PFC/JA-88-58 A Fluid Theory of Ion Collection By Probes in Strong Magnetic Fields with Plasma Flow I.H. Hutchinson Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 October 1986 Submitted to: Physics of Fluids This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy Contract No. DE-AC0278ET51013. Reproduction, translation, publication, use and disposal, in whole or in part by or for the United States government is permitted. By acceptance of this article, the publisher and/or recipient acknowledges the U. S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper. Abstract A1T-diimensionalfluid theory of ~~Lanaiid magnetic fields is presented. prhe ~Oerai fri n -n strong Cross-field diffusion of ions both into and out of the collection region is consistently accounted differ from previous analyses, by large factors, present. for. The results which did not account for outward diffusion, especially when parallel flow of the external plasma is These results provide a more reliable basis for interpretation of recent probe measurements. 2 I. Introduction The theory of Langmuir probe operation in strong magnetic fields is of notorious difficulty [1-5]. However, the need for a reliable theory of probe operation in strong fields has become more urgent recently in view of the increased significance attributed to edge conditions in magnetically -confined fusion-research-plasmas and -the-accompanying proliferation of-probe measurements of these edge plasmas substantially smaller than the field is diffusive effects. As a even if result, [6]. When the probe radius, the parallel the a, ion collection flow quasi-neutral is until the cross-field dominated presheath acceleration of the ions occurs into the sheath, along the field, ion gyroradius, diffusion pi, is across the by region, inertial in which becomes highly elongated is able to balance the in this process, it parallel collection flow. Since the perpendicular appears attractive presheath as to momentum is unimportant attempt to simplify effectively one-dimensional. the problem One can by then treating seek the solutions satisfying Poisson's equation and the equations of motion self-consistently in the parallel direction, treating the perpendicular diffusion equation as a source term in the parallel equations. Stangeby [7,8] has championed this approach recently in applications which have adopted either a fluid or a particle description of the plasma. The approximations adopted in the 1-dimensional model are that the ion density, ni, velocity, vi, and plasma potential * at any parallel position, x, can be regarded as given by single functions of x, representing some kind of mean value of the collection region. the probe radius, parameter over the perpendicular extent of the The radius of the collection region is taken as equal to a. The cross-field diffusion of ions into the collection 3 may be represented region by a source, S, in (Without sources a determine the parallel extent of the collection region. one dimensional presheath would expand to which ion equations the because infinity the quasi neutrality equation would then imply f - constant [9]). Stangeby and others, in applying this model, have adopted forms of the ion ~~thfi--the -ollection sdf source rate corresponding to 'birth --of The resulting equations are then identical to those governing a 1- region. plasma discharge, dimensional sustained within by ionization plasma the This latter problem has been studied from region, between parallel plates. a kinetic theory plasma viewpoint by Tonks and Langmuir [10] for zero birth velocity and later by Harrison and Thompson [11] who demonstrated that the and current density are independent of the spatial sheath edge potential et al, More recently Emmert, variation of S. [12] have extended these results to the case of finite temperature Maxwellian birth velocity. These kinetic cases are not easily generalized to the experimentally important of situation a plasma parallel with in which flow, presumably Therefore, Stangeby birth with an appropriate flow velocity should be used. has given a fluid treatment [8] which proves (like the previously mentioned cases) to be analytically formulae providing compact integrable, for ion density and current. It of is, in part, these analyses theories in the purpose of the present work to point out that all are treating fatally the flawed; 1-dimensional validly applied to treating that, plasma strong magnetic only to diffuse into the i4 cannot probe analysis. field As such, region, collection they discharge, reason lies in the form of the source function adopted. model the cross field diffusion of ions. validity of the despite it but also the be The That source is to must allow ions not to diffuse out. In other words, a diffusion process consists of the exchange between the collection region and the outer plasma. of particles This means that the sources in the equations should model not only outer particles entering the collection region but also (a perhaps smaller number of) particles, which may have spent some time in the collection region, leaving it. From ~the point of vi of ineAn- isit alrifnare--qua1, so allowance for ion loss merely causes the source to vary according to the difference between the inside and outside densities. Of itself this would make no difference to the collection it collection region extent) because, current as variation does not affect the current. velocity, all ions are not equal. (though mentioned However, Loss of would change the above, the source rate from the point of view of ions which have already been accelerated in the presheath is not the same as gaining fewer ions at the outer plasma velocity (e.g., ions to be characteristic only the 'birth' It incoming at rest). Therefore, only of the external particles not only, not for 'death' to allow the source velocity, models correctly That it the outgoing. is, accounts for of particles in the collection region. might be thought that this distinction is mere quibbling about the details of a model which is already admittedly rather approximate. in the of following sections we will see that the quantitative However, differences between the model we propose here, which does correctly account for particle exchange, and the models discussed above, are in especially when finite ion velocity in the outer many cases plasma very is accounted It turns out that the simplest kinetic treatment mentioned above, the zero ion birth velocity solution of Harrison fairly well with the collection results based on finite ion and Thompson current we shall calculate. temperature 5 lead to the large, for. based on Ell] agrees However, the plainly unphysical result that for Ti (1/4 niv,), Te the ions are collected at twice the free gas result a problem which has been alluded to elsewhere ion drift velocity is allowed, [13]. And when Stangeby's fluid model can be as much as a factor of 4 wrong for Mach numbers up to 1. It turns out, too, that the equations correctly accounting for particle appear exchange Therefore, in to not order be -suse-ptible~"to -exact e to minimize obtaining applicable results, to Stangeby's. the computational anatytIc~solutTon effort and focus on we shall treat a simple fluid model parallel That will provide us with a direct comparison which will illustrate the differences. In Section II we briefly derive the equations; then in Section III a simple approximate analytic solution of the presheath with an exact numerical integration of the is given, equations for together outer drift velocities up to the sound speed. These results provide the data with which probe ion measurements interpreted. II. to Section determine IV gives density a brief and drift velocity discussion and can be conclusion. The Model The presheath is modeled as a 1-dimensional, two-fluid plasma, which is quasi-neutral. equation, Thus, Poisson's equation is replaced by the quasi-neutrality Zni-ne (Z is the ion charge). Also, we restrict attention to cases in which the majority of electrons are reflected because the probe is sufficiently negative. Then the electron density can be taken as given by a Boltzmann factor, n Subscript collection - here region, - Zn, exp(e$/T ) denotes where quantities we take . (1) in the outer the 6 potential plasma, 0-0, to far be from zero. the The electron temperature, Te, is in energy units. The diffusive exchange of ions between the collection region and the outer plasma we suppose to take place at a rate 9. the rate of That is, loss of particles per unit length is Qnfi(x) and the rate of gain is an.. We can regard a as being approximated by D1 /a2, the proves However , the collection current to be inverse time diffusion coefficient perpendicular .constant -of_ the-collection _regionfor Ds. diffusive independent D of and Thus a determines only the length of indeed of the spatial variation of D1 . the collection region. The 1-dimensional continuity equation in steady state is therefore d (n v )Ui_x (n-n) . (2) The exchange of momentum between the collection region and the outer plasma particles leaving with characteristic momentum mivi is caused by the entering with mivw. Therefore, the momentum equation is dpi dvi n. vi v nimiv. dx and + M v u(n -n )-n ii ZeE - di+ m n(n~v.-n v )(3) where Ze and pi are the ion charge and pressure respectively, By substituting for d /dx from Eq. d$/dx is the electric field. (3) ifln-~~ dx and E (1) = - this becomes 2 dn. dv. niv = - cs In obtaining this equation we dpi/dx. Thus, we are + - v ) have ignored adopting corresponding to isothermal ions. A n (v a () a term closure of dTi/dx the arising fluid from equations This is hardly justified a priori, and so should be regarded as a simplifying approximation only. c 5 , corresponding to this approximation is given by 7 The sound speed, 2 ZT +T m Ca Equations (2) solve. and (4) (5) are now the plasma presheath equations we require to It should be noted that they differ from those of Stangeby in the final term of equation (2) [8] only ( i.e. gni) which is absent in his model. We now make the following non-dimensionalizing transformations n - n /n. M -v/c (6) fx y L dx' O s These bring the equations into a form Mdn + n-dM -1 M-+ dy dy() + nM - -n - M. By elimination we then obtain dn dy (1-n)M-(M,-M) dM (MH-M)M-(1-n) M2 _1 (8) n(M21) and hence dn Notice that Eqs. (1-n)M- (M-M) =n (8) (M,-M)M-(1-n) give singularities at M-±1. sign to denote flow towards the probe, Bohm criterion [1] for condition at the probe sheath (y-0). M-+1 formation, In view of there is no regular solution satisfying M=-+1 8 Taking the positive is simply the equivalent of the and is the other the required boundary singularity at M=-1, at y-O with, M,<-1. This is a manifestation of supersonic flow. the fact We, therefore, that shocks will form in the restrict our attention this simple model cannot be expected to give an adequate supersonic flow. Il.Solutions MI<1, since description for - - method of solution is to integrate obtain n as a function of M. Eq. (9) to To do so requires attention to the condition because both numerator and denominator tend (corresponding to y--), to zero there. to for The boundary condition at infinity is n-1, M-M,. The most convenient at M-M, presheath A proper treatment of this limit shows that the required derivative at M-M,, n-1 is n For - ±1 (10) . 1M.1<1 we expect M to be increasing and n to be decreasing towards the probe; therefore, -1 is the appropriate choice. An exact analytic solution seems not to be possible in closed form for Eq. (9). However, an approximate solution may be obtained by substituting an appropriate value for n(M) then integrating the equation. into the fraction on the right hand side and If we take n-1-(M-M,), as indicated by the boundary condition and perform this integration we get straightforwardly n - exp(M, - M) (11) A somewhat better approximation is obtained by seeking an expansion for n to second order in (M-M.) zero. which makes the appropriate order This gives n-1-(M-M.)+[(1+M.)/(3+M.)](M-M.) 2 terms in Eq. (9) , which when substituted into the fraction in Eq. (9) leads to a solution n - pa exp(-q) (12) where 9 1 (M3 3M +7M,+5) (M +1 ) (M,+5) - 2(M-M) p - 1 + (MW+1)(M +3) (M + 3M. q- (13) + 7M + 9)(M-M) + (M+1)(M-M )2] The obvious cumbersomeness of such solutions discourages one from pursuing them further. Instead, for specified M.. numerical integration of Eq. (9) has been performed The results are shown in Fig. 1. Since ions flow into the probe sheath at the sound speed the ion current drawn by the probe is proportional to the sheath edge density, i.e., the density at M-1. Mach number M. Figure 2 shows a plot of this density versus the flow Also shown are the results obtained from the approximation Eq. (12) and the corresponding results of Stangeby's model [8]. the approximate solution is accurate Notice numbers. also how different Notice that for all but the most negative Mach the values obtained from Stangeby's model are from our more physically appropriate model. A simple downstream measure Langmuir sides. On separately Therefore, for probe the the will other upstream a particular Mach draw hand ion a and number current divided (or downstream of flow solution, are plotted These quantities, (in terms of sheath-edge both upsteam and probe can 'Janus') collection the useful for diagnosis are the mean collection current collection currents for ±M.. to two currents. quantities and the ratio most of the obtained from the numerical densities) in Fig. 3. The flow Mach number may be deduced from the ratio and the density from the mean of the ion saturation currents to either side. Finally we may return to the spatial integration to obtain (nondimensionalized) y as a function equations of M (and (8) and perform the hence n(y)) giving the spatial variation for the presheath density. 10 This is shown in Fig. 4. The presheath potential is then given by Eq. Although the Iresheath parallel length, does not enter directly into the which is a few times cea2/D, ion current deduced, determining the applicability of the analysis. greater than the parallel (1). distance to the it is important in If the presheath length is plasma edge or than the ion- electron CQlliziQn mean free _path,_thenless . ion current will-be -collected and our treatment will break down. requires an estimate of D1 , but To determine whether or not this occurs provided the presheath length is small enough our results will be independent of D1 . IV. Discussion The ratio of upstream to downstream ion current deduced from our model has a value of about 12 at M.-1 and a slope of 2.1 at M=O. compared with Stangeby's These differences are probe measurements result far of outside 3 at M,-1 the typical and so indicate that and a slope This should be of uncertainties 1 at M,=O. inherent use of Stangeby's model will in give deduced flow velocities which are in error by a large factor. It is interesting to note that for example Harbour found ratios up to about 12 in their measurements and Proudfoot [14] of scrape-off Using Stangeby's analysis these results indicate supersonic flow, but flows. using a naive particle model Harbour and Proudfoot offered an alternative subsonic interpretation. Our present results indicate that their velocities correspond within experimental uncertainties to Mach The differences in mean ion saturation that of Stangeby are less dramatic but particle current density at the sheath edge 11 highest flow 1. current between our result and still significant. (for M,=O) We obtain a ri - 0.35 nec3 whereas Stangeby gets a coefficient of 1/2. It is often stated that the Bohm formula for ion current is approximately 1/ nc,, 2 Stangeby's result appears more conventional. Actually this is fallacious. The correct (and original) formula is 1/ 2 n.,/(ZTe/mi) from which viewpoint which Bohm showed [1] had little dependence on ion energy when Ti<ZTe, for spherical probes in the absence of magnetic field or collisions. Since our definition of c includes an ion temperature term we must have some estimate of Ti before we can relate our current to n.V(ZTe/mi). It is clear physically that if the outer plasma ion temperature is much smaller than Te it must nevertheless be a bad approximation to take Ti-0 in the c5 definition. The reason is that the most important place to obtain es correctly is at the sheath edge. However, there the spread of ion particle velocities is from zero to V(-Ze$/mi) corresponding to ions which enter the collection region near or far from the sheath edge respectively. sheath edge potential is (Te/e)ln(0.35) - -Te/e. Now the Therefore, the ion energy spread at the sheath edge is -ZTe even when Ti=0 outside the collection region. external This spread will be increased only a small amount Ti. Therefore, the most appropriate value by non-zero to use is s f /(2ZTe/mi) for Ti < ZTe. We conclude, therefore, that the ion current deduced from our model is approximately Bohm formula, 0.35x/2 whereas - 0.49 times n,/(ZTe/mi), Stangeby's analysis would for Ti<ZTe, recovering a give a value about /2 higher. The reason why Stangeby's formulation always gives a density (and hence current) which is too high, as illustrated for example by Fig. 2, is that loss of momentum from the accelerated presheath flow has been ignored. 12 In our formulation this loss is properly accounted for, with the result that the sheath edge potential must be more negative in order for the mean ion velocity to reach the sound speed. Other qualitative differences exist between our solutions and those of Stangeby. We may mention first that our M(y) and n(y) tend smoothly to the external values as ye., whereas Stangeby's have discontinuous derivatives at the point where M-M,, n-1, (at finite y) in an obviously unphysical way. Another point is that our results give monotonic variation of n and M with y, whereas Stangeby finds that there is a density maximu (and hence potential) on the downstream side, i.e. for M. < 0. In conclusion, collection a 1-dimensional fluid model has been presented of ion by probes in strong magnetic fields, diffusion out of, as well as into correctly accounting for , the presheath. previous formulations are in error by large factors, is parallel plasma flow velocity. The results show that particularly when there The present results make it diagnose these flows using divided (Janus) possible to probes. Acknowledgements I have been greatly assisted by stimulating and challenging discussions with Dr. Bruce Lipchultz. This work was supported under U.S. Energy Contract DE/AC02-78ET51 01 3. 13 Department of References 1. D. Bohm in Characteristics of Electrical Discharges in Magnetic Fields, A. Guthrie and R.K. Wakerling (Eds.) (McGraw Hill, New York, 1949). 2. M. Sugawara, Phys. Fluids, 9, 797 (1966). 3. J.R. Sanmartin, Phys. Fluids, 13, 103 (1970). 4. J.G. Laframboise and J. Rubinstein, Phys. Fluids, 19, 1900 (1976). 5. S.A. Cohen, J. Nucl. Mater. 76 and 77, 68 (1978). 6. See e.g., A. Miyahara, H. Tawara, N. Itoh, K. Kamada and G.M. McCraken (Eds.) Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (6th Int. Conf.) J. Nucl. Mater. 128 and 129 (1984). 7. P.C. Stangeby, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 15, 1007 (1982). 8. P.C. Stangeby, Phys. Fluids, 27, 2699 (1984). 9. I.H. Hutchinson, Principles of Plasma Diagnostics (Cambridge Press, to be published). 10. L. Tonks and I. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 34, 876 (1929). 11. E.R. Harrison and W.B. Thompson, Proc. Phys. Soc. 74, 145 (1959). 14 Univ. 12. G.A. Emmert, R.M. Wieland, A.T. Mense and J.N. Davidson, Phys. Fluids 23, 803 (1980). 13. B. Lipschultz, Technol. 14. I.H. Hutchinson, B. Labombard and A. Wan, J. Vac. A4, 1810 (1986). P.J. Harbour and G. Proudfoot, J. Nucl. Mater. 121, 222 (2984). 15 Sci. Figure Captions Fig. 1 Solutions for the normalized density as a function number, in the presheath. external Various cases are shown, of ion Mach for which the plasma flow velocity is equal to the Mach number when n-1. Fig. 2 The normalized sheath-edge density as a function of external flow Mach number. Eq. (9); The curves are: 'Approx.', 'Exact' numerical integrations the approximate analytical formula, Eq. of (12); 'Stangeby' the result of using the equations of Ref. [8]. Fig. 3 The ratio and mean value of the sheath-edge density for the side of the probe facing upstream and downstream. The ion saturation current density is equal to c. times the sheath-edge density. Fig. 4 Variation presheath. of density with non-dimensional distance in the This can be related to physical distance via Eq. (6). 16 0 cc 0 (U) 4l1suea Fig. 1 9 I- S S S S S S *S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 S 0 0 0 S* S * S S * uc *S 0 0 *0 S S S * c~o S S* 0 * S 0 0 S *S *S '4, S S S S 'B'S 0. 0 ~ S 9 9 0* 44. 01 C1J 1~ AlISUeG q~eeq~ Fig. 2 xN coc cm~~l o 0 V 0" Fig. C 3 0 Li. 'om 4) 8 0 0 Iy I -t 0 a CO) I a. 0 9z Al !suea Fig. 4