TEJ '3 A( ~': THESIS. SEFVICE TEST OF THE STRAMSHIP HARVARD. ECONOMY. May 1909. John 7A Davis. Carleton W. Hubbard. / IIDEX. Page. Apparatus, Description of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Boilers, Description of . . . . Calculation . . . . . . . . . . Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . Data . . . . . .... . . . Fireroom .. .. .... . Gauge Corrections . . . .. . . ... . 6 ....... . . . ... . . . . ... ........ ..... ..... . . Steamer, Description of . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-30 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Testing, Method of . . . . . . . . Time Table . . . . . . . . 31-51 . . . . . . . . . . Method of Calculating. . 23 *.......25 Discussion of . . . . . . . . . . . Test, Object of . 55 ...... . . . .. . . 52-62 .. . . . ...... . . Table of . . . . . .. . ......... Readings, Curves of . . . Results, . . . . . . ........ 24 . . . . . 54 ....... . . . . . 19 ... . . .... . . . 5 . . 5 11 ......... . 4:39 4 The"HARVARD". 'V 3 4 Left NW York 5.00. @ataiua Iewint 7.6" hstes N.*t '7.54 lowbtfowg Sb.4 a*. Conmft4s4 u0 itle R* ktil 3.19 ek 100.9 10.o a snd 1.13 A. 4 Iebgba crew ft Liebt all U.s sone ftnoek alp ult oft 1A Poll*: Ry bhs~g Light Ship Nwset motA P.1.. Rp 4& alpz" Cape en 4*09 4.56 5.34 6.00 1504 '7.1? Awwlve In Dmstea G9' wv-~ iL.S -4- I .-- y 4 ,a...af yk Lt."Rt ,#reRI o.5 u v A N$vT I 4'*I Ise R D .. .. ..... .... .. THE S. So ELVA:D. SERS=g TEBI 0 On Jane 25 am& 26 1WO a servloe test um Wgmis f %* dividet up Is% tm at.-Mto boilers an# d. Maw . 5. made on tbe This test was t'h* swnines, which wzas worked up by 1fvaw4 g. Vih&er end Philtl I. Totq.oaad wbii i ft *e *f tOe tet t felwlstug, boilers. 'reston -h servIte con- Iting dally t rips i etweeu ,Mile the rtepr.er ies ditIos aetaa This teat fas raie uyter on the nam 71'W Tek eb$eA of so twt w to fVA# 9t gime aM boilens were in Wag wAt the *no Aetual servioe End not what they eould be wsde to ao urder Ideal neo such as often olttin vn trEAl tripe. @origuiiption in e ajumettu enc coal *a te tt W3i the eiginee by Ulossvv ?1e2er an - The specific ob- to f1rit tte stei Jeot o- the teiler test wee t tono, twrbIe You. STAW NAIVAkO lb. EarvsvI La smeIa Ui. Mo Estrwoputmhip Co. and was tel* in 1V41W t Iron Shipbuiling ant blae Wors ( OMa asob's Za MvWZr Her engines and botllse were built %V the 1. & A. 72et. oher 0. She is in servioe Lurling tk. atmmw mentbs between Boston and New York, making the m of 300 Nauti- cal miles daily in fifteen hours, her average speed being 20 knots. The general dimensions of the vessel are given below. Length between perpendiculars . . 386 ft. 6 in. Breadth of hull moulded . . . . . 50 ft. 6 in. Breadth over guards . . . . . . . 63 ft. Dopth moulded. . . . . . . . . . 22 ft. . .. 16 ft. Draught normal . . . . . . . Draught at trial, mean 11. Y. to Boston) 16 ft. 2 in. DESCRIPTION OF BOILERS. The Harvard is fitted with twelve single ended Scotch boilers placed athwart ship, having a fire room running along the center line of the vessel on each side of which are six boilers. This fire room is divided into two parts by a transverse bulkhead; there being six boilers on each side of the bulkhead. naces. Each boiler has three fur- The Hiowden system of forced draft is installed, air being supplied under a pressure of 1.75" of water by blowers, Total grate area . . . . . . . .756 Total heating surface . . . 29520 sq. ft. . Ratio heating surface to grate area sq. ft. 39.0 Fire Room. 0 222:e asor No6 Ile, li-t ~ DESCOIPTIOIT OF FIRE ROOM AUD APPRATUS ISTALLED. At the forward end of the fire room there is a coal bunker placed athwart ship from which coal is supplied to the six boilers forward of the bulkhead. At the after end of the fire room there is another bunker, also placed athwart ship, there being through this a narrow passageway connecting the fire room with the engine room. The six boilers abaft of the bulkhead are supplied from this bunker, which has a door on both starboard and port sides. Overhead trolley tracks, which carry coal buckets, lead from these doors along in front of the boilers on the same side of the boat. In the forward compartment there are two tracks similarly arranged in front of the boilers, but these converge to a single door in the forward bunker. The capacity of the buckets was about 500 lbs. of the kind of coal used. The water consumption was measured by a Hersey hot water meter loaned for this purpose by the Hersey Manufacturing Co. of South Boston. The meter was installed in the suction line between the hot well and the feed pump. The steam supplied to the auxiliaries was measured by means of orifices. These were made from plates about thr'eo sixteenths of an inch thick, and had circular openings the edges of which were rounded on both sides of the plate. All auxiliaries except the forced draft blowers were supplied from the starboard auxiliary steam pipe. LMTHOD OF TESTING. The test was begun at 7.10 P.M. on June 25, 1908 on the 'run from New York to Boston. Neither the standard nor alternate methods of starting a boiler test as recommended by the A.S.M.E. could be used. The standard method involves the drawing of all the fires at the start and the alternate method requires the cleaning of all the fires at the start and neither of these things could be done without causing great inconvenience in the cramped fire room and unnecessarily delaying the boat. When the test was started the. steamer was off Captains Island light in Long Island Sound and was well up to speed, being in open water and having been under way for two hours. In starting and stopping this test we estimated. the amount of coal on the fire room floor. Although a thorough inspection of the fires in all the 36 furnaces could not be made, a considerable number of them were looked at, and in the judgment of the engineer on watch and those in charge of the test, they were in service condition. To make the speed required by the schedules on which these boats run it seems practically certain to us that the condition of the fires at the start was the actual service condition, and although individual fur- naces may not have been in the same condition at the end as they were at the beginning of the test, we believe that taking an average of the 36 furnaces, the condition of the fires at start and finish was practically the same, for the end of the test came at 7.00 A.M. June 26 when the steamer was off Minots Ledge Light, an hours run from the dock. That other conditions were constant during the test is shown by the steadiness of the boiler pressure as plotted, and by the fact that the total coal and total feed water curves are nearly straight lines. The A.S.U.E. specifications for boiler trials require that the coal shall be weighed in buckets and then fired directly from these. Owing to the cramped space in the fire room and the rapidity with which the coal had to be passed out, it appeared impossible to weigh coal during the test and no attempt was made to do so. As one bucket supplied nine furnaces it was manifestly impossible to fire the coal directly from the bucket, so the coal was dumped on the floor in front of the furnaces and fired from there. The coal used was determined by counting the number of buckets taken from the bunkers, a man being stationed in each compartment of the fire room whose sole duty it was: tocount them. Care was taken to have the buckets filled flush with the top. After the test we wei.ghed four buckets full and -empty thereby getting our average value for the coal contained in one bucket. This weight agreed. to -a pound with the average obtained from some weighings made by the Steamship Company. It is interest- ing to note that, crude as this method appears, it us a value for the coal used vhich agrees gave ithin l%,with the figure obtained by the chief engineer of the company as the average coal consamption per trip based on the runs of a whole season. The feed water was measured by a 6" Hersey Hot Water Meter. This meter was calibrated by its found to under run 1/2 of 1%. makers and was Tests on a 4" Hersey meter made at the Institute showed with cold water an under run of 1/2 of l1. but with hot water an under run of l%. From under this it would seem that the 6" meter would probablZ/run from 1/2 of l% to 1% and it assume that it is certainly reasonable to was accurate within 20% which is well with- in the error of the test. It should be noted that this meter was so placed that the water from the hot well flowed to it by gravity. Tjxe A.S.M.E. regulations remuire that feed water for hoilers undergoing test shall be weighed in tanks. When it is considlered that about 3000 lbs of water went to the boilers every minute, and the cramped. space on ship board is taken into account, it is evident that measuring the water by a meter was the best we could do. With a boiler placed athwart ship a very slight motion of the vessel makes the water glass indication valueleiss and so no attempt was made to ascertain the level in the boilers in this way. The engineers on the steamer have found that by admitting a certain amount of water on each trip the level in the boilers is practically the same at the end of a run as at the beginning. During the test the 3/4" pipe which admits this fresh water was opened for about fifteen minutes. This water was admitted to the hot well and so passed through the meter, which measured all the condensation, the leakage only being lost. It seems to us that the necessity for keeping up speed and the fact that the steamer had been under way for two hours when the test started, and still had an hours steaming to do when the test stopped, would make it very probable that the height of water in the boilers was governed by service conditions. A strong check on this is the total feed water curve which is a straight line. As has been stated, the steam for all the auxiliaries except the blowers came from the starboard auxiliary steam pipe. The port line was entirely closed and the by-pass around the reducing valve in the starboard line was opened wide, so that all the reduction in the pressure of the steam supplied to the auxiliaries was due to the throttling action of the 1-15/16" orifice which was placed. in the line. The steam for the blowers came from the port line ad. was measured by means of a 7/8" orifice. The quality of the steam was determined by a Peabody calorimeter which was inserted in the main steam pipe at the point where the main steam gange was tapped in. Calorimeter-readings were taken three times during the test and the results obtained were practically in agreement. The A.S.M.E. boiler trial specifications call for sanples of flue gas for analysis. Such an atalysis is very valuable when good fair samples of flue gas can be obtained. and gives an excellent indication of what the boiler plant is doing. But in the case of a steamer the' uptakes are usuall leaky and as a result a flue gas sample is of little value when obtained. This being so, no attempt was made to obtain flue gas samples during this test. The boiler pressure, water meter, back pressures on the orifices in both the auxiliary and. blower lines, number of buckets of coal, the draft and the temperature of the feed water were all observed at ten minute intervals up to 2 A.M. and at fifteen minute intervals thereafter. The boiler pressure was read on the engine room gauge and this, ( and all other engine room guages used ),was specially calibrated by the Crosby Steam Gauge and Valve Co. The internal pressure on the orifices was that of the boiler, since care was taken to have all the reduction in pressure in these lines due to the throttling action of the orifices. The back pressure on the orifice in the auxiliary line was read on an engine room gauge, while that on the orifice in the blower line was read from a gauge loaned by the Institute and calibrated by the authors in the Engineering Laboratories. This gauge failed at 11 P.M. and thereafter the steam supplied to the blowers was calculated from the data already obtained and modified to follow the curve of the plotted draft data. The number of buckets of coal passed out was kept by ten minute intervals and every hour the amount on the fire room floor was estimated. In this way a very fair curve was plotted showing the rate of coal consumption. Samples of coal were taken at regmlar intervals during the test. The average of a number of tests on the calorific value of this fuel made in the Laboratory of Heat Measurements at the Institute was 14,510 B.T.U. per lb. 7 Engine Room. I, -Jj~ ~I'tE a r NIU LEHOD OF CALCUATING RESULTS. As soon as the data obtained in this test was plotted it. was evident that the conditions were not constant throughout the twelve hours. As far as the boilers were concerned the conditions were most constant from 9 P. M. to 4 A. ML., and therefore only these hours were taken into account in determining the performance of the boilers. Messrs Fisher and Young found that the engines were working steadily from 9 P. M. to 3 A. M. and they accordingly used these hours in working up the engine test. The value of the average shaft horse power that is quoted is the result of their work. Whenever it was necessary to work out the feed water and coal rates it was done as shown below. It should be explained here that the red line on the coal curve is drawn through the points of estimated coal on the fire room floor and so indicates the coal rate. IETHOD OF DETERhUJINING THE COAL AND WATER RATES. ( from carve ) Total buckets at 4 A.M. Total buckets at 9 P.M. ( from curve ) . . Buckets consumed in 7 hours . . . . . Weight of coal per bucket .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 . . . . . . 54 . 223 .... Total. coal consumed from 9 P.M. to 4 A.M. Rate per hour . . 506 lbs . . . . . 112,800 lbs . . 16,100 lbs. 'Cubic feet of water fed at 4 A.M. C from curve) 24,700 "T I i " IT 9 P.11. it t " " in 7 hours IT "I 5,100 19,600 200 Add 1% Total cubic feet in 7 hours 19,800 to0 Average Temperature of Hot Well; (9 P.M 4 A.M.) 111.9 Weight of one cubic foot of water at 1127F Pounds of water fed in 7 hours Rate per hour F 61,86 lbs 1',225,000 175,000 lbs STEAM FOR AUXIIIARIES. In calculating the steam used by the auxiliaries the following formula by Grashoff was used. P . 0.97 W = 0.0165 A Where W= weight in lbs. per second P= internal pressure in lbs. C absolute ) A =area of the orifice-in square inches The weight as determined by this formula has to be multiplied by a quantity ( called the " ratio of actual to computed discharge") which depends on the ratio of back pressure to internal pressure, when this is greater than 0.6, and upon the shape of the orifice. From previous ex- periment it was determined that for an orifice of the kind used the factor by which W in the above formula must be multiplied is within 10% of the mean betweon the factors given by Grashoff for converging orifices and orifices in thin plates. The most inaccurate term in the equation by ihich the steam was computed is undoubtedly the " ratio of actual to computed discharge". The error in this term is probably not greater than 10% which makes the errors in the other terms negligible. Since the auxiliary steam is only 12.5% of the total steam an error of 15% here would affect the engine steam by less than 2%. A sample calculation is given here in order that there may be ho misunderstanding as to how the " ratio of actual to computed discharge" was obtained. Steam for blowers. Size of orifice 7/8" dia. Boiler pressure Area 0.601 sq. in. 135# gage 150 lbs. abs. Back pressure on orifice 94 lbs. gage-109 lbs. abs. Ratio of back pressure to internal pressure 0.73 From the table on page 433 of the " Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine" by Professor C. H. Peabody Ratio Ratio of actual to computed discharge Back Pressure Converging orifice Thin Plate Mean Internal Pres. 0.75 0.89 0.64 0.51 0.70 0.94 0.69 0.82 Ratio of actual to computed discharge when ratio of back pressure to internal pressure is 0.73 is 0.79 0.97 150 148 W ( lbs. per min.) = 0.0165 x 0.601 x 148 x 0.79 x 60 70 lbs. D A T A 12 hours Duration of test 7 P. M. to 7 A. Id. Barometer 14.7 lbs 29.97" 140.2 lbs gage Temperature of Feed Water (average 9-4) 202.7 F Temperature of Hot Well 111.9 F " Boiler Pressure (average 9 P.I. to 4 A.M.) 175,000 lbs. Feed Water per Hour 96.0% Quality of Steam 1.76" of wate ) Draught ( average 9 - 4 29,520 sq. ft. Total heating surface 756 sq. ft. Total Grate Surface Ratio Heating Surface to Grate Surface 39.0 Vacuum ( av. Sand P.- 9 P.M. to 4 A.M.) 27.44 in. 16,100 lbs. Horse Power of Turbines, av. 9 P.M. - 3.00 A. M. 10,400 ) Coal fired per Hour Total Engine Steam per Hour ( 9-3.00 ) Total Auxiliary Steam per Hour ( 9-3.00), -s. 22,000 lbs. 153,000 lbs. RESUTS Heat of Combustion of Coal 14,510 B.T-.U. Total Equivalent Evaporation from and at 212 F. 179,000 lbs. Equivalent Evaporation per lb. of Coal 11.1 lbs Equivalent Evaporation per sq. ft. of Heating Sgrface Ooal burned per sq. ft. of Grate Boiler Horse Power (A.S.II.E. rating) 6.06 lbs 21.3 lbs 5,190 Heat absorbed by Water in Boiler per lb. of Coal 10,700 B.T.U. Thermal Efficiency of Boilers 73.86% Total Steam per Shaft H. 2. 16.8 lbs Steam through Turbines per Shaft H. P. 14.7 lbs B. T. U. per Shaft H. 2. 265 Coal per Shaft H. 2. 1.61 lbu Gauge Correotions. j W60 71 -O A 0 I - I a-a I Rtifrtta21 97 aR 28 3 U a i . 4 i Curve of Total Coal. Curve of Tot&l-Feed- Water. (uncorrected) Ir to /I i ri4;n 6 I Ho ,a .1*W- 4n. + 1 4-4 74 00o ' +4 + 4 99* 4 + 4 + 14, "o f /49,000 4 d + u ,* 11%ft 40 4go Curve of Total Shaft Horse Power. Curve of Feed Water Rate. Curve of Steam for Turbines. Curve of Total Auxiliary Steam. / + 'aQQ I~I I qpo 400 ,zoo Curve of Boiler Pressure. Curve of Back Pressure on Auxiliary Orifice. Curve of Back Pressure on Blower Orifice. Curve of Vacuum in Starboard Condenser. Curve of Vacuum in Port Condenser. 11 Arb, 14 4l X --.- 46 tp /XIOI -Qr/ke A-iuc A~l limu) 0~0 Port Vmtuvrm. 'p "a I. + *1 torboard Va.-U4M Ql lb- 4 Curve of Boiler Pressure. Curve of Feed Wlater Temperature. Curve of Draft. a It #1 7-1'n e 41rg A 4 7p "04fr. Bodler Presjure 130' Z40 Fed W.tCr rempertUr k0 20* 0 1. /so" Draf t. 14 '." /0 Tables of Readingsa 31 Crrec7d /ead Q'9 -/~?ime Zoo /4/ /3a 7_/1 1 9 /49 7. /J9 / 8/0a /498 8.00 /I 8.20 /7 8.30 777,7e /o.o /6a ai /48 /43 /2 /c.lO /3? /47 /47 /.00 / Crrec:4 1o/,f/ /1.30 /fo //.20 /%-4 /It //.4o /59 /12 /47 /42 //49 /96 /do, &.40 /945 /46e /2,aO~ /47 /12 8 /43 9;a /f 9.a/J8 13 2./a /43 /39 /2.30 /093 /33 /2.40 4 / J 3P /4 /38 /J__ /J7 94 /4 / /,00 /4A /p 9 /2 /37 /./0 /4 /4/ /0.0 /42 /J 7 /.20 /47 /42 /0.1/0 /4f" /40 /530 /1?9 / 44 /.o 47 '/-essar& Time &_0- Read'z Correc/&a 2.00 /43' /38 ./ 14,3 /4- /4A~ /40 2.45 /4 5 /4-a a5.OO /4 2 /J7 /49~ / 40 J.6 /42 /3?8 4,o / 2.30 __./_ 4 /f /4 3? /___ /d~3b /4 _.__ ~ 7 /42 4,95 /9 3 /38 470 /35~ /2?7 5;/6 / 364/ 450 .W /38 /32 /52 /2 /3 __.__ 7 /2?7 4./S / J 6.30 766 /32 /J8 6,46~ /4 /J /3J/ / /36 ? /J4 33 Coz 1. ro ta / ./ -T& minI_ Be c 7.-o e t Time . -haet*.s a /.2 . /04 -____ _ / .30 /o 7.eo 73o /7 //./ 6-oo 3/ 8.2 6 8-o 45' o0 8. j-6 8.4 _____ ___ 2.00 2./0 19 _ ZZ_%3 _____ 3 22 _ 2_ /.0 _ _ //.20 /28 2.4 24/ //.q30 iG6 2.5o 246 //.40 /4 //.50 /44 43.0O 213 / 0J./o /%35- .0 /Z. 00 9.oo 64 9.10 7/ 9. 74 /Z.4o 9.3a 83 /2.6"o 9.4o 9 / /-.00 __.__ 222 . __//5 6.~ I ~ /63 /.2 3.40 98 /.2o /0-10 99 1.0 __7_ leas I79 / 86 4-1 / / 92 4.3 o / /0.00 26 R__7o .3.%30 /_-1__.0 94 -a153 149 _ 0 73Lecx-s e 7 /.4__ o /0.40 /09 ,,.oo Z/9 8.10 6 in /o foS // 7-0 T'otal /90 2/ 6 43o 88 294 30/ 4.4o 303 4.6o -3o6 409 -qt .3+ CoaI (Con.) 5o 307 /c 52a 324 . / Ta t A r.J'o Ole 6.40_ -346 6.00 q33 6.,5'o a4, 1.0 J20 Ti Pl z7ueno-t5 _3-_ 53o J.40 3/e ta ro / To ta S&cKe.ts T/ m -e. 6.20 7.00 34 6 .0 Estimate l Floor. Coal o ro. of Tiruc . /. oo 0o 1.30 . ire ts __ __ '4 3 37 47 4.30 4Z %3.%30 7.00 4 WVe i h ts o/ Bc Ke ts Full 'E mpty d&o /59 670 /59 67o A v. /' 266o 636 e6 6 o /69 WeijhtofCaokI per B uC.t ,f .5o 6 / bs.- eo/-/-'2 feag ____ 7I 7,7e ox 3: fa AQ z7z /7/4 ;i. --- A /Q. 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O 11/5' /02 /2.eO /e'4 // /00 /2.3o /23 /10 120 /07 _ 9.00 9./0 _ /13 _ 9.20 1/,3 /400 l2.40 9.30 //2 99 1l.5'6 9.40 //0 97 /.oo 9-5 / /0jn /0.00 /17 /lo /2 0 /_____ /.o .Jo /07 //0 /07 1./0 /.o Z/ /01- 1 - __ 6.40o /26 / 1.20 /24 /0, _/_ a /// / SAue ioJ' 4Z Tea v1;i 7 e Z.oo 0 __e. /08 __- IZ 24 14 45' J. / Z. ___ece 1 /Z3 //0 J. /3 a 1-e o / 0 J.40 /Zo /12 .__ __ 4. /1%? ____ 5' 4.____ 4.45' I-eo 6 /-3 /23 // /22 /09 /04 ./8 ___.__ '. .530 5'44 6.00 /19 /06 /Z0 /07 //9 (o6 l05 //8 6. / /o6 6.Jo /f8 6.4$- /2/ /08 ;r 0 0 IZo /7 0o6 43 Tirnl /eadn? 7.O ...--. -- - --- f.10 7.20 9,3 96 . .40 9,3 96 94 96 8./0 90 ze 8.20 5z 8.s3O 9 . 9 8.40 93 94 .54 9~5 _____ .4 __----- i.5o 92 9 q 91 5' _9__ 9 z 8 9.00 89 9./a (97 So __ 9. 20 88 90 ___ 9.30 /1.9 9 .40 -, /.0 /o.30 9 ' 8.00 e.$5O 92 96 0 8 /0.20 / - 7.30 7. rl'rne Rea.d.#n corecte. 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A Z. 274 26'.6 27 _ 'Z4 28.4 7,jo 0.4 7.40 7__ 8.; 2.4 -4 82d ___8 26.4 z: 74 28.7 27.3 28.4 274 25.7 273 28.4 274 2 9.o 28.4 27 4 .7 27 8.. 28.4 8. 246 274 25. 479 Z 7S 20.8 274 26. 7 273 2. 2 72 6 8.ro 2s.4 274 22.6 2 7.2 277+ 28.o 2Z4 277 2 277 Z 70 277 29./ eso28.6 /o 26 9.3O 25.6 o 7722?. /O1O' 29.6 /28,/o Z83 /6.26' 2 8.i! 2 x 27.6 277 Z77 Z9/ 276 272 1280 27.4 .e 27.4 7 -7Z K N'.NN has. ti C?.4f 7/'e 6e/6$hJb~adN6rre' A?,-7 29-6 2.5 2 73' 2.30 Z9.4 27-4 28- 2.4R 3.oo 2 2?:? 8. 2 . 3 28-8 2.4 o7.0 28.6 27.- 274 a./__ 28.4 27.4 28.8 27. 3.30 28.6 25 29.0 279.' 3.46 2 8.5' 27 5 4.00 28.6 275' 2878 27 5 29. .26 4. /5' 430 28.6 4.45 26.5 297 __/ 0 7. 5 276 29.0 _ 27.5 2 29. 26.s 275 29.0 28.5 275 9.O 6046 28. 27 6.00 28.6 6./5' 28.6 15' s-3 6.30 ' 25.. 7.0 26.6 2' - 29.0 ___ 225 27.5 a 277 7- o 2-5 2_9-0 7-27-J 6.4' 27.5 29. 28.s _'__ ___-_ 2% 2 ____ 29./ 27_ 29.1 27.6 Sio /~cz~ese7fIK~A,- 7 7 7_ /0.3Jo /40o 7.oo /8.8 Z/5 /8 17 9,30 A d /6.40 /,4 726 o /04'0 /.000 7.3o Z r 8.O //. A x_ /8 8./ //2o A dr .45 /6 7'5 5.00 a. 0 3.30 1.80 /.7 - A 7S tea 3.45 /76 4.00 4./ /I /.so //f9 8.20 -- 834 1 /69 /2. ae &40 / 7d /2,/ / 7 44 8. ro /.r /Ao /.8o d0 /2.Jo A7 /R.*o 470 /2.0 /7f _./_ 9,ao ___ 7r 10 / %3f 6.oa7 d / / o /8 6. /r / 40 A 20 /1.ea 6.3 jzoo 9,4o / 9. 5,6 7a 1 /0,/0 A70 /0.20 / 7a /.J /o .46~ oo 0 -~60 /. / 7Y 9o /8% /6o 2./ dA /80- 4. /.00 9.Jo /0.o ____ A8f / / 44 ?.oo .8 - /e -7 o 6.45 /.7% /.80 /.8_ 1080 51 C/ 5A,&e4 /er-~ /4 /70, 'J6~ 424 70 ____._ e .2&0 _2 70 A7 4276 //870 /1491 /om--" 7. er-a~e J.2// 49. / //Y. 6 7ea o/ 4 -~ 7 iy __4 52 CAL0ULATION Eqnivalent Evaporation Boiler Pressure . . . . . . . Barometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absolute Boiler Pressure . . . . . . . . . 140.2 lbs. . . 14.7 lbs. 154.9 lbs4 Quality of Steam . . . . . . . . . .... . Q+XR et 154'.9 lbs.. 1........ B.T.U. .1157.6 Q at 202.7 F.. .. .. ........... % . 96.0 170.9 B.T'.J. Heat to vaporize 1 lb. of feed water (4% priming) . . . . . . 986.7 B.T.U. Q 77.7 B.T.U. at vacuum ................... Equivalent Evaporation 175,000 X 986.7 966.3 ,-179,000 lbs. 179,000 16,000 Equivalent Evaporation per lb. of coal - 11.1 lbs. Equivalent Evaporation per sq. ft. of Heating Surface 179,000 29,500 6.06 lbs. Coal burned per sq. ft. of Grate Surface per Hour 16,200 756 = 21.3 lbsa ~1 5-3 Boiler Horse Power (A.S.DI.E. Rating 175,000 x 986.7 --------33,320 ) CALCULATION ( con. 5180 Heat absorbed by Water in Boiler per lb. of Coal 175,000 z 986.7 ----------16,100 1 10,9700 B. T. U. Thermal Efficiency 986.7 x 175,000 x 100 ------------14,510 x 16,100 % 73.8 Total Steam per Shaft Horde- Power 175,000 = 16.8 lbs. 10,400 Engine Steam per Shaft Horse Power 153,000 14.7 lbs. . 10,400 B. V. U. per Shaft Horse Power - 1080 x 153,000 -----------60 x 10,400 265 B. T. U. Coal per Shaft Horse Power 16,100 = 1.55 lbs. 10,400 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. From previous statements it is evident that errors of more than 2% in the coal rate and 1% in the feed water rate are unlikely. A possible error of 10 in the aMxiliary steam could not affect the engine steam to more than 1.2%. An error of 1% in the feed water will affect the engine steam by about 1%, so that the total error in the engine steam is not likely to be greater than 2%. The ecuivalent evaporation is affected by five factors--the boiler pressure, the quality of the steam,the temperature of the feed water, the feed water rate, and the coal rate. Any errors which are likely to occur in the first three of these are .so small as compared with the probable errors in the last two as to be hegligible, so that the error introduced into the ecu ivalent evaporation per pound of coal is not greater than 2.56%. With probable errors of 3% in-the shaft horse power and 1% in the feed water rate, the total error in the steam per shaft horse power would not be more than 3.5%. The error in the engine steam and the coal per shaft horse power cannot be more than 3.5% as can be seen by the above figures. 11 55dw COICLUSION. This test was run under favorable conditions as regarcs weather and sea and the results given here are average results obtained in regular service between Boston and New York. From a consideration of all the errors entering into this work the results are seen to be certainly accurate within 3.5fa and the probable error is smaller. We hereby express our thanks to all who have in any way aided us in this work. Respectfully submitted.: Signature redacted Signature redacted