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0131, 0483, 0587,
0685, 0775, 1082
Interspecies associations-0351, 0536, 0543, 0587, 0685,
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1654
Management-0835, 1002, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0745, 0946, 1866
Pesticides-0131, 0514
Population dynamics-0131
as Prey-0021, 0718, 1069, 1084, 1708
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Mus norvegicus (see Mus musculus)
Muskrat (see Ondatra zibethicus)
Mustela sp.
Mustela saturata (see Mustela frenata)
Mustela streatori (see Mustela erminea)
Mustela vison
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0156, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1579, 1794
Coloration-0083, 0805
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0638, 1043, 1291,
1295, 1309, 1310, 1345, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369,
1374, 1375
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0805,1043,
1068, 1082
Distribution/Localty records-0083, 0289, 0428, 0564, 0615,
0634, 0775, 0805, 0903, 1043, 1196a, 1519, 1575, 1601,
1659, 1794, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0156, 0374, 0564, 0805,
1068, 1087, 1095, 1157, 1451, 1520, 1604, 1816
Economics-0083, 0404, 0593, 081 j4, 0805, 0905, 0918,
0919, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1269, 1270, 1287, 1289,
1291, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1318,
1320, 1322, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338,
1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1353,
1355, 1356, 1357, 1361, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1533, 1579, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772,
1775, 1776, 1777, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1789, 1791,
1793, 1798
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0323, 0374, 0376, 0379, 0564,
0634, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044,0046,0055,0057,0059,
0060, 0289, 0638, 0804, 0903, 0905, 0919, 0976, 1269,
1287, 1289, 1295, 1300, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320,
1322, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335,
1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1348,
1352, 1353, 1355, 1356, 1361, 1364, 1367, 1368, 1373,
1384, 1533, 1579, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1744,
1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772,
1776, 1783
Interspecies associations-0276, 0310, 0587, 1451, 1516,
1604, 1841, 1864
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0289, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581,0638,
1043, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1118, 1122, 1304, 1321, 1533,
1604, 1737, 1738
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 1566, 1567, 1864
as Prey-1708
as Predator-1516, 1841
Reproduction-0083, 0404, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0222, 1025, 1071, 1291, 1309, 1351, 1357, 1375,
1377, 1475, 1520, 1575, 1609, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615,1196a
Mustela washingtoni (see Mustela trenata)
Mustela xanthogenys (see Mustela frenata)
Myocastor coypus
Behavior-1043, 1447
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1043, 1054
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1262, 1263, 1267, 1404, 1652
Climate/Weather effects-0957
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0305, 0306, 0572,
0957, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1263, 1270, 1291, 1295, 1309,
1310, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1404,
1622, 1773
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-1043, 1082, 1363, 1397,
Distribution/Locality records-0289,0615, 0775, 0929,0967,
1043, 1196a, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1881
Ecology/Natural history-0256, 0967, 1363, 1365, 1652,
Economics-0256, 0305, 0306, 0775, 0912, 0919, 0957,
1054, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267,
1270, 1284, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314,
1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1346, 1348, 1351,
1352, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1362, 1364, 1366, 1368,
1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385,
1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1474, 1533, 1772, 1773, 1775,
1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789,
1791, 1793
Faunal lists-1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0256, 0587, 0775, 0929, 0967,
1043, 1082, 1397, 1858
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049,0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0775, 0903, 0919, 1265, 1284, 1300,
1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1346,
1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1363, 1364, 1368, 1384,
1474, 1533, 1744, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767,
1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1798
Home range/Movements-1858
Interspecies associations-0587, 0929
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0005, 0775, 1025,
1397, 1474, 1533
Management-0289, 0305, 0306, 0572, 1043, 1082, 1238,
1239, 1240, 1295, 1304, 1310, 1622, 1773
Mophology/Anatomy-1447, 1639, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Pesticides-1239, 1240
Population dynamics-0005, 0912
Reproduction-1043, 1054, 1082, 1447
Status-0005, 0967, 1025, 1054, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1291,
1309, 1351, 1357, 1375, 1377, 1881
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Myotis sp.
Ecology/Natural history-1877
Myotis californicus
Coloration-0009, 0083, 0249, 1196
Dentition-0009, 1196
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0249, 0614, 0634,0775,
1196, 1196a, 1543, 1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 1087, 1543, 1604,
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 1071, 1196a, 1684
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1543, 1604, 1684, 1686, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543, 1604, 1684
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-0009, 1196, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-1051, 1052, 1053, 1866
as Prey-1058
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0009, 0614, 1191,
1196, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0009, 0083, 1196
Myotis evotis
Age/Sex ratios-0003
Coloration-0083, 0249, 1196
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 1082, 1862
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0249, 0364, 0614,0775,
1194a, 1196, 1196a, 1519, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 0374, 1087, 1519,
1520, 1543, 1604, 1686
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0634, 1071, 1194a, 1195, 1196a,
1519, 1520
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0364, 0587, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1543, 1604, 1686, 1862
Interspecies associations-0310, 0364, 0587, 1543, 1604
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1196, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-1051, 1053, 1532, 1866
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Status-1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 1191,
1194a,1196 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0003
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1196, 1519
Myotis leibii
Coloration-0083, 0249, 1196
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0249, 0614, 0775, 1196,
1196a, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 1087, 1543
Faunal lists-0083,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1543
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543
Morphology/Anatomy-1196, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1196, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1196
Myotis longicrus (see Myotis volans)
Myotis lucifugus
Coloration-0083, 0249, 1196
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Diseases-0065, 1543
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0249,0614, 0634, 0775,
1194a, 1196, 1196a, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 1087, 1157, 1543,
1604, 1686
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0634, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0090, 0587, 0634,
0775, 1072, 1087, 1543 1604, 1686, 1830, 1862
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1082
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 0940, 1543, 1604,
Intraspecies associations-0634
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1196, 1426, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0635, 1866
as Predator-0625
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1191, 1194a,
1196, 1196a,1426
Variation-0083, 1426
Weights/Measurments-0083, 1196, 1426
Myotis subulatus (see Myotis leibli)
Myotis thysanodes
Coloration-0249, 1196
Distribution/Locality records-0249, 0614, 0775, 1196,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1519, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1838
Ecology/Natural history-0249, 1087, 1519, 1520, 1543,
Faunal lists-1071, 1196a, 1519, 1520
Habitats/Habitat usage-0090, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1087,
1543, 1604, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-1196, 1820, 1823
Museum hold I ngs-1257
Status-1071, 1256, 1258, 1520
Systematics/ClassifIcation/Taxonomr0614, 1196, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-1196, 151
Myotis volans
Age/Sex ratios-0003
Coloration-0083, 0249, 1196
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0249,0614,0634, 0775,
1196, 1196a, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 1087, 1543, 1804,
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 1071,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1543, 1604, 1686, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1543, 1604, 1661
Intraspecies associations-0634
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1196, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1866
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1196,1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0003
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1196
Myotis yumanensis
Coloration-0083, 0249, 1196
Diet/Foods/FeedIng/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0249,0614,0634,0775,
1194a, 1196, 1196a, 1519, 1543, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 0374, 1087, 1157,
1519, 1520, 1543, 1604, 1686
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0634, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1519, 1520
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1543, 1604, 1686, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1543, 1604
Management-1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1196, 1426, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Status-1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614,1194a,
1196, 1196a, 1426
Variation-0083, 1426
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1196, 1426, 1519
Neosorex bendirli (see Sorex bendirli)
Neotoma sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0134, 0305, 1232,
1233, 1234, 1622
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0308, 0520
Diseases-0382, 1806
Ecology/Natural history-0027,0258
Economics-0128, 0256, 0305, 0308, 0520, 1233, 1482,
1791, 1793
Habitats/Habitat usage-0256
Interspecies associations-0901
Management-0134, 0305, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1622
as Prey-0703, 1634, 1879
Neotoma cinerea
Behavior-0083, 0724, 1527
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0083, 1470
8 0310, 0985, 1068,
1071, 1082, 1088, 1089, 1577
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0546,0564, 0615, 0634,
0775, 0923, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1519, 1577, 1601, 1659,
1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0032, 0083, 0224, 0374, 0517,
0564, 0685, 0711, 0724, 0985, 1060, 1068, 1087, 1088,
1157, 1213, 1451, 1520, 1604, 1686
Economics-0083, 0297, 0523, 1088, 1089
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564,
0634, 0820, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b,
1519, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0517, 0524, 0587,
0634, 0685, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1089, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1684, 1686, 1830
Home range/Movements-0032, 1577
Interspecies associations-0310, 0521, 0524, 0587, 0634,
0685, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0806, 0940, 0941, 1451, 1604,
1684, 1726
Management-1068, 1082, 1604, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0333, 0635, 0745, 0945, 1566, 1567, 1866
as Prey-0021, 0162, 1073, 1084, 1251, 1708
Reproduction-0083, 0724, 1068, 1082, 1527
Status-1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0375, 0546,
0615, 0923, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1725
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Neotoma desertorm (see Neotoma lepida)
Neotoma fuscipes
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 1545, 1652
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0129, 0190,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0133, 0384, 0696,
Diseases-0902, 1652
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0190,0546, 0563, 0564,
0615, 0630, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1215, 1470, 1490, 1519,
1601, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0384, 0564, 0699, 1157,
1213, 1451, 1520, 1652, 1845
Economics-0083, 0126, 0127, 0133, 0161, 0190, 0696,
Faunal lists-0083, 0376, 0379, 0564, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0129, 0131, 0384, 0587,
0630, 0696, 0699, 0775, 1490, 1601, 1845
Home range/Movements-0429, 0696
Interspecies associations-0384, 0587, 0699, 1451, 1490
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0333, 0429, 0902, 0945, 1845
Population dynamics-0131, 0696
as Prey-0486, 1069, 1251
Status-0615, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0375, 0546,1194a,
1196a, 1500
Neotoma lepida
Coloration-0083, 1470
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0546,0615,0634, 0775,
1196a, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0112, 0395, 1087
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0395, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1072, 1087
Interspecies associations-0112, 0395, 0587, 0634, 0902,
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1866
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0546, 0615,1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Neotoma occidentalis (see Neotoma cinerea)
Odocoileus sp.
Neurotrichus gibbsii
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0865, 1545
Climate/Weather effects-0731
Coloration-0083, 0695, 0952, 0956, 1470
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 1478, 1864
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0695, 0699, 0701,
0952, 0956, 1071, 1206, 1478, 1863
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564, 0614,0701,0775,
0956, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1547, 1601, 1606, 1684, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 0699, 0705,
0711, 0731, 0865, 1157, 1478, 1604
Economics-0083, 0954, 1205, 1206
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0379, 0564, 0821, 1071,
1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1601, 1684, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0145, 0587, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0775, 0865, 0952, 1206, 1601,
1604, 1684
Interspecies associations-0145, 0536, 0587, 0694, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0713, 0865, 1604, 1684, 1841,
Morphology/Anatomy-0695, 1478, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0333, 0745, 0746, 0750, 0920, 1003, 1079, 1566,
1567, 1863, 1864, 1866
Population dynamics-0131, 0701
as Prey-0421, 1069, 1251
Reproduction-0083, 0695, 0701, 0952, 1478
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0784,
1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0695, 0701, 1470, 1478
Northern elephant seal (see Mirounga angustirostris)
Northern flying squirrel (see Glaucomys
Northern fur seal (see Callorhinus ursinus)
Northern grasshopper mouse (see Onychomys leucogaster)
Northern pocket gopher (see Thomomys
Northern sea lion (see Eumetopias jubatus)
Norway rat (see Rattus norvegicus)
Nutria (see Myocastor coypus)
Nuttall's cottontail (see Sylvilagus nuttallii)
Nyctefis cinerea (see Lasiurus cinereus)
Ochotona fenisex (see Ochotona princeps)
Ochotona princeps
Behavior-0083, 0430, 1521
Coloration-0083, 0542, 1349
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0308, 0542, 1082,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0568,0606,0614,
0634, 0740, 0765, 0775, 1196a, 1227, 1248, 1521, 1577,
1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0032, 0083, 0224, 0298, 0517,
0542, 0564, 0711, 0765, 1088, 1157, 1213, 1248, 1521
Economics-0083, 0308, 1088
Faunal lists-0083, 0564, 0634, 0765, 1157, 1195, 1196a,
1684, 1820, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0298, 0517, 0524, 0542,
0587, 0634, 0711, 0765, 0775, 1082, 1349, 1661, 1684,1820,
H ibernation/Estivation -0542
Home range/Movements-0032
Interspecies associations-0524, 0587, 0634, 0701, 0711,
1661, 1684
Intraspecies associations-0430
Management-1044, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0086, 0122, 0635, 0745, 0748, 0751, 1521, 1866
as Prey-0486
Reproduction-0083, 0542, 1082, 1521
Status-0568, 1025, 1521
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0225, 0298, 0606,
0614, 0738, 0740,1196a
Territories-0430, 0542
Vocalizations-0083, 0542
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0144, 0298, 0740, 1521
Ochotona schisticeps (see Ochotona princeps)
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0129, 0134, 0386,
0666, 124Z 1243, 1643
Dlet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0129, 0133, 0308, 0618,
0666, 0700, 0920, 0989, 1242, 1243, 1643, 1674
Distribution/Locality records-0317, 0487
Ecology/Natural history-0487, 0618, 0700, 1674
Economics-0127, 0128, 0129, 0133, 0161, 0308, 0386,
0417, 0700, 0920, 0972, 0974, 1242, 1243, 1313, 1421,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0129, 0131, 0163, 0618, 0700,
0989, 1674
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0417, 0504, 1279, 1421
Home range/Movements-1874
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0299
Management-0134, 0337, 0386, 0414, 0415, 0487, 0493,
0494, 0495, 0496, 0497, 0498, 0499, 0500, 0501, 0502,
0503, 0504, 0505, 0506, 0512, 0618, 0666, 1242, 1292,
1313, 1422, 1423
Mortality factors-0989
Parasites-0570, 0945
Pesticides-0131, 0386, 0710, 1243
Population dynamics-0131
as Prey-0414, 0498, 0505, 0638, 0703, 0835, 0836, 0848,
0874, 1215, 1274, 1634, 1914
Odocoileus amerianus (see Odocoileus vir•
Odocoileus columbianus (see Odocoileus
hemionus columbianus)
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus
Age/Sex ratios-0025, 0207, 0411, 0682, 0895, 1031, 1032,
1047, 1048, 1106, 1129, 1130, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267,
1270, 1284, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327,
1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1347, 1351, 1355,
1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382,
1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1570
Anomalies-0239, 0288, 0681, 0994, 1289, 1576
Behavior-0017, 0083, 0239, 0244, 0681, 1180, 1185, 1186,
1187, 1893
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0018, 0281, 1182, 1357
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0017, 0025, 0083, 0145, 0152, 0259, 0277, 0672,
0673, 0678, 0682, 0773, 0789, 0984, 0994, 1031, 1033,
1036, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1147, 1260, 1262, 1263,
1267, 1270, 1281, 1284, 1300, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327,
1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1361, 1366,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404,
1408, 1411, 1513, 1533, 1669, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1736,
1739, 1745, 1746, 1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755,
1757, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1779,
Climate/Weather effects-0253, 0681, 0953, 1107, 1181,
Coloration-0083, 0239, 0240, 0681, 0802, 0994, 1268,
1289, 1470, 1519, 1576
Competition-0239, 0411, 0663, 0987, 1031, 1579
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0257, 0261,
0262, 0264, 0307, 0621, 0622, 0674, 0679, 0783, 0973,
1032, 1146, 1198, 1284, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1518
Dentition-0207, 0236, 0288
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0067, 0068, 0083, 0145,
0187, 0204, 0211, 0212, 0239, 0244, 0250, 0251, 0252,
0253, 0255, 0257, 0259, 0260, 0264, 0267, 0276, 0282,
0303, 0307, 0310, 0366, 0367, 0411, 0626, 0647, 0663,
0679, 0680, 0682, 0684, 0704, 0722, 0994, 1107, 1133,
1146, 1181, 1183, 1198, 1244, 1317, 1483, 1484, 1513,
1518, 1519, 1893
Diseases-0239, 0367, 0932, 0936, 0946, 1576, 1583, 1733
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0236, 0240, 0276, 0428,
0583, 0615, 0624, 0680, 0775, 0802, 0929, 1021, 1032,
1185, 1194a, 1196a, 1258, 1284, 1289, 1291, 1309, 1470,
1490, 1519, 1533, 1576, 1579, 1601, 1659, 1684, 1820,
1822, 1823, 1893
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0102, 0251, 0256, 0257,
0626, 0647, 0711, 0937, 0994, 1106, 1157, 1198, 1213,
1291, 1309, 1332, 1405, 1520, 1604, 1816
Economics-0083, 0092, 0126, 0136, 0187, 0239,0250, 0251,
0252, 0253, 0255, 0256, 0257, 0259, 0260, 0261, 0262,
0264, 0267, 0621, 0622, 0647, 0674, 0682, 0684, 0722,
0783, 0973, 0994, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1146, 1205, 1260,
1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1288, 1300, 1314, 1324,
1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1482,
1513, 1518, 1915
Faunal lists-0083, 0376, 0378, 0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0067, 0083, 0145, 0239, 0250,
0256, 0259, 0276, 0282, 0411, 0587, 0663, 0680, 0681,
0682, 0704, 0705, 0773, 0775, 0929, 0937, 1031, 1047,
1107, 1133, 1135, 1146, 1181, 1183, 1185, 1244, 1260,
1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1282, 1284, 1289, 1291, 1309,
1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346,
1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375,
1377, 1381, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1490,
1513, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1684, 1687, 1830, 1843,
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0025, 0152, 0167, 0239, 0260,
0262, 0267, 0268, 0303, 0334, 0336, 0338, 0339, 0340,
0341, 0342, 0344, 0345, 0348, 0350, 0411, 0672, 0673,
0680, 0781, 0783, 0789, 0975, 0987, 1006, 1008, 1010,
1013, 1015, 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026, 1031, 1032, 1033,
1036, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1047, 1119, 1121, 1122, 1123,
1124, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1133, 1134, 1135,
1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1273, 1280,
1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1291, 1300, 1308, 1309, 1312,
1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1335,
1336, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1354, 1355,
1357, 1361, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1373, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1378, 1382, 1385, 1386, 1391, 1403, 1404,
1407, 1408, 1411, 1425, 1513, 1528, 1533, 1569, 1576,
1579, 1647, 1649, 1662, 1685, 1695, 1698, 1730, 1750,
1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1766,
1768, 1771, 1774, 1779, 1782, 1829
Home range/Movements-0273, 0411, 1106, 1107, 1133,
1181, 1183, 1185, 1198, 1366
I nterspecies associations-0102, 0145, 0276, 0310, 0587,
0626, 0646, 0647, 0679, 0683, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0929,
1106, 1187, 1255, 1289, 1490, 1604, 1669, 1684
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1289
Management-0025, 0067, 0187, 0239, 0257, 0259, 0262,
0267, 0276, 0277, 0307, 0318, 0349, 0366, 0367, 0507,
0508, 0509, 0663, 0680, 0682, 0773, 0783, 0953, 0973,
1025, 1026, 1029, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1036, 1038, 1044,
1047, 1048, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1121,
1122, 1133, 1134, 1136, 1198, 1284, 1288, 1299, 1308,
1332, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1402, 1518,
1533, 1570, 1579, 1604, 1642, 1687, 184 3
Migration-0276, 0367, 0411, 0994, 1106, 1107, 1284
Morphology/Anatomy-0207, 0236, 0239, 0240, 0534, 0681,
0937, 0994, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0239, 0282, 0367, 0411, 0680, 0681,
0953, 1133, 1284, 1317, 1381, 1402, 1695, 1829
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0105, 0122, 0239, 0332 0367, 0901, 0932, 0934,
0943, 0946, 0953, 0994, 1472, 1473, 1582, 1583, 1642
Population dynamics-0239, 0411, 0507, 0680, 0681, 0682,
0684, 0789, 0895, 0896, 1032, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1291, 1300, 1309, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1340, 1343,
1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1402, 1407, 1408, 1411, 1893
as Prey-0283, 1576, 1840
Physiology/Metabolism-0211, 0244
Reproduction-0083, 0239, 0681, 0895, 0896, 0992, 1133,
1180, 1184, 1185, 1346, 1366, 1893
Seasonal activities-0682
Status-0240, 0318, 0362, 0411, 0789, 0802, 0987, 1025,
1258, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1331, 1357, 1366,
1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1381, 1382, 1385, 1391,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1520, 1576, 1579, 1609, 1654, 1885,
1893, 1915
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0236, 0615, 1194a,
1196a, 1196b, 1576
Techniques of handling and marking-0018, 0281, 1182,
Variation-0083, 0236, 0534, 0802
Vocalizations-0994, 1513
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0207, 0240, 0367, 0534,
0895, 0933, 0937, 1282, 1300, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1346,
Odocoileus hemionus hemionus
Age/Sex ratios-0025, 0099, 0205, 0209, 0210, 0247, 0343,
0361, 0372, 0776, 0778, 0779, 1022, 1031, 1047, 1048,
1108, 1126 1129, 1130, 1132, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263,
1267, 1270, 1284, 1291, 1300, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1325,
1327, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1347, 1351,
1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377,
1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1514, 1537, 1636
Anomalies-0909, 1289
Behavior-0083, 0229, 0311, 0980, 1626, 1629, 1706
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0281, 1272, 1357
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0025, 0083, 0099, 0119, 0152, 0205, 0247, 0361,
0490, 0672, 0673, 0773, 0776, 0778, 0779, 0789, 0984,
1031, 1033, 1036, 1103, 1104, 1106, 1127, 1128, 1129,
1130, 1132, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1281, 1284,
1300, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1339,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1357, 1361, 1366, 1367, 1370,
1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1495, 1533, 1611, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1736, 1739,
1745, 1746, 1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757,
1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1779, 1782
Climate/Weather effects-0328, 0339, 0361, 0641, 0776,
0980, 1135, 1402, 1405, 1407, 1535, 1536
Coloration-0083, 0240, 0658, 0802, 0909, 0998, 1034,
1289, 1417
Competition-0119, 0205, 0209, 0210, 0270, 0312, 0355,
0361, 0641, 0663, 0776, 0777, 0779, 0987, 1027, 1031,
1199, 1200, 1214, 1536, 1565, 1579, 1613, 1663, 1839
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0257, 0320,
0621, 0643, 0674, 0702, 1032, 1198, 1284, 1314, 1318,
1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355,
1357, 1362, 1518
Development/Growth-0372, 1715
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0097, 0099, 0119,
0123, 0135, 0147, 0209, 0210, 0211, 0257, 0260, 0270,
0278, 0280, 0312, 0325, 0328, 0355, 0356, 0358, 0361,
0372, 0620, 0641, 0663, 0676, 0702, 0704, 0774, 0776,
0777, 0778, 0779, 0780, 0979, 0980, 1034, 1068, 1082,
1133, 1198, 1199, 1300, 1495, 1518, 1536, 1611, 1813,
1627, 1663, 1664, 1813
Diseases-0311, 0325, 0393, 0932, 0936, 1882
Distribution/Locality recods-0083, 0113, 0236, 0240, 0311,
0428, 0564, 0615, 0624, 0634, 0698, 0775, 0802, 1021,
1032, 1034, 1196a, 1284, 1289, 1291, 1309, 1358, 1470,
1533, 1576, 1579, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1918, 1919
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0169, 0205, 0256, 0257,
0311, 0312, 0372, 0564, 0937, 1068, 1087, 1095, 1157,
1198, 1291, 1309, 1405, 1536, 1918
Economics-0083, 0126, 0256, 0257, 0260, 0312, 0320,
0380, 0621, 0643, 0674, 0702, 1027, 1030, 1031, 1032,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1284, 1300, 1314, 1324, 1332,
1335, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1482,
1518, 1915
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0321, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820,
0821, 1071, 1157, 1196a, 1743, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0135, 0147, 0209,
0210, 0256, 0289, 0270, 0278, 0279, 0312, 0321, 0356,
0358, 0361, 0368, 0587, 0619, 0620, 0634, 0641, 0663,
0676, 0704, 0773, 0774, 0775, 0776, 0777, 0778, 0779,
0780, 0820, 0931, 0937, 0979, 0980, 0988, 1027, 1031,
1034, 1047, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1132, 1133, 1135,
1197, 1199, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1289,
1291, 1309, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340,
1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1367, 1370,
1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1535, 1536, 1579, 1593, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1663,
1688, 1689, 1813, 1830, 1843, 1918, 1919
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0025, 0152, 0169, 0209, 0210,
0247, 0260, 0268, 0334, 0336, 0338, 0339, 0340, 0341,
0342, 0344, 0345, 0348, 0350, 0672, 0673, 0774, 0779,
0781,0789, 0975, 0987, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1013,
1015, 1017, 1019, 1022, 1026, 1027, 1031, 1033, 1035,
1036, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1047, 1119, 1121, 1123, 1124,
1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1135,
1197, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1266, 1287, 1270, 1273,
1280, 1281, 1282, 1283, 1284, 1291, 1300, 1308, 1309,
1312, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327, 1331, 1332, 1333,
•1335, 1336, 1339, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1354,
1355, 1357, 1361, 1362, 1366, 1387, 1369, 1370, 1371,
1373, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1378, 1382, 1385, 1386, 1391,
1403, 1404, 1407, 1408, 1411, 1528, 1533, 1535, 1536,
1569, 1579, 1647, 1649, 1650, 1730, 1750, 1751, 1752,
1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771,
1774, 1779, 1782
Home range/Movements-0361, 0980, 1133, 1198, 1366,
1593, 1663, 1918, 1919
I nterspecies associations-0209, 0210, 0587, 0940, 0941,
1289, 1442, 1534, 1565, 1661, 1726
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1289, 1300
Management-0004, 0025, 0097, 0099, 0123, 0140, 0147,
0169, 0257, 0269, 0279, 0312, 0339, 0343, 0349, 0361,
0490, 0507, 0508, 0509, 0641, 0663, 0773, 0774, 0777,
0778, 0779, 0780, 0798, 1011, 1022, 1026, 1027, 1029,
1030, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1038, 1044, 1047, 1048,
1068, 1082, 1106, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, 1120,
1121, 1122, 1131, 1132, 1133, 1134, 1136, 1197, 1198,
1284, 1308, 1332, 1333, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1402,
1518, 1533, 1536, 1568, 1570, 1579, 1612, 1636, 1650,
1663, 1688, 1689, 1813, 1839, 1843
Migration-0119, 0361, 0776, 0780, 0980, 1132, 1284, 1366,
1636, 1663, 1918, 1919
Morphology/Anatomy-0025, 0236, 0240, 0311, 0656, 0909,
0937, 0994, 1108, 1715, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0119, 0209, 0210, 0280, 0311, 0325,
0328, 0343, 0372, 0780, 0988, 1034, 1133, 1300, 1402,
1404, 1535, 1593, 1636, 1708, 1714, 1882
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0760, 0761, 0776, 0932, 0947, 1450, 1582,
Population dynamics-0205, 0209, 0210, 0280, 0372, 0507,
0776, 0779, 0780, 0789, 0931, 1022, 1132, 1135, 1197,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1287, 1270, 1284, 1291, 1300, 1309,
1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1351,
1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377,
1382, 1385, 1391, 1402, 1404, 1407, 1408, 1411, 1514,
1535, 1536, 1537, 1882
as Prey-0283, 0311, 0325, 0343, 0361, 0944, 0955, 1535,
1626, 1707
Reproduction-008Z 0311, 0312, 0372, 0425, 1034, 1068,
1133, 1314, 1537, 1593, 1663
Seasonal activities-0312, 0358, 0641, 1918, 1919
Status-0209, 0210, 0222, 0240, 0789, 0802, 0987, 1025,
1071, 1199, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1331, 1357,
1366, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1475, 1475, 1579, 1609, 1915
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0236, 0615, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0281, 0650, 1272,
1358, 1366, 1377
Tracks/Tracking-0325, 0650, 1108, 1470, 1593, 1714, 1882,
1918, 1919
Variation-0083, 0236, 0802, 1715
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0209, 0210, 0240, 0909,
0937, 0994, 1300, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1470, 1715
Odocoileus hemionus macrotis (see Odocoileus hemionus hemionus)
Odocoileus leucurus (see Odocolleus virginianus)
Odocoileus virginlanus
Age/Sex ratios-0533, 1032, 1669
Behavior-0083, 1669
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0152, 0532, 0533, 0672, 0673, 0773, 0789,
0984, 1557, 1669, 1730, 1734, 1736, 1739, 1745, 1746,
1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762,
1764, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1782
Climate/Weather effects-1402,1557
Coloration-0083, 0802, 0922, 0994, 1268, 1289
Competition-0209, 0210, 0355, 0987, 1557, 1579, 1669
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0257, 0621, 1032
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0209, 0210, 0246,
0257, 0355, 0533, 1068, 1082, 1483
Diseases-0393, 0932, 0936
Distribution/Locality records-0001, 0007,0080, 0083,0236,
0246, 0532, 0564, 0615, 0624, 0775, 0802, 0814, 0922,
1021, 1032, 1194a, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1289, 1533, 1557,
1576, 1579, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0257, 0374, 0428,
0533, 0564, 0937, 1068, 1213, 1557
Economics-0083, 0256, 0257, 0380, 0621, 1032, 1482,
1557, 1915
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 1022, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0209, 0210, 0256, 0533,
0587, 0773, 0775, 0937, 1068, 1082, 1231, 1289, 1533,
1557, 1579, 1669, 1670
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0152, 0209, 0210, 0381, 0672,
0673, 0789, 0987, 1032, 1134, 1268, 1579, 1730, 1750,
1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762, 1764, 1774
Home range/Movements-0533, 1669
Interspecies associations-0209, 0210, 0587, 1289, 1669
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1289
Management-0257, 0507, 0532, 0773, 1029, 1032, 1044,
1068, 1082, 1134, 1231, 1314, 1379, 1402, 1570, 1579,
1669, 1670
Morphology/Anatomy-0236, 0937, 0994, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0533, 0955, 1402, 1557
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0246, 0332, 0932, 1472, 1538
Population dynamics-0209, 0210, 0507, 0532,0533, 0789,
1032, 1402
as Prey-0533, 1557
Reproduction-0083, 0246, 1068, 1082
Status-0001, 0007, 0209, 0210, 0532, 0789, 0802, 0922,
0987, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1269, 1406, 1475, 1533, 1576,
1579, 1589, 1592, 1654, 1915
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0080, 0236, 0316,
0374, 0615, 1022, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Techniques of handling and marking-0281
Variation-0080, 0083, 0236, 0802
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0246, 0922, 0937, 0994,
Odontocoelus americanus (see Odocolleus
Ondatra zibethicus
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0392, 0966, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0323, 0984, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1319,
1340, 1343, 1346, 1351, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370,
1371, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1391, 1404, 1411, 1579, 1652
Climate/Weather effects-0083, 0392
Coloration-0083, 0910, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0392, 0966, 1043,
1291, 1295, 1309, 1310, 1319, 1331, 1351, 1357, 1362,
1366, 1369, 1579, 1604
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0323, 0966
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0392, 0966, 1043,
1068, 1082, 1085
Diseases-0800, 0801, 0932, 1200, 1652, 1812
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289, 0564, 0615, 0634,
0637, 0775, 0903, 0929, 0966, 1043, 1085, 1194a, 1196a,
1227, 1470, 1519, 1533, 1577, 1601, 180, 1822, 1823,
1892, 1906
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0102, 0374, 0564, 1068,
1087, 1095, 1213, 1520, 1604, 1652, 1818
Economics-0083, 0392, 0404, 0804, 0905, 0918, 0919,
0966, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1287,
1291, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1318,
1320, 1322, 1325, 1328, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338,
1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1354,
1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1361, 1362, 1364, 1366, 1367,
1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384,
1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1533, 1765, 1767, 1769,
1772, 1776, 1783
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0323, 0374, 0376, 0379, 0564,
0634, 0821, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0634, 0775,
0929, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1604, 1688, 1689,
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0323, 0404, 0674, 0804, 0903, 0905,
0919, 0966, 0978, 1265, 1284, 1287, 1300, 1314, 1315,
1318, 1320, 1322, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332,
1334, 1335,1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1345,
1346, 1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1367,
1368, 1384, 1533, 1579, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741, 1742,
1744, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769,
1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1796, 1798
Home range/Movements-0083, 0637, 1519
I nterspecies associations-0102, 0537, 0587, 0634, 0929,
0941, 1516, 1601, 1604
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0637, 1385
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0058, 0289, 0392, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579, 0580,
0581, 0634, 1043, 1044, 1068, 1082, 1118, 1122, 1295,
1304, 1310, 1373, 1604, 1688, 1689, 1737, 1738
Migration-0323, 0907
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-10E15
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0932, 1512, 1566, 1567
Population dynamics-0912
as Prey-0162, 1704, 1905
Reproduction-0083, 0966, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-0637, 1025, 1291, 1309, 1351, 1357, 1375, 1377,
1391, 1520, 1854
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0375, 0615,
0687, 1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Onychomys leucogaster
Age/Sex ratios-1524
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0514
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0084, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0084,0564,0615,0634,
0775, 1196a, 1227, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0084, 0564, 0685, 1087
Economics-0083, 0084, 0514
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0564, 0634, 0820, 0821, 1195,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0634, 0685,
0775, 0820, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1524
Interspecies associations-0395, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0940
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 0745, 0753, 0754, 0755, 0757, 1866
as Prey-0162, 1634
Reproduction-0083, 0084, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0084, 0615, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0084
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Ord's kangaroo rat (see Dipodomys ordif)
Oreamnos americanus
Age/Sex ratios-1309, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1817
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0098, 0152, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1342,
1346, 1355, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1533, 1730, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760,
1762, 1771, 1774, 1782, 1817
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1261, 1357, 1403
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0615,0624,0634,0775,
0886, 1309, 1817, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 1309, 1817
Economics-0083, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1421
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 1195, 1196b, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1082, 1309,
1404, 1408, 1411, 1817, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0169, 0781, 1019, 1263, 1267,
1270, 1309, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1378, 1382, 1385, 1386,
1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1421, 1528, 1533, 1647, 1649,
1730, 1750, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762, 1771,
1774, 1817
Home range/Movements-1817
Interspecies associations-0587,1661
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0098, 0689, 1025,
1262, 1263, 1299, 1314, 1316, 1351, 1357, 1383, 1386,
1533, 1587
Management-0169, 0689, 1044, 1082, 1263, 1314, 1316,
1373, 1385, 1391, 1403, 1533, 1587, 1817
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Parasites-0122, 0932
Population dynamics-1309, 1357, 1404, 1408, 1411
Reproduction-0083, 0098, 1082, 1260, 1817
Seasonal activities-1817
Status-0329, 0347, 0634, 1025, 1196a, 1260, 1262, 1263,
1267, 1270, 1339, 1354, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1374, 1375,
1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1533
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 1196b
Oreamnus montanus (see Oreamnos americanus)
Otospermophilus beecheyi (see Spermophllus beecheyi)
Otospermophilus douglasii (see Spermophbus beecheyi)
Otospermophilus grammurus (see Spermophilus beecheyi)
Ovis canadensis
Age/Sex ratios-0295, 0950, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1814, 1827
Behavior-0083, 0115, 0117, 0118, 1042
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0539, 1273, 1335
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0118, 0138, 0152, 0588, 0789, 0950, 0984, 1262,
1270, 1342, 1346, 1355, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1401,
1404, 1409, 1411, 1630, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1736, 1739,
1745, 1746, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762,
1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1779, 1782, 1814, 1827
Coloration-0083, 1470
Competition-0170, 0950, 1579
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1261, 1266, 1357,
1373, 1386, 1403
Development/Growth-0115, 1042
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0950, 1042, 1082
Diseases-0138, 0295, 0932, 0936
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0170,0238,0564,0615,
0624, 0775, 1196a, 1256, 1470, 1576, 1579, 1630, 1820,
1822, 1823, 1827
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0295, 0374, 0564, 0950,
Economics-0083, 0380, 1404, 1408, 1411
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0564, 0821, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0117, 0170, 0587,
0588, 0775, 0950, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1579, 1814
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0268, 0334, 0336, 0338, 0340,
0341, 0342, 0344, 0345, 0348, 0688, 0781, 0789, 1019,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1374, 1377, 1378,
1404,1411, 1528, 1533,1647, 1730, 1779, 1782
Home range/Movements-0294, 0950
Interspecies associations-0587
Intraspecies associations-0118
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0170, 0238, 0294,
0330, 0346, 0539, 1025, 1042, 1258, 1262, 1263, 1267,
1270, 1335, 1337, 1351, 1357, 1360, 1383, 1392, 1394,
140,4 1533, 1587, 1614, 1630, 1827
anagement-0294, 0330, 0501, 0539, 0688, 0987, 1041,
1042, 1044, 1082, 1116, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1335,
1337, 1345, 1360, 1373, 1375, 1377, 1379, 1382, 1385,
1386, 1391, 1394, 1403, 1404, 1408, 1422, 1533, 1570,
1579, 1587, 1614, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1762, 1771, 1774,
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0294, 0950, 1697, 1827
Museum holdings-1257
ParasItes-0122, 0294, 0932, 0935, 0938, 0950, 1042, 1827
Population dynamics-0507, 0789, 1357, 1404, 1408, 1411,
as Prey-0950, 1827
Reproduction-0083, 0115, 0138, 0295, 0950, 1042, 1082,
Seasonal activities-0950, 1814
Status-0007, 0083, 0170, 0216, 0222, 0294, 0330 0346,
0789, 0820, 0950, 0987, 1025, 1213, 1256, 1258, 1260,
1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1340, 1354, 1357, 1362, 1366,
1374, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1392, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1533, 1576, 1579, 1697
lassification/Taxonomy-0170, 0374, 0615,
1196, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-1335
Variation-0083, 0238, 0295
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0558, 1470
Ovis cervina (see Ovis canadensis)
Pacific jumping mouse (see Zapus trinotatus)
Pacific shrew (see Sorex pacificus)
Pacific water shrew (see Sorex bendirii)
Pallid bat (see Antrozous pallidus)
Perodipus microps (see Dlopdomys microps)
Perodipus ordii (see Dlpodomys ordil)
Perognathus sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0698
Distribution/Locality records-0698
Ecology/Natural history-0174
Economics-0974, 1482
Faunal lists-0968
Habitats/Habitat usage-0698
as Prey-1634, 1900
Perognathus columbianus (see Perognathus
Perognathus Iongimembris
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0614, 0775, 1196a,
1258, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-1087
Faunal lists-0083, 0378, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1087
Home range/Movements-0173
Interspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1196a
Perognathus lordi (see Perognathus parvus)
Perognathus monticola (see Perognathus
Perognathus nevadensis (see Perognathus
Perognathus parvus
Age/Sex ratios-0395, 0397, 1524
Behavior-0083, 0160
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0394, 0397, 0483, 0491, 0514
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0397, 0685
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0514, 1553, 1665
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0483, 1553
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1553
Distribution/Locality records-0082,0083,0397,0479, 0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0614, 0634, 0767, 0775, 1194a,
1196a, 1415, 1470, 1498, 1553, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0394, 0397, 0479,
0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0685, 1087
Economics-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0514,
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820,
0821, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0131, 0396, 0397,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0767, 0775, 0820,
1072, 1082, 1087, 1524, 1553
Hibernation/Estivation-0083,0479, 0481, 0491
Home range/Movements-0160, 0396, 1553
Interspecies associations-0176, 0394, 0395, 0587, 0634,
0685, 0940, 0941, 1726
Intraspecies associations-0394
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0635, 0747, 1090, 1866
Pesticides-0131, 0514
Population dynamics-0131, 0395, 0397
as Prey-0021, 0083, 0162, 1073, 1073a, 1084
Reproduction-0083, 0395, 0397, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489,
0767, 1082, 1553
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 1194a,
1196a, 1196b, 1415, 1430, 1498
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0767, 1470, 1553
Peromyscus cf. maniculatus
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0514, 1002, 1620,
Economics-0092, 0514, 0972, 0974, 1208, 1482
Management-1002, 1620, 1622
Parasites-0038, 0945
as Prey-0162, 1058, 1634, 1900
Peromyscus austerus (see Peromyscus
Peromyscus crinitus
Coloration-0083, 0611
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1088
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0611,0615,0634,0775,
1196a, 1417, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 1087, 1088
Economics-0083, 1088
Faunal lists-0083, 0634,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087
Interspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0745, 1866
as Prey-1708
Reproduction-0083, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a, 1417
Peromyscus dysetius (see Peromyscus trueâ–º)
Peromyscus maniculatus
Age/Sex ratios-0103, 0148, 0395, 0397, 0427, 0517, 0525,
1)531, 0695, 0701, 1211, 1524, 1682
Anomalies-0770, 0771, 1178, 1572
Behavior-0083, 0148, 0150, 0160, 0960, 1490
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0180, 0394, 0397, 0712, 1076,
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0148, 0179, 0180, 0181, 0182, 0183, 0184,
0397, 0520, 0685, 0692, 0698, 1545, 1652
Coloration-0083, 0300, 0302, 0690, 0763, 0764, 0765,
0770, 1178, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0120, 0125, 0127,
0191, 0305, 0306, 0388, 0522, 0690, 0691, 0692, 0693,
0694, 0695, 0698, 0708, 0991, 1057, 1234, 1238, 1239,
1491, 1556, 1643, 1651, 1665, 1889
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-1490, 1864
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0125, 0127, 0308,
0310, 0520, 0531, 0626, 0665, 0690, 0695, 0699, 0700,
0701, 0704, 0709, 1088, 1071, 1082, 1088, 1206, 1632,
Diseases-0382, 1105, 1652
Dispersal-0395, 0525, 1201
Distribution/Locality records-0062, 0383,0300, 0302, 0397,
0427, 0563, 0564, 0583, 0615, 0634, 0695, 0698, 0765,
0775, 0929, 1076, 1194a, 1196a, 1223, 1417, 1470, 1490,
1519, 1601, 1602, 1659, 1668, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0102, 0148, 0224, 0301,
0374, 0394, 0395, 0397, 0427, 0517, 0522, 0531, 0564,
0566, 0626, 0665, 0685, 0695, 0699, 0700, 0705, 0711,
0765, 1068, 1087, 1088, 1157, 1213, 1451, 1490, 1520,
1604, 1652, 1686
Economics-0083, 0125, 0127, 0191, 0305, 0306, 0308,
0386, 0520, 0523, 0525, 0531, 0665, 0690, 0691, 0693,
0694, 0700, 1057, 1088, 1205, 1206, 1209, 1238, 1239,
1491, 1556, 1632, 1651, 1889
Faunal Iists-0034, 0083, 0323, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379,
0564, 0634, 0765, 0820, 0821, 0968, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1830
Genetics-0037, 0062, 0301, 0770, 0771, 1201, 1668
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0127, 0131, 0145,
0147, 0148, 0150, 0179, 0300, 0395, 0396, 0397, 0521,
0524, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0698, 0699, 0700, 0701, 0704,
0705, 0709, 0711, 0764, 0775, 0820, 0929, 1068, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1206, 1211, 1223, 1490, 1524, 1601, 1604,
1659, 1661, 1684, 1686, 1830
Home range/Movements-0150, 0160, 0396, 0517, 0525,
0694, 0695, 0701, 1211, 1490
Interspecies associations-0102, 0103, 0145, 0147, 0148,
0149, 0165, 0176, 0191, 0310, 0351, 0394, 0395, 0418,
0521, 0536, 0543, 0587, 0626, 0634, 0685, 0694, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0705, 0706, 0711, 0713, 0806, 0929, 0940,
0941, 1050, 1076, 1105, 1451, 1490, 1516, 1534, 1600,
1604, 1661, 1684, 1726, 1841, 1864
I ntraspecies associaions-0394, 1211, 1223
Management-0120, 0127, 0305, 0306, 0386, 0690, 0691,
0692, 0693, 0695, 0698, 0991, 1057, 1068, 1082, 1234,
1238, 1239, 1604, 1686, 1889
Morphology/Anatomy-0037, 0062, 0300, 0302, 0763, 0764,
1178, 1201, 1572, 1602, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-0719
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0085, 0104,0122, 0333, 0382,0478,0635, 0665,
0671, 0745, 0746, 0748, 0749, 0750, 0754, 0793, 1211,
1221, 1582, 1864, 1866
Pesticides-0127, 0131, 0148, 0386, 0691, 0693, 0708,
0710, 0719, 1239, 1488
Population dynamics-0131,0148, 0395, 0397, 0517,0521,
0522, 0524, 0531, 0665, 0694, 0695, 0701, 0704, 0709,
as Prey-0021, 0421, 0486, 0566, 0703, 0712, 1069, 1071,
1073, 1073a, 1084, 1251, 1708, 1879, 1905
Reproduction-0083, 0103, 0127, 0150, 0395, 0397, 0517,
0522, 0531, 0665, 0690, 0695, 0698, 0701, 1068, 1082,
Status-0180, 0222, 0531, 1071, 1520
Systematics/Classifiation/Taxonomy-0037, 0062, 0300,
0302, 0374, 0375, 0427, 0615, 0766, 1194a, 1196a, 1417
Variation-0062, 0083, 0300, 0301, 0302, 0427, 0766
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0103, 0180, 0181, 0182,
0183, 0184, 0300, 0302, 0427, 0690, 0698, 0764, 0766,
1470, 1519, 1572, 1602
Peromyscus perimekurus (see Peromyscus
Peromyscus texensis (see Peromyscus man•
Peromyscus trues
Behavior-0083, 0418
Climate/Weather effects-0418
Coloration-0083, 0686a, 1470
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1068, 1082, 1088
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0613, 0615, 0686a,
0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1417, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0418, 1068, 1088
Economics-0083, 1088
Faunal lists-0083, 0379, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1519
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0418, 0587, 0775, 1068,
Home range/Movements-0418, 0419
Interspecies associations-0418, 0587
Management-1068, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-0486
Reproduction-0083, 1068, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0613, 0615, 0686a,
1194a, 1196a, 1417
Variation-0083, 0686a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0686a, 1470
Phenacomys sp.
as Prey-1251
Phenacomys albipes
Age/Sex ratios-1061
Behavior-0083, 0806
Coloration-0083, 0730, 0803, 0806, 1076, 1678
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1061, 1081, 1085,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0615,0730, 0775, 1076,
1081, 1085, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1476, 1600, 1601, 1659,
1678, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1835
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0711, 0806, 1061, 1604
Economics-0083, 1061
Faunal lists-0083, 1071, 1196a, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0705, 0711,
0730, 0775, 0803, 1076, 1081, 1085, 1601, 1604, 1659,
Hibernation/Estivation-1061, 1678
Home range/Movements-1061, 1678
Interspecies associations-0587, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0806,
1076, 1600, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0730, 1085, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1061
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0388, 1061, 1861, 1866
as Prey-1061
Reproduction-0083, 1061, 1081, 1085, 1678
Status-0803, 1071, 1256, 1258, 1589
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 0730, 0888,
1196a, 1678
Variation-0083, 1678
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0730, 0803, 1076, 147¢,
Phenacomys intermedius
Age/Sex ratios-1061
Coloration-0083, 0730, 0887, 1470, 1678
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 1061
Dentition-0730, 0888
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0888, 1061, 1068,
1082, 1088, 1678
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0615, 0730, 0775,
0888, 1085, 1192, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1470, 1678, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 1061, 1068,
1088, 1157
Economics-0083, 1043, 1088
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 1157, 1196a, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 0888, 1068,
1082, 1661, 1678, 1830
Hibernation/Estivation-1061, 1678
Home Range/Movements-1061, 1678
Interspecies associations-0587, 1661
Management-1068, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-0730,0887,0888, 1085, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1061
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-1061
Reproduction-0083, 0888, 1061, 1082, 1678
Status-1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 0730,
0888, 1192, 1196a, 1678
Variation-0083, 1192, 1678
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0730, 1470
Phenacomys longicaudus
Age/Sex ratios-1061, 1679
Behavior-0073, 0083, 0806
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131
Coloration-0083, 0730, 0806, 1172, 1227, 1470, 1519,
1678, 1700
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0073, 0083, 1061, 1877
Dentition-0727, 0730, 0888, 1700
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0888, 1061, 1068
1071, 1085, 1678, 1873
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0564,0583,0615,0730,
0775, 0888, 1085, 1172, 1192, 1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1256,
1258, 1470, 1519, 1601, 1659, 1678, 1820, 1821, 1822,
1835, 1873
Ecology/Natural history 0073, 0083, 0165, 0374, 0564,
0729, 0806, 1061, 10N, 1227, 1520, 1604, 1700, 1873,
Economics-0083, 1061
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 1071, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0145, 0587, 0730,
0775, 0888, 1068, 1085, 1227, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1661,
Hibernation/Estivation-1061, 1678
Home range/Movements-1061, 1678
Interspecies associations-0145, 0165, 0587, 0806, 1604,
Management-1068, 1604, 1877
rphology/Anatomy-0730, 0888, 1085, 1820, 1821
Morta l ity factorsMuseum holdings-1061
Parasites-0390, 0745, 0753, 1061, 1861
Population dynamics-0131
as Prey-0421, 1061, 1071, 1085
Reproduction-0083, 0165, 0809, 0888, 1061, 1068, 1085,
1678, 1873
Status-0806, 1071, 1256, 1258, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 0727,
0730, 0888, 1192, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1678, 1722
Variation-0083, 0727, 1192, 1678
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0727, 0730, 1470, 1519,
1700, 1835
Phenacomys orophilus (see Phenacomys
Phenacomys silvicola (see Phenacomys Ion.
Phoca richardii (see Phoca vitulina)
Phoca vitulina
Behavior-0083, 0925
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1260, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1404, 1411, 1431
Coloration-0083, 1699
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1431, 1549
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0797, 0925, 1533
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0615, 0925, 0926,
1196a, 1247, 1258, 1431, 1433, 1533, 1562, 1656, 1822
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0925, 1213, 1431
Economics-0083, 1431, 1533
Faunal lists-0083,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1431, 1549
Interspecies associations-0587
Management-1431, 1533
Mortality factors-1657
Museum holdings-1257
as Predator-1624
Reproduction-0083, 0925
Seasonal activities-1624
Status-0222, 1258, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1411, 1433, 1549,
1624, 1656, 1699
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Pi ka (see Ochotona princeps)
Piflon mouse (see Peromyscus trues)
Pipistrellus hesperus
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1785
Climate/Weather effects-0400
Coloration-0083, 0249, 0400, 1470
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0249,0400,0610,0614,
0634, 0653, 0775, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1470, 1543, 1785,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 0374, 1087, 1543
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0634, 1195,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1543
Interspecies assocatIons-0587, 1543
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1543
Seasonal activities-0400
Status-1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0400, 0610,
0614, 0653,1196a
Varlation-0083, 0400
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0249, 1470
Plecotus macrotis (see Plecotus townsendli)
Plecotus townsendli
Age/Sex ratios-1434
Behavior-0006, 0083
Coloration-0006, 0008, 0083, 0249
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1862
Diseases-0065, 1543
Distribution/Locality records-0006,0083,0143,0245,0249,
0583, 0614, 0634, 0775, 1196a, 1519, 1543, 1820, 1822,
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0249, 1087, 1434, 1519,
1520, 1543, 1604
Faunal lists-0083, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0634, 0821, 1195,
1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1434, 1543, 1604, 1862
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543, 1604
Management-1082, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0009, 1434, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1434
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-1434
as Prey-0492
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1434, 1519, 1543
Seasonal activities-1434
Status-0143, 0245, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0006, 0009, 0223,
0614, 0633, 1191, 1196a, 1196b
Variation-0006, 0083
Weights/Measurements-0006, 0009, 0083, 0249, 1191,
Porcupine (see Erethlzon dorsatum)
Preble's shrew (see Sorex preblei)
Procyon lotor
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0066, 0167, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1408, 1579, 1652,
1785, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799
Coloration-0083, 0557, 1230, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0283, 0572,0638,
1043, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1270, 1291, 1295, 1309,
1310, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1335, 1343, 1345, 1346,
1351, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374,
1375, 1541, 1621, 1622, 1773
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0634, 1043, 1068,
1082, 1588
Diseases-0243, 1105, 1652, 1888
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289,0428,0557,0563,
0564, 0615, 0634, 0775, 0929, 1043, 1196a, 1230, 1470,
1533, 1575, 1601, 1659, 1684, 1785, 1788, 1790, 1792,
1794, 1797, 1799, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0102, 0564, 0711, 1068,
1087, 1095, 1157, 1213, 1604, 1652, 1686
Economics-0083, 0638, 0804, 0905, 0918, 0919, 1235,
1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267,
1270, 1284, 1287, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310,
1311, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1329,
1331, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346,
1348, 1351, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1361,
1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375,
1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1533,
1579, 1621, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1770, 1772, 1773, 1775,
1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789,
1791, 1793, 1796, 1798
Faunal lists-0083, 0323, 0376, 0564, 0634, 0821, 1071,
1157, 1196a, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0705, 0775,
0929, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1533, 1579, 1601,
1604, 1659, 1684, 1686, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0049, 0055, 0057, 0059,
0060, 0289, 0638, 0674, 0903, 0905, 0919, 0976, 1265,
1284, 1287, 1295, 1300, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1322,
1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338,
1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1355, 1356,
1359, 1361, 1364, 1367, 1368, 1384, 1528, 1533, 1579,
1732, 1734, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1754, 1759, 1761,
1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793,
1796, 1798
Interspecles associations-0102, 0278, 0587, 0705, 0711,
0929, 0941, 1105, 1517, 1604, 1684, 1705
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0N4, 0056, 0283, 0289, 0572, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579,
0580, 0581, 0638, 1043, 1044, 1048, 1068, 1082, 1235,
1236, 1237, 1240, 1304, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1321, 1325,
1335, 1343, 1348, 1355, 1541, 1604, 1620, 1621, 1822,
1686, 1737, 1738, 1773
Morphology/Anatomy-0557, 1230, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0243, 1454, 1566, 1567, 1582
as Predator-0625, 1240, 1705, 1902
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1068, 1082
Status-1025, 1071, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1291, 1309, 1351,
1357, 1375, 1377, 1408, 1592, 1622, 1654, 1879
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0557, 0615, 1196a,
Techniques of handling and marking-0066
Tracks/Tracking -1470
Variation-0083, 0557
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0557, 1230, 1470, 1596
Pronghorn (see Antiliocapra americana)
Putorius arizonensis (see Mustela frenata)
Putorius muricus (see Mustela ermines)
Putorius saturatus (see Mustela frenata)
Putorius streatori (see Mustela ermines)
Putorius vison (see Mustela vison)
Putorius xanthogenys (see Mustela frenata)
Pygmy rabbit (see Sylvilagus idahoensis)
Raccoon (see Procyon lotor)
Rangifergroenlandicus (see Cervus elaphus)
Rattus sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1002
Rattus norvegicus
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0434, 0435,0436,
0437, 0475, 0476, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0638,
0640, 0830, 0832, 0833, 0834, 0835, 0838, 0841, 0842,
0843, 0844, 0845, 0855, 0856, 0859, 0870, 1233, 1239,
1307, 1556, 1620, 1773
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0479,0481,0483,0489,
0491, 0615, 0775, 1196a, 1227, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0685
Economics-0083, 0434, 0449, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,
0638, 1233, 1239, 1556, 1773, 1775, 1784, 1796
Faunal lists-0083, 0376, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0587,
0685, 0775, 1082
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1796
Interspecles associations-0536, 0587, 0685
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1654
Management-0434, 0435, 0436, 0437, 0475, 0476, 0638,
0640, 0830, 0834, 0835, 0838, 0841, 0842, 0843, 0844,
0845, 0856, 0859, 0870, 1082, 1233, 1239, 1307, 1620,
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0745, 1566, 1567, 1866
Pesticides-0838, 1239, 1773
as Prey-0021, 0718, 1069, 1708
as Predator-1640
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Rattus rattus
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0434,0435, 0436,
0437, 0475, 0476, 0640, 0835, 0843, 0845, 0848, 0855,
0856, 0859, 1307, 1620
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0615, 0775, 1196a,
1227, 1490, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083
Economics-0083, 0434, 0449
Faunal lists-0083, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1490
I nterspecies associations-0587, 1490
Management-0434, 0435, 0436, 0437, 0475, 0476, 0640,
0835, 0843, 0845, 0848, 0858, 0859, 1307, 1620
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Red fox (see Vulpes vulpes)
Red squirrel (see Tamiasclurus hudsonicus)
Red tree vole (see Phenacomys longicaudus)
Reithrodontomys kalmathensis (see Reithrodontomys megalotis)
Reithrodontomys megalotis
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0394, 0514
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0514
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1089
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0563,0615,0634, 0735,
0775, 1196a, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0394, 0395, 0685,
Economics-0083, 0514, 1089
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0634, 0820,
0821, 0968, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0395, 0587, 0634, 0685,
0775, 0820, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1089
Interspecles associations-0394, 0395, 0587, 0685, 0940,
I ntraspecies associations-0394
Morphology/Anatomy-1620, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-0021, 0162, 1073, 1073a, 1084, 1634
Reproduction-0083, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 0735,
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Rhithrodontomys kalmathensis (see Rolthrodontomys megalotis)
Ringtail (see Bassariscus astutus)
River otter (see Lutra canadensis)
Rocky mountain elk (see Cervus elaphus
Rodentia unspecified
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0722
Ecology/Natural history-1580
Economics-0515, 0722
Roosevelt elk (see Cervus elaphus roosevelti)
Sagebrush vole (see Lagurus curtatus)
Scapanus sp.
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1556, 1673
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0109, 0126, 0305,
0306, 0835, 0914, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1238, 1270, 1300,
1366, 1375, 1556, 1620, 1622, 1643
Distribution/Locality records-0929
Ecology/Natural history-0174
Economics-0109, 0126, 0305, 0306, 0914, 1231, 1233,
1238, 1270, 1300, 1325, 1366, 1375, 1556, 1673
Habitats/Habitat usage-0929
Interspecles associations-0929
Management-0109, 0305, 0306, 0835, 0914, 1231, 1232,
1233, 1238, 1300, 1493, 1620, 1622
as Prey-1879, 1914, 1918
as Predator-0625
Seasonal activities-1049
Scapanus alpinus (see Scapanus latimanus)
Scapanus californicus (see Scapanus latimanus)
Scapanus dilatus (see Scapanus latimanus)
Scapanus latimanus
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0956, 1869
Climate/Weather effects-1419
Coloration-0083, 0952, 0956, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0954, 0956, 1869
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0956
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0224, 0952, 1863,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0614, 0775, 0956,
1194a, 1196a, 1419, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1869
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0374, 1157, 1869
Economics-0083, 0954, 1869
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 0952
Interspecles associations-0587
Management-0954, 0956
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0750, 1863
as Prey-1058
Reproduction-0083, 0952, 1869
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0784,
1160, 1194a, 1196a, 11966, 1419, 1724
Variation-0083, 1419
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0784, 1160, 1419, 1470
Scapanus orarius
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0083, 0952, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0832, 1869
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 1864
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0952, 1068,
1082, 1203, 1863, 1869
Distribution/Locality records- 0083, 0564, 0614, 0775,
0956, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1601, 1659, 1820, 1822, 1823,
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 0685, 0705,
0711, 0958, 1068, 1W4, 1652, 1869
Economics-0083, 0954, 1869
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 1071, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1601 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0685, 0705,
0711, 0775, 0952, 1068, 1082, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1830
Interspecles associations-0310, 0536, 0587, 0685, 0701,
0705, 0711, 1604, 1864
Management-1068, 1082, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-1070, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0750, 1863, 1864, 1866
as Prey-1069
Reproduction-0083, 0958, 1068, 1082, 1869
Status-1071, 1203
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0784,
1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0952, 1470
Scapanus townsendii
Behavlor-0083, 0958, 1204, 1436
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,
0956, 1547, 1605, 1606, 1848, 1869
Coloration-0685, 0833, 0952, 0956, 1152, 1227, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0832, 0833, 0836, 09M, 0956, 1357, 1547,
1605,1606, 1848, 1869
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0479, 0481, 0489,
0491, 0956,0%8, 1227, 1435, 1436, 1547, 1606, 1848
Development/Growth-0958, 1435
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0626, 0952, 1203,
1435, 1547, 1605, 1863, 1869, 1874
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0479,0481,0483,0489,
0491, 0564, 0614, 0775, 0929, 0956, 1194a, 1196a, 1227,
1470, 1547, 1601, 1606, 1659, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1869
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0479, 0481, 0483,
0564, 0626, 0958, 1204, 1227, 1435, 1436, 1547, 1554,
1604, 1605, 1848, 1869
Economics-0083, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,0954, 0956,0958,
1203, 1205, 1227, 1357, 1547, 1605
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0968,
1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0483, 0491, 0587,
0775, 0929, 0952, 1601, 1804, 1659
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1227
Home range/Movements-0535, 0536, 0537
Interspecies associations-0384, 0536, 0537, 0587, 0626,
0713, 0929, 1604, 1841 1848
Management-0836, 0954, 0956, 1604, 1606
Morphology/Anatomy-1070, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1435
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0333,0390, 0750, 0758, 0795, 0920, 1435, 1863,
Population dynamics-0535
as Prey-1069, 1435, 1605
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0952, 0958, 1204,
1435, 1547, 1605, 1869
Seasonal activities-1547
Status-0083, 0222 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0784,
1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0784, 0956, 0958, 1435,
Sciuropterus (see Glaucomys)
Sciurus sp.
Economics-1209, 1482
Sciurus carolinensis
Census/Survey methods/Survey reports/Population estimates-0685
Distribution/Locality records-0654, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0685
Faunal lists-0968
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 0685
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0654
Interspecies associations-0587, 0685
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0654, 1025, 1410
Management-0654, 1410
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Sciurus douglasii (see Tamiasciurus douglash)
Sciurus fossor (see Sciurus griseus)
Sciurus griseus
Behavior-0083, 0248, 1577
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0025, 0685, 1318, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1355,
1357, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391,
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0698, 1198,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0212, 0248, 0654,
1068, 1082, 1088, 1198, 1577
Diseases-1346, 1577, 1652
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0317,0563,0583,0614,
0654, 0698, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1421, 1519, 1601, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0374, 0685, 1068,
1088, 1157, 1198, 1213, 1357, 1520, 1577, 1652, 1686,
Economics-0083, 0126, 0127, 0256, 0974, 1088, 1198,
1205, 1343, 1346, 1375, 1555, 1577, 1773
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0256, 0587, 0685, 0698,
0775, 1068, 1082, 1198, 1601, 1686, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0654, 0975, 1351, 1357, 1370,
1371, 1382, 1421, 1579
Home range/Movements-0248, 1577
Interspecies associations-0587, 0685, 1534
Introduction (exotics, transplants)-1408
Management-0414, 0499, 0500, 0503, 0506, 0654, 0698,
1044, 1068, 1082, 1198, 1307, 1314, 1318, 1333, 1340,
1343, 1346, 1422, 1686, 1773
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-1362, 1366
as Prey-1905
Reproduction-0083, 0248, 0698, 1068, 1082, 1577
Status-0222, 1325, 1327, 1333, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1370,
1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1385, 1391, 1408, 1520,
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0015, 0374, 0614,
1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1259, 1501
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0317, 0698
Sciurus hudonius (see Glaucomys sabrinus)
Sciurus hudsonicus (see Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
Sciurus niger
Distribution/Locality records-1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-1686
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 1082, 1686
Interspecies associations-0587
Management-1082, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Sea otter (see Enhydra lutris)
Shrew-mole (see Neurotrichus gibbsh)
Silver-haired bat (see Lasionycteris noctiva:
Small-footed myotis (see Myotis leibii)
Snowshoe hare (see Lepus americanus)
Sorex sp.
Control Methods/Prevention of damage-0125, 0691, 0693
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0125, 0308, 0520, 0690,
0700, 0704
Ecology/Natural history-0174, 0700, 0723
Economics-0125, 0127, 0308, 0520, 0690, 0691, 0693,
0700, 0972, 0974, 1209, 1491
Faunal lists-0323
Habitats/Habitat usage-0700, 0704
Management-0691, 0693
Parasites-0745, 0945
Pesticides-0691, 0693, 1488
Population dynamics-0704
as Prey-0421, 0712, 1058, 1069, 1215, 1708, 1879
as Predator-0625
Sorex bairdii (see Sorex monticolus)
Sorex bendirii
Behavior-0083, 1427
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0900
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0900, 0961, 1056,
1071, 1860
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0583,0614,0701,
0775, 1196a, 1601, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0379, 0564, 0685, 0705,
0711, 1157, 1604
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0379, 0564, 0821, 1071,
1157, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0131, 0145, 0587,
0685, 0701, 0705, 0711, 0775, 1601, 1604
Interspecies associations-0145, 0587, 0685, 0701, 0705,
0706, 0711, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-1067, 1820, 1821
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0333, 0746, 1079, 1865
Population dynamics-0131, 0701
as Prey-048B
as Predator-0961
Reproduction-0083, 0701
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0313, 0379, 0614,
0788, 1151, 1156, 1196a, 1196b
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0701, 0788, 1156, 1427
Sorex merriami
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0114, 0304,0527,0564,
0614, 0634, 0775, 0788, 0990, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0564, 1087
Faunal lists-0083, 0564, 0634, 0821,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 0775, 0786, 0990, 1072,
1082, 1087
Interspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Reproduction-0083, 1082
Status-1025, 1256, 1258, 1589
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0114, 0304, 0614,
0788, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0786
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0304, 0990
Sorex monticolus
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0181, 0685
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1068, 1082, 1206
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0775, 1194a, 1196a,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0685, 1068
Faunal lists-0083, 0968, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0685, 0775, 1068, 1082,
Interspecies associations-0685, 1050
Management-1068, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Parasites-0745, 0746, 0750
Reproduction-0083, 1068, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0399, 0664, 0688,
1162, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0181, 0399, 0688
Sorex obscurus (see Sorex monticolus)
Sorex omatus (see Sorex vagrans)
Sorex pacificus
Behavior-0083, 1066, 1080
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0180, 1076
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0179, 0189
Coloration-0083, 1470
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1066, 1080, 1206,
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0601, 0614, 0775,
1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0174, 0711, 1071
Faunal lists-0083, 0376, 0378, 0379, 1071, 1194a, 1195,
1196a, 1196b, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 0601, 0711, 0775, 1206
Interspecies associations-0103, 0587, 0711, 1076, 1600
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Parasites-0333, 0746, 1079, 1865
as Predator-1066
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0235, 0399, 0614,
0664, 0788, 1156, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0179, 0180, 0399, 0788,
Sorex palustris
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0961, 1068, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0614,0634,0775,
1196a, 1490, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0564, 1068, 1157
Faunal lists-0083, 0564, 0634, 0821, 1157, 1196a, 1684,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0090, 0131, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1068, 1082, 1490, 1661, 1684 1830
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1490, 1661, 1684
Management-1068, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1866
Population dynamics-0131
as Predator-0961, 1250
Reproduction-0083, 1068, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 0788, 1194a
Sorex preblei
Coloration-0083, 0614, 0787
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0614,0634,0686,0775,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-1087
Faunal lists-0083, 0634, 1195,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0634, 0775, 1072,
1082, 1087
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634
Morphology/Anatomy-0614, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 1866
Status-1025, 1256, 1258, 1589
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 0785, 0787,
0788, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0614, 0787, 0788
Sorex trigonirostris (see Sorex vagrans)
Sorex trowbrldgii
Age/Sex ratios-0148, 0529
Behavior-0083, 0148
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0148, 0179, 0865, 1545
Coloration-0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0708
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0626, 0699,
0709, 1088, 1206, 1860
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0614,0701,0775,1156,
1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1601, 1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0148, 0374, 0517, 0529,
0626, 0699, 0711, 0865, 1088, 1604
Economics-0523, 1088, 1206
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0821, 0968,
1071, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1601, 1684, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0145, 0148, 0517,
0524, 0587, 0699, 0701, 0705, 0709, 0711, 0775, 0865,
1206, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1684
Interspecles assoclations-0145, 0148, 0149, 0310, 0521,
0543, 0587, 0626, 0699, 0701, 0705, 0706, 0711, 0713,
0865, 1050, 1076, 1223, 1604, 1684
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0333, 0671,0746, 1079, 1566, 1567, 1865,
Pesticides-0131, 0148, 0708
Population dynamics-0131, 0148, 0524, 0529, 0701, 0709
Reproduction-0083, 0529, 0701
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0087, 0374, 0584,
0614, 0788, 1156, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0179, 0529, 0701, 0788,
1156, 1470
Sorex vagrans
Age/Sex ratios-0148, 0703
Behavior-0083, 0148, 0703, 1080
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates- 0131, 0148, 0685,1545
Coloration-0083, 0695, 0787, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0708, 0900
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0695, 0699, 0703,
0709, 0900, 1062, 1068, 1080, 1082, 1860
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0564,0614,0634,0701,
0775, 0929, 1156, 1194a, 1196a, 1258, 1470, 1490, 1519,
1601, 1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0148, 0374, 0395, 0517,
064, 0685, 0699, 0703, 0705, 0711, 1068, 1087, 1157,
1520, 1604
Economics-0523, 0900, 1205
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564,
0634, 0821, 0968, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1519,
1520, 1601, 1684,1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0131, 0145, 0148,
0395, 0517, 0524, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0895, 0699, 0701,
0703, 0705, 0709, 0711, 0775, 0929, 1068, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1490, 1601, 1604, 1659, 1661, 1684, 1830
Interspecies associations-0103, 0145, 0148, 0149, 0395,
0521, 0536, 0537, 0543, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0694, 0695,
0699, 0701, 0703, 0705, 0706, 0711, 0806, 0929, 1490,
1604, 1661, 1684 1841
Management-1008,1082, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0695, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0333, 0635, 0746, 1079, 1865, 1866
Pesticides-0131, 0148, 0708
Population dynamics-0131, 0148, 0524, 0701, 0709
as Prey-1084
as Predator-0192, 1071, 1220
Reproduction-0083, 0695, 0701, 0703, 1068, 1082
Status-0397, 1258, 1520
Systematics/Classif IcatIon/Taxonomy-0374, 0399, 0614,
0664, 0787, 0788, 0930, 1156, 1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0399, 0695, 0701, 0703,
0787, 0930, 1470, 1519
Sorex yaquinae (see Sorex pacificus)
Southern red-backed vole (see Clethrionomys
Spermophilus sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0109, 0306, 0386,
0435, 0447, 0453, 0460, 0469, 0638, 0833, 0834, 0835,
0837, 0843, 0849, 0850, 0851, 0852, 0857, 0858, 0859,
1232, 1233, 1234, 1238, 1240, 1620, 1622, 1643, 1791,
1793, 1796
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0308, 1643
Diseases-0382, 1803, 1806
Economics-0109, 0127, 0256, 0306, 0308, 0386, 0638,
0817, 0974, 1233, 1238, 1240, 1778, 1786, 1791
Faunal lists-0321,1743
Habitats/Habitat usage-0256, 0321
Interspecies associations-0382
Management-0109, 0140, 0306, 0386, 0435, 0447, 0453,
00460, 0469, 0638, 0817, 0834, 0835, 0837, 0843, 0849,
0850, 0851, 0852, 0857, 0858, 0859, 1232, 1233, 1234,
1238, 1240, 1493, 1620, 1622, 1791, 1793, 1796
PesticIdes-0386, 0638, 1232, 1240, 1791, 1793, 1796
as Prey-1634, 1900
Spermophilus beecheyl
Behavior-0083, 0121, 0712
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0712, 1848
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685, 1545, 1652
Climate/Weather effects-0200
Coloration-0083, 0354, 0695, 0744, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0365, 0448, 0479,
0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0691, 1848, 1849
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0351, 0353, 1848
Development/Growth-0351, 0352, 1001
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0351, 0353, 0626,
0690, 0695, 0699, 0701, 0721, 1640, 1641
Diseases-0946, 1105, 102, 1811
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0351,0354,0479,0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0563, 0583, 0614, 0744, 0775, 1194a,
1196a, 1227, 1470, 1490, 1519, 1601, 1684, 1820,1822,
Ecol og y/Natural history 0083, 0200, 0374, 0479, 0481,
04M, 0489, 0491, 0566, 0626, 0685, 0699, 0711, 1157,
1213, 1520, 1604, 1640, 1852, 1848
Economics-0035, 0083, 0351, 0365, 0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0523, 0690, 0691, 1227
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0379, 0821, 1071, 1157,
1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0131, 0145, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0524, 0587, 0685, 0695, 0699, 0701, 0705, 0711,
0775, 1490, 1601, 1604, 1684
Hibernation/Estivation-0121, 0351, 0352, 0353, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0695, 0869
Home range/Movements-0121
Interspecies associations-0035, 0145, 0149, 0351, 0587,
0626, 0685, 0694, 0695, 0699, 0701, 0705, 0711, 1004,
1105, 1490, 1604, 1684, 1726, 1841, 1848
Intraspecies associations-0121
Management-0365, 0448, 0691, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0695, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0351, 0745, 0752, 0754, 0755, 0945, 0946,
Pesticides-0131, 0691
Population dynamics-0131, 0524
as Prey-0486, 0566, 0996, 1073, 1251, 1634, 1879
as Predator-0371, 0712, 0721, 1640, 1641
Reproduction-0083, 0121, 0200, 0351, 0352, 0479, 0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0695
Seasonal activities-0121, 0351, 0352
Status-0222, 1071, 1520, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0744,
1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1503
Variation-0083, 0354
Weights/Measurements -0083, 0351, 0352, 0354, 0695,
1 470
Spermophilus beldingi
Age/Sex ratios-0227, 1542
Behavior-0083, 0229, 1516, 1726, 1728
Coloration-0083, 0744, 1726
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0305, 0448, 0479,
0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0899, 1239, 1542, 1665, 1667
Diet/Foods/Feed ing/N utrition -0083, 1068, 1082, 1542,
1667, 1726
Diseases-0902, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1804, 1805, 1807, 1808,
1810, 1811
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0331, 0479, 0481,0483,
0489, 0491, 0583, 0614, 0834, 0744, 0775, 1194a, 1196a,
1726, 1727, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1867
Ecology/Natural history-003, 0374, 0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491, 1068, 1087, 1157, 1726, 1867
Economics-0083, 0305, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,
1239, 1542, 1667
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0379, 0634, 0820,
0821, 1157, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0227, 0331, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0587, 0634, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072, 1082,
1087, 1726, 1727, 1867
Hibernation/Estivation-0083, 0227, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0869, 1726, 1867
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1516, 1534, 1726
Management-0305, 0448, 0899, 1068, 1082, 1239
Morphology/Anatomy-0587, 0744
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 0745, 0752, 0755, 0756, 0902, 1726, 1800,
1801, 1802, 1804, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1811, 1866
Pesticides-0899, 1239
Population dynamics-0227
as Prey-0162, 1073a, 1516, 1726
Reproduction-0083, 0227, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,
1068, 1082, 1726
Seasonal activities-1726
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0331, 0374, 0603,
0614, 0744, 1167, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1515, 1721
Variation-0083, 0603, 1515
Vocalizations-1516, 1728
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0744
Spermophilus chrysodeirus (see Spermophilus lateral's)
Spermophilus columbianus
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0305, 0479,0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 1239
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1068, 1082, 1584,
Diseases-0942, 1801, 1802, 1804
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0331,0479,0481,0483,
0489, 0491, 0614, 0741, 0744, 0775, 1196a, 1727, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489,
0491, 1068, 1585
Economics-0083, 0305, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491,
Faunal lists-0083, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0331, 0483, 0489, 0491,
0587, 0775, 1068, 1082, 1661, 1727
Hibernation/EstivatIon-0489, 0491, 0869
Interspecies associations-0587, 1661, 1726
Management-0305, 1068, 1082, 1239
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0745, 0752, 0755, 1801, 1802, 1804
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1068,
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0331, 0614, 0741,
0744, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0741
Spermophilus elegans
Coloration-0083, 1470
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0614,0741,0744,0775,
1194a, 1196a, 1256, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083,1087
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0775, 1072,
1087, 1218
Interspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-1634
Status-1256, 1589
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0603, 0614, 0741,
0744, 1194a, 1196a, 1218
Variation-0083, 0603
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0741, 1470
Spermophilus grammurus (see Spermophilus
Spermophilus lateral's
Age/Sex ratios-0562, 1891
Behavior-0083, 0560, 0581, 0582, 0768, 1534, 1577, 1701,
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population dynamics-0131
Coloration-0083, 0562, 0743, 0768, 1044, 1227, 1387
Competition-0562, 0768
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0125, 0698
8 0562, 0768, 1227,
Development/Growth-0562, 1001
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0125, 0308, 0562,
0768, 1068, 1082, 1088, 1387, 1534, 1577, 1664, 1859,
Diseases-1387, 1577
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0562,0564,0614,0634,
0698, 0743, 0744, 0765, 0775, 1196a, 1227, 1519, 1583,
1601, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0374, 0562, 0564,
0705, 0765, 0768, 0769, 1068, 1087, 1088, 1157, 1227,
1520, 1577, 1664
Economics-0083, 0125, 0127, 0308, 0562, 1088, 1577,
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0765,
0820, 0821, 0968, 1157, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601,
1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0131, 0562, 0587,
0834, 0698, 0705, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087,
1601, 1661, 1684, 1830
Hibernation/Estivation-0224, 0562, 0698, 0765, 0768, 1227,
1701, 1891
Home range/Movements-0562, 0698, 1577, 1891
Interspecies associations-0430, 0562, 0587, 0634, 0698,
0705, 0769, 1534, 1661, 1684, 1726
Intraspecies associations-1891
Management-0698, 1044, 1068, 1082
Morphology/Anatomy-1044, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0835, 0745, 0752, 1866
Population dynamics-0131, 0562
as Prey-0486, 1387, 1634
as Predator-0185
Reproduction-0083, 0562, 0698, 0768, 1068, 1082, 1577,
Seasonal activities-1701
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0743,
0744, 1154, 1196a, 1196b
Techniques of handling and marking-0769
Vocalizations-0083, 0561, 0562
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0562, 0698, 0743, 0744,
07N, 1154, 1519, 1891
Spermophilus mollis (see Spermophilus
Spermophilus oregonus (see Spermophilus
Spermophilus richardsonii(see Spermophilus
Spermophilus townsendii
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685
Coloration-0083, 0744, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0479, 0481, 0483,
0489, 0491
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082, 1664
Diseases-0489, 1808
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0091, 0331,0479,0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0614, 0744, 0775, 1194a, 1196a,
1470, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0395, 0479, 0481,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0685, 1087, 1664
Economics-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0820, 0968, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0331, 0395, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0587, 0685, 0775, 0820, 1072, 1082, 1087
Hibernation/Estivation-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489,0491,
Interspecies associations-0395, 0587, 0685
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0752, 0754, 0755, 1808
as Prey-1073, 1073a, 1084
Reproduction-0083, 0479, 0481, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0331, 0374, 0614,
0744, 1167, 1175, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1217, 1721
Variation-0083, 1175, 1217
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Spermophilus washingtoni'
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0491
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0491,0614, 0744,0775,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1525, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Locality records-0083
Faunal lists-0083, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1082, 1525
Interspecies associations-0587, 0940, 0941
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Prey-0083
Reproduction-0083, 1082
Status-1256, 1258, 1525
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 0744, 1196a
Spilogale gracilis
Age/Sex ratios-0422
Behavior-0083, 0712, 1043, 1836
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 1579, 1785, 1788, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799
Coloration-0083, 0734, 0965, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0283, 0876, 0877,
0878, 0879, 0880, 1043, 1236, 1237, 1291, 1295, 1300,
1309, 1310, 1325, 1332, 1351, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369,
1370, 1374, 1622
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-1705, 1864
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0310, 0965, 1043,
1066, 1068, 1071, 1082, 1588
Diseases-0932, 1888
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0563, 0564, 0583,0615,
0634, 0734, 0775, 0965, 1043, 1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1470,
1490, 1519, 1575, 1601, 1659, 1785, 1788, 1792, 1794,
1797, 1799, 1815, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0564, 0711, 1068,
1087, 1157, 1213, 1365, 1451, 1520, 1604
Economics-0083, 0643, 0804, 0919, 0965, 1236, 1237,
1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1287, 1291,
1295, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320,
1325, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341,
1343, 1344, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1357,
1359, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374,
1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411,
1579, 1772, 1776, 1783
Faunal lists-0083, 0226, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564,
0634, 0821, 1071, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519,
1520, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0145, 0587, 0634, 0705,
0711, 0775, 1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1490, 1579,
1601, 1604
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0903, 0919, 0965, 1237, 1265, 1284,
1287, 1300, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327,
1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343,
1344, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1364, 1367,
1368, 1384, 1528, 1533, 1579, 1732, 1734, 1740, 1741,
1742, 1744, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767,
1769, 1772, 1776, 1783
H ibernation/Estivation- 1519, 1588
Interspecies associations-0035, 0145, 0310, 0587, 0701,
0705, 0711, 0806, 1451, 1490, 1604, 1705, 1841, 1864
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0283, 0289, 0414, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579,0580,
0581, 0876, 0877, 088, 0879, 0880, 1043, 1068, 1082,
1236, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1310, 1325, 1332, 1604, 1620,
1622, 1737, 1738
' Bailey (1936) referred to Spermopilus washingtoni as
Citellus townsendii. See Howell (1938) for explanation.
Morphology/Anatomy-0422, 0423, 0571, 0734, 1141, 1142,
1143, 1144, 1145, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0932, 0945, 1567, 1864
as Predator-0083, 0701, 0710, 0712, 1066, 1841
Physiology/Metabolism-0423, 0424, 0571, 1144, 1145
Reproduction-0083, 0422, 0423, 0424, 0571, 0965, 1043,
1068, 1082, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145
Status-1025, 1071, 1291, 1309, 1351, 1357, 1375, 1377,
1520, 1609, 1622
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0615, 0734,
1143, 1153, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1815
Variation-0083, 0422, 0965
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0734, 1142, 1153, 1470,
Spilogale phenax (see Spilogale gracilis)
Spilogale putorius (see Spilogale gracilis)
Spotted bat (see Euderma maculatum)
Striped skunk (see Mephitis mephitis)
Sylvilagus sp.
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1357
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0386, 1041, 1518,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0700, 1041, 1483, 1643
Distribution/Locality records-0929
Ecology/Natural history-0700
Economics-0386, 0700, 1518
Habitats/Habitat usage-0700, 0929
Interspecies associations-0929
Management-0386, 1041, 1518
Pesticides-0386, 0710
Population dynamics-1351
as Prey-1069
Status-1343, 1357
Sylvilagus bachmani
Age/Sex ratios-0196
Behavior-0083, 0203, 0298
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1078, 1556
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1545, 1652
Coloration-0083, 0298, 1226, 1349, 1388, 1470, 1824
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0127,0129,
0134, 0190, 0264, 0305, 0306, 0697, 1198, 1232, 1233,
1234, 1238, 1239, 1556, 1620, 1622
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0127, 0133, 0308,
0520, 0679, 0697, 0699, 0704, 1198
Diseases-0946, 1652
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0190, 0298,0564,0567,
0583, 0606, 0614, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1226, 1388, 1470,
1519, 1577, 1601, 1659, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0298, 0564, 0685,
0699, 0705, 1198, 1213, 1451, 1520, 1604, 1652
Economics-0083, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0133, 0136,
0161, 0190, 0256, 0264, 0305, 0306, 0308, 0520, 0697,
0974, 1198, 1205, 1233, 1238, 1239, 1556
Faunal lists-0083, 0226, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0127, 0129, 0145, 0196,
0256, 0298, 0587, 0685, 0699, 0704, 0705, 0775, 0918,
1198, 1349, 1533, 1601, 1604, 1659
Home range/Movements-0196, 0918
Interspecies associations-0145, 0149, 0203 0351, 0384,
0587, 0679, 0685, 0699, 0705, 1076, 1451, 1604, 1864
Management-0127, 0134, 0305, 0306, 0697, 1198, 1232,
1233, 1234, 1238, 1239, 1335, 1604, 1620, 1622
Morphology/Anatomy-0917, 1820, 1823, 1824
Museum holdings-1257
Orientation/Homing-0196, 0918
45, 091852,
Z 0746
Pesticides-0127 , 0697 , 1232 , 1239
Population dynamics-0704
as Prey-0703, 0996, 1251, 1879
Reproduction-0083, 0127, 0199, 1349, 1388, 1819
Status-1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1520, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0298, 0606, 0614,
1193, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1226
Tracks/Tracking-0196, 0918
Variation-0083, 0917
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0298, 0917, 1226, 1470,
Sylvilagus floridanus
Age/Sex ratios-1666, 1718, 1719
Behavior-0201, 0203
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685, 1332, 1343, 1652
Climate/Weather effects-0201
Coloration-1388, 1824
Diseases-1105, 1652
Distribution/Locality records-0567,0775,0929,1332,1340,
1388, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1825'
Ecology/Natural history-0202, 0626, 0685, 1652
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 0685, 0775, 0929
Home range/Movements-0202
Interspecies associations-0203, 0587, 0626, 0685, 0929,
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-0567, 0775, 1533
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823, 1824
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-1343, 1718, 1719
Reproduction-1388, 1718, 1719
Seasonal activities-0201
Status-1340, 1345, 1346
Weights/Measurements-1719, 1824
Sylvilagus idahoensis
Behavior-0083, 1577
Coloration-0083, 1349, 1388
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0261
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0606,0614,0634,
0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1226, 1256, 1258, 1388, 1546, 1577,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0298, 0374, 0564, 1087,
Economics-0083, 0261
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 0820,
1194a, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0298, 0587, 0634,
0775, 0820, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1349, 1533, 1573
Interspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0085, 0122, 0751
as Prey-0162, 1634
Reproduction-0083, 1082, 1349, 1388
Status-0614, 1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0298, 0374, 0606,
0614, 1194a, 1196a, 1226
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0298
Sylvilagus nuttaiiii
Age/Sex ratios-1468,1469
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0685, 1112, 1262, 1267, 1355, 1545
CI imate/VVeat her effects-1111, 1112
Coloration-0083, 1349, 1388, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126, 0190, 0698
Development/Growth-1349, 1468, 1607
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1068, 1082, 1088
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0190,0564,0583,0606,
0614, 0634, 0698, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1226, 1388, 1470,
1577, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0256, 0374, 0395, 0564,
0685, 1068, 1087, 1088, 1095, 1157, 1213
Economics-0083, 0126, 0190, 0256, 1088
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0321, 0374, 0584, 0634, 0820,
0821, 1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1743
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0256, 0298, 0321,
0395, 0587, 0634, 0685, 0898, 0775, 0820, 1068, 1072,
1082, 1087, 1111, 1113, 1349, 1533
Home range/Movements-1111, 1113, 1607
Interspecies associations-0176, 0395, 0587, 0634, 0685,
0940, 0941, 1516, 1534, 1726
Management-0698, 1068, 1082, 1111
Morphology/Anatomy-1607, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1111,1112
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0085, 0122, 0635, 1866
Population dynamics-1111, 1112, 1346, 1488, 1469, 1607
as Prey-0162, 0944, 0955, 1084, 1708, 1900
Reproduction-0083, 0698,1068, 1082, 1349, 1388, 1468,
Status-0397, 1262, 1267, 1332
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0063, 0298, 0374,
0606, 0614, 0745, 1023, 1194a, 1196a, 1226
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0298, 0698, 1470, 1607
Tadarida brasiliensis
Distribution/Locality records-0221,0249,0614,0775,0823,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1543, 1581, 1637, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0249,1543
Faunal lists-1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0587, 0775, 1543
Interspecies associations-0587, 1543, 1637
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Status-0221, 1256, 1258, 1581, 1589, 1637
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0614, 1196a
Tadarida mexicana (see Tadarida brasiliensis)
Tamias asiaticus (see Eutamias minimus)
Tamias chrysodeirus (see Spermophilus la.
Tamias quadrimaculatus (see Eutamias
Tamias townsendii (see Eutamias townsendll)
Tamlasclurus sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0126
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0308, 0520
Economics-0128, 0308,0520, 1482
Tamlasclurus douglasii
Behavior-0083, 0560, 1577
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Coloration-0083, 0655, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0129, 0305,0698,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0410, 0899, 0700,
0701,'0704, 0971, 1068, 1082, 1088, 1089, 1227, 1310,
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0564,0614,0655,0775,
1194a, 1196a, 1227, 1470, 1490, 1519, 1601, 1659, 1684,
1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0374, 0517,0564,
0685, 0699, 0700, 0711, 1068, 1088, 1213, 1227, 1520,
1577, 1604, 1686, 1877
Economics-0083, 0127, 0129, 0161, 0305, 0410, 0700,
0974, 1088, 1089, 1205, 1577
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 0821,
1071, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1519, 1520, 1601, 1684,
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0129, 0131, 0517,
0524, 0587, 0685, 0M, 0699, 0700, 0701, 0704, 0705,
0711, 0775, 1068, 1082, 1089, 1490, 1601, 1604, 1659,
1684, 1686, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1227
Home range/Movements-1577
lnterspecies associations-0430, 0524, 0587, 0685, 0699,
0701, 0705, 0711, 1310, 1490, 1604, 1684, 1846
Management-0305, 0698, 0840, 1068, 1082, 1604, 1686,
Morphology/Anatomy-1065, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0038, 0122, 0333, 0754, 0945, 1222, 1448
Population dynamics-0131, 0704
as Prey-0703, 1251, 1634
Reproduction-0083, 1068, 1082, 1577
Status-0222, 1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0013, 0015, 0020,
0374, 0614, 0655, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b
Variation-0013, 0083
Vocalizations-0083, 0655, 1846
Weights/Measurements-0013, 0083, 1470, 1519
Tamlasciurus hudsonicus
Coloration-0083, 0655
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0985, 1068, 1082,
1088, 1089
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0614, 0655, 0775,
1194a, 1196a, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0374, 0985, 1068, 1088,
Economics-0083, 0127, 0974, 1088, 1089, 1491
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 1194a, 1196a, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0587, 0775, 1068,
1082, 1089, 1661, 1686
I nterspecies associations-0587, 1661
Management-1068, 1082, 1686
Morphology/Anatomy-1065, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0745, 0746
Reproduction-0083, 1068, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374, 0614, 0855,
1194a, 1196a
Taxidea americana (see Taxidea taxus)
Taxidea taxus
Age/Sex ratios-0884
Behavior-0083, 0322, 1043
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1263, 1267, 1579, 1785, 1788, 1790,
1792, 1794, 1797, 1799
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0283, 0572,0638,
0773, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0884, 1043, 1235, 1236,
1237, 1239, 1240, 1291, 1297, 1300, 1309, 1310, 1314,
1318, 1325, 1327, 1335, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1354, 1357,
1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1375, 1621, 1622
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043, 1082, 1588
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289,0564,0615,0634,
0698, 0775, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1575, 1785, 1788,
1790, 1792, 1794, 1797, 1799, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0322, 0564, 1087, 1095,
1157, 1213, 1365
Economics-0083, 0638, 0773, 0804, 0919, 1235, 1236,
1237, 1239, 1240, 1280, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267, 1270,
1284, 1291, 1297, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1315,
1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1329, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340,
1344, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1351, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1356,
1357, 1359, 1364, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371,
1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408,
1411, 1579, 1621, 1770, 1772, 1775, 1776, 1783, 1784,
1786, 1787, 1791, 1793, 1796,1798
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0564, 0634, 0821, 0968,
1157, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0634, 0775,
1043, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1533, 1579
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0638, 0919, 1265, 1284, 1300, 1304,
1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1334,
1335, 1338, 1340, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1354,
1355, 1356, 1359, 1364, 1367, 1368, 1384, 1533, 1541,
1579, 1732, 1734, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1754, 1756,
1759, 1761, 1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783,
1791, 17960798
Home range/Movements-1271
Interspecies associations-0112, 0587, 0940, 0941, 1516,
1517, 1534, 1661,1914
Management-0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0048, 0052,
0054, 0056, 0283, 0289, 0572, 0575, 0577, 0578, 0579,
0580, 0581, 0638, 0773, 0877, 0878, 0879, 0880, 0884,
1043, 1082, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1297, 1300,
1304, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1335, 1346, 1620,
1621, 1622, 1737, 1738
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 1809
as Prey-1708
as Predator-0083, 1240, 1387, 1516
Reproduction-0083, 1043, 1082
Status-0222, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1291,
1309, 1351, 1357, 1375, 1377, 1475, 1622
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Tenoma fusca (see Neotoma cinerea)
Thomomys sp.
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0265, 0266, 0479, 0481, 1556,
1672, 1874
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0036, 0095, 0127,
0129, 0132, 0134, 0188, 0189, 0190, 0265, 0266, 0306,
0386, 0472, 0479, 0481, 0638, 0666, 0668, 0817, 0825,
0870, 1039, 1232, 1233, 1238, 1240, 1241, 1375, 1556,
1622, 1672, 1773, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1849, 1874
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0127, 0188, 0265, 0479,
0481, 1241, 1672
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0127, 0133, 0190, 0265,
0308, 0355, 0520, 0666, 0668, 0704, 1241
Distribution/Locality records-019% 0266, 0479, 0481
Ecology/Natural history-0256, we, 0481
Economics-0036, 0094, 0095, 0127, 0128, 0129, 0132,
0133, 0161, 0187, 0188, 0189, 0190, 0256, 0258, 0265,
0266, 0306, 0308, 0386, 0479, 0481, 0520, 0638, 0668,
0817, 0974, 1205, 1233, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1375, 1482,
1556, 1773, 1775, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1787, 1791, 1847
Habitats/Habitat usage-0095, 0127, 0129, 0132, 0256,
0704, 0705
I nterspecies associations-0705, 1726
Management-0127, 0132, 0134, 0188, 0189, 0266, 0306,
0386, 0472, 0638, 0666, 0817, 0825, 0870, 1232, 1233,
1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1493, 1622, 1773, 1791, 1793,
Pesticides-0127 0132, 0266, 0386, 0638, 1232, 1240,
1773, 1791, 17930796
Population dynamics-0704
as Prey-0703, 1225, 1634, 1879
Reproduction-0127, 0479, 0481
Seasonal activities-0258, 0265
Thomomys bottae
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0092, 0483, 0491, 1869
Coloration-0074, 0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0483, 0489, 0491,
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0092, 1869
Distribution/Locality records-0074, 0083, 0482,0483,0489,
0491, 0552, 0614, 0614, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1256, 1258,
1470, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1842, 1869
Ecology/Natural history-0074, 0083, 0374, 0483, 0489,
0491, 1451, 1869
Economics-0083, 0092, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1869
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0821, 1194a,
1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0587,
Interspecies associations-0092, 0587, 1451
Morphology/Anatomy-0074, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0745, 0756, 1655, 1866
Population dynamics-0092
Reproduction-0083, 0092, 0483, 0489, 1552, 1869
Status-1256, 1258
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0074, 0092, 0275,
0374, 0375, 0552, 0585, 0614, 1163, 1194a, 1196a
Weights/Measurements-0074, 0083, 1470
Thomomys bulbivorus
Age/Sex ratios-0995
Behavior-0083, 1870
CapturinVTrapping/Traps-0092, 0385,0483, 0491, 1848,
1869, 1870
Coloration-0074, 0083, 1470, 1872
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0305, 0483,0489,
0491, 1620, 1848, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1875
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0482, 0483, 0489,
0491, 1848, 1870, 1872
Dentition-0074, 1683
Development/Growth-1870, 1875
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0092, 1869, 1870,
Distribution/Locality records-0074,0083,0483,0489,0491,
0564, 0614, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823,
1842, 1869, 1872
Ecology/Natural history-0074, 0083, 0374, 0483, 0489,
0491, 0564, 1848, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872
Economics-0083, 0092, 0305, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1869,
1870, 1871
Faunal lists-0083, 0226, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564,
1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1723
Genetics-0139, 1683
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0587,
0775, 1870, 1872
Interspecies associations-0092, 0351, 0587, 0713, 1202,
Management-0305, 1620
Morphology/Anatomy-0074, 1683, 1820, 1823, 1872
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0387, 0745, 0756, 1655, 1866
Population dynamics-0092
as Prey-1069
Reproduction-0083, 0092, 0139, 0483, 0489, 1551, 1552,
1869, 1870, 1872
Seasonal activities-1870
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0012, 0074, 0092,
0374, 0614, 1188, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1503, 1683
Weights/Measurements-0074, 0083, 1188, 1470
Thomomys columbianus (see Thomomys
Thomomys douglasii (see Thomomys talpoides)
Thomomys fuscus (see Thomomys talpoides)
Thomomys helleri (see Thomomys mazama)
Thomomys hesperus (see Thomomys mazama)
Thomomys leucodon (see Thomomys bottae)
Thomomys mazama
Anomalies-0074, 1841, 1842
Behavior-0083, 1841, 1842
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0092, 0385, 0483, 0491, 1869
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131
Coloration-0074, 0083, 0613, 1470, 1841, 1842
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0093, 0126, 0191,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0702, 0835, 1869, 1871, 1875
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0126, 0483, 0489,
0491, 1841, 1842, 1875
Dentition-0074, 1683
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0092, 0093, 0175,
0176, 0702, 1089, 1841, 1869
Distribution/Locality records-0074,0083, 0482, 0483,0489,
0491, 0564, 0614, 0775, 1194a, 1196a, 1202, 1470, 1601,
1659, 1684, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1841, 1842, 1869
Ecology/Natural history-0074, 0083, 0224, 0374, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0564, 0711, 1157 1604, 1841, 1869, 1871
Economics-0083, 0092, 0093, 0126, 0176, 0191, 0482,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0702, 0964, 1089, 1601, 1869, 1871,
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0820, 1157, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0093, 0131, 0145,
0176, 0483, 0491, 0587, 0775, 0820, 1089, 1604, 1659,
1684, 1830, 1841
Home range/Movements-1841
I nterspecies associations-0092, 0145, 0176, 0191, 0536,
0587, 0701, 0711, 1534, 1604, 1684, 1841
I ntraspecies associations-1875
Management-0093, 0175, 0835, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0074, 0613, 0889, 1683, 1820, 1823,
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-0092, 0131, 1841
as Prey-0486, 1251, 1841
Reproduction-0083, 0092, 0483, 0489, 1841, 1869, 1875
Seasonal activities-0176
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0074, 0374, 0375,
0555, 0613, 0614, 0889, 1163, 1171, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b,
1683, 1842
Variation-0083, 1171
Weights/Measurements-0074, 0083, 0092, 1470, 1842
Thomomys monticola (see Thomomys mazama)
Thomomys nasicus (see Thomomys mazama)
Thomomys niger (see Thomomys mazama)
Thomomys quadratus (see Thomomys mazama)
Thomomys talpoides
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0069, 0092, 0483, 0491, 0516,
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0685
Coloration-0074, 0083, 1470
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0069, 0093, 0096,
0126, 0191, 0263, 0305, 0456, 0457, 0458, 0460, 0483,
0489, 0491, 0516, 0831, 0838, 0840, 0841, 0842, 0844,
0845, 0854, 0863, 0866, 1210, 1828, 1869, 1871
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0019, 0083, 0096, 0126,
0263, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0516, 1210
Dentition-0069, 0074
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0069, 0083, 0092, 0093,
1082, 1208, 1210, 1828, 1869
Distribution/Locality records-0069,0074,0083,0319,0482,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0614, 0634, 075, 1196a, 1202,
1210, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1842, 1869
Ecology/Natural history-0019, 0074, 0083, 0374, 0395,
0483, 0489, 0491, 0564, 0685, 1087, 1869, 1871
Economics-0083, 0092, 0093, 0096, 0126, 0191, 0263,
0305, 0483, 0489, 0491, 1208, 1210, 1828, 1869, 1871
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0226, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634,
0821, 1195, 1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0019, 0034, 0069, 0083, 0093,
0096, 0131, 0395, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0516, 0587, 0634,
0685, 0775, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1210, 1661, 1828
I nterspecies associations-0092, 0191, 0395, 0587, 0634,
0685, 1202, 1207, 1534, 1661
Management-0069, 0093, 0263, 0305, 0456, 0457, 0458,
0460, 0838, 0840, 0841, 0842, 0844, 0845, 0854, 0863,
0866, 1082, 1828
Morphology/Anatomy-0074, 0089, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0635, 0671, 0745, 0754, 0756, 1492, 1866
Population dynamics-0092, 0131, 1828
as Prey-0021, 0069, 0162, 0944, 1073, 1073a, 1708, 1709,
Reproduction-0083, 0092, 0483, 0489, 1210, 1552, 1869
Seasonal activities-0019
Status-0222, 0397, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0074, 0089, 0092,
0319, 0374, 0544, 0614, 0617, 1163, 1196a, 1196b, 1683
Weights/Measurements-0074, 0083, 0319, 0617, 1470
Thomomys townsendii
Anomalies-0074, 1653
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0092, 0483, 0491, 1869
Coloration-0074, 0083, 0275, 1470, 1653
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0483, 0489, 0491,
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0092, 1082, 1869
Distribution/Locality records-0074, 0083,0275,0483,0489,
0491, 0614, 0775, 1196a, 1470, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1842,
Ecology/Natural history-0074, 0083, 0483, 0489, 0491,
0720, 1087, 1869
Economics-0083,0092 0483, 0489, 0491, 1869
Faunal lists-0083, 1195, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0483, 0489, 0491, 0587,
0775, 1072, 1082, 1087
I nterspecies associations-0092, 0587
I ntraspecies associations-1875
Morphology/Anatomy-0074, 0275, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Population dynamics-0092
as Prey-1084
Reproduction-0083, 0092, 0483, 0489, 0720, 1082, 1869,
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0074, 0092, 0275,
0614, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0275
Weights/Measurements-0074, 0083, 0275, 1470
Thomomys umbrinus (see Thomomys mazama)
Townsend's big-eared bat (see Plecotus
Townsend's chipmunk (see Eutamias townsendii)
Townsend's mole (see Scapanus townsendii)
Townsend's pocket gopher (see Thomomys
Townsend's vole (see Mkrotus townsendii)
Trowbridge's shrew (see Sorex trowbridgii)
Urocyon cinereoargenteus
Behavior-1043, 1878, 1880
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0513, 1043, 1354
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1260 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1318,
1361, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1385, 1404, 1411, 1579
Coloration-0083, 0513, 0541, 1470, 1878
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0347, 0572, 0638,
0640, 0822, 1043, 1235, 1236, 12V, 1240, 1270, 1295,
1300, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1324, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340,
1343, 1345, 1351, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369,
1370, 1375, 1377, 1382, 139 ,1 , 1621, 1878
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0513, 1879, 1880
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0513, 1043, 1068,
1082, 1879, 1880
Diseases-0623, 0932, 1236, 1818
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0289, 0317, 0563, 0564,
0615, 0775, 0996, 1043, 1169a, 1470, 1533, 1601, 1859,
1820, 1822, 1823, 1879
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0541, 0564, 1068, 1157,
1604, 1879, 1880
Economics-0083, 0286, 0289, 0638, 0905, 0919, 1235,
1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267,
1270, 1284, 1287, 1295, 1299, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310,
1311, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1326, 1329, 1331,
1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346, 1348,
1351, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1364, 1366,
1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1384,
1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1579, 1621, 1765, 1767,
1769, 1770, 1772, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1781, 1783,
1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793, 1796, 1798, 1880
Faunal lists-0083, 0564, 0821, 1157, 1196a, 1601
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0775, 1043, 1068,
1082, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1879
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0049, 0055, 0059, 0060,
0638, 0903, 0905, 0919, 1265, 1284, 1287, 1300, 1314,
1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1326, 1327, 1329, 1331, 1332,
1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 134:1, 1346,
1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359, 1361, 1364, 1368, 1384,
1528, 1533, 1579, 1740, 1741, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761,
1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793,
1796, 1798, 1879, 1880
I nterspecies associations-0351, 0587, 1534, 1604
Management-0289, 0347, 0572, 0638, 0640, 1043, 1068,
1082, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1295, 1300, 1304, 1310,
1314, 1318, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1355, 1571,
1604, 1621, 1878
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823, 1879
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0932, 1866
as Predator-0285, 0286, 0371, 1240, 1299, 1640, 1818,
Reproduction-0083, 0513, 0541, 0572, 1043, 1068, 1082,
1237, 1878
Status-0222, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1309, 1351,
1357, 1362, 1371, 1375, 1377, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
TrackslTracking-1470, 1879
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Ursus amblyceps (see Ursus americanus)
Ursus americanus
Age/Sex ratios-0166, 0992, 0993, 1884
Behavior-0083, 0623, 1555
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0152, 0166, 0672, 0673, 0773, 0789, 0984,
1371, 1533, 1730, 1733, 1734, 1736, 1739, 1745, 1746,
1747, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760, 1782,
1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1782, 1785, 1788, 1792,
1797, 1799, 1884
Climate/Weather effects-0506
Coloration-0083, 0166, 0237, 0808, 1198, 1470, 1519, 1884
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0002, 0110, 0126,
0129, 0283, 0284, 0386, 0432, 0433, 0434, 0435, 0436,
0437, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0457, 0458, 0461, 0462, 0463,
0464, 0465, 0466, 0468, 0469, 0470, 0471, 0472, 0473,
0474, 0475, 0476, 0477, 0504, 0572, 0621, 0638, 0640,
0816, 0825, 0826, 0827, 0828, 0832, 0837, 0838, 0839,
0840, 0841, 0842, 0846, 0847, 0858, 0875, 0876, 0877,
0878, 0879, 0880, 0881, 0882, 0884, 0911, 1198, 1235,
1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1284, 1291, 1295, 1300, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1324,
1325, 1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1351, 1354,
1355, 1357, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1370, 1375, 1377, 1382,
1385, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1541, 1579, 1620, 1621, 1622,
Dentition-0992, 0993
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0076, 0083, 0308, 0310,
0520, 0700, 1068, 1082, 1198, 1575, 1588
Diseases-0110, 0932
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0113,0237,0289,0428,
0487, 0564, 0615, 0775, 1196a, 1470, 1490, 1519, 1533,
1575, 1579, 1601, 1659, 1684, 1785, 1788, 1792, 1797,
1799, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0169, 0206, 0256, 0487,
0564, 0700, 0711, 1068, 1095, 1157, 1198, 1519, 1520,
1604, 1816
Economics-0002, 0083, 0110, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0129,
0161, 0206, 0256, 0286, 0308, 0386, 0414, 0506, 0520,
0590, 0621, 0638, 0700, 0804, 0832, 0837, 0838, 0839,
0840, 0841, 0846, 0847, 0858, 0875, 0911, 0969, 0972,
0974, 1064, 1198, 1205, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1260,
1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1284, 1291, 1295, 1304, 1309,
1310, 1315, 1320, 1324, 1326, 1366, 1369, 1375, 1411,
1482, 1541, 1555, 1579, 1620, 1621, 1770, 1773, 1775,
1777, 1778, 1781, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793,
1796, 1798
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0564, 0821, 1157, 1196a, 1519,
1520, 1601, 1684, 1723, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0129, 0256, 0587,
0700, 0705, 0775, 0969, 1068, 1082, 1490, 1533, 1579,
1601, 1604, 1684, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0025, 0044, 0046, 0049, 0055,
0057, 0152, 0268, 0334, 0336, 0338, 0340, 0341, 0342,
0344, 0345, 0348, 0350, 0638, 0672, 0673, 0781, 0789,
0903, 0987, 0993, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1270,
1284, 1300, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1325, 1326,
1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1346, 1355, 1377, 1378,
1382, 1385, 1388, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1528, 1533,
1541, 1579, 1647, 1649, 1730, 1732, 1735, 1740, 1741,
1742, 1744, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1757, 1760,
1762, 1764, 1766, 1768, 1771, 1774, 1779, 1782, 1791,
1793, 1796, 1798
Hibernation/Estivation-0623, 1198, 1519, 1588
Home range/Movements-0992
I nterspecies associations-0276, 0310, 0587, 0701, 0705,
0711, 1106, 1490, 1534, 1604, 1661, 1684
Management-0002, 0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0045, 0283,
0289, 0318, 0386, 0414, 0432, 0433, 0434, 0435, 0436,
0437, 0454, 0455, 0456, 0457, 0458, 0461, 0462, 0463,
0464, 0465, 0466, 0468, 0489, 0470, 0471, 0472, 0473,
0474, 0475, 0476, 0477, 0487, 0504, 0505, 0572, 0575,
0577, 0578, 0579, 0580, 0581, 0638, 0640, 0816, 0825,
0826, 0827, 0828, 0832, 0837, 0838, 0839, 0840, 0841,
0842, 0846, 0847, 0858, 0875, 0876, 0877, 0878, 0879,
0880, 0881, 0882, 0884, 0911, 0992, 1044, 1068, 1082,
1198, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1295, 1300, 1304,
1310, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1340, 1343, 1346,
1355, 1493, 1541, 1570, 1579, 1604, 1820, 1621, 1622,
1737, 1738, 1773
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0932, 1566, 1567
Pesticides-0386, 1773
Population dynamics-0789, 0992, 0993
as Predator-0283, 0285, 0286, 0311, 0701, 1443, 1579
Reproduction-0083, 0992, 0993, 1068, 1082
Seasonal activities-0992,1049
Status-0222, 0303, 0318, 0789, 0987, 1025, 1309, 1362,
1371, 1520, 1555, 1575, 1579, 1622, 1654, 1685
Systematics/ClasslfcatIon/Taxonomy-0377, 0615,1196a
Variation-0083, 0237
Weights/Measurements-0083, 1470
Ursus arctos
Behavior-0083, 0381
Distribution/Locality records-0007, 0083, 0428, 0564, 0634,
1196a, 1256, 1258, 1533, 1575, 1820, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0428, 0564, 0992, 1157
Economics-0083, 0381
Faunal lists-0083, 0564, 0634, 0821, 1157,1196a, 1723
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587, 0992, 1533
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0057, 0992, 1742
I nterspecies associations-0587
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Status-0007, 0634, 0804, 0978, 1025, 1256, 1258, 1533,
1654, 1885
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-1176, 1196a
Techniques of handling and marking-0242
Ursus idahoensis (see Ursus arctos)
Ursus kalmathensis (see Ursus arctos)
Ursus mirus (see Ursus arctos)
Vagrant shrew (see Sorex vagrans)
Vespertilio chrysonotus (see Myotis evotis)
Vespertilio fuscus (see Eptesicus fuscus)
Vespertilio nitidus (see Myotis Californicus)
Virginia opossum (see Didelphis virginiana)
Vulpes sp.
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0884
Vulpes cascadensis (see Vulpes vulpes)
Vulpes fulva (see Vulpes vulpes)
Vulpes fulvus (see Vulpes vulpes)
Vu1pes macrotis
Behavior-0083, 1043
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-1043, 1354
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083
Control methods/Prevention of damage-1043, 1324, 1325,
1345, 1354
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 1043
Diseases-0932, 1888
Distribution/Locality records-0007,0083,0112, 0615, 0775,
0970, 1043, 1196a, 1256, 1258, 1533, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 1087
Economics-0083, 0919, 1324, 1325, 1331, 1354, 1361,
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0587, 0775, 1043,
1072, 1087
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0046, 0919, 1324, 1325, 1331,
1345, 1361, 1528, 1533, 1732, 1735, 1742, 1744, 1783
Interspecies associations-0112, 0587
Management-1043, 1044, 1325
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
as Predator-0285, 0636, 1387
Reproduction-0083, 1043
Status-0007, 0112, 0955, 1256, 1258, 1267, 1589
Vulpes macrourus (see Vulpes macrotis)
Vulpes napes
Behavior-0083, 1043, 1878, 1879, 1880
Capturing/Trapping/Traps-0513, 1043, 1354
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0083, 0984, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1304,
1371, 1375, 1385, 1411, 1579, 1652
Coloration-0083, 0237, 0513, 1878
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0369, 0437,0572,
0638, 0640, 0914, 1043, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1270,
1295, 1300, 1309, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1324, 1325, 1327,
1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1345, 1354, 1355, 1357, 1362,
1366, 1369, 1370, 1374, 1375, 1377, 1382, 1391, 1517,
1541, 1574, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1878
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0513, 0996, 1517, 1879,
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0513, 0996, 1043,
1068, 1082, 1880
Diseases-0369, 0623, 0932, 1574, 1652, 1888
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0237,0289,0398,0564,
0634, 0775, 0996, 1043, 1196a, 1519, 1533, 1574, 1601,
1659, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1879
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0174, 0374, 0564, 1068,
1087, 1213, 1520, 1604, 1652, 1879, 1880
Economics-0083, 0286, 0638, 0905, 0914, 0919, 1235,
1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1265, 1267,
1270, 1284, 1287, 1295, 1299, 1300, 1304, 1309, 1310,
1311, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1329,
1331, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1346,
1348, 1351, 1352, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1361,
1364, 1366, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1374, 1375, 1377,
1382, 1384, 1385, 1391, 1404, 1408, 1411, 1579, 1620,
1621, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1770, 1772, 1775, 1776, 1777,
1778, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787, 1789, 1791, 1793,
1796, 1798, 1880
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0564, 0634, 0821, 1195, 1196a,
1519, 1520, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0398, 0587, 0775, 0996,
1043, 1068, 1072, 1082, 1087, 1579, 1601, 1604, 1830
Harvest/Hunting statistics-0044, 0046, 0049, 0055, 0057,
0059, 0060, 0289, 0638, 0903, 0905, 0919, 1265, 1284,
1287, 1300, 1314, 1315, 1318, 1320, 1324, 1325, 1326,
1327, 1329, 1331, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1338, 1340, 1341,
1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1352, 1355, 1356, 1359,
1361, 1364, 1368, 1384, 1528, 1533, 1541, 1579, 1732,
1735, 1740, 1741, 1742, 1744, 1754, 1756, 1759, 1761,
1763, 1765, 1767, 1769, 1772, 1776, 1783, 1791, 1793,
1796, 1798, 1879, 1880
Interspecies associations-0587, 1604, 1661
Introductions (exotics, transplants)-1299, 1533, 1879
Management-0289, 0369, 0437, 0572, 0638, 0640, 0914,
1043, 1068, 1082, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1295, 1300,
1304, 1310, 1314, 1318, 1325, 1327, 1332, 1335, 1340,
1343, 1355, 1533, 1541, 1571, 1604, 1620, 1621, 1622,
Morphology/Anatomy-1820, 1823, 1879
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0932, 1566, 1567
as Predator-0285, 0286, 0371, 0566, 0665, 1240, 1299,
1387, 1879, 1880
Reproduction-0083, 0513, 0572, 0996, 1043, 1068, 1082,
1237, 1878
Status-0222, 0398, 0634, 1260, 1262, 1263, 1267, 1270,
1304, 1309, 1357, 1362, 1371, 1375, 1377, 1408, 1411,
1519, 1520, 1622 1654
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0374,0615, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0237
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0218, 1656
as Predator-1624
Reproduction-0083, 0925
Seasonal activities-0797, 1624
Status-1025, 1256, 1258, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1624
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0615, 1196a
Variation-0083, 0412
Wapiti (see Comas elaphus)
Zapus hudsonius (see Zapus trinotatus)
Water shrew (see Sorex palustris)
Zapus major (see Zapus princeps)
Water vole (see Arvicola richardsonl)
Zapus montanus (see Zapus trinotatus)
Western gray squirrel (see Sciurus griseus)
Zapus pacificus (see Zapus princeps)
Western harvest mouse (see Reithrodontomys megalotis)
Zapus princeps
Western jumping mouse (see Zapus princeps)
Western pipistrelle (see Pipistrellus hesperus)
Western pocket gopher (see Thomomys mazama)
Western red-backed vole (see Clethrionomys
Western spotted skunk (see Spilogale gracilis)
White-footed vole (see Phenacomys albipes)
White-tailed antelope squirrel (see Ammospermophilus leucurus)
White-tailed deer (see Odocoileus virginianus)
White-tailed jackrabbit (see Lepus townsendii)
Wolverine (see Gulo gulo)
Yellow-bellied marmot (see Marmota Raviventris)
Yuma myotis (see Myotis yumanensis)
Zalophus californianus
Behavior-0083, 0412, 0925
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-1099, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1404, 1411
Climate/Weather effects-1099
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0412, 0797, 0925,
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0615,0925,0926,0927,
1196a, 1247, 1256, 1258, 1562, 1820, 1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0925, 1099
Economics-0083, 0412, 1099
Faunal lists-0083,1196a
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0587
Harvest/Hunting statistics-1099
Interspecies associations-0587
Migration-1099, 1247
Morphology/Anatomy-0982, 1820, 1823
Mortality factors-1657
Coloration-0083, 1470, 1471
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0893, 1068, 1082
Distribution/Locality records-0083, 0564,0583, 0615, 0634,
0775, 0951, 1165, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1471, 1659, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0224, 0374, 0564, 1068,
1087, 1157, 1451
Faunal lists-0034, 0083, 0374, 0378, 0564, 0634, 1194a,
1195, 1196a, 1196b
Habitats/Habitat usage-0034, 0083, 0090, 0587, 0634,
0775, 1068, 1072,1082,1087, 1157, 1659, 1661
Interspecies associations-0587, 0634, 1451, 1661
Management-1068, 1082
MorphologylAnatomy-1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0122, 0635, 0753, 1492, 1866
Reproduction-0083, 1068, 1082
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0016, 0374, 0615,
0951, 1165, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1471
Variation-0083, 0951
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0951, 1470, 1471
Zapus trinotatus
Age/Sex ratios-0148
Behavior-0083, 0148
Census/Survey methods/Census reports/Population estimates-0131, 0148, 0885
Coloration-0083, 0695, 1470, 1471
Control methods/Prevention of damage-0690, 0691
Dens/Denning/Burrows/Nests-0083, 1864
Diet/Foods/Feeding/Nutrition-0083, 0690, 0695, 0699,
0700, 0701, 0704, 0709, 0893, 1071, 1088
Distribution/Locality records-0083,0564,0615,0775,0951,
1165, 1194a, 1196a, 1470, 1471, 1490, 1601, 1684, 1820,
1822, 1823
Ecology/Natural history-0083, 0148, 0155, 0374, 0564,
0665, 0685, 0699, 0700, 0711, 1088, 1157, 1520, 1604
Economics-0083, 0127, 0523, 0690, 0691, 0700, 1088
Faunal lists-0083, 0374, 0376, 0378, 0379, 0564, 1071,
1157, 1194a, 1195, 1196a, 1196b, 1520, 1601, 1684, 1830
Habitats/Habitat usage-0083, 0090, 0131, 0145, 0148,
0524, 0587, 0685, 0695, 0699, 0700, 0701, 0704, 0705,
0709, 0711, 0775, 1490, 1601, 1604, 1684, 1830
Hibernation/Estivation-0083, 0690, 0701
Interspecies associations-0145, 0148, 0149, 0524, 0536,
0543, 0587, 0685, 0694, 0695, 0699, 0701, 0705, 0706,
0711, 0713, 1490, 1600, 1604, 1684, 1864
Management-0131, 0609, 0691, 1604
Morphology/Anatomy-0695, 1820, 1823
Museum holdings-1257
Parasites-0753, 1864
Pesticides-0148, 0691
Population dynamics-0131, 0148, 0665, 0704, 0709
as Prey-1058, 1069, 1251
Reproduction-0083, 0695
Status-1025, 1071, 1520
Systematics/Classification/Taxonomy-0016, 0374, 0615,
0951, 1165, 1194a, 1196a, 1196b, 1471
Variation-0083, 0951
Weights/Measurements-0083, 0695, 0951, 1470, 1471
ADAMS, A. W.-1440-1443
ADAMS, D. B.-0065
ADAMS, L-0001
ALBERT, E. a-0434-0437, 0640
ALDOUS, C. M.-0004
ALIEV, F.-0005
ALLEN, G. M.-0006-0008, 1196
ALLEN, H.-0009
ALLEN, J. A.-0010-0016
ANDERSON, C. F.-0017, 0018
ANDERSON, R. a-1068, 1072, 1087, 1686
ANDERSON, R. J.-0019, 0146
ANDERSON, R. M.-0020
ANDERSON, S.-0021-0023
ANDERSON, S. E.-0024
ANDERSON, S. H.-1073, 1074
ANEY, W.-0025
ANTHONY, A. W.-0032, 0033
ANTHONY, H. E.-0034, 0035
ANTHONY, R. M.-0036, 0991
AQUADRO, C. F.-0037
ARATA, A. A.-0182-0184
ARTHUR, D. R.-0038
ASHBROOK, F. G.-0039-0060
AUDUBON, .1. J.-0061
AVISE, J. C.-0062
BACHMAN, J.-0061-0064
BAER, C. H.-0065, 0066
BAILEY, A. W.-0067, 0068
BAILEY, V.-0069-0084
BAINES, G. A.-0412
BAIRD, C. R.-0085, 0086
BAIRD, S. F.-0087
BAKER, R. C.-0088, 0089
BAKER, R. H.-0090
BALSIGER, E. H.-0674
BALTZO, C. H.-0088, 0089
BARBOUR, T.-0008
BARNES, A. M.-1215
BARNES, C. T.-0091
BARNES, V. G., JR.-0036, 0092-0096
BARRON, W. a-0097
BARTELS, R.-0098
BARTO, E.-0770
BAWDON, E. D.-0100
BEATTY, R. 0.-0101
BECK, W. M.-0102
BEER, J. R.-0103, 0104
BEITEL, R. J.-0105
BELDEN, L M.-0106
BELL, J. F.-0107, 0108, 0800, 0801
BELL, W. B.-0109, 0110
BENDIRE, C. E.-0111
BENEDICT, E. M.-0112
BENNETT, .1. E.-0113
BENSON, S. 8.-0114, 0889
BERGER, .1.-0115-0118
BERGHUIS, D. P.-0119
BEVER, D. N.-0120
BICKFORD, C. E.-0121
BISHOPP, F. C.-0122
BLACK, H. C.-0095, 0123-0136, 0147, 0148, 0161, 0176,
0308, 0711, 0712, 0998-1001, 1243, 1832
BLACK, H., JR.-1687,1690
BLAINE, G.-1022
BLISS, M. L.-1855
BOHN, C.-0492
BOND, R. M.-0114
BONE, J. F.-0932
BONN, P..1.-0140
BOOTH, E. S.-0141-0143, 0319
BORELL, A. E.-0144
BORRECCO, J. E.-0145-0149
BOWERS, M. A.-0150
BOYCE, M. S.-0151
BRANDON, G. R.-1414
BRANSON, J. F.-0438-0452, 0825-0871, 0883, 0884
BRETHERTON, B. J.-0153-0159
BREWSTER, C. E.-1424
BRODIE, E. D., JR.-0161, 0162, 1069
BROWN, C.-1070, 1074
BROWN, E. R.-0163
BROWN, L A.-0164
BROWN, L. N.-0165
BROWN, R. M.-0166
BROWN, W.-0167
BROWN, W. H.-0168, 0169
BRYAN, H. R.-0171
BUECHNER, H. K.-0170-0172
BUHLER, D. R.-0982
BULL, E. L-1686
BURGE, J. R.-0173
BURT, W. H.-0174
BURTON, D. H.-0175, 0176
BUSS, I.O.-0171
CADIEUX, C. L-0177
CALHOUN, J. B.-0178-0184
CAMERON, D. M., JR.-0185
CAMP, C. L-0186
CANARIS, A. G.-1852
CANUTT, P. R.-0188-0191, 0314
CAPP, J. C.-0095
CARRAWAY, L. N.-1824
CARTER, B. E.-0192
CARTER, L M.-0193, 0194
CARTER, P.-0195
CHAPMAN, J. A.-0196-0203
CHATTIN, J. E.-0205
CHENEY,L M.-0434-0437, 0640
CHILDS, T. W.-0206
CHINN, E. K. K.-0207
CHURCH, D. C.-0244, 0281
CLEARY, B.-0208
CLIFF, E. P.-0209, 0210
COBLENTZ, B. E.-0211, 0212
COCKERELL, T. D. A.-0213
COCKRUM, E. L-0608
GOGGINS, V. L-0214-0217
COLES, B. M.-0218
COLVIN, D. V.-0219
COLVIN, M. A.-0219
COMPTON, H.O.-0220
COOK, E. F.-0104
COOLEY, R. A.-0946
COOPER, A. L-0970
COOPER, J. G.-0222
COOPER, L D.-0288
COOPER, W.-0223
COOPEY, R.-0224
COOTS, R. M.-0225
COPE, E. D.-0226
COSTAIN, D. 8.-0227
COTTAM, C.-0228, 0229
COUCH, L K.-0230-0234
COUES, E.-0235
COWAN, I. McT.-0236-0240
CRAIGHEAD, F. C., JR.-0242
CRAIGHEAD, J. J.-0241,0242
CRAM, E. B.-0243
CRAWFORD, J. C.-0244
CRESSMAN, L. a-0245
CREWS, A. K.-0246, 0453-0470
CROMACK, K., JR.-1068
CRONEMILLER, F. P.-0247, 0411
CROPSEY, M. C.-0287
CROSS, S. P.-0248, 0249, 0419, 0897, 0898
CROUCH, G. L.-0095, 0250-0264,1484
CROUCH, W. E -0265, 0266
CUMMINGS, M. E.-0267-0269
CURRIE, P. 0.-0270
DAILEY, M. D.-1656
DALE, F. H.-0609
DALQUEST, W. W.-0271, 0272, 0610
DASMANN, R. F.-0273
DAVIS, G. E.-0274
DAVIS, H. E.-1450
DAVIS, J. C.-0411
DAVIS, W. B.-0275
DEALY, J. E.-0276-0280
DEAN, R. E.-0281, 0282, 1473
deCALESTA, D. S.-0283-0288, 0933
DEEMS, E. F., JR.-0289
deLORENZO, D. G.-0290, 0291
DEMING, 0. V.-0292-0295, 0659-0661, 0675, 1249, 18S6
DENNY, R. N.-0296
DICE, L R.-0297-0302
DICKSON, R.-0303
DIERSING, V. E.-0304
DIETRICH J. H.-0305,0306
DIMOCK, E. J., I1-0161, 0307, 0308, 0410
DINGES, W. R.-0309
DIRKS, .1. C.-1050
DIXON, J. S.-0311, 0312
DOBSON, G. E.-0313
DOBYNS, H. W.-0434-0477, 0640, 0824-0871, 0874-0884,
DODGE, W. E.-0314
DONHAM, C. R.-0315
DOUGLAS, D.-0316, 0317
DOWELL, 0., JR.-0318
DRAKE, H.-0319
DRISCOLL, R. S.-0320, 0321
DUEBBERT, H. F.-0322, 0323
DUMAS, P. C.-0431
DUNFORD, C.-0324
DURBIN, K.-0325-0330
DURRANT, S. a-0331
DUTSON, V. J.-0332
EASTMAN, D. L-0936
EASTON, E. R.-0333
EBERT, P. W.-0334-0350
EDGE, E. R.-0351-0354
EDGERTON, P. J.-0355-0358, 1612
EDWARDS, 0. T.-0359-0361
EINARSEN, A. S.-0362-0373
ELLIOT, D. G.-0374-0379,1526
ELLIOT, T. C.-0380, 0381
ELTON, C.-0382
ENGLES, W. L-0383
ENGLISH, P. F.-0384, 0385
ENGSTROM, W. H.-0971
ERICKSON, A. W.-0944
EVANS, .1.-0036, 0095, 0161, 0187,0386, 0991
EVENDEN, F., JR.-0996
EWING, H. E-0387, 0388
FAIN, A.-0389, 0390
FAULKNER, C. E.-0391
FAWCETT, F. H.-0392
FAY, L D.-0393
FAYER, R.-0761
FELDHAMER, G. A.-0394-0397
FIGHTER, E.-0398
FINDLEY, J. S.-0399,0400
FINLEY, R. B., JR.-0401
FINLEY, W. L-0402-0409
FISCH, G. a-0410
FISCHER, G. A.-0411
FISCUS, C. H.-0412, 0413, 1245, 1884
FISHER, J.-1543
FISHER, J. L-0418,0419
FISHER, R. D.-0686
FORBES, R. B.-0112,0420,0717,0718
FORESMAN, K. R.-0422-0424
FORSMAN, E.-0421
FOWLE, K. E.-0425
FOX, I.-0426
FOX, W.-0427
FRANK, L R.-0263
FRANKLIN, J. F.-1071
FRAZIER, B. D.-0429
FRAZIER, N. A. E.-0430
FREIBURG, R. E.-0431
FUGATE, R.-0432-0477, 0825-0871, 0883, 0884
FURMAN, D. P.-0478, 1481
GABRIELSON, I. N.-0479-0491
GALEN, C.-0492
GALTON, M. M.-1150
GARLOUGH, F. E.-0513, 0514, 1556
GARRISON, G. A.-0515 0516
GASHWILER, J. S.-0517-0531
GAUDITZ, I.-1518
GAVIN, T. A.-0532, 0533
GEBHARDT, M. R.-0534
GEIST, J. M.-1072
GIGER, R. D.-0535-0537
GILSTON, R. R.-0538
GLADSON, J.-0539-0542
GOERTZ, J. W.-0543, 0544
GOLDMAN, E. A.-0546-0557, 1229, 1230
GOOD, J. R.-0558, 0559
GORDON, K. L-0560-0563
GRAF, W.-0565.0567,1825
GRAYSON, D. K.-0568
GREEN, D. D.-0569
GREENE, C. T.-0570
GREER, K. R.-1218
GREGORY, P. W.-1653
GRETZ, D.1.-0572
GRIFFEE, W. E.-0573
GRIFFITH, D. B.-0574
GRIMES, F. G.-0575-0581
GRINNELL, G. B.-0582
GRINNELL, .1.-0583-0586
GUENTHER, K.-0095,0587
GUNSON, G.-1543
GYMON, M.-0588
HAFEN, L R.-0589-0596
HAGEN, J. B.-0597
HAGMEIER, E. M.-0598
HAINES, F.-0599
HALL E. R.-0600-0617, 0872
HALL, F. C.-0618, 0619
HALL, R. C.-0620
HALL., W. C.-0621
HAMER, A. F.-0622
HAMILTON, C.-0623-0625
HAMILTON, G. A.-0626
HAMLETT, G. W. D.-0627
HAMMER, E. W.-0628-0630, 1073-1075
HAMMERSLEY, J. B.-0631, 0632
HANDLEY, C. 0., JR.-0633
HANSEN, C. a-0634, 0635
HANSEN, E L-0636, 0637
HANSEN, G. H.-0638-0640
HANSEN, M.-1827
HANSEN, R. M.-0331
HARMAN, A. L-0199
HARPER, F.-0642
HARPER, J. A.-0643-0651
HARRIS, R. W.-1612
HARTMANN, N. A.-0937, 1715
HARTWELL, H. D.-0974
HATCH, A. 8.-0652,1890
HATFIELD, D. M.-0653
HATTAN, a-0654
HATTON, L E., JR.-0655
HAYS, W. J.-0656
HAZELTINE, B. M.-0657.0661
HEDLUND, J. D.-0665, 1524
HEDRICK, D. W.-0663
HENJUM, M. J.-1709
HERMANN, R. K.-0666-0668
HERRIG, D. M.-0669,0670
HERRIN, C. S.-0671
HICKIE, P.-0672, 0673
HILL C. C.-0674
HILL, J. a-0659-0661, 0675
HILL, R. R.-0676, 1899
HILLS, E. C.-0677
HINES, W. W.-0067, 0281, 0678-0684
HOFFMANN, R. S.-0655, 0664, 0686, 1218, 1515
HOFFMEISTER, D. F.-0304, 0611, 0686a
HOLLOWAY, R. C.-0688, 0689
HOLMES, M. A.-0801, 0901, 1414
HOOVEN, E. F.-0130-0134, 0148, 0149, 0690-0713, 1001,
HOPKINS, D. D.-0714-0718
HOPKINS, T. L-0719
HORN, E. E.-0720,0721
HORNING, W. H.-0722
HORSFALL, R. B.-0723
HORVATH, 0.-0724
HOWARD, W. E.-0139, 1057, 1491
HOWARTH, C. R.-0725
HOWELL, A. B.-0726-0732, 0759
HOWELL, A. H.-0733-0744
HOVER, R. F.-0713
HUBBARD, C. A.-0745-0759
HUDKINS-VIVION, G. G.-0760, 0761, 0947
HUESTIS, R. R.-0762-0771
HUNTER, G. N.-0773, 0774
INGLES, L G.-0775
IVERSON, F.-0411
IVES, F. F.-0781-0783
JACKSON, H. H.T.-0784-0791
JAMESON, E. W., JR.-0792-0795
JAMESON, R. J.-0796, 0797
JANIK, P. J.-0798
JELLISON, W. L-0107, 0108, 0799-0801
JEWETT, S. G.-0802-0884
JEWETT, S. G., JR.-0885
JOHNSON, D. R.-0886
JOHNSON, M. L-0887-0889, 1074, 1075, 1081
JOHNSON, S. R.-0890
JONES, G. S.-0891-0893
JONES, 0. M.-0894
JORDAN, J. W.-0895, 0896
JUDD, S. R.-0897, 0898
KAISEN, 0. C.-1610
KAISER, B.-1543
KANGUR, R.-0900
KAO, C.-0161
KARTMAN, L-0901, 0902
KEEBE, C. E.-0903-0919
KEEGAN, H. L-0902
KELLER, L. E.-1862
KELLOGG, R.-0921, 0922, 1196a
KELSON, K. R.-0612-0615, 0923
KENYON, K. W.-0924-0926, 1883
KING, J. E.-0927
KINNEY, J. L-0928
KIRK, G.-0929
KIRK, J. J.-0930
KISTNER, T. P.-0760, 0761, 0931-0939, 0947, 1450, 1715
KLEIN, R. J.-0940,0941
KLOMPEN, J. S. H.-1003
KNAPP, S. A.-0942
KNAPP, S. E.-0105, 0332, 0943, 1472, 1473, 1567
KNIGHT, R. L-0944
KOFORD, M. R.-1434
KOHLS, G. M.-0274, 0945, 0946
KOLLER, L. D.-0934, 0936, 0947
KORFHAGE, R. C.-0948, 0949
KORNET, C. A.-0950
KRUTZSCH, P. H.-0951
KUCERA, T. E.-0587
KUHN, B.-0952
KUHN, L. W.-0953-0958, 1002
KVERNO, N. B.-0974
L., R.-0959
LABAN, C.-0960
LAMPMAN, B. H.-0961
LAND, C. E.-0682
LANDFORCE, A. S.-0962, 1869
LANTZ, D. E.-0963-0966
LARRISON, E. J.-0967,0968
LARSON, C. L-0107,0801
LAUGHLIN, J. M.-0970
LAWRENCE, W. E.-1213
LAWRENCE, W. H.-0972-0974
LAWYER, G. A.-0975,0976
LAY, D. W.-0977
LAYSER, E. F.-0978
LECKENBY, D. A.-0979-0981
LEE, S. S.-0982
LEI, W.-0893
LEMONS, D. E.-0985
LEMOS, J. C.-0683, 0986
LEONARD, R.-0987
LEOPOLD, A.-0988
LEWIS, R. E.-1074
LIGHTFOOT, W. C.-0650, 0989, 1716
LIND, G. S.-0200
LINDSAY, S. L-0990
LINDSEY, G. D.-0991
LINDZEY, F. G.-0992, 0993
LINDZEY, J. S.-0994
LINHAR1, S. B.-0066
LINSDALE, J. M.-0586, 0616
LIVEZEY, B. C.-0995
LIVEZEY, R.-0996
LOCKWOOD, C. A.-0674
LONG, J. B.-1002
LOVEJOY, B. P.-0997-1001
LOVELL, B.-1072
LOWRIE, J. C.-0712
LUDWIG, S. A.-1825
LUM, S. K.-1004
LUMAN, I. D.-1005-1020, 1087, 1134
LYDEKKER, R.-1021, 1022
LYON, M. W., JR.-1023
MABEN, R.-1024, 1025
MacARTHUR, H.-1429
MACE, R. U.-1026-1048, 1136
MACNAB, J. A.-1049, 1050
MACY, R. W.-1051-1053, 1221, 1512
MALECHEK, J. C.-0270
MANVILLE, R. H.-1054
MARKLEY, M. H.-1055
MARSH, R. E.-1057,1491
MARSHALL, J. T., JR.-1058
MARTIN, P.-0096
MARTIN, R. E.-1068
MASER, C. 00162, 0421, 0629, 0630, 0893, 1059-1090,
1250, 1251, 1487, 1525, 1686, 1688-1690, 1860-1865
MASON, E.-1091-1094
MASON, G. E-0935
MASSON, V.-1095
MATE, B. R.-0982, 1096-1099, 1624
MATLOCK, S. M.-0935
MATTHEY, R.-1100
McATEE, W. L-1101
McCAIN, R.-1102, 1103
McCOLLUM, M. T.-1910
McCONNELL, B. R.-0280, 0357, 1104
McCOY, R. H.-1105
McCULLOUGH, D. R.-1106-1108
McDONALD, D. L-1109
McINTIRE, P. W.-1110
McKAY, D. 0.-1111.1113,1666
McKEAN, J. W.-1048, 1114-1136
McKNIGHT, T. L-1137
McLAURY, E. L-1138-1140
McMAHON, E.-1543
MEAD, R. A.-0422-0424, 0571, 1141-1145
MEALEY, R. H.-1146
MEEHAN, J. M.-1147
MEES, J.-1148, 1149
MELLAND, J.-1525
MENGES, R. W.-1150
MERRIAM, C. H.-1151-1177
MESLOW, E. C.-0993, 1710
MEYER, N. J.-1178
MEYERS, A. V.-1179
MILLER, F. L-1180-1187
MILLER, G. S., JR.-1188-1196b
MILLER, R. J.-1690
MITCHELL, G. E.-1197-1199
MITCHELL, H. B.-1630
MOHR, J.-1200
MOODY, P. A.-1201
MOORE, A. W.-0516, 1202-1210
MOORE, R. E.-1211
MUNGER, T.T.-1213
MURIE, O. J.-1214
MURRAY, K. F.-0901, 1215
MUTH, O. H.-1583
NADLER, C. F.-1216-1218, 1671
NAIL, M.-0660
NEAL, D. L-1219
NEIDER, D. S.-1220
NEIDERT, C. M.-1221
NEILAND, K. A.-1222
NEILSON, R. P.-1223
NEITRO, W. A.-1020
NELLIS, C. H.-1224
NELSON, A. L.-1225
NELSON, E. W.-1226-1230
NELSON, J. R.-0949, 1231
NELSON, L-1543
NELSON, W. E.-1232-1241
NEWTON, M.-1242-1244
NIGGOL, K.-0413, 1245, 1884
NILSSON, N. N.-1246
NORRIS, S.-1573
NOWAK, J.-1249
NUSSBAUM, R. A.-1088, 1250, 1251
OAKLEY, C.-1543
OGDEN, A.-1252
OH, J. H. K.-1518
OHNO, S.-1253
OITA, K.-1518
OLDYS, H. W.-1421-1424
OLSEN, 0. W.-1254
OLSON, B.-1225
OLSON, S.-1595
OLTERMAN, J. H.-1256-1258
ORD, G.-1259
ORR, R. T.-0617,1412
OSBORN, H. F.-1413
OSGOOD, S. B.-1414-1417
OWEN, C. R.-0107, 0108, 0800, 0801
PAGE, 0.-1418
PALMER, F. G.-1419
PALMER, T. S.-1420-1424
PARKER, O. B.-1425
PASSOF, P. C.-1057
PATHAK, S.-0898
PATTIE, D. L.-1427
PATTON, B. S.-1428
PATTON, J. C.-0037
PATTON, J. L-1429
PAULSON, N. R.-0264
PAUTZKE, C. F.-1730
PEALE, T. R.-1430
PEARSON, A. K.-1434
PEARSON, J. P.-1431-1433
PEARSON, 0. P.-1434
PEDERSEN, R. J.-0958, 1435-1446, 1687, 1863
PEDERSON, A. A.-1444
PELOQUIN, E. P.-0957, 1447
PENCE, D. B.-1448
PERKINS, J. M.-1449
PERRY, A. E.-0990
PETERSON, K. J.-1450
PFEIFFER, E. W.-1451-1453
PHILIP, C. B.-1454
PICKFORD, G. D.-1455
PIMENTEL, R. A.-1456
PINTO, C.-1604
PITTMAN, K.-1457
POLENZ, A.-1458-1466
POND, F. R.-1467
POULTON, C. E.-0068
POWERS, R. A.-1468, 1469
PRATT, H. S.-1470
PREBLE, E. A.-1471
PRESIDENTE, P. J. A.-1472, 1473
PRESNALL, C. C.-1474
PRICE, B.-1084
PRINCE, F. M.-0901, 0902
PURSLEY, D.-0289
PUYEAR, J. W.-1475
RACEY, K.-1478
RADFORD, C. D.-1479
RADOVSKY, F. J.-1480, 1481
RADWAN, M. A.-1482-1484
RAHIMA, A. M.-1486
RAUSCH, R. L-1074, 1487
RAYMOND, R. B.-1488
RAYNER, H. J.-1489
REARDON, J. J.-1490
RECORD, C. R.-1491
REED, C. A., JR.-0245
REEHER, J.-1494
REEVES, J. J.-0424
REHN, J. A. G.-1196b
REICHERT, D. W.-0270
REID, E. H.-1210, 1455, 1495
REITH, C. C.-1496, 1497, 1543
REYNOLDS, G. E.-0936
RHOADS, S. N.-1498-1502
RICHARDSON, J.-1503, 1504
RICHARDSON, J. L-1505-1511
RICHENS, V. B.-0139
RICKARD, W. H.-0685
RIDER, C. L-1512
RIECK, C. A.-1513
RIMERMAN, R. A.-0982
ROBINSON, J. W.-1515
ROBINSON, S. R.-1516
ROBINSON, W. B.-1517
ROCHELLE, J.A.-0095 0161, 1518
RODIEK, J. E.-1082, 1688-1690
ROEST, A.1.-1519-1523
ROFFE, T. J.-1657
ROGERS, L E.-1524
ROSS, P.-1527
ROTH, V. D.-1845
ROWE, R. A.-1529
ROWE, R. W.-0434, 0471-0477
ROW LEY, J.-1531
RUDNICK, A.-1532
RUNTE, V.-1414
RYMON, L M.-1533
SAIGO, B. W.-1534
SALWASSER, H. J.-1535-1537
SAMUEL, W. M.-1538
SANBORN, C. C.-1539
SANGER, G. A.-1540
SANKEY, F. R.-0438-0477, 0825-0871,1541
SASSAMAN, J. F.-1682
SAUER, W. C.-1542
SAUL, S.-1543
SCAMMON, C. M.-1544
SCHANTZ, V. S.-1546
SCHEFFER, T. H.-1547-1556
SCHEFFER, V. B.-0925, 0926, 1557-1564
SCHERZINGER, R. J.-0135, 1687
SCHLEGEL, M. W.-1566, 1567
SCHMITZ, J. A.-0939
SCHNEIDER, P. W.-1569-1571
SCHOLL, V. M.-1572
SCOTT, C.-1573
SETON, E. T.-1574-1577
SETZER, H. W.-1578
SEVERSON, R. E.-0066
SEXTON, V. L-1579
SHADLE, A. R.-1580
SHAMEL, H. H.-1481
SHAVER, C.-1083, 1084
SHAVER, S.-1084
SHAW, J. N.-0332, 0943, 1582, 1583
SHAW, W. T.-1584, 1585
SHAY, R.-1586-1592
SHEEHY, D. P.-1593
SHELDON, H. H.-1594
SHELFORD, V. E.-1595
SHELTON, A. C.-1596, 1597
SHEPPE, W.-1598
SHERMAN, P. E.-1599
SHERRELL, P. E.-1600, 1601
SHOTWELL, J. A.-1602, 1603
SILOVSKY, G. D.-1604
SILVER, J.-1605, 1606
SIMMS, B. T.-0315, 1583
SKALSKI, J. R.-1607
SKELTON, J. L.-1608, 1609
SKINNER, M. F.-1610
SKOVLIN, J. M.-0949, 1441, 1442, 1611-1613
SMITH, C. W.-0684
SMITH, D. H.-0086
SMITH, G. W.-1615-1617
SMITH, H. C.-1618, 1697
SMITH, H. D.-0150
SMITH, J. G.-0358, 1104
SMITH, J. S.-1619
SMITH, M. D.-1620-1622
SMITH, M. H.-0062
SNOW, C.-1623
SNOW, C. D.-1624
SNOW, K. R.-0038
SNYDER, S. P.-1244
SOOTER, C. A.-1625-1629
SOWLS, L K.-0988
SPALDING, D. J.-1630
SPEER, H. S.-0438-0465, 0836-0871
SPENCER, D. A.-0514, 1632, 1633
SPENCER, D. L-0988
SPERRY, C. C.-0084, 1634
STAGER, K. E.-1637
STANLEY, H. P.-1639
STANTON, F. W.-1640-1643
STATES, J. B.-1644, 1645
STEIN, R. H.-1646-1650
STEIN, W. I.-1851
STENIUS, C.-1253
STERN, D. J.-1491
STEVENS, D. R.-1658
STEWART, T. W.-1652
STONE, A. J.-1526
STORER, T.1.-1653
STORM, R. M.-0713, 1085, 1654
STOUT, J.-1445
STROUD, R. K.-0218,1657,1658
STURGES, F. W.-1659-1661
STURGIS, H.-1662
STUTH, J. W.-1663, 1664
SUCKLEY, G.-0222
SULLINS, G. L-1665-1667
SUMNER, F. B.-1668
SURING, L H.-1669, 1670
SUTTON, D. A.-1671
SWAIN, A. H.-0434-0437, 0466-0477, 0640
SWANSON, C. V.-0172
SWANSON, D. 0.-0651
SWISHER, M.-1543
SYKES, G. F.-1672, 1673
TABER, R. D.-1674
TABOR, J. E.-1675,1876
TAYLOR, F. H. C.-1677
TAYLOR, W. P.-1103, 1678-1681
TELFORD, H.-0873
TERMAN, C. R.-1682
THAELER, C. S., JR.-1683
THAYER, D. J.-1537
THOMAS, H. A.-0668
THOMAS, J. M.-1685
THOMAS, J. W.-0135, 0619, 1082, 1087, 1446, 1686-1690
THOMPSON, B. C.-1691-1694
THOMPSON, 0.-1695
THOMPSON, S. E., JR.-1696
THOMS, R. E.-1697
THWAITES, R. G.-1698,1699
TIEBEN, G. L-1865
TIETJEN, H. P.-0096
TODD, A.-1700
TORKE, K. G.-701
TORLAND, J.-1 702, 1703
TOWEILL, D. E.-1704-1710
TOWNSEND, C. H.-1711
TRAINER, C. E.-0936, 0937, 1712-1716
TRAPPE, J. M.-1088, 1089
TRETHEWEY, D. E C.-0201, 0202, 1718, 1719
TRISKA, F. W.-1720
TRUE, F. W.-1722-1725
TURNER, L W.-0420, 1726-1728
TWENTE, J. W.-1701
TYSER, R. W.-1729
UDALL, S. L-1730
URE, D. C.-1089
URNESS, P. J.-1813
VAN DYKE, T. S.-1526
VAN DYKE, W. A.-1814
VAN GELDER, R. G.-1815
VAN WINKLE, J. H.-0674
VAUGHN, J. W.-1816
VAUGHN, M. R.-1817
VAVRA, M.-1613
VERTREES, J. D.-0801, 1818
VERTS, B. J.-0203, 0995, 1112, 1113, 1257, 1258, 1433,
1469, 1666, 1667, 1719, 1819-1825
VOGET, K. W.-1826, 1827
VOHS, P. A., JR.-0105, 0670, 0896, 1670
VOLLAND, A.-1828
VOTH, E. H.-1830-1832
WALDEN, J. W.-1833
WALKER, A.-1834-1838
WALKER, D.-1839
WALKER, E.-1840
WALKER, K. M.-1841,1842
WALLACE, W. M.-1864
WALLEY, H. D.-0892
WALLMO 0. C.-0270
WALSH, C. B.-1843
WALTERS, R. D.-1844,1845
WARNER, G. M.-1846
WASHBURN, F. L-1847-1849
WATSON, R. C.-1851
WEBB, D. R.-1853
WEBB, J. B., JR.-1448
WEBER, Y. B.-1854-1856
WEIL, J. W.-1857
WENTZ, W. A.-1858
WEST, N. E.-1859
WHITAKER, J. 0., JR.-0389, 0390, 0893, 1003, 1090,
WHITE, L-1867
WICK, W. 0.-0958,1869
WIGHT, H. M.-1213, 1870-1876
WIGHT, H. M.-1676, 1877
WILCOMB, M. J.-1878-1880
WILKE, F.-0088, 0089, 0413, 1245, 1564, 1677, 1883, 1884
WILKES, C.-1885, 1886
WILLETT, G.-1887
WILLIAMS, A. R.-0436, 0437, 0640
WILLIAMS, C. S.-0229
WILLIAMS, E.-0874-0884
WILLIAMS, J. T.-1068
WILLIS, C. P.-1889
WILSON, N.- 1866
WINWARD, A. H. -0282, 1664
WIRE, F. B.-1890
WIRTZ, J. H.-1891
WOOD, W.-1892
WOODARD, D. W.-1892
WORDEN, L H.-0661, 1894-1896
WYETH, J. B.-1897
WYSE, D.-0935, 0938, 0939
YANG, S. Y.-1429
YEAGER, L E.-0774, 1898, 1899
YOAKUM, J. D.-1900-1905
YOCUM, C. F.-1906-1910
YOUNG, D. L-1537
YOUNG, S. P.-0060,1911-1917
ZALUNARDO, R. A.-1918, 1919
TABLE A. A list of periodicals searched systematically for information concerning the mammalian fauna of Oregon with call numbers used in
Kerr Library, Oregon State University.
Periodical searched
Acta Therlologia
American Journal of Veterinary Research
American Midland Naturalist
American Museum Novitates
American Naturalist
Animal Behaviour
Behavioral Biology
Bulletin of the American Museum of
Natural History
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative
Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological
Bulletin of the Southern California
Academy of Science
Bulletin of the U.S. National Museum
Bulletin of the Wildlife Disease
California Fish and Game
California Vector Views
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics
Ecological Monographs
Field Columbian Museum,
Zoology Series
Great Basin Naturalist
Journa of Applied Ecology
Journa of Forestry
Journa of Infectious Disease
Journa of Mammalogy
Journa of Medical Entomology
Journa of Parasitology
Journa of Range Management
Journa of Reproduction and Fertility
Journa of the Academy of Science,
Phi adelphia
Journal of the American Veterinary
Medical Association
Journal of the Washington Academy
of Science
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Journal of Wildlife Management
Journal of Zoology, London
North American Fauna
Northwest Forest Pest Action Council
Northwest Science
Occasional Papers of the Museum of
Natural History, University of Kansas
Occasional Papers of the Museum of
Zoology, University of Michigan
Oecologia, Berlin
Oregon Countryman
Oregon Historical Quarterly
Oregon Naturalist
Oregon Sportsman
Oregon State Board of Forestry,
Research Note
Oregon State Board of Forestry,
Research Papers
Oregon State College, Federal
Cooperative Extension Service,
Extension Bulletin
Oregon State Game Commission Bulletin
Periodical searched
Call number
Oregon State University Agricultural
Experiment Station Circular
Oregon State University Agricultural
Experiment Station Special Report
Oregon State University Agricultural
Experiment Station, Station Bulletin
Oregon State University Federal
Cooperative Extension Service,
Extension Bulletin
Oregon State University Monographs,
Studies in Zoology
Oregon Wildlife
Outdoor Life
Pacific Fisherman
Pacific Science
Pacific University Bulletin
Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Proceedings of the Academy of
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Proceedings of the Society of American
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of
Western Association of State Game
and Fish Commissioners
Proceedings of the Biological Society
of Washington
Proceedings of the California Academy
of Science
Proceedings of the Tall Timbers Fire
Ecology Conference
Proceedings of the United States
National Museum
Proceedings of the Vertebrate
Pest Conference
Public Health Reports
Quarterly Review of Biology
Sa0getierkundliche Mitteilungen
Southwestern Naturalist
Systematic Zoology
Transactions of the
Desert Bighorn Council
Transactions of the Interstate Antelope
Transactions of the Kansas Academy
of Science
Transactions of the North American
Game Conference
Transactions of the North American
Wildlife and Natural Resources
Transactions of the North American
Wildlife Conference
Tree Planters' Notes
U.S. Bureau of the Biological
Survey Bulletin
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Technical Notes
U.S. Farmers' Bulletin
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Technical Bulletin
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Conservation Bulletin
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Special Scientific Reports
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife Leaflets
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife Research Bulletin
QH1 /A55
SK351 /W46
QH1 /A2
Call number
TABLE A. Continued.
Periodical searched
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wildlife Research Report
U.S. Forest Service Research Notes
U.S. Forest Service Research Note PNW
U.S. Forest Service Research Paper
U.S. Public Health Service
Annual Report of the Surgeon General
University of California Publications
in Zoology
Call number
Periodical searched
University of Kansas Publications,
Museum of Natural History
Washington State Game Bulletin
Weyerhaeuser Forest Research Note
Wildlife Abstracts
Wildlife Monographs
Wildlife Review
Wildlife Society Bulletin
Call number
QH 1/K2