CURRICULUM VITAE STEVEN M. WONDZELL Research Riparian Ecologist Corvallis Forestry Sciences Laboratory Pacific Northwest Research Station 3200 SW Jefferson Way Corvallis OR 97331 Tel: (541) 758-8753 FAX: (541) 750-7234 e-mail: EDUCATION: Ph.D., Forest Ecology, 1994. Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR. Thesis Title: Flux of ground water and nitrogen through the floodplain of a fourth-order stream. M.S., Biology, 1984. Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM 88003. Thesis Title: Recovery of Desert Grasslands in Big Bend National Park Following 36 Years of Protection from Grazing of Domestic Livestock. B.S., Range Science, 1981. Department of Animal and Range Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM 88003. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Research Riparian Ecologist, Jan 2012 to present. Corvallis Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, OR. Research Riparian Ecologist, April 2000 to Dec 2011. Olympia Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia WA. Assistant Professor (Research), June 1996 to March 2000. Dept. Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR. Temporary Assistant Professor of Water Resources Management, Aug 1995 to May 1996. Dept. Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire, Durham NH. NSF-NATO Post Doctoral Fellow, March 1994 to March 1995. Centre d'Écologie des Systèmes Fluviaux, 29 rue Jeanne Marvig, Toulouse, France. JOURNAL and BOOK EDITORSHIPS Associate Editor for Water Resources Research, a journal of the American Geophysical Union. January 2013 to December 2014. Guest-Editor for a Special issue of the journal Freshwater Science titled “Groundwater and SurfaceGroundwater Interactions”. Larned, S. (lead guest-editor) and four guest co-editors including Wondzell, S. M. (20 Manuscripts). Guest-Editor for a Special issue of the journal Landscape and Urban Planning titled “Landscape Analysis: Projecting the effects of management and natural disturbances on forest and watershed resources of the Blue Mountains, Oregon, USA”. Wondzell, S. M., Burnett, K. M., and Kline, J. D. (Guest Editors). Landscape and Urban Planning 80(3): 193-344. (13 Manuscripts). PUBLICATIONS: Manuscripts In Review or In Preparation: Argerich, A., Haggerty, R., Johnson, S., Dosch, N., Corson-Rikert, H., Ashkenas, L. R., Pennington, R., Wondzell, S. M., and Thomas, C. K. (submitted). Contribution of a small headwater stream to the global carbon cycle. Submitted to: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on 29 Dec 2014. Diabat, M., Wondzell, S. M., and Haggerty, R. (in prep). What matters most: Are summer stream temperatures more sensitive to changing air temperature, changing discharge, or changing riparian vegetation under future climates? To be submitted to Water Resources Research. Corson-Rikert, H., S. M. Wondzell, R. Haggerty, and M. Santlemann. (in prep.) DOC processing in the hyporheic zone of a small headwater stream. Wondzell, S. M. (in prep.) Peering through the “Window of Detection”: Is the Hyporheic Zone Visible in Stream Tracer Experiments? To be submitted to Water Resources Research. Reeves, G., N. Mantua, P. A. Bisson, and S. M. Wondzell. (in prep.) Impacts of climate change on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) of western North America. Jackson, R. and many others (in prep.). Determining Whether Contemporary BMPs Are Having Desired Effects. Chapter 8 in: Forestry and Fish. Special Publication of the American Fisheries Society. Diabat, M., Wondzell, S. M., and Haggerty, R. (in prep). Estimating stream temperature response to restoring channel and riparian vegetation and its potential to mitigate climate change impacts. To be submitted to River Research and Application. Wondzell, S. M. (in prep.) Influence of browsing by elk and deer on the planting success of native woody riparian species for riparian restoration. To be submitted to the Rangeland Ecology and Management. Przeszlowska, P., S. M. Wondzell, M. A. Hemstrom, and P. A. Bisson. (in prep.) Modeling effects of alternative management strategies on riparian plant communities and salmon habitat in eastern Oregon. To be submitted to Landscape Ecology. Invited Commentary: Larned, S. T., Gooseff, M. N., Packman, A. I., Rugel, K., and Wondzell, S. M. 2015. (Introduction to the Special Issue) Groundwater—surface-water interactions: current research directions. Freshwater Science 34:000-000 (early view, published online 17 November 2014) Wondzell, S. M. 2015. Groundwater–surface-water interactions: perspectives on the development of the science over the last 20 years. Freshwater Science 34(1): 000–000. Published online 8 December 2014. DOI: 10.1086/679665 Wondzell, S. M. 2010. Water and Sustainability: Reflections from the western United States. Northwest Science 84(3): 310-312. Wondzell, S. M., Burnett, K. M., and Kline, J. D. 2007. (Introduction to the Special Issue) Landscape analysis: Projecting the effects of management and natural disturbances on forest and watershed resources of the Blue Mountains, OR, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning 80:193-197. Peer-reviewed Manuscripts: Zarnetske, J. P., Haggerty, R., and Wondzell, S. M. 2015. Coupling multiscale observations to evaluate hyporheic nitrate removal at the reach scale. Freshwater Science 34:000-000 (early view, published online 14 January 2015). DOI: 10.1086/680011. Ward, A. S., R. A. Payn, M. N. Gooseff, B. L. McGlynn, K. E. Bencala, C. A. Kelleher, S. M. Wondzell, and T. Wagener. 2013. Variations in surface water‐ground water interactions along a headwater mountain stream: Comparisons between transient storage and water balance analyses Water Resources Research 49, 3359–3374, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20148. Diabat, M., Haggerty, R., and Wondzell, S. M. 2012. Diurnal timing of warmer air under climate change affects magnitude, timing and duration of stream temperature change. Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9533. Payn, R. A., Gooseff, M. N., McGlynn, B. L., Bencala, K. E., and Wondzell, S. M. 2012. Exploring changes in the spatial distribution of stream baseflow generation during a seasonal recession. Water Resources Research 48, W04519, doi:10.1029/2011WR011552 Zarnetske, J. P., Haggerty, R., Wondzell, S. M., Bokil, V. A., and González-Pinzón, R. 2012. Coupled transport and reaction kinetics control the nitrate source-sink function of hyporheic zones. Water Resources Research 48, W11508, doi:10.1029/2012WR011894 Janisch, J. E., S. M. Wondzell, and W. J. Ehinger. 2012. Headwater stream temperature: Interpreting response after logging, with and without riparian buffers, Washington, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.12.035 Wondzell, S. M. 2011. The role of the hyporheic zone across stream networks. Hydrological Processes 25: 3525-3532 (doi: 10.1002/hyp.8119) Zarnetske, J. P., R. Haggerty, S. M. Wondzell, and M. A. Baker. 2011. Labile dissolved organic carbon supply limits hyporheic denitrification, J. Geophys. Res., 116, G04036, doi:10.1029/2011JG001730. Zarnetske, J. P., Haggerty, R., Wondzell, S. M., and Baker, M. A. 2011. Dynamics of nitrate production and removal as a function of residence time in the hyporheic zone. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 116, G01025, doi:10.1029/2010JG001356. Jencso, K.J., B.L. McGlynn, M.N. Gooseff, K.E. Bencala. and S.M. Wondzell. 2010. Hillslope hydrologic connectivity controls riparian groundwater turnover: Implications of catchment structure for riparian buffering and stream water sources. Water Resources Research 46, W10524, doi:10.1029/2009WR008818, 2010 Wondzell, S. M., M. N. Gooseff and B. L. McGlynn. 2010. An analysis of alternative conceptual models relating hyporheic exchange flow to diel fluctuations in discharge during baseflow recession. Hydrological Processes 24: 686-694. Jencso, K. J., B. L. McGlynn, M. N. Gooseff, S. M. Wondzell, and K. E. Bencala. 2009. Hydrologic Connectivity between landscapes and streams: Transferring reach and plot scale understanding to the catchment scale, Water Resources Research 45: W04428, doi:10.1029/2008WR007225. Payn, R. A., M. N. Gooseff, B. L. McGlynn, K. E. Bencala, and S. M. Wondzell. 2009. Channel water balance and exchange with subsurface flow along a mountain headwater stream in Montana, USA. Water Resources Research 45: W11427, doi:10.1029/2008WR007644. Wondzell, S. M., J. LaNier, and R. Haggerty. 2009. Evaluation of alternative groundwater flow models for simulating hyporheic exchange in a small mountain stream. Journal of Hydrology 364:142-151, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.10.011. Wondzell, S. M., J. LaNier, R. Haggerty, R. D. Woodsmith, and R. T. Edwards. 2009. Changes in hyporheic exchange flow following experimental wood removal in a small low gradient stream. Water Resources Research 45, W05406, doi:10.1029/2008WR007214. Houlahan, J.E., K. Cottenie, G. S. Cumming, D. J. Currie, C. S. Findlay, U. Gaedke, P. Legendre, J. J. Magnuson, B. H. McArdle, R. D. Stevens, I. P. Woiwod, S. M. Wondzell. 2008. The utility of covariances: A response to Ranta et al. Oikos 117(12): 1912-1913. DOI: 10.1111/j.16000706.2008.17078.x. Houlahan, J. E., Cottenie, K., Cumming G.S., Currie, D. J., Ernest, S. K. M., Findlay, C. S., Fuhlendorf, S. D., Gaedke, U., Legendre, P., Magnuson, J. J., McArdle, B. H., Muldavin, E. H., Noble, D., Russell, R., Stevens, R. D., Willis, T. J., Woiwod, I. P., and Wondzell, S. M. 2007. Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104:3273-3277. Wondzell, S. M., Gooseff, M. N., and McGlynn, B. L. 2007. Flow velocity and the hydrologic behavior of streams during baseflow. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L24404, doi:10.1029/2007GL031256. Wondzell, S. M., Hemstrom, M. A., and Bisson, P. A. 2007. Simulating riparian vegetation and aquatic habitat dynamics in response to natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes in the Upper Grande Ronde River, Oregon, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning 80:249-267. Gooseff, M. N., Anderson, J. K., Wondzell, S. M., LaNier, J., and Haggerty, R. 2006. A modeling study of hyporheic exchange pattern and sequence, size, and spacing of stream bedforms in mountain stream networks. Hydrological Processes 19:2915-2929. Wondzell, S. M. 2006. Effect of morphology and discharge on hyporheic exchange flows in two small streams in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA. Hydrological Processes 20:267-287. Anderson, J. K., Wondzell, S. M., Gooseff, M. N., and Haggerty, R. 2005. Patterns in stream longitudinal profiles and implications for hyporheic exchange flow at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA. Hydrological Processes 19:2931-2949. Moore, R. D. and Wondzell, S. M. 2005. Physical hydrology and the effects of forest harvesting in the Pacific Northwest: A Review. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41:763-784. Shibata, H., Sugawara, O., Toyoshima, H., Wondzell, S.M., Nakamura, F., Kasahara, T., Swanson, F.J., and Sasa, K. 2004. Nitrogen dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a forested stream during a small storm, Hokkaido, Japan. Biogeochemistry 69:83-104. Gooseff, M.N., Wondzell, S.M., Haggerty, R., and Anderson, J. 2003. Comparing Transient Storage Modeling and Residence Time Distribution (RTD) Analysis in Geomorphically Varied Reaches in the Lookout Creek Basin, Oregon, USA. Advances in Water Resources 26:925-937. Kasahara, T., and Wondzell, S.M. 2003. Geomorphic Controls on Hyporheic Exchange Flows in Mountain Streams. Water Resources Research 39(1), 1005, doi=10.1029/2002WR001386. Wondzell, S.M., and King, J. G. 2003. Post-fire Erosional Processes: Comparing the Pacific Northwest Region to the Interior Northwest and Northern Rocky Mountain Region. Forest Ecology and Management 178:75-87. Haggerty, R., Wondzell, S.M., and Johnson, M.A. 2002. Power-law residence time distribution in the hyporheic zone of a 2nd-order mountain stream. Geophysical Research Letters 29:18-1 - 18-4. Wondzell, S. M. 2001. The Influence of Forest Health and Protection Treatments on Erosion and Stream Sedimentation in Forested Watersheds of Eastern Oregon and Washington. Northwest Science 75:128-140. Johnson, S. L., F. J. Swanson, G. E. Grant, and S. M. Wondzell. 2000. Riparian forest disturbances by a mountain flood – the influence of floated wood. Hydrological Processes 14:3031-3050. Nakamura, F., Swanson, F. J., and S. M. Wondzell. 2000. Disturbance regimes of stream and riparian systems – a disturbance-cascade perspective. Hydrological Processes 14:2849-2860. Wondzell, S. M. and F. J. Swanson. 1999. Floods, Channel Change and the Hyporheic Zone. Water Resources Research 35:355-368. Pinay, G., C. Ruffinoni, S. M. Wondzell, and F. Gazelle. 1998. Change in groundwater nitrate concentration in a large river floodplain: Denitrification, uptake, or mixing? The Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17:179-189. Wondzell, S. M., G. L. Cunningham, and D. Bachelet. 1996. Relationships between Landforms, Geomorphic Processes, and Vegetative Communities on a Watershed in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Landscape Ecology 11:351-362. Wondzell, S., and F. J. Swanson. 1996. Seasonal and storm dynamics of the hyporheic zone of a 4thorder mountain stream. II: Nitrogen cycling. The Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15:20-34. Wondzell, S. M. and F. J. Swanson. 1996. Seasonal and storm dynamics of the hyporheic zone of a 4thorder mountain stream. I: Hydrologic processes. The Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15:3-19. Wondzell, S., and J. A. Ludwig. 1995. Community Dynamics of Desert Grasslands: Influences of Climate, Landforms, and Soils. Journal of Vegetation Science 6:377-390. Wondzell, S. M., G. L. Cunningham, and J. M. Cornelius. 1990. Vegetation patterns, microtopography, and soils on a Chihuahuan desert playa. Journal of Vegetation Science 1:403-410. Book Chapters: Wondzell, S. M. and Gooseff, M. N. 2013. Geomorphic Controls on Hyporheic Exchange Across Scales - Watersheds to Particles. pgs. 203-218. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Wohl, E. (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, Vol. 9, Fluvial Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Gooseff, M. N., K. E. Bencala, and S. M. Wondzell. 2008. Chapter 18 – Solute Transport Along Stream and River Network. Pgs. 395-417, in: S. Rice, A. Roy, and B. Rhoads (Eds.) River Confluences, Tributaries and the Fluvial Network. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U.K. 457 pp. Bisson, P.A., Wondzell, S.M., Gregory, S.V., and Reeves, G.H. 2003. Trends in Using Wood to Restore Aquatic Habitats and Fish Communities in Western North American Rivers. Pgs. 391–406 In: S. V. Gregory, K. L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell (eds). The ecology and management of wood in world rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda, Maryland. Wondzell, S. M. and P.A. Bisson. 2003. Influence of Wood on Aquatic Biodiversity. Pgs. 249–264 In: S. V. Gregory, K. L. Boyer, and A. M. Gurnell, editors. The ecology and management of wood in world rivers. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 37, Bethesda, Maryland. Swanson, F. J., S. M. Wondzell, and G. E. Grant. 1992. Landforms, Disturbance, and Ecotones. pgs. 304-323 In: F. diCastri and A.J. Hansen (eds.) Landscape boundaries: Consequences for biotic diversity and ecological flows. Ecological Studies, Vol. #92. Springer-Verlag. Bachelet, D., S. M. Wondzell, and J. F. Reynolds. 1988. A Simulation Model Using Environmental Cues to Predict Phenologies of Winter and Summer Annuals in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Pgs. 235260. In: Marani, A. (Ed.) Advances in Environmental Modelling. Elsevier. USFS General Technical Reports and Published Proceedings: Bisson, P. A., Claeson, S. M., Wondzell, S. M., Foster, A. D., and Steel, A. 2013. Evaluating Headwater Stream Buffers: Lessons Learned from Watershed- scale Experiments in Southwest Washington. Pgs. 165-184 In: Anderson, P. D. and Ronnenberg, K. L. (eds.). Density Management in the 21stCentury: West Side Story. General Technical Report, PNW-GTR-880. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Wondzell, S. M., Przeszlowska, A., Pflugmacher, D., Hemstrom, M. A., and Bisson, P. A. 2012. Modeling the Dynamic Responses of Riparian Vegetation and Salmon Habitat in the Oregon Coast Range With State and Transition Models. Pgs. 173-196. In: Kerns, B. K., Shlisky, A. J., and Daniel, C. J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the First Landscape State-and-Transition Simulation Modeling Conference, June 1416, 2011. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-869. Gooseff, M. N., Wondzell, S. M., and McGlynn, B. L. 2008. On the Relationships Among Temporal Patterns of Evapotranspiration, Stream Flow and Riparian Water Levels in Headwater Catchments During Baseflow. International Association of HydroGeologists Congress, Toyama, Japan . Oct. 26 – Nov. 1, 2008. Harris, R.M., C. Clifton, and S.M. Wondzell. 2007. Hillslope Erosion Rates in Areas with Volcanic Parent Materials and the Effects of Prescribed Fires in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon and Washington, USA. In: M. Furniss, C. Clifton, and K. Ronnenberg (Eds.). Advancing the Fundamental Sciences: Proceedings of the Forest Service National Earth Sciences Conference, San Diego, CA, 18-22 October 2004. PNW-GTR-689, Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Wondzell, S. M., and Howell, P. J. 2004. Chapter 6: Developing a decision support model for assessing condition and prioritizing the restoration of aquatic habitat in the interior Columbia Basin. Pgs. 73-81. in J. L. Hayes, A. A. Ager, and R. J. Barbour, Technical Editors. Methods for integrating modeling of landscape change: Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System. PNW-GTR-610. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, General Technical Report 610. Wondzell, S. M., G. L. Cunningham, and D. Bachelet. 1987. A Hierarchical Classification of Landforms: Some Implications for Understanding Local and Regional Vegetation Dynamics. pp. 15-23. In: Strategies for Classification and Management of Native Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones. United States Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, General Technical Report RM-150. Ludwig, J. A., and S. M. Wondzell. 1986. Vegetation Dynamics Following Establishment of Big Bend National Park U.S.A. pp 13-15. In: P.J. Joss, P.W. Lynch, and O.B. Williams (eds.) Rangelands: A Resource Under Siege - Proceedings of the Second International Rangeland Congress, Canberra, Australia. MS Thesis and Ph.D. Dissertation: Wondzell, S. 1994. Flux of ground water and nitrogen through the floodplain of a fourth-order stream. Ph.D. Thesis. Oregon State University, Corvallis OR. Wondzell, S. M. 1984. Recovery of Desert Grasslands in Big Bend National Park Following 36 Years of Protection from Grazing of Domestic Livestock. MS Thesis, New Mexico State University. Scientific Briefs and short communications: Mazza, R. 2014. The Stream Subsurface: Nitrogen Cycling and the Cleansing Function of Hyporheic Zones, based on science by Jay Zarnetske, Steven Wondzell, and Roy Haggerty. Science Findings #166. Wondzell, S. M. 2012. Hyporheic Zones in Mountain Streams: Physical Processes and Ecosystem Functions. Stream Notes January-April 2012, Stream System Technology Center, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO. Parks, N. 2009. Exploring connections between landscapes and streams, based on science by Steve Wondzell, Kelsey Jensco, and Rob Payn. Science Findings #119. Anjozian, L-N. 2009. Angle of Repose: Testing erosion and prescribed fire in eastern Oregon and Washington’s Blue Mountains. Joint Fire Sciences Program, Fire Science Brief #44. Thompson, J. 2007. Simulating the consequences of land management, based on science by Steven Wondzell, Miles Hemstrom, and Pete Bisson. Science Findings #92. Thompson, J. 2005. Keeping it cool: unraveling the influences on stream temperature, based on science by Sherri Johnson and Steve Wondzell. Science Findings #73. Thompson, J., and Duncan, S. 2004. Following a river wherever it goes: beneath the surface of mountain streams, based on science by Steve Wondzell. Science Findings #67. Unpublished Reports. Muldavin, E. and Wondzell, S. M. 2010. Monitoring Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics in Big Bend National Park. Ecological Survey of the Big Bend Area. Monitoring Report for 2007-2008. Wondzell, S. M. and Reeves, G. 2010. Copper River Delta – Groundwater Temperature Study. Unpublished report and preliminary data sent to the Cordova Ranger District. Bisson, P. A., and S. M. Wondzell. 2009. Olympic Experimental State Forest synthesis of riparian research and monitoring. Report to the Olympic Experimental State Forest, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, Washington, USA. 62 p. Wondzell, S. M., Claeson, S. M., and Bachelet, D. M. 2007. Report on the 2007 Reconnaissance Expedition to Relocate the Ecological Survey of the Big Bend Area Woodland Plots in the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA. Unpublished report to the USDI National Park Service, Chihuahuan Desert Inventory and Monitoring Network, dated 19 October 2007. Wondzell, S.M. and J.A. Ludwig. 1983. Plant succession as influenced by soil-geomorphic process in desert grasslands of semi-arid piedmonts of the U.S.A.-Mexico border. Final report to U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) Cooperative Research Grant No. RM-81-189-CR. ARCHIVED DATASETS: Wondzell, S. M. 1997. Stream, hyporheic, and ground water (water table) elevation data from McRae Creek well network. Long-Term Ecological Research. Corvallis, OR: Forest Science Data Bank: HF10. [Database]. Wondzell, S. M. 1997. Stream, hyporheic, and ground water chemistry of McRae Creek. Long-Term Ecological Research. Corvallis, OR: Forest Science Data Bank: CF04. [Database]. Haggerty, R. and Wondzell, S. M. 2003. Stream Tracer Experiments in HJ Andrews Experimental Forests: Long-Term Ecological Research. Corvallis, OR: Forest Science Data Bank: HF011. [Database]. Anderson, J. 2003. Longitudinal profiles and geomorphic descriptions of twelve randomly selected stream reaches in the Andrews Experimental Forest: Long-Term Ecological Research. Corvallis, OR: Forest Science Data Bank: HF012. [Database]. Wondzell, S. M. and C. F. Clifton. 2006. Evaluating the effects of prescribed fire and soil erosion on water quality and aquatic habitat in the Skookum Experimental Watersheds (Umatilla National Forest): air temperature, water temperature, and precipitation data. Forest Science Data Bank: MS035. [Database]. Wondzell, S. M. and C. F. Clifton. 2006. Evaluating the effects of prescribed fire and soil erosion on water quality and aquatic habitat in the Skookum Experimental Watersheds (Umatilla National Forest): hillslope erosion plot data. Forest Science Data Bank: HS009. [Database]. Wondzell, S. M. and C. F. Clifton. 2006. Umatilla National Forest Southend Barometer (Skookum Creek) streamflow data. Forest Science Data Bank: HF021. [Database]. Wondzell, S. M. and C. F. Clifton. 2006. Umatilla National Forest Southend Barometer (Skookum Creek) sediment data. Forest Science Data Bank: HS008. [Database]. ELECTRONIC and AUDIOVISUAL OUTPUTS Wondzell, S. M. 2000. Delineating the Extent of the Hyporheic Zone in Mountain Streams. Presentation #2. in: A. Wald (editor) The Delineation of Hyporheic Zones in Western Alluvial Rivers – a videotaped seminar and panel discussion moderated by Susan Bolton, Center for Streamside Studies, University of Washington. Washington Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Office. Olympia, WA. July 2001. WORKSHOPS, FIELD TRIPS and OTHER: Wondzell, S. M., Bisson, P. A., Claeson, S., and Foster, A. 2010. Effects of forest management and debris flows on aquatic and riparian resources in western Washington Forests. Field trip for Portland State University program to encourage minority student involvement in natural resource sciences. 3 August, 2010. Wondzell, S. M. Forest Management Issues and Wildfire - Examples from the Blue Mountains. Field trip for the Mapped Atmosphere, Plant, and Soil Systems team, Managing Disturbance Regimes Program, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 13-14 September 2003. Wondzell, S. M., Clifton, C., and Harris, R. Annual INLAS summer field trip: Fires, Fuels, Prescribed Fire Treatments, and Their Effects on Other Resources. o the Skookum Experimental Watersheds and the Joint Fires Sciences Erosion Study. 10 July, 2003. Yeakley, A. and S. Wondzell. Controls on nutrient exchange processes between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Long-Term Ecological Research, All-scientist meeting, Snowbird Utah, August 2000. GRANTS FUNDED: Competitive Research Grants: Collaborative Research: How do hydrology and biogeochemistry control carbon flux from headwater streams to the atmosphere? NSF – Hydrologic Sciences Program. PIs: R. Haggerty and S. M. Wondzell. Collaborators: D. Tonina and K. Feris. July 2014 – June 2017. $444,943. An assessment of the vulnerability of watersheds in Prince William Sound, Alaska to climate change. Proposal funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Lead PI: G. H. Reeves; Co-PIs: S. M. Wondzell and N. Mantua. January 2013 – December 2015. $300,000. A decision support system for assessing the impact of fire management on threatened and endangered species. Proposal funded by the Joint Fire Sciences Program. Lead PI: G. H Reeves; Co-PIs: L.E. Benda, W. Elliot, R. Flitcroft, P. Bisson, and S. Wondzell. May 2009 – September 2010. $300,000. Integrated Dynamic Landscape and Coho Salmon Model. Proposal funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. Lead PI: P. Lawson. Co-PIs: D. Miller, K. Burnett, E. A. Steel, and S. M. Wondzell. 2007 – 2009. $324,000. Mapping current conditions and modeling the dynamic responses of riparian vegetation and salmon habitat in Oregon. Proposal funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board. Lead PI: S. M. Wondzell; Co-PIs: P. Bisson, K. Burnett, W. Cohen, M. Hemstrom, J. Kagan, J. Ohmann. Sept. 2007 – April 2010. $640,000. Collaborative Research: Hydrological linkages between landscapes and streams: transferring reach and plot scale understanding to the network and catchment scales. NSF – Hydrologic Sciences Program. PIs: B.L. McGlynn and M.N. Gooseff. Collaborators: J. Seibert, K.E. Bencala and S. M. Wondzell. April 2004 – March 2007. $377,060. Collaborative Research: Controls on hyporheic nitrate retention - discriminating among transport, reaction-rate, and substrate limitation. NSF Hydrologic Sciences Program. Co-PIs: R. D. Haggerty, S. M. Wondzell, and M. N. Gooseff. June 2004 - May 2007. $450,000. Evaluating the effects of prescribed fire and fuels treatments on water quality and aquatic habitat. Joint Fire Sciences Program October 2001-September 2004. Co-PIs: C. Clifton and S.M. Wondzell. $299,151. Interactions between streams and groundwater along the river continuum: Scaling up to a stream network. NSF - Hydrologic Sciences Program. PI: Wondzell. Co-PI: F. J. Swanson. February 2000 January 2003, $300,000. Influence of natural processes and human modifications of river channels on stream-ground water interactions in the hyporheic zone of mountain streams. NSF - Japan Program (Joint project with Japanese Society for Promotion of Science). PI: Wondzell. Co-PI: F. J. Swanson. June 1998 - June 2001, $23,000. (also with F. Nakamura and H. Shibata) Interactions between streams and ground water along the river continuum: Influence of stream size, geomorphology, and catchment wetness. NSF - Hydrologic Sciences Program. PI: Wondzell. Co-PI: F. J. Swanson. November 1995 - November 1998, $183,500. Influence of human modifications of river channels on ground-water processes and surface-water quality. NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science and Engineering. PI: Wondzell. March 1994 - March 1995, $42,800. (To work at the Centre d'Écologie des Systèmes Fluviaux, Toulouse France). The role of riparian forests in regulating nitrogen flux between ground water and surface water in third order stream valleys of Oregon. 1990 - 1992, $16,410. Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award, National Science Foundation. Non-Competitive Grants and Contracts: Mechanisms of Impacts and Trends over Time: Exploring Potential Climate Change Influences on Stream Water Temperature. Funded through the USGS-USFS Joint Climate Change Research Project on Pacific Northwestern Freshwater Ecosystems. Co-PIs (alphabetic): P. Conolly, J. Dunham, S. Johnson, S. Wondzell. July 2010 – April 2012. $500,000. Knotweed Control Efficacy and Riparian Restoration. Lead PI: S. M. Claeson. Co-PIs: P. A. Bission and S. M. Wondzell US Fish and Wildlife Service, Chehalis Fisheries Restoration Program, FY2009. $20,915. Monitoring Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics In Big Bend National Park: Factors Controlling Woody And Grass Species Demographics With Implications For Restoration And Management. Proposal funded by the National Park Service, Chihuahuan Desert Network. Lead PI: E. Muldavin; Co-PIs: S. M. Wondzell & J. A. Ludwig. July 2007 – Dec. 2008. $69,928. The hyporheic zone: It’s role in forest-stream interactions. USDA Pacific Northwest Experiment Station. PI: Wondzell. May 1999 - May 2000. $15,078. Influence of groundwater inputs and hyporheic exchange flow on low-baseflow discharge. HJA - LTER program. Co-PIs: Wondzell, S. M. and S. L. Johnson. June 1999 - Dec 1999, $10,674. Forty years of vegetation change in the desert grasslands of Big Bend National Park. PI: E. Muldavin. CoPIs: S. M. Wondzell and J. A. Ludwig. 1995-96, $5,500. National Park Service. UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS MANAGED: Dr. Roy Haggerty, Department of GeoSciences, OSU, Corvallis, OR. 2010-2012: Mechanisms of Impacts and Trends over Time: Exploring Potential Climate Change Influences on Stream Water Temperature. Dr. Roy Haggerty, Department of GeoSciences, OSU, Corvallis, OR. 2003-2005: Modeling Hyporheic Exchange Flows Following Removal of Wood from a SmallStream. (This agreement funded the work of a graduate research assistant, Mr. J. LaNier) Dr. James T. Peterson and Dr. Michael J. Conroy, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens GA. 2001-2007: The Development of Decision Analysis Tools for Federal Land Management in the Inland Northwest. (This agreement funded the work of a Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dr. C. J. Fonnesbeck, on the INLAS project.) INVITED PRESENTATIONS: Wondzell, S. M., R. Haggerty, and A. Argerich. 2015. The role of streams, riparian zones and hyporheic exchange in the carbon budget of a small, forested, headwater stream. H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest and Long-Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) Symposium. 29 January 2015. Oregon State University, Coravallis, OR. Argerich, A., Johnson, S., Haggerty, R., Dosch, N., Corson-Rikert, H., Ashkenas, L., Pennington, R. Wondzell, S, and Thomas C. Contribution of a headwater stream to the global carbon budget. Abstract EP51A-3512. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. December 15-19, 2014. San Francisco, CA, USA. Wondzell, S. M. 2014. Groundwater – surface-water exchange. Presented to the Upper Columbia – Regional Technical Team, Wenatchee WA. 10 December, 2014. Wondzell, S.M. L. Adelfio, G. H. Reeves, N. J. Mantua, E. Y. Campbell, and J. B. Dunham. 2014. Spatial heterogeneity of winter stream temperatures, Copper River Delta, Alaska, USA: Implications for understanding likely climate change effects on salmon. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. 19-23 May, 2014. Wondzell, S. M. 2014. Hyporheic Zones in Mountain Streams: Physical Processes and Ecosystem Functions. Spring Seminar Series, Water Resources Graduate Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 13 May, 2014. Wondzell, S. M. 2014. Climate change and water. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Science Day. Corvallis, OR. 12 March, 2014. Reeves, G., and S. M. Wondzell. 2014. The Challenges of Managing and Restoring Riparian Ecosystems in Eastern Oregon. Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Eugene OR. 25-28 February, 2014. Wondzell, S. M. 2013. Perceptions and Expectations for Riparian Conservation: Creating a Common Understanding. Riparian Conservation Workshop, John Day, OR. 22 November, 2013. Wondzell, S. M. 2012. Magnitudes and time-scales of hyporheic exchange in streams across a range of morphological environments. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H12B-08. Wondzell, S. M., J. E. Janisch, W. J. Ehinger, W. J., and P. A. Bisson. 2012. Forest harvest effects on temperature of small headwater streams with and without riparian buffers. In the workshop titled: The Science of Thinning to Meet Aquatic Conservation Strategy Objectives in the Northwest Forest Plan Riparian Reserves. Corvallis OR, 30 October, 2012. Gooseff, M. N., A. S. Ward, R. A. Payn, T. J. Voltz, E. D. Bernzott, M. Fitzgerald, B. L. McGlynn, K. E. Bencala, S. M. Wondzell, K. Singha, D. M. McKnight. 2011. Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Streams Wetting Up and Drying Down. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H53P-03. Wondzell, S. M. 2011. How do hyporheic exchange and stream flow velocity drive diurnal fluctuations in discharge during baseflow recession. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H54F-08. Bisson, P. A., S. M. Claeson, S. M. Wondzell, A. D. Foster. 2011. Evaluating headwater stream buffers: Lessons learned from watershed-scale experiments in southwest Washington. Density Management in the 21st Century – West Side Story. 4-6 October, 2011. Corvallis, OR. Wondzell, S. M., Przeszlowska, A., Bisson, P. A., and Hemstrom, M. A. 2011. Squeezing riparian vegetation dynamics and associated changes in stream channel morphology and salmon habitat quality into a state-and-transition modeling paradigm. State and Transition Landscape Modeling Conference, 14-16 June, 2011. Wondzell, S. M. 2011. Water Temperature Regimes in Small Streams: Forest Harvest, Riparian Buffers, and Hyporheic Exchange. Spring 2011 Water Seminar Series, University of Washington, 26 April, 2011. Wondzell, S. M., Przeszlowska, A., Bisson, P. A., and Hemstrom, M. A. 2011. Modeling riparian vegetation, channel morphology, and salmonid habitat dynamics in the upper Middle Fork John Day River watershed. OWEB Research Program Reports, presented to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, 20 January, 2011. Zarnetske, J. P., R. Haggerty, S. M. Wondzell, and M. A. Baker. 2010, Controls on Hyporheic Nitrate Removal: Assessing Transport and Substrate Limitations with 15N Tracer Studies. Abstract H24C-04 (invited) presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 December 2010. Gooseff, M. N., R. A. Payn, M. A. Briggs, B. L. McGlynn, K. E. Bencala, S. M. Wondzell, and R. Haggerty. 2010. Methods, applications, and limits of assessing residence time distributions of solutes in streams. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting of ASLO & NABS, 6-11 June 2010. Santa Fe, NM. Wondzell, S. M. 2008. The changing role of hyporheic exchange flows across a stream network. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H14B-07 (invited). 15-19 December 2008. Wondzell, S. M., Hemstrom, M. A., and Bisson, P. A. 2008. Developing a riparian vegetation and aquatic habitat dynamics model to inform management decisions in the Interior Columbia Basin. Invited presentation at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, USA. Feb. 27, 2008. Invited presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division – American Fisheries Society, Portland OR, 7 May, 2008. McGlynn, B. L., Jencso, K., Payn, R. A., Gooseff, M. N., and Wondzell, S. M. 2007. Conceptualizing, testing, and transferring watershed characteristics-runoff generation relationships. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 88(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H12E-01 (invited). Haggerty, R., Ninnemann, J., Gooseff, M. N., Wondzell, S.M. 2004. Power-law behavior of transient storage residence time distributions from a multi-scale stream tracer test in Lookout Creek, Oregon. EOS Transactions AGU, 85(47). Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract H23G-01 (invited) December 2004, San Francisco, CA. Gooseff, M. N., Haggerty, R., Wondzell, S. M., Anderson, J. K., LaNier, J., Ninneman, J. 2004. Hyporheic exchange throughout a stream network and implications for water quality: Studies within the Lookout Creek basin, Oregon. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. GSA Abstracts with Programs 36(5):464 (invited). November 10, 2004, Denver, CO. Wondzell, S.M., Haggerty, R., Gooseff, M. N. 2003. Hyporheic Exchange Flows and their Residence-Time Distributions in Mountain Streams. Invited Poster for the session: Exploring the linkages between the geochemistry, biology, and hydrology of the hyporheic zone. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Wondzell, S. M. 2003. Death, Monsters, Healthy Forests, and You. United States Forest Service, Region 6, Annual Fisheries Biologist and Hydrologist Workshop. Eugene, OR. Also as an invited presentation in 2004 at the session Fire and Aquatic Ecosystems. Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sunriver, OR. Wondzell, S.M. and R. Haggerty. 2002. Evaluating the Importance of the Hyporheic Zone Throughout a 5th-Order Mountain Stream Network. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA [published abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H51D-03.]. Wondzell, S.M. and J. King. 2002. Post-fire Erosional Processes: Comparing Coastal and Cascadian Pacific Northwest to the Interior Northwest and Rocky Mountains. Workshop on “Fire and Aquatic Ecosystems: Emerging Theory, Experience, and Issues Related to Fire and Fire Management and Aquatic Ecosystems”, Boise, ID (Publication #15). Wondzell, S.M. and S.L. Johnson. 2002. The hyporheic zone and stream temperature. Symposium and Workshop on Small Stream Channels and Riparian Zones: Their Form, Function and Ecological Importance in a Watershed Context University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. Wondzell, S.M. 2000. Applied Hydrology Seminar: Delineation of Surface Water / Groundwater Interactions (Hyporheic Zones) in Western Alluvial Rivers. Invited Speaker and Panel Member. Seminar sponsored by: Washington Hydrologic Society, The Center for Streamside Studies, and the Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association, Seattle, WA. Wondzell, S.M. and P.A. Bisson. 2000. Influence of Wood on Aquatic and Riparian Biodiversity. International Conference on Wood in World Rivers, Corvallis, OR (Publication #17). Wondzell, S.M. 2000. Stream-Groundwater Interactions: Linking Terrestrial and Aquatic Components of Riparian Ecosystems. Colorado State University, Guest Scholar Program, Ft. Collins, CO. Wondzell, S.M. 1998. Re-engineering our Engineered Landscape: Potential Problems When Using Riparian Buffers as Tools to Mitigate Nonpoint-Source Pollution. James A. Vomocil Water Quality Conference. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Wondzell, S.M. 1995. The Hyporheic Zone: A case study of ground-water hydrology and nitrogen cycling in a mountain stream. Woods Hole Biological Station, Falmouth, MA. Wondzell, S.M. 1993. Influence of riparian ground water systems on nitrogen budgets of mountain streams. American Institute of Hydrology, Oregon Section Annual Meeting, Corvallis, OR. Wondzell, S.M., G.L. Cunningham, and D. Bachelet. 1988. Geomorphic processes and spatial vegetation patterns in the northern Chihuahuan desert. In the symposium: Geomorphic processes underlying landscape heterogeneity and vegetation patterns in North American deserts. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Davis, CA. CONTRIBUTED ORAL or POSTER PRESENTATIONS: 2014 Wondzell, S. M., Adelfio, L., Reeves, G., Campbell, E., and Dunham, J. 2014. Surface – Groundwater Interactions Control Egg-Incubation Temperature Regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Alaska Chapter, American Fisheries Society. Juneau, AK. 20-24 October, 2014. Reeves, G., M. Berg, S. Wondzell, E. Campbell, S. Hartell, and L.Adelfio. 2014. The ecology of coho salmon in ground water streams on the Copper River Delta. Alaska Chapter, American Fisheries Society. Juneau, AK. 20-24 October, 2014 Campbell, E., J. Dunham, G. Reeves, S. M. Wondzell. 2014. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) emergence timing in groundwater and surface water dominated streams in Alaska. Ecological and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes Meeting, Corvallis, OR. 22-26 June, 2014. Corson-Rikert, H., S. M. Wondzell, M. Santelmann. 2014. Carbon dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a headwater mountain stream in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. 19-23 May, 2014. Campbell, E., J. Dunham, G. Reeves, S. M. Wondzell. 2014. Thermal variation influences salmon emergence timing and subsequent juvenile growth in Alaska streams. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. 19-23 May, 2014. Diabat, M., S. M. Wondzell, and R. Haggerty. 2014. Stream temperature response to restoration of channel meanders and riparian forest at a dredge-mined stream in northeastern Oregon, USA. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. 19-23 May, 2014. Greene, S.L., C. E. Torgersen, S. M. Wondzell, S. L. Johnson, J. B. Dunham, P. Leinenbach. 2014. Stream temperature and riparian thinning: influence of heterogenous effective shade on thermal complexity. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. 19-23 May, 2014. Campbell, E., J. Dunham, G. Reeves, S. M. Wondzell. 2014. Linkages Between Thermal Heterogeneity and Coho Salmon Emergence in Alaska Streams. Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Eugene OR. 25-28 February, 2014. Diabat, M., S. M. Wondzell, and R. Haggerty. 2014. Comparison between restoring stream meanders and replanting riparian vegetation on stream temperature in the Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon. River Restoration Northwest, Annual Meeting, Skamania WA. 3-6 February, 2014. 2013 Wondzell, S. M., L. Adelfio, G. Reeves, E. Campbell, and J. Dunham. 2013. Surface-Groundwater Interactions Control Egg-Incubation Temperature Regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska: Implications for Understanding Likely Climate Change Impacts. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H43A-1439. Diabat, M., S. M. Wondzell, and R. Haggerty. 2012. Comparison Between the Effects of Restoring Channel Meanders and Riparian Vegetation on Stream Temperature in the Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H23C-1297. Wondzell, S. M. 2013. Climate Change, Land-use, and Stream Temperature in the Middle Fork, John Day River. R6 Watershed and Fisheries Program Managers Meeting. Corvallis, Oregon. 20 November, 2013 Campbell, E., J. Dunham, G. Reeves, S. M. Wondzell. 2013. Linkages Between Climate Change and the Phenologies of Juvenile Coho Salmon and their Invertebrate Prey in Alaska Streams. Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bend OR. 19-22 February, 2013. Wondzell, S. M., 2013. Hyporheic Zones in Mountain Streams: Physical Processes and Ecosystem Functions. USGS Oregon Water Science Center, Portland OR. 15 January, 2013. 2012 Beamer, J. P., S. M. Wondzell, and R. Haggerty. 2012. The hyporheitron – a tool for measuring hyporheic processes along a discrete flow path in gravel bed streams. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H13D-1367. Diabat, M., R. Haggerty, and S. M. Wondzell. 2012. What matters most: Are summer stream temperatures more sensitive to changing air temperature, changing discharge, or changing riparian vegetation under future climates? EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H53E-1569. Wondzell, S. M. 2012. Are riparian buffers an effective approach for stream restoration in an agricultural landscape? An example of the l’Hers Mort River Basin, France. Stream Team, Monday Morning Meeting. 19 November, 2012. Wondzell, S. M., J. E. Janisch, W. J. Ehinger, W. J., and P. A. Bisson. 2012. Forest harvest effects on temperature of small headwater streams with and without riparian buffers. Science Hour presentation, H. J. Andrews LTER monthly meeting, Corvallis OR, 5 October, 2012. Wondzell, S. M., Muldavin, E. H., and Ludwig, J. A. 2012. Long-term demographics of dominant shrubs in semi-arid grasslands of the Chihuahuan desert region. 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 5-10 August, 2012. Portland OR. Wondzell, S. M., Reeves, G. H., and Adelfio, L. 2012. Spatial variability in egg-incubation temperature regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska: implications for understanding likely climate change impacts. American Fisheries Society, Oregon Chapter meeting, Feb 28 – March 2, 2012. Eugene OR. 2011 Diabat, M., R. Haggerty, and S. M. Wondzell. 2011. Climate change and river temperature sensitivity to warmer nighttime vs. warmer daytime air temperatures. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H13C-1218. Ward, A. S., M. N. Gooseff, K. E. Bencala, R. A. Payn, S. M. Wondzell, C. Kelleher, and T. Wagener. 2011. How does transient storage change as a function of valley position and flow rate? EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H44D-07. Wondzell, S. M., Przeszlowska, A., Bisson, P. A., and Hemstrom, M. A. 2011. Modeling riparian vegetation, channel morphology, and salmonid habitat dynamics in the upper Middle Fork John Day River watershed. OWEB Research Program Reports, presented to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, 20 January, 2011. Wondzell, S. M., Przeszlowska, A., Bisson, P. A., and Hemstrom, M. A. 2011. Projecting riparian vegetation and salmonid habitat responses to alternative land-use and restoration practice. US-IALE Annual Meeting, 3-7 April 2011. Portland OR. Wondzell, S. M., Reeves, G. A., and Bisson, P. A. 2011. Spatial variability in egg-incubation temperature regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska: Implications for understanding likely climate change impacts. 13th Copper River Delta Science Symposium, Cordova AK., 22-24 March, 2011. Zarnetske, J. P., R. Haggerty, S. M. Wondzell, V. A. Bokil, and R. A. Gonzalez-Pinzon. 2011. Coupling Hyporheic Nitrification-Denitrification: Evaluating Net Nitrate Source-Sink Dynamics as a Function of Transport and Reaction Kinetics. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract B12D-05. 2010 Claeson, S. M., A. D. Foster, S. M. Wondzell, and P. A. Bisson. 2010. Debris flow effects on stream biota in Washington State. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting of ASLO & NABS, 6-11 June 2010. Santa Fe, NM. Davis, C. R., S. M. Wondzell and A. Przeszlowska 2010. Browsing and riparian shrubs: historic evidence and restoration, Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon. Northwest Scientific Association, 82nd Annual Meeting, 24-27 March 2010. Centralia WA. Davis, C. R., S. M. Wondzell and A. Przeszlowska 2010 Browsing and growth of riparian shrubs: historic evidence, current condition and restoration, upper Middle Fork John Day River, OR. [poster] Middle Fork John Day Intensively Monitored Watershed, Annual Science Summit. 17-18 February 2010. John Day, OR. Janisch, J. E., S. M. Wondzell, and W. J. Ehinger. 2010. Understanding headwater stream response to logging: six years of monitoring and patterns observed. Washington Forest Practices, Adaptive Management, Annual Science Conference, 13 April 2010. Olympia WA. Muldavin, E. H. and S. M. Wondzell. 2010. Fifty years of community change in a Chihuahaun desert ecosystem: using the U. S. National Vegetation Classification to link the past to the future. 95th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 1-6 August 2010, Pittsburgh PA. Przeszlowska, A. and S. M. Wondzell. 2010. Projecting riparian vegetation and salmonids habitat responses to alternative land-use and restoration practices. 2010 Joint Regional Conference, Northwest Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration and the Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society. 16-18 February 2010. Tulalip, WA. Przeszlowska, A., S. M. Wondzell, P. A. Bisson, and M. A. Hemstrom. 2010. A stream network approach for predicting riparian vegetation dynamics and salmonids habitat quality. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting of ASLO & NABS, 6-11 June 2010. Santa Fe, NM. Wondzell, S.M. 2010. Water temperature regimes in small streams: Riparian buffers, hyporheic exchange, and climate change. Aquatic Ecology Seminar. Olympia Forestry Sciences Lab, PNW Research Station, Olympia WA. 9 November, 2010. Wondzell, S. M. 2010, Limitations of the Stream Tracer Approach for Hyporheic Investigations, Abstract H34A-04 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 December, 2010. Wondzell, S. M. and S. Johnson. 2010. Hyporheic exchange: Controlling processes, effects on streams, and management implications. US Forest Service Region 6 Program Managers Meeting. Welches OR, 16 November, 2010. Wondzell, S. M., A. Przeszlowska, P. A. Bisson and M. A. Hemstrom. 2010. Modeling riparian vegetation, stream channel morphology, and salmonid habitat dynamics in the upper Middle Fork John Day River watershed. Middle Fork John Day Intensively Monitored Watershed, Annual Science Summit. 17-18 February 2010. John Day, OR. Wondzell, S. M., J. P. Zarnetske, R. Haggerty, R. A. Payn, M. N. Gooseff, and B. L. McGlynn. 2010. Limitations of the stream tracer approach for hyporheic Investigations. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting of ASLO & NABS, 6-11 June 2010. Santa Fe, NM. Zarnetske, J. P., R. D. Haggerty, S. M. Wondzell, and M. A. Baker. 2010. Dynamics of nitrate production and removal as a function of residence time in the hyporheic zone: a 15N-tracer study. 2010 Joint Annual Meeting of ASLO & NABS, 6-11 June 2010. Santa Fe, NM. 2009 Bigley, R. E., Ricklefs, J. D., Bisson, P. A., Wondzell, S. M., Raphael, M. G., Claeson, S. M., Wilk, R. J., Wilk, K. I., Foster, A., Janisch, J. E., Ehinger, W. J., Vogt, D., and Edmonds, R. 2009. Testing alternative headwater stream management options: Early results from the Riparian Ecosystem Management Studies (REMS) Project. Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources, Cooperative Monitorning Evaluation and Research (CMER), Washington Forest Practices Adaptive Management Annual Science Conference. 18 March 2009, Olympia WA. Gooseff, M. N.; R. A. Payn; B. L. McGlynn; S. M. Wondzell. 2009. Solute load sensitivity to stream flow gains and losses in transport simulations in coupled stream-subsurface systems. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H53D-0954 [published abstract] Jencso, K. G.; B. L. McGlynn; M. N. Gooseff; S. M. Wondzell. 2009. Hillslope hydrologic connectivity controls riparian groundwater turnover: Implications of landscape structure and organization for catchment scale source water dynamics (Invited). Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H32A-05 [published abstract] Wondzell, S. M., Muldavin, E., and Ludwig, J. A. 2009. Fifty years of woodland dynamics, Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park, Texas. George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites. Pg. 158 in: “Rethinking protected areas in a changing world” Portland, OR. 2-6 March, 2009. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. 2-7 August, 2009. Zarnetske, J. P., Haggerty, R., Wondzell, S. M., and Baker, M. A. 2009. Residence Time Controls on Hyporheic Nitrogen Cycling in an Upland Agricultural Stream. Gordon Research Conference: Catchment Sciences: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry. 12-17 July 2009, Andover, NH. Zarnetske, J. P.; R. Haggerty; S. M. Wondzell; M. A. Baker. 2009. Labile Dissolved Organic Carbon Availability Controls Hyporheic Denitrification: a 15N Tracer Study. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41E-0941 [published abstract] This presentation received an “Outstanding Student Paper Award” from the American Geophysical Union. 2008 Gooseff, M. N., Wondzell, S. M., and McGlynn, B. L. 2008. On the Relationships Among Temporal Patterns of Evapotranspiration, Stream Flow and Riparian Water Levels in Headwater Catchments During Baseflow. International Association of HydroGeologists Congress, Toyama, Japan . Oct. 26 – Nov. 1, 2008. Jencso, K., McGlynn, B. L., Gooseff, M. N., Payn, R., and Wondzell, S. M. 2008. Landscape Structure as a 1st Order Control on Whole Catchment Hydrologic and Solute Response Characteristics Across Contrasting Climate Conditions. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H31E-0927. This paper received an “Outstanding Student Paper Award” from the American Geophysical Union. Jencso, K, B.L. McGlynn, M.N. Gooseff, S.M. Wondzell, K.E. Bencala, and R.A. Payn. 2008. Topographic controls on hillslope–riparian water table continuity in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana. CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences) Biennial Colloqium on Hydrologic Science and Engineering, Boulder, CO. July 14-16, 2008. Payn, R. A., Gooseff, M. N., McGlynn, B. L., Bencala, K., and Wondzell S. M. 2008. Relationships between stream – ground water exchange and topography of the channel, valley, and watershed. CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences) Biennial Colloqium on Hydrologic Science and Engineering, Boulder, CO. July 14-16, 2008. Wondzell, S. M., Hemstrom, M. A., and Bisson, P. A. 2008. Developing a riparian vegetation and aquatic habitat dynamics model to inform management decisions in the Interior Columbia Basin. Presented to the USFS WO Staff, Feb. 14, 2008. Wondzell, S. M., Muldavin, E., and Ludwig, J. A. 2007 & 2008. Fifty Years of Change in the Desert Grasslands of Big Bend National Park: 1955 to 2007. Presented to the staff of Big Bend National Park, Panther Junction, Texas, 21 September, 2007. Presented to the Olympia Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Brown Bag Presentation, 24 January 2008. Wondzell, S., Przeszlowska, A., Bisson, P., Hemstrom, M., Burnett, K., Cohen, W., and Ohmann, J. Projecting the responses of riparian vegetation and salmonid habitat to alternative land-use policies and aquatic habitat restoration. Region 6 Fisheries Biologists and Hydrologists Managers Annual Meeting, HoodRiver, OR. 19 November, 2008. Zarnetske, J. P., Haggerty, R., Wondzell , S. M., and Baker, M. A. 2008. Hyporheic Denitrification in an Upland Agricultural Stream: a 15N Tracer Study. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 89(53), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H11B-0746. This presentation received an “Outstanding Student Paper Award” from the American Geophysical Union. This presentation was also awarded the Williamson Water Prize, the most prestigious award offered annually by Oregon State University’s Water Resources Graduate program. 2007 Bisson, P.A., Raphael, M.G., Bigley, R.E., Foster, A.D., Claeson, S.M., Wilk, K.I., and Wondzell, S.M. 2007. Approaches, Surprises, And Lessons Learned From 10 Years Of Headwater Stream Studies In Western Washington. Presented at “Riparian Management in Headwater Catchments: Translating Science into Management”. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Feb. 19-21, 2007. Gooseff, M. N., Payn, R. A., McGlynn, B. L., Bencala, K. E., and Wondzell, S. M. 2007. Multiple Spatial Scales of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange in a Headwater Stream in Montana, USA. Geological Society of America Program 39(6):480 (published abstract). Oct. 28-31, 2007. Janisch, J.E., Ehinger, W.J., and Wondzell, S.M. 2007. Headwaters Streams: Air Temperature Response To Various Harvest Treatments And Relationship To Water Temperature. Presented at “Riparian Management in Headwater Catchments: Translating Science into Management”. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Feb. 19-21, 2007. Jencso, K., McGlynn, B. L., Gooseff, M. N., Wondzell, S. M., Bencala, K. E., and Payn, R. A. 2007. Topographic controls on hillslope–riparian water table continuity in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 88(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H21A-0168 (published abstract). Dec. 10-14, 2007. This paper received an “Outstanding Student Paper Award” from the American Geophysical Union. Payn, R., M. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, K.E. Bencala, and S.M. Wondzell. 2007. Multiple spatial scales of surface water - groundwater exchange in a headwater stream in Montana, USA. 2007 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver. Payn, R. A., Gooseff, M. N., McGlynn, B. L., Bencala, K. E., Wondzell, S. M., and Jencso, K. 2007. Relationships between stream – ground water exchange and topography of the channel, valley, and watershed. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 88(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H53B-1232 (published abstract). Dec. 10-14, 2007. Stayton, P., Robichaud, P.R., Cliffton, C., and Wondzell, S.M., 2007. Validating disturbed WEPP for fuel management and prescribed fire conditions in northeast Oregon and southeastern Washington. EOS Transactions. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, H31C-1445 (published abstract). Wondzell, S. M., Clifton, C. F., Harris, R. M., and Ritchie, J. C. 2007. Erosion Rates of Volcanic-ash Derived Soils in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon, USA: A Comparison Across Sales in Space and Time. EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 88(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H43F-1686 (published abstract). Dec. 10-14, 2007. Wondzell, S. M., Hemstrom, M. A., and Bisson, P. A. 2007. Simulating riparian vegetation and aquatic habitat dynamics in response to natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes in the upper Grande Ronde River, Oregon, USA. Geological Society of America Program 39(6):264 (published abstract). Oct. 28-31, 2007. Wondzell, S.M., Janisch, J.E., Ehinger, W.J., Bisson, P.A. 2007. Forest Harvest Effects On Temperature Of Small Headwater Streams With And Without Riparian Buffers. Presented at “Riparian Management in Headwater Catchments: Translating Science into Management”. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Feb. 19-21, 2007. 2006 Gooseff, M.N., Zarnetske, J.P., Haggerty, R., LaNier, J., and Wondzell, S.M. 2006. Challenges in groundwater flow modeling to characterize hyporheic exchange. MODFLOW and more 2006, MODFLOW conference series, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden CO. 22-24 May 2006. Jencso, K, B McGlynn, M Gooseff, S Wondzell, and K Bencala. 2006. Landscape controls on hillsloperiparian-stream hydrologic connections in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains. EOS Transactions. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, H31E-1473 (published abstract). Johnson, S.L., Li, J.L., Frady, C., and Wondzell, S. 2006. Physical processes and biological response: Macroinvertebrate diversity among headwater streams in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 23(1):96. Payn, R.A., Gooseff, M.N., McGlynn, B.L., Bencala, K.E., and Wondzell S.M. 2006. Measurements of simultaneous hydrologic gains and losses over stream reaches. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 23(1):344. Payn, R, M Gooseff, B McGlynn, K Bencala, and S Wondzell. 2006. Tracer observations of spatial and temporal variations in water exchange across the stream-catchment interface. EOS Transactions. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, B22C-06 (published abstract). Wondzell, S.M., McGuire, k., Haggerty, R., and Johnson, S.L. 2006. Physical processes and biological response: Physical controls on water residence times in headwater watersheds in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 23(1):96. 2005 Haggerty, R, J LaNier, CL Crenshaw, SM Wondzell, MA Baker, and MN Gooseff. 2005. Investigation of Hyporheic Nitrate Retention Using 15NO3- Additions: Preliminary Results from Mack Creek, Oregon. North American Benthological Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Houlahan, J., and the NCEAS Working Group on Data Sharing. 2005. Are diverse natural communities more stable or are stable natural communities more diverse. 90th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Montreal, Canada. 8-12 August 2006. LaNier, J. M., Wondzell, S. M., Woodsmith, R., and Haggerty, R. 2005. Changes in Hyporheic Exchange Flow Following Experimental Woody Debris Removal Determined by Groundwater Flow Modeling. [published abstract: EOS Transactions, AGU, 86(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H41I-03] 5-9 December, 2005. Payn, R. A., Gooseff, M. N., and McGlynn, B. L., Bencala, K. E., and Wondzell, S. M. 2005. Water Balance and Residence Time in Stream Functional Units of Differing Scales. [published abstract: EOS Transactions, AGU, 86(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H43C-0508] 5-9 December, 2005. Wondzell, S. M., Gooseff, M. N., and McGlynn, B. L. 2005. On the Role of Hyporheic Exchange and Stream Flow Velocity in Driving Diurnal Fluctuations in Discharge During Baseflow Recession. [published abstract: EOS Transactions, AGU, 86(52), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H21A-1306] 5-9 December, 2005. 2004 Haggerty, R., Harvey, C., Zinn, B., Meigs, L. C., Ninnemann, J., Gooseff, M.N., Wondzell, S. M., Freiherr von Schwerin, C. 2004. Experimental evidence of heavy-tailed memory effects in solute movement through geologic materials: Anomalous transport caused by diffusive and advective exchange. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Annual Meeting, July 12-16, Portland, OR. Haggerty, R., LaNier, J., Ninneman, J., Gooseff, M. N., and Wondzell, S. M. 2004. Late-time tracer test method for measuring transient storage residence time distributions in streams. [published abstract: GSA Abstracts with Programs 36(5)xxx] November 9, 2004, Denver, CO. Harris, R.M., C. Clifton, and S.M. Wondzell. 2004. Evaluating the effects of prescribed fire and fuels treatment on water quality and aquatic habitat. Advancing the Fundamental Sciences Conference-A Conference for Physical Scientists. October 18-22, 2004, San Diego, CA. Ninnemann, J., Haggerty, R., Gooseff, M. N., and Wondzell, S. 2004. Multi-scale stream tracer test in Lookout Creek, Oregon: Fractal behavior of hyporheic residence time distributions. [published abstract: GSA Abstracts with Programs 36(5)xxx] November 9, 2004, Denver, CO. Wondzell, S. M. and Johnson, S. L. 2004. Influence of hyporheic exchange flow on temperature of a small mountain stream. [published abstract: Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 21(1):307]. Wondzell, S. M., Clifton, C., and Harris, R. M. 2004. Preliminary results: Evaluating the effects of prescribed fire on hillslope erosion and sediment delivery to streams. Joint Fire Sciences Project, Principal Investigator Workshop, Phoenix, AZ. 2003 Harris, R.M., C. Clifton, and S.M. Wondzell. 2003. Evaluating the effects of prescribed fire on water quality and aquatic habitat. Walla Walla Watershed Science and Restoration Conference. Organized by Walla Walla Basin Technical Workgroup, the Walla Walla Basin Watershed Council and the Walla Walla County Conservation District. 12 February, 2003. Walla Walla, WA. Watersheds Across Boundaries: Science, Sustainability, Security conference. Bi-annual meeting of the Watershed Management Council. 4 - 6 November, 2002, Stevenson WA. Ninnemann, J., Haggerty, R., Gooseff, M. N., & Wondzell, S. M. 2003. Time-scales of hyporheic exchange along the river continuum. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) All-Scientist Meeting, 18-21 September 2003, Seattle, WA. Wondzell, S. M. 2003. Death, Monsters, Healthy Forests, and You. United States Forest Service, Region 6, Annual Fisheries Biologist and Hydrologist Workshop. 1 May, 2003, Eugene OR. Wondzell, S. M., LaNier, J., Haggerty, R., & Gooseff, M. N. 2003. Reliability of Groundwater Flow Models of the Hyporheic Zone of Small Mountain Streams. [Published Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41D-1027]. (American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 8-12 December, 2003, San Francisco, CA.) 2002 Anderson, J.K.; and Wondzell, S.M. 2002. Stream geomorphology, bed topography, and implications for patterns in hyporheic exchange flow. [Published Abstract: Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 19(1):310]. Anderson, J.K.; Wondzell, S.M.; and Gooseff, M.N. 2002. Stream geomorphology, water surface slope, and implications for patterns in hyporheic exchange. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Annual Meeting, Corvallis OR. 13-15 May 2002. Gooseff, M.N., R. Haggerty, J. LaNier, J.K. Anderson, S.M. Wondzell. 2002. Investigating stream longitudinal geomorphic variability and hyporheic exchange residence time distribution using a groundwater flow model. [Published Abstract: Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H52D-0901]. (American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 6-10 December, 2002, San Francisco, CA.) Gooseff, M.N.; Haggerty, R.; and Wondzell, S.M. 2002. Characterizing the cascade effect of upstream hyporheic exchange in mountain Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, Annual Meeting, Corvallis OR. 13-15 May 2002. Wondzell, S.M.; and Kasahara, T. 2002. Influence of channel morphology on the hyporheic zone in mountain streams. [Published Abstract: Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 19(1):186]. 2001 Haggerty, R.; Johnson, M.A.; and Wondzell, S.M. 2001. Fractal Residence Time Distribution in the Hyporheic Zone of a 2nd-Order Mountain Stream: Implications for Scaling and Stream Biogeochemistry. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 2001. Haggerty, R.; Johnson, M.A.; and Wondzell, S.M. 2001. Fractal Residence Time Distribution in the Hyporheic Zone of a 2nd-Order Mountain Stream. Implications for Scaling and Measurement of Hillslope Processes. Chapman Conference on State-of-the-Art Hillslope Hydrology, Sunriver Oregon, 8-12 October 2001. Kasahara, T. and S. M. Wondzell. 2001. Effects of geomorphic features on hyporheic exchange flow in mountain streams. Canadian Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON. Wald, A. and Wondzell, S. M. 2001. The hyporheic zone: Its importance to ESA listed fish species in Pacific Northwestern Rivers. Presented to U.S. Fish and WIldlife Service, Lacey Office. 16 August 2001. Wondzell, S.M. 2001. Opportunities for collaboration between the US and Japan: An overview of hyporheic studies at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest. Presented to staff, researchers and graduate students, Uryu Experimental Forest, Moshiri, Hokkaido, Japan. 22 May 2001. 2000 Wondzell, S.M. 2000. How channel morphologic features control groundwater interactions, how those features are changed by floods, and what does it mean for stream ecosystems. United States Forest Service, Region 6 Fish/Hydro Fall Workshop. 7 December 2000, HoodRiver OR. Wondzell, S.M. 2000. The Hyporheic Zone: Linking Terrestrial and Aquatic Components of Riparian Ecosystems. The Center for Stream-Side Studies, Seattle WA, 14 November 2000. Yeakley, A. and S. Wondzell. 2000. Controls on nutrient exchange processes between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Long-Term Ecological Research, All-scientist meeting, Snowbird Utah, August 2000. 1999 and earlier Wondzell, S. M. 1999. Stream Tracer Experiments, Channel Morphology and Model Uncertainty. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 1999. Kasahara, T. and S. M. Wondzell. 1999. Geomorphic Controls on Hyporheic Exchange Flow Shift with Stream Order and Channel Constraint. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 1999. Wondzell, S.M. 1998. Geomorphology controls hyporheic exchange flows in small mountain streams. North American Benthological Society, Annual Meeting 2-5 June 1998. Kasahara, T., S. M. Wondzell and F. J. Swanson. 1998. Predicting Subsurface Flow in Mountain Streams. Society for Ecological Restoration, Northwest Chapter, Annual Meeting. 28-30 October 1998. Wondzell, S. M. 1997. Debris jams and flooding control long-term dynamics of the hyporheic zone. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting 10-14 August 1997. Muldavin, E. H., S. M. Wondzell and J. A. Ludwig. 1997. Forty years of vegetation change in the desert grasslands of Big Bend National Park. Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting 10-14 August 1997. Wondzell, S. M., G. Pinay, and Ph. Vervier. 1996. Can denitrification in the hyporheic zone mitigate nitrate pollution? North American Benthological Society, Annual Meeting. 3-7 June 1996. Wondzell, S.M. 1995. Seasonal and storm dynamics of subsurface water flows through the hyporheic zone of a fourth-order stream: Hydrologic processes and nitrogen cycling. Department of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire. Wondzell, S. M. 1994. Nitrogen cycling through the hyporheos - two case studies: McRae Creek, Oregon (USA) and l'Hers Mort, Toulouse (France). Departament D'Ecologia, Universitat de Barcelona. Wondzell, S. M., and F. J. Swanson. 1993. Influence of riparian groundwater systems on nitrogen budgets of mountain streams. Long-Term Ecological Research, All Scientist Meeting, Estes Park, CO. September 19-22, 1993 and Gordon Research Conference, Holderness School, Plymouth NH. 26 August 1993. Wondzell, S. M., and F. J. Swanson. 1992. Influence of riparian groundwater systems on nitrogen budgets of mountain streams. 7th Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Corvallis, OR. 8-11 April 1992. Wondzell, S. M., and J. A. Ludwig. 1989. Recovery of Desertified Grasslands. Ecological Society of America, 74th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 6-10 August 1989. Wondzell, S. M., F. J. Swanson, and G. E. Grant. 1989. The relation of geomorphic processes to the location, orientation, and stability of ecotones. 4th Landscape Ecology Symposium, Ft. Collins, CO. March 1989. Wondzell, S.M., and D. Bachelet. 1988. Factors affecting the dynamics of shrub and grassland communities in the northern Chihuahuan desert. 3rd Landscape Ecology Symposium, Albuquerque NM. 16-19 March 1988. Bachelet, D., and S. M. Wondzell. 1988. Factors affecting the dynamics of shrub and grassland communities in the northern Chihuahuan desert. Ecological Society of America, 73rd Annual Meeting, Davis CA. 14-19 August 1989. Wondzell, S. M., and G. L. Cunningham. 1987. A Hierarchical Classification of Landforms: Some Implications for Understanding Local and Regional Vegetation Dynamics. U.S.A./Mexico Symposium on Strategies for Classification and Management of Natural Vegetation for Food Production in Arid Zones, Tucson, Arizona. 12-16 October 1987. Wondzell, S. M., and G. L. Cunningham. 1987. Relationships Between Landscape Elements, Geomorphic Processes, and Vegetative Communities on a Watershed in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Ecological Society of America, 72nd Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. 9-15 August 1987. Bachelet, D., S. M. Wondzell, and J. F. Reynolds. 1987. Simulation Model Predicting Germination and Flowering of C3 and C4 Chihuahuan Desert Annuals. Ecological Society of America, 72nd Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. 9-15 August 1987. Bachelet, D., S. M. Wondzell, and J. F. Reynolds. 1987. Predicting Germination, Flowering, and Drought Death of Winter and Summer Annuals in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. 6th International Society for Ecological Modeling Meetings, Venice, Italy. 22-26 June 1987. Wondzell, S. M., G. L. Cunningham, and J. M. Cornelius. 1986. Temporal and Spatial Patterns in the Distribution of Plant Species on a Chihuahuan Desert Playa. Ecological Society of America, 71st Annual Meeting, Syracuse, New York. 10-16 August 1986. Wondzell, S. M., J. A. Ludwig, G. L. Cunningham, J. M. Cornelius, and W. J. Schaefer. 1985. Vegetative dynamics on an ephemeral Chihuahuan desert lake. Southwestern Association of Naturalists Annual Meetings, Tucson, Arizona. April 1985. Ludwig, J. A., G. L. Cunningham, J. M. Cornelius, W. J. Schaefer and S. M. Wondzell. 1985. Response of Chihuahuan Desert Plants to Water and Nitrogen Amendments. Southwestern Association of Naturalists Annual Meetings, Tucson, Arizona. April 1985. Wondzell, S. M. 1984. Pictures At An Exhibition: A Photographic Survey of Vegetation Dynamics in the Desert Grasslands of Big Bend National Park. New Mexico State University, Department of Biology, Colloquium. Wondzell, S. M. 1983. Secondary Successional Patterns of Larrea tridentata and Parthenium incanum. Second Symposium on Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region, Alpine, Texas. 20-21 October 1983. Wondzell, S. M. 1982. Chihuahuan Desert Plant Succession. Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meetings, El Paso, Texas. STUDENTS SUPERVISED: Post-Doctoral Fellows: Agnieszka Przeszlowska. Post-Doc at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, Olympia WA. Michael N. Gooseff. Post-Doc with Dr. Roy Haggerty and myself in the Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University. Major Professor: Satish Serchan. In Progress. Ph.D. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis: Biogeochemical Controls on the Processing of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Hyporheic Zone of a Small Forested Stream. Luca Adelfio. In Progress. M.S. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis: Water Temperatures within Salmon Spawning Gravels, Copper River Delta, Alaska: Assessing Shallow Streambed Hydrology and Climate Change Vulnerability Justin Anderson. MS student in Department of Forest Science. Thesis: Patterns in stream geomorphology and implications for hyporheic exchange flow. Tamao Kasahara. MS student in Department of Forest Science. Thesis: Geomorphic controls on hyporheic exchange flow in two different sized mountain streams. Co-Major Professor: Hayley Corson-Rikert: MS. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis: Carbon dynamics in the hyporheic zone of a headwater mountain stream in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon. (with Dr. Mary Santelmann). Mousa Diabat: Ph.D. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis: Climate change impacts on stream temperatures of cold-water streams and consequent impacts on habitat for salmon and trout. (With Dr. Roy Haggerty). Jay Zarnetske: Ph.D. 2011, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis: Hydrological and biogeochemical dynamics of nitrate production and removal at the stream - ground water interface. (With Dr. Roy Haggerty). Justin LaNier. 2006. MS student in Civil Engineering, Oregon State University. Thesis: Changes in Hyporheic Exchange Flow Following Experimental Large Wood Removal in a Second Order, Low Gradient Stream, Chichagof Island, AK. (With Dr. Roy Haggerty). Graduate Committee Member: Robert Pennington. In Progress. M.S. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis topic: Simulating 3D reactive transport of carbon, nitrogen oxygen through hyporheic zones with PFLOTRAN. Grace Roy. In Progress. M.S. Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis topic: A paired-watershed study of groundwater dynamics within a semiarid rangeland ecosystem. Jordan Beamer. In Progress. Ph.D. Department of Civil Engineering, Oregon State University. Thesis topic: Modeling snowmelt and freshwater delivery to Prince William Sound, Alaska. Emily Campbell. In Progress. Ph.D. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. Dissertation: Linkages between thermal heterogeneity and juvenile coho salmon phenology, growth, and resource consumption: Implications for the adaptive capacity of salmon to climate change. Nicholas Dosch. 2014. MS. College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Thesis: Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Drivers of Stream pCO2 in a Headwater Catchment in the Western Cascade Mountains, Oregon Willem VanVerseveld. 2008. Ph.D. Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University. Thesis: Hydro-biogeochemical Coupling at the Hillslope and Catchment Scale. Catherine A. Reidy. 2004. MS student in the College of Forest Resources, University of Washington. Thesis: Variability of hyporheic zones in Puget Sound lowland streams. Alison H. Magill. MS student in Department of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire. Thesis: Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen processes in decomposing leaf litter as affected by increased nitrogen deposition. Undergraduate Research Projects Supervised: Grant S. Kennedy. Student trainee from Stirling University, Stirling UK. I helped Mr. Kennedy design and supervised his work at the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest during the summer of 1997 that led to his senior honors thesis, titled "Channel Migration and Floodplain Patch Dynamics of a Montane Stream, Oregon, USA". Troy Tarbox. I supervised an undergraduate research project titled "Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity" that Mr. Tarbox completed during the winter of 1993. Angie M. Froom - I supervised an REU student during the summer and fall of 1993 who completed a project titled "The volume of exchange flow between the stream and hyporheic zone in an Oregon Cascade's stream". COURSES TAUGHT: FE535: Water Quality and Forest Land Use. Fall 1999. Graduate Level Lecture and Laboratory. Department of Forest Engineering, Oregon State University. FS605a: Nutrient Transformations at the Surface Water – Ground Water Interface. Spring 1999. Graduate Level Reading and Conference. Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University. FS605b: Stream Tracer Experiments and Their Analyses. Fall 1997. Graduate Level Reading and Conference. Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University. WaRM721: The Ecology of Polluted Waters. Spring 1996. Senior Level Lecture and Laboratory. Taught for 1 year while I was a Temporary Assistant Professor of Water Resources Management, University of New Hampshire. WaRM603: Water Quality Dynamics from a Watershed Perspective. Fall 1995. Junior/Senior Level Lecture and Laboratory. Taught for 1 year while I was a Temporary Assistant Professor of Water Resources Management, University of New Hampshire. WaRM700: Current Issues in Water Resources Management. Fall 1995. Senior Level Seminar. Taught for 1 year while I was a Temporary Assistant Professor of Water Resources Management, University of New Hampshire. GUEST LECTURES and OTHER PRESENTATIONS: Hyporheic zones. Invited Lecture, Forest Engineering 430/530: Watershed Processes. Oregon State University. 2 May, 2014. How do we know what a stream should look like. Invited lecture in the Watershed Restoration Short Course, Washington State University, 22-26 September 2003, Wenatchee, WA. Death, Monsters, Healthy Forests, and You. Presentation to the Olympia Senior Center, 30 April, 2003. Olympia WA. Land management issues in the Interior Columbia Basin. Invited lecture, Field Ecology Course, The Evergreen State College. Olympia WA. May 9, 2002. Integrating Research into Ecosystem Management: Examples from the Columbia River Basin. Invited Lecture: Ecosystem Management Class, The Evergreen State College. Olympia WA. Spring 2001. The Role of the Hyporheic Zone in Mountain Streams. Guest lecture to FW580 - Stream Ecology. 5 February 1998. Floods, mass movements, debris jams and the hyporheic zone. Guest lecture to GEO482/582 - Forest Geomorphology and Landscapes. 20 February 1997. Temperature and nitrogen in west-slope, Cascade streams: A case study of Lookout Creek. Guest lecturers for GEO539 - Advanced Field Methods in Landscape Ecology and Geomorphology. 25 September 1996. (co-taught with S. L. Johnson). The hyporheic zone and its role in stream nitrogen budgets. Presentation to the Chapman Conference Field Trip: Nitrogen cycling in forested catchments. 18 September 1996. Riparian buffers: Myth or Reality. Guest lecture: Introduction to Natural Resources Management, Dept. of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire 1995 and Environmental Chemistry Seminar, Dept. of Chemistry, University of New Hampshire, 1996; Invited Seminar: Weekly Seminar Series, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, 1996. Forest Resources Management in the Pacific Northwest - Current Issues. Water Resources Management Club, University of New Hampshire. Geomorphology, soils and desertification: A case study of the Jornada LTER Watershed. Guest lecture: Soil Genesis, Dept. of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire. AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: Science Findings Award, 2012, for a submission titled “A River’s Liver: Gravel Bars, the Hyporheic Zone, and Nitrogen Cycling”. Award presented by Bov B. Eav, Station Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Editor’s Citation, 2010, American Geophysical Union - “for outstanding service to the authors and readers of Water Resources Research” Science Findings Award, 2009, for a submission titled “Doesn’t it just run downhill? Exploring the connections between landscapes and streams”. Award presented by Bov B. Eav, Station Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. AGU Journal Highlights, 2008. The Editors’ of the AGU Journals selected our paper “Flow velocity and the hydrologic behavior of streams during baseflow”, published in Geophysical Research Letters for the AGU Journal “Highlights”. The citation was published in EOS – Transactions of the American Geophysical Union as follows: Flow velocity controls timing and magnitude of daily fluctuations in stream flow. EOS 89:76. Elsevier Publishers, 2008. One of the Top-10 most cited articles from the journal, Forest Ecology and Management, between 2003 – 2008. Wondzell, S. M. and King, J. G. 2003. Postfire erosional processes in the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain regions. Forest Ecology and Management 178(1-2):75-87. Science Findings Award, 2006, for a submission titled “Your decisions, your children’s streams and forests”. Award presented by Bov B. Eav, Station Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Editor’s Citation, 2004, American Geophysical Union - “for outstanding service to the authors and readers of Water Resources Research” Science Findings Award, 2004, for a submission titled “What moderates stream temperature”. Award presented by Thomas M. Quigley, Station Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Certificate of Merit, 2003, “for leardership in developing the aquatic component of The Inland Northwest Landscape Analysis System (INLAS) project”, Jamie Barbour, Focused Science and Delivery Program, Program Manager, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR Science Findings Award, 2003, for a submission titled “Rivers Underground”. Award presented by Thomas M. Quigley, Station Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. In Recognition Of, 2001, “in recognition of dedication and leadership in the completion of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, Science Advisory Group, Evaluation of the Final EIS Alternatives, Science Consistency Reviews and other priority science work in FY01”. Award presented by Thomas J. Mills, Station Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR, and Marcia Patton-Mallory, Station Director, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO. Certificate of Merit, 2000, “for your extra effort in completing the salmon proposals for the ISST”. Award presented by Peter A. Bisson, Team Leader, Olympia ALI, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Olympia, WA. Outstanding Student Paper, 1982, titled “Chihuahuan Desert Plant Succession”. Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meetings, El Paso, TX. Ph. D. Student: Moltke Fellowship, 1992-1993 school year. Dorothy D. Hoener Fellowship, 1991-1992 school year. Dorothy D. Hoener Fellowship, 1990-1991 school year. Dorothy D. Hoener Fellowship, 1989-1990 school year. Moltke Fellowship, 1988-1989 school year. Masters Student: Outstanding Student Paper, SWARM-AAAS, 1982. Undergraduate: Crimson Scholar, 1980. Society of Range Management Scholarship, 1980. Rust Tractor Scholarship, 1978, 1979. Kirtland Officers Wives Association Scholarship, 1977, 1978, 1980. New Mexico National Guard Scholarship, 1977. Physical Science Laboratory Scholarship, 1977. Dean 's List, 1977 - 1981. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: Society for Freshwater Science American Geophysical Union Ecological Society of America International Association for Vegetation Science