PFC/JA-92-16 Bootstrap Current Induced by Fusion Born Alpha Particles C. T. Hsu, K. T. Shaing,* D. J. Sigmar, R. Gormley Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 USA This work was supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-FG02-91ER54109. Reproduction, translation, publication, use, and disposal, in whole or in part, by or for the US Government is permitted. Submitted for publication in: Physics of Fluids B * Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 BOOTSTRAP CURRENT INDUCED BY FUSION BORN ALPHA PARTICLES C. T. HSU, R. P. GORMLEY, D. J. SIGMAR Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Plasma Fusion Center, 167 Albany Street, NW16-260, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA, Tel: (617) 253-2470 K. C. SHAING Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Abstract The bootstrap current produced by fusion born alpha particles is obtained retaining effects of slowing down drag, pitch angle scattering, and arbitrary aspect ratio. The result is presented both as a summation of a rapidly converging series and a simple Pade approximation good for arbitrary aspect ratio. Quantitative results are derived using International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)' parameters. 1 I. INTRODUCTION In toroidal plasma systems, the parallel friction force will attempt to equilibrate the parallel flows of different species by generating a relative poloidal flow in response to the relative parallel diamagnetic flow. A finite parallel relative flow remains due to existence of magnetically trapped orbits since they cannot contribute to the poloidal flows. This effect leads to a current, usually referred to as the bootstrap current which is proportional to the relative parallel diamagnetic return flow times the fraction of trapped particles. The neoclassical bootstrap current is of great importance for future tokamak fusion devices because at sufficient poloidal beta it can provide a substantial fraction of the total current. Typically, the fusion produced fast a particles can produce a beta gradient comparable to that of the background plasma. This implies that fast a particles may result in a bootstrap current contribution comparable with the background bootstrap current. Previously, the a particle induced bootstrap current had been calculated 2 3 by keeping only the drag term in the collision operator and was found to be small because it arose only due to "banana collapsing" during the slowing down process, which scales as oc 3/2 (f is the inverse aspect ratio). However, in recent work, 4 it has been found that pitch angle scattering can be very important in the neoclassical transport process of fast a particles and leads to transport fluxes oc e1/2. In this work, the bootstrap current will be calculated based on the work of Ref. 4 in which both drag and pitch angle scattering collisional effects are included for the a particle kinetics. By imposing the quasineutrality condition, the plasma current can be written as J =-, e[neVie + %lZctVcf+ Z njZ Vjj 1 (1) where the subscript i refers to the main ion, and I refers to impurities and Vij = Vi - Vj is the difference of flows between species i and j. Hence, the current can be obtained upon determining the relative flow velocities Vi, Vai, and Vji. It will be shown that the dynamics of all bulk plasma ion species (i.e., i, I) are hardly influenced by a particles, and thus can be treated as known quantities which can be found 2 Thus in the next two sections, only the a particle parallel in the existing literature. flow and electron parallel flow will be calculated. In Section IV, the bootstrap current will be calculated and the quantitative results will be given based on ITER parameters. Conclusions are given in Section V. II. CALCULATION OF Vi In Ref. 4, the a particle response was calculated by including the effects of finite aspect ratio and both the drag and pitch angle scattering. Nonetheless, ion flow and E x B drift was neglected. Although this can be justified due to the fact that Vi Va T Ea it is still interesting to include them (i) for completeness and (ii) to demonstrate that the a transport flux is independent of E,. By considering also the fact that the fusion source term is isotropic in the ion rest frame instead of the lab frame, one finds that it is appropriate to treat the a particle kinetic equation in the ion rest frame. In Appendix A, the a drift kinetic equation in the ion rest frame is obtained. The resulting drift kinetic equation (A8) is then solved by following the same procedure as in Ref. 4 (also cf. Appendix A) which yields the first order distribution function fa foo + v 11 - fao + P(Aw,') (2) with An (A, ?) V,,i(w,,O) P(A, w,O)=E j=1,3 A (W,"o). (3) n=1 B ; h;h 2 2; Here, v is the a particle velocity in the ion rest frame, w 2 ZjeB I B .R VO. V* L9~ + KiB is the ion parallel flow less the E x B = ;*i B mc drift induced return flow; Ki corresponds to the ion poloidal flow; pi is the ion A pressure; An is the eigenfunction of the pitch angle scattering operator as given in Ref. 4; and fo(V,) = S. 3 47r(v3 + V3) 3 H(vo - v) (4) is the lowest order (slowing down) distribution function driven by the fusion source S. P(A,w, ,) represents the localized distribution function which vanishes in the trapped region. Denoting the flux surface average by Al ( ), the - IV three driving forces for P(A, w, i) 9 faO (5) 1 8 A2 (6) 57- foaO A3 ea are 2 9 fao, ) (7) and the corresponding V,, are (cf. Appendix A) Vni = On Vn2= On - (K, - 1)V3 b (n 1)V3 1 - VO du Here, Qp, Kn -4n (v3+vi)9 c 3(v3 VO ~ 3s and on are given in Ref. 4; in particular, E is the effective parallel electric field; F, = OfCO(U) (8) Qpr-) 3'C U)(9) V 3)v Qu+) 3 du v 3 (u3 + ) U3 (v 3 + V3) Jv ) 3 bV(+U du (n- ++ VO = (v3(V3 +U3) E=l - nie U2 afo(u). (10) OU Q=, v /V3 - 0(1) for D-T fusion. ZF (11) is the electron-ion parallel friction and In nSr +- In v) f'o. (12) V It is now apparent that fai is independent of the E x B drift. In addition, all the terms involving ion flow are - smaller than the a particle diamagnetic drift terms. This justifies the adequacy of the results in Ref. 4 and rigorously proves that the neoclassical a particle radial fluxes do not explicitly depend on E,. 4 Now, Vj can be calculated from ncV, dvvllf 1 =J 0, 1 = vadj dA - no nh )) fci (13) which yields n, 1 1- = n= 1 KnJ 1 1 ) -Kn [-Yn (1 - T2 (U n=1 U2n - N2n (14) E\ + N 3 Za erS h Ma Here, a = vil /1vl 1 , -yn is defined in Eq. (17) of Ref. 4, U1 a 1 - fc1] [ dV 3 Tdv- ?j-fo= P L =2 SrvoE~LjXt (15) is the a diamagnetic flow, U2 n H,(v) 4 N2n = N 3 =E Gn(v) dv [Hn(v) + 1 jU X2 f-5 Gn(v)) fao, 3 u3 (V 3 + va3 1 du 3(U3 + V3) dx ( U3 U3 + v3,' x3 - (16b) (17) Hn(v)] fo0, nJ dv Gn(v) + v Lga33(1-1) f X, u3(ui~})Qp-n du 00 (16a) fo) H(v) ( JdV (18a) (18b) (19) (In Sr,), (20a) (ln v), (20b) 5 and X0 = ! is the ratio of a birth to critical velocity. Here, it is important to note some properties of -y, and it, fe, the effective fraction of circulating particles, 5 ie, A dA- S- =( (21) 2 which corresponds to the "pitch angle scattering" dominant solution of the a drift kinetic equation. 7n =-d (h n=1 corresponds to the "drag" dominant case. a = 2 ) (22) is a pitch angle variable. In addition, Hn(v) and Gn(v) have the following properties: Hn(v), Gn(v) for = 1 for Qpia = 0 for Q-n > 1. ~ Also, using the fact that Kn > 2n 2 - QPs > 0 < 1 0 (Q ) n and typically Q - (23) 1, one expects a rapid con- vergence of Hn(v) and Gn(v) with n. This implies that one needs only the first few eigenfunctions (e.g. n = 1 -+ 5) to accurately evaluate the second and third terms in Eq. (14). Furthermore, when (i) Q > 1, (i.e. pitch angle scattering dominant), only the first Q, < term in Eq. (14) survives; and when (ii) K ~>( njVail') (- + ( 1 -n 1, Eq. (14) reduces to '>n) (Ui-nc **n=1~ n Zer n=1 as is expected (also cf. Eq. (22)). Thus, the a dynamics has been solved by including the effects of ion flow and the effective parallel electric field. However, these additional effects are insignificant quantita- tively because (i) they are 0 ( ) smaller than the 6 a diamagnetic terms, and (ii) they contribute only 0 (v" corrections to the conventional bootstrap current (as will be shown in the next section). One can thus simplify Eq. (14) by omitting these effects, and we obtain nc, = ftp U1 -' (Yn (1 - U2n ,(24) n=1 where f = 1 - flP corresponds to the fraction of trapped particles where p denotes the pitch angle dominated solution, see Eq. (21). Furthermore, although the second term of Eq. (24) can be evaluated using a few numerical eigenfunctions, it is highly desirable to write it in a simpler analytic form. Using the asymptotic behavior of U2n at Q -- 0, Q >> 1, xo -- 0, Xo >> 1, a Pad6 form is obtained in Eq. (B6) of Appendix B. Equation (24) can thus be written as 2: h = Srvo fd + Q L L Qp=t + 4fc'L-j t - f/d) LtXt. (25) The first term in the bracket is clearly due to the drag and the second term is due to the pitch angle scattering effects. Note that for c < 1, ftd ~ 1.6E3/2, and fP ~ 1.46e1/2. Since f/ ~lf , it does not require a very large Q, to make the pitch angle scattering effects important. Furthermore, the Padi approximations of fd, f4 for arbitrary E are obtained in Eq. (B9). Note that, as shown in Fig. (1), Eq. (B9) is in excellent agreement with the exact numerical calculations. It is also worth mentioning that by using Eq. (B9), the simple analytic Pads form Eq. (25) has been compared with numerical results evaluated from Eq. (24). Remarkably, over wide ranges of E, xo, and Q,, the difference is always within 10%. This actually implies that the error of Eq. (25) is much less than 10% (cf. Appendix B). 7 III. CALCULATION OF Vej First, using the facts that Ime > 1 and V1- Vthe < 1, one can obtain an approximate e - a collision operator in the ion rest frame as 3eaVtflaZ3he 4 7 neZeff Cea = - 8 &v U -U f, + 2V2 Vfe -v.i 3fem the V . That is, vlh 3aZ 3 t Cea + Cei= -o-- re 4 a f, + -- U --8v Ovf + ne 2 and the equality vMv,,rZeff = Ej ni n. Here, U= ---- nZ, 2Vi- +cinZZe m Yef 2V3he fe] theleef V (26) y = T has been used. Note that the first term in Eq. (26) corresponds to pitch angle scattering and that the second term is a momentum input to the electrons due to Vi. Also note that the a contribution to pitch angle scattering is insignificant because it simply replaces y + +ne, Z2 Vai is 0 ) and _z__) Furthermore, since n.Z. < with 1. On the other hand, the momentum input term involving compared with the first term in Eq. (26), and thus can be significant. , which can be at most of order one in a typical F fusion device, one can conclude that ion and impurity dynamics will hardly be modified by alphas because (B - V - Hi) > (BFeiii) (BFec,1) (BFaii). To solve the electron dynamics the moment approach as developed in Ref. 5 will be adopted in order to retain generality with respect to the electron collisionality. In addition, because the parallel flow viscosity and heat viscosity solely depend on the poloidal particle flow, heat flow and collisionality of the individual species, both viscous forces do not change their form in the presence of a particles, except for a trivial increase-of vi vei = v + n, . (or Zff), i.e., Therefore, the viscous forces obtained in Ref. 5 can be used here eff/ without modification. The moment equations to be solved are the electron parallel momentum equation (B - V - He) = -nee(E 1 B) + (Fe1 B) 8 (27) and the electron parallel heat momentum equation (28) (B - V - 0,) =_(F(' B), where ++ = dv F(2) dV mV (v )(vv _ 5V2 (v2 2 - 2 3 I )fe, V2he)Ce(fe). - 2 V - Using the two-moment approximation 5 ,6 and Eq. (26), the frictional moments can be written as Fe = menevei F q, (VI + 35 ~neTe neTeveri - where V, = Vie + nfle~anZ2 Vi. 8 (V + (29) (v'ee + V e ) (30) The viscous forces 5 are 2'\ +-+4 (B - V - I[e) = men, (B 2) (Li V, + 5 p2qpI (B -V - 9e) = neTe(B 2 ) (A2 IP + 2 (31) \ 5 /13 p . (32) Here, Ve = VB +wi R 2 V5 (33) qe = neTe (qpB + W R2VO) 2 (34) B 5 W2 B - 2m [ pe - ne e 8 4Te, <, (35a) (35b) and fitted Pad4 forms of 14,42, 13 for all collisionality regimes can be found in Ref. 5. Note that in the banana regime isi - f(vi + 0.754vee), 9 (36a) SP -- 7- (1. 51vi + 0. 884v,,), pA2 ~Nf'I A3 ~ fcp (36b) (36c) (3.25vi + 1.94ve,). Concerning Vai, it is now clear that the terms involving (T) are 0 (nZ ) compared with (T) and () in Eq. (14) terms in Eqs. (29) and (30), and (E1 IB) terms in Eq. (27) respectively. Equations (27)-(36) thus yield (VicIIB) = (V0 B) 1+ 0 n( Z) tellne - (1 - FZ) n Zeff f ViII B), (37) ne Zeff where [=Z3 + 2(vee + 1vei)] - A2(A2 - 2vei) (Al + Vei) [/3 + 2(vee + Vei)] - (A2 - Svei)2 A" is the effective fraction of trapped electrons; and (V ilB) = Bo([) can be evaluated using Eqs. (24) and (25). Note that the superscript (0) in Eq. (37) refers to the conventional results without the contribution from a particles. Also, from the fact that ftp < large aspect ratio (E < 1), one has pj < vei, and F. -+ 0. Consequently, for E " (ViIIB) =(V.(OB) 1 + 0 _(aZ elnze neZeff < f' at 1, (Vai IIB). This can also be understood from the fact that for E < 1, the poloidal flow V, of the electrons is solely driven by the ion poloidal flow via electron-ion friction; and the poloidal heat flow qp is solely determined by the electron diamagnetic heat flow. This implies that the total electron friction is unchanged by the alphas. Therefore, (V, 1 1B) will be reduced simply according to the momentum input from U B) via electron-a friction (see also Eq. (29)). This also implies that, for E < 1, the electron radial flux is not changed by a particles. However, for generality, Eq. (37) should be used to include the finite e effects. 10 IV. BOOTSTRAP CURRENT It is now straightforward to calculate the total parallel current from Eqs. (1) and (37). This yields (J11B) = (J(9)B) 11 1+ 0 (lZ n, Zeff ) + nZee (1 - Z Zef (1 - F)) (V1 B), cl1 ), (39) (9 where (V,, 11B) is given in Eqs. (24) and (25). Eqs. (24), (25) and (39) thus yield the bootstrap current produced by alphas as J,'= Here, the term involving 1- Z (1 -F) P. c Fa (40) in Eq. (40) corresponds to the well known electron screening effects,5, 7 and fU. - (h 2 ) Z yn(1 U1 L)U 2 n ~ fF2+ EZ=1 , L4 LdXt _1 (ff-)) 1=1 LtXt (41) is the effective fraction of trapped alphas. Note that the second term in Eq. (41) involving scattering. When Q, Q, -+ 0 or vo/vc > 1 (in which case Lt/Lt+ > 1), this term becomes negligible and the result reduces to the drag-only result ~ 1, and ft/ftp - is due to the effects of pitch angle ft. However, since Qp is always e, it is not difficult to make the second term in Eq. (41) significant. In Fig. (2), results for F," are shown for different vo. The asymptotic case E0 = oo refers to the drag-only result. It is seen that F increases with decreasing vo. The reason all expressions reduce to the drag-only result at r/a = 1 is that because the temperature profile is taken to be To(1 - r 2 /a 2 yc = 0 at this point. This is )V,. In order to evaluate the bootstrap current quantitatively, it is essential to self-consistently solve for the equilibrium after incorporating Jbs,(/) into the parallel Ampere's law. In this work, for simplicity, we assume circular geometry, i.e, I a , 11 1 a The parallel Ampere's law thus becomes 18 r or 4tr rBp = - c ( JOH + J() + (42) ) Here, (43) JOH = F,&O'Spitzer(EIl /h) is the ohmic current; j(O) ba -\B0 -c )al F Pe + Pi) - FeFi aTe a Ti - FTne 19rj (44) is the background bootstrap current; (13 + 2(ve + 1-vei))vei (iL1 + Vei)[A3 + 2(vee + 8 vei)] - (P2 - vu)2 describes the neoclassical correction to Spitzer conductivity,8 and FT - vL'ei) - 1.5I3vei -2/12(vee + (1 + vei)[IL3 + 2(vee + L3-vei)] - (P2 - 46) Ivei) FZT is obtained by letting vi -- 0 and replacing vee -+ vi in Eqs. (46) and (36). For ions in the banana regime with e < 1, F~ y~ 1.17. Note that terms involving F are due to the thermal friction force. Equations (40)-(46) are solved numerically by adopting ITER parametersi at the steady state phase: (ne) = 0.64 x 10 2 0 m- 3 , (T,) = 20 KeV, Ip =19 MA, K = 2,,3p = 1.1, a = 2.15m, Ro = 6m. Te oc (1 - r 2 /a 2 Also, the radial profile is assumed to be n. oc (1 - r2/a2),, )"T with vn = 0.5,vT = 0.75, and the inductive parallel electric field (Ell /h) is chosen so that the total plasma current including the bootstrap currents reaches Ip ~ 19MA. For F,, ff, and f', the Pad4 forms given in Eqs. (41) and (B9) are used. Also, both electron and ion species are assumed to be in the banana regime throughout the plasma. The effect of elongation is considered by replacing the plasma minor radius by av 4r. First, with Zeff = 1.5, the resulting poloidal magnetic field and bootstrap current densities are shown in Figs. (3)-(5). One notices the slightly decreased Bp due to 12 J,. The alpha induced bootstrap current amounts to ~ 0.385MA, which is ~ 7.2% of the background bootstrap current. Varying Zeff, one finds a strong dependence of Jb, on Zeff. In fact, the effects of Zeff on J, are threefold: (i) The electron screening effect decreases with increasing Zeff. Indeed, for Zeff < ZC, at e < 1, F. becomes negligible and J. becomes negative. (ii) Alpha pitch angle scattering effects increase with Zeff (because Qp oc Zeff). That is, F, increases with Zeff. (iii) However, the a pressure decreases with Zeff due to fuel dilution. Actually, when Zeff (r) is highly peaked near the axis, both Pth(r) and Pa(r)can become flat or even hollow; and the bootstrap current density Jb, can be significantly reduced. Table 1 shows the final currents for two cases where the Zeff profile is flat; one where Zff = 1.5; the other where Zeff = 2.2. The ohmic seed current is kept fixed at 13MA. For Zeff = 1.5, the background bootstrap current:: 30% of the total current. The calculated alpha induced bootstrap current reaches ~ 7.2% of the conventional bootstrap current. When Zff is increased to Zeff = 2.2, the total current decreases slightly by about 2%. On the other hand, the conventional bootstrap current decreases by 5% while the alpha bootstrap current decreases by 21%. Although a larger Zeff has the effect of diminishing the temperature screening term in the alpha bootstrap current (see Eq. (40)), and increasing the alpha pitch angle scattering, increased fuel dilution has a dominant effect. Specifically, when Zeff is increased, causing more fuel dilution, the alpha and thermal pressure decreases resulting in less bootstrap current. Since the dilution effect is squared in the alpha pressure while occurring only linearly in the thermal pressure, the effect on the alpha bootstrap current is pronounced. The effect of having a peaked Zeff profile was also investigated. Here we let Zeff (r) 0.7exp[-16r2 /a 2 ] + 1.5 making Zeff = 2.2 at the the center and 1.5 near the edge. Again, the dominant Zeff effect is fuel dilution. The resulting currents for this case are listed in Table 1 and can be seen to be quite similar to the flat Zeff = 1.5 case. This is because, in the peaked case, Zff rises significantly above 1.5 only near the center where there is 13 little bootstrap current anyway. Note that both the background and the alpha induced bootstrap current densities become slightly negative near the center. The reason is that the fuel dilution gradient (specifically d(Zeff)/dr)) has a diminishing effect on the negative thermal and alpha pressure gradients, and at some small value of r/a causes the bootstrap current to change direction. On the other hand, with the fuel dilution effects switched off, the ratio of alpha to background bootstrap current density is given in Fig. (6), for both the flat Zeff = 1.5 and the centrally peaked Zeff(r). It is shown that the alpha induced bootstrap current density increases with Zeff due to the increasing alpha pitch angle scattering and decreasing electron current screening. Furthermore, with Zeff = 1.5, by artificially switching off the effects of fuel dilution and pitch angle scattering individually, as shown in Table 2, the significance of these effects can be clearly observed. It is found that the effects of pitch angle scattering enhance Iba, only by 30% while the fuel dilution can reduce Ib by 20%. The reason is that the pitch angle scattering is most important near the center where the bootstrap current density is small. Equation (40) is good for arbitrary vo /vc and Eand is valid for evaluating the bootstrap current induced by any hot species containing sufficient isotropic pressure. One concludes that the enhancement of the bootstrap current contribution from energetic ions including pitch angle scattering will drastically increase with smaller vo. V. CONCLUSION The bootstrap current induced by fusion born a particles has been calculated for general electron collisionality. Our result retains the effects of both a pitch angle scattering and slowing down drag for arbitrary aspect ratio. The results are presented in Eqs. (40) and (41), in both forms: a summation over a rapidly converging series E' I yn(l - - )U 2 n and a simple Pad6 approximation good for arbitrary PQ and c. Convenient Pad6 forms of the effective fraction of circulating particles fg 14 and fe' are presented in Eq. (B9). It has also been shown that the radial electric field E, does not play a role in a particle transport [cf. Eq. (A5)]. The effects of Zeff on Ja are significant because when Zeff increases the electron screening effect decreases and the a pitch angle scattering effect increases but the a pressure decreases due to fuel dilution which has been found to be a strong effect. Actually, the reason that a pitch angle scattering enhances Ib only by 30% is due to the effects of electron screening and strong fuel dilution. When Zeff(1 - F") < Za, JU/JE, can become negative. The theoretical results are evaluated quantitatively by using the ITER parameters and numerically solving the parallel Ampere's law including the bootstrap current terms oc B'~1 for the self-consistent Bp(r). It is found that the bootstrap current produced by alpha particles reaches ~ 0.385MA and is about 7.2% of the conventional bootstrap current. The results given in Eqs. (40) and (41) are valid for evaluating the bootstrap current induced by any hot isotropic species. For an anisotropic hot species generated by neutral beam injection or rf heating, the induced bootstrap current can be calculated by straightforwardly extending the present approach to also include the eigenfunctions even in v11 (work in progress). 15 Acknowledgment This work was supported by the US Department of Energy under Grant DE-FG0291ER-54109. 16 Appendix A Derivation of ft , Since the source term of fusion born alpha particles is isotropic in the ion rest frame, we treat the alpha kinetic equation in this frame. Starting from the kinetic equation, changing variable v -+ v - Vi and then performing the gyro-average 9 the a drift kinetic equation to first order in gyroradius becomes a9 VofVIf, +vd. (I ) / b- 9 iVfao+Fo+ + 2V Here, fa = fa(A, w, ( F miZa _ F maZi b.W .b) fO = Ca(ya) + 4 -V _ -_. 2 - vO). (Al) Vp;+V - fii-Ri) (A2) 2(V ,0);V is performed at constant (A, w); ( (at + Vi+V xVV; ± Z maZinik vd = vilb x Vv is the drift velocity in the ion rest frame; and 1' + (VVi)T) Wi((Vvi) 2 _v 1 3 V. V) I(M 3 3) is the ion velocity strain. Note that Eq. (Al) agrees with the results by Hazeltine and Ware9 except for the definition of the F force term. This is because the results in Ref. 9 are for the drift kinetic equation for a given species in its own rest frame. Furthermore, Eq. (Al) also agrees with Eq.(5.45) of Hinton and Hazeltine1 0 which is the electron drift kinetic equation in the ion rest frame. From Eq. (A2) and Vi = KiB + wiR 2 V. one finds Fo= Z maZini Vp;FlI, \= ZaE,V-Vi=O,b-Wi-b=Kib-VB. ma (A4) Equations (Al) and (A4) thus yield - + I, 5fao - VI1* -af±fW O + + VI Vil fa 17 Zfev E C, 11 Elv ;-fO (M) () S J 4irv 2 5(v - vo). C fc)+ = Let us now turn to the a collision operator in the ion rest frame. By using a < 1, < 1, and Eq. (26), one finds Cae - N T 8 a ffa ) + 18 T, Vfa + mc 8v~ ma &V (A6) - - fco. T.nFei av r.9mene Here, Fei is the electron-ion friction. Similarly, Ci can be written as 3 Vb 8v U 2-r, av CcQt - 8 ---fa + V3 ,, 8 v C- . 9V V3 f (A7) . Equations (A5) - (A7) thus lead to v1 1 |VV 1 8 5 IV ~affaO -v,,V f' I* I fy1 . (1+ - = 7ci + vjcVf- C+ 2 8v U J+ ZCe 18 ~vEifcro - a] S + 4r 2 (A8) 5(v -vo). Then, by following the same procedure as in Ref. 4, one obtains Eqs. (2) and (3) with the governing equations for Va3 : f.O) (0n - 3 3 v 6b/a 3 ' fO) (0n - nVai) =r KnVn2) f.0 X.V3 + V3 ( = (~v3 + v)v (ofaO) a 19V (3 o) + = which leads to the solutions given in Eqs. (8)-(10). 18 ) 19V [(v3 (A9) (on - Vn1)] faO I (On - , (A10) Vn3]7 (All) Vn2) a 8vI7f'O) I Appendix B Pad6 Approximation The right hand side of Eq. (24) is rigorously expressed by summing over a rapidly U2 . and can be evaluated quite accurately by using only a converging series -yn (1 - few eigenfunctions. However, it is highly desirable to get a simpler analytic form good for all xo, Qp, and e. Let's start with U2 n, which can be written as 2 U2n = S-rvo (B1) ZDnI X, e=1 where 1 D 3X (B2) Hn(vox). dx 3 (X + x0 3)1 1 From the asymptotic behaviors of Hn, if 1, Hn(vox) = Xn if KnQp < 1 or xo > 1; 4LI-nq (B3) xo « 1; X0if LI, D~= Dnj = < 1 or xo > 1; , if KnQp > 1; 4 one finds KnQp 1 ifKKnP QP , (>4 (B4) ifX0<1 Numerical calculations show that Dnj is a reasonably smooth function of Qp and Xto. The simplest Padi form of Dnj satisfying Eq. (B4) is thus D = (B5) LI. 4Lt 4LI_1 + KnQpLt This simple approximation is found in excellent agreement with the numerical results. For a wide range of ,nQ, and xo, the errors are within 5%. One can then obtain cn 1-- U2n ~Sr.,vo 19 L e+ ± =1 n=1 4 _ L&Xt. (B6) In order to make the usage of Eq. (B6) straightforward, good Pad4 approximations of fg and fCP are also desirable. Using the asymptotic behaviors at e {- dA f 4 1 1.6c3/2 < 1, (B7) 1 - 1.46Ji/2 -A.dA and at c -- 1 3 Ac dA ( 3f A 1.5(1 - (B8) i Eqs. (21)-(22) yield the Pad4 approximations for (Cd c- fg and (1-e 2 )-1/ 2 (1_c2 ) -1+1.60/f2-1.25C2 f1' (9 9 ( 1p (1-e2)-1/2(j_f)2 1+1.46E1/ 2 +0.2e Here, (1 - C2)-1/2 comes from (h- 2 ) in a concentric circular equilibrium. The results of fg and ft', calculated using both the Pad4 form Eq. (B9) and the exact numerical integration of Eqs. (21)-(22), are given in Fig. (1). It shows the excellent accuracy of this Pad6 approximation. Furthermore, by using Eq. (B9), Eq. (B6) is evaluated and compared with the numerical evaluations (using the eigenfunctions A, for n = 1,2,3,4,5 obtained in Ref. 4). For a wide range of Qp, Xo, and e, the differences are always within 10%, and the analytic approximate results are always larger than the numerical results (which is expected owing to the fact that only eigenfunctions with n < 5 have been included in the numerical calculations). This shows that the Pad forms given in Eqs. (B6) and (B9) are quite accurate. 20 References 1 K. Tomabechi, Plas. Phys. Contr., Nucl. Fusion Res. 3, 214, IAEA, Vienna, 1989. 2 A. Nocentini, M. Tesarotto, F. Engelmann, Nucl. Fusion 15, 359 (1975). 3 V. Ya. Goroboroko, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, V. A. Yavorskij, Nucl. Fusion 23, 399 (1983). 4 C. T. Hsu, P. J. Catto, D. J. Sigmar, Phys. Fluids B2, 280 (1990). S. P. Hirshman, D. J. Sigmar, Nucl. Fusion 21, 1079 (1881). 6C. T. Hsu, D. J. Sigmar, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fus. 32, 499 (1990). 7 J. W. Connor, J. G. Cordey, Nucl. Fusion 14, 185 (1974). 8 L. Spitzer, R. Hiirm, Phys. Rev. 89 977 (1953). 9 R. D. Hazeltine, A. A. Ware, Plasma Phys. 20, 673 (1978). ' 0 F. L. Hinton, R. D. Hazeltine, Rev. Mod. Phys. 48, 239 (1976). 21 Zeff = 1.5 Zeff = 2.2 Zeff(r) (flat) (flat) peaked 19.03 18.64 18.90 (MA) 5.34 5.05 5.23 I(a) (MA) 0.385 0.303 0.372 Itot (MA) 1(0) Table 1. Induced bootstrap currents for three different choices of Zeff. Input parameters are for the steady state ITER machine. Ohmic seed current is fixed at 13 MA. 22 pitch angle Fuel scattering dilution switched of f switched off 18.96 19.33 (o) (MA) 5.36 5.54 I(a) (MA) 0.294 0.471 Itot (MA) 1 Table 2. Induced bootstrap currents (for Zeff = 1.5) produced after the effects of pitch angle scattering and fuel dilution are individually switched off.Input parameters are for the steady state ITER machine. Ohmic seed current is fixed at 13 MA. 23 Figure Captions Fig. 1: Circulating particle fraction fc in the "pitch angle scattering" dominant and "drag" dominant cases. Pad6 approximations are in excellent agreement with the exact solution. Fig. 2: Effective fraction of trapped alphas, assuming four different birth energies Eo. Fig. 1: Poloidal magnetic field profile, with and without the effects of alpha bootstrap current. Zeff = 1.5. Fig. 4: Alpha particle induced bootstrap current density as a function of r/a. Zff = 1.5. Fig. 5: Background bootstrap current density as a function of r/a. Zeff = 1.5. Fig. 6: Fraction of alpha bootstrap current density over background bootstrap current density, for flat Zeff = 1.5 and centrally peaked Zqff (r) = 0.7 exp(-16r 2 /a 2 )+ 1.5. 24 1.0 . exact .- Pade Approximate 0.8 -S 0.6 fed a 4.4 0.4 fCP nfl'. l- 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.4 r/R0 Figure 1 25 0.8 1.0 600 ---- 2-- 500- E0 = E0 = -3-E 0 = -- 4- Eo = 0.800 MeV 1.500 MeV 3.500 MeV infinity 400 - - 300 - S/ -f 3000 200 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.4 r/a Figure 2 26 0.8 1.0 1.4 I' I . I- I bootstrapalpha with I I - with alpha bootstrapno alpha bootstrap I I 1.2 1.0 - 0.8 ------ 0.6 0.4 - - 0.2 i 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 radius r/a Figure 3 27 0.8 1.0 30 25- 20- 15 15 ~10-- 0 -5 0.0 ' ' I 0.2 0.4 0.6 Radius r/a Figure 4 28 0.8 1.0 300 250 200- 150 100 50- 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Radius r/a Figure 5 29 0.8 1.0 150 100- 50 OM. / 0- Zert = -- 1.5 Zert = Zerr(r/a) -50 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 radius r/a Figure 6 30 0.8 1.0