BUDGET GUIDELINES FOR THE GO/AR PROGRAM The budgeted costs must be reasonable for the amount of data to be analyzed. No support (salary, travel, etc.) may be requested for any non-U.S. investigator. Please refer to Section A.2 of the current Call For Proposals for additional information concerning funding policies not discussed below. 1. SALARIES & WAGES Requested salary support must be reasonable for the amount of data to be analyzed. Justification for a significant amount of senior scientist support must be fully justified. Support for senior scientists, rather than Post-Doctoral Associates or Graduate Students, to perform basic data reduction will be questioned and will be subject to reduction. ST ScI will not support more than two months of summer salary for faculty in academic institutions. ST ScI funds may not be used to pay more than a person's full-time salary, or to pay more than an individual's hourly rate. Also an individual may not be reimbursed for consulting or other time in addition to a regular full-time institutional salary covering the same period of employment. 2. TRAVEL Since GO/AR funding is limited, most of the resources must be allocated to data reduction and analysis and publication costs. Therefore, requests for travel must be reasonable and normally should not exceed ~$5K - $6K in loaded costs. Support for each program normally should be limited to the following: 1 trip to ST ScI to obtain data; 1 trip to a scientific conference (preferably domestic), and 1 trip for collaboration. See #5 below concerning ground-based observing and #7 below for more information on collaborative trips. Requests which exceed the above will be subject to reduction. 3. SUPPLIES Requests for supplies in excess of $1,000 must be detailed and fully justified. 4. EQUIPMENT Requests must be reasonable for the amount of data to be analyzed. Programs that are not complex and will be analyzing a small amount of data should not request high-end workstations or large data storage devices. The cost of purchasing such equipment may be supported by several small projects. Please note that Institutions are normally expected to provide at least half of the purchase price for any item costing more than $10K . 5. GROUND-BASED OBSERVATIONS The total cost of ground-based observations must be a small part of the overall budget and in general should not exceed five percent of the total project costs. 6. PAGE CHARGES The number of pages requested should be reasonable with justification provided for requests greater than 25 pages. Justification should be provided when requesting color pages. 7. COLLABORATION Although ST ScI encourages collaboration on GO/AR Programs, the costs associated with collaborative Programs must be reasonable. Costs for all co-investigators (Co-Is) must be fully justified in relation to their effort on the project. ST ScI will not support trips to scientific conferences or a significant amount of summer salaries for Co-Is marginally associated with a program. Please note that normally only 1 trip per Program to a scientific conference will be supported. The Institute will support a team meeting only if fully justified. ST ScI would prefer to support collaborative visits by the PI rather than supporting significant travel costs for large team meetings.