Linear Equations in Three Variables Linear Equationsinin inThree ThreeVariables Variables Linear Equations Three Variables Linear Equations Variables 2 R is the space of 2 dimensions. There is an x-coordinate that can be any is the the space dimensions. There isan an x-coordinate that canbe beany any RR is space 22dimensions. There is x-coordinate that can JR2 isis22the space of 22of dimensions. There isis an x-coordiuatu number, and there is a y-coordinate that can be any IJIHI real number. JR2real the space of of dimensions. There an x-coordiuatu IJIHI 3 real number, and there y-coordinate that can be any number. Each real and there aay-coordinate that can any real number. real number, there ais that be any real number. Rnumber, is theand space of is3is dimensions. There iscan an x,be y, and zreal coordinate. real number, and there aisy-coordinate y-coordinate that can be any real number. 33 is the the space dimensions. There isan an x,y, y,and and z coordinate. coordinate. Each RR is space 33 dimensions. There isan zcoordinate. Each R3 isis the space of 33ofany dimensions. There isis an .x, y, and zz coordinate. Each can real number. R3coordinate the space ofbeof dimensions. There .x, x, y, and Each coordinate can be any real number. coordinate any real number. coordinate can be any real number. coordinate cancan bebe any real number. :2.:2. II Linear Linear equations equations in in three three variables variables IfIf a,a, b,b, ccequations and numbers ififa,a,b,b,and Linear three(and variables and rr are are real realin numbers (and andccare arenot notall allequal equalto to0) 0) then ax ++cz ==in rreal called avariables. variables. then ax by r isthree is calledvariables. a linear linearifequation equation inc three threenot variables. (The Linear equations Linear equations in three If a, b,++cby and rczare numbers (and a, b, andin are all equal(The to 0) are x, the z.) “three are the x,called they,y, and the then + byrr + =the rnumbers is aand linear equation in not three (The If a, cvariables” and are real (and ififthe a, equal If“three a, b,b, ax cvariables” and arecz real numbers (and a, b, b,z.)and and cc are are not all allvariables. equal to to 0) 0) The b, and called the ofof the The The numbers and caaare are called the coefficients the equation. equation. The variables” the cx, the y, and thecoefficients z.) then ax by + rr are is linear equation in (TJir’ then“three ax + +numbers by + ez ez ==a,a, isb,called called linear equation in two two variables. variables. (TJir’ “tliv’~ “tliv’~ number rare called the constant the numberare r isisthe called they, constant theequation. equation. variables” x, and z.) variables” the x, the the y, and the theofof z.) Examples. 3x + 4y − 7z = 2, −2x + y − z = −6, x − 17z = 4, 4y = 0, and Examples. ++4y 7z 2, zz==−6, Examples. 4y 7z==equations 2,−2x −2x++yin y−−three −6,xx−−17z 17z==4,4,4y 4y==0,0,and and x + y + z 3x+4y—7z=2, = 3x 23xare all−− linear variables. Examples. —2x+y—z=—6,x—17z=4,4y=0,and Examples. 3x+4y—7z=2, —2x+y—z=—6,x—17z=4,4y=0,and 22are linear equations variables. are all linear equations inthree three variables. xx ++xxyy++++yyzz++==zz2= all linear equations in three variables. 2=are are allall linear equations in in three variables. Solutions to equations Solutions Solutions to equations Solutions to equations Solutions toto equations A solution to a equations linear equation in three variables ax+by+cz = r is a specific 3 toaalinear AAsolution equation in variables ax+by+cz ==is rris aaspecific solution linear equation inthree three variables ax+by+cz specific in Rto that when when the x-coordinate of the point multiplied A solution asuch equation in variables ax+by+cz = ais Apoint solution to to a linear linear equation in three three variables ax+by+cz = rr is aisspecific specific 33 point in such that when when point point inRsuch R such that when when the x-coordinate of the point ismultiplied multiplied byin a,JR3 the y-coordinate ofwhen the point is x-coordinate multiplied by b,the z-coordinate of the point that when the x-coordinate of the point isis is multiplied point in JR3 such that when when thethe x-coordinate of of the point multiplied by a, the y-coordinate of the point is multiplied by b, the z-coordinate of the by a, the y-coordinate of the point is multiplied by b, the z-coordinate of the point multiplied by c, then threeby products are added together, by the y-coordinate of point isis those multiplied b,b, and by a, a, the is y-coordinate of the theand point multiplied by and the the z-coordinate z-coordinate point isis multiplied by c, then those three products added together, point multiplied c, and and then those three products are added together, thepoint answer equals are always infinitely many solutions to a linear of isis multiplied by c,c, and those three numbers are added together, of the the point multiplied by and those three numbers areare added together, the answer equals r. (There are always infinitely many solutions to a answer r. (There always infinitely many solutions alinear linear equation in equals three the answer equals r.r. variables.) (There are always infinitely many solutions to the the answer equals (There are are always infinitely many solutions to ato a linear linear 1 equation in variables.) equation inthree three variables.) equation in variables.) equation in three three variables.) 209 192 11 Example. The xy=x 1, y1, = = is−1 aissolution theto equation Example. The point = y 2, = 2, and −1 ais solution to the equation Example. The point 1, yz and = zsolution = a solution the equation Example. The point xpoint = 1, = x 2, = and = 2, —1zand isz −1 a= to the to equation —Zx + 5y + z = 7 since —2(1) + 5(2)−2x +−2x (—1) —2 + 5y z+=+ += 5y5y z+7= 7 7 1 = 7. −2x + z10= The since point x = 3, y = —2, and z = 4 is a not a solution to the equation since since —2x + 5y + z = 7 since−2(1) —2(3)++5(2) 5(—2) + (4)= = —6 101+=47 = —12, and + (−1) −2 +−2 10 − −2(1) ++ 5(2) ++ (−1) == −2 ++ 10 −− 1= 7 7 −2(1) 5(2) (−1) 10 1= —12 $ 7. The point x= y3, = and zand =z 4= solution to to theto equation The point x 3, == y −2, = −2, and 4 ais a not a solution the equation The point x 3, y = −2, z is = 4 not is a anot a solution the equation −2x + 5y + 5y z+=+ since −2x ++ 5y z 7= 7 since −2x zand = 7 since Linear equations planes. The set of solutions −2(3) in −2(3) R2 linear in two +to5(−2) + (4) =(4) −6 −−6 10 + 4+=variab1r’~ +a+ 5(−2) +equation (4) == −6 −− 10 4 −12 = −12 −2(3) 5(−2) + 10 + 4= −12 1 1 dimensional line. andand and The set of solutions in F to a linear−12 equation in three variables is a 2�= 7�= �= −12 7 7 −12 dimensional plane. A solution to equations a linear equation inand three variables ax + by + cz = r is Linear and planes Linear equations and planes Linear equations planes a point in R3set that lies on theinplane corresponding to ax + + cz = r. So 2 2a linear equation The ofset solutions R2inRto in by two variables is ais 1The of in two variables a 1Theset ofsolutions solutionsin Rto toa linear a linearequation equation in two variables is a 1we seedimensional that there are more solutions to a linear eqnation in three variables line. dimensional line. dimensional line. (2-dimensions worth) then there are a linear eqnation in twovariables variablesis a 23 to The setset ofset solutions in in R3in a3 to linear equation in in three The of solutions Rto to a linear equation three variables is is a 2The of solutions R a linear equation in three variables a 2(1-dimensions worth) dimensional plane. dimensional plane. dimensional plane. — — - — — ax + C I ‘C Solutions toto systems of of linear equations Solutions equations Solutions tosystems systems oflinear linear equations As As inAs the previous chapter, we we can have a system of linear equations, andand in in the previous chapter, can have a system of of linear equations, Solutions to systems of linear equations. the previous chapter, we can have a system linear equations, and we we can try totry find solutions that are common to to each of the equations in thethethe can try to find solutions are common each of of the equations we can to find solutions that common to each the equations As in the previous chapter, we can that have aare system of linear equations, and in in system. system. solution to each equation in the system. ask for a system. common WeWe callcall acall solution to to a to system of of equations unique if there areare no other a solution a of system equations unique if there no other a tosolution a system of equations unique if there are no other If there is aWe solution a system equations, we call that solution unique solutions. solutions. if theresolutions. are no other solutions. 210 9 193 2 Example. The point and solution to the following Example. Example. The Thepoint pointxxx== =3,3, 3,yyy== =0,0, 0,and andzzz== =111isis isaaasolution solutionto tothe thefollowing following system of three linear equations in three variables system of three linear equations in three variables system of three linear equations in three variables −3x 2y 5z −14 −3x −3x++ +2y 2y−− −5z 5z== =−14 −14 2x 3y 4z 10 2x 2x−− −3y 3y++ +4z 4z== =10 10 xxx++ + yyy ++ + zzz== =444 That’s because we can substitute and for x, and respectively in That’s That’sbecause becausewe wecan cansubstitute substitute3,3, 3,0,0, 0,and and111for forx, x,y,y, y,and andzzz respectively respectivelyin in the equations above and check that the theequations equationsabove aboveand andcheck checkthat that −3(3) 2(0) 5(1) −9 −14 −3(3) −3(3)++ +2(0) 2(0)−− −5(1) 5(1)== =−9 −9−− −555== =−14 −14 2(3) 3(0) 4(1) 10 2(3) 2(3)−− −3(0) 3(0)++ +4(1) 4(1)== =666++ +444== =10 10 (3) (0) (1) (3) (3)++ + (0) (0) ++ + (1) (1)== =333++ +111== =444 Geometry of solutions Geometry Geometry of of solutions solutions Suppose you have system of three linear equations in three variables. Suppose Suppose you you have have aaa system system of of three three linear linear equations equations in in three three variables. variables. 33 Each of the three equations has a set of solutions that’s a plane in Each Each ofof the the three three equations equations has has aa set set ofof solutions solutions that’s that’s aa plane plane inin RR R3... AA A solution to the system of equations is a point that lies on all three of those solution solutiontotothe thesystem systemofofequations equationsisisaapoint pointthat thatlies lieson onall allthree threeofofthose those planes. there only one point that lies on all three planes, then that planes. planes. IfIf If there there isis is only only one one point point that that lies lies on on all all three three planes, planes, then then that that solution is unique. solution is unique. solution is unique. you randomly write down three different linear equations in three variIfIf Ifyou yourandomly randomlywrite writedown downthree threedifferent differentlinear linearequations equationsin inthree threevarivariables, the odds are that the three corresponding planes will intersect in one, ables, ables,the theodds oddsare arethat thatthe thethree threecorresponding correspondingplanes planeswill willintersect intersectininone, one, and only one, point. That means that for most systems three linear equaand andonly onlyone, one,point. point. That Thatmeans meansthat thatfor formost mostsystems systemsofof ofthree threelinear linearequaequations in three variables, there will be a unique solution. tions in three variables, there will be a unique solution. tions in three variables, there will be a unique solution. 3 194 211 mightbebethat thatthe thethree threeplanes planesfrom fromthe thesystem systemofofthree threeequations equationswill will ItItmight It might be that the three planes from the system of three equations will be parallel. Then thethree threeplanes planesfrom wouldn’t intersect. There’d point Itparallel. might beThen thatthe the three planes from thesystem system three equations will It might be that the ofofthree equations will be planes wouldn’t intersect. There’d bebenonopoint be parallel. Then the three planes wouldn’t intersect. There’d be no point common allthree three planes, andhence hence thesystem system willnot not haveany any solutions. be parallel. Then the threeplanes planes wouldn’t intersect. There’d besolutions. no point be parallel. Then the three wouldn’t intersect. There’d be no point common totoall planes, and the will have common to all three planes, and hence the system will not have any solutions. commonto toall allthree threeplanes, planes,and andhence hencethe thesystem systemwill willnot nothave haveany anysolutions. solutions. common \‘ 4’ ‘S VS Theremight mightnot notbebea apoint pointthat thatlies lieson onall allthree threeplanes planeseven evenififthe theplanes planes There There might not be a point that lies on all three planes even if the planes Theremight mightnot not be pointagain, thatlies lies onall all three planeseven even theplanes planes aren’t parallel. Inbe this case there’d bethree no solution at all. There aapoint that on planes ififthe aren’t aren’t parallel. parallel. In In this this case case again, again, there’d there’d be be no no solution solution at at all. all. aren’tparallel. parallel. In Inthis thiscase caseagain, again,there’d there’dbe beno nosolution solutionatatall. all. aren’t 1954 212 1954 Sometimes, thethree three planeswill will intersectinina away way thatallows allows formore more Sometimes, Sometimes,the the threeplanes planes willintersect intersect in a waythat that allowsfor for more than onepoint point to be onallallthree three planesatatonce. once. In thiscase, case, thereare are than thanone one pointtotobebeon on all threeplanes planes at once. InInthis this case,there there are multiple solutions. Because Because there’smore more thanone one solution,there’s there’s nota a multiple multiplesolutions. solutions. Becausethere’s there’s morethan than onesolution, solution, there’snot not a uniquesolution. solution. unique unique solution. A 3 3 and try to convince Visualize differentarrangements arrangements of threeplanes planes in R Visualize Visualizedifferent different arrangementsofofthree three planesininRR3and andtry trytotoconvince convince yourself that either there is exactly one point contained in all three planes, yourself yourselfthat thateither eitherthere thereisisexactly exactlyone onepoint pointcontained containedininallallthree threeplanes, planes, ornonopoints points containedininallallthree three planes,ororthat that thereare are infinitelymany many oror no pointscontained contained in all threeplanes, planes, or thatthere there areinfinitely infinitely many points thatare are containedininallallthree three planes. That That meansthat that a system points pointsthat that arecontained contained in all threeplanes. planes. Thatmeans means thata asystem system ofthree threelinear linearequations equationsininthree threevariables variableswill willalways alwayshave haveeither eithera aunique unique ofof three linear equations in three variables will always have either a unique solution, nosolution solution at all,ororinfinitely infinitely manysolutions. solutions. solution, solution,no no solutionatatall, all, or infinitelymany many solutions. *** *** *** *** *** *** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** 213 1965 Exercises 1.) What are the coefficients of the equation 3x − 2y + 5z = 13 2.) What is the constant of the equation 3x − 2y + 5z = 13 3.) Is x = 4, y = −3, and z = −1 a solution to the equation 3x − 2y + 5z = 13 4.) Is x = −2, y = 0, and z = 4 a solution to the equation −x + 7y − 8z = 10 5.) Is x = 5, y = 7, and z = −2 a solution to the equation 3y − 5z = 31 Questions #6-10 refer to the following system of three linear equations in three variables. 3x − 4y + 2z = −9 −4x + 4y +10z = 32 −x + 2y − 7z = −7 6.) Is x = 1, y = 4, and z = 2 a solution to the system? 7.) Is x = −1, y = 1, and z = −1 a solution to the system? 8.) Is x = 25, y = 23, and z = 4 a solution to the system? 9.) Does the system have a unique solution? 10.) Does the system have infinitely many solutions? 214