PFC/JA-82-19 MULTI-WIRE PROPORTIONAL COUNTER FOR SOFT X-RAY DETECTION J. K~ilne, E. K~ilne, L. G. Atencio, C. L. Morris, A. C. Thompson Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 September 1982 This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC02-78ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. Multi-Wire Proportional Counter for Soft X-Ray Detection J. Kallne and E. Killne Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Cambridge, MA L.G. 02138, USA Atencio and C.L. Morris Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico A.C. 87545, USA Thompson Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California Berkeley, California The design and counter performance of 94720, USA a multi-wire for 2-6 keV X-rays are presented. use of this detector in application of tokamak at MIT. a Bragg crystal proportional We also report on the spectrometer in the X-ray diagnostics of the plasma of the Alcator C Page 2 1. Introduction In this report we describe the design, construction, and use of a multi-wire proportional counter for detection of soft X-rays in the energy range 2 to 6 keV. detect photons The purpose of the device is in a Bragg crystal spectrometer. the spectrometer are wavelength dispersed along while The photons in the x-direction the image of the source is in the y-direction; the source in this case is the hot plasma of the Alcator C tokamak In the application we require good spatial to at MIT. x-resolution of 100 pm, moderate y-resolution of the order of millimeters and a count rate capability _of better than 100 KHz. This can be achieved with the detector described here. The detector constructed is a fast line proportional counter . It has a cathode plane which delay is a printed circuit board delay line. spaced wires gives pulse, low The anode plane impedance of 2 mm y-information using an external delay line. The aim is to build a 300 x 100 mm 2 (x x y) detector to cover the whole dispersion plane of the X-ray spectrometer. we report on the' design and use of a prototype 2 dimensions 35 x 35 mm. Here, however, detector of the Page 3 2. Design entrance window (35 x 9 mm2) is screwed to the box and the with sealed with an 0-ring relieved appropriately was foil The area of the Be Al plate. 0.076 mm The entrance window is (Fig. 1). (51 x 51 mm2 ) which is glued with epoxy to the beryllium thick plate The box. aluminium The detector is enclosed in an into the aluminimum plate to provide a flat inside surface. This planes (see surface served The Fig. 1). detector the of one as cathode plane is a helical delay line made other used fabrication convenience, we the where conductor 1 mm ribbons conductor wide ribbons two the sake of For apart. circuit parallel give to The boards are etched from two printed circuit boards. 0.2 mm cathode boards are soldered at the two ends (see Fig. 1). To avoid charge accumulation on the circuit boards, the surfaces were coated with a thin layer graphite deposited in the form of micro-graphite in aqueous base (aqua dag). of circuit the anode plane at a consisted of (G-10). distance 20 pm spacing of 2 mm. board boards and of diameter this one the Al-Be cathode surface, was the 1.6 mm from each cathode. It gold plated tungsten wires with a The wires were suspended on a in Between prototype potential spatial information from the frame of epoxy detector we disregarded the anode plane and simply shorted all anode wires. The delay line was designed to have a low impedance of 100Q which was chosen for the sake of time resolution. unit length of the delay line was 0.66 ns/mm. The delay per Page 4 3. Operation X-rays The detector was tested with 5.9 keV from a 5 5 Fe The.25mm line source was collimated to a width of about source. Gas mixtures 50 pm (FWHM). of both argon-ethane and xenon-ethane were tried with pressure 2 This pressure range was safely and 2.25 kg/cm . between 0.85 point the below consequently, we found a in up range and, no change in the electronic performance The applied high due to cathode plane deformation. varied bulging window noticeable any of point of breakdown for the gas the to was voltage conditions tested. The positive cathode and inverted were signals then amplified a factor of 100 using Hewlett-Packard HP8947A amplifier was noise level Unfortunately, these modules 6 mV measured into 500. about amplifier The followed by a LeCroy 612 amplifier. presented an impedance mismatch to the detector delay line (50Q compared to 100Q) which resulted in some loss in signal amplitude and signal reflections. of Because of the fast time characteristics the signals (the rise time was < 3 ns and the width was about 8 ns, FWHM) the reflections not did the affect leading edge signal shape; the detector was connected to the amplifiers using 2 m long 100Q cables. constant fraction provided the start The amplified signals were fed discriminators and stop (EG&G pulses for into ORTEC Model 934) which a time-to-amplitude converter .(Tennelel model TC 861) which in turn was read by a multi-channel analyzer (see Fig. 2). two Page 5 4. Performance The detector performance was investigated with the X-ray source. the notice that above 2.4 kV observed conditions. In Fig. 3 resolution as function of applied high voltage Using argon-ethane gas the range 2.3 to 2.7 kV. we keV Of particular interest was the spatial resolution achieveable for different operating shown 5.9 the timing resolution while there resolution is a (V) in 2.5 kg/cm 2 at (r) changes only slightly significant below 2.4 kV. is decrease The signal amplitude in the (S) has then decreased to 60 mV so that the noise at the level of 6 mV is no longer neglible at V 2.3 kV; we note that the rate of change in resolution (Ar/AV) approaches that of variation region in can S(V). therefore noise-to-signal exponential The decrease in time resolution in this be ascribed to the ratio. increase in timing peak broading should be (FWHM) of the observed 8 channels shown in Fig. 3; peak width of 7 channels corresponds to a broadening in the of the At a ratio of 1:10 and a pulse rise-time of 3 ns, we estimate that the 7 channels the 0.25 ns which resolution. electronic is equivalent to 0.18 mm Above 2.5 kV, or pulse amplitudes noise is no a line spatial detector of >200 mV, the longer what limits the accuracy in the position determination. In the amplitude range >200 mV, one limiting factor for spatial resolution photoelectron significance from is the the finite stopping photo-absorption range of 2) process2. the the The of this range effect is illustrated in Fig. 4 where the observed resolution for Ar and Xe gas mixtures at 1.1, 1.6, Page 6 and 2.3 kg/cm2 pressures are shown. Since the excited states created by the photo-absorption process electron emission mostly decay by Auger and the energies of these electrons are lower than the energy of the photo-electron 2), we may assume that the photo-electron energy characterizes the range differences between Ar and Xe; for Ar fit the i.e., the range 2)()is about a factor of than for Xe data [(R/P)2 + C 2 on (RAr the 11/ 2 = 1.5 RXe). time which by the P is the function expresses the resolution as the sum of two terms in quadrature namely C (fixed) and dependent); greater We use this assumption to resolution simply 1.5 pressure expressed in R/P (density kg/cm . This determines C to be in the range 2.4-2.9 channels or 60 to 75 Pm 2 -1 for R-~ 11.0 in units of [kg/cm ] . A significant portion of the value of C stems from the finite source width of about 50 Pm. Accounting for the source contributions, we are still left with a residue of some 30 to 50 Pm which could diffusion electrons while drifting of the be due to thermal from the point of initial ionization to the anode wire or other subtle effects. make no attempt to study these effects here, partly because the contributions from the source width and resolution below 100 vm. It spectrum (Fig. 5) recorded after optimizing We may alignment suffice careful to source the resolution using Xe at 2.25 kg/cm 2. resolution was 80 vm (FWHM). dominate show the the time alignment for The observed Page 7 5. Applications The detector was used as the position sensitive element in a Bragg crystal region spectrometer 2.4-2.7 keV. detector operates In in + through detector. the measurements this The ethane(40%) is for soft X-rays spectrometer in the energy application the vacuum with a gas pressure of 1 atm and a high voltage of 2.0 kV. krypton(60%) 3) detector which The gas was was a allowed purpose of mixture of slowly to flow the spectrometer to analyze the characteristic X-ray emission of impurity ions in the hot plasma of the Alcator C tokamak at MIT. A typical spectrum obtained with shown in Fig. 6. present n=2 and n=l electron made a line fit to prominent lines (see Fig. 6). resolution, two of electrons. (FWHM) for the four We most We then determine the average line width to be about 11.8 channels or 0.73 mm detector orbits the observed spectrum and find line widths of between 9.9 and 13.8 channels the is At the high plasma temperatures of about 1.2 keV, these ions are stripped of all but the last have detector The four prominent peaks are each identified with transitions between the chlorine ions. the (FWHM). Apart from there are three major contributors to the line broadening of these X-ray lines; namely, the entrance slit of the spectrometer (0.4 mm), the Bragg diffraction width of the pentaerythritol (PET) crystal (AX = 0.89 mA, from the specification resolution for the 002-planes of AX/X = 1/5000 at X - 4.444 £hA. crystal of .A) and the Doppler broadening ( AX = 1.9 mA ) due to the temperature of radiating ( estimated ions conversions are 1 mA = 0.27 mm to = Tion z1.2 keV ). 4.49 channels. The These the unit three Page 8 components, when added observed line width. with a in quadrature, account for most of the In particular, the result is consistent neglible (<0.2 mm) contribution from the detector. this detector, we can thus approach the resolution limit spectrometer decreased which with is the set by practical the crystal; lower limit design and With of the the slit can be set by intensity requirements. 6. Conclusion We have multi-wire reported proportional the region 2-6 keV. demonstrated that on the detector in of a counter for detection of soft X-rays in In tests with a 5.9 keV X-ray source we have (FWHM) a spatial resolution of 80 Jim can be achieved successfully with this design. this construction We have reported on the use of a spectrometer application for analyzing soft X-rays in the energy region 2.4-2.7 keV. At the level of a measured line width of 0.7 mm, the detector contribution is found to be neglible. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. Page 9 References 1. L.G. Atencio, J.F. Nucl. 2. F. Inst. Amann, R.L. and Meth., 187 Boudrie, and C.L. Morris, (1981) 381. Sauli, "Principles of Operation of Multiwire Proportional and Drift Chambers", CERN NP Internal Report 77-09 (1977). 3. L. van Hamos, Ann. der Physik 17 (1933) 716. Page 10 Figure Captions Fig. 1: (a) Photograph of the detector Visible are with one side opened. the anode wires and the cathode of printed circuit boards. (b) Schematics of detector. Fig. 2: Schematics of the electronic set up. Fig. 3: Time resolution and applied high source with a signal amplitude as function voltage using 5.9 keV X-rays of detector gas mixture of an of 55Fe + argon(60%) ethane(40%) at a pressure of 2.25 kg/cm2 Fig. 4: Time resolution as a function of the inverted the pressure in the detector for gas argon(60%) + ethane(40%) and xenon(60%) + value of mixtures of ethane(40%). The curves present fits to the data for the parameters C = 2.4 and 'X= 11.0 Fig. 5: (see text). Time spectrum for four source positions using a detector gas mixture of xenon(60%) + ethane(40%) at 2.25 kg/cm 2 pressure and a high voltage of 2850 V. Fig. 6: Example of crystal spectrometer X-ray spectrum obtained and a the Bragg using the present detector with a krypton(60%) + ethane(40%) gas mixture pressure with at high voltage of 2.0 kV. 1.0 kg/cm 2 The lines are Page 11 due to characteristic n=2 to n=l transitions of Cl of which the prominant lines (w,x,y, and z) are identified with the transitions from the excited ls2p is2 1 Pi, IS0 ls2p 3 P 2 ,- ls2p ground state with 3 P1 , and He-like Is2s 3 S states to the X'= 4.444, 4.465, 4.468, and 0 4.497 A. lines. The fitted line widths are indicated for these The spectrum refers to the sum of discharges of 100 ms duration each. three plasma yY 4PF 9A -)-o 0> C 0~ *. e 4- 0) S ~0 C 00000 C C t C m0 +HV F-mF- inv inv Amp Amp Delc y (25 is) Disc Disc Start Stop TAC MCA I I I I i I 50 F 500 / "5 E / ~0 / U) -r U (9 / 0 / 10k -4100 / 0 LUi D a_ / 0 / 5 - 0 50 . V) Ld . --I J i LiU I 2.4 * I 2.6 VOLTAGE (k V) I 0 2.8 I I I I 8 LI) z 61 z z Q L- 4 Of) O Ar A Xe 2 i 0.5 I 1.0 I i 1/p (kg/cm 2 -12.0 COUNTS /25 pLm bin 0 0 a 0 0 0 CA 0 0 0 0 -N 0 0 I I I I I I I I I. tom r) 3 x 3 1- I-------------------- j- I I - 150 - w x y z 100- L-J z z -z + 11.6 0 00 *.- *. . 200 - -11-* . 0 300 POSITION (CHANNEL NO.) 9. . . 400