Program of Study COEHS M.Ed - Sport Management Complete this Program of Study with your faculty advisor during your first term of admission/acceptance in the program. Your faculty advisor will then forward it through the proper channels for final approval. Your copy will be returned when all approvals have been obtained. If you have submitted a program change form to the ESSC, JH 170, a Program of Study for the new program will be sent to you and should be completed with your advisor as soon as possible. Name: CSU ID: Address: Home Phone: City/State/Zip: E-Mail: DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Course Prerequisites Credits I. COLLEGE/PROGRAM CORE Research Methods & Technology HPR 601 Research Methods in Health & Human Performance Social Foundations PED 565 Law & Policy Studies in Sport & Physical Education Human Development HPR 606 Human Development II. SPECIALIZATION (Required 17 credits) HPR 610 Survey Research in Sport Management PED 560 Program Dev and Mgmt PED 566 Sport Facility Management PED 567 Sport Marketing HPR 682 Practicum (See item 3 on back for additional info) Other Phone: 4 4 None 3 3 None 3 3 None 3 3 3 3 5 17 None None None None If Enter substitute course # Total Hrs. Required or waived if appr. by petition Required min. of 22 sem. hrs. completed III. ELECTIVES (Select two courses based on advisor approval and check box) ACT 501 Financial Accounting 3 ECN 503 Economic Concepts 3 HPR 602 Introduction to Statistics and Data Management 3 MGT 501 Management and Organizational Behavior 3 PED 551 Applied Sport Psychology 3 PED 554 Sport Sociology 3 PED 561 Sport Governance 3 6 None None None None None None None IV. TRANSFERABLE CREDITS FROM ANOTHER INSTITUTION (See Item 2 on back for additional information) (A Graduate Credit Transfer Form needs to be completed for the courses listed below and submitted to your advisor for approval and forwarding to the ESSC) Note: Maximum of 9 sem. hrs. of letter-graded, graduate-level coursework; must have received a "B" or better in any transferred course. Course # Institution Credits CSU Equivalent Comments V. CULMINATING EXPERIENCE/EXIT REQUIREMENT (See Item 1 on back for additional information) Check Option Credits 0 (Must be registered for at least 1 graduate hour during term taken) Comp Exam (register for HPR 691 if no other course(s) being taken Project (HPR 698) 1-4 (Must be registered for at least 1 graduate hour during term completed) Thesis (HPR 699) 1-4 (Must be registered for at least 1 graduate hour during term completed) DEGREE TOTALS (Minimum 33 sem. hrs.) ALL STUDENTS MUST READ THE BACK OF THIS CHECKLIST BEFORE SIGNING BELOW Student Date Faculty Advisor Date Dept. Chair Date ESSC Date Distribution: ____ESSC File ____Student ____Advisor 8/22/2015 1. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: Applying for Graduation – Applications for graduation are available in the Education Student Service Center (ESSC). You are encouraged to apply two semesters before your expected graduation date. Application deadlines are April 14th for Fall semester, September 9th for Spring semester, and February 1st for Summer semester. A graduation fee of $25 (effective 3/1/02) is assessed upon submission of your graduation application. Comprehensive Exam Option – If selecting this option, the comprehensive exam should be taken during or after your last term of coursework. Placement on the comprehensive exam list requires that you apply for graduation, have a program of study on file in the ESSC, and be registered for at least one (1) graduate hour during the term taken. Exam notices are sent approximately one month before the exam. If you wish to take the exam earlier than the term you plan to graduate, you must state so on the graduation application. Graduation applications are available in the Graduation Office. Thesis/Project Option – If selecting the thesis or project option, you must be registered for at least one (1) graduate hour until completion of this requirement and submit a Proposal Approval form prior to submission of the final thesis or project. Thesis/Project forms and instructions are available in the ESSC, JH 170. 2. GRADUATE CREDIT TRANSFER/EXTENSION OF 6-YEAR LIMIT: Graduate Credit Transfer – A Graduate Credit Transfer form must be completed when requesting credit toward your degree program for graduate-level courses taken at another institution. Transfer eligibility requires that courses be less than 6 years old (unless a petition is filed and approved to extend the 6-year limit—see below), were not used to meet previous degree requirements, and where a letter grade of “B” or better was earned. No more than nine (9) semester hours are transferable and you need to complete 12 semester hours at CSU before you can apply. Transcripts and course descriptions must accompany the Graduate Credit Transfer form, which is available in the ESSC, JH 170. Extension of 6-Year Limit – A College Petition and corresponding Course Relevancy Statements must be completed when requesting credit for graduate-level coursework that will be more than 6 years old at the time you graduate. Petitions and Relevancy Statements are available in the ESSC, JH 170. 3. GRADUATE PRACTICUM: A practicum experience (HPR 682) is required of all students in Sports Management and is to be completed near or at the end of your program. A complete set of “Graduate Practicum Guidelines” is available from the HPERD department. The information below provides a general description, practicum hours, prerequisites, and the application/approval process. Application and approval due dates will be strictly enforced. Description – The practicum provides an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and skills at a community or commercial site related to their Master’s program. Depending on the area of specialization and selected courses, students must register for 3, 4, or 5 semester credits. The minimum number of clock hours required is directly related to the number of semester credits as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Practicum Hours COURSE HPR 680 HPR 681 HPR 682 CREDITS 3 4 5 AVERAGE HOURS PER WEEK 9 12 15 TOTAL HOURS PER SEMESTER 135 180 225 Prerequisites – The practicum is to serve as an “application” experience. It is expected that at least two-thirds of the program will be completed in order to maximize this experience and that sufficient time is allowed to seek a suitable placement. Therefore, the following prerequisites will be strictly enforced: 1. Completion of a minimum of 22 semester credit hours prior to your practicum experience. 2. Application form must be submitted in full no later than the due date for the practicum semester as shown in Table 2. 3. Approval form must be submitted in full no later than the due date for the practicum semester as shown in Table 2; subsequent approval by advisor and department chair. Table 2. Application and Approval Due Dates IF YOU WANT TO COMPLETE YOUR PRACTICUM THIS SEMESTER YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION (FORM 1) NO LATER THAN FALL (end of August to mid December) SPRING (mid January to early May) SUMMER (mid May to early August) Last Friday in May (during Summer semester) Second Friday in September (during Fall semester) Last Friday in January (during Spring semester) YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR APPROVAL FORM (FORM 2) NO LATER THAN Last Friday in July (during Summer semester) Second Friday in December (during Fall sem) Second Friday in April (during Spring semester) Due to special policies and contracts with certain organizations, agencies, and facilities, it may be necessary to demonstrate proof of professional liability insurance before the beginning of your practicum experience. Oftentimes, liability insurance can be purchased at a reasonable price through homeowners or renters insurance policies or professional organizations (e.g., AAHPERD). In addition, some health care facilities may require the following: (a) annual TB testing, (b) rubeola screen or vaccination validating immunization, and (c) Hepatitis B vaccination or declination statement. Sport Management