Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science ( Licence/Leicanc ) – 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering – 4 years
Bachelor of Technology – 4 years
Doctor of Medicine
Diplome with Titull (Diploma with Title)– 4-6 years
Licence (Licence) – 4 years
Diplome d'Etudes Superieures (Diploma of Higher Studies) – 4 years
Diplome d'Ingenieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Diplôme de Pharmacien (Diploma of Pharmacist) - 5 years
Diplôme de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire (Diploma of Doctor of
Dental Surgery) - 5 years
Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine Veterinaire (Diploma of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) - 5 years
Doctorat en Medicine (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Licenciado (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Licenciado Professional (Professional Title, i.e., Ingeniero,
Arquitecto, Economista, etc.) – 5-7 years
Medica Cirujano (Doctor of Medical Surgery) – 7 years
Bachelor of Arts Honours, Bachelor of Science Honours,
Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Architecture – 4 years
Postgraduate diploma following 3-year pass 1st degree in the same or related field
Pass Master's degree following 3-year Ordinary Bachelor's degree at the University of Sydney
Post-Graduate Bachelor's degree (Bachelor of Education,
Bachelor of Letters, Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of
Special Education)
Bachelor's degree from a College of Advanced Education
1-year Graduate Diploma following a degree or diploma (at least 3-year program) from a recognized College of
Advanced Education
Diplom – 4-5 years
Magister/Magistra (Master) following a
Bakkalaureaus/Bakkalalurea – 2-4 semesters (60-120 ECTS credits)
Magister/Magistra (FH) (Master’s degree from a
Fachhochschule) following a Reifeprüfungzeugnis – 4 years
Master der Pharmazie (Master of Pharmacy) – 4.5 years
Magiser der Rechtswissenschaften (Master of Laws) – 4 years
Magister der Tierheilkunde (Master of Veterinary Science) – 6 years
Diplom Ingenieur/Diplom Ingenieur-FH (Diploma of
Engineer/Diploma of Engineer from a Fachhochschule ) – 4 years
Doktor der Zahnheilkunde (Doctor of Dentistry) – 6 years
Doktor Medicinae Universae (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Bakalavr (Bachelor) – 4 years
Diploma of Specialist – 5 years
Bachelor of Law Science – 4 years
Diploma of Specialist in __ (Medical Field) – 5-6 years
Bachelor’s degree from the University of the West Indies * -
3-4 years
*=If completed in three years, applicant MUST also submit official GCE A-level results that include at least 3 subjects.
Bachelor’s degree from the College of the Bahamas – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Science – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Architecture – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Laws – 4-5 years
Bachelor of ____ (Medical Fields) – 4-5 years
Master of Arts, Science, Commerce, Social Science, Business
Administration, Business Studies, Fine Arts, Education, or
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery – 6 years
Bachelor of Fine Arts/Bachelor of Education from Barbados
Community College – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree from the University of the West Indies – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – 5 years
Postgraduate Diploma from the University of the West Indies following a three-year bachelor’s degree
Дыплом аб Вышзйшай адукацыі (Diploma of Higher
Education) – 4-5 years
Дыплом бакалўра (Diploma of Baccalaureate) – 4-5 years
Дыплом аб Вышзйшай адукацыі (Diploma of Higher
Education with the qualification of Law) – 4-5 years
Дыплом аб Вышзйшай адукацыі (Diploma of Higher
Education with the qualification of Doctor of Dental
Surgery or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) – 5 years
Дыплом аб Вышзйшай адукацыі (Diploma of Higher
Education with the qualification of Doctor of Medicine) –
6 years
Flemish Community:
Ingenieur (2-3 years) following the Kandidaat (2 years)
Licentiaat (2-3 years) following the Kandidaat
Vet & Med (3 years)
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years/240 ECTS credits
Master’s degree (1-2 years) following Bachelor’s degree (3 years) – degree
French Community:
Ingénieur (2-3 years) following the Candidat (2 years)
Licence (2-3 years) following the Candidat Vet & Med (3 years)
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years/240 ECTS credits
Master’s degree (1-2 years) following the Bachelor’s degree (3 years) – degree
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Bosnia & Herzegovina
REQUIRED BACHELOR DEGREE EQUIVALENTS must be awarded prior to matriculation at Texas
Tech University IF admitted
Gegradueerde – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years must
be awarded prior to matriculation at Texas
Tech University IF admitted
– 4 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence
Brevet d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire
(Certificate of Professional Ability in Secondary School
Teaching) – 3 years beyond the Diplôme Universitaire ďEtudes Littéraires (DUEL-University Diploma of Literary
Studies) OR Diplôme Universitaire ďEtudes Scientifiques
(DUES-University Diploma of Scientific Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) – 4 years
Bachelor of Science (Honours) – 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering – 4 years
Post-Graduate Diploma following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Licenciado(a) (Licentiate) – 4-6 years
Stručni Naziv Diplomirani in ___ (Diploma with Professional
Title of Graduate in___) – 4-5 years
Stručni Naziv Doktor Medicine (Diploma with Professional Title of Medical Doctor) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Titulo or Grau de Bacharel (Title or Graduate of Bachelor) – 4 years
Titulo or Grau de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate)– 4 years
Titulo Profissional (Professional Title) – 4-5 years
Especialização em __/Titulo de Especialista (Specialization in
___/Title of Specialist in ___) following a 3-year Bacharel or
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Диплома за завършено висше образование /Diploma za
Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed
Higher Education) – 4-5 years
Бакалавър /Bakalavr (Bachelor) – 4 years
Магистър /Magister (Master) – 5-6 years after completion of secondary school магистър фармацевт /Magister-Farmatsevt (Master
Pharmacist) – 5 years
Доктор по стоматология / Зъболекар /Doktor po
Stomatologija/Stomatolog (Doctor of Dentist/Dentistry) –
5 years
Доктор по Ветеринарна /Doktor po Veterinaria (Doctor of
Veterinary Medicine) – 6 years
Доктор по медицина / лекар /Doktor po Meditsina/Lekar
(Doctor of Medicine/Physician) – 6 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Maîrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence
Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en Pharmacie (State Diploma of
Doctor of Pharmacy) – 6 years
Diplôme d’Etat de Docteur en Médicine (State Diploma of
Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Licence (Licentiate) - 2 years beyond the Diplôme de
Candidature (Diploma Candidature)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 4-5 years
Docteur en Médicine (Doctor of Medicine) – 4 years
Licence /Bachelor – 4 years
Bachelor of Law – 4 years
Doctor of Medicine – 6 years
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Maîtrise (Master’s Degree) – 1 year beyond the Licence or
Bachelor’s degree
Diplôme de Docteur en Médicine (Diploma of Medical Doctor)
– 6 years
Bachelor’s degree/Bachelor (Honours) degree – 4 years
Professional degree in Law, Medicine, Dentistry – 6-7 years
Bachelor of Education following 3-year bachelor’s degree
Postgraduate diploma (1 year) following 3-year bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree (1-2 years) following 3-year bachelor’s degree
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 2 years beyond the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS-Higher Technician
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
Doctor d’Etat en Médicine (State Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Licence (Licentiate) or Licence Professionelle (Professional
Licentiate) – 4 years (awarded in the 2010 - 2011 academic year and beyond)
Ingénieur des Travaux (Civil Engineer) - 5 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1-2 years beyond the Licence (Licentiate) awarded prior to 2010-201 academic year
Doctor en Médicine (Medical Doctor)
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
TItulo Profesional (Professional Title) – 5 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Titulo de Licenciatura (Title of Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Titulo de Ingeniero (Title of Engineer) – 5 years
Titulo Profesional (Professional Title) – 4-6 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Costa Rica
Côte d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Democratic Republic of the
Dominican Republic
Doctorat d’Etat en Médicine (State Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Bachiller Universitario (University Bachelor) – 4 years
Licenciado (Licentiate) – 4-6 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Diplôme d’Agronomie (Diploma in Agronomy) – 4 years
Doctorat de Pharmacie (Doctor of Pharmacy) – 5 years
Doctorat de Médicine (Medical Doctor) – 7 years
Diplomirani i Strucni Naziv (Graduate Diploma and Professional
Title) – 4-5 years
Doktor Stomatologije (Doctor of Dentistry) – 5 years
Doktor Veterine (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) – 5 years
Doktor Medicine (Medical Doctor) – 6 years
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Titulo de Ingeniero (Title of Engineer) – 5 years
Doctor en Medicina Veterinaria (Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine) – 5 years
Doctor en Medicina (Medical Doctor) – 6 years
Πτυχιο (Ptychio) – 4 years
Lisansi Diplomasi (Licentiate) – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bakalar/Bakalar Umeni (Bachelor) – 4 years
Absolvent – 4-5 years
Promovany – 4-5 years
Diplom o Absolvovani Ucitelskeho Studia Prvni (Diploma of
Graduation from Teachers Studies) – 4 years
Diplom o Absolvovani Ucitelskeho STuia Ucitele Vseobecne
(Diploma of Graduation for Teachers of General
Education) -4-5 years
Inzenyr (Engineer) – 5 years
Akademicky Architekt (Academic Architect) – 6 years
Licence (Licentiate) 2 years beyond the Diplôme de Gradué
(Diploma of Graduate)
Teknikumingeniør (Technical Engineering) – 4-4.5 years
Professinosbachelor (Professional Bachelor in Education) – 4 years
Candidatus a… (Candidate in ____) – 5-7 years
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4 years
Ingeniero (Title of Engineer) – 5-6 years
Arquitecto (Title of Architect) – 5-6 years
Licenciado(a) (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Titulo Profesional (Professional Title) – 5-6 years
Doctorado en Farmacia (Doctor of Pharmacy) – 5 years
Doctorado en Medicina (Doctor of Medicine) – 7 years
Baccalaureos (Bachelor) – 4-6 years
Licence (Licentiate) – 4 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Fiji Islands
French Polynesia
Titulo de Tecnólogo (Title of Technologist) – 4 years
Titulo de Professor (Title of Teacher) – 4-5 years
Licenciatura/Titulo de Licenciado (Title of Licentiate) -4-5.5 years
Titulo de Ingenerio (Title of Engineer) – 4-5.5 years
Titulo de Arquitecto (Title of Architect) – 4-5.5 years
Titulo de Abogado (Title of Lawyer) – 5-7 years
Titulo de Doctor en Medicina y Cirujano (Title of Medical Doctor and Surgeon) –7 years
Titulo de Doctor en Odontologia (Title of Doctor of Dentistry) –
5-7 years
Titulo de Doctor en Cirugia Dental/Cirujano Dentista (Title of
Doctor of Dental Surgery) – 5-7 years
Master’s degree – 2 years beyond the Licenciado (Licentiate)
Bachelor’s degree – 4-6 years
Doctorate in Medicine – 6 years
Bakalaureuskraad (Bachelor’s degree) – 4-5 years
Diploma in Dentistry – 5 years
Diploma in Veterinary Medicine – 5 years
Diploma in Pharmacy – 5 years
Diploma in Architecture – 5 years
Diploma in Medical Studies – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree awarded through 2006-2007 academic year
– 4 years
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Architecture, Town
Planning, Pharmacy, Law, Medicine, or Veterinary Medicine
– 5 years
Master’s degree (2 years) after three-year bachelor’s degree
Medical Doctor degree – 6 years
Master’s degree – 1-3 years beyond the Bachelor’s degree
Arkkitehti/Arkitekt (Degree of Architect) - 4.5 years
Diplomi-insinööri/Diplomingenjör (Degree of Engineer) - 4.5 years
Proviisori/Provisor (Degree of Pharmacist) - 5 years
Oikeustieteen kandidaatti/Juris kandidat (Candidate of Laws) -
5.5 years
Hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatt/Odontologie Licentiate (Licentiate of Dentistry) - 5 years
Eläinlääketieteen lisensiaatti/Veterinärmedicine Licentiate
(Licentiate of Veterinary Medicine) - 5 years
Lääketieteen lisensiaatti/Medicine Licentiat e (Licentiate of
Medicine) - 6.5 years
Maisterin tutkinto/Magister (Master) – 2 years beyond the
Kandidaattin Tutkinto (Candidate)
Master – 2 years
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 2 years beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Gambia, The
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Diplôme d’Ingénieur Informaticien (Diploma of Computer
Engineering) – 5 years
Diplôme de Géographe-Aménagiste (Diploma of Geographer-
Planner) – 5 years
Doctorat d’État en Médicine (State Doctorate in Medicine) – 7 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.Ch.B.) – 6 years
Bakalavris Kharishki (Bachelor's degree) – 4 years
Specialistis Diplomi (Specialist diploma) – 4-5 years
Diplomi in Dentistry (Diploma in Dentistry) – 5 years
Diplomi in Veterinary Medicine (Diploma in Veterinary
Medicine) – 5 years
Diplomi in Medicine (Diploma in Medicine) – 6 years
Bachelor - 4 years
Bachelor from a Fachhochschule - 4 years
Master (1-2 years) following three-year Bachelor
Master from a Fachhochschule (1-2 years) following a threeyear Bachelor (FH)
Erste Staatsprüfung (First State Examination) - 4-4.5 years
Akademiebrief (Certificate of Completion) - 4-4.5 years
Diplom (FH) (Diploma from a Fachhochschule) - 4-4.5 years
Zeugnis über die zahnärtzliche Prüfung (Examination Certificate for Dentists) - 4.5-5.5 years
Zeugnis über die pharmazeutisch Prüfung (Examination
Certificate for Pharmacists) - 4.5-5.5 years
Zeugnis über das Ergebnis des dritten Abschnitts det Tierärztlichen
Prüfung (Certificate for the Third Part of Examination for
Veterinarian) - 5.5 years
Zeugnis über die ärztliche Prüfung (Examination Certificate for
Physicians) - 6-6.5 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate – 1 year beyond three-year bachelor’s degree
Πτυχιο /Ptychio (Bachelor) – 4 years
Πτυχιο /Ptychio (Bachelor) in Veterinary Science or Dentistry –
5 years
Πτυχιο /Ptychio (Bachelor) in Medicine – 6 years
Master’s degree – 1-2 years beyond three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Diplôme d’État de Docteur en Médicine (State Diploma of
Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Mastère (Master) – 1-2 years beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Holy See (Vatican City)
Hong Kong SAR
Profesor de Enseñaza Media from a university (Secondary
School Teacher) - 4 years
Baccalaureatus in scientiis/artibus (Bachelor of Science/Arts) - 4 years
Baccalaureatus atrium/scienciae from Universidad Francisco
Marroquin - 4 years
Titulo de Licenciado en ... (Title of Licentiate in...) - 4-6 years
Título Profesional de ... (Professional Title of...) - 4-7 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
Diplôme d’Études Supérieure (Diploma of Higher Studies) – 1 year beyond the Licence (Licentiate)
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 2 years beyond the Diplôme ďEtudes Universitaires Générales/DEUG
(Diploma of General University Studies)
Diplôme de Docteur en Pharmacie (Diploma of Doctor of
Pharmacy)- 5 years
Diplôme de Docteur en Médicine (Diploma of Doctor of
Medicine) – 6 years
Diplôme de Docteur en Odonto-Stomatologie (Diploma of
Doctor of Dentistry) – 6 years
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 1-2 years beyond the Bacharelato
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – 5 years
Bachelor of Dentistry – 5 years
Diplôme de Fin d’Études (Diploma of Completion of Studies) –
4-5 years
Diplôme d’Ingénieur, d’Architecture, ou de Pharmacie (Diploma of
Engineer, Architect, or Pharmacy) – 4-5 years
Licence (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Maîtrise (1-2 years) following completion of 3-year Diplôme de
Fin d’Études , 3-year Diplôme or 3-year Licence
Licenza (Licentiate) – 2 years (120 ECTS credits) beyond the
Baccalaureato (Baccalaureate) or Baccellierato
Laurea Specialistica (Specialist Laureate) – 2 years (120 ECTS credits) beyond the Baccalaureato (Baccalaureate) or
Baccellierato (Baccalaureate)
Licenciado (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Titulo de Ingeniero, Abogado, Arquitecto, etc (Title of Engineer,
Lawyer, Architect, etc.) – 5 years
Doctor en Cirguia Dental (Doctor of Dental Surgery) – 6 years
Doctor en Farmacia (Doctor of Pharmacy) – 6 years
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugia (Doctor of Medicine and Surgery)
– 7 years
Bachelor of Nursing – 4 years
Post-Graduate Certificate – 1-2 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Iran, Islamic Republic of
Master’s degree – 1-2 years following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Master of Engineering
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
Főiskolai Oklevél (College Diploma) - 4 years
Egyetemi Oklevél (University Diploma) - 4-5 years
Alapképzés/Alapfokozat (Bachelor) - 4 years
Mesterképzés (Master's degree) (1-2 years) following completion of a three-year Alapképzés
Mesterfokozat (Master's degree)
Baccalaureatus Artium (Bachelor of Arts) , Baccalaureatus
Educations (Bachelor of Education) , Baccalaureatus
Scientiarum (Bachelor of Science) , Baccalaureatus Philologiae
Islandicae (Bachelor of Icelandic Language and Literature) –
4 years
Meistarapróf (Master's Degree)/ Magister Paedagogiae (Master of Education) after three-year Baccalaureatus degree
Kandidatspróf Cand. Oecon., Juris, Pharm., or Theol.
Degree in Economics, Law, Pharmacy, or Theology) - 4 years
Kandidatspróf Cand. Med et Chir./Odont.
(Academic Degree in
Medicine & Surgery or Dentistry) - 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – 5.5 years
Bachelor of Education awarded following a three-year bachelor degree
Bachelor of Laws awarded following a three-year bachelor degree
Post-graduate diploma (1 year) awarded following a threeyear bachelor degree; diploma/bachelor must be in the same or similar field
Master’s degree awarded after three-year bachelor degree; both degrees must be in the same or similar field
Sarjana Strata Satu/S1 (Stage 1 Degree) – 4 years
Sarjana Strata Satu Farmasi (Stage 1 Degree in Pharmacy) – 4.5 years
Karshenasi/Lisans (Bachelor's degree) - 4 years
Doctor of Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine - 6 years
Doctor of Medicine - 7 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-6 years
Honours Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Higher Diploma in Education (1 year) awarded following a three-year bachelor’s degree
Postgraduate Diploma (1 year) awarded following a threeyear bachelor’s degree
תואר ראשון /Boger Universitah (Bachelor’s degree) – 4 years
דוקטור לרפואה (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Korea, Republic of (South
דוקטור לרפואת שיניים (Doctor of Dental Medicine) – 6 years
דוקטור לרפואה וטרינרית (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) – 6 years
תואר שני (Master’s degree) awarded following a three-year bachelor’s degree
Magistero di Scienza Religiose (Teaching Degree in Religious
Studies) – 4 years
Diploma di Instituto Superiore di Industrie Artistiche (Diploma from a Higher Institute of Artistic Industries) – 4 years
Diploma di Licenza (Diploma from an Academy of Fine Arts) –
4 years
Diploma di Laurea/Laurea di Dottore (Laureate
Diploma/Doctor) – 4-6 years
Laurea Specialistica/Laurea Magistrale (Specialist Laurea/Master
Laureate) – 2 years following completion of the Laurea di
1° livello (Level 1 Laureate)
Laurea di Dottore in Odontoiatria, Medicina Veterinaria, or
Medicina (Doctor Laureate in Dentistry, Veterninary
Medicine, or Human Medicine) – 5-6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Professional bachelor’s degrees (LLB, MBBS, DDS, DVM) – 5 years
Master’s degree following a three-year bachelor’s degree
Gakushi Shogo (Bachelor's degree) – 4 years
Daigakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Grand School Diploma) – 4 years
Igakushi-go (Bachelor of Medicine) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Dentistry, Pharmacy or Veterinary Medicine – 5 years
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – 6 years
Бакалавр дипломы /Bakalavr (Bachelor's degree) – 4 years диплом специалиста /Diplom Spetsialista (Specialist Degree)
– 5-6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Pharmacy, or Veterinary
Medicine – 5 years
Bachelor of Architecture or Medicine/Surgery – 6 years
Haksa (Bachelor’s degree) – 4 years
Diplomë e Kualifikimit Universitar (Diploma of University
Qualification) – 4 years
Bachelor in Albanian Language and Literature OR in Music
(240 ECTS credits) – 4 years
Diploma in Teaching (240 ECTS credits) – 4 years
Diploma in Dentistry or Pharmacy (300 ECTS credits) – 5 years
Diploma in Medicine – 6 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Macau SAR
Diploma mbi Kualifikimin Superior Shkollor/Diploma o visokoj
školskoj spremi (Diploma of Higher Education Qualification)
– 4-6 years
Magister (Master) – 2 years following the awarding of a threeyear (180 ECTS credits) or three-and-a-half year (210
ECTS credits) bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years диплом бакалавра / бакалавр диплом y/Diplom Bakalavra
(Bachelor's degree) – 4 years
Diplom Spetsialista (Specialist Diploma) – 5-6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bakalaurs (Bachelor's degree) – 4 years
Diploms (Professional Diploma) – 4-5 years
Magistrs (Master's degree) – 1-2 years following the completion of a three-year Bakalaurs degree
Zobarsta Grads (Dentistry) – 5 years
Arsts Grads (Medicine) – 6 years
Diplôme ď… (Diploma of...) – 4 years
Licence (Licentiate) – 3-5 years following the completion of the Diplôme ďétudes universitaires générales (DEUG),
Diplôme ďétudes techniques de banque (DTBS), or the
Diplôme ďétudes techniques de banque (DTBS)
Diplôme de medecine dentaire/Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire
(Diploma of Dental Medicine/Dental Surgery) – 5 years
Diplôme medecine veterinaire (Diploma of Veterinary Medicine)
– 5 years
Diplôme de pharmacie (Diploma of Pharmacist) – 6 years
Diplôme en medicine generale/Diplôme de docteur en medecine
(Diploma of Medicine/Doctor of Medicine) – 7 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Laws – 5 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Doctor of Medicine – 7 years
Secondary School Teaching Certificate – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Master’s degree – 1.5-2 years following completion of threeyear (180 ECTS credits) bachelor’s degree
Bakalauro diplomas (Bachelor's degree) – 4-5 years
Aukštojo Mokslo (Diploma of Higher Education) – 4 years
Aukštojo Mokslo diplomas in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy (Diplomas of Higher Education) –
5-6 years
Master – 1-2 years following completion of three-year (180
ECTS credits) bachelor’s degree
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Licenciatura em Direito (Bachelor of Laws) – 4 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Post-graduate Certificate or Diploma – 1 year following completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree – 2 years following completion of a threeyear bachelor’s degree
Диплома и Стручен Назив /Diplomiran (Diploma and
Professional Title) – 4 years
Доктон на Ветерина (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) – 5-
5.5 years
Доктон на Стоматологиа (Doctor of Dentistry/Dental
Surgery) – 6 years
Доктон на Медицина (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Certificat ďAptitude Pédagogique de ľEcole Normale/CAPEN
(Teacher Training School Certificate of Teaching Ability) –
4-5 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year following completion of a Licence degree
Diplôme ďIngénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire (Doctor of Dental Surgery) – 5-6 years
Doctorat de Médecine (Doctor of Medicine) – 7 years
Bachelor’s (Pass) Degree – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree in Education or Technical Education – 2 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Education – 5 years
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – 4 years
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Post-Basic) – 3 years following completion of State Registered Nurse Diploma
Bachelor of Science in Advanced Midwifery – 2 years following completion of University Diploma in Nursing
Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Commerce – 2 years following completion of Diploma program
Bachelor of Engineering – 3 years following completion of
Diploma program
Bachelor of Laws – 5 years
Bachelor’s (Honours) Degree – 5 years
Baccalaureate Degree - 4-5 years
Postgraduate Diploma - 1 year following completion of threeyear Baccalaureate degree
Perguruan Lepasan Diploma (Postgraduate Diploma in
Teaching) - 1 year following completion of three-year
Baccalaureate degree
Master's Degree - 2 years following completion of three-year
Baccalaureate degree
Bachelor (Honours) Degree – 1 year following completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree
Diplôme de ľEcole Normale Supérieure (Diploma of Higher
Teacher Training School) - 4 years
Maîtrise (Master) - 1 year following completion of licence degree
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Diplôme de Professeur de ľEnseignement Secondaire Technique et
Professionnel (Diploma of Technical and Vocational
Secondary School Teacher) - 4 years
Dip lôme ďIngénieur des Sciences Appliquées (Diploma of Applied
Sciences Engineer) - 4 years
Certificat ďEtudes Spécialisées (Certificate in Specialized
Studies) - 4 years
Diplôme ďIngénieur (Diploma of Engineer) - 4 years
Diplôme de Pharmacien (Diploma of Pharmacist) - 5 years
Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine (Diploma of Medical Doctor)
- 6 years
Bachelor of Pharmacy – 5 years
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery – 5 years
Postgraduate Diploma – 1 year (60 ECTS credits) following completion of three-year (180 ECTS credits) bachelor’s degree
Master’s Degree – 1.5-2 years (90-120 ECTS credits) following completion of three-year (180 ECTS credits) bachelor’s degree
Master – 2 years
Diplôme d’Ingénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – 4 years
Bachelor of Pharmacy – 4 years
Bachelor (Honours) in Medicine – 3 years following three years of study in France or 4 years of study in South Africa
Master’s Degree – 2 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – 4 years
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) – 4 years
Bachelor (Honours) in Medical Science – 3 years following three years of study in France or 4 years of study in South
Postgraduate Diploma – 1 year following completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree
Postgraduate Certificate in Education – 2 years following completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree
Master’s Degree – 2 years following completion of a threeyear bachelor’s degree
Licenciatura/Título de Licenciado(a)/Título de (Licentiate/Title of
Licentiate/Title of [field of study or profession]) – 4-5 years
Título de Abogado/Licenciado en Derecho (Title of
Attorney/Licentiate in Law) – 4 years
Título de Especialista (Title of Specialist) – 1-2 years following the completion of a three-year Licenciatura degree
Grado de Maestro/Maestría (Master's Degree) – 1-2 years following the completion of a three-year Licenciatura degree
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Título de Médico Veterinario, Dentista, Cirujano Dentista, Médico,
Médico Ciruja (Title of Veterinarian, Dentist, Dental
Surgeon, Physician, or Physician-Surgeon) – 4-7 years
Diplomă de Studii Superiorare (Diploma of Higher Education) -
4-5 years
Diplomă de Licentă (Diploma of Licentiate) - 4-5 years
Diplomă de Inginer (Diploma of Engineer) -5-6 years
Diplomă de Doctor -Stomatolog (Diploma of Doctor-Dentist) - 5 years
Diplomă de Doctor-Veterinar (Diploma of Doctor-Veterinarian)
- 5 years
Diplomă de Doctor -Medic (Diploma of Doctor of Medicine) - 6 years
Bachelor in Business Administration – 4 years (240 ECTS credits)
Bachelor’s Degree – 4-5 years
Specialist studies diploma - 1 year following the completion of three-year Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja
Magistar nauka/Magistar umetnosti (Master of Sciences/Master of Arts) - 2 years following the completion of three-year
Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja
Licence (Licentiate) - 2 years of study beyond the DEUG,
DEUT, CUEL, CUES, CUED, or CUEE; for a total of four years of undergraduate study
Diplôme d’ingenieur d’Etat (Engineering Diploma) - 3 years of study in engineering beyond the two-year DEUG, DEUT, or CUES; for a total of five years of undergraduate study
Diplôme d’architecte (Diploma of Architect) - 3 years of study in engineering beyond the two-year DEUG, DEUT, or
CUES; for a total of five years of undergraduate study
Doctorat en Medicine (Medical Doctor) - 7 years
Doctorat en Medicine Dentaire (Doctor of Dentistry) - 5 years
Licenciatura (Licentiate) - 2 years following completion of
Licenciature em Engenharia (Licentiate in Engineering) - 5 years
Licenciatura em Direito (Licentiate in Law) - 4 years
Licenciature en Farmácia (Licentiate in Pharmacy) - 5 years
Licenciatura em Medicina Veterinária (Licentiate in Veterinary
Medicine) - 5 years
Licenciatura em Medicina Dentária (Licentiate in Dental
Medicine) - 5-6 years
Licenciatura em Medicina (Licentiate in Medicine) - 7 years
Bachelor (Honours) – 1 year following a three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences – 4 years
Bachelor of Environmental Health Sciences – 4 years
Bachelor of Technology – 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering – 4 years
Bachelor of Science from Polytechnic of Namibia – 4 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Netherlands Antilles
Netherlands, The
New Zealand
Bachelor’s Degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine-Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)/Bachelor of
Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry – 5.5 years
Master’s Degree – 2 years following completion of a threeyear Bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Science – 4 years
Meester in Law (Master of Law) - 4.5 years
Master's Degree - 2 years following completion of a threeyear bachelor's degree
Baccalaureus [bc.] (Title of Bachelor) - 4 years
Ingenieur [ing.] (Title of Engineer) - 4 years
Bachelor - 4 years (240 ECTS credits)
Meester in de rechten [mr.] (Master of Law)- 4 years
Tandarts (Title of Dentist) - 5 years
Arts (Title of Physician) - 6 years
Apotheker (Title of Pharmacist) - 6 years
Dierenarts (Title of Veterinarian) - 6 years
Bachelor’s Degree – 4 years
Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching – 1 year following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Optometry – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – 5 years
Diploma in Teaching: Primary – 1-1.5 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) – 6 years
Master’s Degree – 1-2 years following completion of a threeyear bachelor’s degree
Licenciatura (Licentiate) - 4-5 years
Título de Ingeniero (Title of Engineering) - 5 years
Título de Arquitecto (Title of Architect) - 5 years
Título de Licenciado en Derecho (Title of Licentiate in Law) - 5 years
Título de Cirujano - Dentista (Title of Dental Surgeon) - 5 years
Título de Medicina Veterinaria (Title of Veterinary Doctor) - 5.5 years
Título de Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía (Title of Doctor of
Medicine and Surgery) - 6 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year following completion of Licence degree
Diplôme ďIngénieur des Techniques Agricoles – 2 years following completion of Diplôme Universitaire ďEtudes
Scientifiques/DUES (University Diploma of Scientific Studies)
Diplôme ďIngénieur Agronome (Diploma of Agronomy
Engineer) – 5 years
Diplôme ďAgronomi e Approfondie (Diploma of Advanced
Agronomist) – 5 years
Diplôme de Docteur en Médecine (Diploma of Doctor of
Medicine) – 6 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Papua New Guinea
Bachelor’s Degree – 4-6 years
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – 5 years
Candidatus Magisterii (Candidate of the Magisterium) – 4 years
Høgskolekandidat (Higher School Candidate) – 4 years
Allmennlærer (Primary School Teacher Certificate) – 4 years
Sivilingenior (Diploma of Engineer) – 4.5-5 years
Master's Degree – 2 years following completion of three-year bachelor's degree
Candidatus/a odontologiae (Professional Qualification in
Dentistry) – 5 years
Candidatus/a medicinae vertinariae (Professional Qualification in
Veterinary Medicine) – 6 years
Candidatus/a medicinae (Professional Qualification in Medicine)
– 6 years
Candidatus/a theologiae (Professional Qualification in
Theology) – 6 years
Candidatus/a psychologiae (Professional Qualification in
Psychology) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Doctor of Medicine – 7 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) Final
Exam & Associate Membership – 2 years of study following completion of ICAP Intermediate Exam and the ICAP Final
Master’s degree – 2 years following completion of 2- or 3year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Veterinary Science – 5 years
Bachelor of Architecture – 5 years
Bachelor of Laws – 2-3 years following completion of 2- or 3year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – 5-5.5 years plus 1 year of internship
Palestinian National Authority بكالوريوس ( Bachelor’s degree) – 4-5 years
Panama Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4-5 years
Licenciatura en Derecho (Licentiate in Law) – 4-5 years following completion of secondary school OR 2.5 years following completion of a Técnico (Technician)
Doctor de Cirujía Dental (Doctor of Dental Surgery) – 6 years
Médico Veterinario (Veterinary Doctor) – 6 years
Doctor en Medicina (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Law -5 years
Bachelor of Medicine – 5 years
Profesor(a) de Enseñanza Basica (Teacher of Basic Education) –
4 years
Licenciado en...
(Licentiate in...) – 4-6 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Título de Notario(a), Obstetriz (Professional Title of Professional
Notary, Midwife) – 4 years
Título de Arquitecto, Contador Público, Ingeniero, etc; Doctor en
Económica, Arquitectura (Professional Title of Architect,
Public Accountant, Engineer; Doctor in Engineering;
Doctor of Architecture) – 7 years
Título de Abogado, Odontólogo, Veterinario, etc; Doctor en
Medicina y Cirugía (Professional Title of Attorney, Dentist,
Veterinarian; Doctor of Medicine and Surgery) – 5-7 years
Profesor de Educación Primaria (Primary School Teacher) – 4 years
Profesor de Educación Básica (Primary School Teacher) – 4 years
Bachiller en Educación (Bachelor of Education) – 4-5 years
Licenciado en Educación Básica Regular (Licentiate in Basic
Education) – 4-5 years
Bachiller en… (Bachelor in...) – 4-6 years
Profesor de Educación Secundaria Técnica en la Especialidad en…
(Technical Secondary School Teacher with a Specialization in...) – 5 years
Bachiller en Ciencias con Mención en Ingenería/Título Profesional de Ingeniero (Bachelor of Sciences with a Concentration in
Engineering/Professional Title of Engineer – 5 years
Licenciado en... (Licentiate in...) – 2 years following completion of Bachiller en Estudios Generales: Ciencias or Letras)
Bachiller en Derecho/Título Profesional de Abogado (Professional
Title of Lawyer) – 5 years
Bachiller en Farmacia/Título Profesional de Químico/Farmacéutico
(Bachelor of Pharmacy/Professional Title of
Chemist/Pharmacist) – 5 years
Bachiller en Odontología/Título Profesional de Cirujano Dentista
(Bachelor of Dentistry/Professional Title of Dental
Surgeon) – 6 years
Bachiller en Medicina Veterinaria / Título Profesional de Médico
Veterinario/Título de Licenciado en Medicina Veterinario
(Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine/Professional Title of
Veterinary Doctor/Title of Bachelor of Veterinary Doctor)
– 5-5.5 years
Bachiller en Medicina/Título Profesional de Médico Cirujano
(Bachelor of Medicine/Professional Title of Medical
Surgeon) – 7 years
Licentiate in Canon Law – 3 years following completion of four-year Baccalaureate of Canon of Law
Bachelor’s degree – 4-5 years
Bachelor of Law – 4 years
Juris Doctor – 4 years
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – 4 years
Dyplom ukończenia wyższych studiów zawodowych (Diploma of
Completion of Higher Professional Studies) – 4-5 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Dyplom Tytuł Magister (Diploma/Title of Master) – 4-5 years
Dyplom Tytuł Magister Inżynier (Title of Master Engineer) – 4-5 years
Dyplom Magister Sztuki (Title of Master of Arts) – 4-6 years
Dyplom Tytuł Magister Pielegniarstwa (Title of Master Nurse) –
4 years
Dyplom Tytuł Magister Rehabilitacji Ruchowej (Title of Master of
Motor Rehabilitation) – 4 years
Dyplom Tytuł Magister Prawa (Title of Master of Law) – 4-5 years
Dyplom Tytuł Magister Farmacji (Title of Master Pharmacist) – 5 years
Dyplom Tytuł Dentitista/Stomatologa (Diploma of Title of
Dentist/Stomatologist) – 5 years
Diplom Tytuł Weter ynarii (Diploma Title of Veterinarian) – 5.5 years
Dyplom Tytuł Lekarz (Diploma Title of Physician) – 6 years
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 4-5 years, minimum of 240 ECTS credits
Licenciatura em Direito (Licentiate in Law) – 4-5 years
Mestrado Integrado em Ciência Farmacêuticas (Integrated
Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences) – 5 years
Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária (Integrated Master in
Dental Medicine) – 5 years
Licenciatura em Medicina (Licentiate in Medicine) – 6 years
Mestrado Integrado em Medicina (Integrated Master in
Medicine) – 6 years
Mestrado (Master's degree) – 1.5-2 years (60-90 ECTS credits) following completion of three-year (180 ECTS credits) Licenciatura degree
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Diplomă de licenta (Licentiate Diploma) – 4-6 years
Diplomă de ingine (Engineer Diploma) – 4-6 years
Diplomă de licenta in farmacie (Licentiate Diploma in
Pharmacy) – 4-6 years
Diplomă de doctor -medic (Medical Doctor Diploma) – 4-6 years
Diplomă de doctor -medic veterinar (Veterinary Doctor Diploma)
– 4-6 years
Diplomă de Architect (Architect Diploma) – 4-6 years
Диплом бакалавра /Bakalavr (Diploma of Bachelor) – 4 years
Диплом специалиста /Diplom spetsialista (Diploma of
Specialist) – 5-6 years
Licence (Licentiate) – 2 years following completion of twoyear Baccalauréat
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Diplôme ďIngénieur (Diploma of Engineer) - 2 years following completion of two-year Baccalauréat
Bachelor of Dental Therapy – 4 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Sao Tome & Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Bachelor of Physiotherapy – 4 years
Docteur en Médecine (Doctor of Medicine) – 4 years
Licenciatura (Licentiate) – 1-2 years following completion of a three-year Grau de Bachelerato
بكالوريا (Bachelor's degree) - 4 years
بكالوريوس العلوم في التمريض (Bachelor of Science in
Nursing) - 5 years
Maîtrise (Master) – 1 year following completion of Licence
Master 1 en Sciences de Gestion (Master 1 of Management
Sciences) – 1 year following completion of Licence or
Licence Professionnelle
Diplôme d'Ingénieur (Diploma in Engineering) – 5 years following completion of secondary school or 3 years following completion of Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie
Maîtrise en Sciences Economiques (Master in Economics) – 3 years following completion of Diplôme d'Etudes Economiques
Maîtrise en Droit (Master in Law) – 3 years following completion of Diplôme d'Etudes Juridiques Générales
Diplôme de Pharmacien (Diploma of Pharmacist) – 6 years
Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire (State Diploma of Dental Surgery) – 6 years
Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire (State
Diploma of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) – 6 years
Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Médecine (State Diploma of
Doctor of Medicine) – 7 years
Diploma visokog obrazovanja (First University
Degree/Bachelor) – 4 years (240 ECTS Credits)
Diploma visokog obrazovanja II (Integrated Studies in either
Medicine, Dentistry, or Veterinary Medicine) – 6 years
(360 ECTS Credits)
Magistar umetnosti/Magistar nauka (Master of Arts/Master of
Science) – 1-2 years (60-120 ECTS Credits) following completion of three-year (180 ECTS Credits) Diploma visokog obrazovanja
Bachelor’s (Honours) degree – 4 years
Master’s degree – 2 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s Degree with Honours – 1 year following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Dentistry/Engineering/Law – 4 years
Bachelor’s Degree with Diploma in Education – 4 years
Bachelor of Architecture – 5 years
Bachelor of Medicine – 5 years
Postgraduate Diploma – 2 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree – 1-3 years following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Bakalár (Bachelor's degree) – 4 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Inžinier or Inžinier -architekt (Engineer or Architectural
Engineer) – 5.5 years
Magister/Magister Umenia (Master's degree/Master of Fine
Arts degree) – 1-2 years following completion of threeyear Bakalár
Doktor Farmácie (Doctor of Pharmacy) – 5 years
Doktor Práv (Doctor of Law) – 5 years
Doktor všeobecného lekárstva/Doktor zubného lekárstva (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Doktor Veterinárskej Medicíny (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
– 5.5 years
Doktor Zubného Lekárstva (Doctor of Dental Medicine) – 6 years
Diplomirani (Graduate) – 4-5 years
Universitetni diplomirani (University Graduate) – 4-5 years
Profesor (Teacher) – 4-5 years
Akademski (Academician) – 4-5 years
Magister farmacije (Diploma in Pharmacy) – 4.5 years
Doktor stomatologije (Doctor of Dentistry) – 6 years
Doktor veterinarske medicine (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
– 6 years
Doktor medicine (Doctor of Medicine) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Combined Bachelor’s degrees – 5 years
Postgraduate diploma – 2 years following completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Technology – 4 years
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of …– 4 years
Bachelor Honours – 1 year following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Architecture – 5 years
Higher Diploma in Education (HDipEd) – 4 years OR 1 year following completion of three-year Diploma in Education
Postgraduate Diploma – 1 year following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Baccalaureaus Procurationis (Bachelor of Laws) – 4 years
Bachelor of Laws – 2-3 years following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Pharmacy – 4 years
Bachelor of Dentistry – 5-5.5 years
Bachelor of Veterinary Science – 5-6 years
Bachelor of Medicine (MBChB)/Bachelor of Surgery (BMMCh)
– 6 years
Título de Licenciado (Licentiate) - 4-5 years
Título de Arquitecto (Title of Architect) - 5 years
Título de Ingeniero (Title of Engineer) - 5 years
Título de Licenciado en Farmacia (Title of Licentiate in
Pharmacy) - 5 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Sri Lanka
Título de Licenciado en Veterinaria (Title of Licentiate in
Veterinary Medicine) - 5 years
Título de Licenciado en Odontología (Title of Licentiate in Dental
Medicine) - 5 years
Título de Licenciado en Medicina y Cirurgía (Title of Licentiate in
Medicine and Surgery) - 6 years
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – 4 years
Bachelor’s (Special) degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Laws – 4 years
Bachelor of Veterinary Science – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine – 5 years
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery – 6 years
Postgraduate Diploma – 1 year following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree – 1-3 years following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Architecture – 5 years
Bachelor of Pharmacy – 5 years
Bachelor in Veterinary Science – 5 years
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine – 5 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Magisterexamen (Degree of Master) – 1 year (60 ECTS credits) following completion of three-year (180 ECTS credits) Kandidatexamen
Masterexamen (Degree of Master) – 2 years (120 credits) following completion of three-year (180 ECTS credits)
Konstnärlig Magisterexamen (Degree of Master of Fine Arts) –
1 year (60 ECTS credits) following completion of threeyear (180 ECTS credits) Konstnärlig Kandidatexamen
Konstnärlig Masterexamen (Degree of Master of Fine Arts) – 2 years (120 ECTS credits) following completion of threeyear (180 ECTS credits) Konstnärlig Kandidatexamen
Yrkestekniskexamen (University Diploma in...) – 4-5 years
(240-330 ECTS credits)
Diplom FH, Diplôme HES, or Diploma SUP (Diploma) – 4 year
Diplôme de… (Master of Arts/Science) – 4.5-5 years
Mittelschullehrer diplom, Sekundarlehrerpatent, Fachpatent,
Bezirkslehrerpatent (Middle School Teacher's Certificate) –
4 years
Lizentiat der Recht, Licence en droit, or Licentiatus iuris
(Licentiate in Law) – 4 years
Licence ès sciences en/de… (Licentiate of Science in...) – 4-5 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Syrian Arab Republic
Diplom für des Höhere Lehramt, Diplom für Lehrkräfte auf der
Sekundarstufe I, or Gymnasiallehrerdiplom (Upper Secondary
School Teacher's Certificate) – 4-6 years
Patent für das Höhere Lehramt, Oberlehrerdiplom, or Certificat ďaptitude pédagogique/Diplôme de maître de gymnase,
Enseignante du degré secondaire (Upper Secondary School
Teaching Certficate) – 4-6 years
Diplomingenieur ETH, Diplôme Ingénieur EPF (University
Theoretical Engineering Diploma) – 5 years
Eidgenössisches Zahnarztdiplom, Diplôme federal de médecin dentiste, or Licence en medicine dentaire (Federal Diploma in
Dentistry) – 5 years
Eidgenössisches Apothekerdiplom, Diplôme federal de pharmacien, or Diplôme universitaire de pharmacien (Federal Diploma of
Pharmacy) – 5 years
Eidgenössisches Tierarztediplom or Diplôme fédéral de médecin vétérinaire (Federal Diploma of Veterinary Medicine) – 5 years
Eidgenössisches Arztdiplom, Diplôme fédéral de médecin, or
Certificat de fin ďétudes médicales (Federal Diploma of
Medical Studies) – 6-7 years
Diplôme de médecin de ľuniversité (Federal Diploma of Medical
Studies) – 6-7 years
Licence – 4-5 years
Licentiate in Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy, Dental
Surgery, Veterinary Science – 5 years
Licence in Medicine – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4-7 years
Doctor of Dental Surgery – 6 years
Doctor of Medicine – 7 years
Darajai Bakalavr (Bachelor's degree) – 4-5 years
Darajai Mutakhassis (Specialist degree) – 5 years
Bachelor of Engineering – 4 years
Bachelor of Nursing – 4 years
Bachelor of Veterinary Science – 4 years
Doctor of Dental Surgery – 5 years
Doctor of Medicine – 5 years
Postgraduate Diploma – 1-2 years following completion of a three-year bachelor’s degree
Master’s Degree – 1-3 years following completion of a threeyear bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, Pharmacy, or Architecture – 5 years
Bachelor’s degree in Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary
Science – 6 years
Advanced Diploma/Certificate – 1-2 years following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Trinidad & Tobago
Certificat de Maîtrise (Certificate of Master) – 1 year following completion of Licence OR 2 years following completion of
Diplôme Universitaire ďEtudes Scientifiques
Master Recherche (Research Master) – 4 years
Diplôme ďIngénieur (Diploma of Engineer) – 5 years
Diplôme ďIngénieur de Conception (Diploma of Design
Engineer) – 5 years
Diplôme ďArchitecte -Urbaniste (Diploma of Architect-Urban
Planner) – 6 years
Certificate ďAptitude à la Profession ďAvocat (Aptitude
Certificate for the Profession of Lawyer) – 4 years
Docteur en Médecine (Doctor of Medicine) – 7 years
Bachelor of Education – 3 years following completion of
Teacher’s Diploma
Bachelor of Pharmacy – 4 years
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery – 5 years
Doctor of Dental Surgery – 5 years
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – 5 years
Post-Graduate Diploma – 2 years following three-year bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree – 2-3 years following three-year bachelor’s degree
Maîtrise (Master) – 2 years following completion of Licence,
Licence Professionnelle , or Licence Recherché
Diplôme National ďEtudes Théâtrales (National Diploma of
Theater Studies) – 2 years following completion of Diplôme ďEtudes Universitaires du Premier Cycle
Diplôme National ďIngénieur (National Engineer Diploma) – 2 years following completion of Diplôme ďEtudes Universitaires du Premier Cycle
Diplôme National en Arts et Métiers (National Diploma in Arts and Crafts) – 2 years following completion of Diplôme ďEtudes Universitaires du Premier Cycle
Diplôme National ďArchitecture (National Diploma of
Architecture) – 2 years following completion of Diplôme ďEtudes Universitaires du Premier Cycle
Diplôme Nationale en Pharmacie (National Diploma of
Pharmacist) – 5 years
Diplôme National de Maîtrise en Droit (National Diploma of
Master of Law) – 3 years following completion of Diplôme ďEtudes Universitaires du Premier Cycle
Diplôme National de Médecine Vétérinaire (National
Diploma of Veterinary Medicine) – 4 years following completion of Diplôme National de Premier Cycle ďEtudes de
Médecine Vétérinaire
D iplôme National de Docteur en Médicine Dentaire (National
Diploma of Doctor of Dental Medicine) – 4 years following completion of Diplôme National de Premier Cycle ďEtudes de
Médecine Dentaire
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Diplôme National de Docteur en Médecine (National Diploma of
Doctor of Medicine) – 5 years following completion of
Diplôme National de Premier Cycle ďEtudes de Médecine
Mastère Professionnel (Professional Master) – 2 years following completion of Licence
Lisans Derecesi/Diplomasi (Licentiate Diploma) – 4 years
Mühendislik Diplomasi (Engineering Diploma) – 4 years
Baytarlik Lisans Diplomasi/Veteriner Hekim Lisans Diplomasi
(Veterinary Science Licentiate Diploma/Veterinary
Medicine Licentiate Diploma) – 5 years
Dişhekimli ğ i Lisans Diplomasi (Dentistry Licentiate Diploma) –
5 years
Tip Doktoru Lisans Diplomasi (Medical Doctor Licentiate
Diploma) – 6 years диплом бакалавра /Bakalavr (Bachelor's degree) - 4 years
Specialist Degree - 5-6 years
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, Agriculture, Forestry,
Agricultural Engineering – 4 years
Diploma in Education – 1 year following completion of threeyear Bachelor degree in Education
Master's Degree – 1.5 years following completion of threeyear bachelor's degree
Dyplom Bakalayra (Diploma of Bachelor) – 4 years
Dyplom Spetsialista (Diploma of Specialist) – 5 years
Dyplom Dantýst/Dyplom Veterynár (Diploma of Dentist/Diploma of Veterinarian) – 5 years
Dyplom Likar (Diploma of Physician) – 6 years
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Associateship of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
England and Wales – length varies
Associateship of the Association of Chartered Certified
Accountants – length varies
Associateship of the Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants – length varies
Bachelor's Degree – 4 years (240 ECTS credits)
Bachelor of Architecture – 5 years
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – 5 years
Bachelor of Medicine – 5 years
Master of Pharmacy – 4 years OR 6 years
Postgraduate Diploma – 1 year following completion of threeyear bachelor's degree
Postgraduate Certificate in Education – 1 year following completion of three-year bachelor's degree
Diploma of Professional Studies – 1 year following completion of three-year bachelor's degree
Master of Engineering – 4 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Yemen Arab Republic
Master's Degree – 1-3 years following completion of threeyear bachelor's degree; this does NOT include Master’s
(Ordinary or General) degrees from Scotland
Master of Laws – 1 year following three-year Bachelor of
Laws degree
Licenciado(a) (Licentiate) – 4.5-5.5 years
Título de Trabajador Social, Procurador(a) en Derecho, or Técnico en… (Professional Title of Social Worker, of Lawyer, or
Technician in...) – 4-5 years
Magister en Química (Master in Chemistry) – 2 years following completion of three-year B achiller en Química OR 5 years after completion of upper secondary school
Título de Ingeniero (Professional Title of Engineer) – 5-6 years
Título de Arquitecto (Professional Title of Architect) – 6 years
Título de Odontólogo or Escribano Público (Professional Title of
Dentist or of Notarial Law) – 5-5.5 years
Título de Abogado (Professional Title of Attorney) – 6 years
Doctor Economista (Doctor of Economics) – 6-7 years
Doctor en Derecho or Ciencias Veterinarios (Doctor in Law or
Veterinary Sciences) – 6 years
Doctor en Medicina (Doctor in Medicine) – 7-8 years
Bakalavr Diplomi/Bakalavr Diplomi Imtiyozli (Bachelor
Diploma/Bachelor Diploma with Honours) – 4 years
Tish Shifokori Diplomi (Diploma with qualification of
Stomatologist/Dentist) – 5 years
Shifokor Diplomi (Diploma with qualification of Physician) – 6-7 years
Licenciado en...
(Licentiate in...) – 4-5 years
Títulos de Profesor de Educación Secundaria, Trabajador Social,
Psicólogo, etc.
(Professional Title of Secondary Education
Teacher, Social Worker, Psychologist, etc.) – 5 years
Títulos de Abogado, Arquitecto, Contador Público, Farmaceútico,
Ingeniero, Odontólogo, Médico Veterinario, Agrónomo
(Professional Title of Lawyer, Architect, Public Accountant,
Pharmacist, Engineer, Dentist, Veterinarian, Agronomist) –
5-6 years
Títulos de Médico Cirujano (Professional Title of Physician
Surgeon) – 6 years
Licenciado en Teología (Licentiate in Theology) – 5-7 years
B ằ ng T ố t Nghi ệ p Đ ạ i H ọ c (Bachelor's degree) - 4 years
B ằ ng T ố t Nghi ệ p Đ ạ i H ọ c in Medicine (Bachelor's degree in
Medicine) - 6 years
Bachelor of Arts, Science or Law – 4 years
Bachelor of Engineering – 5 years
Bachelor of Medicine – 6 years
Bachelor of Arts, Science, Social Work, Law, Accounting,
Business Administration, or Human Biology – 4 years
Bachelor of Mineral Science, Agriculture, Engineering,
Architecture, Science in Building – 5 years
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine – 6 years
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – 7 years
Post-Graduate Certificate in Education – 1 year following completion of three-year bachelor’s degree
Bachelor of Education in Adult Education – 4 years
Bachelor Honours degree – 4 years
Bachelor of Laws – 1 year following three-year bachelor’s degree OR 5 years following completion of upper secondary school
Bachelor of Veterinary Science – 5 years
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – 5 years
Master’s degree – 2-3 years following completion of threeyear bachelor’s degree
This information was accurate as of 15 April 2015. If you do not see your country or your credential listed, please contact