Mandana Pahlavani

Mandana Pahlavani
1301 Akron Ave , MS1240
Lubbock, TX 79409
Contact Information: 806-742-3068 Ext. 250.
2013- Present
Ph.D. Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Department of Nutrition science
M.S. Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of
Mashhad (Iran )
Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture
1995- 1998
B.S. Food Science and Technology,University of Urmia(Iran)
Department of Food Science and Technology
College of Agriculture Engineering
2013- present
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
College of Nutrition Science
Mentor: Dr. N. Moustaid-Moussa
The epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes presents a serious
challenge to scientific and biomedical communities worldwide. This
growing epidemic has underscored the need to elucidate the molecular basis
for obesity and type 2 diabetes as well as develop novel treatments for this
condition. My dissertation focuses on investigating mechanisms mediating
nutritional regulation of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and its role in
insulin resistance and obesity.
R&D Laboratory of Zam Zam Co, Tehran(Iran)
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(Iran)
College of Agriculture Engineering
Mentor: Dr. N. Sedaghat
Thesis Title: The preserving effect of sodium diacetate on carbonated
In recent years, consumers have become more concerned about the
processed foods they buy and eat. Demands for natural and high quality
preservative-free products that at the same time are safe and stable, pose a
challenge for the food industry. My thesis focused on the replacement of
Sodium diacetate (SDA) in soft drink as a safe preservative instead of
Sodium benzoate as a artificial preservative and determination the
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of SDA to effectively minimize
the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida krusei, Leuconostoc
mesenteriodes and Lactobacillus delbrukii in culture media and orange
Summer 2013
Graduate Research Assistant
“Nutritional regulation of lipid metabolism in obesity and insulin resistance”
Departement of Nutrition Science
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Mentor: Dr. N. Moustaid-Moussa. Jan. 2013-Present
Spring 2014
Graduate Research Assistant
“Metabolic and gene expression studies in brown adipose tissue”
Departement of Nutrition Science
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Mentor: Dr. N. Moustaid-Moussa. Jan. 2013-Present
Invited lecturer, Department of Food Science and Technology, Azad
University, Varamin Beanch(Iran)
Nut technology
Packing technology
Sugar technology
Principles of food preservation
Environmental health
Fall 2011
Invited lecturer, Department of Food Science and Technology, Azad
University, Shahreghods Branch(Iran)
• Food analytical chemistry
Laboratory Instructor:
• Food analytical chemistry
Fall 2014 Laboratory Instructor, Department of Nutrition Science, Texas Tech
Texas Tech University(USA)
Awards and Scholarships:
Scholarship, Horton A. and Mildred Proctor Hobbs Endowed Scholarship in
Human Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Spring 2014
Scholarship, Third place in Twenty-Sixth Annual
Student Research week, Texas Tech University Health Science center,
Lubbock, TX.
Spring 2014
Scholarship, Third place in Twenty-Sixth Annual
Student Research week, Texas Tech University Health Science center,
Lubbock, TX.
Spring 2014
Certificate of Award, Third place in Twenty-Sixth Annual Student Research
week, Texas Tech University Health Science center, Lubbock, TX.
Spring 2014
Certificate of Award, Third place in Thirteenth Annual Graduate Student
poster competition, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX.
Scholarship, C. R. and Virginia Hutcheson Scholarship Endowment in
Human Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Scholarship, H.S Desg Scholarship in human science, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX.
Spring 2013
Scholarship, H.S Desg Scholarship in human science, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX.
1. Mandana Pahlavani, N.S. Kalupahana, M. LeMieux, A. Aljawadi, S. Scoggin, K.
Claycombe and N. Moustaid-Moussa, EB 2014 Meeting San Diego: Eicosapentaenoic acid
regulates brown adipose tissue gene expression and metabolism in high fat fed mice. April.
2. Mandana Pahlavani, Saied-Mohammad-Ali Mousavi, Zohreh Hamidi-Esfahani. The
preserving effect of sodium diacetate on spoilage microorganisms in carbonated beverages
and culture media. International Journal of Food safety (review)
3. Saied-Mohammad-Ali Razavi, Elham Zaerzadeh, Neshat Khafajizad, Mandana Pahlavani
(2009). Some physical properties of seed and splits of Desi chickpea (Kaka var). Journal of
Pulses Research, 1, 77-83.
4. Mandana Pahlavani, Saied-Mohammad-Ali Mousavi, Zohreh Hamidi-Esfahani, Nasser
Sedaghat, Fakhri Shahidi (2008). Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
of sodium diacetate on spoilage microorganisms in carbonated beverages by culture media.
Journal of Iranian Food Science and Technology, 7, 51-59.
1. “Eicosapentaenoic acid regulates brown adipose tissue gene expression and
metabolism in high fat fed mice.”
Funding for this research was provided by USDA, the Physicians’ Medical Education
and Research Foundation (PMERF) in Knoxville, TN and Start Up funds from the VPR
and COHS at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, Awarded: 2013-2014.
1. " Eicosapentaenoic acid regulates brown adipose tissue gene expression and metabolism
in high fat fed mice"
• Experimental Biology Meeting, April 2014,San Diego, CA
• 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Organized by Texas
Tech University Graduate School. April 2014 ,Lubbock, TX
• 26 th Annual Student Research week, Texas Tech University Health Science center,
March 2014, Lubbock, TX
• Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, March 2014, Lubbock, TX
1. International Teaching Assistant Workshop, Texas Tech University , Lubbock,
TX,Summer 2013.
1. Student Member, The Obesity Society, 2013-Present
2. Student Member, American Society for Nutrition, 2013-Present
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