Inequalities and Absolute Value Equations and Inequations - §2.4 - 2.5

Inequalities and Absolute Value Equations and
Inequations - §2.4 - 2.5
Fall 2013 - Math 1010
A no TIE fighter and squinting cat zone.
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Notes for solving inequalities.
Examples of solving inequalities.
Notes for solving absolute value equations and inequalites.
Examples of solving absolute value equations and inequalities.
Today’s lecture will procede with slide notes and then chalkboard
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§2.4 - The Symbols for Inequalities
’less than’ Example x < 7
’less than or equal’ Example x ≤ 4
’greater than’ Example x > −3
’greater than or equal’ Example x ≥ 2.8
- ’or equal’ means the values for the unknown can include that number.
- Inequalties without ’or equal’, that is < and >, are called strict
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§2.4 - Notations
Styles in this section include intervals, inequalty signs, graphs, and set (or
set builder) notation. The samples below are equivalent.
Example x + 6 < 9
↔x <3
Interval: (−∞, 3)
Inequality signs: x < 3
Set builder notation: {x|x < 3} (I like to use : in place of |.)
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§2.4 - Operations
Operations on all sides of an inequality with expressions are the same for
equalities with one exception:
Multiplication and division by a negative quantity produces an
equivalent inequality with a reversed inequality symbol.
Add/Subtract: a < b ↔ a + c < b + c ↔ a − c < b − c
Multiply/Divide: positive quantities
a < b ↔ ac < bc ↔ a ÷ c < b ÷ c, c > 0
Multiply/Divide: negative quantities
a < b ↔ ac > bc ↔ a ÷ c > b ÷ c, c < 0
Transitivity: When a < b and b < c, then it follows that a < c.
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Conjunctive ’And’
Conjunctive (and) is used for compound inequalties that have two
conditions. Both conditions must be met.
Example −1 ≤ 5 − 2x and 5 − 2x < 7 Write this as a double inequalty
and solve.
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Conjunctive ’And’
Conjunctive (and) is used for compound inequalties that have two
conditions. Both conditions must be met.
Example −1 ≤ 5 − 2x and 5 − 2x < 7 Write this as a double inequalty
and solve.
−1 ≤ 5 − 2x < 7
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Conjunctive ’And’
Conjunctive (and) is used for compound inequalties that have two
conditions. Both conditions must be met.
Example −1 ≤ 5 − 2x and 5 − 2x < 7 Write this as a double inequalty
and solve.
−1 ≤ 5 − 2x < 7
−6 ≤ −2x < 2
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Conjunctive ’And’
Conjunctive (and) is used for compound inequalties that have two
conditions. Both conditions must be met.
Example −1 ≤ 5 − 2x and 5 − 2x < 7 Write this as a double inequalty
and solve.
−1 ≤ 5 − 2x < 7
−6 ≤ −2x < 2
≥x >
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Conjunctive ’And’
Conjunctive (and) is used for compound inequalties that have two
conditions. Both conditions must be met.
Example −1 ≤ 5 − 2x and 5 − 2x < 7 Write this as a double inequalty
and solve.
−1 ≤ 5 − 2x < 7
−6 ≤ −2x < 2
≥x >
3 ≥ x > −1 ↔ −1 < x ≤ 3
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Just Say No
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Disjunctive ’Or’
Disjuctive (or) is used for compound inequalties that have two conditions.
Either condition may be met. These inequalities cannot be written as a
compound inequality.
Example x + 3 < −7 or x + 3 > 14 Solve.
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Disjunctive ’Or’
Disjuctive (or) is used for compound inequalties that have two conditions.
Either condition may be met. These inequalities cannot be written as a
compound inequality.
Example x + 3 < −7 or x + 3 > 14 Solve.
One at a time: x + 3 < −7 → x < −10
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Disjunctive ’Or’
Disjuctive (or) is used for compound inequalties that have two conditions.
Either condition may be met. These inequalities cannot be written as a
compound inequality.
Example x + 3 < −7 or x + 3 > 14 Solve.
One at a time: x + 3 < −7 → x < −10
Next one: x + 3 > 14 → x > 11
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§2.4 - Compound Inequalties - Disjunctive ’Or’
Disjuctive (or) is used for compound inequalties that have two conditions.
Either condition may be met. These inequalities cannot be written as a
compound inequality.
Example x + 3 < −7 or x + 3 > 14 Solve.
One at a time: x + 3 < −7 → x < −10
Next one: x + 3 > 14 → x > 11
Solution: x < −10 or x > 11.
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§2.5 - Absolute Value Equations and Inequalties
An absolute value equation contains a term with an absolute value
expression. It may have no solution, or it may have one or more solutions.
Example |x| = 3.6 → x = −3.6 or x = 3.6
|x| = −12 → No solution; an absolute value cannot be negative.
To solve |x| = a, a ≥ 0 the algebraic expression inside the absolute value
symbols x may be −a or a.
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§2.5 - Solving Equations
Simplify each side to have at most one absolute value expression.
Write two linear equations - write one side equal to the other side,
and then write one side equal to the opposite of the other side.
Solve each linear equation one after the other.
Check the solutions! It is possible for no solution or one solution.
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§2.5 - Solving Inequalities
Absolute value inequalties match a conjunctive pair of statements (also, a
compound inequality) or a disjunctive pair of statements.
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§2.5 - Solving Inequalities
Absolute value inequalties match a conjunctive pair of statements (also, a
compound inequality) or a disjunctive pair of statements.
Example Solutions to |x| < 2 lie between -2 and 2. That is, −2 < x < 2.
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§2.5 - Solving Inequalities
Absolute value inequalties match a conjunctive pair of statements (also, a
compound inequality) or a disjunctive pair of statements.
Example Solutions to |x| < 2 lie between -2 and 2. That is, −2 < x < 2.
Example Solutions to |x| > 2 lie outside -2 and 2. That is, x < −2 or
x > 2.
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For Monday:
1. Read sections 3.1 and 3.2.
2. Exercises from §2.4, 2.5 due Monday, September 16.
3. Pre-Exam 1 Wednesday, September 18.
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