am The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid Kenneth R. Nahigian With an increasing focus on developing and utilizing alternative energy sources to ensure a secure and reliable energy supply, the need is becoming abundantly clear for a modernized energy infrastructure capable of facilitating such innovation and enhancing America’s resilience. The essence of resilience is the ability of our Nation to identify, prepare for, respond rapidly to, and recover from any possible catastrophic event. The practical adoption and implementation of a next-generation electrical- power grid – Smart Grid – will reduce the consequences of the electrical grid being targeted by terrorists or adversely affected by a natural disaster while improving energy efficiency and reliability. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The U.S. electrical power grid – installed more than a half century ago – has provided energy successfully to our homes and businesses for many decades and is a critical component of our national defense and infrastructure. It affects nearly every aspect of our daily lives. But the grid quickly is reaching the end of its design “Critical national security and Homeland defense missions are at an unacceptably high risk of extended outage from failure of the [electrical] grid.” – Defense Science Board Task Force Report, 2/08 cycle and in its current state soon will no longer serve the rising energy demand of consumers or our national resilience. Simply put, the evidence is clear that modernization of the existing grid – currently comprised of a patchwork of energy-inefficient fixes mending an overburdened system – not only is inevitable, but vital to our national security and ability to recover quickly in the event of a catastrophe. The Reform Brief is a publication of the Reform Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy organization advancing a solutions-based reform agenda. The Reform Brief examines important public policy issues on the national agenda regarding topics such as government reform, homeland security, energy independence and the environment, economic policy, and immigration reform. More Reform Institute publications can be found at [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 Hampered by rising demand, a lack of consumption through demand response, and investment in transmission facilities, and integrate renewable energy resources into federal policies that deter increasing grid operations. This smart system allows domestic energy supply, the existing grid utilities to understand demand and regulate has been taxed to the limit and lacks the supply, and most importantly for the capacity to meet the Nation's growing purposes of resilience, either reallocate energy demand. electricity during times of crisis or peak The existing grid does not possess the demand or prevent outages through capability to mitigate the occurrences of proactive diagnosis of the grid and its blackouts and their adverse individual elements. consequences, provide The Smart Grid offers incentives to consumers to the next generation of The DOD’s national reduce consumption, or power delivery and furthers improve environmental strategic and the ability of the grid to impacts through the continue to provide power command authorities utilization of more in the immediate wake of a renewable resources. rely on 99 percent of catastrophic event. But the These inadequacies place Smart Grid’s benefits span their energy supply in peril our national, far beyond resilience as a economic, and modernized grid would from “outside the environmental security and have a dramatic positive fence.” are unsuited to meet the impact on the environment long-term demands of the by lowering consumption digital age. The task of and increasing the hardening our critical infrastructures – utilization of renewable energy sources, and including our military installations – against provide incentives and control for a catastrophic event must begin with efforts consumers and businesses to make decisions to bring resilience and security to the regarding their individual energy electrical grid, which connects them all. consumption. The next generation of electrical grid – We must move quickly as a nation to widely known as "Smart Grid" – is an secure our critical infrastructure and ensure integration of advanced, two-way that it can support vital emergency response, communications systems and sensors into military, economic, and social activities the electrical transmission and distribution during a crisis. Congress has recognized network enabling utilities to optimize grid that the vulnerabilities of the current performance in real-time, provide incentives electrical grid threaten our national to consumers for reducing energy resilience and, therefore, necessitate change. The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 2 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 Congress has only begun to explore, in the delivering energy from massive generation last two major energy bills, the potential of sources that derive power from coal, nuclear the next generation of power delivery fission, oil, natural gas, hydro, geothermal, through the modernization of the U.S. solar, and wind sources. Electric power electric grid. But complex jurisdictional originates at these generation stations, travels hurdles and a litany of regulatory and along massive high-voltage power lines to private-stakeholder interests still create sub-generation transmission stations, and is challenges for realizing the full deployment ultimately distributed to the energy consumer of the Smart Grid. – or end-user. The electrical grid has served Increasing the resilience of the electrical its purpose well, but it quickly is reaching the grid will require the data, technological end of its design cycle as it is an inefficient intelligence and capacity to manage push system that offers little incentive to electrical congestion, avoid overburdening either the utility provider or consumer to the system, and avert electrical outages even monitor and conserve energy consumption. as the The population electrical requires power greater system in quantities the United of quality States electricity. entails over Keeping 16,924 the power electric Electricity Generation and Delivery Process on is the first step to generating units hardening the Nation’s energy-dependent with more than 1,075 Gigawatts of critical infrastructure. The electrical grid generating capacity1 involving more than must be able to successfully manage a 300,000 miles of transmission lines 2 and disaster and rapidly return to a state of near 500,000 miles of distribution lines. 3 But the normalcy in order to maintain the integrity deficiencies of this current electrical grid are of all dependent infrastructures. inherent in its design. Electrical energy is ordinarily consumed immediately subsequent to its generation as it historically BACKGROUND The U.S. electrical transmission and has been difficult and inefficient to store for distribution system – installed many decades prolonged periods. Having an unequal ago – provides electricity to every aspect of supply and demand of generated energy American society. This system is the largest creates the potential of overburdening and machine in the world responsible for causing extensive damage to the system. To The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 3 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 counter-act this deficiency, the electrical grid is designed to disconnect at first sign of an electrical imbalance. When the generator disconnects it results in an electrical outage – or blackout. Despite being designed to mitigate damage caused to the system and its users, electric delivery interruptions and the ensuing periods before power restoration threaten our national security as our defense capabilities are disabled, our economy is weakened, and the lives of Americans who depend on energy for basic needs – including heating and cooling, as well as emergency services – are placed in peril. The electrical grid as we know it was installed at a time when the current massive consumer demand could not have been foreseen. The dramatic increase in the number of new and larger homes, rising urbanization, and the widespread adoption of digital technology and other energy-thirsty devices has overloaded our electrical delivery system and driven up costs as utilities search for new sources of energy to meet demand. The electric grid is further burdened by public policies inhibiting the increase in domestic energy production. The most significant corollary to our increased dependence on the electrical grid is the increased consequences of power fluctuations. Power fluctuations, which were once merely an inconvenience, now are a major grid vulnerability that threatens our Nation’s security and cost tens of billions of dollars in lost commerce each year. Should the electrical grid become a deliberate target of a terrorist attack, a casualty of a natural disaster, or simply malfunction, an overloading of the system would create a ripple effect that could bring our economy to a standstill, jeopardize our national security and possibly cost lives. Blackouts and power quality issues are not the only reason for concern. The inefficiencies of the energy sector also burden the economy. Of all energy consumed to produce electricity, only 30 percent reaches consumers in the form of electricity, 4 transmission and distribution losses are valued at more than $25 billion a year.5 Adding more generators only increases these inefficiencies. Further exacerbating the The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 4 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 problem is the physical limitations of the current grid. The aged grid has become so problematic in its limitations that it is incapable of employing new and renewable energy generation sources (e.g., solar, wind, hydro) at a capacity that justifies building new generation plants powered by such clean domestic energy. In some areas the energy produced outweighs the transmission capacity by 65 percent.6 There is a vast need to increase not only the efficiency, consistency, and capacity of our electric infrastructure, but also its security. Unfortunately, there exists little economic incentive for utility companies to address inefficiencies of the current grid. Intuitively, making the electrical grid more efficient would mean delivering the same amount of usable electricity to the consumer but requiring less costly initial energy input to do so; that equates to selling the same output at a lower price. Left without incentive, utilities to date have preferred to retain the same inefficient generation, transmission, and distribution system to maintain profit margins. The increase in demand for electricity and other sources of power is vastly outpacing the increase in power supply. The challenges and opportunities of the new century dictate that we not rely on an outmoded electrical grid system that is nearing the end of its design cycle. Growing the grid in the usual incremental manner through a patchwork of improvements provides only temporary relief to the burdens facing the grid and merely aggravates its vulnerabilities. For these reasons and more, the current electrical grid cannot continue to serve our national strategic objectives, the demands of American consumers, or the need to improve our environment and mitigate global climate change. It is static in its design, inefficient, and limiting to a nation that seeks to expand its use of renewable energy resources. The existing grid is a liability to our Nation’s security and resilience. MODERNIZATION - THE SMART GRID As the modernization of the domestic electrical grid is paramount to the resilience of the Nation, the centerpiece of this effort should be the deployment and utilization of a “futureproof” electrical system upgraded with advanced communications, sensors and diagnostic software commonly referred to as the “Smart Grid.” What is the Smart Grid? The Smart Grid, in essence, is an amalgam of communications and electrical capabilities that allow utilities to understand, optimize, and regulate demand, supply, costs, and reliability. This advanced technology allows electricity providers to interact with the power delivery system and determine where electricity is being used and from where it can be drawn during times of crisis or peak demand. The monitoring capability of the Smart Grid serves to improve grid resilience by empowering the The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 5 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 utilities to re-route electricity to areas that have lost or are on the precipice of losing power. More importantly, the real-time diagnostic capability of a Smart Grid enables utilities to predict and prevent outages and power disturbances before they occur. The communications overlay of the electrical system that comprises the Smart Grid can be described more technically as a “standard web services interface for new and existing utility applications, the ability to use any IP wide-area network for the data communications backhaul, and an open meter interface for connecting to in-home devices such as thermostats, water and gas meters, or any energy aware home area network.”7 The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) envisions the Smart Grid as a power system that can incorporate millions of sensors all connected through an advanced communication and data acquisition system. A system that will provide real-time analysis by a distributed computing system that enables predictive rather than reactive responses to blink-of-the-eye disruptions and is designed to support a changing generation mix in a carbon constrained world. It would allow for a more effective and efficient participation by consumers in managing their use of electricity. 8 Current Grid Deficiencies In order to fully understand the benefits of this advanced Smart-Grid capability, it is constructive to comparatively analyze the existing electrical grid. Unlike the Smart Grid, the functional deficiencies of the current electrical grid include, but are not limited to, the following: It is an inefficient push system that requires utilities to flood the system with electricity – much more than is needed – to ensure reliability and meet demand. It is based on a consumption- and revenue-based business model that offers no incentive for utilities to conserve energy. It is woefully inadequate as its “static” design does not allow utilities adequately to monitor data pertaining to electricity consumption or outages, and thus respond and recover in the wake of a catastrophic event. It places in peril the ability of our military and homeland security forces to fulfill their missions to defend Americans. It veils the true costs of electricity until month’s end and, in turn, has a limited ability to provide end-users with the control to understand and regulate their individual electricity consumption. It requires maintenance costs from remote and automated disconnects/reconnects and trips to the field. It causes a lapse of a significantly higher number of minutes without The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 6 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 power incurred by end-users during outages during the restoration process. It lacks the communications overlay that would enable the expansion of existing cyber-security capabilities. It has a more significant carbon footprint due to higher peak demands, higher supply and consumption, a lack of incentive to conserve, and inability to utilize fully the potential of renewable and alternative sources of energy. Each of these deficiencies cut adversely against our Nation’s resilience in that the current grid lacks the ability to sufficiently protect itself and related critical infrastructure, reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy, conserve energy, capitalize on alternative sources of energy, improve our environment, and lower enduser costs. Thus, modernization that would improve efficiency and reliability would have a stabilizing effect on the economy, national security, and the energy-dependent critical infrastructure. Smart Grid Benefits By contrast to the deficiencies of the existing grid system, the Smart Grid is a dynamic and more resilient electrical and communications delivery system that utilizes energy that the existing system wastes through inefficiencies. The Smart Grid creates incentives for conservation, fortifies the reliability of our homeland and military security forces, improves the carbon footprint of the grid, reduces systemic maintenance, prevents outages and mitigates restoration in the wake of those outages that do occur, and improves reliability of supply. RESILIENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY The electrical transmission and distribution system is vital to our national security and global economy. Improvements to the electrical grid have successive benefits to the Nation’s security as an effort to exploit the vulnerabilities of this electrical grid would have a catastrophic impact. Economic turmoil would lie in the wake of cascading blackouts, and total power loss would render our critical infrastructure and essential services nearly useless. The energy resilience of the Smart Grid means that hospitals, first responders, fire stations, police departments, and homeland security and military forces always possess the requisite power to fulfill their missions of protecting and caring for Americans. Businesses would also be able to continue operations in the event of a crisis, moderating the adverse consequences of a catastrophic event on the economy. Notable anecdotal evidence of the fragility and vulnerability of the U.S. electrical grid system can be found with the power outage five years ago in the Northeastern United States and parts of Canada. On August 14, 2003, a combination of high heat and demand caused a sagging high-voltage power line The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 7 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 near Cleveland, Ohio to come in contact with trees that had not been trimmed by the local utility. The U.S.-Canada Power System Outage Task Force later concluded that this contact caused the first of a series of cascading power failures resulting in a loss of electrical power to approximately 50 million people located in a 9,300-squaremile area throughout the region. A simple contact of a high-voltage power line caused more than 265 power plants and 500 generating units to shut down, including 22 nuclear plants. Full power was not restored from these sources for a period of nearly two weeks.9 The consequences of the summer of 2003 power failure were significant, as delivery systems for oil and water were shut down, rail and air travel was disrupted, homeland security and communications capabilities were unavailable, and lives were placed in peril as residential homes and businesses were without air conditioning. And, of course, the negative impact on productivity caused a drag on the economy. While some may argue that the grid functioned as designed in 2003 in that it sensed a problem and disconnected to avoid greater damage, most would agree that this incident served as a warning to the U.S. that it must move to modernize its methods of energy delivery and make the system more resilient. This outage was mild in that it did not cause damage to transmission or distribution infrastructure, which allowed for the system to be restored in a fairly short period of time. However, a natural disaster, or a physical or cyber attack certainly would cause more damage and result in prolonged outages. The employment of Smart Grid technologies would minimize the consequences of an attack or catastrophic event by providing energy providers with an enhanced ability to identify the location of the failure and quickly re-route electricity to locations where demand is most critical. This advanced capability would serve to shorten power restoration times, which is the essence of resilience. By mitigating the consequences of an attack affecting the electrical grid, the Smart Grid would serve as a deterrent for such attacks, thereby strengthening and insulating our energy dependent critical infrastructure. The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is the single largest user of energy in the United States – consuming more than 3.8 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity each year. That total represents nearly one percent of the total electricity consumption of the Nation, and 75 percent of the Federal Government’s consumption. The DOD’s principal concerns are not the availability of energy to ensure the reliability of its missions, but rather the fragility of the existing electrical grid and its susceptibility to extended outages. The DOD’s national strategic and command authorities rely on 99 percent of their energy supply from “outside the fence.”10 In its February 2008 report, the Defense Science Board Task Force Report found that “critical national security and Homeland The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 8 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 defense missions are at an unacceptably high to enable more sophisticated grid protection risk of extended outage from failure of the software and encryption to thwart attacks on grid.” The report indicates that the grid is power infrastructure. In this manner the not designed to withstand a coordinated Smart Grid offers greater security for our multi-pronged attack, and insurgents in Iraq critical infrastructure as it ensures that and Afghanistan commonly and effectively power is readily available while anticipating have coordinated attacks on the power grid and avoiding threats to the integrity of the as part of their system. 11 tactics. The deployment of CONSUMER The deployment of SmartSmart-Grid EMPOWERMENT Grid technologies would technologies would The Smart Grid provide the necessary provides enormous provide the necessary reliability to DOD to benefit to the energy reliability to DOD to fulfill its fulfill its critical consumer, besides missions, as well as those of national, critical missions, as well as reduce the agency’s economic, and reduce the agency’s energy energy consumption environmental and costs. All of these consumption and costs. All of security. Some benefits serve to make experts estimate that these benefits serve to make our Nation more the existing secure and resilient. inefficient electrical our Nation more secure and An important grid system costs resilient. subcomponent of our consumers hundreds national security that of billions of dollars can be addressed by a per year in hidden commitment to the costs and waste. In implementation of the a global economy Smart Grid is cyber security. Committing to that provides consumers with endless the Smart Grid enables the architecture of product choices and prices, they are left the grid to be designed with security in guessing what type of energy they consume, mind. The extensive amount of data that and how much it costs when they consume can be utilized by the Smart Grid in real it. The Smart Grid, in essence, grants time means that a comprehensive cyber consumers control of their personal energy security program can be integrated from its footprints, allowing them to choose not only inception. The Smart Grid provides an when they consume power, but what source enhanced bandwidth and computing power of power they wish to consume. This is The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 9 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 achieved through the demand response capabilities of the Smart Grid. Demand response ensures that supply and demand is balanced. Demand response allows consumers to place megawatts back on the grid at times of peak demand, and reduces the need for more generation plants, thereby reducing costs to consumers and eliminating waste. During peak hours of the day, for example, a consumer will be able to see that the price of running a dishwasher or setting a thermostat at a certain temperature may be high during a period of peak demand and, therefore, may choose to use power during non-peak hours. Such a scenario improves the stability of the grid and reduces waste. When fully implemented, the Smart Grid will provide consumers with the ability to sell power from a plug-in vehicle, solar panels, or any type of stored energy back into the grid for general consumption, and choose what type of energy or mixture thereof they desire to purchase from the grid. The real time, two-way capacity of a Smart Grid offers consumers more flexibility and the freedom to tailor demand response options to their own needs – instead of turning air conditioners completely off multiple times a day, smart appliances can be turned down and managed through a ready ”gateway” system that maximizes consumer control. With the Smart Grid, consumers are able to “program demand-response meters from their homes to grant permission”12 to utilities to adjust their power depending on systemic need. This empowers utilities to readjust and reroute supply depending on demand, and raise the temperature slightly in your house, or alter the way your appliances are performing to suit the interest of the supply source. While consumers would not have to submit their systems to this, they would have the option if they desire. All of these consumer benefits when taken as a whole will yield the most important function of a consumer-friendly electrical grid system, which is a dramatically more reliable power delivery system susceptible to fewer power fluctuations and blackouts. As discussed throughout this paper, the occurrence and length of blackouts are threats to our Nation and to consumers who depend on reliable electricity for their everyday lives and wellbeing. When demand overwhelms capacity due to a catastrophic event or simple overload, the system can be smart enough to alter its behavior and adjust accordingly. This is resilience. And consumers willing to alter their behavior can be rewarded through incentives. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY As U.S. industry in the digital age becomes more dependent on high-quality energy delivery, our economic security becomes more dependent on reliable energy. For this reason, we must promote energy continuity and reliability. The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 10 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 The full deployment of Smart-Grid energy security that industry requires to technologies will mitigate dramatically the sustain an energy dependent economy. billions of dollars lost by American Like with residential consumers of businesses each year as a result of the power electricity, businesses will reap similar fluctuations, congestions, and failures of the benefits from Smart-Grid demand response current electrical grid. Increasing energy capabilities. But by consumer and corporate efficiency and reliability will be crucial to empowerment, as well as its environmental improving the impact, the Smart Grid is competitiveness of creating new markets as American businesses in a private industry develops global economy. energy efficient and The Department of The capacity intelligent appliances, smart Energy predicts that optimization offered by meters, new communications the Smart Grid will capabilities, and passenger Smart Grid improve energy delivery vehicles. The Department of deployment will open reliability, lower business Energy predicts that Smart costs, and reduce waste. a $100 billion market Grid deployment will open a While residential $100 billion market in smart in smart technologies consumers suffer what technologies.14 These new typically amount to minor and create $2 trillion market technologies will inconveniences resulting lower consumer and per year additional from power blackouts, the corporate electricity costs, impact of power and have a dramatic impact GDP inconsistency on industry on the environment through can be devastating. One efficiency and resource 2005 power outage in utilization gains. The same southern California disrupted an estimated study suggests that implementation of the 13 $75 billion dollars in economic activity. Smart Grid should create $2 trillion per year Businesses necessitate not only electrical additional GDP.15 Thus, industry is not only resilience, but electrical continuity of the made more competitive and secure by the sort the current grid cannot provide. adoption of the Smart Grid, but it is afforded Massive power outages are occurring at an new market opportunities. unprecedented frequency and industry is an unfortunate casualty. The Smart Grid’s ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS ability to optimize system reliability and The environmental impact of Smart Grid resume electrical normalcy in short order, or deployment is multi-faceted, but often avoid a disruption entirely, will provide the difficult to quantify – this despite studies The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 11 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 projecting a 5:1 return on investment. But for the most part, the returns from Smart Grid technologies in the form of positive environmental benefits are often intangible and realized by a dispersed set of beneficiaries. Justification for Smart Grid adoption suffers from an inability of its advocates to make “rate-of-return” arguments on its behalf. But its environmental benefits cannot be denied. According to the Modern Grid Initiative, every kilowatt-hour saved by the efficiencies of the Smart Grid will result in reduced expenditures on pollution controls at power plants.16 One study by the Electric Power Research Institute suggests that implementation of the Smart Grid could reduce CO2 emissions by as much as 25 percent by the year 2020 through improved electrical efficiency. 17 As some experts argue, the cleanest form of energy is the energy that is saved. A stable environment is critical to the resilience of any nation. By improving the efficiency of our energy delivery systems and diversifying fuel sources – primarily to cleaner fuels and technologies – we will improve the environment and enhance our energy sustainability, thereby mitigating the adverse consequences caused by a changing climate. The Smart Grid can be a critical component in improving both our climate and national resilience. The Smart Grid’s system optimization and demand response capabilities, as well as its conservation incentives serve to reduce energy consumption, thereby lowering the CO2 emissions caused by the generation of energy. Because of its ability to manage energy variability, particularly with wind power, the Smart Grid enables and encourages the development of alternative fuel sources and their integration on the grid. This added market for alternative and renewable energy suppliers also will serve to lower carbon emissions by replacing a percentage of the fossil fuels currently utilized. And by improving the utilization of the exiting grid assets through smarter energy management, the Smart Grid also reduces the need for new generating units built to meet increasingly higher peak demand. The consumer benefits of Smart Grid appliances and vehicles also contribute significantly to the improvement of the Nation’s environment. “Smart” appliances, including plug-in hybrid vehicles and energy efficient heating and cooling, have the added benefit of again lessening CO2 emissions and having a less detrimental impact on the global environment. These new technologies will communicate with the grid and be capable of powering down when sensing a stress on the system. This will reduce the occurrences of adverse grid events and conserve energy. IMPEDIMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT Despite its projected overwhelming return on investment, the deployment of the Smart Grid indubitably will not be realized without traversing significant regulatory and stakeholder challenges. Our Nation’s The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 12 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 electrical transmission and distribution addition, the Smart Grid – or any grid system is regulated mostly on a state-byefficiency capability for that matter – is a state basis and involves the participation of a double-edged sword for energy providers, as litany of stakeholders – state and federal their business model dictates selling the regulators, utilities, consumers, investment maximum amount of energy possible entities, energy suppliers, and infrastructure without an incentive to conserve. Thus, providers. The implementation of the Smart regulators must devise a system of benefit Grid is a process that will sharing to provide incentive take several years and not to all stakeholders. without a coordinated effort Private industry has It is the policy of among these stakeholders. realized the market Because transmission the United States to opportunities presented by an lines often cross state, and advanced electrical delivery support the sometimes national borders, system and has taken action. a comprehensive modernization of the Currently there are efforts commitment to underway across the country nation’s electricity implementation of the Smart to research and conduct test Grid is required to become a beds that, when taken as a transmission and reality. While the Federal whole, have the potential to distribution system Government regulates become the Smart Grid. interstate transmission, the Many of these efforts to maintain a bulk of transmission occurs involve the utilization of reliable and secure intrastate and is regulated “smart meters” on residential accordingly. Only through homes and businesses. electricity collaboration among all Smart meters – a component infrastructure . . . . stakeholders can all the of the Smart Grid – possess benefits of the Smart Grid be the advanced energy achieved. consumption monitoring It is essential to the capability of the Smart Grid, realization of the Smart Grid that state and without the total integration of coordinated federal regulators take a leadership role in communications devices. Smart meters tied its deployment. Because the design of the to low-bandwidth, high-latency systems that Smart Grid places energy consumers – both are addressable only a few times a day do residential and industry – as the primary not offer the same profound empowerment benefactors of lower costs and energy of the consumer as does the Smart Grid. security, it is the utility companies that must While smart metering is certainly an be compelled to invest and participate. In improvement of the current electrical The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 13 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 transmission and distribution system, it lacks the scope and far-reaching societal benefit potentially offered by adoption of the Smart Grid. Congress, in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, took a significant first step toward modernization of the U.S. electrical grid by requiring that states consider implementing smart-metering technologies for residential and small commercial customers. However, in the wake of that Act the general ambiguity over which costs correlate to transmission, and hence federal regulation, and which costs are distribution related, and thus subject to state jurisdiction, left a regulatory uncertainty that served as a deterrent for Smart Grid investment.18 Congress again addressed grid modernization in the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 when it declared, “It is the policy of the United States to support the modernization of the [N]ation’s electricity transmission and distribution system to maintain a reliable and secure electricity infrastructure . . . .” EISA is a significant public policy step forward for several reasons. First, the law is a pronouncement of national policy signaling to all stakeholders that a smart electrical grid is the direction in which the Nation is progressing. This Congressional action provides private industry with the confidence needed to invest in and work toward the realization of the Smart Grid and the optimization of its capabilities. Second, Congress also indicates in EISA that federal incentives would be provided in the form of federal funding for investment in the Smart Grid. Third, the law organized the responsibilities at the federal level by establishing several entities accountable to the Department of Energy. And, fourth, EISA encourages state regulators to consider requiring utilities to use Smart-Grid technologies.19 While EISA may have opened doors for the possibility of realizing a Smart Grid, utilities – which rely on maximizing their energy sales – and private industry are apprehensive about investing in expensive systems that may serve to affect their bottom line at the same time that the possibility of carbon emissions legislation looms at the federal and state levels. If passed, federal legislation mandating either a cap and trade system or a carbon tax could result in significant costs for industry. Thus, it is imperative that investment in the Smart Grid by utilities and private industry be rewarded by providing carbon credits for the resulting emissions reductions realized downstream – particularly to the extent that such investment is in enabling infrastructure for emissions-reducing technologies such as plug-in electric hybrid vehicles. It is unrealistic to believe that energy providers can absorb the losses associated with federal and state emissions mandates and simultaneously expect significant private investment in advanced electricity delivery technologies. The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 14 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Our Nation is at a crossroads as our energy dependence and vulnerable critical infrastructure become significant liabilities to our security and resilience. The current electrical grid is outdated and inefficient and the demand for reliable electricity is increasing at a rate that overburdens the current electrical system. The consequences of the increasing number of power fluctuations and failures illustrate a microcosm of the chaos that looms over our economy and national defenses should a deliberate attack on the electrical grid or a natural disaster take place. The Smart Grid is designed to optimize efficiency and stability. The adoption and implementation of the Smart Grid would address many current societal concerns through empowering consumers, securing our economy, hardening our national security, and lessening our impact on the environment. The scope of its benefits justifies a regulatory and private-sector commitment to the implementation of Smart Grid technologies. Whatever the means, the practical adoption and implementation of the Smart Grid should be a priority as we advance further into the digital age. The domestic electric grid is so fundamentally plaited within all aspects of American life that any discussion of building a resilient nation must begin with securing and strengthening our vulnerable electric grid. The Smart Grid will enhance America’s resilience by strengthening the ability of our energy infrastructure to withstand a catastrophic event without serious disruption to critical systems and activities, making the power grid a less attractive target for our enemies. Implementing a next-generation grid will also be instrumental to developing a secure and sustainable energy system. The Smart Grid demonstrates the importance of innovation, collaboration and leadership in homeland and energy security. ENDNOTES 1 Electric Power Annual with data for 2006. “Existing Capacity by Energy Source” Energy Information Administration. October 2007. < 2.html> 2 Abel, Amy. Smart Grid Provisions in H.R. 6, 110th Congress. CRS Report for Congress. December 20, 2007. 3 The Digital Power Group. Critical Power. August, 2003. 4 National Energy Technology Laboratory. The NETL Modern Grid Initiative Powering our 21stCentury Economy: Modern Gird Benefits. Study Conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. August 2007. 5 Ibid 6 Power Troubles: Transmission Lines Can’t Handle Demand. Watertown Daily Times. February 27, 2008. 7 Echelon Extends Smart Grid Solutions to Homes, Buildings and Municipalities. January 22, 2008. 8 Michael W. Howard, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Vice President, R&D Group, Electric Power Research Institute, Facilitating the Transition to a Smart The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 15 [Type text] The Reform Institute, June 30, 2008 Electric Grid, Testimony Before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality. May 3, 2007. 9 U.S.-Canada Power Systems Outage Task Force, Final Report on the August 14, 2003 Blackout in the United States and Canada: Causes and Recommendations. April, 2004. Kenneth Nahigian serves as a Senior Advisor to the Reform Institute's Center for Energy and Environmental Progress and is General Counsel to Nahigian Strategies, LLC – a communications and policy strategy firm. He previously served on the staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. 10 Defense Science Board. More Fight - Less Fuel. Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on DoD Energy Strategy. February 2008. 11 Ibid. 12 Electric Policy Research Institute. Electricity Sector Framework for the Future: Achieving the 21st Century Transformation. August 6, 2003. 13 Banker, Philip. “Smart Grid: A Digital Age for Electrical Distribution.” Presentation. February, 2008. The Reform Institute is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization, representing a unique, independent voice working to strengthen the foundations of our democracy and build a resilient society. The Institute champions the national interest by formulating and advocating for valuable, solutions-based reforms in vital areas of public policy, including homeland and national security, energy independence and climate stewardship, economic opportunity, immigration policy, and government and election reform. 14 Electric Policy Research Institute. Electricity Sector Framework for the Future: Achieving the 21st Century Transformation. August 6, 2003. 15 Ibid. 16 National Energy Technology Laboratory. The NETL Modern Grid Initiative Powering our 21stCentury Economy: Modern Gird Benefits. Study Conducted for the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. August 2007. 17 Electric Policy Research Institute. Electricity Sector Framework for the Future: Achieving the 21st Century Transformation. August 6, 2003. 18 The Digital Power Group. Critical Power. August, 2003. 19 The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007(P.L. 110-140). The Smart Alternative: Securing and Strengthening Our Nation’s Vulnerable Electric Grid 16