PFC/JA-87-50 Terminated Whistler Emissions in the Magnetosphere Miller, R.H.; Molvig, K. January 1988 Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research No. N00014-83-K-0319. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole of part, by or for the United States government is permitted. Paper presented in part at:1987 Cambridge Workshop in Theoretical Geoplasma Physics, July 28-August 1, 1987. Paper published in part: 1987 Cambridge Workshop in Theoretical Geoplasma Physics, volume 7, SPI Conference Proceedings and Reprint Series, Scientific Publishers, INC. TERMINATED WHISTLER EMISSIONS IN THE MAGNETOSPHERE Ronald H. Miller and Kim Molvig Plasma Fusion Center, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract Terminated emissions are obtained using a fully self-consistent nonlinear whistler wave theory. The construction of a variable perpendicular distribution function dependent upon the inhomogeneous resonant velocity results in terminating the wave-particle interactions. This turning-off of the interaction is known as a terminated emission. I Introduction There has been a great deal of work by Nunn et at. [1,2,3], Vomvordis et al. [4,5] and Molvig et al. [6,7] in understanding the theoretical nonlinear dynamics. The theory by Molvig et al. [6,7], has a relatively simple analytical solution which can be used to illuminate the nonlinear dynamics and will form the basis of the work performed in this paper. The theory presented here will use an asymptotic results for the nonlinear currents expressed in terms of r, the time the particle is trapped. What necessitates an asymptotic analysis is the complexity of the nonlinear dynamics. In this asymptotic limit, the current integrals are simplified to a sum over the trapped perpendicular velocities where the integrand becomes an explicit function of the trapping time, r. The nonlinear dynamics are reduced to solving a simple convection equation for r, a + V. a)r=1() which is integrated subject to the trapping condition:the trapping condition comes from a detailed balance between field aligned gradients and longitudinal Lorentz force. The emission mechanism is greatly simplified but accurately models the nonlinear dynamics; provided, the resonant particles remain trapped for several trapping oscillations. The theory by Molvig et al. [6,7] used a simplified perpendicular distribution function which was independent of the spatial resonant velocity. In the actual magnetosphere, the resonant velocity has a spatial variation along the geomagnetic field line with a minimum occurring at the geomagnetic equator. This variation must be included in the perpendicular 1 distribution which is used in calculating the nonlinear currents. Without the variable distribution, the emission remains attached to the equator. The emission form then amplifies without disconnecting from the equator and becomes numerically unstable. The inclusion of the new distribution results in disconnection and termination of the whistler pulse. The resulting emission. forms produced by the variable distribution function will be discussed in this paper. II Theory A ducted [8], coherent, right hand circularly polarized wave propagates from the south pole where it interacts near the geomagnetic equator with electrons traversing in the opposite direction. The wave-particle interactions occur near the geomagnetic equator where the magnetic and density inhomogeneities are small to allow for trapping of the resonant particle. Through an axial bunching in phase a nonlinear current is produced which drives the slowly varying amplitude and phase resulting in an emission. II.1 Nonlinear Equations of Motion The equations of motion for the electron in a monochromatic whistler wave propagating along an inhomogeneous geomagnetic field are [1,6,7,9] ds =so(2) dvs - =(v1 1 - w B'" -)wce- cos?,+ 1 v||vjeB s(3) 2 dvjj =v -ce Bw vi cos 1 - 1 vi2 B di B 2Bas (4) db d == dt (5) (v- 1 - wik ) BW Wce -- sin Vi B + we, where Ampere's Law has been used to relate the electric and magnetic fields, i.e., ck ck Bw= -E" = -ETA (6) is the triggering input wave electric field and A is a slowly varying amplitude, initially of order unity. The last terms in Eq.(3) and Eq.(4) ET 2 are from the inhomogeneity parallel to the geomagnetic field. The inhomogeneity perpendicular to the geomagnetic field has been neglected since this variation scales as 1/R,. The triggered emissions originate at 4 earth radii from the earth, near the plasmapause, therefore R, ~ 4RE. The relative phase between the perpendicular velocity vector and the electric field vector can be written as 0 = 0 - (0. + 0) (7) where 4 is the gyrophase. phases: The electric field vector is described by two 1. p, a slow phase that describes the amplitude evolution and the resulting frequency variation, bw - (8) 2. 0,,, a fast phase that describes the input electric field frequency, 19.t WO = (9) The total frequency, at any given time, is the sum of Eq.(8) and Eq.(9), = wO + Sw (10) The equation that describes the gyrophase evolution, Eq.(5), can be transformed into, dk dit _ = (v1 - _VII - V e) Wce BW sin4o + kvj - w + w,, B where Eq.(7) was used to define -0. Using the resonant velocity, which is given by matching the doppler-shifted wave frequency and the gyrofrequency of the electron, VR = (12) k Eq.(11) becomes d vp (v - a ) = k(I - VR) -w Vs dt Bw B-e sin 3 (13) The second term on the right hand side of Eq.(13) comes from the wave electric and transverse Lorentz forces. The first term comes from a longitudinal Lorentz force which is larger than the second by ????. It is this term, that is responsible for the trapping that generates the nonlinear currents. The exact equations for the orbits that we will be using are Eqs.(2),(3),(4),and (13). The particles of interest will have their parallel velocities on the order of the resonant velocity so a new velocity variable will be defined, V= v11 - VR (14) which describes the perturbation of the parallel velocity about the resonant velocity. Inserting Eq.(14) into the equations of motion, they become = Vi + V dv = (15) Ew2 -v.- w"cos (1+") dvr = -( dV) k - =kvI we - [ - (VR + v) c (3 -2 L2 (1 W - ) k "(16) -v)we, (vj - 1f) B" ee 1 18B cos 4 + 1vi(VR+ v) B 8B Bw -- sin (17) (18) The explicit spatial dependence of the electron density and magnetic field were assumed parabolic, i.e. B = Bo(1+ ) (19) n ) (20) = no(1+ where BO and no are the values of the density and magnetic field at the geomagnetic equator and their corresponding scale lengths, LN and L. 4 11.2 Asymptotic Theory The orbit equations have a common factor B'/B which is a small quantity in the magnetosphere. For triggered emissions, the wave magnetic field, B"', is on the order of 10 pT or less. This is five orders of magnitude smaller than the geomagnetic field at the plasmapause. This provides a natural expansion parameter for the equations of motion. If we define a smallness parameter, e, as Wt= < 1 (21) Wce where wt,. is the trapping frequency, an asymptotic theory can be developed [6,71. For trapping to occur, the inhomogeneity factors and wave terms must be comparable in Eq.(16). Using this and the requirement that there be many trapping oscillations as the particle moves thought the interaction region, an expansion parameter el/" is obtained [6,7](For further information on this derivation, the reader is suggested to consider the papers by Molvig et al.) The rescaling of the equations of motion is done by choosing an appropriate time and velocity scale. The velocity scale is set by the resonant condition, V, = IVR(w ~ we,/2) (22) By assuming that Lo w/2, due to ducting [8], one obtains VR - We,/k. For wave frequencies near the gyrofrequency, the cold electron dispersion relation N2 L0 V VRI = 1 - W(W - U.e,) (23) yields a wavevector on the order of the collisionless skin depth, k - W,/c. Using this relation for the wavevector, the velocity scale can be written as V| k W- (24) C- U;, An important relation that will be need later in performing the asymptotic expansion is the ratio, V VR Wc U~t (25) kVR uje, The time scale is set by the trapping period which will be discussed later in the paper but can be seen from the first term on the right hand side of Eq.(16). The trapping is a longitudinal trapping and will cause an oscillation about the perturbed velocity, v. For this reason, the scale frequency, which is proportional to the inverse of the time scale, will be on the order of the trapping frequency which scales as, 5 w,2 ~ kv- Bw B c (26) therefore, the scaling frequency will be defined as, (Wcewpe W, )1/2 (27) Using the scaling arguments w, and V,, Eq.(15)-(18) can be rescaled. Rescaling the equations of motion and performing the asymptotic expansion correct to order el/ 3 , we obtain for the approximate nonlinear equations of motion for the electron [6,7], ds dt =-= W We, du -- v1 A W (28) -e cos $ - S (29) S(30) dt where u kv and S has the form S = S',+ T( (31) and S' can be written as (32) S'=CvI +D The factor S is the effective inhomogeneity and it will play an important role in energy exchange and trapping. The coefficients D, C and T are complicated functions of the frequency, scale lengths and magnetospheric parameter, C= 2 ( e )1/2 L,2L2 ETW,, D W W C Wce W (" 1(33) - 1)1/2 L2 )(3 - 270 L,2 W)) - We )(34) (35) T = 1 + W" 2w The equation for the change in perpendicular velocity is of higher order. Once rescaled , we obtain dvj A =T w Cos T dt (36) For the trapping dynamics, the perpendicular velocity is a constant, v 1 ~ const . 6 II.2.1 Nonlinear Trapping The electron undergo an axial bunching due to trapping by the wave. This trapping can be seen by combining Eq.(28) and Eq.(29), cos = -S dt2 + 1 - W-oi=- (37) where W= W (38) is the trapping frequency. Eq.(36) is a nonlinear oscillator equations whose solutions are elliptic integrals. There exist bounded oscillatory solutions to this equation as long as the inhomogeneity parameter , S, satisfies ISI(1 - -) j "A - 1Q1 < 1 v1 A (39) For this reason, one can see that trapping occurs near the geomagnetic equator where the inhomogeneity becomes small. This doesn't mean that the inhomogeneity is not important. It is the inhomogeneity that yields the energy transfer between the electrons and the wave. Suppose we expand 0 about a trapping vortex, 0 = cos~ 1 (-Q) + 6b (40) The insertion of Eq.(39) into Eq.(36) yields an oscillator equation for small perturbations about the trapping vortex, cos- 1 (-Q), d0(41) 2b + 2 2&0 dt with an average phase <,O >= cos 1 (-Q) (42) Recalling Eq.(35), we obtain for the energy transfer dvo ~.const cos(cos(-Q)) - Q The energy transfer is proportional to the rescaled inhomogeneity, a homogeneous case, Q = 0, there is no energy transfer. 7 (43) Q. For 11.3 Wave Equation and Nonlinear Current Since the amplitude and phase are slowly varying quantities relative to the frequency and wavelength, the WKBJ wave equations can be used [1,6,7]. 8 9 8 +v 9( )A =-IR S 8 I + Vy)$ ( (44) A - (45) Eq.(42) and Eq.(43) are simple advection equations for the amplitude and phase, respectively. The nonlinear currents have a very complex form which can be written as follows INL = IR + iII = 4 7r exp(-i(O, + Wp))e* - JNL (w8D/8w)wET (46) where e* is the complex unit vector describing a RHCP wave and D is the dispersion relation satisfying the following equation, c2 k D = 1 - w 2 2 .2 Pe (47) W(W - W') The nonlinear current density is calculated by taking a velocity moment which yields, INL = -( exp -dvF "1/2 We Wce (48) where F is the distribution function normalized to unity. Using Liouville's theorem and expanding F about v1 = VR and v 1 = v±c, we can push time back along the characteristics of the particles to where the distribution function is independent of 0 [6,7]. The distribution becomes, F(v,, F~~/'v±t (V~±) vi-, t) = F(VR, v) +vC 8F 8F (Vv±e) + AVv± 9 ,, (VR,v±e ) (49) where the subscript, c, denotes characteristics. Using Eq.(49) and keeping to 61/3, the nonlinear current becomes INL ~(- Wee 1 -- -- )/2Wce )r --5J I WCe . (50) The change in the perpendicular velocity can be calculated by integrating Eq.(36) backwards along the particle characteristics. The current can be expressed as IR = -OA1/2j dv vI 2 a,(Q)Q(Sr - VS'r2) ftr 2 8 BO-V (51) Ij= OA' 1 av(Q) = 27r(1 = (-)1/2(l Wee 1, 2 ) /2/2 dvv 'Lav(Q) (1 - Q2 )(Sr - 2 V.S T - Q2 )1/4 j _' U/WC dxx J2(x) )Wce F (52) (53) (54) wee where IR and II are the real current and out of phase current, i.e. imaginary current and av(Q) is the trapping volume. (The reader is referred to the papers by Molvig et al. for a detailed derivation of the nonlinear currents). The integrals for the imaginary currents are over a range of trapped perpendicular velocities. The range of velocities is given by the assumption that at least one trapping oscillation occurs during a trapped state which is given by wt,.r > 27r (55) where wt,. is the trapping frequency. The above equation along with r being defined as r = 6./VY (56) which is the length of the interaction region divided by the resonant velocity, yields a cubic equation for the amplitude in terms of v 1 , A 3 > 7r2 V 2 C 2 (1 _ W)(VI + (57) )2 Solution of this equation determines the upper and lower limits of the perpendicular velocity integral. We refer the reader to the papers by Molvig et al. [6,7) which further illuminates the asymptotic derivation of the nonlinear currents. The nonlinear asymptotic currents still have a complex functional form, but the important results are that they depend upon: 1. The time the particle is trapped, r 2. The effective inhomogeneity Q and S 11to Bo 3. The trapping volume, a,(Q) 4. The velocity derivative of the distribution function, F 9 Trapping Time II.3.1 The fundamental quantity in the nonlinear currents is the time the particle is trapped by the wave or the trapping time. This quantity, r, can be calculated by propagating the trapping condition back in time along the particle's orbit to when the particle is first entrapped. The trapping time can also be calculated by noticing that the trapping condition is invariant under particular transformations. The latter method is the simplest numerically and analytically; therefore, we shall adopt that methodology. The trapping condition, Eq.(39), is invariant under the following transformations, t- (58) t +At T -+ + Ar (59) s - IVRJAt (60) therefore the root, r = r(s, t), satisfies ir(a,t) = r(s + IVRIAt,t - At) + At (61) One can form a differential equation from Eq.(61) by Taylor expanding the R.H.S. and taking the limit At, as -* 0, i.e., (9 + Va )r = 1 (62) Note that the resonant velocity is not the absolute value, VR = - VRI. Eq.(62) is true provided the particles satisfy the trapping condition. In that case, Eq.(62) simply advances r. If the trapping condition is not met, then r = 0. II.4 Distribution Function The emphasis of this paper is on the functional form of the resonant perpendicular distribution function. Fig.(3) shows the approximate form of the distribution function used in our theory. The distribution is the solid contour that are representative of a loss-cone distribution. For Fig.(3), the parallel part of the distribution function was assumed a maxwellian. F(vj1 , v±) = const exp(-v /vth) exp( -v2 /vth) (1 - exp(-v. /vb)) (63) This was done so that contours could be drawn along with the illumination of a perpendicular distribution as a function of the resonant velocity. In our theory, all the parallel dependence at a particular resonant velocity has been incorporated into an input constant A, 10 A ~ const f(oj = VR) (64) where the full distribution has the following form F(v±, V,.) conat f (vj = VR) G(v±) = A exp(-v'/v') {1 - exp(-±/v,)I (65) The dashed vertical line marks the resonant velocity and the dashed contours represent the single-wave characteristics. The wave characteristics are calculated by using Quasi-Linear theory where they represent the diffusion paths of the particles under the influence of a multi-frequency wave. The application of Q.L. theory on a monochromatic wave isn't really useful but it does illuminate the nature of instabilities. The characteristics are obtained by the coexistance of an asymptotic steady state of nonzero wave excitation and a steady particle distribution. Under these conditions, one can show from an H-theorem dH dt =-0 (66) which implies that the zero order distribution function satisfies G(vi,vl1 )k Fo = [(1 - ka) Wk a + Ovj Wk -]Fo 8 = 0.0 (67) VII The result from Eq.(67) is that the distribution function is a constant along the characteristics of the velocity space operator, G(v±,v1 1 ) [10]. Let s stand for the distance along the diffusion path or characteristic, then dFO dvj OF0 dvOF OF( da de 0v+ dvj Mo da das da Ov~l (68) dv-( da (69) where 1 - ) w dvl = a(70) da Wk Integrating Eqs.(69) and (70), one obtains the single-wave characteristics (vil - w) kl 1 (71) + v' = conat The wave characteristics are concentric circles displaced from the origin by the amount, wk/k 1 , in the voj direction. Eq.(70) also represents constant energy contours in the rest frame of the wave. By looking at the diffusion paths of the particles in reference to the constant energy curves, 11 v2 Vj1 +V2 +1. = (72) const which are centered at the origin, a stable or unstable system can be determined. Figs.(1) and (2) are plots of anisotropic distribution functions: Fig.(1) has an anisotropy in the parallel direction, T11 > Ti; Fig.(2) has an anisotropy in the perpendicular direction, Ti > T11. The direction in which the particles move along the characteristics will determine whether energy is gained or lost. By examining the point at which the resonant velocity and characteristic meet, this determination can be made. The motion of the particle is confined to the diffusion paths so given the direction of motion the particles will gain of loss energy to the wave. The particle will always move in the direction of decreased density, i.e., towards a distribution contour of lower magnitude. Summarizing the analysis, 1. Find the point at which the resonant velocity meets the single-wave characteristic 2. Determine in which direction the particles will move along the characteristics by noting that motion is towards a decreasing density contour 3. Given the direction of motion, determine if the particles move to lower or higher energy. Constant energy curves are concentric circles centered about the origin where motion towards larger contours implies a gain in energy and vice versa. If the particle moves in the direction of a lower constant energy contour then the particle losses energy which is an indication of instability, where motion on the contour to higher energies implies stability. For T11 > TL , the particles move to higher energies and the system is stable. For T1 > T1, the particles move to lower energies and the system is unstable. The nonlinear instability that we are considering is independent of 8F/Oj which is not the case in linear and quasi-linear theory. Linear theory may be important only in raising the wave amplitude toward the required threshold value but it doesn't apply to the driving mechanism responsible for our emissions. By moving the resonant velocity in Fig.(3), the slice of the distribution function that is used in the current calculation varies. Figs.(4)-(7) show the distribution function for various resonant velocities. With this particular choice of distribution(excluding energy inversion), the number of resonant particles decreases as the resonant velocity increases, i.e., there are less particles as one moves to higher energies. The decrease in particles is solely controlled by the parallel part of the distribution function. To model this variation, we will have to include a functional dependence in the input 12 parameter A. We can imagine a similar dependence in the input parameter Vth and vb of the distribution. Eq.(65) will be the distribution function used in the current calculations where a resonant velocity dependence will be inserted. The functional form assumed to model this variation in A, Vth and Vb is an exponential whose argument is proportional to the difference between the equatorial resonant velocity and the resonant velocity at the arclength value, s: A(s) Vth(S) Vb(s) A(0) exp(-e1 [VR(s) VR(0)]) - vth(0) exp(-e6 2[V(s) - VR(0)]) vb(O) exp(-e 3 [1iq(s) - 1R(0)]) where vth(0), vb(O) (73) (74) (75) and A(0) are evaluated at the geomagnetic equator and e1 2 3 are input constants. The resonant velocity has a minimum at the equator and correspondingly the functional form is maximized at the equator and falls off exponentially from the geomagnetic equator. III Results The inclusion of the resonant velocity dependence yields a variable distribution which solved a numerical instability. Prior to this theoretical development, the amplitude would not disconnect from the origin. Figs.(8)-(18) show the time development of the emission without a variable distribution function. Fig.(8) has the initial triggering wave that undergoes the nonlinear amplification and frequency variation. Figs.(9)-(18) are plots at every 200 time steps in the computer simulation. At each 200 time steps or every 74 msec, two plots are displayed: (1) the amplitude and real current; (2) the frequency, w = wo + bw, and the resonant velocity at each grid point in space. The run with no resonant velocity stops at 800 time steps because of a numerical instability. This instability comes about because of the inherent size of the real current that develops from the nonlinear wave-particle interactions. Once the pulse moves to the downstream side of the equator, i.e., the R.H.S. of the equator, the pulse remains fixed at the equator. The continual trapping at the equator at zero amplitude and the production of a large current causes the amplitude to remain fixed to the equator and amplify. This large current production, just off the equator, off-sets convection of the pulse. The reason for trapping at the equator comes from the ability to trap particles with zero amplitude. This issue has been explain in great detail in the previous papers by Molvig et al.. Summarizing the 13 explanation, the parameter that determines whether or not trapping occurs is given by Eq.(39), Q. This parameter remains finite at the origin since, A - const - s (76) const- s (77) S - which yields, Q - const (78) The continued trapping allows for the currents to become very large. Figs.(19)-(26) are the 3-Dimensional plots of the trapping time and the real current. Fig.(19)-(22) show the trapping time for varied time step; 600, 800, 1000, 1200 time steps. The trapping time is centered near the geomagnetic equator and slopes downward towards higher v 1 . The reason for the sloping is due to the trapping windows which are calculated by solving Eq.(57). Initially, the amplitude is small and correspondingly the window in velocity space is also small. As the nonlinear interaction continues, the amplitude increases. This increase in the amplitude causes the trapping windows to expand where the whole distribution can be sampled. The sloping of r will flatten off as the interactions continues which is an indication that the velocity windows are becoming larger. This can be seen by viewing Figs.(19)-(22). Figs.(23)-(26) are the corresponding 3-Dimensional real current plots. The current is small initially but as the time increases it become very large. The positive and negative maximas of the current integrand are given by the slope of the distribution function. The current integrand would continue to grow if it were not for the numerical instability that destroys the computer simulation. At the equator, the current must be exactly zero since the origin is the detrapping point for the particles, i.e., r(s = 0) = 0. The current is changing very rapidly throughout the calculation and at each instant the current must be zero at the equator. The summation of large positive and negative contribution from different velocities at the equator yields some uncertainty in the sum being exactly equal to zero at each time step. This uncertainty manifest itself in Fig.(15) where IR has an oscillating value at the equator. This oscillation continues until 'R is oscillatory throughout the whole spatial grid. This current variation is felt by the amplitude through Eq.(44) so that the amplitude eventually becomes meaningless. The corresponding 3-D plot of the current in Fig.(15) is Fig.(24). Fig.(17) is the distribution function used in the calculation of the currents which is held constant throughout this run. The frequency and resonant velocity, however, have a variation which can be seen from time step 14 to time step. The nonlinear wave-particle interaction generates a change in the frequency which is also seen in the resonant velocity, Eq.(28). The resonant velocity has a near parabolic form since it depends on Wc, and w,. As the interaction continues, the change in frequency becomes large causing a larger depression in the resonant velocity. This depression would also continue without bound since the pulse is trapped at the equator. Fig.(18) is the non-terminated emission frequency which is out of the graphical windows. The frequency has a fairly constant slope and would also continue without bound. The constant depression of the resonant velocity indicates that the particles which are resonant with the wave must have an increase energy. The theory only sampled particles at one parallel energy and therefore it became necessary to include a variable distribution function into the calculation of the nonlinear current. Figs.(27)-(44) are the plots with the variable distribution. The beginning of the run is very similar to the old case. The run, however, continues for 1200 time steps more than the non-terminated case. Every 200 time steps the same plots are outputted. The emission becomes significantly different around the 600 time step or 223 msec into the run. Fig.(31) has a smaller amplitude and current than in Fig.(13). The current is no longer constant through the linear slope region of the pulse: this is due to the inclusion of the new distribution function. The 600 time step emissions have roughly the same frequency and resonant velocity plots, but the distribution functions are different. The distribution function at the entrapping point has not been included because of the numerous plots already being displayed. The distribution undergoes a maximum change which occurs near the end of the run and can be seen in Fig.(43) for comparison with Fig.(17). One finds that the maximum of Fig.(43) is smaller than that in Fig.(17). This decrease causes a smaller current to be produced and therefore a smaller emission amplitude. As the new run continues, the current becomes smaller through out the interaction region which is a direct result of the variable distribution and the increased depression of the resonant velocity. The resonant velocity becomes larger as the change in frequency continues. This depression in the resonant velocity causes a different sampling of the distribution. The depression in the resonant velocity becomes large enough such that the current near the origin decreases sufficiently that the convection of the pulse cannot be overcome. The pulse disconnects from the origin and propagates downstream. Examining Fig.(37), one can see that this did in fact happen. The emission has disconnected from the origin and has started to propagate towards the receiver. The current form has also changed where it has positive and negative values. This is due to the 15 change in the distribution function and the other parameters in the current such as the trapping volume and the trapping parameter, c,(Q) and Q, respectively. Figs.(45)-(52) are the 3-D plots of the trapping time and the current. Figs.(45)-(48) are the trapping time plots which have a very different form than Figs.(19)-(22). The trapping time in Figs.(45)-(48) doesn't have as large a maximum and the limit in velocity space which is trapped is smaller than in Figs.(19)-(22). The range of trapped velocities decreases as the interaction continues which is indication of a shutting-off of the interaction or termination. This can also be seen in the 3-D current plots in Figs.(49)-(52). The currents don't reach the same magnitude as can be seen in Figs.(23)-(26) where the variable distribution is not included. Not only can one see a decrease in the magnitude of the 3-D current but the range of velocity contributions is decrease which is a direct result from the decrease trapped velocity space seen in Figs.(45)-(48). The current shutsoff as time continues along with moving spatially to higher s values. By the 2000 time step, the emission has terminated. There is no longer any current being produced and the pulse is free from the geomagnetic equator to propagate to a receiver. The terminated emission frequency can be seen in Fig.(44). The frequency doesn't continue to grow but stops once the nonlinear wave-particle interactions terminate. This is called a terminated emission. IV Conclusion Terminated emissions were obtained by using a variable perpendicular distribution function. This distribution, dependent upon the spatial value of the resonant velocity, shuts-off the wave-particle interaction which yielded a terminated emission. Future work will continue in applying the theory to various magnetospheric conditions along with various magnetosphere. A new frequency theory is being developed and along with the variable distribution should be able to predict risers and hooks. 16 I ', t- I - - 1 , x 1 f iV \ * - -r' Figure 1: Anisotropic Distribution Function, T11 > TL. 17 l ' , 0 ' t- r'. -N - E I c na -L - .. 96 I-- 9'- C/O 0' 1- E x -- ----- - - - - z 4! CN a e-, -1-~IU'1IAA Figure 2: Anisotropic Distribution Function, T±. > T . 18 -Ie I 0' i I. S- - ;L I- 1'- .1 - N- rr V) rzn it /0 Itt if S Ni Figure 3: Loss-cone Distribution. 19 0' e - I -- cc. -0 - - - - - - c~- - - -- - 1 - C4. - - - --- - 0 (JA dsadA)t = Figure 4: Loss-cone Distribution VR= -0.8. 20 1 0' 1 - , a 9- ro S- r S .0 4' (JA' dj.dA)) Figure 5: Loss-cone Distribution VR= -2.0 . 21 - T -4 -. 4 Cm. - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- g *0. -44 (JAUdjadA?~j Figure 6: Loss-cone Distribution VR= -3.2 . 22 011 6 4 ao 9- 46 i . - . -. of .0 CDi .. 1 '0 4- 0 (JAFdjadA)g Figure 7: Loss-cone Distribution VR= -4.4 . 23 I I I I I II I I I I I I I T I I I C 01 (-) E 0 II I I I I I C *0 C 0 0 C*4 * CL E 0 III I . I -) I I I I II I II I Ul) (u a IoJ q g i u aJ Jn I - L- U) C0 x ) I I I D a IJ ( p !I o ) )pn Q p duJD Figure 8: Initial amplitude wave form w/o VR dependence. 24 +3 0 I I I - I I I I I I ~TI II II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I II I I II I I (0W W Eu> C 01 E 2 W CL E a I II I . . . I . I I I C14 J I I I II U-> C0 (u . I X o i x ) 1u n o (a Figure 9: A and IR at t=200 w/o dependence. 25 ) pn LUJ I dwD II )O~ L111 11'i11 1 r11v [rTU1l11 IIj II II I' III II II 11111 I II II I I I II II I II I / E E C C 4)> 0 f+ 3 IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII I II LI CD CO I I II I I I I I II I ( ug j q) s~ ai A P UD I II I I x.* i I * I I I I I I I I I II I I mm II I , I IO 00 0S -> D(p ~6 9W 0 Figure 10: w and VR at t=200 w/o dependence. 26 a a II - II ii . II I V I I C-1). . iI I I I I I I I F a . I I I I I I I E CL E I I I I C14 (u g Io i q I I ~ I I 4-L ..- S I 1 D .1J x ) 1u a i jn 3 ( p ! Io s ) Q p n I ! I d w D Figure 11: A and IR at t=400 w/o dependence. 27 I 1 T T I I 1 I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TTrr1Fr~~F~~ Ev> 0' I I 2' E c 0 E 0 .1... I .1 .1.... c'~J lemma' a,, I * C'4 I 111111111 *j I I I LO 00 I I I (C> A PU D ( P!1 0 s ) o 6a Figure 12: w and VR at t=400 w/o dependence. 28 I J - -- -I ( u Q Io jq )& ~ I WQ II I Y I 1~ C V E 9 0 - V )9 .---.----- C. E 0 I I I I I I I U-) C) (u a o g . I . .I 0 X ) I L IUa JD IDa iJ (p ! Io s Figure 13: A and IR at t=600 w/o dependence. 29 ) apn I - 0 .- I dw D I I Ti I II I I I I I / ('3 OOm1 E 9' - C 03 E 0 ,, I I II II I I I II IA II I 0 00 I .~.. m m m li. a I I I I I I I I I I to ~.o a I *~- I II . Ii . I S~. I i I I I I I I Ni L~ A P UD I I ( P!0S 6 9W 0 )0D Figure 14: w and VR at t=600 w/o dependence. 30 III to I ( ugIo jq )S J I I I . I I L II II II vI Ij I, I I I T 1 I r * I I I I QC 0' L E 9' a. - I7 -- - - - - - - - - - ------ .---.--- --- 0 0 E 0 I I I I I I I u) (u goJq I I I1 1 1 .1 . 1_1_1_1_,_IIIIIIIAI - gx) I i --- ugJ jn:D ioJ (pio Figure 15: A and IR at t=800 w/o dependence. 31 i i I L. ) pn i iduwo *1 1 1 1 1 j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 0' L. 9. E 9. - -o -C C C) I:, E 0 0 I II I' I Ii Ii ~I I I I I I i I I I I I I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I i i 1 1 -L I I I I I I I I I I I I I.11I a I I ...I . . I . I 0 1" 00 IO OI -- C=) ( u~joiq)&si A P UD ( P!1 s) DE aWQ Figure 16: w and VR at t=800 w/o dependence. 32 d V> Eca_ ca o 0> --- --- --- --- ----- -M -O - --- --- -- -- --- --- --- --- (. -- d a dA u o ~nq i Figure 17: Distribution function. 33 J0 .4 - sp I I I I I I I I I ~ I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,1L 01 6' 9,' W E E E £ (.) £ II U-, I I I I P")r . I I CN , , I.,. i i - 00 - ( zq I U!I) L A ou Qn b i Q) Figure 18: Emission frequency at t=800 w/o termination. 34 I. .1... I CN - 0 +3 I I I III 0. <; .. 4. Figure 19: 3-D trapping time at t=600 w/o dependence. 35 .L. Figure 20: 3-D trapping time at t=800 w/o dependence. 36 ,4 10,00, . 5.4 4. ta=00 Figure 21: 3-D trapping time at t=1000 w/o dependence. 37 742rpA . Ln ra 0! P. F-LA Figure 22: 3-D trapping time at t=1200 w/o dependence. 38 0 0 00 Figure 23: 3-D real current at t=600 w/o dependence. 39 Ite Figure 24: 3-D real current at t=800 w/o dependence. 40 U., Figure 25: 3-D real current at t=1000 w/o dependence. 41 0, 0 0 8(4)0-07 -i'erp Figure 26: 3-D real current at t=1200 w/o dependence. 42 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S I I I I I I I C 01 4) 9. E 9' 0 - 4) ~0 C Q>) 0 " .0 C- CL ., - .E a -I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i I i i 0 I I II I ]I I I I U-) ., - 0 C0 ( u93 Jq S x ) I u9 D J (p !Ios) Qpn J jn: D Figure 27: A and IR at t=200 with VR dependence. 43 I ;dw o . I I I I I I I I v C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I E 0*' I - S 9 ' - V -L E 0 z , f+ I I I I I i I I i, 1 1 1I 1 1 1 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IIIIIItIIII 1,1 I I I I f ,i 0 I I I I ( uP Io jq )S9 A P U (P!I os) obgwo Figure 28: w and VR at t=200 with VR dependence. 44 I - I coo I I I I 0 9E E 9~ 0 *0 C 0 z , C. 0 E I . 0 . . I . . I . I a I. aI a I I .a 0 LO J oiq g x ) I u aJ II 0 * (u a I n D J (p! I o &) Figure 29: A and IR at t=400 with VR dependence. 45 + apdn I doD - I ~-T I lIllIllI,, I~ ii I ii ~I ii it ii Ii]! I I - / 01 - I' I - II E i- I' e> E C~) 0 . 0 I I aI II II ii I A I I II I Ii I i I I I i I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0> '1 0 C::> ( U; oJq) sa JA I I I pu D I I (P I 1Ios)oawo Figure 30: w and VR at t=400 with VR dependence. 46 i I I I Ii I I C- I I 0 CNO I I I I I I I I Eu Z 0 ' 9. Em C.) 0 10 ---- - z, C. E a I C0 I I I I aI I I I a I I I I x ) I uQ JJi D I Figure 31: A and I 0 0 U-) (u a 0 J o g I IR De J (p. ! o&) Q pn I at t=600 with VR dependence. 47 d wd D I IT I Z '1L 0* I p I - / I E I- I C) E 0 0 i I o I I I II II I II I II I I . Do I .II .II I . . I -D N , , I I I . .. ,l.,\. II II o * I (u 91oiq I~%I . I. .II. . . .. . I a I II I hI~IIa o I I - (p!1os)o6awo pUD ) S .i A Figure 32: w and VR at t=600 with VR dependence. 48 0 I I I I I I P I I I P C4 Et E 9' W C. E a - I I I I I I I I I I I i i i I .. . . . I i 0 0 * 01 I Figure 33: A and IR at t=800 with VR dependence. 49 4. L~.J - ~.L' I I I 111 11 I E * , IIIIIIvII II I III III IIIIIIIIIvIII z 9 I. E - C C,) 0 K. CD I 0 C. Lo i LO I i I I I I I I I I I j q) S 9 J A p UD ( P! oS )0 W 0 Figure 34: w and VR at t=800 with VR dependence. 50 I ill. 0 1 ( u@ I I V- I I I I I I I I I I I I I C 0* z V E 9~ 0 Q> C 0 -- - E -1 1 1 1 .1 1 I I 1 LO 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1q g x )Iu aj n D I I 0 0 * ( U a1 I I 1 Da ( p!I o s ) Q p n I Figure 35: A and In at t=1000 with VR dependence. 51 + d WD ' I' ' I I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' I ' ' I I II ' ' ' 1 1 1 Ii I' 1 1 1I ' ' ' ' I I A V 0*' L / / E V. -* 5n "0 - I C II . ,i. I.. co ii , III1 II 1 I LO e 11 1 - C1 1 a ( u@ Io jq )S a 1 1 1, lid cl- 0- A e o II CI I I e i I i, ,1 I 11 1 11 7 0 ) D 6 a wo U D ( p!o 0s Figure 36: w and VR at t=1000 with VR dependence. 52 1 1 , 1,, 1 1 r j I I I Ir II I I I I I I I Z .I~ E 9. CL E *0 I I ~ I i i I 0 I I I I I U->) ., I .... 0 0 u o i F x ) d In aD I 2 (p d !I o ) ;p n Figure 37: A and IR at t=1200 with VR dependence. 53 ddw -o .L I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I= Z - I/i I. 0* L 9. E 9' .t7 0 E 0 0 ---- K II I C i Co I Lo i ii I i I I i i I i I I I CN I I I I I I I I I I > CN - - I (u Do jq)SaJ A puo (p !os ) o 6 wo Figure 38: w and VR at t=1200 with VR dependence. 54 I I I I I II I"- 0 I I i I I I I I 0 t CN -0 9' - 99 Q 0 E I I I I i I I 0) 0 + (u a Io iq x ) 1u a i jn D ID a i ( p!I o s ) ;;p fl Figure 39: A and IR at t=1400 with VR dependence. 55 IdW D 0 V-0o (NO II I II 11 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 EO> S - E 9' -~ 0 E 0 0 11 1 III 00 to II o 111111111 * (uajoJq)SaJA III N pUO II II 1 4 I II II r.0 (P ! 1 s ) 0 au Figure 40: w and VR at t=1400 with VR dependence. 56 I I. C4 I I I I I I I f ,I F I I I C OIL V 2' 91 E -~ 0 V "0 V C 0 0. + 3~ E 0 - 0 I I I I I I i I u~) i i i I I i 0 I I J (u a Io i q g x ) Iu a j jn D Io a i ( p !I o s ) ; p n Figure 41: A and IR at t=1600 with VR dependence. 57 i - I I - 0 !j d Lu D .1. I I I I I I I I I II 1 1 I. I. p - p 9, / E .0 0 +3 I I 0 Co .. I . I . Lo 11 . .1111111111 I VIII 111111111 r.o ~ I I ( ua Io jq )saiA puD N I I ~ I I I I I 0 e-.J ~ - - - (p P !o s ) o5 6 awo Figure 42: w and VR at t=1600 with VR dependence. 58 I I I' I I I 0 I I I I I zL C 0* 9. (-) E 9~ CL a. E . . I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I 0 I 0 C0- (u a o.i q g x) u a.ij n Figure 43: A and IR D IDa ( p !Io s) 4pn I at t=1800 with VR dependence. 59 dwLuo I II 11 1I 1 1' III 111 11 1 11 1 1 II 1 1 II I OL 8' / E 9' -~ -C V C () 0 0 +Z I I o I, , co I ,. . . . .I II I ~- (NJ - i I i I (u @ Io j q ) S@ J A pUD , , ,I L *- I I I I I cc I 0S I C> D ( p Ios ) D6oJ Figure 44: w and VR at t=1800 with V dependence. 60 I II II NC II I "- 0 -a _I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r r i 0\ C E V z , E a I I I I I I I I I C i I I I I I I I C) C 4- ( U a I o i q g x ) I u a j j n 3 1o a i ( p!I o & ) Q p n Figure 45: A and IR at t=2000 with VR dependence. 61 I Uw o * I I I II 11- Eu z L. , '~ E 9-~ W 0 . . 0 + i I I I I II I. , , , ,,iI o 0 0 C4 * I ( U91 Jq)Sa JA puo (Pi ! os)o6awo Figure 46: w and VR at t=2000 with VR dependence. 62 I 3 *2 .9 - g - -.. . - -,- - - - - - -,--- (d j ad A) u -- o In qi - - - - - - - - - - - --- I s ip Figure 47: Distribution function with VR dependence, 63 I IiilIIIIIIiiilI 111111 IlillillI II I 11111111111111 II 111111111 I Ij III 0'1 6 8' E L C', E cr, * I a a a I '"j- U, U-) a a a I a a * *l**** I r"n C14 U-) U- * > - t0 £+ 3 .1... .11.11111 01) 11111 liii r- 00 ''l IV W- ( z qI u) A~ o u Q n b~ Qj j Figure 48: Terminated Emission frequency 64 till liii Ii -ll <0 E' U,0 Elka) 46.4 rp Fa0 Figure 49: 3-D trapping time at t=600 with VR dependence. 65 Figure 50: 3-D trapping time at t=800 with VR dependence. 66 Ui ~LP U, ~~( F: SNIka 1,0 74 I 6,44 I 4tw.4 vpr Figure 51: 3-D trapping time at t=1000 with VR dependence. 67 U,) -Ia S 7,4 6,.4 0,0 vperp Fiur Figure 52: 3-D trapping time at t=1200 with VR dependence. 68 0 C0 r2. 7. Figure 53: 3-D real current at t=600 with Va dependence. 69 p rP U) 0: W, 3,j 2-4 ''t S.O P Figure 54: 3-D real current at t=800 with VR dependence. 70 P Ul 8 Fu.0 4w.4 0-0 %IN) 7.4 . Figure 55: 3-D real current at t=1000 with VR dependence. 71 '.4 Fige Figure 56: 3-D real current at t=1200 with VR dependence. 72 Acknowledgement We would like to thank C.W. Roberson for initiating this project. I am also grateful for the stimulating conversation with Jacek Myczkowski and my fellow graduate students. This research has been sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. REFERENCES [1] D. Nunn, Planet Space Sci., 19, 1141(1971) [2] D. Nunn, Plant Space Sci., 22, 349(1974). [3] D. Nunn, Planet Space Sci., 32, 325(1984). [4] J.L. Vomvordis, T.L. Crystal, and J. Denavit, J. Geophys. Res., 87, 1473(1982). [5] J.L. Vomvordis, J. Denavit, J., Phys. Fluids, 23, 174(1980). [6] K. Molvig, G. Hilfer, R. Miller, and J. Myczkowski, submitted to J. Geophys. Res., 1987. [7] K. Molvig, G. Hilfer, and J. 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