Graduate Program Review Texas Tech University Program Reviewed: Mechanical Engineering Onsite Review Dates: January 30, 2015 Name of Reviewers Internal: Please include name, title, and Department Mohamed Soliman, Professor, Petroleum Engineering Richard Stevens, Associate Professor, Natural Resources Management Brock Williams, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics External: Please include name, title, and Department Feng Lai, Anadarko Presidential Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Oklahoma Yu-Lin Shen, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico I. Academic Unit Description and Strategic Plan Please evaluate the following: Vision, Mission and Goals Very Good Strategic Plan Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement. Vision and Plan: Overall Ranking Very Good The department has excellent potential for growth in enrollment and research reputation, and has the outline of a good plan to achieve it. The department has a long-term goal of expanding the faculty with 25 new faculty positions. This will be impractical until significant improvement is made to departmental facilities. The department should develop smaller short-term plans for faculty expansion which can be implemented as critical space needs are met. II. Program Curriculum The institution a preliminary exam for PhD students is a component of the department's response to assessment and is the primary structural Please of evaluate the following: response from the department to the Graduate Program Review six years ago. However, there is still disagreement about the details of the exam which has led to a delay in implementation and confusion among the students. Reaching agreement about the exam and beginning implementation of whatever is decided an important nextstated step inprogram realizing their plan. goals and purposes Alignment ofisprogram with andstrategic institutional Very Good Curriculum development coordination and delivery Needs Improvement Program learning outcomes assessment Very Good Page 1 of 4 Program curriculum compared to peer programs Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement. The curriculum is highly effective and and has produced a number of outstanding alumni that have been placed in prestigious positions, many in academia. Faculty seem happy with their current teaching load and the structured system based on rank and amount of extramural support. There was wide agreement among faculty and departmental administration that additional faculty would be necessary to enhance enrollment and for continued growth. Adding in the the areas of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology would help to recruit more female students into the program. Despite a few suggested modifications (see below), the Raytheon program is a very effective means of increasing graduate student enrollment, involving experienced engineers into the student ranks, enhancing research productivity and ultimately improving the profile of the department. In addition, although the 150 hour plan suffers from the same problems as stated below regarding the curriculum, in general, it is another positive means enrollment. III. of increasing Facultygraduate Productivity evaluate thethe following: DespitePlease these positive points, curriculum is perhaps the area that needs the most improvement. There appears to be much miscommunication among students, departmental graduate coordinators, the Graduate School and the information that is publicly available that makes it confusing for students when trying to make decisions regarding their curriculum. All of this information should be streamlined into a single conduit that is Qualifications internally consistent and of use to all constituents. Underlying this is disagreement within the department regarding fundamental issues such as whether there should be a preliminary exam, and if there should be, how that exam should be formulated. Whether or not to administer a Very Good preliminary exam needs to be implemented immediately. Moreover, this decision needs to be relayed to the entire faculty and grad student population. There is uncertainty and trepidation by the current students as to whether this decision will affect them or not and the decision to Publications "grandfather" all or a portion of the grad population needs to be made and this information needs to be conveyed quickly. Good program as a very effective and successful means of increasing graduate enrollment. This program appears to be winding We see Very the Raytheon down and it seems as if there is potential for another program (Transdisciplinary Engineering) to be initiated. We have some specific recommendation this: TeachingforLoad • in light of the goal of expanding graduate enrollment for the time to come, this is a very effective means of increasing the number of graduate studentsExcellent and should be pursued. • the upper administration should embrace this initiative and strive to move faster in terms of making decisions and making resources available to the program. External Grants • one limitation to the current Raytheon program is that it involves (and benefits) only a limited number of faculty members. Future programs such as this should strive to be more inclusive so that they can be embraced by the entire department and have a more equitable positive impact on the Very Good entire faculty. Teaching Evaluations Very Good Professional Service Very Good Community Service Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement. Faculty: Overall Ranking Very Good Addition of several young enthusiastic faculty is a positive improvement to the department that balances the presence of existing senior faculty. However it appears that there is some rift between younger and senior faculty regarding views on the preliminary exam, some existing projects and how to proceed further. The qualifications of the professors, number of publications, and faculty involvement is very high. The teaching load is excellent and gives professors time to direct research. Laboratories are cramped, andGraduates we do not see how the department could expand without serious increase in laboratory and office space. We have the IV. Students and following recommendations: Please evaluate theThe following: • Hiring minority professors. addition of new female professors should help the departmental image. It would also help recruiting female students. • Enhance communication between administration and Faculty and between faculty members. We found faculty unaware of issues discussed by Time to degree administration. • Encourage the Raytheon Project enrollment. This is an excellent interdisciplinary approach, however young faculty appear to be hesitant to get Excellent involved in as it is not apparent how the project would impact the pursuit of tenure. • Teaching load seems to be clear and consistent. • Focus new hiring of faculty on areas of future high impact such bioengineering and nanotechnology. This would help in the area of obtaining more funding and in recruiting female students. Page 2 of 4 • Hiring 25 new faculty may be a very long term plan that should be accompanied a road map for laboratory and office space plan for expansion. Retention Excellent Graduate rates Excellent Enrollment Very Good Demographics Very Good Number of degrees conferred annually Very Good Support Services Good Job Placement Very Good Student/ Faculty Ratio Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement Graduate Students: Overall Ranking Very Good The committee met with a significant number the graduate student population. The overall impression is that technically the program is progressing very well. There were issues with organization, communication and a sense of community. • Communication. Several issues and student complaints were discussed. In the opinion of the committee, all the issues stemmed from lack of communication with students. An example was travel outside the country where students did not realize that as a state school, Texas Tech requires a more rigorous approval process than private universities. Most of all issues would be resolved by periodic communication and openness about the process. • Community feeling. The design of the facility in mechanical engineering is not conducive to communication between labs and ultimately students. V. Facilities and Resources It would help to hold a meeting once a semester or have students present their work during a monthly seminar. the following: • ClassPlease offering.evaluate Offered graduate classes are not announced in advance and there is much confusion of when or whether an advanced graduate class would be offered. This leaves the student without a concrete degree plan. We suggest publishing the schedule a semester in advance • Student quality. Students’ quality is very good. Facilities • Number of degrees, job placement and student faculty ratio was very good • Retention and time to graduation is excellent. Good was impressed with the demographics and the presence of minority students and females. The department recruiting of students is • The committee very good. Facility Support Resources Good Financial Resources Very Good Staff Resources Good Page 3 of 4 Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement It is apparent that the department, college and university have invested heavily in the future productivity of its new hires. Renovations of laboratories for new hires were impressive with attractive and bright working areas with new furniture and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Older laboratory facilities were dated but adequate. Additional space for graduate student offices is of critical importance. Conditions seemed fairly dire in many situations. Many offices that were likely designed for 2-3 students hold 6-8 and this is not conducive to the productivity levels that are necessary to be successful in coursework, proposal writing, data analysis and manuscript preparation. The department needs to establish not only a long term plan but one on the short term as well. Currently there is a long-term plan to expand into other buildings in the college such as the old Industrial Engineering building. Nonetheless this plan is predicated on obtaining funds for renovation of these anticipated facilities. Funds are currently there is no clear plan to obtain them or any clear time line as to the renovation of these facilities. The time required to VI. unavailable Overall and Ranking obtain these funds and make the renovations could likely and easily span two entire cohorts of Ph.D. students. We feel that even one cohort faced with the current space issue is unacceptable. Please provide summative conclusions based on the overall review. A number of additional needs in the area of Facilities are necessary to improve graduate recruitment, retention and success. Sufficient office/accounting/travel are lacking to facilitatemaking this aspect of the departments mission, especially as to how it appliesproduction. to graduate education. Mechanical Engineeringstaff is a very good department significant progress in both graduate enrollment and research Currently, only three staff members serve the current 35 Faculty and 144 graduate students and these personnel are overloaded. The scope of the machine impressive, however much ofbest the equipment was of World War II eraThey and is needattracting of renovation. Much international of the facultyand andUS Their 150shop hourwas program is working to turn their undergraduates into MS students. areinalso good quality graduate students are from foreign countries professional writing in English presents particular WeMS propose the creation of a that students and are sufficiently selective in theirand admission policies. Their publishing requirements forchallenges. both PhD and graduates help ensure technical writing editor either at the departmental college level that could facilitateDepartment. the publication process. their graduates continue to raise profile of TTUorand the Mechanical Engineering The faculty graduate of the website should are be reconfigured. Many graduate students indicated that they found navigating this portion The is portion productive anddepartmental their teaching load policies excellent. of the website challenging. In particular, there are a number of cases of conflicting information regarding requirements and procedures. The graduate handbook should be updated to include an explicit road map to completion of a graduate degree. This handbook should be a single, stand-alone document that is easy to find on the ME graduate studies web page. Please provide summative recommendations based on the overall review. The department has a serious need for more space. The lack of space for labs and offices is a primary impediment preventing the program from reaching its potential as a world-class research leader. There is a plan to move into the current Industrial Engineering spaces, and this needs to be given high priority at the college and university level. We see the Raytheon transdisciplinary PhD program as a great model for expanding enrollment. Mechanical Engineering should consider ways for the entire department to embrace this model and attempt to bing in additional cohorts from other companies. This would be greatly facilitated by greater college support and by incentives for faculty involvement. Approval for the department's proposal for rotating international chairs in transdisciplinary engineering would also advance this goal. Every effort should be made to develop consensus among the faculty concerning the implementation of the PhD preliminary exams, and these details about program requirements should be communicated clearly and frequently to the graduate students. Given the department's potential for graduate growth and its current high undergraduate enrollment, new faculty positions should be created, especially in the bio and nano areas. The department would also benefit from the hiring of an additional technician and an additional office staff member. Page 4 of 4