Graduate Program Review Texas Tech University Program Reviewed: Mechanical Engineering Onsite Review Dates: 1/30/2015 Name of Reviewers Internal: Please include name, title, and Department External: Please include name, title, and Department Yu-Lin Shen, Professor & Director of Graduate Programs, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico I. Academic Unit Description and Strategic Plan Please evaluate the following: Vision, Mission and Goals Very Good Strategic Plan Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement. The goals and strategic plans are all relevant and important. The department does have the potential to become top-notch, and already possesses the quality of people and mindset to work toward its ambition. The need of growth is understood, but it is perhaps unrealistic to attempt (or ask for) as many as, say, 25 more faculty positions. The expansion of people and infrastructure should come together, which requires careful planning. II. Program Curriculum Please evaluate the following: Alignment of program with stated program and institutional goals and purposes Very Good Curriculum development coordination and delivery Needs Improvement Program learning outcomes assessment Good Page 1 of 4 Program curriculum compared to peer programs Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement. The graduate curriculum is compatible with what is typically found in peer programs. The emphasis on publishable research and conference experience is especially enlightening. With the expanded faculty size the department is able to offer a variety graduate level courses. What needs to be improved is the communication (or development) of clear rules and requirements for the degrees. There appears to be confusion among students regarding the requirements for preliminary exams and coursework. Some problems may originate from the Graduate School, but miscommunication and/or lack of communication between the Department and Graduate School may have aggravated the situation. III. Faculty Productivity Please evaluate the following: Qualifications Very Good Publications Very Good Teaching Load Excellent External Grants Very Good Teaching Evaluations Select one from list... Professional Service Very Good Community Service Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement. There appears to be no data about teaching evaluations in the self-study report. The department has an excellent teaching load policy which encourages faculty to spend more time working on or develop the research program. Faculty research covers a wide variety of technical area, including emerging and multidisciplinary areas. IV. Students and Graduates Please evaluate the following: Time to degree Very Good Page 2 of 4 Retention Very Good Graduate rates Very Good Enrollment Very Good Demographics Very Good Number of degrees conferred annually Very Good Support Services Good Job Placement Very Good Student/ Faculty Ratio Very Good Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement Students are generally positive about the program. The placement and accomplishments of past Ph.D. and M.S. graduates attest to the quality of the education they received at TTU. The stipend provided by assistantship is at an enviable level - significantly higher than that typically seen at peer institutions. Current students may feel the need for stronger support, including staff support and infrastructure support. Better communication and a clear set of academic requirements should be a priority. V. Facilities and Resources Please evaluate the following: Facilities Good Facility Support Resources Good Financial Resources Very Good Staff Resources Good Page 3 of 4 Please comment on the positive components and suggested areas of improvement Overall the department has adequate resources to carry out its graduate mission at the present moment. The research laboratories established by recent faculty hires are state-of-the-art. The growth of the department, however, has started to outpace the existing capabilities. There is a clear need to have more office space (for faculty and graduate students) and lab space, if the growth is to continue. More administrative and technical staff members are also strongly recommended. VI. Overall Ranking Please provide summative conclusions based on the overall review. The department is successful in providing a dynamic environment for graduate education and research. There has been an effective and stable leadership, along with dedicated and high-caliber faculty and a diverse student body. The growth in faculty size in recent years has put the department in a vantage position to further its research enterprise and reputation. As more new faculty members expand their research activities in the coming years, more external funding and scholarly publications are to be expected. Please provide summative recommendations based on the overall review. As a community the students need to be better served with unambiguous guidance for the degree requirements and expectation. Communication should be improved within the Department, and among the Department, College and Graduate School. More administrative and technical staff members are needed, to help with the increasing demand from a growing body of faculty and students. To build on the momentum and upward trajectory, it is critical that the University allocates additional office and laboratory space to the Department. There should be a short-term solution as well as long-term planning just for the space issue alone. Page 4 of 4