Country Date Threshold Program Grant Total (in Indicators Below the Median

Date Threshold Program
Grant Agreement Signed
April 3, 2006
Burkina Faso
July 22, 2005
August 23, 2007
November 17, 2006
October 17, 2006
March 23, 2007
Grant Total (in Indicators Below the Median
(when deemed eligible for Threshold status)
13.85 Control of corruption
Rule of law
Primary educ. expenditures
Credit rating
Days to start a business
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
12.90 Girls' primary educ. completion
Days to start a business
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
6.70 Health expenditures
Girls' primary educ. Completion
Cost of starting a business
Days to start a business
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
55.00 Control of corruption
Immunization rate
Health Expenditure
Primary educ. expenditures
Cost to start a business
Days to start a business
25.00 Political rights
Civil liberties
Voice and accountability
Cost of starting a business
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
12.70 Control of corruption
Government effectiveness
Rule of law
Voice and accountability
Health expenditure
Primary education expenditure
Days to start a business
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
Threshold Program Focus
Control of corruption
(tax administration reform, public
procurement reform, business registration
Promotion of girls' primary education
(enrollment, attendance)
Fiscal policy
(VAT, taxpayer assistance, government
expenditure planning);
Days to start a business;
Cost of starting a business
Control of corruption
(judiciary reform, strengthening capacity of
accountability centers, implement electronic
government procurement);
Immunization rates
Political rights;
Voice and accountability
(strengthening of municipal governance);
Trade policy
(modernizing of customs administration)
Control of corruption
(procurement reform, health care reform,
enhancing procurement m&e)
Kyrgyz Republic August 9, 2007*
*Approval date
September 23, 2005
December 15,2006
May 8, 2006
July 26, 2006
São Tomé and
September 12, 2007*
*Approval date
May 3, 2006
March 29, 2007
16.00 Political rights
Civil liberties
Control of corruption
Government effectiveness
Rule of law
Voice and accountability
Fiscal policy
20.92 Control of corruption
Girls' primary educ. completion
Credit rating
Fiscal policy
24.70 Control of corruption
Primary educ. expenditures
Rule of law;
Control of corruption
(judicial reform, law enforcement reform,
criminal justice reform)
Control of corruption
(corruption case processing, public
procurement reform, audit capacity-building,
media strengthening)
Control of corruption
(judiciary reform, health care system reform,
tax reform, customs reform, police agency
reform, NGO anti-corruption monitoring)
34.65 Control of corruption
Government effectiveness
Rule of law
Health expenditures
Primary educ. expenditures
Days to start a business
21.00 Health expenditures
Days to start a business
Fiscal policy
8.66 Primary educ. expenditures
Credit rating
Days to start a business
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
Control of corruption
(enforcement of anticorruption regulations,
formalization of economic activities)
11.15 Control of corruption
Political rights
Primary education completion
Trade policy
10.40 Political rights
Civil liberties
Control of corruption
Rule of Law
Voice and accountability
Immunization rate
Health expenditures
Fiscal policy
Control of corruption
(civil society monitoring, rule of law for
good governance, Financial Intelligence
Unit, public procurement reform)
Control of corruption
(public procurement reform, improvement of
audit and financial management practices,
strengthening of civil society, capacity
building to follow up on reported corruption
Control of corruption
(tax and customs administration reform)
Fiscal policy
(improved tax and customs
Days and cost of starting a business
(streamlining business registration)
December 4, 2006
45.00 Control of corruption
Girls' primary educ. completion
Primary educ. expenditures
September 12, 2007*
20.60 Political rights
Civil liberties
Government effectiveness
Rule of law
Voice and accountability
Immunization rates
Primary education completion
Days to start a business
*Approval date
Total Global
May 22, 2006
22.74 Control of corruption
Government effectiveness
Primary educ. expenditures
Girls' primary educ. completion
Credit rating
Trade policy
Fiscal policy
Credit rating and primary education completion were replaced in FY 2006 by cost of starting a business and girls'
primary education completion
Control of corruption
(civil society monitoring, judicial reform,
enforcement of anticorruption regulations,
higher education)
Rule of law;
Control of corruption
(judicial independence, strengthen anitcorruption);
Political rights
(electoral process reforms);
Fiscal policy
(strengthen tax authority, improve debt
management, modernize customs);
Government effectiveness
Control of corruption
(property registration streamlining,
border/trade management)