COLLEGE OF HUMAN SCIENCES – ACADEMIC ADVISING SERVICES GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Student Name: RNumber: □ MINIMUM 2.0 TTU GPA □ WRITING INTENSIVE Each degree program will include a minimum of six hours of courses that are designated as writing intensive. The fundamental objective of a writing intensive course is for students to write often and receive critical review from the course instructor. Students should be required to rewrite, based on the instructor’s critique. The writing intensive course emphasizes the process as well as the products of writing. Faculty use writing to reinforce student learning. Students’ writing should formulate ideas, raise questions, and express considered opinions. Students’ written work should analyze, integrate, and synthesize as well as communicate. □ MULTICULTURAL REQUIREMENT In addition to the core, every student must include at least one 3-hour multicultural course or its equivalent that focuses explicitly on the distinctive subcultures of the United States or on the culture of another society. Completion of an approved study abroad course, including assessments by the Texas Tech University Study Abroad Office, also can fulfill this requirement. Many courses fulfill a core curriculum requirement and at the same time satisfy the multicultural emphasis. All students should check with an advisor for appropriate courses. Although the courses below fulfill the university’s multicultural requirement, select Honors courses also may be available and may vary by semester. □ FOREIGN LANGUAGE Any entering student who has not completed two years of a single foreign language in high school or has not transferred at least two semesters of a single foreign language from another college must complete at least two semesters (or its equivalent) of a single foreign language at the first-year college level as a graduation requirement. This can be accomplished, for example, by successful completion of course number 1502 or 1507 in FREN, GERM, SPAN, etc. □ CORE CURRICULUM ENGL 1301, 1302, 3 hr Oral Communication, 6 hrs Mathematics, 8 hrs Life and Physical Sciences, 3 hr Language, Philosophy, and Culture, 3 hr Creative Arts, 3 hr Social and Behavioral Science, 6 hrs American History, 6 hrs Government/Political Science □ MINIMUM 120 HOURS □ MINIMUM 40 HOURS OF UPPER LEVEL COURSEWORK (3000/4000 LEVEL) □ INTENT TO GRADUATE Students must file an “Intent to Graduate” or “Application for Degree” form with their college at least one calendar year before they plan to graduate. Students using federal veteran’s benefits must meet a federal requirement to file a degree plan by the time they have accumulated 64 semester hours. Students in compliance with HB 3025 (see “Filing a Degree Plan” above) also will have complied with this requirement. I have read and understand the above state, Texas Tech University, and Human Sciences graudation requirements. For futher details, I will refer to the online TTU catalog or the Academic Advising office resources. __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE __________________________________________________ DATE