NOE LOPEZ-BENITEZ 3205 28th St. Lubbock, TX 79410 (806) 792 1593; Office: (806) 742 1193 PERSONAL Marital Status: Wife’s name: Children: Married Sara Lou Pendley Kathryn Elizabeth (5/8/88) Rebecca Noel (12/25/92) EDUCATION 1989: 1980: 1975: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Area: Computer Engineering. MSEE, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Area: Automatic Control BSEE, University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico. Area: Communications and Electronics PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Research/Industry: Sep/98-present Associate Professor, Texas Tech University, Dept. of Computer Science, College of Engineering. Teaching and research activities in the areas of Performance modeling, Distributed Systems, Parallel and Fault Tolerant Computer Systems. Jan/06-June/08 Interim Chair, Texas Tech University, Computer Science Dept. Manage department affairs in both, Lubbock campus and its satellite campus in Abilene. Sep/93-Aug/98 Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University, Computer Science Dept. Sep/89-Aug/93 Assistant Professor, Louisiana Tech University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Aug/88-Aug/89 Research Assistant, Purdue University, Dept. of Elect. Eng. Developed software package to evaluate the reliability and MTTF of fault-tolerant processor arrays. May/87-Aug/88 Computer Programmer, Purdue University, Veterinary School. Developed software to access and update data base using Unify,Cand Unix in a Sun System. Jan/86-May/87 Research Assistant, Purdue University Dept. of Elect. Eng. Analyzed several reliability evaluation packages; assisted in teaching parallel and fault-tolerant systems courses. Jan/84-Aug/84 Research Assistant, Purdue University, Dept. of Elect. Eng. Compared and evaluated the performance of a proposed GaAs-based microprocessor architecture (work published in IEEETC-June/87). Sep/80-Aug/83 F-Level Researcher, IIE (Electrical Research Institute), Cuernavaca, Mexico. Designed and implemented data acquisition systems for control and simulation of thermo electrical power plants. Project 1: Design and Construction of a Thermo electrical Power Plant Simulator. Designed and implemented a dataloguer system to validate mathematical models of selected critical signals. Project 2: SADRE (Data Acquisition and Event Registration System) 2 Design and integration phase; designed and developed computer communication protocols. Instrumentation Supervisor, PEMEX, Poza Rica, Ver., Mexico. Mounting and calibration of both pneumatic and electronic instrumentation in Petrochemical plants. Quality Control Supervisor, Acero Industrial de Mexico, Guadalajara, Mexico. Supervision of the complete process of steel structures. May/77-Jun/78 Sep/72-Aug/73 Teaching: Sep/93-present Texas Tech University. Department of Computer Science Currently teaching the following courses: CS2350 Comp Org/Assm. Language Programming CS5380 Fault Tolerant Computing Systems (new course) CS5377 Distributed Computing (newly developed course) CS5355 Real Time/Time Sharing systems CS5303 Fundamentals of Computer Engineering CS5375 Computer Systems Organization and Architecture CS5365 Principles of Multiprocessor Systems CS3375 Computer Architecture Sep/89-Aug/93 Louisiana Tech University. Department of Electrical Engineering Coordinator of the Computer Engineering program Developed a new curriculum for the Computer Engineering Program Courses taught: CME-453 Software Engineering (developed) EE-544 Computer Methods and Algorithms (developed) CME-341 Applied Comp. Eng. (developed) EE-547 Fault Tolerant Computer Systems (developed) EE-460 Computer Systems and Organization (developed ) EE-545 Computer Architecture (developed). Summer 1997 University of Veracruz, Master Program on Artificial Intelligence. Computer Algorithms. Jan/82-Jun/83 Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey Cuernavaca Section. Cuernavaca, Mexico. Computer Organization. Jan/75-May/77 University of Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jal., Mexico. Mathematics (Calculus and Diff. Eqns), Electric Circuits. RESEARCH SUPPORT Grants Agency: Title: Period: Position: Amount: Abilene Community Foundation Funding for the Abilene CS Research Program June/2007 - May/2010. Principal Investigator $350,000 Agency: Title: Period: NASA Ames Load Balancing and Performance Prediction of Large Scale Distributed Application Jan/2002 - Dec/2004. 3 Position: Amount: Principal Investigator $338,400 Agency: Title: Period: Position Amount: Texas Tech Health Science Center, Alzheimer's Neurology Research Parallelization Techniques Applied to Linkage Programs Jan/99-Dec./2000 Principal Investigator $ 24,000 Agency: Period: Position: Amount: National Science Foundation, Computer and Computation Research Division Grant CCR-9520226 Performance and Reliability/Availability Models for the Analysis of Distributed Systems June/96 - June/99. Principal Investigator $137,732 Agency: Title: Period: Position: Amount: R&D LEQSF (Louisiana Enhancement Quality Support Fund) Performability Analysis of Distributed Computing Systems June/92 - June/95. Principal Investigator $71,085 Agency: Title: Period: Position: Amount: NASA, LBJ Space Center Software Development for Power Systems Applications Jan/90-June/90. Co principal Investigator $10,000 Title: Other Support Agency: Title: Period: Position: Amount: NASA Ames 2001 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program June/2001 - August/2001. NASA Fellow Per Diem allowance Agency: Title: Period: Position: Amount: NASA Ames 2000 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program June/2000 - August/2000. NASA Fellow Per Diem allowance Agency: Title: Period: Position: Amount: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Va. Navy/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program May/93 - August/93. Faculty Fellow Per Diem allowance 4 CONSULTING ACTIVITIES Organization: Service: Period: ONR/ASEE and DoD/ASEE NASA Fellowship Panelist, NDSEG Panelist and Panel Chair From 1990 –1994, 2002 – present Organization: Service: Period: Prentice Hall Book Review 2003, 3004, 2005, 2006 Organization: Service: Period: Organization: Service: Period: McGraw Hill Book Review Fall 2003. Princeton University Press Book review January 1997 Organization: Service: Period: Texas International Education Consortium and Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Computer Science curriculum reform Jan 1996 - May 1996 Organization: Service: Period: Saunders College Publishing Book review June 1996 Organization: Service: Period: Oxford University Press Book review October 1996 INVITED PRESENTATIONS 1. "Use of MSPN's to predict reliability of Processor Arrays", Boeing Corporation, Seattle, Wa., May,1989. 2. "Detailed modeling of Processor Arrays", Louisiana Tech University,Dept. of Electrical Engineering, June 1989. 3. "Applications of SPN's in modeling Processor Arrays", Computer Science Dept., Duke University, July 1990. 4. "Mapping Task Graphs into SPN-based representations", University of Texas at San Antonio, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, April 1993. 5. "SPN models for the reliability and availability analysis of Distributed Computing Systems", Texas, Tech University, Dept. of Computer Science, April 1993. 6. "Distributed Computing Systems - Research", The Questers group, Lubbock, TX March 1994. 7. "Modeling and Evaluation of Distributed Systems using SPN's", Seminar presentation, IEEE student chapter, University of Texas at El Paso, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Sept. 1994. 8. "Expanding Task Graphs via Petri Nets", Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Mexico D.F., Jan. 1996. 9. "SPN's in the Evaluation of Distributed Computing Systems", LANIA (Laboratorio Nacional de Informatica Avanzada), Xalapa, Ver., Jan. 1996 10. "Modelling and Evaluation of Task Graph Systems", University of Veracruz, Master Program in Artificial Intelligence, Xalapa, Ver., Mex., June 1997. 5 11. "Evaluation of Static Task Assignments in Heterogeneous Computing Systems", Universidad de las Americas (UDLA), Dept. of Electronics, Puebla, Mexico, July 1997. 12. “A simulation tool for the Analysis of Allocation Heuristics in Heterogeneous Distributed Environments”, NAS division of NASA-Ames, June 2000. 13. “Task Assignment Heuristics for Distributed Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications”, Rose-Hulman Institute, Dept. of Electical Engineering,, May 2002. 14. “ How Computers Work‘, School of Law, TTU, Jan. 2006. 15. “High Performance Computer Systems”, V Congreso Internacional de Tecnologias de la Information, Acapulco, Guerrero, MX, May 2011. 16. “Security in Information Systems”, V Congreso Internacional de Tecnologias de la Information, Acapulco, Guerrero, MX, May 2011. MS THESIS SUPERVISION 1. Johan M. Jacobs, "Numerical Techniques for Spacecraft Power System State Estimation", M. Sc. thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, February 1991. 2. Diqing Dean Chen, "Multiterminal Reliability Analysis using Stochastic Petri Nets", M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, November 1991. 3. Singaravelu Sivanandan, "Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Recovery Techniques in Distributed Systems", M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, March 1992. 4. Jeffry Decker, "Systematic Generation and Evaluation of SPN models for the Performance Analysis of Task Graphs", M.Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, May 1995 5. Albert R. McSpadden, "Stochastic Petri Nets Applied to the Systematic Environments", M. Sc. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, October 1996. 6. Hemchand Dova, "APetri Net based tool for the Analysis of Task Graph Systems", M. Sc. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, August 1998. 7. Ja-Young Hyon, "Simulation of Task Graph Systems using Stochastic Petri Nets", M. Sc. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, August 1998. 8. Neelakanth M. Nadgir,"On The Reliability of Distributed Computing Networks", M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, December 1998 9. Krishna Santhosh, "A GUI for the Analysis of Task Graphs", MS thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, TTU, August 1999. 10. Aaditya Rai, “On the Parallelization of the LINKAGE/FASTLINK Package”, M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, TTU, December, 1999. 11. Mohamed Amine Belkoura, “Performance Analysis of Distributed Object-Oriented Computing Techniques”, M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, TTU, December 1999. 12. Gabriel Cervera, “Statistically-biased Task Allocation Heuristics in Heterogeneous Computing Systems”, M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, TTU, August 2000. 13. Kulin N. Kothari, “ Implementation of the Linkmap Program on a High Performance Computing Platform”, M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, TTU, December 2000. 14. Kirti Krishnan, “Distributed Program Reliability based on Minimum File Spanning Trees”, M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, TTU, December 2000. 15. Vinay Muniyappa, “Inference of Task Execution Times Using Linear Regression Techniques”, M.Sc. Thesis, CS, TTU, December 2002. 16. Phaniraj Neergunda, “Performance Analysis of Task Assignment Heuristics with Scheduling Enhancements”, M.Sc. Thesis, CS, TTU, December 2002. 17. Sanketh Sangam, “ Reliability Improvement for Task Allocation Heuristis using Task Redundancy”, M.Sc. Thesis, CS, TTU, December 2002. 18. Sachin Parikh, “Communication-based Performance Analysis of Parallel Processing Machines”, M.Sc. Thesis, CS, TTU, August 2003. 6 19. Milind Prakash Wlawalkar, “ Parallelization of Adaptive Quadrature Rule-based Integration Methods, MS thesis, December 2003. 20. Sunil Ramu, “A Refinement Procedure for the Performance Improvement of CFD Applications”, MS thesis, December 2003. 21. Sameer Pathak, “Performance Enhancements for Grid-Based Computing”, MS, CS, TTU, May 2004. 22. Sunil Pai, “Space Frequency Quantization in Video Compression”, MS, CS, TTU, with Dr. Mitra in EE, May 2004. 23. Parag Pundit, “Design of a P2P-Based Network Architecture for Automated Test Equipment”, MS, CS, TTU, with Dr. Brian S. Nutter in EE, May 2004 24. Pavan Kumar Chinthapanti, “A Comparative Analysis of Graph Partitioning Tools”, MS, CS, TTU, August 2004. 25. Sharath Hegde, “Replication of the Data Release 1 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey”, MS, CS, TTU, December 2004 26. Vijay Chileenahalli, “An Efficient Parallel Implementation of a Randomized Global Optimization Algorithm”, MS, CS, TTU, December 2004. 27. Changsu Jiang, “Managing Submission of Complex Applications in a Grid Computing Environment”, MS, CS, TTU, December 2004. 28. Vivek Jaiswal, “An Efficient Implementation of Adaptive Quadrature in a Parallel Computing Environment”, MS, CS, TTU, December 2004. 29. Milan Todorovic, “A Comparative Study of End-to-End Compliant TCP Protocols for Wireless Networks “, MS, CS, TTU. December 2005. 30. Nitin Ramannavar, “Performance Analysis of the uDAPL Library Using a Unified Benchmark Framework”, MSCS, TTU, May 2006. 31. Muralidharan Rahavan, “A Comparative Analysis of Jini and Condor Middleware”, MS Thesis, December 2006. 32. Amaresh Ghosh, “Version Control Management for Federated Service-Oriented File Sharing”, MSCS Thesis, December 2009. 33. Santosh Kumar Aditham, “Task Management Driven Simulation of Grid Applications Using Stochastic Petri Nets”, MSCS, August 2010. 34. Uday Kumar Narayanappa, “Task Management Driven Simulation of Grid Applications Using SimGrid”, MSCS, December 2010. PHD STUDENTS SUPERVISION 1. Moshe Gotesman, "Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Dynamic Systems", Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, Texas Tech University, August 1996. 2. A. Tarek, “Optimization Algorithms Applied to Large Petri Nets”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Dept. TTU, August 2001. 3. Erhan Onal, “An Automatic Translation System for Real-World Images”, Ph.D. Dissertation Computer Science Dept., TTU, December 2005. 4. Hong Sunghyuck, “Secure and Efficient Group Key Agreement Protocols”, Ph.D. Dissertation Computer Science Dept., TTU, August 2007. 5. F. Dauterman, Ph.D. candidate. Dissertation incomplete. 6. H. P. Haiduke, “Fault-Tolerant Distributed Concurrent Computing with Java and RMI”, Ph.D. candidate, Dissertation incomplete. 7. Amine Belkoura, “Two-Stage Metascheduling of Grid Workflows”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Dept., TTU, May 2012. 8. Daniel D. Beatty, “Efficient Management of Large Metadata Catalogs in a Distributed Computing Environment”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Dept., TTU, May 2012. 7 Currently supervising the following students: PHD: • Shrirangam Addepalli MSCS: • Santosh K. Manughala SERVICE ACTIVITIES Department/College/University Interim Chair, Computer Science Department, TTU, Jan. 2006 to June 2008. CS Graduate Adviser, CS, Texas Tech University, 2000-2003 Reorganized and designed the graduate admission process. This scheme is currently in use. Graduate Admissions Committee, CS Computing Resource Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, CS Texas Tech University, Retention Committee, College of Engineering, Texas Tech University, Faculty Search Committee, CS, Texas Tech University, Grade Appeals Committee, CS Texas Tech University, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, CS Texas Tech University, Affirmative Action Committee, Texas Tech University, Thesis Advisory Committees (at Texas Tech University): Thirty four MS students graduated Six Ph.D. students graduated and two additional Phd students supervised. Faculty Advisor: ACM , local Chapter, 1993-1999. This is a time period in which ACM was more dynamic and ACM-CS cooperation was most active. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Campus organization, 1999-2000. Faculty Search Committee, EE Louisiana Tech University Laboratory Equipment, EE Louisiana Tech University Computer Engineering, EE Louisiana Tech University College of Engineering Computer Coordinating Committee, EE Louisiana Tech University Graduate Committee, EE Louisiana Tech University University Senate, EE Louisiana Tech University Service to Profession Peer Review: Editorial Board membership: The Open Medical Informatics Journal National Science Foundation, proposal review panelist IEEE Transactions on Reliability IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Fault Tolerant Computing Systems Conference International Conference on Performance IEEE Intn'l Conf. on Application Specific Array Processors, Pacific Rim Intn'l Symp. on FT systems, 7th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, IPDS'98, Durham, NC., European Journal of Operations Research. Panelist: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Panel NASA Graduate and Undergraduate Fellowship Panel NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program 8 PUBLICATIONS Journals and Conferences M. Amine Belkoura, N. Lopez-Benitez, “TSM-SIM: An Evaluation Tool for Grid Workflow Scheduling”, Worldcomp’12, International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications”, Las Vegas, July 2012. Y. Chen, Y. Zhuang, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Early Adoption of NSF/TCPP PCD Curriculum at TTU”, 26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, EduPar-12 Workshop, Shanghai, China, May 21, 2012. D. Beatty, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Rule-based Management of Large Unorganized Data Archives“, IEEE Globecom 2012, Communication Software, Services and Multimedia Symposium (CSSM), submitted, 2012. D. Beatty, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Rule-based Management of Large Unorganized Data Sets“, IEEE 9th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2012), Las Vegas Nevada, April 2012 M. Amine Belkoura, N. Lopez-Benitez, “TSM-SIM: A Two-Stage Grid Metascheduler Simulator”, International Journal of Grid Computing and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 4, December 2011. D. Beatty, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Mobile Metadata for Web-based Image Query Services”, IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2010), Kansas City, May 2010. Daniel Beatty, N. Lopez-Benitez, “A Data Model for a Mobile Query Service”, IEEE First International Symposium on Mobile Systems”, Mexico City, September 2009. N. Lopez-Benitez, Per Andersen, “Dynamic Structures for the Management of Complex Applications in Grid Environments”, Worldcomp’09, International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications”, Las Vegas, July 2009. M. Amine Belkoura, N. Lopez-Benitez, “A Two-Stage Metascheduler Architecture for Computational Grids”, Wordcomp’09, International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications”, July 2009. D. Beatty, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Image Query Service Using Content Management Techniques”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, Las Vegas, April 2009. N. Lopez-Benitez, J. Djomehri, R. Biswas, “Task Assignment Heuristics for Parallel and Distributed CFD Applications", International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 3, No. 2, 2007. S. Hong, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Performance Evaluation of Group Communication Protocols”, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Security and Management, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp 459-463. S. Hong, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Design and Performance Analysis of an Enhanced Group Key Generation Protocol”, CCNC’07 – IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, January 2007. 9 E. Önal, N. Lopez-Benitez, “A multi-lingual Translation System for Real-world Images,” Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006, pp. 17-30. Milan Todorovic, Noe Lopez-Benitez, “Efficiency Study of TCP Protocols in Infrastructured Wireless Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Networking and Services, 2006, Silicon Valley. S. Hong, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Enhanced Group Key Generation Protocol”, 2006 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'06), June 2006, Las Vegas. S. Hong, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Enhanced Group Key Generation Algorithm”, 10th 2006 IEEE/IFIPS Network Operations Management Symposium (NOMS’06), April 2006, Vancouver, Canada. S. Hong, N. Lopez-Benitez, ‘Media Access Control (MAC) Address-based Group key Authentication Scheme”, 9th. World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp 160-164, Orlando, Fla., July 2005. V. Cheleenahali, N. Lopez-Benitez, P. Smith, “A Latency-tolerant Implementation of a Randomized Global Optimization Algorithm”, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications”, Vol III, pp 1092-1098, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2005. H. Sunghyuck, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Issues on Network Security”, Korea Risk Management Society, Fall 2004. E.Onal, N. Lopez-Benitez, “An Automatic Optical Character Recognition System for Real-World Images”, Proceedings IDPT -Vol 1, 2004, Society for Design and Process Science, Izmir, Turkey, June 2004. Tarek, A., N. Lopez-Benitez, “Optimal Legal Firing Sequence of Petri Nets Using Linear Programming”, Optimization and Engineering, 5, 25-43, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004 N. Lopez-Benitez, A. Rai, K. Kothari, S.E. Poduslo, “Parallelization and Analysis of the Linkmap Program” in Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, Nova Science Publishers, N.Y., Advances in Computation: Theory and Practice, V. 15, Editors: Yi Pan and L.Tianruo Yang, 2004. M. J. Djomehri, R. Biswas, N. Lopez-Benitez, “Load Balancing Strategies for Multi-Block Overset Grid Applications”, ISCA 18th International Conference on Computers and their Applications, CATA 2003, Hawaii, March 2003. Kothari, K., Lopez-Benitez N., Poduslo, S. E., “High Performance Implementation and Analysis of the Linkmap Program”, Journal of Biomedical Informatics 34, pp 406-414, May 2002. Tarek, A., Lopez-Benitez, N., “An Effective Method for the Dynamic Search of Legal Firing Sequences of Large Petri Nets”, SCI/ISAS 2001, Orlando, Fl, July 2001. N. Lopez-Benitez, M. J. Djomehri, R. Biswas, “Task Assignment Heuristics for Distributed Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications”, IEEE 2001 Intn’l Conf. On Parallel Processing, September, 2001. Rai, A., Lopez-Benitez, N., Harris, J.D., Poduslo, S.E. “On the Parallelization of Linkmap from the Linkage/Fastlink package”, Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol. 33, pp. 350-364, October 2000. 10 Lopez-Benitez, N., "Petri net-based Performance Evaluation of Distributed Homogeneous Task Systems", IEEE Trans. on Reliability, Vol. 49, No. 2, June 2000. Rai, A., Lopez-Benitez, N., Harris, J.D., Poduslo, S.E. “Heterogeneous Parallelization of the Linkmap Program”, Proceedings of the 2000 ICPP Workshops, Toronto, CA, August 2000. Nadgir,N., Lopez-Benitez, N., "Fast Generation of Minimal File Spanning Trees", CNDS’00, San Diego, CA, January 2000. Lopez-Benitez, N. Ja-Young Hyon, "Simulation of Task Graph Systems based on Stochastic Petri Nets”, IEEE Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, 1999, San Juan Puerto Rico, April 1999. Hoyos-Rivera, G.J., Martinez-Glez, E., Rios-Figueroa, H.V., Sanchez-Arias, V.G., Acosta-Mesa, H., and N. Lopez-Benitez, "Specification and Control of Cooperative Work in a Heterogeneous Computing Environment", IEEE HCW98, Orlando, Fla, April 1998. Albert McSpadden, Lopez-Benitez N., "Stochastic Petri Nets Applied to the Performance Evaluation of Task Allocation in Heterogeneous Computing Environments", Proceedings HCW97, April 1997, Geneva Switzerland. Moshe Gotesman, Lopez-Benitez N., "Petri Net-based Modeling of Hybrid Dynamic Systems", 1996 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Kauai, Hawaii, November, 1996. Moshe Gotesman, Lopez-Benitez N., "Rule-based Modeling of Hybrid Dynamic Systems using Petri Nets", 34th Annual Allerton Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 1996. Lopez-Benitez, N., "Dependability Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Programs", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 5, May 1994. Lopez-Benitez, N., K. S. Trivedi, "Multiprocessor Performability Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 42, No. 4, December 1993. Lopez-Benitez N., Fortes, J. A. B., "Detailed Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays", IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vo. 41, No. 9, Sept. 1992. Lopez-Benitez, N., "Dependability Analysis of Distributed Computing Systems Using Stochastic Petri Nets", IEEE 11th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, October 1992. Lopez-Benitez N., Chean, M., "Reliability Evaluation of FUSS and Other Reconfiguration Schemes", IEEE Intn'l Workshop on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, Nov. 1991, Hidden Valley, PA. Berry,F.C., Lopez-Benitez, N., M. D. Cox, "State Estimation for a Spacecraft Power System", IECED Intn'l Energy Conference and Energy Distribution, June 1990, Reno, Nevada. Lopez-Benitez N., Fortes, J. A. B., "Detailed Modeling of Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays", IEEE 19th Intn'l Symposium Fault-Tolerant Computing, June 1989, Chicago, Ill. Milutinovic, V., Lopez-Benitez, N., Hwang, K., "A GaAs-Based Microprocessor Architecture for Real-time Applications", IEEE Transactions on Computers, June, 1987. 11 V. Milutinovic, B. Furht, K. Hwang, N. Lopez Benitez, K. Waldschmidt, "The VM Architecture: A HLL Microprocessor Architecture for Dedicated Real-time Applications", Proceedings of the International Workshop on HLL Computer architectures. May 1984. Lopez Benitez, N., Martinez C. H., "Design of a Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System for a Thermoelectrical Power Plant", IFAC, Paris, Dec. 1982. Books N. Lopez-Benitez, “Computer Organization and Assembly Language for Intel Processors, in progress. Technical Reports Milutinovic, V., Lopez-Benitez, N., Hwang, K., "A Vertical Migration Microprocessor for Real-time Applications and GaAs Implementation". TR-EE 84-36, Purdue University, August 1984. Lopez-Benitez, N., Fortes, J. A. B., "Detailed Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays", TR-EE 89-31, School of Electrical Enginering, Purdue University, June 1989. Lopez-Benitez, N., Fortes, J. A. B., "MGRE: Model Generator and Reliability Evaluator of Faulttolerant Processor Arrays", TR-EE-90-01, EE Dept. Louisiana Tech University. OTHER RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Distributed Computing Group (DCG): This is an interdisciplinary group formed in the Fall of 2003. Faculty from the Physics department, the Math department, and the High Performance Computer Center integrate this group. Other professors throughout campus have expressed interest in joining this group. For the time being, I serve as Director by the fact that CS students are attracted to the research spawned by the projects recently initiated by the group; also, members of the group and students as well have benefited from the services rendered by the CS DCG lab. Other activities related to this group include the formation of the Series on Grid and Distributed Computing technical presentations that are organized periodically. MISCELLANEOUS Affiliations: Hobbies: IEEE (senior member), ACM (member). Racquetball, Guitar playing, Choir participation.