College of Engineering Today
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The purpose of this e-newsletter is to share with all employ ees the accomplishments that hav e been made by y our
colleagues and the recent ev ents that hav e occurred in the college. At the bottom of this issue is the method f or submission
of items to be included in f uture issues. We encourage y ou to let us know about news f rom y our discipline.
Grants and Contracts
Student Accomplishments
Alumni Recognition
Events of Interest
Is Your News Listed Here?
The Civ il Engineering department has a new name that is more descriptiv e: the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Scott Norv ille is the chair.
The Chemical Engineering department appears in the national ranking of
"Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty at the 'Top 50' Chemical Engineering Departments by
Race/Ethnicity , by Gender, and by Rank (FY 2005)" compiled by the Div ersity in
Science Association under the direction of Dr. Donna Nelson (associate prof essor,
AAAS Fellow 2005, Ford Foundation Fellow 2003-2004, Guggenheim Fellow 2003),
Univ ersity of Oklahoma.
http://cheminf o.chem.ou.edu/f aculty /djn/div ersity /Faculty _Tables_FY 05/
Dr. Lloyd Heinze was quoted in the online business journal Red Herring as seeing a decline in the number of petroleum
engineering students f rom 11,000 students enrolled in 1983 to less than 2,500 enrolled today .
Dr. Heinze was f eatured in a related article about the increase in interest in the engineering f ield in sy nch with oil and
natural gas prices.
www.zwire.com/site/index.cf m?newsid=16671063&BRD=2288&PAG=461&dept_id=475626&rf i=8
The Wind Science and Engineering Research Center is highlighted in the premier issue (Summer 2006) of Archways, a
monograph that f eatures major multidisciplinary , f unded research endeav ors at the univ ersity , published by TTU's of f ice
of the Vice President f or Research.
Kevin Ludlum has joined the College of Engineering as the new dev elopment of f icer ef f ectiv e May 8, 2006. Kev in
receiv ed his master’s degree f rom TTU, and af ter obtaining his PhD in Sports Psy chology f rom the Univ ersity of Idaho,
he serv ed as a f aculty member at both Western State College (CO) and Anderson College (SC). Early on he discov ered
that his talents and passions were geared toward f undraising, so he lef t the traditional f aculty academic route to become a
dev elopment of f icer. Kev in came to Texas Tech six months ago to work as a major gif ts of f icer in the central of f ice of
Institutional Adv ancement. Welcome, Kev in!
Pat Patterson joins the College of Engineering as the chair f or the Industrial Engineering department. He
was prev iously chair of the Industrial and Manuf acturing Sy stems Engineering department at Iowa State
Univ ersity . His PhD is in industrial engineering (ergonomics) f rom Texas A&M. Welcome, Pat!
Corrie Prieto is the new administrativ e assistant in the COE of f ice of Undergraduate Studies. She has been with TTU f or
about a y ear, and takes ov er f or Patsy Harris, who recently retired. Welcome, Corrie!
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Mario Beruvides, associate prof essor in Industrial Engineering, receiv ed the "Outstanding Prof essor Award
f or 2006" f rom the TTU chapter of Tai Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society .
Ernst Kiesling was awarded the Nania Award f rom the Tulsa Partners f or "weav ing together and
strengthening the f abric of disaster-resistant communities." Nania is a Cherokee word meaning "all
together," which exemplif ies the mission of the Tulsa Partners to create public/priv ate partnerships dedicated
to making communities stronger and saf er. This is the third indiv idual award. The f irst went to James Lee
Witt, Federal Emergency Management Agency director during the Clinton Administration. The second went to
Robert K. Godwin, CEO of the National Points of Light Foundation.
A Weather Channel crew v isited the wind debris cannon at the Reece f acility on May 8. They interv iewed Larry Tanner
(research associate, Civ il and Env ironmental Engineering) during two spots - the 8:30 p.m. piece f eatured a v ideo package
including sev eral shots of the debris cannon at work interspersed with interv iew segments f eaturing Tanner. A 9:30 p.m.
segment f eatured a liv e demonstration of the cannon and f urther interv iews. The segment was repeated on the Weather
Channel the f ollowing day .
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Wind Science and Engineering Research Center Prof essor Andy Swif t and Civ il and Env ironmental Engineering Prof essor
Chris Letchf ord, led by John Schroeder, associate prof essor in Atmospheric Sciences and f ormer civ il engineering
graduate student, participated in the Vice President f or Research multidisciplinary "Think Big" competition with a proposal
titled, “The Dev elopment of Innov ativ e Observ ational and Simulation Technologies to Facilitate New Research.” They
earned a $1 million grant f or two high-resolution mobile research Doppler radars f or the Wind Science and Engineering
Research Center. These will be used to study the lower atmosphere and create f our-dimensional wind f low simulations to
better understand weather patterns near the earth's surf ace. The grant is f unded by the Research Dev elopment Fund,
created by the Texas Legislature to support research activ ities in higher education. www.depts.ttu.edu/v prgs/rd_grants.php
www.wind.ttu.edu/Ev ents/News/N20060509.php
Sergey Nikishin, associate prof essor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, receiv ed a $100,000 grant f rom the Texas
Adv anced Research Program (ARP) f or his work on AIGaInN-based Nanostructures f or High Power Ultrav iolet Light
Emitting Diodes. This was one of nine TTU proposals that was f unded out of a total of 22 submitted.
Ken Rainwater, prof essor of Civ il and Env ironmental Engineering, along with PI Prof essor S. Dasgupata
(Chemistry and Biochemistry ) and Co-PI Prof essor C. Martin (Mathematics and Statistics); and Alex
Idesman, assistant prof essor of Mechanical Engineering along with PI Prof essor W. Day awansa and Co-PI
Associate Prof essor S. Padmanabhan, (both of Mathematics and Statistics) also were recipients of the
Texas ARP awards. The winning proposals were "Perchlorate and Iodide Intake and Excretion in Breastf ed
Inf ants" ($100,000) and "Multidisciplinary Research Program in Computation and Control of Biological
Sy stems" ($79,000), respectiv ely .
Iris Rivero, assistant prof essor in Industrial Engineering, receiv ed a research initiation grant f rom the
Society of Manuf acturing Engineers Education Foundation f or "Dev elopment of Ef f icient Manuf acturing
Processing Technology f or Carbon Nanotubes Poly mer Composite Components." The grant will sponsor
student inv olv ement in the f ield of carbon nanotubes; the results will be applied to attract more f unding f or
the f ield.
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Engineers Without Borders is a new student organization led by Jason Fields (Chemical Engineering). It is a nonprof it
humanitarian organization established to partner with dev eloping communities worldwide in order to improv e their quality of
lif e. The students hope to trav el to other nations to use their engineering knowledge f or good works. Prof essor Siv a
Parameswaran (Mechanical Engineering) is the primary f aculty adv isor.
TTU's American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) student chapter was selected by the ASCE Committee on Student
Activ ities to receiv e a letter of honorable mention f or its outstanding activ ities as recorded in the 2005 chapter annual
report. Nancy Gerrish is the student president. The f aculty sponsors are Assistant Prof essors Audra Morse and Sanjay a
Engineering Ambassadors f or the Fall 2006 term are: Jef f Beeler (mechanical), Alisha Bloodworth (chemical), Bry ce
Bradf ord (electrical), Cody Edwards (construction technology ), Caleb Francis (mechanical), Tracy Giles (petroleum),
Amanda Gordon (mechanical), Angela Ibanga (civ il), Daniel King (electrical/computer science), Scott Legler (electrical),
Simeon Losoha (petroleum), Cry stal Mahon (industrial), Meredith McLeroy (civ il), Jeremy Miller (mechanical/engineering
technology ), Jamie Millisor (industrial, graduate student), Erika Nordstrom (civ il), Jahswill Obareh (petroleum), Michael
Oskierko (industrial), Alex Pearson (mechanical), and Maaroof Shahriar (petroleum, graduate student).
Luis Barroso and Tosan Maku, students in Industrial Engineering, hav e been selected to receiv e a 2006 summer
dissertation/thesis research award, giv en by the Texas Tech Graduate School.
Jason Crawley, Civ il and Env ironmental Engineering '06, receiv ed the Texas Space Grant Consortium Fellowship f or the
2006-2007 academic y ear. Jason is currently pursuing his masters in the same discipline. www.tsgc.utexas.edu/grants
Electrical engineering students created robots equipped with global positioning sy stems and demonstrated the
nav igational abilities on April 29. Local CBS and ABC af f iliates cov ered the exhibition.
John Krile, a PhD student in ECE, was awarded one of the two Tom Burkes Outstanding Student Awards at the IEEE
International Power Modulator conf erence held in Washington, D.C., May 14-18. Tom Burkes was a f ormer f aculty
member in ECE.
Sameera Muthya (Industrial Engineering masters degree candidate), Iris V. Rivero (assistant prof essor, Industrial
Engineering) and Louisa Hope-Weeks (assistant prof essor, Chemistry and Biochemistry ) presented their paper, "Silv er
Nanorods in Poly aniline Nanocomposites f or Superior Electrical Conductiv ity ," to the 2006 Industrial Engineering Research
Conf erence held in Orlando, Florida the last week of May .
Chemical engineering students Erin Frantz, Allison Nix, and Kyle Purvis are recipients of the 2006 Gas Processors
Association Permian Basin Chapter scholarships. The awards were presented at a luncheon in Midland on April 25.
Recently named McNair Scholars: new scholars - Adrian Escudero (Mechanical Engineering) and Didiana Rojas (Chemical
Engineering); May graduates - Uriy ah Robinson (Mechanical Engineering) and Laky sha Mosley (Chemical
Engineering/Microbiology ). The McNair Scholars Program (named af ter Dr. Ronald E. McNair, one of the astronauts on the
ill-f ated Challenger in 1986) informs, supports, prepares, and motivates first generation college students from low-income families for
the rigors of doctoral education.
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Kent Lawrence '59, '60 Mechanical Engineering, professor of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas
Arlington, has been selected to receive a prestigious Minnie Stevens P iper P rofessor Award. Only 15 awards are made
annually to professors in Texas for superior teaching at the college level.
www.uta.edu/public-affairs/pressreleases/page.php? id=1710
Archie Nystel '42 finally received his diploma in Mechanical Engineering this May 15. He was in the armed forces on
his commencement day (June 1, 1942) and the diploma wasn't foremost in his mind. But 64 years later he got to thinking and realized he
had never received that diploma. Thanks to P earl Trevino and Jeff Woldstad in the dean's office for facilitating the process that allowed
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Mr. Nystel to receive his diploma after all these years.
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Pamela Eibeck (dean) and Lloyd Heinze (P etroleum Engineering) addressed an audience in Midland
on May 23 about the challenges in engineering education. Our nation's economic viability in a
globally competitive world depends on engineers' technological innovations and ingenuity. Dr.
Eibeck discussed education enrollment trends and implications while Dr. Heinze addressed the
current and future status of petroleum engineering in relation to the workforce available today.
www.zwire.com/site/index.cfm? newsid=16683851
On May 11, 112 golfers teed off at the 16th Annual Texas Tech College of Engineering Scholarship G olf Tournament hosted by the
Texas Society of P rofessional Engineers (TSP E), South P lains Chapter, held at the Rawls Golf Course. The TSP E board of directors
established a $25,000 scholarship endowment for the benefits of engineering students. P roceeds from the golf tournament will go to
increase the endowment.
WE CAN - high school summer camp on the TTU campus June 4-16, taught by Mary Baker and Tanja
Karp, ECE faculty members. Nine girls are registered to participate in curriculum that includes softwareand hardware-based projects that will give them an overview of what electrical and computer engineers
do and what students can expect from their college studies.
Teacher Training Institute - six week-long professional development workshops for Texas teachers
focusing on hands-on engineering education topics begin in June and run through the first week of
August. Topics include Introduction to Robotics; Applied Robotics for the Classroom; Green Engineering; Exploring Space;
Introduction to Rocketry; and Advanced Rocketry.
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Siva Parameswaran, professor Mechanical Engineering, is presenting a paper at the Fourth International Conference on
Computational Wind Engineering in Yokohama, Japan, July 16-19. He is also a member of the scientific conference for
this committee, organized by Tokyo P olytechnic University (TP U). P rior to the conference, he will provide a two-day
colorful fluid dynamics short course at TP U.
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If not, submit it through your department's editor:
Civil and Environmental
Computer Science
M echanical
Engineering Technology
Electrical and Computer
Andrews, Glenna
Blackmon, Joan
Digby, M ysti
Hernandez, Carmen
Hudson, Jan
M cM urray, Jodi
Willingham, Sandi
Wilson, Terry
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The COE e-newsletter will be posted online on the 5th of each month. News submission deadline is the 28th of each month.
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The College of Engineering Today is published by:
The College of Engineering at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Dean of Engineering: Pamela A. Eibeck, PhD
Editors: Karlene Hoo, PhD; Sharon Smith
Technical Editors: Jonathan Cotton; Nick Rinker
Mailing Address: Box 43103
Lubbock, TX 79409-3103
Phone: 806-742-3451
Web site: http://www.coe.ttu.edu
© 2006, Texas Tech University
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